Road Tripping in El Paso


I’m sort of in El Paso (but not quite), with one more stop tomorrow night before I get home. I was going to hoof it straight from here, as it is surely do-able, but the long, long hours are piling up after more than two weeks, so safety suggested stopping at an RV park I know halfway home tomorrow. Anyway, discussed cooking on the program today, specifically, Joe’s cookies, you know, the ones he INSISTS you take if you want to work, etc.? Yeah, those cookies. Read a truly important thread from a person in Lithuania about the Covid Pass insanity there, and across Europe. Took the time to thank folks for their support of A&O over the years, then finished up looking at a few comments from Evangelist Ted Alexander, who was promoting KJV Only myths.

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Well, greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line. It is another road trip edition of The Dividing Line.
I am somewhere barely inside the state of Texas. It has taken me two and a third days of driving,
I would say. But I pretty much did go across the widest part of Texas.
But this is a big place, this is a big place. I'm getting a lot of sound back. They're rich, I'm not sure if it's the mic or just what it is.
But anyways, this is a big state, this is a nation. And I'm barely inside the border of Texas right now.
To be perfectly honest with you, I chose to stop where I did so I would not end up in New Mexico, the land of the masked zombies.
So I'm gonna try to get through there as quickly as is humanly possible and get back to Arizona.
So many things to talk about today. I guess I might as well start with this. I saw a lengthy thread on Twitter from Lithuania.
Here's the problem. The digital overlords have announced that they're just straight up going to remove anything that they, well, we already know that they will remove anything in white.
There is no belief in free speech, debate, honesty, truthfulness, objective truth, anything like that left in the digital overlords.
But they've made it clear that that's simply how things are gonna be.
And so how do you discuss important things? Eventually, at least my idea is that we will probably, and I don't know if this, maybe this just won't work,
I haven't had a chance to really discuss it very much, but my idea is to do the dividing line starting here on this major platform.
And then when it's time to openly discuss certain topics, have a second platform set up that we can utilize.
If we don't do that, if we don't live stream it, we can record it and post it to the other thing and then link on the blog.
I don't know, I don't know. And even those secondary things, they'll shut them down eventually.
Big Brother will not rest until all people say what he wants them to say and believe what he wants them to believe.
That's just, that's the nature of Big Brother. And unfortunately, Big Brother now has the tech.
But how do you discuss these things for now? And so I was listening to Apology Radio while I was driving today, along with numerous other things.
I've been working on a number of books on this trip, interestingly enough. I'm actually reading on eschatology.
That's a first in my life and enjoying it too. But I was listening to Apology Radio and Jeff referred to required cookies, required cookies.
I'll call them Joe's cookies. So we know what Joe's cookies are.
Joe insists that you eat his cookies, even though his cookie recipe is still very new and has not been tested.
But Joe wants us to, Joe wants everyone to eat his cookies and to continue eating his cookies because I saw today that,
I saw a picture of Joe eating his third cookie today.
He got a booster cookie. And so we are facing,
I know many people have already lost their jobs. I think every church is gonna have to set up a fund and start supporting those people, finding them jobs in industries where they will be able to continue to have a conscience and protect themselves and their families.
We are in one of the best nations on the earth to fight the cookie war, but at the same time, there'll be great challenges.
All of this to say that I ran across this thread on Twitter this afternoon after I got set up here where I am.
And it's from someone from Lithuania. And not everyone has the court system and the remnants of the constitution and constitutional rights, because that's all we've got.
Constitution's dead in the United States. The current regime does what it wants to do.
The current regime is open about doing unconstitutional things. The idea of having taken an oath to uphold the constitution.
What does an oath mean in a secular world? What does an oath mean to a bag of fizzing chemicals?
It has no meaning, none. It has meaning to us. And I think one of the things we should be doing is we should be looking in the eyes of every magistrate at every level and saying, you swore before God to do this.
And there is a day of judgment coming because everyone knows that's true. Oh, they may get mad at you and they may still throw you in the prison or the gulag or get rid of you, never find the body, whatever.
But when they lay down at night, they will hear what you said.
And that's what we're called to do. We are called to be a prophetic voice and a prophetic voice is a warning.
And so we need to do that. So anyway, Lithuania certainly does not have the cultural momentum from its past that we do.
And so in nations like this, there is now what is called a...
Well, a chicken pox pass because we're...
Joe's cookies were originally meant to keep you from getting chicken pox.
We now know that Joe's cookies don't keep you from getting chicken pox. They don't keep you from passing chicken pox to other people and they don't keep you from dying from chicken pox.
And in fact, they may make it worse with the next versions of chicken pox, which will be really bad for a large portion of the world.
Even though I noticed that Europe, Iceland, the Scandinavian countries, they're all shutting down one brand of cookies, one brand of Joe's cookies.
They're all saying no more. And I wonder how many hundreds of millions of people have already eaten that brand of Joe's cookies and how many people have died from having eaten
Joe's cookies. And they're finally saying no more of that one. But anyway, here's the thread.
With no chicken pox pass, my wife and I are banished from society.
We have no income, banned from most shopping, can barely exist, but we will not accept authoritarianism.
Here's how life looks after one month in Lithuania under Europe's first strict society -wide chicken pox pass regime.
Chicken pox pass is not easy to say. I just want you to know the lengths we're having to go to here.
My wife and I have been suspended without pay for four weeks. We can't return to our jobs, not sure our employers will let us back.
Even if they did, our colleagues despise us, wish on social media for our death. Nothing we can do will ever erase that.
We can't work there. We can't find new jobs in our professions. My wife and I have very different jobs in very different fields, but all jobs in both our fields now require the chicken pox pass.
No pass, no job. We're not allowed to buy food in the local supermarket. We may only shop in small stores with street -facing entrances, which mainly sell food, pharma, glasses, contacts, or farming and pet supplies.
In our areas, that effectively limits us to one small, expensive convenience store. The pass has wreaked havoc with the free market supermarkets, which require the pass report.
Shopper traffic is down 25 % in a month since the pass was imposed, but in the small stores where the pass isn't required, it's up only 0 .7%.
So where have the shoppers gone? We now buy food in old Soviet -style markets, outdoors in parking lots, products sold on street, tiny tables from backs of cars.
Produce, eggs, cheese, meat, fish, cash only, no pass required. By the way, that's why
Joe wants to get rid of cash, so this can't happen.
Not as convenient as the supermarket, but it works for now, life finds a way. I need to make some home repairs without a pass.
I can't enter the hardware store to buy supplies. I can't call for a repair worker because repairs are banned for non -pass holders.
And I have no income now to pay for outside help anyway, so our home stays unrepaired. We went to the dentist we've attended for years for an appointment for one of my children
I had to leave because I don't have a chicken pox pass. No other dentists in our area will see us.
We've heard of dentists who treat people with no pass, but they're far, so no dental care. We tried to buy art supplies for our kids in the craft store, no purchase allowed without a pass.
We tried to buy educational toys in the toy store, we were barred from entering. Can't buy kitchen supplies, banal but frustrating.
We tried to print some papers in a copy shop, staff refused to serve us without a pass. We can't enter the library to browse books with our kids, that used to be one of our family's greatest pleasures, but we're not allowed anymore because we don't have a pass.
Our two kids outgrew, destroyed last winter's clothes. We tried to buy new ones, but with no pass, many stores rejected us.
Finally, my pregnant wife, begging tears in her eyes, a manager at a secondhand store, relented. Just this once, okay, can't let you people in here again.
This pressure to submit is everywhere and it's overwhelming. Our ability to survive has been destroyed, but no matter the suffering imposed and the hardship we must endure, we will never accept the descent into the authoritarianism which the past represents.
I'm gonna stop right there. There's a reason why these folks will hold out longer than most
Americans. They've already been here once. Sounds like these people are younger, but their parents lived under the
Soviet system. So they know, Americans don't. We are so comfort -oriented, so ease -oriented, so stuff -oriented, that all you gotta do is do what they're doing in Lithuania.
And you know that's what the left wants to do here. And I think the only reason they haven't done it yet is because they're concerned that however they figured out to control elections may not work on the local level.
It may only be a national level thing. And, or maybe they're just working on it and just haven't gotten it done yet.
I think there's still the next election cycle, the next year's elections.
I think they're still concerned about that. I think that they're just gonna work faster and get it done so that they don't have to worry about elections.
And as soon as they don't have to worry about elections at all, because they do not, I am fully convinced they are not concerned about national elections.
You see how Vice President giggles?
I mean, this woman is so shallow. Oh my goodness. What an astonishing judgment upon our people to have this woman in a position of authority.
Oh my goodness. She's supposed to be in charge of the Southern border, which is wide open. We are being invaded by millions of people.
Drugs like never before. And she's supposed to be in charge of that? Astonishing, absolutely astonishing.
These people want what they're doing in Lithuania. And I think after the election in 2022, if they manage, because if there is not a major shift, if the
Republicans do not retake the Senate and the House, given the economy, given
Afghanistan, given all of it, that will be clear evidence, clear, clear, clear evidence that free elections are finished in the
West as a whole and certainly in the United States. And at that point, we will be where this is.
You will not be allowed into supermarkets. Now, in our nation, there will be some states that will try to fight that.
Certainly Texas, Florida, most of the states in the South. I don't know if it would happen in my own home state or not.
I don't, we're too purple to know. But in many states, there would be full cooperation, all along the left coast,
New York. I mean, New York and California are already there, basically.
And so it just seems to me that these folks, when they say, look, the past regime, of government segregation and control, punishing undesired behavior with banishment from society is the path to authoritarianism.
How do they know that? It's not because they took a class. It's because they've lived it.
And we haven't. And because we haven't, we will succumb to it.
Unless, I mean, many of us are trying. We're trying to say to our fellow citizens, this is sheer insanity.
And as Christians, we're trying to say, this is the path to utter slavery. This is the path to the dehumanization, the utter dehumanization of mankind.
This is a path to accomplishing numbers of deaths that the
Soviets and the Chinese can only dream about in the last century. Going way beyond.
And again, all of these people, the people globally who are almost all white, by the way, who are probably as racist as they come, but these people want a world where we do not exist.
They want us dead, but they don't want to do it the old fashioned way.
They want to do it in a new fashioned way because they have an eye to history, being on the quote unquote, right side of history.
I can assure you one thing, all of secularism with its detestation of the ways of Christ is on the wrong side of history and will be destroyed.
It will probably be destroyed by the weight of its own insanity collapsing on top of itself.
That would be my guess, but how many will be taken with it?
I don't know. When chickenpox cookies were released, doing some retranslation from the original
Lithuania, the original policy was education, trust, and informed consent to give cookies to targeted groups.
Policy changed to 2021 choice and trust was placed by coercion and punishment. You shredded trust to public health for generations.
Government approval to exist in society, banishment based on arbitrary rules, recording of all people's movements.
That's not health, it's control and power. The new authoritarian control will only grow to ban evermore behavior as bureaucrats push to expand their power.
Like many cases in history, our slide toward authoritarian control in 2021 in Europe and throughout the world has fueled and been fueled by hatred and othering, which is encouraged by government and stoked by the media and it's ripping our society apart.
Segregation, blame for disease, accusation of wartime betrayal, incitement, persecution. This is not a history textbook.
This is the reality of life for my family in 2021. Our humanity has been erased. This is wrong, so deeply, deeply wrong.
Our winter is long, cold and dark. My wife and I don't have savings to last till spring. But despite hardship, we decided resistance is our moral path, moral path.
We want our kids someday to feel pride toward us, not disgust. Wow, has anyone thought about that? No, we don't think about that.
I'm certainly thinking about it. It's not so much my kids, my grandkids. Think about it.
We want our kids someday to feel pride towards us, not disgust. Freedom is fragile and we must defend it.
If not us, then who? Interesting thread, one to make us think, think a lot.
So back to the Biden cookies, I'm sorry, the
Joe cookies, sorry. Let me see if I can find this here.
Oh, where'd that go? No, of course it would disappear when I want to be there.
There it is. I was looking at a chart that gives us chicken pox cases from Israel.
July 4th, July 31st. Something really weird has happened in Israel.
And in essence, when you, well, there's two things.
There's a fascinating case study of a dialysis patient who came down with chicken pox and 90, what was it?
Let me see if I can find it here. 96 .2
% of the people that were exposed to chicken pox had eaten
Joe's cookies fully. Had had more than, had had two of Joe's cookies.
96 .2%, huge breakup.
Everything that Joe promised about his cookies, paper after paper after paper.
And here's one of the things we have to think about today. These are scientific papers.
But if you mentioned them, you will be banned. And everybody, everybody knows what that means.
We knew what it meant. If this was 2019 and someone just laid out what we're experiencing as a theoretical example, we'd all go, obvious.
It could never happen. If you have to censor what people are saying and doing, if you have to censor the scientific papers and then just ask people to trust what they're told on MSNBC, what?
Yeah, okay. And people who have so many conflicts of interest, it's not even funny.
They're just supposed to believe whatever they say. Sure, in 2019, we understood that. It's 2021, we don't understand it anymore.
It's like something is in the water. And so in Israel, July 4th,
July 31st, cases of people who had eaten all their cookies, all their
Joe cookies, cases of chicken pox amongst the people who ate
Joe's cookies, 15 ,634. Cases of people who didn't eat their
Joe's cookies, 3 ,038. So percent of chicken pox cases who had eaten all their cookies, 86%.
Percentage of population total in Israel who have eaten all their cookies, 84 .4%.
Was this what we were promised? When the recipe for the cookies was still being worked on back in 2020?
Was this what anyone believed? Is it if you eat your cookies, you can still get chicken pox?
You can still get chicken pox bad and you can still die, but, and you can pass chicken pox on to everybody else.
In fact, you'll pass chicken pox on to people better than you could before. Is that, would, if that had been told to us while we were waiting for the cookie recipe to be perfected, would any of them, would anyone have been going, why are we, wouldn't we all have been sitting around going, why are we waiting for these cookies?
Who wants these cookies? What use are these cookies? So we weren't told that.
But now, whether you will have a job, a career, ability to eat, ability to travel, do anything, depends on your willingness to eat cookies.
Cookies that do you no good. They don't do you no good. And there's some people who eat natural cookies and they don't count either.
Even though studies have shown that natural cookies are 27 times better than Joe's cookies.
But Joe wants you to eat only his cookies because Joe wants an absolute monopoly.
Because Joe has more cookie recipes coming. And after the cookies, there's gonna be all sorts of other things you're gonna have to eat too.
And Joe wants to know who will submit and do simply what they're told without question.
Because they're the only cookie customers he wants. Yeah, that's just a fact.
That's just a fact. All right. Let me look at this here.
Oh, no. Oh, wait a minute. Okay. All right, let me see if I can share this and actually make it work.
All right. I want to look at, and I tweeted out this fellow, his name is
Evan. We're totally, I don't have to speak in code anymore because at this point, the algorithm for YouTube and Google will fall asleep as soon as I start talking about King James only.
It's just gone. They're not interested in that. They'll let us talk about that all we want for now because they figure we're not gonna be able to talk about it once we get in the gulags anyway.
There's a fellow by the name of Evangelist, Ted Alexander. I've never heard of Ted Alexander before. I'd never seen
Ted Alexander before. But bad preacher clips at bad sermons on Twitter posted a few things.
And lo and behold, you know, let's hold him off on Ted Alexander for just a moment because there was something else
I wanted to say. Lo and behold, Ted Alexander mentions me by name.
He misrepresents me. I will get to him on this program, don't worry. And then yesterday, yesterday was a long day, eight hours between when
I started breaking down and when I mean breaking down, you've got to disconnect everything.
You get disconnect the hose, disconnect the power, disconnect the sewer line. If you connect the sewer line, get that all packed in properly, get the slide in, get everything in here ready to be bounced around like it's gonna experience 20 earthquakes.
There's just a lot of stuff you gotta do and I'm getting a lot better at it. I really am.
You start getting a routine and though I left him up, poor thing.
I left him up yesterday on, or was it today on the drive?
I don't remember which one. I mean, look, he's just hanging there and I'm in the back of the unit.
If you know how physics works, this is the place that gets the most movement, not only side to side, but up and down.
So whatever is beyond the axles, this direction you go, whoo! He was still there, did not fall off.
I don't know how that happened, but because there was a soap dispenser I had over in the sink that's about,
I don't know, 12 feet that direction. It was down here, so we got some movement. That's the way it's about it.
But how did I get onto that? I don't, I have no idea. Anyways, yesterday while I was driving,
I listened to, and I'm gonna, I think this would be so much work, but it'd be so worthwhile.
So I'm gonna try to do it. But someone in Twitter had,
Twitter is someplace, Facebook I remember was, sent me a link to this guy. I assume he's
Roman Catholic, might be an Anglican, I don't know. Doing a presentation on why you should believe in the perpetual virginity of Mary.
I think it was when some reformed guy was saying, I'm starting to think this might be a good idea. And I'm like, oh, good grief. And lo and behold,
I'm listening to it, going this would be so good to use this as a clear demonstration of how you twist history.
This is how you don't do history. This is how you do history backwards. This is how you turn history into silly putty to make it teach whatever you want to teach.
But then all of a sudden, guess who he mentions? Yep, yours truly. He says my reference to the protevangelium of James is a bad or terrible argument.
His counter argument is that Jerome, his interpretation of Jerome, is that Jerome says that the first century fathers or the first and early second century fathers actually believed this stuff and were defending it.
Though we don't have a scintilla of citations from anything saying that. But the reality is the protevangelium of James is the first documentation we have of anything relevant to this idea.
And his assumption is, oh, everybody's talking about it. We just don't have what they wrote anymore. But that makes my perspective about it.
The whole thing would be really useful to demonstrate how Roman tradition utterly destroys serious historical analysis and why it is that serious
Roman Catholic historians always end up being unorthodox because they know that what
Rome has claimed is indefensible from any meaningful historical analysis.
So anyways, what that reminded me of when you're hearing all these people is that I need to once again thank everyone who down through the years,
I mean, we're coming up. I hope we don't forget, knowing Rich and I, we will. But August of 83 was when
Alpha Omega Ministries started. We're coming up on 40 years. 40 years, there are not many apologetics organizations that have existed for 40 years.
There are some that have gotten real, real big and now are real, real little. We've pretty much just been who we are for 40 years now, almost 40 years.
And we never dreamed, I never ever dreamed that,
I remember how exciting it was when somebody sent me a cassette tape from St.
Joseph Catholic Radio and they were discussing the white question, the white question.
This was back when you could have a white question and it didn't have anything to do with white supremacy or any of that other inane stuff.
And it was the question I had asked Jerry Matitix on WEZE when
I had to do the call -in thing. We've talked, told the story before about the canon of scripture and how the believing
Jew 50 years before Christ knew that Isaiah, the second chronicle of scripture. I remember how excited I was that we had had such an impact that some other ministry is having to discuss what we said.
And that was in the 90s. So you're talking, that was right at, that was 93.
So, yeah, that was exciting.
We do that all the time. I mean, you go on, you can find us being discussed by Muslims, Oneness Pentecostals, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses you find them talking to each other and we live rent free, rent free in their heads.
And that's a blessing. That's exciting. And you've made that possible.
We don't have any big sugar daddy donors that keep all this going.
And we know that a lot of our folks are the salt of the earth type folks that are gonna be really suffering.
So we know it's gonna get hard and we may have to save up to do a single trip in the future if you're allowed to travel for that matter.
So we know the future could be a challenge but I wanna express my thanks now.
And I wanna point out that one of the things that has been a real blessing in doing the road trips is how many people
I've shaken hands with, looked into their eyes over the past two weeks, over two weeks now, and they have told us about what this ministry has meant to them.
And many of them, it was the means, it was either the means or an extremely important part of the means by which they were delivered from false religions and brought into faith in Christ or simply converted from paganism, atheism, whatever to submission to Lordship of Christ.
And very often it was not, well, all the time, it was not from Rich or I or anyone necessarily associated with the ministry actually standing there speaking to them.
It was the books, it was the debates. Those things removed barriers, answered questions.
And sometimes answering a question in the context of debate is the most powerful way to answer the question because you have both sides there.
And so there were on two nights within the past week,
I had people come up to me and say it was the time of the debates we did on Roman Catholicism that led them out of the
Roman Catholic system. And now they have peace with God because they understand justification by faith and sufficiency of scripture.
And it was those debates. And man, those debates were done over decades. And I remember one of them, which isn't available.
I don't think it's available. I don't think it's available. I forget what happened with that one.
But the one with Art Zippo, Art Zippo, that was one of my early trips, it was early on.
And it was terrible. I was on a little commuter plane in the middle of a thunderstorm.
The guy next to me was wolfing his cookies all over the place. You could smell it. Zippo acted like, yeah,
Rich says they lost the first cassette. Sure they did. But I think we have the second half posted.
Okay, yeah. Well, I'm just thinking about situations like that where, man, at the time you just go, is this really worth it?
Is this? And then nearly for Roman Catholicism, three decades later, you're meeting people.
Some of whom were not alive when I was on that commuter plane next to the guy wolfing his cookies.
Hadn't even been born yet. And that's what the Lord used to bring them to himself.
It's an honor. If one of these semi -tractor trailers that I get to play tag with on interstate highways, and I've seen more than one.
You know how loud? Some of you don't do a lot of driving on interstate highways. You know how loud a semi's wheels are when they hit the rumble strips on the side?
You can hear them from a long ways off. And I've been following a few semis, because it helps, especially if you've got a headwind.
I followed one semi today, and between stops at Love's, he picked up my gas mileage by a full mile per gallon for that.
And I'm not talking about tailgating. I'm talking about letting them break the wind up for you. But I've seen a bunch of these guys.
And they'll go this way. And sometimes you have to pass those folks.
And so if I had one guy, he was doing the Watusi today. Not sure what the
Watusi is, but it came from my mom. And there's a lot of things that came from my mom that I don't know where they came from.
But I still use them. One of those guys could take me out tomorrow, because I've got two more days of travel.
I've actually cut my last day in half. I decided to stop halfway. I just thought it would be safer.
Eight hours over two weeks when you're driving alone is too much.
It's not fun either. So one of those guys could take me out tomorrow.
And I will have lived a full life. I've been married almost 40 years. I've got four awesome grandchildren, two wonderful children.
I've had great friends who have stuck with me.
I talked to an old, old friend on the phone while driving recently, pastor friend.
And he had a stroke last year and really struck me as to I'm getting older.
I mean, I know that. And I embrace it. I think the Bible says you should, but it still reminds me of it.
And I know, I hope everybody else knows, that absolutely none of this would exist without the guy on the other side of the control board.
Well, it's not a control board. When we do it like this, at least when we do it like this,
I don't have to hear the mumbling from the other side of the glass, but we wouldn't have done any of this without Rich.
And we've gone through decades of challenges and yeah, but he knows,
I know, a few other people know. But here we are, Lord has been faithful. And we've, around the world, a homeschool family came up to me after my debate with Yusuf Ismail at Potchester University.
And South Africa to say about how important the dividing line had been to the education of their children.
I've taught in Samara, Russia. I'm so glad I got to do all those things. I may never get to do them again, but I'll never forget those things at all.
And we still have that opportunity. And if it stops tomorrow, first of all, those of you who've been listening to me, you know,
I said, download it all. But if it stops tomorrow, the
Lord's been glorified. Life's been changed. I've done everything that I can to encourage people, to lay a foundation for what's coming, lay a foundation for what's coming.
And so I'm just extremely thankful to all the people that's come up to me on this trip, especially those who said you're instrumental in bringing me out of Roman Catholicism, Mormonism.
You delivered me from false religious system or for damaging religious systems. You helped me to understand the grace of God.
It's changed my life. It's changed my wife's life. It's changed my kids' lives. I was leaving the wonderful little church in Louisiana.
I'm gonna be definitely going by there again. Those folks were salt of the earth folks.
They really were. Jeremy Hastie and all the folks down there and the church we met at.
I wanna definitely go in that direction again. But it also thrills my soul that there were a number of people who came up to me and said, like at G3, I had at least two or three ladies, maybe as many as four came up to me and said, we don't know much about you, but I'd like to shake your hand, get a picture and stuff because of summer.
I know about summer. You're summer's dad. So I'll shake your hand type of a situation.
And I was leaving the church in Louisiana. I was literally walking out the door and I heard
Dr. White, Dr. White. I turned around and there's this mom and she's got, I don't know, a girl about my
Clementine's age maybe a year older, somewhere around there. So eight, nine ish area.
And she says, I just wanted my daughter to be able to say hello because she couldn't believe that you're summer's daddy.
She hears summer all the time and she loves summer. And when I told her you're summer's daddy, she's like, no.
And I said, yep, honey, I'm summer's daddy. I'm Cadence and Clementine and Waylon and Jenny's grandpa.
Wow. Wow. So that's, all of that is our blessings that we, that all of us should be very thankful for that the
Lord has allowed us to do these kinds of things. And the biggest blessing is if that will provide the foundation for people to remain faithful in what's coming.
If we've laid, if we've provided that foundation for you to trust that the word of God is the word of God and that Jesus has the authority to say you shall not worship other gods.
And when big brother says you shall worship me we won't do it. And we will have the words to say, to explain to them.
And if you demand that I do it, you need to know you are the one facing an eternity of punishment.
So anyway, yeah, I wanted to mention that. Thanks for everybody. The travel fund is what makes all this possible but just support of the ministry and everything.
You mean the world to us. And we're very thankful that we've been able to be of assistance here. All right, back to this.
How am I going to make this work? Let's go full screen and let's see if I can can
I get this to full screen? For understand folks. Oh, wait. Yeah.
Okay, now I've got full screen but now I've got to try to get back to Zoom to share the screen.
Okay, let's check. Oh, great.
Okay, it's a new, I have not tried to screen share before on my new, yeah.
And to do it, I would have to quit. Great, wonderful. You have to quit Zoom and come back to be able to share the screen.
So not gonna be able to share the screen. Next time I will be able to cause I'll reset between now and then.
At least I hope I reset between now and then. Apologies for that. So we won't be able to see it but we can,
I think hear it pretty well. Let me, well, actually, let me get a signal up here so that Rich can tell me very quickly whether this works appropriately.
Because this will be doing the speakers to the microphone thing.
And so that might not work as well given that we're using an external microphone.
So I'm gonna, let's see. Let me start playing this and Rich, let me know if it is understandable.
If not, we'll skip it. But here we go. That 98 % of the witnesses in existence back the text of your
King James Bible. And there are two of. Okay, so here is Ted Alexander and he's doing some
King James only stuff, all right? And what's fascinating to me is that King James onlyists are about 100 years behind all the rest of us.
Almost all of them. Just because Roger Stouffert, the fellow that I invited to debate, who was too busy wiring electrical outlets at his church or something, even though he's written about me in his books and he does lectures on Facebook and all the rest of that type of stuff,
I come to his town and he wouldn't debate.
Anyway, Stouffert's done the same thing. King James onlyists, what they've been told, because Stouffert admitted he's never watched any of my debates.
I doubt they've read the book, at least fully.
What they've been told is they'll read Dean Burgon.
Now Dean Burgon was a brilliant scholar back at the end of the 19th century.
So you're talking 130 years ago, 140 years ago. The situation has changed radically in 140 years on many levels.
Simply the ability to catalog manuscripts, to know where the manuscripts are, to know what the manuscripts contained did not exist during his day.
He had extremely limited amounts of data in comparison to what we have today.
And you simply have to recognize, we had none of the papyri and we did not have the ability for collation that we have today.
So given what Burgon said, Burgon could not even be a member of the
Dean Burgon Society today, by the way, because he was not King James only. He recognized that the standardized text,
Texas Receptus we call today, needed revision. He didn't, for example, support the
Comma Johannium as an original reading, things like that. But they'll read
Burgon and they'll take what he said and assume that's still the case today. And so it's 98 % of the manuscripts versus Sinaiticus and Vaticanus, as if Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are the be all and end all of all things.
As soon as you're into somebody who thinks that, I mean, that's what Stauffer says about me.
You cannot read the King James only controversy and come to that conclusion. If you're honest or you're able to, if you have any reading comprehension, you can't come to that conclusion.
But people do because they're either dishonest or lack reading comprehension, one or two. But that's what they'll say.
And so they wanna say, well, 98 % of the manuscripts support your King James, well, what does that mean?
Well, it's, they wanna borrow the majority text argument and ignore the 1 ,800 places where the
Texas Receptus varies from the majority text.
That's why these folks won't debate because if you're gonna say that, I'm gonna challenge you.
And I'm gonna point you to the places where the King James differs from the majority text.
And now you're gonna have to come up with a consistent explanation as to why that is. And they can't.
King James only -ism is fundamentally flawed because at its root, at its root, it has to use a completely different set of arguments against everything else that it uses in defense of itself.
It is uneven scales and hence is indefensible, simply indefensible.
Secure witnesses that not only completely disagree with the body of evidence presented by the other 98 witnesses, but they disagree one with another on many fundamental points.
Let me just say, you're guilty, amen? And that's a slam dunk. And that's the same scenario it is with our
King James Bible. Why would that be difficult for us to understand? And yet we find that scholars make everything difficult.
Dean Burgon, the Dean of Chichester, a brilliant man in the area of textual knowledge.
I remember when a school I was attending - Now, listen to this. Now, I've never heard this one before. That's why
I wanted to play this. Here's a new one, but this is where yours truly lives rent -free.
I may need those rent -free places in the not -too -distant future. And Brother Venom, you'll appreciate this.
They were throwing away everything that Burgon wrote, last 12 verses of Mark, revision, revised, and everything in between, and his epistles on the
Texas Reception, all of that. And I had a table full of that, and I gathered it all up because his
Bible college was replacing everything Burgon wrote, which was excellent in his field, and they replaced it with James White's King James only controversy, a piece of garbage that is based on a terrible premise that man should choose a
Bible based on how he feels, or whether he wants a more dynamic, free -flowing translation, or prefers a literal translation.
By the way, nowhere in this book does God ever allow translators to take the liberty to choose how they're going to transmit the scripture, whether they're just going to do it thought for thought, or word for word.
I won't get into that right now. That's in reference to mode of translation. Now, so some
Bible college was getting rid of historical works and replacing it with a single book.
I'm sorry, none of that makes any sense to me at all. I have
Burgon's works in my library, and I've benefited from them. So how does that even work?
I sort of doubt that, to be perfectly honest with you. I really, really do. It just sounds like a bit of an apocryphal story.
But then Brother Alexander says that it's my book's piece of garbage.
Okay, well, everybody's got their opinions. Piece of garbage. But then he says, it's based upon the idea that you get to pick your
Bible on the basis of how you feel. Now, I know one of two things is true.
And anyone who's read my book with any honesty knows one of two things is true.
Either this man has not read my book and is going with what he heard from somebody else, or he is being dishonest in the same way that anti -Calvinists get dishonest as they start preaching and they start saying stuff they shouldn't be saying, basically.
I'm not sure which one is the case there, but that's clearly not what my book says.
I discussed, and he confused transmission with translation issues there, which
I very clearly differentiate and explain in the book and help people understand the book.
I don't confuse them. But I did discuss who would find a more dynamic translation to be more useful to them.
English is a second language people, young people, maybe. But I clearly came down favoring something like a more formal equivalency translation like the
NASP or something like that. But anyway, that's not what the book was based on.
The book was, if you wanna know what the King James Only controversy is based upon, the summary would be this.
We want to know, I suppose I should take this back. We want to know what
Paul or John or Isaiah or Luke wrote.
Not what a scribe 500 years later thought they should have written, not what a tradition 1600 years later thought.
We want to know what was given by the Holy Spirit of God. And we want to utilize the proper methodologies to be able to do so consistently.
That is what we want. And that's the base of the book. And the base joined with that, we have to be consistent in our forms of argumentation.
And that's why these folks, I put out a tweet.
So if anybody who, some of you guys, Nathan, some of you guys might know how to get hold of this fellow, might know his circles, his contact people.
We are trying to put together a Florida tour. In January, January is a good time to be in Florida.
It's not a good time to be in Minnesota. I'm not putting snow tires, this thing.
So when I looked, when I tried to find some stuff out about him, there's not a lot out there, but it said he lived in Ohio, but then all the contact stuff was in Florida and South Florida.
So, Evangelist Ted Alexander, maybe you will be unlike most everybody else and actually have the temerity to defend the statements you've made about me in public, in public, formal, moderated debate.
And if you're in Florida, in January, in January, let's try to put something together.
You know, I tried that with Roger Stauffer. He wasn't up to actually standing behind his own rhetoric.
How about you? Because I know that a lot of these guys recognize that they're blustering.
And I know that a lot of them know, in the honesty of their hearts, they could never ever debate me, not because I'm some super person, but because they know that I know how to ask questions.
And I know how to use the scholarly material. I know how to read Greek and Hebrew on the fly.
I can read the textual data on the fly. And so I can take any argument they make.
And if we have cross -examination, I am able to require them to back up their arguments.
And if they're just going with what somebody else said, they know they are going to face plant in the process.
But I think there's some of these guys, they really believe this stuff and they really think they've done the homework.
And so Evangelist Ted Alexander, consider yourself challenged, brother. Let's see if we can work out.
And if you're in the Ohio area, well, you know, I go to St. Charles, Missouri, late
November, early December. And so we'll see, we'll see. But he says much more that I would,
I've actually downloaded the whole file. And so I'm gonna convert it to MP3 and maybe listen to it tomorrow to see if there's some other references made my direction to see what else would be worthwhile to look at.
But my thanks once again to bad, at bad sermons, bad preacher clips for posting this kind of stuff because, and they posted some others
I haven't had a chance to listen to because I only saw this right before the program started. So there you go. So we'll stick with all of that stuff.
There we go. Oops, I went over time, didn't I? I apologize. One last thing, however, it's not like, who cares, it's a
Saturday. No one's listening anyways. People are gonna catch up on this stuff on Monday.
I know that. But that's what happens when you do road trip
DLing. I have one last personal admission to me.
I had never eaten one of these. I'd seen them at movies.
I'd seen other people eating them. But you see, when
I was a kid, someone handed me a cinnamon roll and I bit into it and there was this chewy stuff in it.
It's not supposed to be in a cinnamon roll. They were raisins. And in my young mind, that was not appropriate.
And so I've never been a raisin person, primarily because of that. It's an association thing in my mind.
I know they're good. I mean, for something to munch on, they're actually at least got some nutritional value to them.
What happened, and I am holding Josh Weiss directly responsible for this.
But when you're a speaker at G3, you get this bag of goodies and there's treats in it.
There is a banana and an apple and an orange and a few things like that. And there was a plastic box of chocolate covered raisins.
And so I tried them.
Let's just say, I'm very thankful I still have my bike with me. It's right there, all set up to ride inside because they're really good.
And I've lived my whole life, my whole life. And I want to apologize to whoever makes raisinets for having dissed them for all of these years.
But I hope you all will accept my public repentance for having been that way.
But that's me. Yeah, I'm tired, it's been a long trip. All right, anyways, well, there's so much more, but we've gone an hour or so.
And so I get back on Monday. Maybe we'll do a program on Tuesday.
We'll see. Because even once I get back, I have a bug farm on the front end of this poor thing and I'm the one to scrub it off, man.
That's, you know, it's just the way it works. I got some cleaning to do and stuff before I take her back to where she lives.
Doesn't live in my house, don't got room for it. And so we'll see. But we might be able to squeeze one in on Tuesday.
In Phoenix on Tuesday, the predicted high, 70 degrees.
I mean, I've seen Christmases at 78. The next night's supposed to be 48 degrees.
In October, last October 23rd is 103 degrees in Phoenix.
I am going to be getting at least one, I'm gonna shoot for two, 100 mile hour.
Outdoor bike rides in next week. I got to make up for. Thanks for watching the program today.
We'll hopefully, Lord willing, unless the algorithm understands Joe's cookies, see you next time.