Matt Slick, Leighton Flowers, depravity discussion



Matt Slick, Leighton Flowers, depravity discussion


All right, here we are, Matt Flick and Leighton Flowers discussing depravity.
I just sent him the link via email and hopefully he'll be able to get in here a little bit.
I'm not exactly sure how all this works, so I assume I have to open the room and get it going for him to be able to get in here.
And I only sent it to him. I didn't make it public because sometimes wackos come in and just cause a disruption and he really wanted to have a discussion with me.
So there's that. So I'll just stall. Oh, there he is. Okay. So it's working.
Now, let me make sure I got my sound up. Do you hear me? I hear you great.
Can you hear me? Yeah, I hear you fine. Yeah, good. Okay. Well, that has to be the easiest connection
I've ever made on this thing. Yeah. I'm surprised it worked. Maybe they're improving things.
Maybe. I've always had a few times to try to get to work. Yeah. Well, let's see.
I'm just checking a couple of things. And I need to mark all these people that we talked to.
Can we? Okay. So I've got people watching, 12 people are watching already.
Put it up on the, um, come on, man.
Every time. There we go. Hey, how did that person get in?
Time to eat. Okay. Are you in? Yeah. How'd you get in?
I only sent it to Leighton. Not everybody. I, uh, just followed the link on your
Facebook page, sir. The YouTube link? No, sir.
The link on, uh, Mr. Slick's Facebook page. But that's just to watch.
Well, I am watching. What more do you want? But you're in. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's all right.
I mean. Hey, God's in control, right? Interesting. Yeah. Let's see. I got a little bit to learn about this.
How it works. You can't see me though. Right? Cause I, uh, I turned my camera off, but you can hear me.
I'll be fine though. I won't interject. Just turn, turn off your microphone. Yeah. I can control that.
Maybe we'll get a friend of mine in here who can just, anybody pops in. Yeah. See, people are popping in. Okay. All right.
Uh. I'll behave. Let's see. How do we do this? Sorry about that.
I thought that's all I had to do. Just give this, this thing. And uh. Yeah. I'm not sure why it did that.
I don't either. Um, let's see.
I go, you know, I got a friend who comes in, we can actually, let's see. Uh, yeah,
I can mute people, but I don't want to do that. Sorry about this, man.
I thought that, uh, that this was the right way to do it. Yeah.
I thought YouTube, I think it seems like the YouTube link doesn't, um, when I've done this, it doesn't work either, uh, to, to get people in, that has to actually be a hangout link.
Right. So I'm not sure. That's not it. I'm not sure how they got in. So let me do this.
Made the stall here for a little bit, just a little. That's that. I'm looking at URLs right now.
And boy, that's a completely radically different one. Wow. And yet, uh,
I don't get it. Um, so let me, uh, let me see if I can get a friend come in.
He can just manage it. Uh, he does it a lot.
He just watches on the sidelines. Everybody gets out of line. He just blocks them. Um, I'm going to call him.
That is weird. Already got 40 people watching. Hey folks, how are you doing out there in, uh,
Facebook, YouTube land? Let's see.
He's calling them. Yeah. I don't get it. I don't know why it's doing it. And then
I'm going to mute people inside of the admin thing and it's not working, but I can control their volume.
Yeah. You know, if not, we'll just go and then.
Okay. Okay. All right. Well, I'm saying if I can even mute the people,
I just now muted Matthew. No offense, Matthew. Um, so I can, I can mute people and I think you probably can mute people too.
Yeah. What's going to happen is people are going to, people are going to become a problem here. Let me see if I can work this.
Let's figure this out. Well, there's Kevin. Kevin, how did you, what link did you click on to get into the hangout?
Where's the link found? He's trying to figure out where the links found, uh, to, to get in the hangout, Kevin, you're muted.
Kevin, you're muted. Okay. Now say it. Okay. All right.
I went to, uh, I went to your link, uh, Matt and, um,
I had to, I had to log into my random Google account and then send it to a message in my, uh, in my messenger and then open it up.
It took me like literally five minutes. I don't know how I got here, but I can, I can,
I can message it to you if I can find the link. No, that's all right.
I mean, he was trying to make it a private conversation between the two of us and somehow the link got public and so we're going to figure out where it was.
Oh, it was on, uh, it was on, uh, it was on, um, my
Facebook page. Yeah. Yeah. Your Facebook page. Yeah. Okay. I'll mute myself now. Okay.
Participate. Tell you what, Kevin. Kevin, can you mute anybody who comes in? Can you just help keep them muted for us?
I'll give Kevin, I don't know who Kevin is, but you seem to know him, so I'm going to, I just shared controls with, with Kevin.
All right. Yeah. Kevin, if you can just, if you can just keep everybody muted and then also kick anybody out that starts to interrupt or something, that would be great.
Okay. Let me, um, I'm trying to, I'm trying to see if I can mute somebody on, from my phone.
Oh, okay. Yeah. You may not be able to do it from your phone. You should be able to though, but we'll see.
Test one. Try muting me while I'm talking. One, two, three. That is weird. I have, I've never seen that happen before like that.
I don't get it. Okay. Two, one, two, three. It's not a, all
I see is me being able, all I see is me being able to mute myself so far.
Well, I just, okay, Leighton, I just gave you, uh, controls. Um, yeah,
I mean, I think I can put it to where eject, okay, I can eject people now.
Um, I can also wait and wait as guests join, hide their audio and video from my broadcast.
Yes. That's what I was looking for. Yeah. Click on that. I can broadcast a large video that I see to my audience and hide other videos and new guests in my large three plus, but they join.
Yes. Okay. So I think if you click that, it'll automatically mute everyone.
Rebecca Angus. So that means that everybody who joins, it'll, it'll fail for them.
Okay. Wait, I don't hear you. Are you talking?
Oh, there I am. Okay. How about now? Now I hear you. Did you, you locked your, or, uh, you muted yourself?
Uh, I must have, or somebody muted me. I'm not sure which. Maybe I did it accidentally trying to figure this out.
I don't know. And then, and while you're talking, I can kind of control the mute button. And while I'm talking, you can control it.
You know, we can kind of moderate it that way. Okay. That's fine. There's a problem. Yeah. We'll just ask people not to blab for a while.
That's all. And, um, Hear me talk or look at my lips moving while you're talking. I have a speech program.
Instead of typing, I use it to take notes because my, I type so much. Millions of words over the years.
I have carpal tunnel. Oh no. A little bit. Well, um,
Okay. I'm good. Do you, are you good with, um, With me doing about 15 minute opener and then you doing a 15 minute opener and then us having a conversation.
Well, I wasn't going to do any opener. I mean, I thought we were just going to talk, but, uh, you know, whatever you want to do. Oh, that's what we texted.
You said, yeah, you go first. Yeah. You go first. You know, you're going to open. I don't know if I don't have anything planned for any opening.
Okay. Well, you can, uh, I guess you can maybe reply to my opener and your opening if you want to. I don't care.
Okay. But, um, Go ahead. It'll give us a chance to kind of lay out what we believe from our perspective.
Most people know, I mean, most people on here probably know Calvinism's position, uh, I'm guessing, but feel free to, well, you've got, you could pretty much read your page from CARM, uh, as your opener.
If you want it to, cause you have a page. You have a lot of stuff memorized. Yeah, I do. Yeah. So you probably don't even need to have one prepared.
So all right. Okay. Well, I'm going to pray and then we'll just jump in.
Okay. Sounds great. All right. Lord Jesus. I asked that you would be glorified in our conversation and Lord that, um, your will, uh, would be accomplished.
Your sovereignty will be uplifted and that we would be in our proper places as creatures subject to you.
And that, uh, Jesus, you would look favorably upon our words and that what is said of the flesh fall on deaf ears.
And what is said of your spirit fall on the hearts and the minds of your people. Jesus just asked for protection and guidance.
We ask this in your name, Lord. Amen. Amen. All right.
I'll get started. Um, in the concluding words of our scripture, it is written there in revelation 22, that, that the spirit and the bride say come and let the one who hears say, come, let the one who is thirsty come and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
And notice that phrase, let the one who wishes, some translations say let the one who wills take the free gift.
But the Calvinistic doctrine total inability teaches that all people since the fall are born unable to will or unable to wish to take this free gift.
But where is that taught in scripture? Hopefully we can unpack that a little bit with Matt this evening. Now to begin, let's be very clear about our disagreement.
We are not disagreeing over the issue of man's depravity or sinfulness. We all agree mankind is sinful and in need of a savior.
Our disagreement with Calvinists is specifically tonight over the idea of total inability, which is the idea that because of the sin of Adam, all people are born in a fallen condition where they can only hate and reject
God. Even when God makes an appeal to be reconciled from that fall. So let me just say something to my
Calvinistic friends in love. When we disagree with you about the doctrine of total inability, we are not saying that humanity is without sin.
We are not saying that humanity can save themselves, nor are we teaching that everyone deserves salvation in any way, shape or form.
We are arguing to preserve what we honestly and sincerely believe the Bible clearly teaches about human responsibility and God's character and his love and provision for every man, woman, boy, and girl.
We are not denying humanity's bondage to sin. Instead we are simply arguing that even those in bondage are responsible for their bondage and trust in the only one who can free them.
And by responsibility, by the way, we mean one's ability to respond in faith to inspired truth that was sent for the purpose to help set us free.
We understand no one seeks God on their own, but we simply do not believe that God has left anyone on their own, nor do we believe the inability to initiate our reconciliation with God entails an inability to respond willingly to God's gracious initiative.
We agree that no one is righteous, not even one as it pertains to the law, but we simply do not believe that entails an inability to confess that fact and put trust in the righteousness of Christ so as to be saved by grace.
That by the way, he offers to all people through the appeal of the gospel, which is sent to all people. I think we can all agree that God does hold fallen humanity responsible for their reply to his words.
Jesus even said in John 12, 47 and 48, if anyone hears my words, but does not keep them, I do not judge that person for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.
There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words. The very words I have spoken will condemn them in the last day.
Paul says in second Thessalonians 2, 10 that those who perish quote perish because they refuse to love the truth so as to be saved.
So I think we can all agree that fallen sinners are held responsible for what they do with the words of Christ, the gospel.
Therefore, it's reasonable to suggest that fallen sinners are able to respond to the gospel by either humbling themselves and accepting it as truth or suppressing the truth and unrighteousness.
But Calvinism's doctrine of total inability teaches that fallen sinners are born by God's decree, mind you, in such a condition that they cannot respond positively to God's own appeals to be reconciled from that fallen condition.
Now let's think about this for a second. If I tell one of my children that he should go clean his room, it does strongly imply that he could go clean his room.
That is a basic common sense implicit that comes with a command.
But here's the question, is it applicable to how God deals with us? Is the implication in scripture of you should mean that you could?
I think we can all agree that ought strongly at least implies moral ability for all practical purposes, but is that a biblical reality in every instance?
Because sometimes let's face it, Bible does define our practical sensibilities and it turns our reality up in its ear. Is that the case here?
Do God's expressions of what we should do imply that we actually could do it? So let me address that question by way of analogy.
Suppose you had a horrible gambling addiction and as a result you accrued a debt so large that it was literally impossible for you to repay it in your lifetime.
Would your inability to pay off this debt excuse you from paying it? Of course not. You should pay off this debt regardless of whether or not you could pay off this debt.
This is an example of where inability does not remove responsibility and thus should not mean that one is necessarily, that one necessarily could.
Likewise, the scriptures teach us we should obey the law of God perfectly, Matthew 5, 48, but it also teaches us that no one could in Romans 3 and in Romans 8.
Our moral inability to fulfill the law's demands does not remove our moral responsibility to that law.
We have a sin debt that we cannot pay, yet scripture seems to teach that we are held accountable for that debt nonetheless.
In this instance it clearly does seem to indicate that should does not necessarily imply could, but let's continue with the analogy above with the gambling debt.
Suppose you have a wealthy and very benevolent father that offered to pay your gambling debt if and only if you would confess that you're addicted and check into rehab.
Clearly this is something you should do, but could you? I believe you could.
Your inability to pay off the debt in no way hinders you from accepting the benevolent gift of your father's provision.
Likewise, with regard to the law, your benevolent father, gracious heavenly father, offers to pay your sin debt if and only if you confess your sin addiction in faith, trusting in him.
Clearly this is something you should do, but the question for tonight is could you do it?
I believe you could. Your inability to pay off your sin debt in no way hinders you from accepting the benevolent offer of your father's gracious provision.
Suppose someone tried to convince you that one's inability to pay off their debt equaled an inability to accept help when it's offered.
Would you believe them? I ask this because that is what our Calvinistic friends like Matt Slick are attempting to get the church to believe through Calvinism.
Now did you catch that? Calvinists believe we are born unable to want to accept
God's appeals because he decreed for us to be born unable to want that.
Yet he holds all people responsible with an eternity in hell, mind you, for something in which they had absolutely no control over.
By even some Calvinistic scholars on admission, this seems dreadful to suggest that God holds humanity responsible for that, which he himself decisively controls.
John Calvin himself called it a dreadful decree. In fact, John Calvin said this quote, how it was ordained by the foreknowledge and decree of God, what man's future was without God being implicated as an associate in the fault as the author or approver of transgression is clearly a secret so much excelling the inside of the human mind that I'm not ashamed to confess ignorance.
I daily so mediate on these mysteries of his judgments that curiosity to know anything more does not attract me.
End quote. The reason Calvinists adopt this mystery and they accept this seemingly dreadful doctrine is because with all sincerity, they believe it's what the
Bible teaches as I once did when I affirmed Calvinistic sociology. So hear me when I say this, all listeners hear me,
Calvinists are not being deceitful, nor are they purposely attempting to make the Bible appear dreadful or contradictory.
That's not their intentions. They are sincerely attempting to defend what the Bible is teaching because they honestly believe that's what the
Bible teaches. Now with respect to them, however, my contention is that Calvinists have simply misunderstood several key passages which have wrongly led them to believe that God has decreed for all people to be born in this totally incapacitated condition due to the sin of Adam and Eve.
And I don't find this convincingly taught anywhere in scripture. Speaking of scripture on Matt Slick's website,
CARM, which is otherwise besides his teachings on Calvinism, I think a very good source. He has a page where he lists all the passages that he does feel supports the doctrine of total inability.
And I'd like to briefly address some of them. I won't have time to address all of them just here in this opener. And to really demonstrate why
I don't think there's any good reason to appeal to the mystery of this dreadful Calvinistic doctrine. First verse he lists is
Genesis 6, 5. Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Now he stops there, but I think we should probably keep on reading to understand the context because the scripture goes on to say the
Lord regretted that he had made human beings on this earth and his heart was deeply troubled.
So the Lord said, I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I've created. In verse eight he says, but Noah found favor in the eyes of the
Lord. So you can argue that Noah found favor because God somehow irresistibly made
Noah and his family favorable by some supernatural effectual means. But the text certainly doesn't say this.
Plus that interpretation would make the text seem somewhat illogical and unreasonable because then why didn't
God express, why did God express frustration for their wickedness when apparently he could have just as easily made all of the human race, or at least a good portion of them favorable by this irresistible means, just like he supposedly did for Noah and his family.
The next verse he lists is Genesis 8, 21. The Lord said to himself, quote, I will never again curse the ground on account of man for the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth.
Now this is a common conflation of Calvinist. They list verses which establish a common view that we all hold, man's sinfulness, but they do so as if that also establishes man's inability to humbly confess their sinfulness.
Many of the verses in Matt's list ultimately rely upon this conflation in order to support this concept of inability.
For example, the very next verse he lists is Jeremiah 17, 9. The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick.
Who can understand it? But here's my question for Matt. How does proof of the heart's illness also prove that a person is morally incapable of confessing that fact and humbly throwing himself at the mercy of the great physician who is offering to bring healing to his heart's condition?
If a heart doctor gives you a diagnosis saying you have a diseased heart and you must have a heart transplant in order to live, isn't it reasonable to suggest that you have to accept that diagnosis humbly?
You have to say, I have a diseased heart and allow him to perform surgery to give you a new heart?
What doesn't make sense to me is the notion that God has to irresistibly or affectionately give you a new heart in order for you to even confess that you once had a bad heart.
That seems to get the proverbial cart before the horse. Again, I think this is conflating two distinct issues. Please understand this.
There's two distinct issues. The sinfulness of man on which we agree and the second point is the inability of man to confess their sinful condition in light of God's revelation, in light of how
God has revealed himself. Matt, I think continues to rely upon that conflation of those two points, continually listing verses that we all hold in common, the sinfulness of man as if that somehow proves the moral incapacity to confess that fact in light of the appeal of God.
John 8, 34, Jesus answered them and said, truly, truly I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.
This is another one on Matt's list, but I just have to ask since when can't a slave confess his enslavement and humbly accept an offer to be freed?
Again, nothing establishing total inability here, just establishing our enslavement to sin, which we all affirm.
Romans 3, 10 through 12 is often quoted where everyone knows it. No one's righteous, not even one.
But what we have to understand is earlier in chapter one, Paul says the righteous live by faith.
In the next chapter, in chapter four, Paul says Abraham believed and it was credited to him as righteousness.
So let me ask this question. Is Paul contradicting himself by saying no one's righteous, no not one. And the very next chapter says
Abraham was righteous. Of course, nobody thinks Paul's contradicting himself. What he's doing, he's arguing that no one can attain righteousness by means of a law because we all fall short of the law.
We all sin. So our only hope is to trust in the righteousness of Christ. So the
Calvinistic logic goes something like this. They make Paul saying something like, well, believing in Christ is righteous.
It's good to believe in Christ. And since no one is righteous, no one's good. Therefore that must mean no one can believe in Christ.
Well, that's a non sequitur. That's not what Paul is arguing here. Paul is saying only those who believe are credited as righteous and no one merits their own righteousness by means of the law.
Therefore your only hope is to believe. Your only hope is to do like Abraham did. Do like the patriarchs of old.
You have to believe because that's the only way you're going to be credited, not with your own righteousness, but with the righteousness of Christ.
He also lists Romans 5, 6, Romans 5, 10, Romans 6, 20, which all say we're helpless.
We're ungodly. We're enemies who need to be reconciled. We're slaves to sin. Again, we all confirm those things.
Nothing here about moral inability to confess the fact that we are helpless, that we are ungodly, that we are enemies, that we are slaves to our sinful desires.
Romans 8, 7 is listed and often used because the mindset on the flesh is hostile to God for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it's not even able to do so.
I just have to ask, how does our inability to fulfill the law's demands equal an inability to confess that fact and trust in the one who did fulfill those demands?
Mark 7, 21, 23 says, from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornication, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting, wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, evil, slander, pride, and foolishness.
Again, where is it in this verse that mankind cannot humbly confess these facts in response to the clearly revealed appeals of God through the law and the gospel?
John 3, 19, this is the judgment that the light has come into the world and men love darkness rather than light for their deeds were evil.
And here's the question. Can I and you humbly confess that we love darkness rather than light?
I know I made that confession. I've heard Matt make the confession that he loves darkness rather than light. I love darkness rather than light because, is that because God has enabled me to freely acknowledge that?
Or is it because God has irresistibly caused me to acknowledge that? And that's where, again, this verse doesn't say enough to establish the
Calvinism's total inability. Now there's four or five other verses here I'd love to go through, but I have reached my 15 minute mark and I don't want to continue any further.
So I'll hand it over to Matt. All right.
Before we get going here, we've got a problem. I got distracted partially through what you, during what you were saying, because someone's saying that the video is not working.
So, you know, none of this is making sense right now. Not supposed to be that anybody can get into the room that you and I are in right now.
And then people are saying that the video is not working. So let me, the video isn't working.
I'm distracted. So just give me a minute to kind of check it out. No worries. It's, I see it's working.
I see your stuff. From the link you posted,
Matt, it's not working. Your playback interrupted. From the link you posted,
Matt, it's not working. I got most of what you said down in notes, but, um, that is just a bear.
I know you're a patient guy. Bear with me. I try to figure this out. It's because we want people to watch. Yeah. I know that's frustrating when technical stuff gets in the way it happens way too often.
Yeah. I'm opening it myself just to see if I can see. Huh? YouTube is having,
I know when I opened the YouTube channel, it says an error occurred. Please try again later. Mine too.
Same thing with mine. All of my devices are saying it's a 500 internal server. Um, let me try something different.
Uh, let's see. I'm going to try this.
No, that's the exact same one. Oh, maybe it isn't.
Let's try this. I'm going to just try this. I'm going to put this, I put something new up on the, on there.
It's the same thing, but it's a little bit different. If that makes any stinking sense and an error occurred, please try back later.
Yeah. I'm getting the same message on mine. I think everybody who is in it, in the video, just not being recorded, but nobody else.
Um, one option is to close this room. I opened one. I text,
I email you the link, which is weird because I did that to you and then put it up on Facebook and other people could get into it again, but then maybe the problem will happen again.
Um, I'm just thinking out loud. Um, why is it not working?
That does not make any sense. So I'm thinking. It says one of the commentators on my, my
Facebook says, it says something's wrong with the video. It doesn't play. It played for a short time and then it, and then it, uh, it stopped and it gave an error.
We'll tell you what, how about this? Um, let me close this room. I'm looking it up on Twitter.
This is not working. And I got your notes. I got stuff. And then what I'll do is I'll reopen it and go to the
Facebook page. No, I'll email you again. Okay. YouTube itself is having issue.
Not just this video. Ah, that's what someone said. YouTube is having the problem.
Not okay. YouTube is back up. Someone says I can see on my phone weird.
Uh, okay. I'm hitting play again. Come on, you can do it.
Come on. This is 45 people are watching. I guess if they're just watching photos. Yes.
I have 65 watching. Okay. Let me refresh. Yeah.
Sorry about this. I, you know, you know what happens, but, uh, it's not, it's just technical difficulties.
It's the way it works. Okay. See, I think, I think ask them if they could hear.
Well, I can ask them this. Anybody linked to this, uh, this video where it's blocking out.
You just redid the whole video. Your chat messages may be seen by viewers who watch the recording of the stream.
Oh, okay. Okay. One of them saying they can hear and see us.
That's weird. Okay. Um, an error occurred.
Please try back later. Wait, someone's texting me on my phone.
It plays for like three to five seconds. Then video not available pops up on the screen.
I can hear and see, says Michael. We see in here, the video stops. Then you have to click the screen.
YouTube itself is having issues. Not just this live. Just got home and YouTube isn't even working on my fire stick.
I think it's a YouTube problem. I can see in here on my phone, but went back, went blank for a while. Okay. Well, okay.
Let's run by possibilities. One, we could just continue to have a conversation. Which won't be recorded. It looks like, or what we could do is just say,
Hey, let's stop it for next week or tomorrow night. Or, you know, it's an option and, uh, see if YouTube comes back up.
Yeah. Cause I just try to open another video, just totally separate. And it's, it looks like YouTube's down, not just, um, our, our thing.
Okay. Well, then what do you want to do? If you want to just postpone it for a little bit, cause people can want to hear it and, uh, record it.
I want to, I want to hear it. And I think a lot of people want to hear it. Yeah. I mean, yeah, you, you know how it is. Usually it's, it's the hundreds of people that watch for months to come, uh, really get most out of it.
It's not really who's watching right now. And so it, it seems like a waste to kind of go through all of that.
And no, and a lot of the people don't even get to watch or hear us talk. Yeah. Okay. Then how about this?
Obviously it's out of our control. Do you want to just postpone it one more week? You don't have to. I mean, it just,
I'm running ideas around. Well, um, or tomorrow night or Friday night or Saturday.
Yeah. I just don't know what my schedule is without looking and I don't have it right here in front of me. Um, once you take a look, let's just figure it out and we'll go that way.
I'm more flexible than you. I just got Thursday night. Something, something I got to do. That's all. And then my radio show from four to five, my time.
But other than that, yeah, I think this is a really, everybody wants to actually be able to see this.
So find a day late. Let's see. Trying it again.
And no, I'm still getting an error on my end. Yeah. And it may end up working here in the next 20 minutes and we could jump on again or something, but otherwise tomorrow night might work.
Let's do it tomorrow night then. I mean, because I'm suspecting,
I'm suspecting that if we just start, if it works, I'll be actually wondering if it's going to fail again in the next five or 10 minutes.
You know what I mean? Yeah. If it, yeah. Cause I mean, it could, if it's just getting back up, something's probably going on with YouTube.
Um, yeah, I guess we can try again tomorrow night and see, uh, what pulls together. We can text back and forth and, uh, and maybe start with you doing an opener tomorrow night and then
I'll follow that way. It's not the same order or whatever. Um, since you've kind of already heard what I'm going to start off with.
And you already know what I'm going to say anyway, basically, but, um, I'll tell you what, let's just text. And what I'll do is
I'll put it up on my mat. Slick Facebook page. What we decide. Okay. And, uh, you know, and if it works, it works.
If it doesn't, it doesn't. And, uh, you know, we'll work it out. We'll work it out. You know, um, let's see one more time.
And. Oh, there it is. Mine says, doesn't work.
Please try again later. Uh, for a second there, it came up. Mine came up. And then it, then it failed.
Yeah. Then it was stopped. Yeah. Okay. All right. Well, let's just forget it then let's go on for next tomorrow night. Uh, tell you what, it's up to you.
Cause I'm, I'm freer than you are. And, um, but you just let me know. And I'll put, put, uh, put it up what we decide
Monday, Thursday night. I can't, but Friday night, I can't Saturday, uh, Sunday, I'd rather take off Monday, Tuesday is fine.
So let me know. All right. Well, I'm for tomorrow. And unless something's coming up and then we'll, um, okay.
So, okay. No worries. Same time. Yeah. Yep. Same time. Okay. All right.
Eight o 'clock central. So I think that's what your hour, your seven o 'clock. Seven 30 for me right now.
Yeah. Yeah. It's eight 30 here. So yeah. Eight o 'clock central time. We'll try it tomorrow.
So it'll be nine o 'clock Eastern time. Correct. And, uh, and we'll just start with your opener and then, and then, uh, maybe do some question answer and then go to my opener and do some question answer.
That's good. Whatever. We'll figure it out. Okay. All right. Sounds good. Thanks, man. Goodbye.
Weird. Okay. Now I got to set it down. All right, folks.
Sorry about that. Don't know what happened. I guess it's just a Facebook issue. So just, uh, go to, um, you know,
I just thought of something. We had problems when, uh, I put the, uh, video link up only for watching and it went into, uh, to participation.
So that's not supposed to happen. It's confused me. It confused him. So I think that's probably something symptomatic to the problem that was occurring.
Um, okay. So something's up with YouTube. I'm going to set this down. We'll just talk to you guys, uh, tomorrow night and we'll see.