Boise, Idaho Temple rededication with Matt Slick and others



The LDS Church refurbished the Boise, Idaho Temple and then opened it up for viewing to the general public. Myself (Matt Slick) and several others passed out literature at the temple and the adjacent neighborhood as well as held up signs (;, etc.). The goal was to reach the Mormons and inoculate non-Mormons from joining their church. May the Lord be glorified in our efforts.


Alright, well here I am, out in front of the temple, you can probably see the temple right now, holding up this sign right here, www .mormonismchristian
.com, we've got our freeway on rent right here, we've got the Mormon temple right there, people coming through, and that's what
I'm doing. I'm out here on a daily basis while the temple opening is going on, trying to inform people and warn people about Mormonism and the false gospel that it is.
So that's why I'm here, and you can see what we're doing, you can see this is what we do. A lot of people come out sometimes and help us out, today it's just Daniel and myself, we're out here right now doing this, he's behind the camera, hey thanks for filming
Daniel, and that's it! Alright, so this is
Rich, he's out here at the temple with me, holding up the sign, come down a little bit so they can see your face, there you go, he's out here doing this too, so let's see how well this mic works, say hi.
Hi. Alright. Okay guys, say hi.
Hi. How are you doing? Good. Give us your names. Better than we deserve. Bob. I'm Bob. I'm Brian.
No, I'm Bob. I'm Bob. And you can tell we're going to have lots of problems with these guys.
Bobster Bob. Okay. Anyway, there we go. They named him Bob so he could remember what his name was.
That works. I'm dyslexic. In case he gets too far from me. Either way, okay. Alright, here we are in front of the
Mormon temple with yet another guy, and your name is? Doug Goucher. What was that again?
Doug Goucher. And where are you from? Winnemucca, Nevada. Alright, and you're this guy here today, and you're out in front of the
Mormon temple, and look at that sign right there, praise God. Alright, so we have another guy, and you're from where?
I'm from Southern California, I drove 900 miles up here to Boise, Idaho.
900 miles to get here. To preach he's lost LDS. That's right. I just opened this sign and a lady stopped and she gave me a thumbs up and said, yeah.
What sign you got? We have this sign here, it says, before me there were no gods formed, neither shall there be after me.
LDS, you will never become gods. Alright. And the josephlive .com sign.
That's right, he did. That's right, Mormonism, sorry, it's not true.
Alright. Do you want to be interviewed on why you're a
Mormon? What's that? Would you be willing to be interviewed on why you're a Mormon? Um, I'd rather not.
Better not? Okay, thanks. Can I interview you guys on why you're Mormons? No? No, can't do that?
Why you're Mormons? No? I'll try over here. Oh, the sun's behind us. Hey, can
I interview any of you on why you're Mormons? And what you think and stuff? Just being polite and nice, just asking.
Nobody wants to be interviewed on why you're a Mormon? Even though the bible tells you to give an answer and stuff?
Okay, it was nice talking to you. Can I interview you guys on why you're
Mormons? Yeah! Good, come on up here. Alright. Stay right there because I want to get over the fence here.
Well, maybe get closer because of the audio. I don't have my boom mic on. Okay. That's about good. Now, can I use this on YouTube and all other media?
Yeah. Alright. So, why are you guys Mormons? I am a Mormon because I find peace through the gospel and through the church
I've been able to understand more about my purpose in life and why I'm here and where I'm going. And it gives me a sense of purpose in my life.
Alright. Why are you a Mormon? I'm a Mormon because I believe that families are forever and I don't think that this life is the only time we have to be with the people we love and I just can't wait to go through the eternities with my family.
Okay. How about you? I'm a Mormon because thankfully, somewhere down through my ancestry, someone accepted the gospel and I was born into the gospel and I could not be happier
I have. And at my agency, I've chosen to be a member of the church and I have a testimony that this is the true church of Jesus Christ and I know that the teachings and everything that this church teaches is true and I am proudly,
I proudly say that I am a Mormon. Alright. And how about you? I'm a Mormon because I have a testimony of the gospel and I know that it's the word of God and I know that if you're a
Mormon that you can gain a testimony and I also know that temples... Speak up.
Okay. I also know that temples are forever and that families are. And you want to give me your testimony?
Are you a Mormon? I'm actually a part -time Mormon. Part -time Mormon? Part -time, yes. You're Jack Mormon? I'm Mormon when
I hang out with these guys. Alright. He'll be a Mormon someday. Well, let me ask you guys a question, okay? Yes. Yeah.
Alright. You believe the Bible? Yes. Alright. Now, I happen to be able to read the Greek, which is a
New Testament, okay? Yes. And in 1 Timothy 6, 16, Paul the Apostle says that the
Father, speaking of God as the Father, does an unapproachable light whom no man has seen, nor can he be seen.
So, the Bible, the Apostle Paul says that God the Father cannot be seen. Joseph Smith said he saw the
Father, so what do you think of that? If Paul says you can't see the Father, Joseph Smith says you can, who's true?
Well, I believe that in the Bible, it also talks about Moses seeing
God and there's other accounts of other people... Yeah, and that's, he saw God, and that's Exodus 24, 9 -11.
But you see, Jesus says, not that any man has seen the Father, John 6, 46. So, they were seeing the pre -incarnate
Jesus, never the Father. Alright? So, Jesus says the Father can't be seen,
Paul says the Father can't be seen, they were seeing the pre -incarnate Jesus in the Old Testament. So, now what do you think of Joseph Smith, if he contradicts the
Bible? I believe he's not contradicting the Bible. Oh, so he saw the Father. There are different interpretations that people can take of the
Bible, and I also believe that many churches have different beliefs on what it is to be, what it says, the
Father and the Son. They say that they're... I don't know how to explain it, but... Well, Paul said you can't see the
Father. I have my own testimony, and I know Jesus Christ did see Heavenly Father, and I know that he did see
Jesus Christ. And I know that what he's taught us is true, and I felt that in my heart, and I'm not saying you need to believe that, but I felt that for myself, and I know that that's true.
Well, one more question for you guys, then, okay? Now, when Jesus was crucified, in Luke 23, 45,
God destroyed the veil in the temple. He tore it in half, right? So, why do you guys have the veil back in the temple if God got rid of it?
Well, because at the time, there was so much confusion and anger because Christ would sacrifice his life so that us humans, because we all make mistakes every day, you know, we're not perfect, and so he was just tearing it down because something new had to come about, something new, instead of having, you know, what was preached by the priests, you know, they would sacrifice and stuff.
Now Christ died, so that all we had to do was practice his atonement and go throughout the
Sabbath. But God got rid of the temple veil, right? So why do you put it back in if that's the temple of God? Well, the temple veil, you have to be more specific than that.
The temple veil, which is in the temple, separated the holy place from the holy of holies.
Have you been in the temple? It separated the holy of holies from the holy place, all right?
And when the gospel was made, God got rid of it. Right. So the gospel's here, right? Yes. So you don't need it if he got rid of it.
Uh, no. You do need it if he got rid of it. Yeah. Okay. Wait, you're just contradicting yourself.
Yeah, you're contradicting yourself there. No, no. I'm contradicting what you guys say. God got rid of the veil. Oh, these are the guys who look like security and don't want me to do what
I'm doing here. They wouldn't say anything. They said, no thanks.
Would any Mormons be interested in being interviewed and why you're Mormons? Would any
Mormons be willing to be interviewed and why you're Mormons? I guess not.
Hey, would any of you Mormons be willing to be interviewed to tell me why you're Mormon? I guess not.
Oh, maybe. Maybe. They're taking a picture. Let's see what happens. Hey, any of you
Mormons willing to be interviewed on why you're Mormons? Would any of you be willing to be interviewed on why you're
Mormons? I guess not. I don't think he's going to let me.
Would any of you be willing to be interviewed on why you're Mormons? Why we're Mormons?
Yeah. Because we believe in Christ. That's why. But I want to talk to you about the truth.
If you want. No, I guess they don't want to talk to me. Another security guy watching me.
Would anyone be willing to be interviewed on why you're
Mormons? No? Thank you.
For your consideration. So here I am. It's the last night. The temple opening.
And you can tell it's dark. So I won't be out here after this. I just want to say thanks. Everybody's been praying.
Been trying. And may the Lord be glorified in our effort. We hope people leave the Mormon church and become
Christians. And that people don't join the Mormon church and become Mormons. We don't want that.
So that's what's going on. You can see there. Just God bless everybody. And it was interesting.