What Exactly IS My Angle on Matt Chandler? - He Knows His Bible

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Yes, you are right, it's all about me, me, me. Please, look at me,
I am so pretty, love me, want me! Something like that.
All right, well welcome back to the channel. A lot of new people yesterday as well, so if you are new, welcome,
I'm so glad you're here and I hope that you enjoy my content. I was listening to an economist yesterday and it was on an interview with Kitco News, which
I watch Kitco News every now and then, and this economist said that 2020 revealed a lot of things, not only to us, just kind of normal people, but also to the elite, the people that are in charge, the government, things like that, and basically it revealed to us that, you know, pretty much, you know, people are just going along with whatever the narrative is, they'll just go with it for the most part, and they'll accept a lot of overstepping of people's bounds, they'll accept a lot of faulty thinking, they'll accept a lot of unlawful commands, and that's not good because, you know, those of us who won't accept it, we have to understand that it puts us in a very precarious situation knowing that the majority of people will.
You know, the government says shut down your shop, most people will just do it. The government says don't go to work, it's too dangerous, most people will just do it.
The government says get the shot, get the vaccine shot, and most people will just simply do it without really knowing too much about what's going on at any given time.
And so we have to understand that that's obviously not, the church is not insulated from that.
2020 revealed a lot of things about the church and our leadership in particular as well, and a lot of people have been reaching out to me and they've been wondering, you know, how, what is going on?
Like why does my favorite pastor, you know, sound like identical to the narrative that you'll see on CNN?
Like why is it very, like Kamala Harris, the vice president, just the other day said something about how getting the vaccine is loving your neighbor.
Like why is her exegesis and her understanding of the Bible as poor as, you know, my favorite pastor or ethicist from the
Southern Baptist Convention or whatever? Like their reasoning sounds identical. How did that happen?
And I think it really does have to do with this insatiable desire for evangelical leaders to be respected and loved and accepted by the world at large, which
I find it's just so counter what you see when you read the Bible. When you read the
Bible, of course, you know, it says, as long as it depends on you, be at peace with everybody. But then when you read the pages of what the apostles were up to, what the prophets were up to and things like that, they were often in conflict.
And it's almost like we have this idea that if you're in conflict, somehow that you're in the wrong.
If you're in a conflict, you must be in the wrong. And that's just simply not the case at all. But what you get is a lot of pastors like Matt Chandler yesterday, people were asking me about Matt Chandler, who
I've been following for quite some time. You know, he certainly seems to me to be very, very thirsty for pagan attention.
He wants to be respectable to the pagans, which is so interesting because I think he's almost self -conscious of this.
Because, you know, you look at Matt Chandler, I mean, he's bought, he's totally sold out to the Black Lives Matter movement and all that kind of nonsense.
He's totally sold out. He sounds identical to CNN, MSNBC, except he sprinkles a little
Jesus on top to make it a little bit Christian -y. But it's really the same message. It's the same thing.
You know, systemic injustice that we've got these wealth inequalities and it's complete racial discrimination that we've got income inequalities.
And so it's all, it's just injustice. The Bible speaks to injustice. And it's like, well, yeah, the Bible does speak to injustice.
The Bible addresses every area of our lives, obviously. But what it doesn't do is it doesn't talk about the same racial injustices and issues that CNN is talking about because they made that stuff up.
That stuff's not in the Bible. You could search the Bible cover to cover and you're not gonna find any mention of wealth inequalities being something that is an injustice that needs to be rectified.
You just won't find it. You'll find verses about caring for the poor. You'll find verses about not oppressing the poor.
That's true. But you won't find this, well, it's just income inequality. If somebody has less money, that's just injustice.
It's racial injustice. You won't find it. You simply won't find it. But the thing is, you might say, okay, well, what's the big deal though,
AD? Because like, okay, so Matt Chandler wants to be popular with the world. He wants to address racial injustice.
I mean, is that really that bad? Is that really a horrible thing to want blacks or Latinos? I'm Latino, by the way.
So I stand to benefit from a lot of these scams. But we'll talk about that in a moment because actually
I don't. But we'll talk about that in a minute. But what's the big deal, right?
He wants to improve the income of blacks and Latinos. He wants to make sure that blacks and Latinos have more wealth and stuff like that.
What's the problem with that? Well, the problem with that is that since it's not in the Bible, he tries to address these systemic injustices, which are actually not systemic injustices, in a pagan kind of a way, which actually does the opposite of what it hopes to do.
You see, the pagans, people who don't respect and honor and love and serve Christ, they always live in opposite land, in the upside down.
So good is evil, evil is good, up is down. And so when they talk about helping the poor, they're actually talking about hurting the poor.
And I can prove it if you just give me one minute. Here's a clip from Matt Chandler doing what he's desperate to do.
He's absolutely desperate to seem cool to the pagans. This is him being interviewed by Vice.
Evangelical community will be different in 10 years versus 10 years ago. Golly.
Well, first, just the whole concept of what evangelicalism is, is difficult, right? Very confusing.
It is such a genre. There's no question. Evangelicalism now is like a political party, divorced from its theological roots.
I think you're gonna see what we've already seen probably three or four times in Christian history.
There are going to be those that try to reach the world by becoming like the world.
And then there are gonna be those that try to, by the grace of God, hold fast to Orthodox Christian faith in a way that's compassionate and kind, and they're gonna have to weather the backlash of all the wrong that's been done in the name of Jesus the last 50 years.
So this is why I say he's self -conscious about it, because he says there's gonna be those who try to be like the world to reach the world.
Well, that's him. Matt Chandler's doing that. He's the one that wants to support the pagan organization of Black Lives Matter.
He's the one that if you even question his support of Black Lives Matter, well, you're the one who is the racist who gave up the right to do the, like he did a whole thing about that.
Go back into my history and you'll see that video of Matt Chandler supporting Black Lives Matter.
And so that's him. He's self -conscious about this. He's trying to be like the world. He's trying to attract people.
And he even says it like, like he's a compassionate Christianity. Well, Christianity has always been compassionate.
It doesn't mean they've always done the right thing, but they've always been compassionate. And this is why every hospital is named after a church, because the church has set them up.
This is why Christians are more generous with their money than any other group in the
United States. It's simply a fact. It's just a fact. But, you know, Christians like Matt Chandler, who want to be cool to the world, want to give the world the message that it wants.
And the world, the message that the world wants is that Christians are big hypocrites. They're totally hypocritical. In fact, we're going to see that in just a second.
Let's do the second clip. Of Jesus. What are the challenges today in keeping young people engaged here?
My experience with the de -churched, that's what I would call them, those who grew up in church and have left, is that it's a sense of hypocrisy that they picked up on, a kind of cowardice among the church to address things that are serious and significant pains of our day.
So whether that be domestic violence, what the church has been just painfully quiet on, or even things like racial reconciliation, which, man, you step into those spaces, you're going to draw a lot of flack from the evangelical world.
But I think especially around topics like homosexuality, and we're quick to say it's a sin, and you may not understand, which
I'm not going to disagree, that I would think from the scriptures that that's not what ultimately
God intends. But to pretend like that we're not talking about human beings with souls who sometimes are deeply conflicted, it's just a great -
Do you hear this? I mean, I can't be the only one here. He's desperate to give the world the message that is as palatable as it can possibly be to the world.
You hear him. He knows the world wants to hear that Christians are hypocrites. So what does he say?
Well, the young people that leave the church, they just picked up on the fact that churches are hypocrites, and he's hitting on that.
He's saying, well, they just picked up on the fact that the church is totally silent about domestic abuse and race, which is obviously not true at all.
The church is against the Marxist, ridiculous fantasies of white privilege and white supremacy, all that made -up stuff.
Of course the church is against that because we've read our Bibles. We know that wealth inequalities and wealth and income gaps and stuff like that, that's actually not a sin, right?
We get that, right? God has given parables about how he's the one who decides who has what and this and that and all that kind of thing.
So we all pick up on that, right? So he's giving the world the message that it wants.
It wants to hear Christians are hypocrites. It wants to hear that Christians ignore major moral issues.
And then he gets to homosexuality, and you can see the tone in his voice shift. And all of a sudden, he's more apologetic.
All of a sudden, he says, well, yeah, they just say that homosexuality, we're quick to say that homosexuality's a sin.
Well, yeah, of course, Matt, because the Bible says that. And because people march through the streets in our country talking about how amazing and prideful they should be to be rebelling against God and their sexuality.
You see, people often will say, we'll get back to Chandler in a second. People will often say, well, yeah, I don't hear you talking about gluttony.
I don't hear you talking about gluttony, but you talk about homosexuality. Well, yeah, that's because gluttons aren't walking down the street talking about how prideful you should be to be a fat glutton, right?
It's not the sin that everyone's proud of and flaunting. Yes, we should talk about gluttony, of course, but there's no gluttony awareness month.
Well, maybe there is. Who knows these days? Obviously, there's no gluttony pride month, right? There's no equivalent to that.
This is the sin that the country is flaunting as if it's a positive thing.
Most gluttons understand that gluttony's not a positive thing. Even if there's a lot of gluttons out there, they are kind of shameful about it.
And so we can harness that shame because shame is a grace from God. When you feel ashamed, that's grace from God.
You need to use that shame and repent of your sin. But you see, in our culture, homosexuality, there's no shame attached to it.
And so, yes, of course we do, but you see how his tone changes. He goes, we're quick to say that homosexuality's a sin, but, and I would disagree with that.
I mean, it's not God's ultimate intention. It's not God's best for you, but you can see how he shifts.
It's like it's not this moral evil. It's not really what God intends. Why would he do that?
He's read his Bible. He sees where it says it's an abomination. He sees where it says that, in Romans 1, that they exchanged the truth of God for the ultimate form of rebellion.
He knows all that. He's read it. He's a smart man. But what he wants to do is he wants the pagans to love him.
He wants to be one of, he's not, you ever hear this? Well, we're like a different kind of church. I'm not like one of those
Christians, and usually one of those Christians is the people that believe the word of God, and they're not apologizing for it.
They're not making excuses for it, and they're just pilloried in the media, right? They don't want to be associated with those, and you can even see he's even lamenting the fact that he would have to endure.
I can't believe I have to endure the pushback that all these fundamentalists over here are getting. I want to be loved.
I mean, this is the guy that Silvio was talking about. Me, me, me.
Please look at me. I am so pretty. Love me, want me.
Something like that. There's nothing more disgusting than a pastor who's supposed to be preaching the words of God.
There's nothing more disgusting than one of those men who also is simultaneously trying to seek the accolades of the world, and this is not even halfway in the world.
This is vice, vice news, and later in this interview, he starts praising
Barack Obama. Barack Obama, great man, great man. That guy was an evil man. That guy was unjust, but he knows what his pagan audience wants to hear.
They want to hear that Christians are hypocrites, that they don't care about morality, that they're fundamentalists on abortion.
I'm sorry, on homosexuality, and that they want to hear a
Christian praising their leaders, their gods, Barack Obama, and all of that kind of thing.
Excuse me. But what's the big deal, right? Like, maybe he's just trying to win some of the pagans to the faith.
Well, obviously, he just got done saying that that was wrong. You know, you can't win the world by being like the world, so I think he knows what he's doing.
He's a snake. He knows what he's doing. But what's the big deal, AD? I mean, okay, he wants to help out some black people and some
Latinos. What's the problem with that? Well, the problem with that is that when you do it according to the pagans, you actually accomplish the opposite.
Let me give you an example. So I said earlier that I stand to benefit from a lot of these programs, right? Like, if reparations were doled out to people,
I'd probably get a 20 % cut, because I've got 20 % slave ancestry in my veins from Nigeria, right?
So I'd get a 20 % cut of the reparations that are completely unbiblical, by the way, and I've got a lot of content about that.
But here's the reality. When you start handing out checks for nothing, I mean, it's not like you produced anything.
It's just you're just handing out checks. The same thing goes with the stimulus checks. The same thing goes with the universal basic income.
The same thing goes with the COVID checks. People were handed money, but they weren't producing goods to get that money, right?
And so what ends up happening is you have a lot more money out there chasing the same amount, or actually fewer goods, because nobody was making new goods or services when they were getting this money.
And so what happens, I mean, you don't have to be an economic genius to know what happens, but let's say you have 10 items, and now all of a sudden you have $10 ,000 chasing it, where before you had $1 ,000 chasing those 10 items.
What's gonna happen to the price of those items? Well, it's gonna go way up. It's called inflation. When you have an oversupply of money chasing a lesser supply of goods, or a same supply of goods, the price of those goods goes up.
And so the pagans say, I've got a brilliant idea. Here's my brilliant idea. And Matt Chandler's right there like, yeah, of course, totally.
We gotta do it. We gotta love our neighbor, right? Because he's desperate to get the world to love him, so he goes with their scam.
You're never gonna find anything about reparations in the Bible in this way, right? You're never gonna find it. In fact, the
Bible talks about, in welfare and universal basic income, the Bible says if you don't work, you don't eat.
And God knows how the system works. So here's the reality. So you hand out all this cash to people who didn't earn it, right?
They didn't produce anything for it. And the price of everything goes up. And so we're handing out these stimulus checks.
We're handing out reparations checks, let's just say. We're handing out all this stuff, the universal basic income, and the price of goods skyrockets.
Who gets hurt by that? Who gets hurt by the price of goods skyrocketing because there's an oversupply of money for people who didn't produce anything to get it, right?
Because usually when there's more money, now there's also more goods because people had to work and earn it by producing things.
So when you produce more goods, as the money supply goes up, then you're fine because you have more goods to buy with the money.
But when you don't have more goods to buy with the money, what happens? Here's what happens. Rich people will be totally fine because right now rich people don't spend a lot of money on the necessities of life.
Like as a percentage of their income, they spend a small percentage on food, shelter, travel, stuff like that, transportation.
But middle -class people, well, they spend a bigger percentage of their income on food. That's like me.
So I spend a bigger percentage on food. So when the price of food goes up, I have less discretionary income to invest or to save or whatever it is, right?
So I'll be affected more by inflation than rich people. But I'll probably be able to survive.
So if I have to spend double the amount on food tomorrow that I do today, I'll still be able to buy it.
I'll still be able to get food and I'll be fine. Who suffers the most? When you have these scams, passing out money like it's water, who suffers the most?
It's the poor people that suffer. So the very people that they claim to want to help, these poor black people that can't survive, racial inequality, this and that, they suffer from the inflation that the scams of the pagans cause because there's too much money in the system.
And so the very people that Matt Chandler is desperate to win approval and to wanna help, so he goes with the pagan idea.
He sounds identical to CNN or MSNBC. They're the ones that suffer. They can no longer afford to live because now food is double the cost.
Now transportation is double the cost. Now shelter is double the cost. And you created a ridiculous situation.
The same thing applies, by the way, to some of the vaccine stuff that you're seeing. They're gonna push hard to try to mandate vaccines.
They're gonna try to get every business to go along with it, everything like that. And so what do you do with people who can't afford to lose their job?
Look, if my businesses, my customers, demanded that I get the vaccine in order to continue to do business with me,
I would say no and I would suffer a little bit because I'd have less customers,
I'd have less business, of course, but I'd probably survive. And so I can say no and it affects me, but I can probably survive.
What about a poor person? What about someone who's living paycheck to paycheck? Now he's gotta get, he doesn't wanna get the jab, but now he's gotta get the jab, otherwise he loses his job.
That man all of a sudden has less option. That man is being oppressed because of not wanting to get the vaccine.
So of course, Big Eva and Matt Chandler and all these guys, they are all about the vaccine, just like CNN and MSNBC because they wanna be loved by the pagans.
And so they want to make sure to say everything the pagans are saying. You see, that's the problem, right? And so they end up, this is what the big issue is with me.
People have asked me, what's my angle? How dare I criticize Matt Chandler? Here's my angle. My angle is this.
I'm sick of these woke liberal Christians promoting these pagan ideas that they know will get them accolades.
They know it'll get them people applauding them. The pagans will love them and they'll say, oh yeah,
I guess you're not like those Christians over there, those fundamentalists. They know they're going to get interviewed by Vice.
They'll get the article. They're gonna get accolades, respect and praise from the pagans.
That's what they crave. And simultaneously, because they know their Bibles, they know that they're actually going to hurt the very people that they are pretending to love.
They're going to receive praise for helping blacks through promoting reparations or social justice and all this stuff.
They know they're gonna get accolades for that and they likewise know, unless they're idiots. But I don't think
Matt Chandler's an idiot. They likewise know that the very people that they're getting praise for wanting to help from the pagans are going to suffer more for it and they don't care.
That's my angle. I'm sick of these kinds of people that will receive praise for doing the opposite of what they should be doing.
That's my angle and it's just that simple. By the way, I've written an entire book about this. 80roblesmedia, 80robles .com.
You can purchase a copy of Social Justice Pharisees because these men often share a lot in common.
I'm talking about these men. A lot in common with the Pharisees.
They live for praise at the market. They live for the spots on vice. That's what they want.
They want power, prestige, esteem, money, applause, all of that stuff.
But they actually have a fake law that actually hurts the very people that they should be helping.
I wrote a book about it, Social Justice Pharisees, Woke Church Tactics and How to Engage. And you can get it at 80robles .com.
It's not available on Amazon yet. It doesn't release until December. However, I have advanced copies that I'm selling.
So if you find this content helpful, go ahead and order it. You can also get it on eBay as well. But I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless. By the way, stuff like inflation, God actually talks about inflation.
He talks about fooling around with the money supply to hurt poor people. That's something he literally, he judges nations for this, by the way.
The healthcare stuff and the coercion to try to get the jab. God addresses all of this.
And by the way, inflation is a systemic injustice. That's the system that's actually rigged to screw over poor people.
It's a rigged system. It's systemic injustice. That's a real systemic injustice, inflation. This vaccine mandate stuff.
That's a real systemic injustice. But evangelicals won't get any kudos from the pagans for being against those things.
So they just ignore those things. But the stuff that they will get kudos for addressing actually is fake systemic injustice.
Wealth inequality is not an injustice. So it can't even be a, how can it be a systemic injustice if it's not even an injustice? So you see, everything is upside down in the pagan lands.
And unfortunately, these men are living in the pagan lands. And so things are upside down for them as well.