WWUTT 2335 Q&A Inaugural Prayers, Christians and Anime, Mariann Budde's Hypocrisy

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Responding to questions from listeners about the various prayers that were prayed at Donald Trump's inauguration, should Christians watch anime, and examining the homily Mariann Budde preached at the inaugural prayer service. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


What do we make of the various prayers that were prayed at the inauguration? Is anime okay for Christians to enjoy?
And what else has Marianne Budde preached that is ungodly? The answers to these questions and others, when we understand the text.
This is When We Understand The Text, a daily Bible commentary to help encourage your time in the Word. Look for all of our
Bible studies and videos when you visit our website www .tt .com.
Once again, it's Pastor Gabe. Thank you, Becky. You're welcome. I did not do a mic check before we started.
No. You good? You hear everything okay? I'm all right. Our three -year -old had come in here and messed with the microphones and my knobs and everything, so I think we're okay.
I think we're set to go here. Well, it's been a while since we've been in Proverbs. I don't even remember where we left off, and I didn't go back and check.
We were somewhere in Chapter 7, and I want to say we finished, or at least we were pretty close to finishing
Chapter 7. All right. So let's jump into Chapter 8. Let's do it. This is our first time back in Proverbs in 2025.
It's been a whole year. So let's begin on Proverbs 8. This is the call of wisdom.
Now we've read about the adulteress. That was in Chapters 5, 6, and 7. And now contrasting this unwise, deadly woman with the wise woman who brings life.
So Proverbs 8, beginning in verse 1, does not wisdom call, does not understanding raise her voice?
On the heights beside the way, at the crossroads she takes her stand, beside the gates in front of the town, at the entrance of the portals she cries aloud, to you,
O men, I call, and my cry is to the children of man. O simple ones, learn prudence.
O fools, learn sense. There's the first five verses right there. So we'll stop there.
So remember the contrast with the adulteress woman is she goes to the doorway of her house and she calls, like, come to me, come into my house.
My bed has been anointed with perfumes. And she bats her eyes. My husband's gone away on a long journey.
We will not be caught. And she even goes as far as saying, I've already gone and sacrificed for my past sins.
So now this is innocent. Now this is okay. Incredibly deceptive.
But here wisdom calls, to you, O men, I call, and my cry is to the children of man.
So not just to the men of the times, but even their offspring, that we would all come and learn wisdom.
And not just any wisdom, but the wisdom of God. And the very first charge is,
O simple ones, learn prudence. O fools, learn sense. And that goes back to the beginning of Proverbs, because we had the same sort of thing that's said there.
Yeah. Get understanding, get wisdom, whatever you have to give up to get those things, then gain them.
Yes. And of course, the beginning of wisdom and knowledge, as said in Proverbs 1 .7, is the fear of God.
As said in Ephesians 5, look carefully how you walk, not as unwise, but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.
Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Now it may seem that things are kind of looking up here in the
United States of America in particular, because we just had a new president come in. Yes.
He's already been undoing a lot of the thing, a lot of wicked things that the previous administration was doing.
Yes. Including throwing in prison people who were protesting at abortion clinics. And Trump has let them out.
Ah, yes. He signed executive orders that these people that were jailed under the Biden -Harris regime have now been released and have been returned to their families.
And praise God for that. He's also signed an executive order that would end any government funding toward abortion.
Oh, really? Yep. Now, Trump and Vance are not 100 % pro -life. J .D.
Vance made that comment a couple of days ago, that he is 100 % pro -life. Not exactly. Yeah. Because they've said that they would not sign a federal ban on abortion.
This administration would not pass a federal ban on abortion. They've already said that. Yeah. So they're not 100 % pro -life, but definitely better than the alternative.
Right. So far. Yeah. It's better than what we would have had under Biden and Harris.
Oh, man. But there are still children dying today. And so we pray that with this new administration that's in it, it will literally save lives.
And we have an opportunity as Christians to be able to go out with the gospel and continue to advance the kingdom of God under the freedom of religion and freedom of speech that we enjoy here in the
United States. So let's exercise that. Yeah. Because we have opportunity. Now, our first question comes in here, by the way, this being the
Friday edition of the broadcast. Yep. We're taking questions from the listeners. And you can send those to whenweunderstandthetext at gmail .com
or send us a voicemail by going to wwutt .com and click on that voicemail tab in the top right corner of the page.
So this - We'd love to hear from you. We'd love to hear. I literally hear from you. So I got a couple of voicemails here.
This first email comes from Linda and says, Good morning, Pastor Gabe. I was hoping that you could create a video to explain how believers should react to the five prayers and the men who offered them at the inauguration on Monday.
Two were Catholic, one an Orthodox Jew, who is most likely not a Bible believer. And then there was
Franklin Graham and Lorenzo Sewell, who claimed to be professing Christians and they believe that Jesus is
Savior. I have my doubts about Franklin Graham, she says. I know nothing about Lorenzo Sewell, but I did enjoy his delivery invoking the
Negro spiritual. What are your thoughts about these universalist slash secular prayers at these types of occasions?
I listened to all five prayers. Did you? Yeah. I didn't. I missed them all. Yeah. I brought the kids downstairs when the inauguration was going on.
I was watching the live stream and it was at the two prayers that were being prayed by the
Catholic minister, I can't remember his name now, and Franklin Graham at the very beginning. Same Catholic bishop that prayed at Trump's first inauguration.
I recognized him. Oh, okay. So it was also the same guy who prayed in 2016 and Franklin Graham also prayed in 2016.
Right. Now, Graham's prayer was okay. I am going to make a video about that. I'm not going to cover all five prayers.
But I do want to make a video covering Graham's prayer because the way that he opened was he said, blessed is the nation whose
God is the Lord. That's Psalm 3312. Okay. And then he went on from there to quote something from Daniel.
I don't remember what it was. But the opening of his prayer was, blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Right.
Now, what does that verse mean? It means that if a nation follows
God, then they will be blessed. They will be blessed. Right. Of course, application -wise, that makes sense.
Right. And of course, that would be true. If this was a nation that followed Christ.
Yeah. That's what I'm saying. We're not anymore. We're not now.
And even ever since the founding of this nation, because you're talking about the
Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, Declaration of Independence says that we're all created equal with inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
We're created by our creator. So it says that, but it doesn't mention that that creator is
Jesus Christ. True. And then the Constitution doesn't say anything about it either. There are states with constitutions that acknowledge the kingship and lordship of Christ.
Right. But our national documents, our federal documents, do not recognize that about Christ.
Now we know that - And our money. Our money does. Yeah. In God we trust. Yeah. But doesn't say the name of Christ.
True. So even a Muslim can read in God we trust. Very true.
Even a Jew, an Orthodox Jew could read in God we trust and accept that.
But it doesn't acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord. So if there is a nation that recognizes
Christ as Lord, bows the knee to him, then surely that nation would be blessed. And that isn't the
United States of America. No. Not at its current state. Not in its founding documents.
I think the nation was there really before the founding documents. Definitely. And then since then, obviously the
U .S. has been in decline, getting further and further away from God. Rebellious. Yeah. Yes. So Psalm 3312, blessed is the nation whose
God is the Lord. That would certainly be true. Is that what Psalm 3312 means though? That if the
United States were to honor Christ that we would be blessed. The rest of that verse says, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage.
So again, the full verse is, and Franklin didn't read the full verse. Of course not. He just read the first half of it.
Yeah. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage.
Who's the people he's chosen as his heritage? His chosen. His people. The saved.
Yeah. The saved. Right. The church. Yes. The church. In the context of Psalm 33, it was
Israel. Right. Which was a nation that he had called out from every other nation.
And now it's the church. Right. It's the people of Israel that are followers of Christ because they're the church.
Yes. And then the rest, all of us who are Gentiles who likewise follow Christ, we are called out from the world.
We are those who have been chosen as his heritage. We are that nation that's being talked about in Psalm 3312.
We are the nation whose God is the Lord. We are the heirs. Yes. Right. Followers of Christ, heirs of his eternal kingdom.
In 1 Peter 2, 9, where it says, you are a chosen race, a holy nation, as Peter is addressing the church.
And so it's those who are in Christ Jesus. The passage going on to say, once you were not a people, now you're
God's people. Right. Once you had not received mercy, now you have received mercy. So that's what
Psalm 3312 is describing. It's not describing the United States of America, which is the way
Franklin Graham made that sound. Yes. Now, I know that there were a lot of people that just loved hearing how often
God was called upon in the prayers and in other aspects of the inaugural service on Monday.
But is it the kind of thing where it's like, what's it called, Mars Hill or something like that, where it's like, let's just go down the row and pray to every
God, you know? Well, they didn't do that. You know what I mean? I mean, I didn't get - Because they had a Catholic, they had a
Jew, they had - Sure. You know. I didn't get the sense of that. No? It was more like, how many faiths or how many traditions regarding the
Hebrew God can we acknowledge? Oh, okay. Hence, having the
Orthodox Jew that was there. Who doesn't acknowledge that Jesus is the Christ? Right. But you have the two
Catholics that do, although they also think Mary helps us attain salvation.
And not just Mary, but the saints. Yeah. The saints, they worship the Eucharist, believing that it's
God, all kinds of idolatry that exists within Roman Catholicism.
It is a false religion that has lost the gospel, it's apostate. And so, really, if there's anybody in that service who would be most genuinely for the
Lord, it would have been Franklin Graham and Lorenzo Sewell. Now, who is Lorenzo Sewell? No idea.
Well, this is the guy that prayed at the inauguration. I made fun of him in one of my videos. Not the inauguration.
He did pray at the inauguration, but I was thinking of the Republican National Convention. Oh, okay. Because it was right after Trump survived the assassination attempt.
Oh, yeah. And Lorenzo Sewell was there. He did that whole Ephesians 6 snafu, too.
Trump was nearly assassinated at 6 -11. And so, it's Ephesians 6 -11 that says, put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.
Yes. Well, that was a common thing that was floating around online. I think it was Jack Posobiec was the first one who made the comment.
And then, like, Megyn Kelly picked it up, and it just started floating around all over the place.
So, then Lorenzo Sewell repeated it when he did his prayer at the Republican National Convention, only he said, did you know that Trump was nearly assassinated at 6 -11?
Well, when you go to Ephesians 6 -11, it says, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
And, no, that's not what Ephesians 6 -11 says. Now, that is the verse right before Ephesians 6 -10, be strong in the
Lord and in the strength of his might. Oh, I was going to say, does he have one of those translations that just kind of like ad lib, basically?
But then verse 11 is, put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Oh, okay.
So, he just got the wrong verse. Yeah. But that verse also doesn't have anything to do with Trump surviving an assassination attempt.
Nope. So, it's one of those things where, you know, it's a topical thing, it's taking a verse out of context, it's making it apply to the thing that you want it to apply to, instead of understanding that what the scripture is talking about is trusting in Christ.
It's only those who are in Christ Jesus who have the armor of God. And what each one of those things, what each piece of that armor represents.
And so, Lorenzo Sewell missed it too. I think that he's prosperity. I think he's a prosperity preacher.
I don't know that for sure, because he's relatively new. He didn't become a pastor until about seven years ago.
And then we didn't know who this man was until he prayed at the Republican National Convention in, you know,
July of 2024. Okay. Interesting. So, now he's prayed at the inauguration service.
We're only just getting familiar with who he is. So, whatever his doctrine is, his theology,
I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure he's on the prosperity side of things, because that's who Trump gravitates toward.
Yeah. Franklin Graham, of course, is the leader of Samaritan's Purse, and Trump has been very praising of that organization.
The job that they did, the job that they have been doing, cleaning up after the hurricanes in Western North Carolina. They do a really good job.
Yeah, they do incredible. And I've worked with them before in the past. Yes. And, of course, Franklin Graham has the name recognition, because he's
Billy Graham's son. Yes. So, if I can get the Billy Graham family on my side, that looks pretty good for Donald Trump.
But, yeah, what you saw there in that service was this very ecumenical gathering together around Trump, praying not for the purpose of actually honoring
God, but to appeal to the most number of people across this certain ecumenical spectrum.
There was also kind of a... I could see that. Yeah. And so, while what you said isn't necessarily the action, it wasn't praying to the most number of gods.
Yeah. Right? Well, I mean, they kind of were, but... Yeah. It wasn't like having the necklace... But they weren't in active worship of those gods.
It was more of, let's promote... Representation. Yeah. Yeah. So, it wasn't like the person who wears the necklace that has the
Islam or the Muslim moon on it, and the Star of David, and the Christian cross, and the...
Some sort of... The coexist thing. Yeah, right. Some sort of atheist symbol or whatever. It's like, I'm just trying to make sure that I'm covering all my bases here.
Right, right. See, that's what I thought you were going for. And then I was like, oh, yeah, that's so true that they're not actually praying to pray and honor their gods.
Because they were actually just there to promote or to lift up Trump and hit his administration, you know, versus praying for God's blessing and praying to honor him.
Right. It wasn't glorifying God. No. And so, I get why so many people were like, oh,
I love hearing how God is called upon, and even the name of Jesus Christ is being mentioned in this inaugural service. Yes.
But context. Right. I mean, we as Christians can be offended by the fact that these things were being done in vain.
Yes. I know that things are more conservative than they were under the previous administration.
But don't look at it like this is a breath of fresh air. Yeah. Because we're still sinking. Right. Trump is still the most pro -gay, pro -abortion...
I won't say he's the most pro -abortion. I was gonna say. Yeah, I don't think that'd necessarily be true.
But he's not pro -life. He's not, as J .D. Vance said, 100 % pro -life.
Right. He's not that way. He's definitely going to do some things that are more in favor of the pro -life cause than what
Biden and Harris were doing. Definitely. But he shouldn't be thought of as being, you know, as said, 100 % pro -life.
Yeah. Pro -choice, they're definitely on the side of that. So there is an aspect of their message that a woman should have the right to choose up to a certain, like, trimester.
Yeah. So we haven't seen any sort of legislation that necessarily hands that down.
With all of the executive orders that Trump signed within the first, you know, five days of his presidency or whatever, none of those were abortion is illegal.
Yeah. Right. You cannot murder unborn children. Right. And that's the one we should have hoped to see, plus from our commander in chief, a stepping forward to lead the rest of this country in repentance for the bloodshed that's occurred over the last 50 plus years of Roe versus Wade.
So we haven't seen that. Still praying for the man. Would love to see an administration that would lead more steadily in those kinds of things.
Yeah. And his soul to be saved. Yeah. His soul to be saved. Same with J .D. Vance. Yes. We'd love to see them come to the
Lord, but it's still upon the church. The church has to be the one that's out there with the gospel. We're not waiting for our elected officials to come around.
God has given this to the church to go out with the gospel of Jesus Christ and be sharing it with our nation and the nations.
Amen. And so let us fulfill that great commission duty and be out there doing it. All right.
Let's see if I have enough time to get to any of these other questions here. Let's get to this one.
Hello, Pastor Hughes and Mrs. Hughes. Or should I say
Hughes Bokushu and Hughes -san? Sorry if I'm not getting the honorifics correct.
Since I am most familiar with the Chinese culture that I grew up with rather than the
Japanese culture, I am wondering about your take on anime.
So this medium has, well, taken a high amount of interest among my generation, which is the
Gen Z generation. In fact, you might notice that there's like some trends indicating that more
Gen Zers are watching anime in recent years. So yeah,
I am wondering on your opinion on anime. And here's the bonus question.
What is your hot take on the plot lines and the character developments in popular anime?
So that's that. Have a nice day and goodbye. So I didn't introduce who that was.
That was Hexen Liu. Oh, okay. Hi. I thought the name was going to come up in the question, so I should have said that in the very beginning.
So the question then having to do with anime, what's my take on anime? Well, if you're just talking about an art style,
I don't have a problem with it. Our kids will watch the Pokemon cartoons, and that's in an anime style.
The way that it's illustrated, the way that it's drawn, that's the medium that we refer to as anime.
It sounds like Hexen's question, though, has to do with the storytelling and the popular cartoons and things like that.
There's a lot of popular cartoons. Lots of them. I know there's a ton of stuff. Sometimes I'll come across it on X, where somebody is gushing over some sort of plot twist that happened in their favorite anime cartoon or something like that.
I follow none of it. Yeah. And I follow very, very little.
Yeah. Very, very little. So as far as... I've actually watched once. I don't even think
I've done that. I can't say that I've watched a single episode of any of these popular anime cartoons.
We had watched... I'll kind of open this box a little bit. We watched multiple episodes of Voltron that was the recreated
Voltron done by Dreamworks and was released on Netflix. So years ago when this came out, me and the kids would watch some of the
Voltron episodes. I'd watch them, too. They started going in a direction of adding in some sexually immoral stuff.
And at that point, we kind of quit. But that's in the anime style.
I don't know if that fits in the anime genre. And I don't know if that's the kind of stuff that we're talking about.
But with regard to anything, whether it's anime, whether it's live action, a sitcom, a movie...
A comic book. Comic books, whatever. What are you filling your mind with? This comes back to whenever we've talked about our entertainment choices.
Is it something that honors the Lord? Are you opening your mind to things that's gonna send you down a really dark path and begin thinking about fleshly appetites?
And you're being entertained by lusts and things that Scripture says Christ died for.
We should not be entertained by. We should put those things away. As said in Colossians 3, put off the old self with its practices and put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator.
And so we need to be after those things that are honoring of the Lord, not constantly filling our minds with things that are wicked and evil that God has promised that he's going to judge.
Right. So even without knowing what else is in these anime cartoons, that's a discipline that you should enact when it comes to any of your entertainment choices.
If it's something that you think of often or dwell on or it comes to mind or you're addicted to it or whatever the case may be, if it's the sinful part of that show that you are constantly coming back to, turn it off.
Just avoid it. Know that that is something that you in your flesh cannot handle, monitor well, and give that to the
Lord and ask for him for help for turning away from that sin. And then if there's one that you can follow and it doesn't bring to mind all those thoughts of that way, then
I would think that it would be okay to entertain. But yeah, just be careful because it's easy to fall down that rabbit hole.
Oh, sure. Yeah. Go down a dark path. Yeah. So like I said, as far as the medium goes, if you're talking about that art style,
I don't have any reason to oppose it. I used to read a lot of comic books when
I was younger and the same sort of a thing. There were some comic books that were really, really bad and should not have been entertained by those kinds of things.
But then there are other comic books that are more on the innocent side, just adventure stories. So it's the same sort of thing there.
Do you think comic books are bad? It kind of depends on what's in the comic book. So the art... And there's definitely some anime out there.
Oh, I know. Probably quite a bit of anime out there that is not worth watching.
Like I said, I've come across the clips. When some plot twist happens, I'm like, ugh, why would you...
Well, the one that I tried to watch, I was like, why is this...
I fell asleep through it. And I was like, I don't understand why this is so popular.
And so it was... Yeah. I didn't even get to the plot. I feel that way about most pop culture stuff.
Yeah. I don't understand why people like this. And maybe it's just because I didn't watch it enough times, but I was just like, yeah,
I'm kind of over it. So it's definitely not for me.
And what are we? We're not Gen Z. We're... Aren't we like Xennials?
Xennials, yeah. Because we're right in between Gen X and Millennial? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So... Because we were born right at the end of Gen X and we're right at the beginning of Millennial.
Yeah. You're closer to Millennial than me. True, true. But I still... I mean, I didn't grow up...
Happy birthday, by the way. Thank you. I didn't grow up with a computer in my home until I was in elementary school.
So I kind of, sort of did, but not really, you know? Yeah. And we did have a microwave, but it was an ancient one that lasted forever.
I think I pretty much always grew up with a microwave. Anyway, we're not going to go down this long. No, no, no, no. But anyway, so all that to say, we are on the older side, so it's not made for entertaining us.
Went from anime to microwaves. Where in the world did... Well, it's just one of those things that's like, are you a
Gen Z? I mean, not Gen Z, but are you a Millennial or are you a Gen X?
You know? And that's the, like, break. Yeah. You know? Like, the
Millennials always had computers and all these fancy schmancy things and...
And by the way, folks, I did tell my wife happy birthday before this episode. That wasn't the first time
I said happy birthday to her. But now you all know it's her birthday. Yay! It's my birthday. If you have any other questions you'd like to send to us, email whenweunderstandthetext at gmail .com,
or don't forget, you can leave us a voicemail by going to wwutt .com. I'm going to be back here in just a moment.
For those of you listening to the podcast edition, we've got more to come. If you're listening on the radio, then you've got to sign up for the podcast.
Subscribe and follow and you get even more content. Yes, for free. For this Friday edition of the
Q &A. Yeah, it's free. You don't have to Patreon anything or whatever. Just find it at wwutt .com.
Babe? Yes? Always wonderful to see you. Likewise.
And share this time with you doing the broadcast. God bless you guys. We'll talk to you again next week.
The day after Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the
United States, he and his family, along with Vice President J .D. Vance and his wife, attended the inaugural prayer service held at the
Washington National Cathedral. Episcopalian Bishop Marianne Buddy preached a homily in which she went after the president, saying,
Let me make one final plea, Mr. President. In the name of our
God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now.
There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and independent families, some who fear for their lives.
What does she think the president is going to do to them? He nominated for his administration a homosexual man who claims to be married to another man, even though marriage is only between a man and a woman.
Now, in his inaugural address, Trump did say, It will henceforth be the official policy of the
United States government that there are only two genders, male and female.
There's nothing deadly about that message. That's simply acknowledging a biological fact. But this woman would lead people to judgment, even children, in perverse sexual sin.
She, and teachers like her, should be responded to the way the Apostle Paul replied to Elemas the magician in Acts 13.
You child of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the
Lord? If there's any rebuke President Trump needed to hear, it should have been, Repent, for judgment is coming.
God hates the murder of the unborn and the redefinition of marriage. Turn to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and bow to his authority when we understand the text.
So let's come back to that comment. I played it on the podcast this past Wednesday, because as Providence would have it, we were finishing up the
Sermon on the Plain in Luke chapter 6, and at the beginning of her homily, Mary Ann Buddy, the bishop there of the
Washington Diocese, she made a comment at the beginning of that homily about how unity is the rock upon which
Christ has said we are to build. Well, we looked at that in Luke chapter 6 and saw, no, the rock is
Christ and what he taught, which Mary Ann Buddy and the entire Episcopalian denomination is not built upon.
They are entirely leftist. They have very liberal theology. I mean, it's not even worth saying that it's liberal theology.
It's so heretical, so far out in left field, you couldn't even remotely call it biblical.
Now, in the homily that Mary Ann Buddy preached, she did make some scriptural references, even made a reference to the
Sermon on the Mount. But you would know immediately walking into that place that they've left the gospel.
They've left sound doctrine a long time ago. All you have to do is look and see who is in the pulpit and preaching.
They have denied God's word and appointed a woman to be the bishop of the
Washington Diocese. And this woman was appointed because of her political activism.
It's not because of her qualifications, of course. She's unqualified according to scripture. She has been outspokenly in favor of abortion, outspokenly opposed to deporting illegal immigrants.
She has made comments about Trump going back a decade or so. These comments that she made in this message were nothing new.
How in the world did she even get cleared to be preaching that message at the inaugural prayer service with the first family sitting right there on the front row?
Trump and his wife, Melania, and then you also had J .D. Vance, the second family, Vice President J .D.
Vance and his wife, who were sitting there as well. That woman should never have even been up there preaching that message.
They would have known, oh, she hates Trump. We know that some anti -Trump stuff is going to come up in this particular sermon.
I just don't even know how she got cleared for that. Even given that this administration is not exactly sound in doctrine, they're probably perfectly fine with woman teachers.
In fact, we know they are because, oh, what's her name? Paula White Cain has been
Trump's spiritual advisor. She herself being a charismatic woman preacher.
So they're fine with women pastors. We know that wouldn't have been enough to dismiss
Marianne Buddy from preaching the inaugural prayer sermon. But the fact that she's been so anti -Trump, how in the world did she even get that spot?
Anyway, regarding all of this, of course, there were a lot of people online following the comments that had surfaced from this homily saying that Marianne Buddy shouldn't have even been preaching because, of course, she's a woman.
She's not qualified in the first place. Well, Danny from Sydney, Australia, made this comment.
She said, Dear Complementarian Pastors, if you are outraged by Marianne Edgar Buddy's comments, be outraged at the substance of what she said, rather than because she said it as an ordained woman.
Make it about what it actually is, okay? Well, I responded to that and I said
Buddy's sex and doctrine are inextricably linked. All women in the role of pastor.
Are on the liberal side of theology. What Buddy said just furthers the point.
Scripture is clear. 1 Corinthians 14, 1
Timothy 2, 2 Timothy 2, 1 Peter 5, Titus 1, verses 5 -9.
These sections we look at for the qualifications of an elder or an overseer or a pastor, bishop.
All these terms are synonymous. And one of the first qualifications that are given there, especially in 1
Timothy 3 and in Titus 1, is that it must be a man. A pastor must be a man.
And so we know that she's immediately dismissive of the clear teaching of scripture.
That doesn't apply to me. She and other women pastors say. So they are on the liberal side.
They're always on the liberal side of their theology. Now, having said that, Jeremy from England responded to me and he said all women is very broad generalization that certainly isn't justified by the facts.
I know a number of women who preach the word faithfully and are in church leadership at some level and not one of them would support, for example, gay marriage.
Well, I didn't say that all women pastors are going to support gay marriage. I also don't know what you mean by women in leadership.
I mean, we have women in leadership in the church, in our church. Like there's a woman who leads the hospitality team.
You know, that would be a leadership position. We're talking about the role of pastor, not just the office of pastor, but even the function of that office.
For as Al Muller said, the office is the function and the function is the office. A woman may not have the title of senior pastor, but if as a pastor she is fulfilling the function of that office, then she and the rest of that church are in biblical disobedience, completely going against what is clearly taught in scripture about who is qualified for that position.
Now, that doesn't mean all men are qualified for that position. They have to meet the other qualifications that are given there, but you would only be looking at male candidates, no women.
And anyone, any church or denomination or woman that is in that spot, they're all going to be on the liberal side of theology because they deliberately disobey a clear teaching of scripture and what
God has said with regards to roles of men and women in the church. That doesn't mean that she as a woman pastor is also accepting of gay marriage, but they're on that path.
And we've seen that time and time again. We saw that with the United Methodists just this past year.
They began ordaining women decades ago, and now they're accepting of gay marriage. Same thing happened with the
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Began with ordaining women, eventually got to where? Now they are ordaining gay clergy.
You're also seeing the same thing with the PCUSA, the Presbyterian Church USA.
Ordain women, decades go by, and of course now they're fully LGBTQ affirming.
Many other denominations follow the same suit. Now, there may be some denominations that are slower getting there than others.
A lot of the Charismatics, for example, they ordain women as pastors, but you'll hear in most Charismatic assemblies, like, for example, the
Assemblies of God, that homosexuality is an abominable sin. So that's one denomination that is accepting of women pastors and may not have gone in the direction of affirming gay marriage, but they're in that direction.
And their theology is still liberal, because they go against what Scripture clearly teaches about who is qualified, who can be qualified, to fill the role of a pastor.
But let me go ahead and take up Dani on that challenge. So she says, don't be mad at the fact that it's a woman in the pulpit.
Oh, I can still be outraged by that, absolutely. But rather, make it about what she actually said, okay?
Let's review the entire sermon. It's not that long, it's only 15 minutes, and it really, if you sped it up, probably wouldn't even take you nine minutes, because she talks awfully slow, with a lot of gaps in between the things she says.
That's kind of the cadence that she follows. You'll get that here. Anyway, let's listen to the message, and I'll pause it as we go and point out the problems.
Now, keep in mind, we already know what the payoff is. This portion where she rebukes
Trump and says this thing about being accepting of LGBTQ people, and then also rebukes Trump for deporting illegal aliens, that's in the section two.
We know that's ultimately where the sermon is getting to, because that's not until toward the end.
So as she will say things here about being tolerant of one another, and being unified, and how we need to accept views that are different than ours, everything she's saying here is completely hypocritical.
Let's begin. This was the homily that was preached at the Washington National Cathedral on January the 21st, 2025, also known as the inaugural prayer service.
Here we go. And we've already got a problem, don't we?
Let the meditation of my heart, the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight,
O God. That is from Psalm 19, verse 14. And we know that the meditation of her heart is not acceptable to God.
We know that the words of her mouth are not going to be acceptable to the Lord. So this is a prayer that God is not listening to.
It's not genuine. She's just paying lip service to the Lord, but in her heart doesn't really care about who
God is or what he has said in his word. As we considered recently with the teaching in Jeremiah chapter five, though they say as the
Lord lives, yet they swear falsely. The Jews were proclaiming to worship
God, but they said these things in vain, for they went after false gods. And that's the case with the entire
Episcopalian denomination as well. They have long since left the gospel and the teaching that accords with godliness and they'll pay lip service to these things, but not actually believe them.
So this is not a genuine prayer, nor is it a prayer that God answers for this service.
We continue on. Please be seated. Again, my warm welcome to all who have gathered in this house of prayer, for all people and for those who are joining us via live stream.
As a country, we have gathered this morning to pray for unity as a people and a nation, not for agreement, political or otherwise, but for the kind of unity that fosters community across diversity and division, a unity that serves the common good.
Unity in this sense is a threshold requirement for people to live in freedom and together in a free society.
It is the solid rock, as Jesus said, in this case, upon which to build a nation.
Now that was the section that I looked at on Wednesday because, of course, that's not what
Jesus said about the solid rock. It's not unity. It's not the unity upon which we build a nation.
According to whether you want to look at Matthew chapter 7 or Luke chapter 6 and either one of those two places where Jesus talks about building upon a foundation that is the rock.
It's in reference to himself and his word. Looking again at Luke 6 47, everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them,
I will show you what he is like. He is like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock.
And when a flood came, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it because it had been well built.
But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation.
When the stream broke against it, immediately it fell and the ruin of that house was great.
Now earlier where Mary and Buddy said that we're gathered here to pray for unity.
That's what we're here for is to pray for unity. Again, that's a prayer that the Lord does not hear nor will he answer.
For as said in Psalm 66 18, if I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the
Lord would not have listened. And like I said, we already know where this message is going.
We know that it is eventually getting to Mary and Buddy making this appeal to accept even trans children, which is a wretched, brutal ideology in which she's asking that you need to be tolerant of these kids, this boy who thinks he's a girl and let him have his private parts mutilated if that's what his parents want behind every quote unquote trans child is an abusive adult.
And maybe the parent, maybe a teacher, maybe some other adult is pushing this ideology on that child, but this child has been abused by this wretched teaching and doctrine which
Mary and Buddy believes and would force upon children. So she cherishes sin and wickedness in her heart.
The Lord is not gonna listen to this prayer. If there's anything that she, along with the people who share her ideology, are gonna be unified in, it's sin.
Just like Herod and Pilate were unified. It says they became friends the day that Jesus was crucified.
The scripture says that they saw eye to eye finally. What were they unified in?
The death of the Son of God. The greatest, most heinous sin that's ever been perpetuated by mankind.
They were unified in that. But they did not have unity in God, certainly not in the favor of God and nor does the
Washington National Cathedral. So we continue on here with the message.
It is not conformity. It is not victory. It is not polite weariness or passivity born of exhaustion.
Unity is not partisan. Rather unity is a way of being with one another that it encompasses and respects our differences that teaches us to hold multiple perspectives and life experiences as valid and worthy of respect.
That enables us in our communities and in the halls of power to genuinely care for one another even when we disagree.
Genuinely care for one another based on what? Like what's the standard by which we would consider genuine care?
And for the Washington National Cathedral for Mary Ann Buddy, of course, the standard is not
God's word. So what's it going to be based on? The shifting winds of changing ideology, right?
Being tossed to and fro by every shifting wind of doctrine? What Mary Ann Buddy considers to be acceptable and tolerant today she may change her mind about tomorrow and she will start calling out an ideology that she previously held as bigoted.
Yeah, we don't believe that anymore. Now we believe this. So whatever is caring is going to be based on what the culture says is caring today.
That's her standard. But what should our standard be? God's word.
What does God say is loving? And what God says is loving may be hated by the world but that's on them.
That's not on us who know to love others according to what God says.
We can't go along with this transgender ideology and let men mutilate themselves believing that they can become women.
It's a lie. We're not going to lie. You speak the truth in love. If it's not loving, if it's not true, it's not loving.
And like I said, everything Mary Ann Buddy says is hypocrisy anyway. This is a woman who is very pro -abortion.
Of course the language they use is reproductive rights or reproductive health. But that's code for murdering unborn children.
Here she is talking about how to be a good Christian means loving abortion.
Listen here. You can be an adherent of the spectrum of life and still respect a woman's right to choose in reproductive health and including when to have an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy.
So I'll just say that as a Christian. I believe that's possible and still hold to the full spectrum of life.
So you can be a Christian and murder children in the womb according to her. This is her standard of care.
This is what she considers caring. So when she talks here in this message about how we care for one another not unborn children though, right?
Let's continue on. Those across our country who dedicate their lives or who volunteer to help others in times of natural disaster, often at great risk to themselves never ask those they are helping for whom they voted in a past election or what positions they hold on a particular issue.
And we are at our best when we follow their example. Now what's ironic about that is we know that the
Biden administration was not providing help in the Southeast those portions of the United States devastated by the hurricanes.
It was actually going out among disaster relief workers. Those that were like FEMA and were sent out by the government that if somebody had a
Trump sign in their yard they were to be bypassed. Go on to somebody else. The Biden administration was very slow to administer aid to the
Southeast part of the United States, which generally runs red. You know what I mean? Red states that vote
Republican, but they were on top of wanting to get money and aid to California, the far left side of the country, both politically and geographically.
They're on the far left side of the country. The Biden administration was a lot more on top of getting money out there.
Which is fine. I'm not saying they shouldn't. I'm just saying the bias here that she's talking about is more on the left than it is on the right.
As Donald Trump was just recently in North Carolina, just yesterday I guess it was, with his wife
Melania and was congratulating Samaritan's Purse which is
Franklin Graham's organization for the work that they've done out there. They've been helping everybody regardless of their ideology or political background.
And you've got Christians that are out there, part of Samaritan's Purse, doing that work. I hope and pray that in their opportunities they have to be the hands and feet of Christ.
They're also taking the gospel with them in the people that they serve and help. For it's only the gospel that saves.
It's only the gospel that brings hope. The gospel, of course which is not preached at the Washington National Cathedral.
For unity, at times is sacrificial in the way that love is sacrificial.
A giving of ourselves for the sake of another. In his sermon on the mount,
Jesus of Nazareth exhorts us to love not only our neighbors but to love our enemies.
And to pray for those who persecute us. To be merciful as our
God is merciful. To forgive others as God forgives us.
Does Marianne Buddy exhibit that though? Do we see from her love for her enemies?
Or forgiving others? She certainly doesn't show care to the unborn.
We already know that. And Jesus went out of his way to welcome those whom his society deemed as outcasts.
Where are unborn children in that? Now I grant you that unity in this broad expansive sense is aspirational.
And it's a lot to pray for. It's a big ask of our God. Worthy of the best of who we are and who we can be.
The best of who we are and who we can be. What does scripture say about that class?
Jeremiah chapter 17 The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick.
Who can understand it? In Romans 3 10 -12 there is none who does good.
No one is righteous. No not one. Romans 3 23 all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
The best of ourselves as said in Isaiah 64 is as filthy rags before a holy
God. We can only be made righteous by faith in Jesus Christ.
Which will not come up in this sermon. But there isn't much to be gained by our prayers if we act in ways that further deepen the divisions among us.
Our scriptures are quite clear about this. That God is never impressed with prayers when actions are not informed by them.
Nor does God spare us from the consequences of our deeds which always in the end matter more than the words we pray.
Our deeds matter more than the words we pray. See that's a very social justice sort of thing to say.
That actions speak louder than words. The words you pray and the things you do are equally important.
You should pray and then you should also live your life in a way that is according to the faith that you have.
The one in whom you believe. You believe in Jesus Christ. Does your life exhibit
Christ -like qualities? But she says that actions are more important because she's going to put a greater emphasis on social justice matters.
The way that we the different policies and things like that we accept as a society and of course all those policies are going to be leftist in their ideology.
Those of us gathered here in the cathedral, we are not naive about the realities of politics.
When power and wealth and competing interests are at stake, when views of what
America should be are in conflict, when there are strong opinions across a spectrum of possibilities and starkly different understandings of what the right course of action is, there will be winners and losers.
When votes are cast, decisions made that set the course of public policy and the prioritization of resources.
It goes without saying that in a democracy not everyone's particular hopes and dreams can be realized in a given legislative session or a presidential term, not even in a generation.
And the United States is not a democracy. This just seems to need to be said over and over again.
Everybody needs a civics class. The United States of America is a constitutional republic and there are things that are chosen by vote of course, the vote of the people, but even the selection of the president himself is not a majority vote.
It's according to the Electoral College. After all, it was back in 2016, it said that Donald Trump did not win the majority vote.
Hillary Clinton did, but Donald Trump won the Electoral College. I have doubts about that one myself.
Even back in 2016. I know 2020 is the one that everybody thinks was fixed. I think you can make some evidences for quite a few elections going quite a ways back.
But anyway, that's neither here nor there. Where she's talking about winners and losers here. We live in a democracy, so we have to be able to get along with one another.
The ironic thing is she is a bishop in the Episcopal Church. Episcopal.
Episcopate. Which is a form of church polity in which one person is at the top.
So Mary Ann Buddy is at the top of the Washington Diocese. It's not a democracy. She does not take votes.
She doesn't listen to anyone else's opinion. When it comes to the decisions that are made for the Washington Diocese, she's at the top of that list.
That's the way an episcopate works. So anyway, kind of ironic to be making that comment about the
United States of America when the Episcopalian Church doesn't even work that way. Which is to say, not everyone's specific prayers for those of us who are people of prayer, not everyone's prayers will be answered in the way we would like.
Certainly not if you cherish sin in your heart. But for some, the loss of their hopes and dreams will be far more than political defeat, but instead a loss of equality and dignity and their livelihoods.
And that's a very loaded statement, of course, because this is all building up toward well, now
I'm going to tell you what this is all about. You need to be accepting of LGBTQ people and illegal aliens.
Given this, then, is true unity among us even possible?
And why should we care about it? Well, I hope we care.
I hope we care. You know, that kind of undoes everything she just said, doesn't it?
Is true unity among us even possible? That we should strive for it? It needs to be the rock upon which we're built?
Which Jesus didn't say, but of course that's what she's saying in the sermon. But are we even able to achieve it?
And you're not able to see her facial expressions here. I mean, her facial expressions are just kind of like, eh. I don't even think we can...
I don't even think we can be unified in this room. Because the culture of contempt that has become normalized in this country threatens to destroy us.
We are all bombarded daily with messages from what sociologists now call the outrage industrial complex.
She marched in the Black Lives Matter marches, by the way, back in 2020. Some of that driven by external forces whose interests are furthered by a polarized
America. Contempt fuels political campaigns and social media, and many profit from that.
But it's a worrisome, it's a dangerous way to lead a country.
I'm a person of faith surrounded by people of faith. No. I mean, they're religious people.
Like, if the Apostle Paul were to walk into that place as he did the Areopagus in Acts chapter 17, he would say,
I can see that you are a very religious people. This is a gorgeous cathedral that they're holding this service in, the
Washington National Cathedral. It's not that old, either. I think it was built 50 years ago or something like that.
I can't remember how old it is. They've hosted 10 inaugural prayer services like this now. It's not been around for that long, but it is a gorgeous building.
And it makes me jealous because I'm looking at this thing going, man, I'd love to have that for my church. And here you are preaching this heresy in this place, this godless doctrine.
The gospel is not even proclaimed here. Why do you get a building like this? That's the fleshly side of me, saying that.
I would love to have a building that gorgeous, but I would much rather have the gospel more.
And the little tiny place that we meet in right now, we love because the gospel is proclaimed there.
Wherever we gather, we love God's word, and we hear the gospel of Jesus Christ about his death on the cross for us, his resurrection from the dead, so that all who believe in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.
Even a gospel message that simple and that short won't even be proclaimed here at the Washington National Cathedral.
All of this that she's saying is entirely politically charged. It is not grounded in God's word in any way.
And with God's help, I believe that unity in this country is possible. Not perfectly, for we are imperfect people and an imperfect union, but sufficient enough to keep us all believing in and working to realize the ideals of the
United States of America, ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence with its assertion of innate human equality and dignity.
And we are right to pray for God's help as we seek unity, for we need
God's help. But only if we ourselves are willing to tend to the foundations upon which unity depends.
Like Jesus' analogy of building a house of faith on the rock of his teachings as opposed to building a house on sand, the foundations we need for unity must be sturdy enough to withstand the many storms that threaten it.
Well there she said building a house on the rock of his teachings.
So she thinks his teachings are, you just need to be unified. What did
Jesus say about that kind of unity? He said, don't think that I have come to bring peace.
I haven't come to bring peace but a sword. That's Matthew 10, 34. For I have come to set a man against his father and a daughter against her mother and a daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me.
And whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
Whoever finds his life will lose it. And whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
So Jesus explicitly says that the purpose of his coming is not to unify people.
In fact by following Christ you will very much be divided from everyone else who doesn't follow
Jesus. As said in the book of Hosea and then Peter talks about who we are in Christ in 1
Peter chapter 2. Once we were not a people but now we are God's people. Once we had not received mercy now we have received mercy.
That's only for those who are in Christ. Only those who are in Christ can be unified. Unified in Christ in his blood, in his word, in his spirit in the one baptism we share with one another.
One God and father of us all who is over all and through all and in all. That's all from Ephesians chapter 4.
But it's only those who are in Christ who have that. What she is appealing for here is an unattainable unity.
And so what are they? The foundations of unity drawing from our sacred traditions and text let me suggest that there are at least three.
Now in the feed that I'm watching right here this is a gorgeous shot. The camera is behind her and you're looking at the rows of people that are right there.
And by the way the people that are attending this service I believe are all in positions of government.
So it's like by invite only that you can attend the inaugural prayer service. It's not open to anybody to be able to attend.
We can watch the live stream but not anybody could be in there. So you've got people in that room who are genuine
Christians. Not everybody in that room is Episcopalian. So there are people in the room who genuinely love
God. I want to believe there are. That know the true Christ of the Bible and are a follower of Jesus and his teaching.
And yet they're out of formality, out of pomp and circumstance they're willing to sit there and listen to this.
I would have walked out before this even got started. Seeing that a woman is going to stand there in the pulpit
I wouldn't have even remained to listen to it. I remember attending the National Religious Broadcasters NRB back in 2020.
This was right at the start of the year before COVID hit. My dad was being honored with the
Legacy Award and that's given out to a person who has 50 years of experience in Christian radio.
So I was there for his award. My son Zachary was with me so we had three generations of Hughes's right there to honor my dad.
But after the festivities all the awards that had been handed out incidentally
John MacArthur was receiving his 50 year award at that same service.
Phil Johnson came up and accepted it on his behalf. But that was all the same service that my dad was receiving his award.
Anyway after they handed out the awards and all of that was done then somebody got up to preach they had a message for this ceremony and it was
Ann Graham Lotz Billy Graham's daughter yeah I got up and left I didn't stay there to listen to her teach
I did it politely I excused myself and said I'm going to go to the bathroom and Zeej came along with me.
We waited outside until the message was done and then I went back in. I didn't even listen to it outside I mean
I wasn't present for any of it but I won't sit there and listen to a woman teach in that capacity as a pastor.
You can get up and walk out of sermons that are heretical that's okay and this woman's entire theology is heresy the first foundation for unity is honoring the inherent dignity of every human being but not the unborn right?
She doesn't honor unborn children so she fails her own standard for unity.
Which is as all the faiths represented here affirm, the birthright of all people as children of our one
God hmm everyone deserves a birthright except the unborn
I just played the clip a little bit ago. She said it's actually Christian to affirm when an abortion can take place.
When a woman has a right to be able to off her child it's Christian to give her that right to be able to do that In public discourse honoring each other's dignity means refusing to mock or discount or demonize those with whom we differ.
Choosing instead to respect respectfully debate our differences and whenever possible to seek common ground and if common ground is not possible dignity demands that we remain true to our convictions without contempt for those who hold convictions of their own
I have a hard time believing she would be preaching this same homily if it was
Kamala Harris in the room instead of Donald Trump right? She wouldn't be telling Kamala we shouldn't mock others she's specifically targeting
Trump with all of this Second foundation for unity is honesty in both private conversation and public discourse if we're not willing to be honest there's no use in praying for unity because our actions work against the prayers themselves we might for a time experience a false sense of unity among some but not the sturdier broader unity that we need to address the challenges that we face if we're going to be unified it must only be in the truth and she's saying that but she doesn't believe that you know going back to what
I said previously from Ephesians we must speak the truth in love with one another if it's not true then it's not loving as Jesus also prayed for his disciples in John 17
Father sanctify them in your truth your word is truth but again as we've already established the word of God is not the standard by which
Mary and Buddy is going to measure care and love and unity it's all based on shifting ideologies wherever the wind is blowing today now to be fair we don't always know where the truth lies and there's a lot working against the truth now well there she said it we don't even know where the truth is how do we know how we're supposed to how we're supposed to be unified with one another if we can't even find the truth and then what was that other thing she just said right there like right at the end let me rewind a little bit and there's a lot working against the truth now okay so if we don't know what the truth is then how do you know there's a lot working against the truth but when we do know when we know what is true it's incumbent upon us to speak the truth even when especially when it costs us and the third and last foundation
I'll mention today is foundation for unity is humility which we all need because we are all fallible human beings we make mistakes we say and do things that we later regret we have our blind spots and our biases and perhaps we are most dangerous to ourselves and others when we are persuaded without a doubt that we are absolutely right and someone else is absolutely wrong because then we are just a few steps from labeling ourselves as the good people versus the bad people and the truth is that we're all people we're both capable of good and bad
Alexander Solzhenitsyn once astutely observed that the line separating good and evil passes not through states not between classes nor between political parties but through right through every human heart now who else said that who else said that the line of evil passes through the human heart
I don't think she needs to quote anybody else but Jesus right he didn't exactly say it that way that the line of evil passes through the human heart but he did say it's out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder adultery, sexual immorality theft, false witness, slander these are what defile a person out of the heart come evil thoughts
Matthew 15 19 through all human hearts and the more we realize this the more room we have within ourselves for humility and openness to one another across our differences because in fact we are more like one another than we realize and we need each other is she willing to say that she's more like Donald Trump than she realizes
I don't think she would be willing to say that it's just kind of an odd statement again she doesn't really believe what she's saying nor does she follow her own standards of what she's setting unity is relatively easy to pray for on occasions of great solemnity it's a lot harder to realize when we're dealing with real differences in the in our private lives and in the public arena but without unity we're building our nation's house on sand and with a commitment to unity that incorporates diversity and transcends disagreement and with the solid foundations of dignity, honesty, and humility that such unity requires we can do our part and in our time to realize the ideals and the dream of America now she doesn't even quote any of these, you know, ideals and dreams of America, so you don't have much scripture quoted, you don't have anything said about what our founding fathers actually made statements about regarding the
United States of America all of this is very subjective just what I felt like saying in the moment, now where she says about, you know, unity needs to be that rock upon which our nation is built without it, then it's going to, it's falling into shifting sand, no it needs to be built upon Christ our nation is not built upon Christ it is built upon shifting sand you know,
Psalm 127 1, unless the Lord builds the house those who build it labor in vain unless the
Lord watches over the city the watchmen stay awake in vain that same psalm goes on to say, behold children are a heritage from the
Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward, like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth but what has
Marianne Buddy said about that? A mother needs the right to be able to kill her child every once in a while, and that's the
Christian thing to do, according to her, her life, her house, is built upon sand let me make one final plea
Mr. President and this is where it's all been coming down to, right? It's all coming down to this moment, everything that she just said here's the application, this is really what she was getting at, and we're going to do away with all the nuance and the cryptic talk and the word salads, and now she's actually going to direct her point right to where she was making it millions have put their trust in you and as you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving
God and I do believe it was by the providence of God that Donald Trump was spared that day, that the bullet just barely missed him, just nicked his ear it is by God's hand that he was spared, and we are where we are now as a nation with him being the
President of the United States all of this has been ordained by God, it was ordained from before the foundation of the world, so Donald Trump recognizing that that is the providence of God is good and right and true more to that though, and I'll get to that here in just a moment but we continue on with the point that Mary Ann Budde wants to make
In the name of our God I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now there are gay, lesbian and transgender children in democratic, republican and independent families some who fear for their lives and the people the people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meat packing plants who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals so everything that she just said there about those immigrants that don't have proper documentation, they're not criminals yeah they are, actually if they're here illegally they are criminals so talking about LGBTQ people, they're not sinners, yeah they are according to God's word, which she doesn't want to open doesn't want to teach they are under God's wrath as said in 1
Corinthians 6, 9 and 10 homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God they are still under the judgment of God, do not be deceived
Paul says that these will not inherit the kingdom of God, it is only those who are in Christ, who are forgiven of their sins and have been washed sanctified, justified as said then in the next verse, in verse 11 by the
Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our God, it is only those who are in Christ that have been cleansed and have been prepared are being prepared for the kingdom but those who are still in these sins, still identifying themselves as LGBTQ persons, an ideology which
Marianne Budde promotes pushes, tells people that they can believe and practice and that's perfectly fine, they're still in the love of God, this is a treacherous teaching that is handing people right into the mouth of hell and she will face the greater judgment if she does not repent and here she is encouraging
Donald Trump to embrace things that God has called wicked now when it comes to immigration, we're not opposed to immigration and Donald Trump is not opposed to immigration he is encouraging people to go through the proper processes of becoming citizens of the
United States I'm not opposed to that, you've heard Elon and Vivek say similar things, if you've been watching the news and you've heard them make these comments,
Elon is an immigrant he's from South Africa lived in Canada, came to the United States and has made an incredible name for himself he's the richest man in the world and so he's not opposed to immigration
Donald Trump's not opposed to immigration it's the illegal immigration, it's all of the criminals that have come in and have done wicked, treacherous things, where are the testimonies that Marianne Budde can cite of those people whose lives have been devastated by the criminality of illegal immigrants she's only concerned here about about those illegal immigrants that are going to get sent back home what about those who won't even get to go home because mom was killed by an illegal immigrant today
Laken Riley who was killed by one who had been convicted of a crime and yet finds this girl, attempts to rape her and and kills her
Laken Riley's not going to go home to her parents again where are those testimonies, where are those stories, so we're only focusing on one side, again all of this extremely hypocritical to the entire message that Marianne Budde has been teaching here.
They pay taxes and are good neighbors they are faithful members of our churches and mosques synagogues widara and temples they're faithful members of our mosques and they worship a false god that's not something worth celebrating but here she's she's talking about legal immigrants legal immigrants are not going to be deported, they're not going to be sent back home the
United States of America including Donald Trump and J .D. Vance more than willing to accommodate those who are here legally, it's especially the criminals among those illegal aliens that are going to be deported and have already been deported several dozen of them have already been deported this week
I ask you to have mercy Mr. President on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away and that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here our
God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger for we were all once strangers in this land everyone who is a
Christian was once not the people of God but now is the people of God and is called a holy nation according to 1
Peter 2 9 you are a chosen race a royal priesthood a holy nation a people for his own possession that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness and into his marvelous light a passage that Mary Ann Buddy is probably not familiar with at all now it is true that we need to care for the stranger and the sojourner indeed we should do that but again where is her consideration for those who have been harmed by the illegal immigrants that have been let into this nation and nothing is being done about or has been done about them under the
Biden administration what about the lives that have been harmed by this criminality and that's not part of her speech again it's all the leftist politics she's only coming at this as a liberal may
God grant us the strength and courage to honor the dignity of every human being again except the unborn for Mary Ann Buddy to speak the truth to one another in love and walk humbly with each other and our
God that truth that we don't quite know what it is though right what is the truth where is it sometimes we can't find it it's in God's word lady for the good of all people good of all people in this nation and the world amen and that's it the whole point was to get to this statement about LGBTQ people and illegal aliens that was the whole point of the message the whole thing was targeted at Trump and Vance and she got to it at the very end now if you've seen the if you've seen the video clips this feed that I was watching right here was only her only
Mary Ann Buddy with the exception of at times the camera would be behind her and you would see the entire congregation or sometimes it would be like in the far back of the auditorium or this sanctuary
I suppose and you could see the gorgeousness of everything up front again just a gorgeous cathedral and it's such a shame that the gospel is not proclaimed there that above anything else is what makes this place incredibly ugly it's like the very picture of the whitewashed sepulcher you look beautiful on the outside but on the inside you're full of dead men's bones and that's pretty much every
Episcopal church but the point of all this of everything that she was saying was to get to this point where she was saying you need to be more accepting of LGBTQ people and illegal aliens none of this was rooted in the gospel none of it had anything to do with Christ it was entirely a political discourse that's all it was and so as I said before all women pastors are on the liberal side in their theology and the message that Marianne Buddy just preached only affirms that it shows how far liberal she is how far to the left she has gone but was already in disobedience against God's Word in the very fact that she is a woman serving in this position as bishop serving in that role though she is completely unqualified for the role as I said in my short video there is a a cause to rebuke
Donald Trump there is there is a basis upon which you could have looked at Trump and Vance in that front row and said something to them calling them to repentance and to believe in the truth
Donald Trump probably not a Christian J .D. Vance is not either he was Protestant for a while left that and became
Roman Catholic his wife is Hindu and worships demons and so these men are not godly men so you can certainly call them to repentance
I know that J .D. Vance shared at the at the walk for life this week that's great that the vice president makes that kind of appearance and made the appeal that he did to fight for the rights of unborn of the unborn but we know that Trump and Vance have already said this administration will not sign into law a federal ban on abortion and I made that comment online and somebody said to me well they can't do it anyway the
Supreme Court has said that it has to be given back to the states the federal government can't say that murder is illegal yeah they can they absolutely can't do that they just won't it's a campaign promise now they're going to stick with it so these men are not as pro -life as they claim to be now it's certainly better than the alternative which is what
Kamala would have been she would have been even more radical in her pro -abortion ideology than Joe Biden was every
Democrat that ends up coming up for election for president is worse than the one before and Kamala would not have even allowed a person to exercise their first amendment rights on the basis of freedom of religion to abstain from abortion a doctor would not have been able to say it's against my faith to practice abortion she would have yanked his medical license away she said she would have so what we have now is certainly better than what could have been but a pastor absolutely could have stood in that pulpit and looked at Trump advance and said men you lead this nation this nation has blood on its hands it is embracing sexual immorality and the sacrifice of that sexual immorality is the blood of children repent turn to the
Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins lead this nation in mourning over our sin and call for revival and repentance bow the knee to Jesus Christ and submit to his authority but of course we can't sit and wait for this kind of repentance to come from Trump and Vance who needs to be leading the charge is the church and there needs to be great repentance in the church as well we just heard from a false pastor standing in a cathedral where the gospel is not preached
God has removed his lamp stand from that church the Holy Spirit is not there and so churches like that a perfect representation of churches like that when all across the
United States that need to repent and begin preaching the gospel again begin preaching the word of God again make biblical literacy in America great again that is something that could have been called out from that pulpit but that's not the message that was heard instead we got this leftist this social justice ideology from a heretic and a woman who's completely unqualified for the position that she has and she will face great great judgment like it does not please me to say that I fear for this woman the judgment that she could face the more she talks the more she heaps judgment upon herself as we read in James 3 1 not many of you should aspire to become teachers because we know that teachers will be judged with greater strictness and that will especially include her if she doesn't repent steps down from that position turns to the
Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of her sins Jesus died on a cross for us he rose again from the dead our sins are forgiven by faith in him he intercedes for us before the father in heaven and is prepared for us an eternal place where we will be with him forever in his eternal kingdom only those who believe in Jesus Christ will escape that day of judgment and those who do not believe in him or believe in a false
Christ or have twisted the word of God to allow for sins and wickedness that God has promised in that very word that he will judge the day of judgment will not go well for them and so fear
God and live let's end up there once again folks if you have any questions you'd like to submit to the broadcast send them to via email when we understand the text at gmail .com
or you can send a voicemail to us go to www .utt .com click on that voicemail tab
I hope to be able to get to more emails and voicemails next week God bless we're back to our
Luke study moving on to chapter 7 Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we're still in the book of Jeremiah on Thursday and God willing we'll be back for a