What is Calvinism & Arminianism?
The two theological systems explained in 5 minutes!
Calvinism emphasizes the sovereignty of God; Arminianism emphasizes the free will of man.
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- Hello, in this video, I will be presenting a basic overview of the two opposing systems of theology,
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- Calvinism and Arminianism. Calvinism is named after the
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- French theologian John Calvin, and Arminianism is named after the
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- Dutch Reformed theologian Jacob Arminius. Today, Calvinism is known for the five points that carefully define the doctrine.
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- These points were not developed by John Calvin, but were given by the
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- Synod of Dort in 1619. The Synod of Dort was a response to the five points of the
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- Arminian Remonstrance, a document drawn up in 1610 by the
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- Arminians of the Dutch Reformed Church, presenting the differences between their doctrines and those of the
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- Calvinists. The five points of Calvinism are known by the acronym
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- TULIP. The five points are T, Total Depravity, U, Unconditional Election, L for Limited Atonement, I for Irresistible Grace, and then
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- P stands for the Perseverance of the Saints. The five points of Arminianism are in contrast to the five points of Calvinism.
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- The Arminian five points are Human Free Will, Conditional Election, Universal Atonement, Resistible Grace, and Fall from Grace.
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- So let's go back and define these points. The five points of Calvinism, again, are
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- T for Total Depravity. This means that human beings are corrupted by sin and are unable to choose or to do good apart from the grace of God.
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- Unconditional Election teaches that God chooses some people to be saved according to His sovereign will, not based on any merit or foreseen faith in them.
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- Limited Atonement teaches that Christ died only for the elect, securing their salvation and guaranteeing their redemption.
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- Irresistible Grace says that God's grace is effectual and cannot be resisted or rejected by the elect who are regenerated and enabled to believe and repent.
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- Perseverance of the Saints says that God preserves the elect and keeps them from falling away, ensuring their final salvation.
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- The five points of Arminianism explained are 1. Human Free Will.
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- This states that though man has fallen, he is not incapacitated by the sinful nature and can freely choose
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- God. 2. Conditional Election.
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- God chooses people for salvation based on the precondition that He foreknows or foresees that they will have faith.
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- So God looks into the future to see who would respond to the gospel message and He elects them in response to this foreknowledge.
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- 3. Universal Atonement. The position that Jesus bore the sin of literally every human being who has ever lived.
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- 4. Resistible Grace. The teaching that the grace of God can be resisted and finally beaten so as to reject salvation in Christ.
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- And then 5. Fall from Grace. The teaching that a person can fall from grace, meaning people can, and in fact do, lose their salvation.
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- Calvinist theology is typically found in Presbyterian, Congregational, and Reformed churches.
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- Arminian theology is typically found within Methodist and Pentecostal churches as well as the
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- Salvation Army. Baptist and non -denominational churches tend to be more Calvinistic, although they can go either way, with many rejecting the whole idea that you have to believe one or the other.
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- So in conclusion, some believe the Bible teaches Calvinism, others believe the scripture teaches
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- Arminianism, there are people who accept some parts and not others, and then there are those who reject the whole thing, claiming the two opposing systems really just present a false dichotomy, that you don't have to believe any of it.
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- Whatever the case. One last comment, Calvinist theologian R .C. Sproul once said that this debate over which side is correct, he said, this is an in -house debate among Christians.
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- In other words, neither position is heresy. People can hold to one or the other, or neither, and still be a true follower of Christ.
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- Thank you for listening. I hope you found this video helpful. If you liked it, consider sharing it or giving it a thumbs up.
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- That way YouTube will recommend it to others. And until next time, may the Lord be with you and have a great day.