Exodus, Ch. 32 - Ch. 40 (Incomplete)


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


All that was given to him and he goes up and gets all the instructions about the tabernacle and the priesthood and the sacrifice and That's Exodus 25 through 31 chapters 25 through 31
Now in Exodus 32 that we're going to begin looking at this is a part of the division of this particular scene
This particular scene the people while Moses is talking to God the people led by Aaron Have decided to break the first commandment now, they already know what it is
It's been communicated to him by Moses Moses gave them that information and they decided they would just break the first commandment
So Moses returns and he breaks the tablets of the law, which it says were written with a finger of God We don't know exactly how it was written.
We just know that God wrote it and You find Exodus 31 18 are good verses
Exodus 31 18 and Exodus 32 16 to 19 Exodus 32 16 to 19 where Moses comes down and he breaks the law now if we can just keep these little facts in our
Mind as we go into chapter 32, I think it will help us to understand the lessons there All right.
There is a twofold breaking of the law. There was a threefold giving of the law It was given to Moses purely orally
God gave it to Moses He spoke it to him somehow or other and then we have the written law as written twice
We'll see it here in this one passage that we're about to look at that Moses got the law He came down and he broke it and then in chapter 34
You find that God called Moses back up again and says I'm gonna write them for you again And so God did it again, but now in this passage
There's the twofold breaking of the law chapter 32 verses 1 through 6. The law was broken twice
Was it not surely we know that it was because the people were there with Aaron Broke the first and the second commandments
Specifically they broke those two commandments by sinning and doing what they did Now the Bible says in James 2 verses 10 11 and others if you break one
You're guilty of all So we can assume that they broke the whole law the Bible says if you break one you might as well broken all because you've just as guilty you're just as guilty by breaking one
As you are if you break four because God holds us guilty and guilt in God's eyes is guilt Is it not God doesn't categorize guilt.
God doesn't categorize sins. You know, we got big sins and little sins We got white lies. We got black lies.
We got green lies. We got some lies that are fibs They're not really a lie. They're a fib. We got others that are just little stories
We some some lies are even exaggerations and some which has been the truth But God says a lie is a lie any way you put it and there's no rationalizing it
There's no getting around it You can't philosophize it and you can play with society and talk about the product of your environment and the environment made me do it or the devil made me do it or all of that, but God just doesn't do that God says if you break one
You're just as guilty as if you broke them all and so the guilt is there and these people did this now
Aaron broke the meaning of the law. He broke the spirit of the law and he broke the essence of the law
He just demolished the whole law if anybody should have known better. It would have been
Aaron No one would have known better than Aaron other than Moses himself Aaron was right there with him when God did all those miracles get the people of Israel out of Egypt Aaron had seen the mighty power of God and he'd been a ruler
All these people with Moses as they brought them out of Egypt now in verse 19 of chapter 32
You find the following information and it came to pass as soon as he came near into the camp that he saw the calf
This is reference to Moses He saw the calf that then made us golden calf And then he saw the dancing and then it says
Moses anger burned and he cast the tables out of his hand and broke them beneath the
Mount Moses saw what they had done and as he saw what they had done He became so angry that he took the tables of law that God had written and he just hurled him and he broke them
So that's the twofold breaking of the law. The people broke it spiritually and Moses broke it literally
Moses broke it literally and so here they were without the written law Now both of these prove something to us that proves that man cannot keep the
Ten Commandments spiritually It also proves that man can't keep it. Literally. It just shows that no man can keep the
Ten Commandments except one there's only been one person who's ever kept the law perfectly and they crucified him got him out of the way and That's Christ himself.
All right. Now, let's look at the chapter quickly and we'll outline it in about 15 to 20 minutes Alright chapter 32 we break it down this way
You have the valley scene the first six verses the valley scene the first six verses Moses was on top of the mountain see if you can remember where this is
Moses is on top of the mountain and Satan's at the foot of the mountain There's another mountain come to your mind in the same kind of a scene
Moses on top of the mountain and Satan at the foot of the mountain. Yes the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew 17
Jesus Peter and James and John are talking to who Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration Where the rest of the disciples they down at the foot of the mountain and they're trying to heal a little boy that a
Demon has control of and Satan has the victory in that until Christ comes back down at the foot of mountain
You got the same identical thing here. Moses is up talking to God. He's in the presence of God Jesus being
God and in Matthew 17 and so here they are and Satan's working at the foot of the mountain as he always does now in Psalm 106 21
Psalm 106 21 It indicates to us that Israel forgot God their Savior. They just forgot about it and their hearts turned back towards Egypt That was the root of their sin.
And every time you and I sin my friend that is the root of our sin our hearts turned back towards the world momentarily and Sin, I'll give you my definition of sin.
You don't have to accept it. Nobody can contravene it, but I'll give it to you Definition of sin the best one
I know of sin is predetermined Rebellion against God it is premeditated
Predetermined rebellion against God because you have to decide to sin You and I have to choose to sin.
Nobody makes you do it. Nobody makes me do it We choose and decide to sin now what happens is
Satan momentarily For a little while or a long time is able to reproduce his character in you and me because he is the father of sin
He's the author of sin and the Bible says he is the father of lies So every time you and I lie if perchance we did we allow
Satan to momentarily reproduce his character in us And it's because basically we've turned our eyes back towards the world and we've gotten them off of our
God Because if you are recognizing the holiness of God my friend, I'll guarantee it's very difficult for us to continue on now
You may sin, but you're not gonna stay in it and we're not going to continue in it these people They just forgot God their
Savior and they just say we don't even know where this Moses is He's been gone a pretty good while. We don't even know what's happened to him. Maybe he's dead up there
We might as well just eat drink and be merry and we hear much of this today All right So we have the scene in the valley the valley scene in the first six verses and then we have the scene from the mountain verses 7 through 14 verses 7 through 14
Satan never tries to abolish God Now there's a lady traveling around the country that's saying there is no
God and we know the Bible says the fool has said in His heart there is no God, but these people don't convince most people
They show themselves up for their ignorance through their arguments through their innuendos their sarcasms
They don't even have good historical information to relate back to they don't even know the history of the church They just think they do and by making these statements
Even newspaper reporters and others who are not even Christians see the fallacy and the foolishness of these things
Satan most normally will not try to just wipe God out of your mind or mine. He tries to substitute
He tries to put something in its place He tries to make God visible and that's something going on in Christianity day people are unwilling to walk by faith.
They want to see They want signs they want to see they want to see see see when the
Bible says we walk by faith not by sight and so Satan comes right along and Substitutes and gets people off on tangents and he will do whatever he can do
Waiting on a time that he might be able to do some more now you'll find in this passage of Scripture They thought they didn't need
Moses at all You might read 1st Corinthians 10 verse 7 1st Corinthians 10 verse 7 now in verses 7 through 10
You find that God condemned the people for what they did God judges them
God did God does and God always will condemn sin and Friends sin cannot be made light of the
Bible says that people who look at sin lightly are fools in Proverbs 149 it says fools make a mock at sin.
It is a fool that takes sin lightly It is a fool according to the Bible who just says oh, well, it's a little sin.
It doesn't matter It's just a small thing My Bible says that that is the attitude of a fool and you and I never want that kind of an attitude
Sin is serious because it put Christ on the cross It put Christ on the cross and it brought about the crucifixion and God has gone to such depths to pay for our sins
And to open up the portals of heaven for us and forgiveness and redemption and all those that God very seriously consider sin
And he always condemned sin and thought word or deed in thought word or deed. God does not tolerate it
He does not put up with it. And now God just condemned them. He judged them for what they had done He told
Moses you better get back down because these people have done it now. They have done it They've tried my patience now
Moses turns right around and intercedes for the people and in doing that he becomes a picture of Christ He becomes a type of Christ as he becomes the intercessor 1st
John 2 verse 1 1st John 2 verse 1 now in 11 through 14 in this passage chapter 32 11 through 14
You find Moses beginning to intercede for the people He does it again in verse 30 through 35 and even goes to the point
He said alright God if you can't forgive these people if they've gone so far that you don't want to forgive them if they've just pushed your patience to the end that I ask you that you take their sins and put it on me and Blot me out of thy book forever.
Just do away with me and let me pay for their sins Now that's exactly what
Christ did Exactly what Christ did but God says Moses that's not the way it's gonna work I got something for you to do now you go on and do what
I've told you do But nevertheless when I visit these people I will visit their sin upon them and the last verse that you read in chapter 32
Is the Lord plagued the people because they made the calf which Aaron made and God destroyed that generation? And if you think that God is just a
God of love and mercy you better read your Bible again friend God destroyed that entire generation God let their carcasses become food for the beasts and This thing that's going around the world today that God's just a
God of love and he understands and he's just a God of mercy He is all of those things But he is holy and he's righteous and he will punish sin if he doesn't he ceases to be a holy
God He must deal with your sin in mind either you let Christ deal with your sin for you And if you want to pay for it yourself
You can do that You can do that and it takes eternity to pay for one and so Moses began to intercede to be an intercessor
It's Christ like that's something we know very little about Interceding on behalf of another person to the point as to where you're willing to sacrifice yourself to God In order to see that person be blessed in their life.
That's what Moses did Moses was willing to be separated from God forever Just that those people might be forgiven
Christ gave up himself that you and I might be forgiven and if we're going to be intercessors for our brother and sister in Christ You must be willing to take their burden upon your heart and to hurt for them and hurt with them and agonize with them
About that and spend much much time in prayer concerning those things And so we see this scene from the mountain and then there's the judgment verses 15 to 24
Verses 15 to 24. We have this judgment that came in Moses of course
He comes in verse 19 and as we said he breaks the tablets of stone and then in verses 22 to 24
We find Aaron's lie. We made mentioned this there the evening typical of human nature Moses breaks the stone. He's mad
He's angry and Aaron says why you angry me? He says why you know these people they've been on sin You can't do anything with them.
Well, it's in their nature to sin They just like it and Moses begins to talk to him about this thing and Aaron said and and after all
He said I didn't do anything I just took a bunch of silver and gold and threw it in the fire and out came this calf It just came out and you find that in verses 22 to 24, especially verse 24
He said whosoever hath any gold let them break it off So they gave it to me Then I cast it into the fire and there came out this calf and he lied to Moses in doing that Because you see he had telling he had to mold that line
I mean that calf he had to make that thing with his hands and He had to do some some work there with the metal and so he did that and So you have the judgment coming upon them because not only of his lie
But because he led the people to sin and then we have the verses 25 to 35 in this passage
We have the call to separation the call to separation on top of the mountain Moses was pleading with God for the people
He was up there making a case to God for those people Pleading that God would forgive them and that God would guide them and continue to bless them
He comes down off the mountain and he reserved he reverses it. He begins to plead with the people for God He begins to deal with the people on God's behalf
He as he was up there talking to God saying Lord, would you bless the people God guide the people God? Don't turn away from them
Lord. Forgive them He turns right around and he comes back down finds him in this sin So he begins to plead God's case for them and he begins to say you people come back those of you that will stand with Those that will stand with God you come over here you come and stand with us
And so he begins to do this and in doing that he became not only a prophet Telling the people what
God had said but he became a priest because a priest becomes a servant and the priest is the go -between he's the
Mediator and he is in that sense the intercessor now again He's a type of our Lord in doing that now
Let me make some practical points quickly out of this chapter. First of all Moses was reaping a harvest of unbelief
He brought most of this upon himself Because when God sent him down to Egypt to get the people of Israel out
God wanted him to go and he didn't want to Go he wanted his brother to go He wanted his brother to go with him if he couldn't get somebody else to go
He should never have taken Aaron with him God want him to go by himself, but because Moses didn't want to go and why
God allowed it We don't know but God did say alright I'll send your brother with you and so he went on and Moses exemplified unbelief in that attitude
That he was giving forth at that time You'll study the life of Abraham and you'll find that Abraham ran into exactly the same problem
Whenever he took his father and his nephew when God said I want you Abraham To get up out of this land and go to where I'll tell you to go and in doing so he took his father and he took his nephew and you know the problems he had there his nephew wound up down in Sodom and Gomorrah and You know the problems that it had my friend
If God tells you to go by yourself Get on and go and stop begging God to do something else because sometimes it'll be second best even though God might do it
But it might not be the very best thing that God wants you to have But in order to get us to do things sometimes
God lets us learn the lesson the hard way God says alright I'm just going to show you in that true the people of Israel.
They say we want a king We want a king like everybody else has God said I'll be your king I'll watch over you people there
So what everybody else has got a king now who they give they got Saul and they've never recovered to this day To this day it's still going on in their lives some of the things that Saul did now in this
We have a picture of the professing Church today We have a picture of the church that professes to know
Christ Let me quickly give those to you first of all their leader was on high Moses was up on the mountain
He was out of sight. So today the church Leader the head our guide and protector.
He's out of sight. He's up on high He's in the presence of God as Moses was also you find they apostatized
Apostatized they became apostates. They turned away from the truth. They knew what the truth was, but they turned away from it
They were still religious. They wanted a religion, but they wanted like Egypt's they wanted something they could see and again
That's a perfect picture of the church today and many people in it. It's a strange thing. What can become an idol in your life a
Cigarette can be your idol. The television can be an idol football basketball baseball can be an idol
Anything can be an idol in your life if you put it before your Lord Anything even a church
Can in many ways become an idol if you're not careful everything has to be in its proper Perspective as we go through and you find that very true today secondly or thirdly your back they became impatient
How we are impatient how we are impatient. We just don't want to wait on God We don't wait on the
Lord when we ask God do something We want him to do it right then and there and we won't God to move according to our timetable and not his own timetable
We are mostly impatient and not only are we in pain with God, which is a presumption But we are impatient one another aren't we now you probably are most you got that worked out, but at times
I'm impatient I can remember time that I was a patient In fact, it's nothing too long ago It's not too long ago husband impatient with their wives wise impatient with husbands
Parents impatient with their children children impatient with their parents you find impatience everywhere. It's just everywhere
We don't know we just can't stand while people can't do what we say them the moment we say good why they don't just hop To it because we said it that ought to be sufficient
But nevertheless, they don't do it. They became impatient and Christians today are most impatient
They're in a hurry and they won't God to do things the way they want it done right then and there All right. Another thing we noticed when their leader returned he found him in sin
He found them in sin in what state do you think the Lord would find the church today if he returns today?
Do you think the church is glowing and vibrant in a revival spirit and revival attitude you think we'd revival fires are sweeping this country
No, sir This country is going further into sin day by day. There's no revival in this country.
There's no revival in this world The Bible doesn't teach there's gonna be a worldwide revival. The Bible says things are going to get worse
It's going to get worse That doesn't mean you and I can't be revived and it doesn't mean your church cannot be revived and nor does it mean a nation?
Cannot be revived. There's just no indication scripture that it does happen The scripture says that man continually gets worse and worse and worse
And if you don't think so just look at some of the bills that are in Washington Just look at some of the things that are going on today.
And this is what happens if Christ comes today I believe that he had found the church in sad shape In sad and by the church,
I mean professing Christians. I'm not talking about real Christians. They can be real I'm just talking about people who profess to know
Christ how many people are not in church anywhere in this world today who claim to be Christians You got people in this city that claim to know
Christ and they don't darken the doors of a church to worship God on his Day, you got people in this church who claim to be
Christians that don't do one thing for God We've got people here this morning hadn't been here all week You'll have people in the next hour who have been here all week yet.
They claim to know God They claim to serve the Lord when they do nothing but serve themselves if Christ comes today my friend and he very well could
I believe he'll find us much in the same shape as Moses found these people. He found them in sin another thing.
We must do today But God's people did then Moses has come without the camp
Separate yourself from these if that's what they want to do fine If they're going to do it, you can't stop them
But you separate yourselves from them and you come and stand over here and I believe God says the same thing to you and me
Today for those people who don't want to live for God My Bible says come out from among them and be ye separate and it says you're not to have fellowship
With those who claim to know the Christ but won't live the Christ like people who claim to know the Lord and won't do it
You're not to have fellowship with them. And my Bible says you're not to eat with an infidel My Bible says you're not supposed to sit on the table and have sweet fellowship
How can you have fellowship with a man that hates your God? I'll tell you how you do it. You have to compromise what you believe you have to not say it and you can go into some homes and you can't speak about Christ and I know a lot of young people have a lot of youth meetings day
You know what? They say come and be in these youth meetings. There'll be no preaching yet. The Bible says it's by the preaching of the cross
That salvation comes but the preaching of the cross is foolishness to them that perish it is a compromise a compromise
Across this great land of ours. It's supposed to be quote Christian There'll be multiplied thousands of people that will have families sit down at their tables for dinner who don't know the
Lord We have no concept of salvation in Christ. They have no concept of the true love of God They don't know the meaning of the true love of God They just have a selfish gratification operating in their lives
And yet these same people who claim to know Christ will not speak one word in favor of God They're afraid they're going to embarrass someone.
So in doing that they compromise what they are compelled to do by Jesus Christ himself And if Jesus comes back,
I believe he finds us in that kind of a condition and this is exactly what they did But thank the Lord some of these people came out and I'm grateful
And I know that God's heart Rejoices when there are those Christian people who are willing to separate themselves from the world you are in it
But you're not of it and you don't do what they do You don't go where they go and you don't act like they act and you don't talk like they talk you have to be different If you know the
Lord and there are those faithful Christians who do that throughout the world There are many of them. You might want to read
Exodus 32 26 You might read Hebrews 13 13 at the same time Hebrews 13 13 and Exodus 32 26 where you find something else
Moses dealt in judgment Another occasion when he saw Aaron when they got first God first sent Aaron into his presence before they went down Egypt He kissed
Aaron. He gave him a holy kiss. He embraced him and he was grateful to see his brother But this time he didn't this time he was angry and he came in judgment when
Christ came the first time they crucified him He didn't say anything. He didn't complain to them. They beat him. They spit upon him.
They plucked his beard out They kicked him they scourged him across his back and he didn't say that when he comes back the next time they will not be
Able to do that. He will come back to rule and reign where people want him to or not He's going to rule and reign with righteousness and then you'll find that they destroyed sin
Moses burned that calf He put back into the fire melted it down. He got rid of it He got rid of it in verses 19 and 20 of Exodus 32
You find that he did this and so when the Lord Jesus comes back He's going to destroy sin now notice the progression in Aaron's sin
Aaron lied He listened to the people and then he got them into idolatry and that's exactly why seeing usually goes
We've got a lot of ourselves. Oh, we got a lot of somebody else and then we listen to peer pressure
We listen to what other people say we had rather please someone else than we had God most of the time And what does that lead us into it leads us into some form of idolatry?
You may not build you a statue and worship it But you may have something else in your life that you worship and it can be any number of things
It can be anything from money to school. It can be anything that takes the place of God in your life
All right, quickly. Let's move to chapter 33 and cover these two chapters in five minutes chapter 33
The journey is resumed there at the tip that at the Mount God's got him straightened out He's done zapped a bunch of them down there and he's got everything straightened out.
He's moving along. So the journey is resumed They're moving towards the promised land and you find that in verses 1 through 6 1 through 6 now verse 7 through 11
They are outside the camp. The tent of meeting is outside the camp. They've got things together and they had the tabernacle
They've got this tabernacle ready now and and they're gonna move out And so they're moving outside the tabernacle in verse 8
It came to pass when Moses went out into the tabernacle that all the people rose up and stood every man at his tent door
And looked after Moses until he was gone into the tabernacle and then it talks about the presence of the
Lord And so outside the camp verses 7 through 11 They've moved outside this place where all the sins been going on in and where this thing has taken place and then verses 12 through 17
You see the grace of God. You see God's grace as God begins to move
It's a very precious lesson in this passage of Scripture, especially verse 14 Especially in verse 14 it says and he said my presence shall go with thee and I will give thee rest even though the people have been in sin those who decided to repent of that sin and Decided that they would turn away from it and truly follow
God God forgave them and God says my presence Will go with you.
My presence will be with you now notice the setting of this promise in the life of Moses The setting of it was in Moses life it was basically because of Moses that God was dealing with these people because of his prayer and because of his life you find his
Prayer in chapter 32 verses 30 to 32 where he prayed for the people and asked God to forget him rather than the people
I know what kind of a man was he at this particular state. First of all, he was a disappointed man Disappointed in chapter 32 you find total disappointment in the life of Moses came down off that mountain and here were the people that he loved
And it led and God had before miracle after miracle, but yet here they were in sin. It disappointed him
All right. It was also a promise to a discouraged man He was discouraged if you read chapter 32 verses 12 and 13 chapter 33
Rather chapter 33 verses 12 and 13 you'll find that he was somewhat discouraged and he was needing some exhortation
He was needing some encouragement So that's the setting of this promise that God gave about his presence being with him now notice the wording of it
I said that the verse reads in the King James my presence shall go with thee and I will give the rest
But actually literally in the Hebrew it reads my face Shall go before thee my face my countenance.
My glory will go before you don't worry about what's gonna happen out there I'll already have been there before you get there.
I'll take care of everything Anything that confronts you you just know I've already dealt with it and you just go on All right, and then that's the wording of it
We have to watch and then the proving of the promise in experience The proving of it God kept his word as he always does
God did exactly what he said He was gonna do my friend. There's no place in history where God ever promised something that he ever broke it
But strangely sometimes you and I feel that maybe God might break it with me or you You know, can
God really keep his word me? He's been doing it for thousands of years. Why would he stop? You can trust him what
God says he'll do for your life if you give him opportunity He'll do it. He will do it as he always does
All right, and then verses 18 to 23 in chapter 33, we find Moses and God you find
Moses dealing with God and God's encouraging him verse 18 He said I beseech you show me thy glory and God says that I'll let you see the after part
No, man can see the glory of God and live You can't see the total glory of God and live. It's too great.
It's too powerful too splendorous. It's too majestic All right, then we move to chapter 34 in the last two minutes
We have all these five that we said was going to take Chapter 34 doesn't think you went through a chapter in three minutes about three minutes and 12 seconds.
All right, I Got it right here. I'm checking. I'm chapter 34 We have the second tables of the law
The second tables of the law verse 1 the Lord said unto Moses Hew the two tables of stone like unto the first and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables
Which doubt its break God said I'll write them again You go ahead and get the stone ready and I'll write them out for you again
Verses 1 through 4 is the breakdown of this chapter and then verses 5 through 9 you find Moses you can find something about him here
What's he doing in 5 through 9? You know what he's doing. He's praying for the people again. He just constantly prayed for those people
He prayed for him He prayed for the people that he loves and it's very difficult to understand how we can say we love people and not spending time time in prayer for them and on their behalf
We need to pray for people and so you find that he was praying for the people here and He was asking
God to be merciful to them and then verses 10 through 17 You have the promises that God gave him and you had some admonitions that God gave him now
She'll make thee no melted gods. God just kind of reminded in verse 17 said don't think I've forgotten It just don't make you any more melted gods
Don't make any more of those things and and you might make out Molten or melted verse 16 and thou shall take up their daughters unto thy sons and their daughters play the harlot with their gods and make
Thy sons play the harlot with their gods and he go to the verse 15 says lest I'll make a covenant of these people
He's telling him giving him some admonition some some things to avoid Some things they are not to do as well as some promises and then in verses 18 to 35 in 18 through the rest of this chapter you find the feasts and the different Sabbaths and we already talked about the
Sabbath Last evening, so I'm not going to talk about it too much this morning But there's no such thing as a Christian Sabbath and there are those people who say they keep the
Sabbath Well, isn't it interesting that one of the Sabbaths was a time at a certain time?
One of these Sabbaths came along you had to relieve everybody of any debt that they owed you Anybody owed you money you had to cancel that debt and let them start all over again
You couldn't grow any crops on your land You had to let it lay dormant for a certain season and that was one of the
Sabbaths now I've never seen anybody practice that Sabbath They want to practice the Saturday Sabbath, which is for the
Jew and not for the Christian at all If you read Exodus 31 it plainly says that it's a covenant between me and Israel forever has nothing to do with Christianity but I've yet to find one of these people who go around to their debtors or those are the debt ease and Turn around and say all right.
I just cancel all the money. You owe me all these hundred thousand dollars You owe my business. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it
I just cancel it because you see this is the Sabbath that we do that on now Strangely they just want the one that'll fit their little theology and you can't do that If you take one of them, you got to take them all if you take one, you got to take them all
All right, that's this one verse 24 is a key one. Let's quit on this one So I will cast out the nation before thee and enlarge thy borders neither shall any man desire there thy land
When thou shall go up to appear before the Lord thy God thrice in the year He said of these feasts
I've given you when all of you come aside for these feasts. Don't worry about your property There's no nation gonna sneak in there and get it
I'll watch over it for you and when you worship God if you're honest with God and if you're trying to live for God and doing the best you can for God God will watch over your property for you while you're worshiping the law
That's just a fact of life a fact of life. God said don't you folks worry about it? No nation's gonna sneak in and get that land while you worshiping me.
I'm gonna watch over it for you He just indicating to us dear friends that God takes care of his people You're a
Christian. God doesn't let you wander through this world without some care and protection But you got to walk in the light.
You can't run yourself. You can't live for yourself You can't guide your own life You have to come to his word and let his word guide you and if we'll do that Then God will guide and bless and protect.
All right the tabernacle was the place that God dwelt amongst the people and Everything in it pictured the
Lord Jesus Christ now this lesson covers about six chapters now, let me Give you a statement that I took from the students commentary on the
Holy Scripture It's not student seminary, but any state just for any student in the Bible and it says this the minute repetitions in these chapters
Concerning the materials used in the construction of the tabernacle and of the vessels and the furniture of that place of worship
Is tiresome and boresome it is tedious to a secular reader, but it is most precious to the spiritual eye
Why is there this minute repetition? Because the tabernacle its curtains its boards its hooks its sockets its pins its spoons
Everything connected with it displayed to God's heart the infinite perfections and glories of his dearly beloved son everything in that tabernacle
Speaks about Jesus Christ and so it is most precious now. It has a fourfold movement a fourfold movement
From the mercy seat which was on the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies For only the high priest could go once a year
Back out to the brazen altar, which is out by the gate There's a fourfold movement and it's always in that order and this resuscitated the four
Gospels The four Gospels now as we open this passage of Scripture in Exodus 35 you will find that the
Sabbath Which was God's rest God did the world created the world and then he rested and he gave it to the people of Israel for Exactly the same things.
He said six days you work and then you rest but for the Christian it isn't that way We've said that the
Sabbath is not for the Christian. It is for the Jew and it's Saturday It is the last day of the week The Lord's Day Sunday is the first day of the week.
We rest in the Lord and then we go work They work and then they rested in the Lord We come and rest in the
Lord on the Lord's Day and then we go out and do the things that God has given us Do in the varying callings of life now this passage of Scripture 35 through 40 opens with a
Sabbath rest and it closes With a tabernacle set up God's resting place
It talks about God's rest and then it closes off with a place that God rested in Amongst the people now in the greatness of God's love.
He invites man To come to his rest in the tabernacle and that's what it's a picture of resting in the
Lord Just putting your confidence and your faith in God. All right, look at 35 verse 2 six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you a holy day a
Sabbath of rest to the Lord whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death Now again, there are those people who believe and they're not too far from you
Now who believe that they have to worship on the Sabbath and the
Sabbath is the day that you worship Our seventh -day Adventist friends really propagate this but would you look at the next verse, please?
If you're going to keep the Sabbath, you shall not kindle no fire throughout your habitations upon the
Sabbath day No fires could be built in the homes whether it's snow ice or sleet I'll bet you they got fires in their homes today.
I bet you there's heat in their houses yesterday I bet you there has been everywhere this inclement weather hit you couldn't build a fire to cook food
No, you could build fire to heat with and yet the very ones who say they want to keep the Sabbath Conveniently dismiss this next verse if you're going to take one verse you've got to have two verses
You can't pick out that which is convenient my dear friends. Why the Sabbath was not for Christians It was for the
Jews Exodus 31. I'll preach it till the day I die God says the Sabbath is a covenant between me and Israel and if you think the church is spiritual
Israel What in the world we gonna do that nation of people over there that God says they're going to turn to him one day in Romans the 11th chapter
There shall come to deliver out of Zion who will turn away on Godness from Jacob and will take away their sins for this is
My covenant unto them when I shall take away their sins God says and Paul is saying that's in the future time and Jesus has already come
Crucified dead buried raised from the dead and gone back to heaven Paul still says out in the future God's going to deal with him.
Now. This tabernacle was God's resting place amongst the people now
The Sabbath rest had to be observed. You couldn't pick up a stick as you study the law
You'll find if any man picked up a stick he was to be stoned to death They could not walk over five eighths of a mile
They had to keep the gate of the temple in their view wherever they went We see here no fire could be built to heat to warm or to cook with none of those things wants to be done and When eating the manna, they could take no fire
No fire was to be kindled to boil or to bake it It had to be eaten just as it was prepared by the
Lord of the Sabbath on that particular day When God laid the manna out and they had to eat it
They had to eat it just like God gave it to him now all was accomplished as the Lord Commanded Moses you ought to go through these chapters and underline those words where it says as the
Lord Commanded Moses it is used time and time and time again that they did as the
Lord Commanded Moses as the Lord commanded Moses a frequent repetition of those words
Why nothing was left to man's ingenuity or his personal taste? It was done just the way
God wanted done as he spoke it to Moses as he spoke it to Moses you might read chapter 39 verses 42 and 43 all right now the tabernacle having been made according to divine pattern was filled with a divine
Glory, you recall that God said I will meet you over the mercy seat and there was a whirling scintillating flame
That stayed over there and a great cloud moved in to the holy place
And as long as that cloud was there and that flame was over the mercy seat Then they knew that the presence of God was there and that's why only the high priest could move into that place alright now
The curtain and there's so many things that we could say about it the curtain and everything else and that was sprinkled with blood constantly
Sprinkled with blood everything that's why people don't like talking about the tabernacle because all those utensils in there and the curtain itself was
Sprinkled with blood and it was never washed It was sprinkled with the blood of those sacrifices
That they made now There are four or five words that I want to give you that are very prevalent words as you look through These passages of scripture the first word that stands out in your mind is the word splendor when you start looking at how they made these things and they overlaid the wood with gold pure gold and the silver and all the precious metals and stones and things that were used and the best of everything the
Splendor of it begins to shine forth you begin to see that the glory of it and the wonder of this
Establishment that could be picked up and moved quickly and readily and another word that you find is the word service
Service it is a lot of splendor and it was it just beautiful beautiful the wonder of it all and then the word service
You might read chapter 39 verses 32 to 43 and see about the service that was to be performed
You see the place wasn't there just to be nice and just to be attended route routinely They didn't go in that tabernacle to worship
God whenever it was convenient my friend They knew that if they didn't worship the Lord Then God would move his presence away from them
And if you and I don't worship the Lord and do it regularly you have no assurance that God is going to bless your life
God only blesses those who walk in obedience If you walk disobedience
Satan will give you things and make you think God's given them But there's not a verse of scripture in the Bible that said
God blesses anybody in disobedience Save yes, but you don't get God's blessings unless we are obedient Obedient and moving towards Christian maturity.
I'll write another word. It's sacrifice Sacrifice you might read chapter 40 the first 16 verses
Chapter 40 verses 1 through 16 and the last word is sonship Sonship s -o -n s -h -i -p sonship chapter 40 you pick it up at verse 17 and go through 38
Chapter 40 verses 17 to 38 now these express the four gospel glories the four gospel glories of the
Messiah the Lord Jesus Christ in these four repeated movements of splendor service sacrifice and sonship
From the golden throne of glory there in the Ark of the Covenant all the way out to the brazen altar of suffering
You find these words and they correspond with the Gospels with the
Gospels Matthew Was written to show that Jesus was the king of the Jews that splendor the
King regal authority the crown of the King and that's why the gospel of Matthew was written to show that Jesus was
Legally the king of the Jews and he had a right to the throne of David now Mark was written basically about a servant about service
How he was served God Almighty Luke is the one that we go to to really get the perfect picture of the crucifixion and it's about a suffering servant
It's about a suffering servant Son of man he came as man
God in Christ Manifested in the flesh but to die and Luke it says they crucified him in Luke.
I believe it's 23 33 over in that area. You might find says they crucified him the words.
All right, and then We have of course the sacrifice and in John everybody knows that the gospel of John was written to show the divinity the deity of Christ in the beginning was the word the word was with God the word was
God the word became flesh and dwelt or tabernacled the Word means tabernacled amongst men dwelt amongst men.
So we have those now the distinguishing feature of the first is In dealing with splendor when you talk about all the things of it is costliness the cost the value of it the costliness chapter 38 verses 24 to 31
The splendor of the King the costliness as you see all of the beautiful Value and the wealth that's involved in this and that's the gospel of Matthew The second service chapter 39 verses 32 to 43 and it's tenfold all
ALL you find that prevalent through chapter 39 verses 32 to 43
You find the word all all the way through it just keeps saying all this and all that all all all tenfold all there speaks of the humility of the servant the humility of the servant corresponds with the gospel according to Mark and Then the sacrifice and the anointing chapter 40 verses 2 and verse 9 on the first day of the first month shall thou set up the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation and thou shalt take the anointing oil in verse 9 and anoint the tabernacle and all that is therein and Shall hallow it and all the vessels thereof and it shall be holy
As we think about this the time of the Passover was the sacrifice of the anointed
Lamb of God the Lord Jesus Christ He was anointed for his holy priestly duty in the
River Jordan as John baptized him he was anointed of God at that time to sit on that holy messianic office of dying for mankind and becoming our high priest and Dwelling in the holiest and making intercession for us as he does today
And then the fourth one is the indwelling of the glory and that's chapter 40 verse 34
Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle
Shows the glory of the Lord this tells us about the Godhead of the Messiah the
Godhead of Jesus Christ He was God and if you can't believe that Jesus Christ was true
God, then you can't be saved You have to believe that he is
If thou shalt confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus That Jesus is the
Lord and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead. You gotta believe it all and Believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believes unto righteousness
But with the mouth confessions made unto salvation There are some things that a saved person will never deny now you and I might say well
We don't understand all this tabernacle and you and I don't understand all about the second coming of Christ But my friend there are two or three things that you and I can't agree on him
We have to agree on that He was born of a virgin that he was crucified dead and buried raised from the dead that he's gone back to the father and that God was in Christ Reconciling the world to himself and that Jesus was
God seen He said so and if you deny that then my
Bible teaches me that the Spirit of God is not working in your heart It is just scripture and these people who run around and deny all of this and if I says well
They're probably saying they just they just disagree my friend. The book is clear about those matters
You can't even question those the little details of other things We don't know about but there are some things that are very very clear in the
Bible Jesus just said before Abraham was I am They said show us a father.
He said if you have seen me you have seen the father That's what he said. He said I and the father are one.
He said that on another occasion Now I didn't make the statements don't argue me. He made them
And if you can't believe in there, then you have no reason to believe anything else He said if he's untruthful in one place, you could pretty well bet that a man will be untruthful somewhere else
Always now you and I just take him at his word and we know it to be so now the varying objects that mark this passage are very closely associated the
Golden throne and the golden altar are very closely associated together. You have the lampstand
We're talking about the articles of furniture in the tabernacle the lampstand and the table are associated together and The altar of brass the brazen altar and the brazen labor are close together now
Let me give you what a picture they are You take the golden throne and the golden altar and you have Christ as Prince and priest
He sits on the throne. He has the right to it. And he's also our high priest
He ever lives to make intercession for us and that is exactly what an altar speaks of it speaks of a priest
An altar the priest and the throne speaks of the Prince the Prince and then we come to the lampstand and the table
The lampstand was that which was what light and life
What was on the table bread? Bread Jesus said I am the bread of life
We must devour him from the written Word of God and the lampstand gave light Jesus said
I'm the light of the world He said now I'm going to leave and now you're going to be the light of the world Light and life they fit together
And then the other one is the brazen Altar the altar of brass the brazen altar and the brazen labor the altar means a place of sacrifice
That's where he became our Savior and the the labor was where you had cleansed and that it means
Sanctification he is the sanctifier. He's the Savior and the sanctifier. He's the one that sets you and me apart
He's the one that cleans us up and he's the one that sets us apart and those things speak of him now Let me give you a little interesting side note that doesn't have a whole lot to do what we're talking about But I'm gonna give it to you.
The Holy Spirit is mentioned 12 times in Luke Just put
Luke capital H period capital S period and 12 He Has only mentioned six times in Matthew The Holy Spirit is mentioned six times in Matthew four times in Mark and seven times in John 12 in Luke six times in Matthew four times in Mark and Seven times and go seven being the number of perfection.
Of course, it's John's dealing with him being God Deity it would have to be perfect. And so seven the number of spiritual perfection is in John So you got 12 in Luke you got six in Matthew four in Mark and seven times in John is the
Holy Spirit mentioned in The Gospels. All right Now let's take notice of how the Israelites plan to build in the brief moments that we've got left
How they were going to build and finance and I said the other evening I think this is most appropriate because you're in a building program
You're in a building program. How did they build and finance God's house? That's what the tabernacle is going to be now.