Andrew Wommack’s False Teaching DEBUNKED!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about Andrew Womack. He is, unsurprisingly, the founder and lead teacher of Andrew Womack Ministries International.
He's also the founder of Keres Bible College, which is an institution based in Colorado, but they say they have locations all over the world.
This includes places like England, Switzerland, Scotland, Uganda, Russia, Zimbabwe, and many more.
Also, Andrew's YouTube channel has over 235 ,000 subscribers at the time of recording this video.
Needless to say, given the massive influence of his ministry and many others like it, it would be worthwhile to take a look at what
Andrew teaches and compare it to Scripture. And that is precisely what we're going to do in this video.
In particular, we're going to respond to a sermon that Andrew gave in 2019 entitled, The Power of Imagination, which was part of his healing conference for that year.
So first, let's have Andrew explain to us the main point of his message. Watch this. And it's because, because I took the limits off and I began to start using my imagination and I'm telling you that every one of you have that same supernatural potential.
You need to loose your imagination and you need to see yourself healed. You need to see yourself doing what
God called you to do. And if you can ever see it on the inside, you'll see it on the outside.
It's really that simple. But most of us have spent a lifetime having our imagination squelched and it may take time for you to sit there and revive it and to get to where you start functioning in this.
But man, it's well worth the effort. I tell you, this will change your life. So according to Andrew, you have the supernatural potential to remove your limitations.
You must use your imagination to, quote, see yourself healed. And if you can see it on the inside, you'll see it on the outside.
This is the secret that will, quote, change your life. This is essentially Andrew Womack's main point in the sermon.
And we've seen teaching like this from people like Michael Todd, for example, of Transformation Church. In one sermon,
I remember Michael said, quote, you have to see it before you see it. The idea here is that you can imagine yourself and believe for whatever situation you want to be in, and then
God will have to be faithful to make that your reality. This is an extension of Word of Faith doctrine that has become known as Little God's theology.
Proponents of this falsely claim that we, like God, can create with our words in a way that is similar to how
God spoke the world into being in Genesis chapter 1. And in the next clip, you'll see that Andrew continues to think along these lines as he explains why many people do not experience healing for themselves.
Watch this. And I tell you this, Daniel and Carly have already talked about this, but I'm going to go into some more detail on it.
But this is one of the big problems of people receiving healing, is because they have an image on the inside.
They see themselves sick. They think sick. They talk sick. They dream sick.
And then they wonder why they aren't seeing the healing. So according to Andrew, the big problem in people receiving their healing is that their internal dialogue is picturing them sick.
They think of themselves as struggling with sickness rather than vividly picturing their life free from it.
And because they don't use their internal power of imagination to change their reality, lo and behold, they do not receive their healing.
How sad. But there are a few initial problems with this. First, we need to ask the basic question.
Is this the pattern of healing that we see in Scripture? Is this the way we see Jesus, for example, healing people?
I am not familiar with any time in which Jesus commanded someone to envision their healing in their mind before he could give healing to their body.
Moreover, if this is the method by which you claim your healing, what do we do, for example, with the story of Lazarus?
In John chapter 11, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead after four days in the grave.
And the body of Lazarus most certainly could not have imagined his miracle, yet he was miraculously healed, in a manner of speaking, regardless.
Indeed, we see many people healed in the New Testament without clearly envisioning their healing beforehand.
For another example, in John chapter 5, Jesus heals a man at the Pool of Bethesda when that man did not even know who
Jesus was until after the fact. This would contradict the idea that you need to see your healing internally so that God can create it for you externally.
And frankly, I don't think that Andrew Womack's faith -healing theology properly accounts for these stories in Scripture.
But with that said, let's allow Andrew, in his own words, to offer biblical support for his position.
Watch this. And then they wonder why they aren't seeing the healing. Proverbs 23, 7 says,
As he thinks in his heart, so is he. You have a self -fulfilling prophecy on the inside.
You see yourself a certain way. And this isn't limited to healing. This applies to every area of your life.
It's like your imagination is a governor that just stops you.
Once you begin to start going beyond what you see yourself doing, it just stops you dead in your tracks.
You can't go beyond it. As you think in your heart, that's the way that you are.
So here, Andrew attempts to use Proverbs 23, verse 7 as his evidence. In the
King James translation, it says, For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. And faith -healing teachers like Andrew take this and they run with it.
According to them, this verse is saying that you can change your physical state just by using the power of your faith -filled mind and words.
I mean, look, the Bible says it right there. The way you think in your mind is the way that you are in reality, right?
Not so fast. Let's take a look at the actual context of that passage. Here's how the ESV translation renders this, starting at verse 6.
Quote, Do not eat the bread of a man who is stingy or whose eye is evil. Do not desire his delicacies, for he is like one who is inwardly calculating, or, for as he calculates in his soul, so is he.
Eat and drink, he says to you, but his heart is not with you. End quote. So in context, what is this passage actually saying?
Well, quite simply, it is saying that there is a certain category of person. Someone who outwardly says, eat and drink, what's mine is yours, etc.
But in their heart, they are selfish and conniving. Here's how Jameson, Fawcett, and Brown's commentary interprets it.
Quote, Beware of deceitful men whose courtesies even you will repent of having accepted.
End quote. You see, the passage has nothing to do with getting your healing, or making your miracle, or changing your reality.
In fact, there isn't even a small inkling of that happening here. The passage is a warning to watch out for those who inwardly have deceptive intentions.
Because as a man thinks deceptively, so he is deceptive. That's the point. So this kind of preaching from Andrew is dangerous, and something you need to be on the lookout for when it comes to Word of Faith preachers.
You see, if you didn't take the time to actually look at the passage, you may have just accepted what Andrew said.
This is how millions of people get swept into aberrant theological movements that are unsound.
And speaking of that, here is yet another example of Andrew using a different passage to support his teaching.
Watch this. But look here in Psalms 103. It's a great passage. Matter of fact,
Daniel has already quoted this once this morning. But let's read, Like as a father pitieth his children, so the
Lord pitieth them that fear him. They've already talked about this, that what kind of parent would want their child to be sick if they had the power to heal?
What kind of parent would want their child to be sick? It would be considered child abuse. This is saying that in the same way,
God loves you so much. God wants you well. So now he uses Psalm 103 verse 13, which says, quote,
As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.
End quote. And from Andrew's perspective, this applies directly to divine healing. In his own words, quote,
This means, God wants you well. After all, what parent would not want their child to be healed if it was in their power to grant it?
Therefore, it must be the case that God wants us all healed. And therefore, it's up to us to exercise our faith and claim our right to divine healing, correct?
Again, not so fast. First off, the passage is not actually saying that God will always heal us.
This is an inference being made by Andrew as an extension of God being our father. So let's go up to the verse just before that.
Verse 12. It says, quote, As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
End quote. So when it says that God shows fatherly compassion to us, it's not guaranteeing our healing.
Rather, it is assuring us that God will compassionately forgive his people of their sins. And of course, the
Old Testament Christians would have recognized this as a reference to forgiveness of sins through sacrifice and the shedding of innocent blood.
In other words, this points us to the finished and forgiving work of Jesus Christ in the New Covenant as the fulfillment of the
Old. To put it simply, it's not about getting your healing, it's about God's forgiveness. But setting that part aside, is it fair to say that God being a compassionate
Father would necessitate that it is His will to heal everyone in this life?
No. That is not what Scripture tells us. In Exodus 4 .11, God says to Moses, quote,
Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not
I, the Lord? You see, God makes it clear that He is sovereign, even over the sickness and infirmity of man.
And more than this, as we've already covered, God has the ultimate ability to heal every person in the world instantly, regardless of their faith.
Just like He miraculously helped Lazarus and the man at the Pool of Bethesda, regardless of their faith.
God most definitely could heal everyone at any time He wishes. And yet God, though He is loving, evidently does not do this.
In other words, Andrew is taking a perfectly good biblical principle, one about God being a compassionate
Father, and he's latching onto it with no regard for the rest of God's Word. This is not sound teaching at all.
It is a haphazard misrepresentation of Scripture to support Word of Faith theology. But of course, let's allow
Andrew, in his own words, to describe more of what he believes about healing. Watch this. Man, this is huge, what
I'm saying. And applying it to healing, many of us have just been taught that, you know, at certain times of the year, it's flu season.
It's what you do. You just get sick. It's normal. We've been taught that to have a cold once a year is just normal, and that you've got to be sick every once in a while, and that you've got to have pains, and I'm getting older, and so therefore
I can't expect to be pain -free, and you know what, you expect your joints to start getting to where they ache and things like this, and we have been taught this, and that is the image that you have, and it is a self -fulfilling prophecy.
So Andrew says that many of us believe there's a certain time of year where sickness is more common.
Cold and flu season, we call it. And notice that his audience actually laughs while he says this, as if he's describing some sort of ridiculous idea.
But he goes on, implying that it's absurd for us to think that as a person ages they might get aches and pains or have obstacles to their health.
This kind of negative thinking is a self -fulfilling prophecy, he says. And this idea is very common among popular faith healers.
They will often boast that they have not been sick for 30 years. They will frequently tell you things like,
I'm over 70 or 80 years old and I don't have a single health problem to speak of because of the power of my faith.
And therefore, if you follow these teachings, you too can be in perfect health. You see, Andrew and teachers like him confidently talk about how silly it is to think that sickness could be normal, or that health issues in old age could be normal.
And unfortunately, it can sometimes be tempting to just take their word for it. After all, these people keep preaching week after week, and they seem to be just fine.
But if you just take a step back and ask some critical questions, you'll find that these men are not living that way at all.
Let me offer you some practical examples. Kenneth Copeland is probably the most famous faith healer in the world.
But recently, he had to get a pacemaker for his heart to work properly. One of his greatest influences was faith healer
Oral Roberts. Shockingly, Roberts had to get prostate surgery, heart surgery, and shoulder surgery before his death.
Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church constantly speaks about all the miraculous power his church possesses, yet he himself has to wear eyeglasses because of his poor sight.
Also, in 2015, massively popular faith healer Benny Hinn was admitted to the hospital for, you guessed it, heart trouble.
And by the way, it's not just charlatans and false teachers who get health problems as they age. Let's not forget that the
Old Testament patriarch Jacob is specifically listed in the Hall of Faith given in Hebrews chapter 11.
Yet in his old age, his eyesight was so poor that, quote, he could not see. If the forefathers of our faith got old and had some health problems, isn't it astoundingly prideful to think that you would be completely immune to such things because of the power of your faith specifically?
The fact is, faith healers love to tell you about how exceedingly healthy they always are and how impervious to sickness they are.
But their own experiences tell a very different story. Obviously, these men are getting older and often require medical care.
They just don't tell you that from the pulpit. Why? Well, because they have all the incentive in the world to present themselves as perfectly healthy so that they can keep promoting their healing doctrine, which of course coincidentally happens to make them tons of money.
It's quite a convenient situation. But you see, regardless of any grand claims that Andrew makes from the pulpit, let me remind you that we have documented him in this video directly misapplying
Scripture at least twice in the first few minutes of his sermon alone. And I watched the entire thing, which was almost an hour long, and it was more of the exact same stuff.
At the end of the day, Andrew Womack is manifestly not a reliable source of Biblical teaching.
So if you know someone who listens to him, please send them this video. I pray this has been a blessing to you.
Please know this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a Biblical critique. Pray for this channel and for anyone discussed in the video.
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And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching that video.
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