Matt Slick Live: December 3, 2024
Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 12-3-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues! You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:
Caller Comments on Matt’s Recent Debate on Unconditional Election/
If Christ Lives In Us--Why Do We Have to Watch and Be Ready?/We Have a World Wide Knowledge Increase-But Are We Coming Closer to The Truth?/Traveling and Learning/Do Any Jews Believe in Jesus?/
Caller Says a Unitarian Claimed That Matthew 28:19 was Added by The Catholic Church/
Priscilla and Aquilla Had a Church at Their Home—Was Priscilla Therefore a Pastor?/
Matt Discusses—What is a Counterfactual?/
What Kind of Bible Does The Roman Catholic Church Use?/Critique of The Apocrypha/
Matt Discusses How Authority is Used in Exorcisms/
December 3, 2024
- 00:00
- The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
- 00:07
- Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at carm .org.
- 00:14
- When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
- 00:24
- Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick, and you're listening to Matt Slick Live.
- 00:30
- If you want, as usual, to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
- 00:39
- I want to hear from you. Give me a call. I'm going through my notes, going through some stuff.
- 00:45
- There we go. Getting there. All right. I don't think we have anybody calling right at the moment. I can always get to email and do some email questions and some issues, have some interesting discussions.
- 00:54
- I've had recently discussing theology, and one of the things that's kind of coming up interestingly is the cult mind stuff.
- 01:02
- It's coming up more and more. It's kind of interesting. I'll probably end up talking about that.
- 01:14
- Okay, Mr. Bill, you've got a call up. Call me up and tell me if you heard anything, if you've got any comments worth making, call me up on the show.
- 01:23
- We can talk, 877 -207 -2276. For those who want to give me a call, you can do that.
- 01:32
- Also, you can email me at info at carm .org, info at c -a -r -m dot o -r -g, put in the subject line radio comment, radio question, one of those, and then we can get to it.
- 01:47
- And for those of you who don't know, maybe you don't know, but people send me questions.
- 01:53
- I have a ton. I have so many questions I can get to. It would be kind of fun to do 50 questions in, let's see, 50 questions in 5 minutes, something like that.
- 02:05
- Here you go, where are you going? And then try and answer questions as fast as I can. I could just do them all and say, don't know, don't know, don't know, bang, done, all right.
- 02:14
- But I don't think that's how it's going to work. You know, my wife and I were talking about my radio show today and there are some factors, you know, and some issues and some stuff about everything.
- 02:28
- And she says, you know, your show's different. And I said, okay, she goes, it's not like a real professional
- 02:38
- Christian guy. I'm like, what does that mean? She said, well, you know, you're just, you're just there.
- 02:47
- You just, you just say stuff. You're not like these super polished guys who have to give all these answers a perfect way and all this stuff, you just go for it.
- 02:55
- And I said, okay, I guess that's a compliment. And so, so anyway, we're having that discussion and she said it's, you know, but it works.
- 03:03
- You know, people listen to you, they either hate you or like you. And I go, yeah, that's true. She says, you just say it like it is. I go, that's true,
- 03:09
- I do. Just say it. She goes, you're not afraid of saying it either. I go, noop. And so,
- 03:15
- I got a kick out of that. Anyway, okay, let's get to, let's give it a shot.
- 03:21
- Hey, Bill from California, Bill, buddy. Welcome, you're on the air. Matt, how are you doing?
- 03:27
- Doing all right, big man, doing all right. So, what do you got? Fill us in. You know,
- 03:33
- I was, I was in the store, so I've heard parts of it, but it was pretty brutal, the first chapter. He went over TULIP.
- 03:40
- Well, hold on, let's go over. This is the opponent that I debated on Friday, who's a rabid anti -Calvinist.
- 03:46
- We don't care if you're Calvinist or not, folks. We just, when they misrepresent in an attack, call us pagans. You know, say all kinds of ungodly stuff and get vitriolic.
- 03:55
- And then we have a problem with that. And this is a guy I debated. And apparently, he wrote a book, is that correct? Using AI, is that right?
- 04:02
- That's what I heard. Yeah, Matt's like an electric company. Yeah, I heard about it pretty bad, yeah.
- 04:10
- But today, OK, so you were in there, you heard stuff. So tell us. Yeah, I was in the store, so I've heard parts of it.
- 04:16
- But the parts I heard was pretty brutal. I guess the second chapter, he's going to quote
- 04:22
- Calvinist. I'm sure you're going to be in there, James White. Oh, so was he able to, how do
- 04:33
- I say this politely, offer any cogent arguments of any sort in the first chapter?
- 04:39
- No, not now. He might be in the second chapter. All right.
- 04:47
- So you heard the debate, right, that I had on Friday with this guy, right? Definitely. And what's your analysis of this debate?
- 04:58
- He has no debating skills whatsoever. I would agree. And his arguments, he couldn't answer the question.
- 05:06
- Yeah, it was bad. That's why you need to have twenty five questions before you debate anyone.
- 05:13
- Answer these and I'll debate you. That's what we're going to do. You can get me. Yeah, we're going to work on that.
- 05:20
- I already have a list for different particular groups, but I think I'm going to do a generic thing to say, you know, here's a list of questions you have to answer for debate me.
- 05:29
- And then we'll work about work on that, you know, stuff like that. But yeah, yeah.
- 05:35
- Needs to be that debate was as brutal as Chris Fisher. You debated Chris. OK, it was pretty bad, huh?
- 05:47
- Yeah. Yeah, it was bad. You know, it's interesting, though, seriously, why people wanted to do debates with me, but why do people want to do debates in general?
- 06:00
- They very often don't know the material and don't know the basics of logic and argumentation.
- 06:07
- I find that to be rather problematic. So that's what
- 06:13
- I say. Yes, I do, too. Yeah. But yeah, it was it was brutal Friday and then they kicked you out of clubhouse.
- 06:23
- That's right. And they got mad that they kicked me out. Yeah, that's right. And now they're just saying a lot of mean stuff.
- 06:29
- So why is this important? Why do you think this is important? Give me an answer. What do you think? Why do
- 06:34
- I think what's important? All this stuff is important. Yeah. I mean, you know,
- 06:40
- I mean, you know, I still consider Sam a brother in the
- 06:45
- Lord and a charity sister. But I mean, maybe not charity as much, but, you know,
- 06:51
- Sam's a nice guy. But this misrepresent Calvinism and most people do.
- 07:00
- And that's OK. You know, they should do it properly. A lot of people don't. But that's it.
- 07:08
- OK. Whoops. Hold on a second. OK. Boy, turn that off.
- 07:17
- Well, I'm glad you heard it. And it was unfortunate. But I got another debate coming up this week,
- 07:22
- Friday on does the Old Testament imply the
- 07:28
- Trinity and then another one after that? Does the Bible support
- 07:33
- Mary's intercession in heaven? So that'll be interesting to debate him. You know,
- 07:40
- I forget who I'm debating. I'm going to put these things up. I'm going to get all that stuff. I'm going to get all that together. Yeah.
- 07:46
- So that will be on the Karm calendar. Yeah, I'll put it on the calendar. I'll do it. We'll get the we'll get this going.
- 07:54
- Yep. All right. All right. Thank you. All right, big man.
- 07:59
- Sounds good, buddy. Thanks for calling. God bless. You, too. God bless. OK. All right.
- 08:04
- That was Bill. I've talked to him many times. He's a good guy. And what we're doing, we're battling.
- 08:10
- This is kind of how it works. We're battling a group of people who are rabid, anti -reformed people.
- 08:19
- I mean, rabid. They don't exhibit the fruit of the spirit. Seriously. And they're not just being mean.
- 08:25
- They don't exhibit the spirit of fruit, the spirit of fruit. The fruit of the spirit. They don't exhibit patience and kindness.
- 08:35
- They misrepresent. And they're trying to go global. What they want to do is write books and then develop a global ministry attacking reformed theology specifically.
- 08:47
- And so the only reason I'm paying a little bit of attention to them, just a little, is because out of small things, big things sometimes arise.
- 08:56
- And the hatred and narrow mindedness that they're using with convoluted logic just makes people, some people believe them.
- 09:05
- And so that's a problem. And and, you know,
- 09:11
- I'm very, very reticent to say someone is or isn't a saint, unless they're just obviously a Mormon or Catholic, laying an official
- 09:17
- Roman Catholic theology. Then, you know, I'm sorry, you're outside the camp. But these are people who affirm the basic doctrines.
- 09:23
- And then what they do is they make judgments about what the essentials are. And then they violate the level of the essentials spoken of in scripture and then raise others to those essentials, other doctrines that are not in there.
- 09:36
- And then they say, if you're guilty of these, then you're not a Christian. So they make a lot of mistakes. And a lot of Christians don't know what the scriptures actually teach.
- 09:43
- So they are they have problems. And this can start a cult.
- 09:50
- And they are cultic, they have cult mind practices. That's one of the reasons
- 09:55
- I'm concerned is because of this. Anyway, that's what it is. Let's get to Alberto from George, Alberto.
- 10:00
- Welcome, Alberto. You're on the air, man. What's up, buddy? Yeah. How are you doing, Ashley? My question is, you know, the gospel is about, you don't know when the hour the
- 10:10
- Lord is going to come. You got to be ready, right? So if Jesus Christ really lives inside your soul and spirit, why do you have to be watching me?
- 10:17
- But when the Lord is going to come to somebody living inside you already? Oh, I didn't understand everything you said.
- 10:23
- No one knows the day nor the hour living in us. And what they say, they say that the
- 10:30
- Lord, you don't know that to watch and be ready that you don't know what hour the Lord is going to come right in the gospel. So as the
- 10:36
- Bible says that Christ would have lived inside of you already in your spirit. So why do you have to be watching, be ready, watching when the
- 10:41
- Lord comes? You don't know what hour is going to come, why they will watch the way they live inside of you because he tells us to.
- 10:49
- That's why he says, you know, yeah, but if he says, are you ready? He's in his spirit form.
- 10:57
- Yeah, but you see, Jesus, you know, he knows all things doesn't mean we do. So what we do is we just we listen to what he says and he says, watch and be ready and we're to do that.
- 11:10
- It's as simple as that, you know. And OK, man, it's another question I got there. OK, you know,
- 11:17
- Daniel chapter 12, verse four talks about, you know. But the knowledge increase and all that in the last days, you know, knowledge will increase more now because the last hundred years, they say that the experts or scholars say that every 12 hours it doubles our knowledge, you know, of technology or whatever.
- 11:40
- Now it's increasing every 12 hours. So even though we got a lot of knowledge increase, we still are not wise or.
- 11:51
- Or like a second Timothy three, seven, say every learning ever comes out, not true. So we got all this knowledge, even in the scripts, we got all these commentaries and apps and translation.
- 12:03
- Yeah, but we're more biblical, illiterate than any other time in the history, basically our generation.
- 12:11
- So. There's a difference between knowledge and wisdom. See, wisdom is the proper use of knowledge.
- 12:17
- But knowledge itself is just you just have information and without the guidance of the
- 12:23
- Lord, then we can misapply that knowledge like we can make nuclear bombs.
- 12:29
- Is that a wise use of our knowledge? Is it things like that?
- 12:34
- And so we need to be wise about what we do. OK, so.
- 12:40
- So what about all these examples that all these commentaries, all these apps, all this information that we have more false prophets and more false teachers, more than any time in history, you don't want to agree with that.
- 12:53
- And I was illiterate, more illiterate than ever. Correct.
- 12:59
- Yeah. But Jesus warned us about that. Matthew 24, you know, false prophets will arise to see many, if possible, even the elect 24, 24.
- 13:07
- So these kind of things are on the rise. And the verse you're quoting on Daniel 12 for there's something else that you might want to mention in there.
- 13:14
- It says, steal the book until the end of time. Many will go back and forth and knowledge will increase.
- 13:21
- And this seems to be fulfilled in the last hundred years that we can we can. You know, I was just I took a 12 hour trip from flight from Dallas to the other side of the planet to Istanbul, you know, last month.
- 13:35
- So and vice versa. So we can go around the world in 24 hours.
- 13:40
- You know, there's a break. You want to hold, buddy? Or is that it? OK. I'll put you on hold.
- 13:48
- Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. If you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
- 13:56
- Be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
- 14:13
- Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, it's easy. 877 -207 -2276, let's get back on with Alberto.
- 14:24
- But are you still there? Yes. Yes, sir. I'm still here. Hey, I was watching this video on YouTube.
- 14:31
- Now I got this new supersonic jet, you know, for business people. They could fly from the United States to Europe in three hours.
- 14:38
- Yeah, I mean, I got a quick question, too. You know, like, so you should travel to Istanbul, you said.
- 14:48
- So if we have all this access to the Internet, you know, and social media and YouTube, like people connected to Zoom and all that, wouldn't it be beneficial to save the money not going yourself or other missionaries or pastors traveling across over to other countries and cities across the
- 15:10
- United States? Or did you just teach over the over the Internet that way to save your money, the traveling expenses and hotels and people could just, you know, why is it necessary to all these missionaries or pastors traveling across the country or different countries just to teach the
- 15:26
- Bible? Or you could just talk to the reason the reason
- 15:32
- I went is to learn so that I can I can understand what it means to be in certain places and see certain things.
- 15:40
- So, for example, all good. Yeah, I went to Rome and I went to the Vatican and I've discovered something that I use because of that trip.
- 15:48
- I can say I've been to the Vatican. I can say I've been in Sistine Chapel and I can ask the
- 15:54
- Catholics now. You know, I did it last night. I was on a chat room and I said, the
- 16:00
- Catholic Church claims to be the apostolic truth, that they have the succession of of apostolic authority, that they're like the apostles.
- 16:11
- Great. If that's the case, did the apostles gather millions of dollars of wealth for themselves?
- 16:17
- Billions and statues and fine gold and silver. Is that what they did? Like I see in the
- 16:23
- Vatican. I asked the question. And the Catholics have trouble with that. But now I can say
- 16:28
- I've seen it and what it was like. You see, there's advantages to stuff like that.
- 16:36
- Oh, I hear too. Also, I heard the pastors, they say, like I saw on the Internet one time, sometimes people go to other countries to learn the culture because or because you learn better.
- 16:49
- Exactly. The the word I heard one guy say in that country that the one word can mean so many different things.
- 16:57
- Yeah, but that's studying linguistics. But yes, there's things like that. OK, but it's
- 17:05
- OK to go to to other countries. It's like someone taking a vacation. You know, I don't take vacations.
- 17:11
- So I just don't. But what I do is study.
- 17:17
- And then if I'm going to do a so to speak vacation, I try and spend it learning so I can talk to others about it.
- 17:24
- That's why I go to these trips. Now, I'm doing another one at the end of next year.
- 17:30
- We're going to go to the Jordan, hopefully. And I'll go to Sodom and Gomorrah.
- 17:37
- And so when you when you've been to these places, particularly if you're a radio personality or you're an apologist, you say, look,
- 17:43
- I've been there. I've seen this is what it looks like. Just like I've been to the Vatican and I've been to Pompeii.
- 17:50
- I did. I preached in Corinth and in Thessalonica. You know,
- 17:56
- I've seen the actual inscription of Galileo in Greek in Delphi, you know.
- 18:04
- And so I can say, look, I've been there. So it's worth this kind of thing for that.
- 18:09
- OK. All right. To the minimum, which it confirms the scripture that this scripture is true. Basically.
- 18:16
- Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yep. So let's go to one more quick question. So I'm going to let you go out quick about all these years.
- 18:22
- Christians been visiting Israel, right? And missionaries and all kinds of stuff. How come
- 18:28
- Israel, my math, majority of the Jews are still blind to the gospel? Why is that?
- 18:33
- Many of them are not. When I went to, for example, went to Jerusalem. Here's an example of being there.
- 18:38
- I went to Jerusalem a year and a half ago. I've been in the Mount of Olives.
- 18:44
- I can look down and I can see the Mount of Olives. I can see where the path of the the the soldiers would have come and what it meant to Christ to see it in the dark.
- 18:52
- I've been to a place where they have a reenactment of the area 2000 years ago.
- 19:00
- They actually have actors. They just they just work there. They dress around. They dress around. They dress in period style from 2000 years ago.
- 19:07
- And they'll sit and they'll make pots. They'll weave. And we were able to walk through and see what they're doing.
- 19:14
- And they're Christians in Jerusalem. OK, so they're
- 19:20
- Jewish Christians. You as Christians, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
- 19:26
- Yeah. And I'm actually I think I'm actually going to use a column. We're going to use it because people call them. Yeah. And so you can go there and I can offer things.
- 19:34
- I can see things like like, for example, we went into a rebuilt synagogue of that time.
- 19:41
- Oh, wow. Now I know what it means. I know how big it was. I've seen the actual room where they took the roof off and off of Peter's mom's house, mother -in -law's house, and they they lowered down the man.
- 19:56
- I've been to the actual room. I mean, above it in it. But, you know, the plexiglass, they can see it.
- 20:01
- So, you know, these things are real. I can say to people, I've seen it, been there. And this is why another reason it's so valuable to do stuff like this.
- 20:12
- OK. OK. Makes sense. All right. Thank you. OK. Well, God bless.
- 20:19
- OK. God bless. You have a great work. Oh, thank you very much. All right. Let's get to Dorothy from Virginia.
- 20:26
- Dorothy, welcome. You are on the air. Thank you. And I just have a question.
- 20:32
- And I don't know how to answer this Unitarian clubhouse. You know, he
- 20:39
- I'm a Trinitarian. He's a Unitarian. And he said that Matthew 28, 19 was added.
- 20:46
- And I told him I said, I don't have to use it. I mean, I use it as a formula. I used to.
- 20:52
- And I just want to ask you, was that added by the Catholic Church? I think you said.
- 20:58
- No, it does not. That's not it. So what you can understand,
- 21:04
- Unitarians are cultists. It's a cult. You can tell him to call the show and I'd be glad to discuss the inherent problems of Unitarianism.
- 21:15
- And for those who don't know what that means, it means God is not a trinity, God is one person. There are natural problems with that view and I present them to Unitarians of varying degrees and they're stumped by some of the questions we ask.
- 21:29
- So I could do that very easily. But no, that's not something that's added into the text by the
- 21:35
- Catholic Church. No, he's just making it up. He doesn't know. If he's going to say something like that, what you do, you say,
- 21:41
- Oh, interesting. Could you please show me the documentation for that? I'd love to see that. Well, you do your own research.
- 21:48
- Well, no, no, no, no, no. You're the one who made this claim. You're the one who said it. So really,
- 21:53
- I'm interested to know what it is that caused you to say that.
- 21:58
- Where's the documentation? Or, this is what I ask him, are you just spreading rumors?
- 22:05
- Which is it? Gossip? Rumors? Which is it? So show me the documentation. Okay. Okay, I will tell him that.
- 22:13
- I'm going to try to get him to call in the show. I tried to tell him to call in today. But thank you.
- 22:19
- Thank you so much. You are welcome so much. No problem at all.
- 22:25
- Thank you. Have a good afternoon. God bless.
- 22:34
- That was a good call. I like that. Unitarianism is interesting. It's false doctrine. Let's get to Patrick from Charlotte.
- 22:40
- Hey, Patrick, I just clicked on you. Hold on, buddy. Break's coming up right now. After the messages.
- 22:48
- Hold on. Be right back, folks. Please stay tuned. Here's Matt Slick.
- 23:15
- Welcome back to the show. Let's get on the air with Patrick from Charlotte, North Carolina.
- 23:22
- There you go, Patrick. You're on the air, buddy. Hey, hi there, Matt. Thanks for taking my call.
- 23:29
- My question is, you know Purcell and Aquila in Acts 18?
- 23:37
- They have a church at their home, right? Yes. And my question is, would
- 23:42
- Purcell Do you think Purcell was a pastor of that church? No. But it says that when they met up with Apollos in Acts 18 and they took him home and taught him the
- 23:58
- Bible more accurately because they took him home to their church and it said both
- 24:05
- Purcell and Aquila. So wouldn't you think that Purcell was involved with the teaching?
- 24:12
- Yes, but women can teach. They're not to be pastors and elders in charge of men in ecclesiastical positions in the church.
- 24:20
- That's not their position. There's nothing wrong with a woman teaching a man doctrine. But the point is at the ending of Romans, 1
- 24:31
- Corinthians and 2 Timothy all actually give special thanks to Purcell and Aquila.
- 24:38
- Why would he do that? He would have given thanks to Aquila, but why would he give special thanks to her?
- 24:47
- Because they were doing good work and he just gave special thanks to them. Yeah, that's what he said.
- 24:53
- He goes, I thank them for the church at their home. I'm just saying that he kind of puts
- 25:00
- Purcell in a position of authority. No, he doesn't.
- 25:07
- I've heard that if they mention Purcell's name first then she's got some kind of an authority.
- 25:15
- Is that the way the wording would be? No. You're just guessing.
- 25:21
- That's what I've heard. Whenever they mention the first person, that means that person has more authority than the second person.
- 25:32
- For example, the list of the apostles is in different orders in different places.
- 25:39
- So if it's an issue of authority, then their authority is switching all over the place. And that doesn't make any sense.
- 25:44
- So it's just not correct. So the church was in their home. That's all it means.
- 25:51
- It doesn't mean she's an apostle. It doesn't mean that she is a pastor or an elder. It just means that she could have been.
- 26:00
- I'll say this. The Bible teaches women are not to be pastors and elders. It forbids them.
- 26:06
- But Paul gives them special thanks. Purcell also. So why would he give her special thanks if she's doing a sin?
- 26:18
- Patrick, I can just tell you this. I answer your question so many times in so many different ways.
- 26:23
- You just refuse to learn. You refuse. Hold on.
- 26:30
- You just get this idea in your head. It doesn't matter what answers I give you. You're just going to argue with them. Nothing in the text requires that she was an apostle or an elder.
- 26:38
- It was just a church in her home. He gives her gracious mention. That's all that happens. It doesn't say the apostle or the elder so -and -so give her name.
- 26:47
- It doesn't do that. You're the one assigning value to that, and it's not necessary because it's not required of the Scripture.
- 26:53
- You need to repent. So what? If I have a church here at my house, my wife's here, does it mean she's a pastor?
- 27:09
- No. Patrick, I want you to do something here.
- 27:17
- Calm down. Well, I'm just showing you that you could be wrong about women pastors because Paul believed in them.
- 27:26
- Paul believed in Priscilla and Aquila. Patrick, can you show me where Paul affirmed a woman pastor in the
- 27:34
- Bible? Like I said, at the ending of Romans and the ending of 1
- 27:40
- Corinthians and 2 Timothy, Paul gives special thanks to Priscilla and Aquila because they have a church at their home.
- 27:48
- So they have a church at their home. Does it mean she's a pastor? Patrick, you don't listen.
- 27:55
- You are full of just insane illogic. You always do this.
- 28:02
- You always call up. I give you an answer. You ignore the answer, and you go on like a dog returning to his own vomit, the
- 28:09
- Bible says. You need to be warned. You could be wrong. This is also what happens with Patrick.
- 28:18
- After a little bit, he just keeps talking, and then he doesn't listen anymore. He just starts trying to dominate and over -talk.
- 28:24
- I just don't put up with it. I've been talking to him for years, not only on the radio, but also in other venues. Seriously, he could not argue his way out of a wet paper bag.
- 28:32
- If there was a neon sign with an exit sign saying this way exit, he still couldn't get himself out of it.
- 28:43
- He doesn't know what he's doing. He doesn't know how to think. There's got to be something else going on with Patrick. We need to pray for him, and we need the grace of God to be upon him so that God will open up his heart and his mind for the truth.
- 28:58
- Normally, I'm really patient with people, but I've talked to him I don't know, 50 times. Seriously, a lot of people don't know.
- 29:05
- I know who he is. We've had so many discussions. Humble Clay says Patrick is allergic to listening.
- 29:13
- That is true. He's allergic to listening. Interesting stuff.
- 29:19
- Alright, I'm going to get into a little something. Let's see if I can remember a conversation we had today. In a chat room, we were discussing counterfactuals.
- 29:32
- It was really interesting because we're talking about a theological perspective.
- 29:42
- A counterfactual is something that is not true, but would have been under different circumstances.
- 29:50
- For example, Matthew 11 .23, Jesus says And you, Capernaum, will not be exalted to heaven, will you?
- 29:58
- You will descend to Hades. For if the miracles had occurred in Sodom, which occurred in you, it would have remained to this day.
- 30:07
- What Jesus is doing is raising a counterfactual. He's saying if this had happened there, then things would have been different.
- 30:17
- That's what he's saying. This means that Jesus knows the conditions in which other things would have happened to bring about other results.
- 30:27
- I've got a question now. If it's the case that Jesus knew what it would have taken to get
- 30:35
- Sodom and Gomorrah to repent, here's a question. Why didn't he do it?
- 30:43
- If the Lord God knew what was necessary to get them to repent and stop their sin, why didn't he do it?
- 30:49
- Because Jesus says in Matthew 11 .23 If the miracles had occurred in Sodom, which occurred in you, it would have remained to this day.
- 30:58
- He's talking about Capernaum. I've been to Capernaum. I got to preach there and do devotionals to our group.
- 31:08
- It's interesting. Here's a question. It's a thinking question. Why is it that God knew what would have changed to get them to not be destroyed in Sodom and Gomorrah and didn't do it?
- 31:24
- When Jesus says if the miracles occurred there, that here, they would have repented. They would have turned. They'd still be here.
- 31:31
- Well, then why didn't they? Why didn't God do it? That's a question. It's a serious question for those who say,
- 31:40
- God just wants every individual to be saved and he's waiting at the door of your heart. He doesn't need permission for you to let him in.
- 31:46
- And stuff like this. So, just a thought question. I like that. Let's get to Rusty from South Carolina.
- 31:53
- Rusty, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, how you doing, Matt? I'm doing okay, man.
- 32:00
- I'm hanging in there. That's good. That's good. I understand with Catholic and Christian we have different Bibles from them, right?
- 32:14
- They have additional books in their Bible that are not in ours because in 1546 they canonized and officially recognized certain apocryphal books as being true.
- 32:25
- So, it's a reaction to the Protestant Reformation. Okay, so with their book, they got a book of Tobit or something and it speaks of an angel.
- 32:38
- That's not good, is it? Like, I forgot the name of the angel.
- 32:47
- Well, let's see. What is the name of that angel? Let's see. I don't know.
- 32:53
- Let's see if I can find my notes here. The name of the angel is the tip of my tongue.
- 33:00
- I know what you're talking about. And it's right there. And as soon as I hear it, I go, yeah, that's it. You know, one of those.
- 33:08
- Oh, I hate it when that happens. But, I can give you reasons why it's not
- 33:18
- Scripture. Okay. So, let me see.
- 33:26
- I'm trying to do a search here for the name of the angel that is in there. Raphael.
- 33:33
- That's it. Raphael. In the book of Tobit. Okay, got it. There's the break.
- 33:40
- So, hold on. When we get back, I'll give you a list of reasons of why the
- 33:45
- Apocrypha is not Scripture and why Scripture was not considered Scripture. So, hold on, buddy. Hey, folks, after these messages, please stay tuned.
- 33:54
- We'll get back to Rusty and talk about the Apocryphal books and why they are not Scripture.
- 34:00
- We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
- 34:14
- Here's Matt Slick. Welcome back to the show. We'll get back on air with him and discuss the issue of the
- 34:23
- Catholic Bible and the Apocryphal books. If you want to give me a call, in the meantime, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
- 34:37
- If you want, you can email me at info at CARM .org.
- 34:43
- Info at CARM .org. Just put a subject line, radio comment, radio question, either one of those.
- 34:54
- Let's get back on with Rusty from South Carolina. Rusty, are you there? Here are some reasons why the
- 35:05
- Apocrypha should not be in the Bible and should not be considered Scripture. Are you ready?
- 35:10
- Yes. Let's see.
- 35:18
- I have two more questions after that. Sure, no problem. In John 5 .39,
- 35:27
- Jesus said that the Scriptures were about him. John 5 .39.
- 35:34
- In Luke 24 .44, he spoke to the disciples about what was written about him in the
- 35:40
- Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms. He excluded the Apocrypha because the
- 35:46
- Law, the Law, Prophets, and Psalms are the division of the Old Testament books, excluding the
- 35:51
- Apocryphal books. So Jesus said the Bible is about him in John 5 .39
- 35:58
- and then Luke 24 .44, he says that he explained everything written about him in the
- 36:04
- Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms. So that excluded the Apocryphal books.
- 36:12
- Alright, so there's that. There are references where Jesus excluded the
- 36:19
- Apocrypha, and that's one of them. Jesus cited the first and last book of the
- 36:26
- Old Testament and excluded the Apocrypha. He said in Luke 11 .51, he said, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who perished between the altar and the house of God.
- 36:35
- So what that means is Abel to Zechariah at the time of the arrangement of the
- 36:43
- Old Testament books in the Jewish canon, that was the first and last book of the Jewish canon.
- 36:48
- It's like saying from Genesis to Malachi for us, this is what happened. And if someone were to say from Genesis to Malachi, and Malachi was written around 400
- 36:58
- B .C., the Apocryphal books were written after Malachi and before the time of Christ.
- 37:05
- So during that intertestamental period. So if we know those books were written at say 200
- 37:12
- B .C., let's just say, 200 -300 B .C., and I said from the books of Genesis to Malachi, that's automatically excluding the
- 37:26
- Apocryphal books. There's also no clear citations from the Apocrypha used by Jesus or the
- 37:33
- Apostles. The Jews did not accept the Apocryphal Scripture. According to Romans 3 .2,
- 37:40
- the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God. Yet they rejected the Apocryphal books. The Catholic Church did not officially accept the
- 37:48
- Apocryphal books at a universal council until 1546. Many of the church fathers rejected the
- 37:58
- Apocryphal Scripture, whereas others just used them for devotional purposes. For example, Jerome did.
- 38:05
- He denied it. Rejected the Apocryphal. There's more. Let me finish these.
- 38:13
- Apocrypha contains no predictive prophecy, no new messianic truth is revealed.
- 38:21
- Maccabees says that there are no prophets in Israel at that time, and that casts doubt on its own inspiration.
- 38:31
- How can Maccabees be a prophetic book of a prophet? It's a problem. Apocrypha contains superstition.
- 38:39
- It teaches putting the heart of a fish on hot coals. That drives away evil spirits.
- 38:46
- It teaches giving money for the sins of the dead. It contains a historical error.
- 38:55
- It teaches that Nebuchadnezzar was the king of the Assyrians. It has errors.
- 39:04
- It's just not Scripture. Wow, that is neat. They go by the
- 39:12
- Esther books. I know in Revelation it says not to add or take from that it would be a plague worse than God put on Egypt.
- 39:27
- A lot of people misinterpret that.
- 39:34
- When we talk about that, it says if anyone adds or detracts.
- 39:41
- This is Revelation 22 .18. I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book.
- 39:49
- If anyone adds to them, God will add to them the plague. If anyone takes away the words of the book of this prophecy,
- 39:57
- God will take away his part. It's misapplied by a lot of people.
- 40:05
- Nothing can add to God's word. Yes sir. Do Catholics believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
- 40:18
- Yes they do. From my understanding with the study, it's different.
- 40:29
- There's only one true Jesus, one true God. Yeshua. There are several doctrines that are necessary to define the
- 40:43
- Christian faith. If you violate one of the necessary doctrines, you can't be called a
- 40:49
- Christian. For example,
- 40:55
- Jesus says in John 8 .24, unless you believe that I am, you will die in your sins.
- 41:02
- It's an essential doctrine. You can't deny that He is the I am. In 1
- 41:08
- Corinthians 15 .14, if Christ be not raised, our faith is in vain.
- 41:16
- Also, not adding any works to the work of Christ. Galatians 3 .1
- 41:23
- -3, Galatians 5 .1 -5 and other places. This is what the
- 41:28
- Roman Catholic Church violates. Therefore, they violate an essential doctrine of the
- 41:36
- Christian faith. They actually curse the gospel. They curse it in the
- 41:42
- Council of Trent. When they do exorcism, is the
- 41:48
- Catholic Church the only church that's known to do exorcism?
- 41:55
- Yes. The issue here is that the power is in the name of Christ.
- 42:06
- It's not in the authority of the Catholic Church. Amen. Hallelujah.
- 42:15
- Yes. There's an account in the book of Acts where the
- 42:21
- Christians were casting out demons. The demons said, we don't know you.
- 42:30
- They jumped on them and beat them up. Acts 19 is where it is.
- 42:38
- They were able to cast out demons by the name of the Lord. It worked.
- 42:46
- The Catholic Church can cast out demons. It doesn't mean that they're a true church.
- 42:53
- It's real simple logic. Wow. Okay. Thank you.
- 43:01
- I appreciate that. Thank you.
- 43:12
- You're welcome. God bless you, brother. I think what
- 43:20
- I'll do for the last few minutes of the show is actually go over this. What we were just talking about out of Acts 19, 13 -16.
- 43:28
- But also some of the Jewish exorcists who went from place to place attempted to name over those who had the evil spirits the name of the
- 43:39
- Lord Jesus, saying, I adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches. Seven sons of one
- 43:46
- Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. And the evil spirit answered and said to them,
- 43:52
- I recognize Jesus, I know about Paul, but who are you? And the man in whom was the evil spirit leapt on them, subdued all of them, overpowered them, and they fled out of the house naked and wounded.
- 44:09
- So the issue here is that people can use the name of Jesus. Now something definitely occurred.
- 44:15
- Did they actually exorcise a demon? Or was the demon exorcised and jumped on them?
- 44:22
- Or did it leave that person it was possessing and then jumped on them? Because it doesn't seem that they want to leave the people that they're possessing.
- 44:33
- So we can't say for sure this is what they did exorcise by the name of Jesus, but the circumstantial evidence seems to support it.
- 44:40
- Now this is out of Acts 19 .13 -16, so we've got to be careful here. But nevertheless, they were using the name of Jesus.
- 44:48
- Now if you go to Acts 4 .7, this is important also. It says when they, the
- 44:56
- Jews, had placed them, the people who were preaching and teaching and stuff like that, they began to inquire, by what power or in what name have you done this?
- 45:06
- And Peter filled with the Holy Spirit said to them, rulers and elders of the people, if we are in trial today for a benefit done to a sick man, as to how this man was made well, let it be known to all of you and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ the
- 45:22
- Nazarene whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by this name this man stands here before you in good health.
- 45:32
- So in the name of means by the authority of and you go from Acts 4 .7
- 45:38
- -10, and that's where you see that. So when people, like the Catholic Church, it's a false church.
- 45:45
- The Catholic Church is a false church. And so is the East Orthodox Church. And so I know that offends a lot of people.
- 45:51
- And it does. Let me just address that for a moment. It offends a lot of people. And I don't care.
- 45:57
- I'm not here to please you. I'm not here to make you feel good. I'm not here to make you get your ears tickled.
- 46:02
- I'm not here for that. I'm here to teach the truth. And the best of my ability, what I say, is the truth.
- 46:08
- The best of my understanding, according to God's word. Now the Roman Catholic Church teaches a false gospel, a false priesthood, and a false
- 46:14
- Mary. And I can go into that quite a bit. If you guys call me up and ask me to teach on it, I can. But they are false churches.
- 46:20
- Because they preach a false gospel. They add works to the finished work of Christ. And they teach a priesthood that is not there in the
- 46:28
- Bible. And they teach a Mary that's not there in the Bible. You know, Mary can hear millions of prayers and understand them all.
- 46:34
- She's like a functioning goddess. So, these churches are false. Now, how is it, if they can, that they cast out demons?
- 46:42
- By the power, the authority, the name of Jesus. Just because someone does it, doesn't mean they're true Christians. Or they have true authority.
- 46:48
- And that's the point I'm trying to make. So, don't be taken captive by pseudo -logic.
- 46:56
- Pseudo -understanding from false religious systems. The Reformation happened for a reason, ladies and gentlemen.
- 47:03
- The Reformation reformed. The Protestants protested against the injustices and the false teachings of the
- 47:10
- Roman Catholic Church there in Europe. It happened for a reason. Maybe sometime, if you ask, you call me up and ask,
- 47:17
- I'll read some of the Trent statements that curse the gospel itself.
- 47:25
- And it does. There you go. The music's about to start. I've got to get out of here. And may the
- 47:31
- Lord bless you. And by His grace, back on the air tomorrow, and call up with your questions.
- 47:39
- Say to me, I don't believe what you said yesterday was true and correct. Well, then let's talk about it. Okay? All right, everybody.
- 47:45
- God bless. May the Lord open your hearts and minds to mourn the truth of who Jesus is. In Jesus' name, we ask that.
- 47:52
- Talk to you tomorrow. By the