Matt Slick Q&A - 12/13/17


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All right, welcome back That's crowded place. We got going here right now so if you got any questions or comments about stuff, we're willing to entertain them now and Just let you know.
We're not going to have any more of these till January so we take the rest of the month off just FYI And so if you got comments or questions, let me know
I'm trying to look on the carm videos here to see if we can get some of those so I can get some of the Feed coming back up.
I can't find any seconds. I can hopefully get in there Did you put the link up on karma or anything or is just in the car videos?
For that, okay, okay. Oh Here we go mark Matt Q &A.
I got it. Okay, so now okay good got a question That's awesome
Okay Someone's got a question on here, but yeah, it's all right. I see a question.
We don't go ahead and do that Or you went go ahead and ask the question. I'm not seeing you on here
First Peter 321 addressed that to refute baptismal regeneration First Peter 321 says baptism now saves you not the removal of dirt from the flesh but an appeal of a clean conscience before God and But what it says is corresponding to that baptism now saves you.
The issue is corresponding to what and what you have to look at is what comes before it and so in verse 20
Talk about the spirits in prison who once were disobedient When the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah During the construction of the ark in which a few that is eight persons were brought safely through the water
Corresponding to that baptism now saves you So corresponding to what we had a look at verse 20 what saved
Noah? Was it the water or was it the ark and it was the ark because the water was a means of destruction
The ark was a means of salvation So corresponding to that baptism now saves you unless you want to say that water
Baptism is the thing that saves you the same way the ark did But that wouldn't make sense Because what he says here is not the removal of dirt in the flesh but an appeals an issue of faith
Noah and his family entered the ark by faith and as they entered that ark by faith
God then closed the door behind them and they were brought safely through the destruction of the ungodly in the flood and so That's what's going on there.
And so it's not an issue of water actually saving you Baptism actually saving you but it's the issue of appeals of God in conscience.
So there you go. Let's see. What else we got All right, got any questions.
We don't have Tony you'll watch it right now. I think it's too close to the holidays, etc And yeah, that's all right.
We don't have any questions. We'll just bail early and that's it. We're done On Facebook nothing's happening on Facebook either, right?
I Can't get my Facebook here to work right now
It's super slow so That's all right. Oh Charlie's on.
Hey Charlie Michael Levy Yeah Yeah Yeah It's the ugly filters kicking in Takes the whole thing out.
That's right. All right, man. What do you go? I found something that could be misconstrued as total depravity.
That's about it No, you're right
They are misconstruing a lot of things and those who hate the sovereignty of God and his righteous
Sovereign ability to do with this creation as he desires will resist it and we'll try and find any means that's mine any means that they can in order to To fight against God so they'll bring all kinds of accusations against reformed theology
You know, I was emailing a guy today He says reformed theology is basically evil and I said, okay
It's evil. Let me ask do you agree with this part? And I actually I just asked him I said that we're touched by sin and all that we are and we can only be saved by God's grace and his work through us and in us and He accused me of being deceptive by trying to taint a topic
So, well, sorry, but that's what we teach and you say it's evil That's what we teach is this evil, you know, and so there are just people who just don't care
They hear something they think something and it doesn't matter what you say. You're just evil and You know what?
It's more and more. I meet people like that. It's going whatever delete, you know, it's good. I got things to do Because I've argued with them before there's a woman named
Heidi who's basically a stalker and She has pursued me over the years here and there and now she goes to different names and stuff like that and just no real congruent ability to think critically and Does the same kind of a thing if you ask specific questions, they just turn into cues
You know, there's a lot of people like that It's just sad, you know, and they think they're so great.
They think they have all this information and then when you don't respond to every detail exactly the way they want you to then they claim victory and the people like that are just a
Problem and so that's what you're Encountering that kind of mentality. It's just kind of useless to talk to them
So more and more it's delete Right Right Calvinism is it's not narcissism narcissism teaches yet a special knowledge or to be saved now we teach
You know and in narcissism God can't become flesh But that's not what you teach so, you know
It's just people just reaching for straws and and feeling their own hatred bigotry and ignorance and that's it
As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to say to people anyone who argues against Calvinism proves that the total depravity is true
They don't like that, you know, you're wrong say you prove it again shut up. Yeah, so you prove it again
That's right. It's resisting the truth of God They only take a swing at me you're totally depraved
All right Yeah Do I think
Jesus is Melchizedek, I don't know if he is or is not because There's not enough information in the
Old Testament to say that it is or is not Some people believe he is some people who believe he's not Melchizedek You know without mother without father.
Well, even Jesus had a mother and a father And so it's just usually what
I've understood is just a title of greatness That are just given to a great person who may have been a representation
Or a type of Christ in that sense. It is used by Paul the Apostle.
That's what I think All right, two things cannot be both true and untrue at the same time
Evolution mindless random and design personal intelligent cannot be both true. Therefore theistic evolution is an oxymoron.
Yeah Well, it's kind of but what they're saying Matt How do you respond to folks accusing you of being worldly philosophy of using worldly philosophy?
My example was using logical priority and regeneration That how do you respond to people accusing me of using worldly philosophy say yeah
All philosophy stems out of God's Existence God's truths
God's revelation and no philosophical system can exist unless it is sitting on the lap of God himself and even
Paul the Apostle quoted pagan philosophers Orascus Epimenides Menander and Said certain things they said was true
So just because something is philosophical doesn't mean it's not true and everybody uses philosophy to some degree
So there's nothing wrong with that. It just means it must be submitted to scripture. That's all Yeah, sometimes you got to do that To what extent is person made a new creation.
I don't know how to answer that one to what extent To What extent
I would just say we're built by God there's a change that goes on in us But I don't know what to what extent the change occurs.
God doesn't tell us so I can't answer that one Glorification is future Yeah short of glorification that's for sure
Anybody else Mark 10 38 39 speaks of spiritual baptism.
Should this be the focus of baptism? well Mark 10 38
Jesus said you do not know what you're asking Are you able to drink the cup that I drank to be baptized with baptism with which
I were baptized? the immersion the total commitment to an identification with What Christ is going through?
That's baptism is a different kind of baptism. A lot of people say say that baptism always means immersion
Not necessarily. It's one of the verses you can go to to demonstrate that that's the case Because it doesn't mean they were immersed in troubles
What does it mean to be immersed in troubles? It's just a metaphor to it's a figure of speech not literal
So baptism does not always mean that But in this context is talking about persecution and death and dying to self not talking about the issue of water
Baptism as a right and it's not as a an ordinance set up. I got next
So why did Abraham okay Abraham believed but he was looking ahead to the gospel and He had already believed that in him all the nations will be blessed as Genesis 12 3 says and Paul quotes that in Galatians 3 8 calling at the gospel.
So Paul Abraham believed that Jesus said John 8 20 8 56 He says
Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad So the day that he was talking about was a crucifixion of Christ So Abraham and Isaac took three days to get to the hill
Jesus was in the grave three days and they were both offered to the same hill Abraham I mean
Isaac took wood up on his back to the hill. Jesus carried wood up on his back to the hill Kind of thorns a ram cotton.
I think of the thorns, etc. The parallel was there So we know that we can conclude that Abraham knew more than what the text simply says but Justification by faith the issue here is faith
Faith is only as good as who you put it in put your faith in me as your Savior You're in a lot of trouble you put your faith in Christ You're good but since Christ had not yet come
Then they were responsible for the amount of knowledge that they had at that time and are justified by faith in the true living
God At that time and at that place So that's how God had arranged at that point. They're trusting in God and his provision
That's what we do. We look back to Christ look to God and his provision and we have a more full understanding of it
Whereas they did not That's the only difference really another question
Jews how did you Tell the
Jews deal with their religion right now. They don't have a temple. They don't have the sacrifice There's other verses in the Bible. I don't have them memorized where There are sacrifices and cleansing that can occur without There's sacrifice.
No, there's cleansings that can occur in a way the wording is without literally a blood sacrifice and I was quoted that by a
Jew to me once and it was I wouldn't looked at it. I forgot where it is happened so long ago
They don't have a priest they don't have stuff so what they'll generally do is say well We don't need that right now, and they have various excuses now
I have a friend who knows this stuff and he could tell you those varying lists of excuses that you have but I so rarely come across they don't have to worry about it that often, but they do have their ways of Excusing the necessity of blood atonement and the temples
You know and there's some verses in the Bible and some stuff in a long time They talk about how things could be forgiven without those sacrifices in a different way by being sincere being contrite
Because ultimately without that you can't have forgiveness because we had to have the forgiveness of Christ The Jewish perspective
I don't know how they would answer that one probably Inconsistently because the Leviticus 17 11 says without the shedding of blood is no forgiveness of sins
Yeah Excuse Or Right yeah, they're they've given all kinds of different excuses and there's excuses all they are
That's what it seems like he doesn't believe the trinity anymore It seems like Yeah, it's a it's a problem
No They're still in the Bible, I think he did not like the book of James he called it an epistle of straw
Originally Right so he didn't like it because of what it says
James 2, but if you put it in context, there's no problem, right? All right
Why is he invisible because he's everywhere
If he was everywhere and we could see him we would be bumping into him everywhere
Okay He's invisible because that's how he's that's how he is He's invisible
But it's real, but he's real All right,
I guess so I Do not affirm the doctrine of pre -tribulation rapture.
I do not believe it's biblical But some people believe it. That's okay. It doesn't mean they're not saved.
I just don't believe it's true. I Don't affirm Pre -tribulation rapture stuff easy
Escapism kind of thing. We're going through it and I've already done a study here on on that We're going through stuff on the board.
I thought was pretty convincing What were the 32 or 30
Immediately after those days, I don't know and it goes through the whole list of the tribulation after and it says after so I know how you
Argue that yeah, that's right Unless you start they start saying there's two comings of Christ.
Yeah, yeah, that's how they do it Yeah, and then they also try to say well he's not setting foot on the ground in the first one, right
That's how he's didn't really really turn but it didn't touch down I Agree they are reaching for straws
Titus 3 Titus 3 5
He say this. Oh, yeah, not the basis of deeds, which we have done in righteousness But according to his mercy by the washing of regeneration and we're doing with the
Holy Spirit What is washing of regeneration mean? This is water what regenerates is to washing of regeneration or is regeneration something that God does to us and he washes us clean in the process and the latter one makes more sense because salvation and our cleansing justification are all
Simultaneous and so it would make sense to say that that's the case to washing of regeneration not the not the issue of getting baptized in water and that's what makes us saved and What it actually says
Let me check the Greek Look at my interlinear folks. I'm really rusty on this stuff.
Come on There we go Um Washing their interesting
From Lutron not baptizo Lutron interesting
And it means a basin or laver for washing the washing itself for its possible
Relativity to baptism in Ephesians 526 see baptism It is used metaphorically the
Word of God as the instrument of spiritual cleansing Titus 3 5 I've actually heard this before about the issue there
And so some think that the that the water is a spiritual Washing the word excuse me.
The word is a spiritual washing and they go to John which I don't agree with Some guys do this.
I don't agree with it, but John 3 3 through 5 That You must verse 5
Truly truly I say to you unless one is born of water and the Spirit of God and inherit the kingdom of God and some Have said that the water there is reference to the
Word of God. I Don't I don't buy that one. But anyway, this is some of the arguments that are there washing of regeneration the
Word of God the The Word of God which cleanses us which
I think makes sense in Titus 3 5 But also The washing of regeneration.
So I think regeneration itself has a Cleansing kind of work involved with it. I don't know exactly that's a great verse though, and I use that Should have gotten to have it memorized, but I use it in reference to Roman Catholics Who like to say that their works play a part in salvation and obtaining salvation say?
nope, you say that's not on the basis of Anything we've done in righteousness And that also works against the idea of God looking to the future
In any way shape or form or considering what we are in order to save us and things like that So that verse also refutes that issue as well next
And John 3 water Yeah, I think the water is referring to the womb
The breaking of the water in the womb That's my position. It's not the popular position either
Most people don't agree with that. There are those who do the reason I say that Jesus says you gotta be born again verse 4.
How can a man be born when he's old? He not enter a second time into the mother's womb and be born again
And be born can he so Nicodemus is thinking about the water of the womb or the womb here
Jesus said truly truly city unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God So I think water there means the human birth and this is my opinion you guys disagree.
That's fine Most scholars that I've read don't agree with that position But I think it does but truly truly
I say to you unless one is born of water and the Spirit He cannot enter the kingdom of God that which is born of the flesh is flesh
That was born of the Spirit of Spirit when he says flesh is flesh and spirit of spirit Water and the
Spirit I think flesh and water I think they go together I think it is talking about natural birth and spiritual birth.
That's what I think it is. That's just me I'm wrong. I'm wrong. That's what that's my position You know, maybe they got some big arguments against it, but my position that's what
I think What do you guys think you agree? When you're born in the flesh, you're circumcised in the flesh, when you're born in the
Spirit, then you get baptized, right? Because they're related. Yes, Colossians 2 11 and 12.
Yeah. Now what's important is if Jamie agrees So Jamie agrees with the position then it's okay. All right, that's good
That's because he got a big stick. He got a big stick. He's got a better degree. That's right All right,
Fritz committing adultery and your heart is not the same as actually committing adultery Jesus is using this as a way to even thoughts are evil
No, no, trust me, it's not We'd all be divorced yeah one way or another
I would say dispensationalism is covenant is is
Theological evolution because you evolve in your knowledge and practice through time and improve and become more adapted for theological discourse
But then there are a lot more mutations thoughtful and heretical mutations in dispensationalism than there are in Calvinism, too, so Yeah Okay I didn't know
I used Aristotle platonic stuff to do it. I just stick with scripture They can say it
It's like so what you know Plato and Aristotle had some ideas and and we think some of the things that they thought oh
You can't trust it. No, it's not true You know, I just look at whenever I teach a doctor the
Trinity you guys have seen me do it before I'm sorry with this Bible says one God Father's God, that's the
Holy Spirit's God. The Son is God each have a will with both of the verses one God Persons it's just simple logic.
It's it that's the Trinity is On cause cause like we can't have that because Plato thought that Yeah, I've got some research about some in I haven't released it yet but I got one last part of it what
I want to do before I release the information on on Annihilationism, but sometimes the
I think it's in that section of studies. I found out I did an article. I probably could find it
Here but there's some really interesting relationships between All kinds of Christian thought and Jewish thought as relates to paganism
It's not to say that everything is pagan. It's just that even the pagans thought about hell even the pagans thought about Continuation and even some pagans thought about annihilation something
You know all kinds of people had all kinds of ideas about all kinds of stuff and what the critics of you know
A varying theological perspective will do very often is simply pick one part Aristotle might have said this many things and say pick up this see this is similar to Christianity therefore you got from him
You know, they just don't think through these things and then they take these false comparisons or these overdone comparisons
And it's ridiculous Let's see I'm gonna find that Man, I got a lot of work in there.
Sheesh Yeah Let's do one at a time
Okay, let's do generational sin
Not sure what they mean by that But sin can certainly affect your children and the children's children
So if they mean generational sin by that then yes, there's a level of truth to that But not sure what they mean by it so it's hard to really kind of get into to answer
Genesis our first second Corinthians 12 to Jesus was Paul said he was he knows a man 14 years ago whether in the body or out of the body do not know but such a man was cut up to the third heaven and It looks like what was going on there was
He was had an out -of -body experience. No, that sounds you know, you shouldn't use those terms, but Excuse me, it looks like he had an
NDE a near -death experience and I have no problem with those They happen all over the world
And since it seems to have happened right there and to be absent for the body to be home with the Lord sent Corinthians 5 8 and 2nd
Corinthians 12 to Whether in the body or out of the body I do not know that right there tells you that he could be in or out of the body
He doesn't even know in the body or out of the body. But what are you gonna do with that? That's what it says. And so it seems to be that there's a condition with which we can exist without our physical bodies that's because our souls continue on in existence and as far as a temple in heaven, some people think that the that the temple is a symbol of the structure of heaven and I don't know if that's the case, but that's just an argument that they've presented and You know,
I don't know. I've really never studied that issue to really decide if it's it's true. The Revelation talks about some of that stuff
It does Not in the same sense of the
New Testament Yeah Yeah, yeah,
I've heard that it's kind of a purifying thing some Jews thought it was a purifying place a holding place And then different degrees of punishment in holding place.
Some say it was not that bad. Some say it was really bad and But it's not really a whole bunch talked about And Ecclesiastes it talks about the dead not knowing anything, but then that's written from the perspective of under the
Sun Not a theological perspective about continuation after death, so in seminary we talked about this and other kinds of things and where the
Jews had an incomplete understanding Theologically as compared to the Revelation of the New Testament and so their theories were varied and not as deep and So they had some what some
Jews thought complete annihilation where some actually did think it was a conscious Torment of some sort and in all kinds of varying degrees, but between them
But I don't recall ever there being a majority view that was held by Orthodox Judaism But even though it may be
I just don't know Judaism not something I've gotten into very much Okay Yes That's a good question
Don't know now the divine nature can't divest itself of the properties of omniscience and so But then the human nature we understand from our own experience
We grow in awareness And so how do those two relate? I don't know
I don't know. I don't even have one. I'm seriously. Yeah, I don't even have a have one Yeah, it just doesn't
Yeah, and and Bible this doesn't say anything so I don't know Okay Too many heresies
What's that Okay, I'm sorry try that again
Because there's a relationship between the structure of heaven and the temple, right? like I said Some say some seem to imply that or revelation seems to imply something like that But then again, it's so symbolic.
We don't know if that's the case But I wouldn't have any problem with heaven actually having a structure because if we're gonna be there
We have physical structures and location then we're gonna be in places It would seem logically necessary that if we're gonna be in places
Literally in some place. There's gonna be some sort of a structure Not that there has to be a building of the elevators
But you know, maybe some area where we congregate or I don't see any problem with that I don't know if that's actually the case.
But what are we gonna do in heaven if there's no space no distance no location Where are we?
You know What Universe certainly does.
Yeah That's true
God Yeah We're gonna have physical bodies my wife's are really gonna like it because her body is falling apart but She you know, it's we're gonna be without sickness.
I'm hoping that we could just Will ourselves to be someplace there.
I'm there. That's what I want to do that That'll be true she's really gonna like heaven because we won't be married anymore
But she's the more alien movies probably I go visit them out there the galaxy
Yeah but yeah, but you know my wife her health is inching down and she's just gonna love the idea of not having to have aches and pains and arthritis and everything and as with the case of all of us, you know and It'll be great.
So I'm looking forward to it Incidentally, I did find something. I was curious the pagan idea of Aristotle and we have these similarities will check this out
One Two three four five six things I found it was just doing some research that have pagan equivalents annihilation of the soul a
Pagan King lost seven sons just as Job did God does battle Mountain of God son of God coming in the clouds bodily resurrection.
These are also found in pagan philosophies and pagan So bodily resurrection is found
Apocalypse of Moses states at the end of the age Yeah, that's unbiblical yeah
Oh, yeah, you even have a half son half man, which is like that half with a version of the all -god all -man
Christ and the Norse and You know It actually it makes me wonder if you go far enough back towards Noah if at some point those
Evolved in heresies out of true faith could be They were there were true types of pictures in there
Yep Yep, I agree.
Okay We did by done then
Yeah, just a comment I noticed Videos the other day. I saw the
Spanish version and the symbol the words car. I think it was Spanish says myopic
It's me a P. Yeah ministerial apologetic us Christianas, right, right
Well I can't about you know, it's just as equal I would just say that Paul what
I'd say in those verses about those verses is that Paul equates them to what level
Are they equated? I don't know but he draws the comparison He says and in him you were circumcised with the circumcision made without hands
In the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ Having been buried with him in baptism in which you were also raised up with him through faith in the working of God who raised him from the dead so Paul Relates them together.
Now if I would say the word equate is it exactly equal? I wouldn't say exactly in every way, but he certainly does something with them and he relates them
And so he does so that's why I do And exactly how it works, I don't know but that's what
I hold to That that's why I say that's my position. Is that a
New Testament baptism is equivalent or a replacement of Old Testament circumcision That's just my personal opinion
Matthew 18 Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed from heaven.
Shall have been bound is the key right it shall have been it's not your binding that means that it becomes
Having been bound in the past, but you're binding it is a recognition that it already has been the case in heaven
Shall have been will have been it's a future perfect Will Have been and that's that's the thing
I've read so that before the Catholics like to use that to say that what they bind Means that it did that your sins are forgiven and bound and things like that.
No, it will have been it already is the case So the only explanation
I understand that makes sense of that is to say that it's dealing with The reality of God's binding this is already in place and what we are doing is pronouncing and recognizing what
God has done And that's the authority that we have But only yeah, he became sin security is 5 21 he became sin in the sense that I what
I believe it means is That since sin is a legal debt and legal debts are transferable then
Jesus bore our sin first Peter 2 24 and that our sins were
Transferred to him our legal sin debt was transferred to him and that he became sin in that sense and that his account
Boom sin he became that and that's how I see it And it only works if you look at the substitutionary legal substitutionary atoning work
And then it also logically requires limited atonement Because if he actually bore our sins and canceled them on the cross go as Colossians 2 14 says canceled
The cancellation is not dependent upon your belief The cancellation is dependent upon the blood of Christ, which says it was canceled at the cross
Not when you believe therefore it requires limited atonement in that Jesus only bore the sins of the elect
He became We would say that the legal account of what he he
He has is that he became sin in a legal sense, but not ontologically
Not enough an essence sense could not it Now be changing the nature of God basically
All right That's Interesting because what would the baptismal regeneration to say that Jesus was getting baptized for to get saved
Yeah, I'm gonna ask him that to see what they would say because they said to fulfill all righteousness it might generally what they'll say
It's as an example Not an example, he said it wasn't an example.
He says it was to fulfill all righteousness. That's what he said Matthew 3 15 I believe the verse is so since it wasn't just an example, but a fulfillment of the
Old Testament requirements Then what was it? He was fulfilling and doing at the time and it looks like he was entering into the priesthood after the order of Melchizedek And I got the article on karma about that That's what it looks like to me
Don't worry Charlie, I won't ask Matt anything. I hope you don't mind that I listen. It almost seems you don't want me here
You're entering of you wanting me to go to the website Wow She asked the question
What's her What's your question then
Winnie Eternal life in the sense of us being redeemed occurs at the point of regeneration
That's the answer At the point of God regenerating us that's when we have eternal life
When God saves us when God regenerates us Baptism doesn't doesn't manifest that Baptism is not the thing that regenerates us
Unless you're saying something foul Nobody's getting skipped on purpose. Yeah, we just Charlie's trying to help that's right.
Sometimes we miss people To the past question
The reason Rome believes that stuff is because of the Roman Catholic Church is apostate And Out of John 6 this literal and they just believe it because they don't believe the truth about who
God is and they have too many pagan ideas and false doctrines What They're totally depraved and it's a false church
So that's why it's what they believe it because they're not trusting just the Word of God and they take that particular thing and in Their sacerdotal system where grace is administered and infused through a person by participating in the sacraments
They then necessary and which keeps control over the people They didn't necessarily must say that it's the actual body and blood so that they can have it as a means of grace
By which more grace is infused into you to keep you more saved and the Catholic Church controls that so therefore
That's why they're gonna hold of that. They have to defend it Why don't you go to the streets anymore and make videos like the old times?
I don't know Do some video stuff
I want to do some more Well, I was thinking about going down to BSU and Having a sign or have something, you know,
I want to do a series of things like get 30 people, you know and say this is a
Video on is there a God what do you say? And just you know have the the video requirement you let us use this for all public use blah blah blah
If they say yes, we interview them to say no Okay, we're done and you go to the next person and just say we're not here to trap you
What do you say and have a series of questions and maybe even have the questions listed out on the board? These are the questions we want to ask you want to have your answers
And then yeah So I was thinking about doing that producing some videos
That would be good You need to come out of your cop outfit so, you know, yeah
Ak and everything, you know Well, I went
I saw some men and you girls once I forgot what the situation was but anyway we're talking
Oh, you go to the end and you oh, yeah. Yeah. What do you do? Oh, we're in the theology major And I said really?
Oh, okay. I said can I just ask you some theology questions? Yeah Is Jesus a man right now
Dead silence So he runs their stuff he was talking about time when they feel theology department was meeting and they had another guy that knew
Hebrew and they were all like Some of the subject was the beginning of the text and how well obviously we all believe evolution
So let's just move on the Hebrew guys like well, I know Hebrew and he's like that doesn't work
Not a dime six days. I'm an expert in Hebrew. You guys are wrong. That's what the text says good
Yeah, he he was telling me a few months ago that he's gone to several
Several Christian universities to try and get them to carry a creation science tract as well
He said he has no problem getting the science department on board the people who specialize in science are like, oh, yeah
The science is there. This is plausible. Yeah, this is teachable. He goes to the theology department
Depends on which Sam yeah Some seminars are bad. Some are good still. There's still some good ones out there.
But yeah We got to work on that. I like the idea of doing that get some serious interview stuff
I'd love to build it because I want to do that We just we can close
Yeah Okay, we're done hey guys, we'll see you next year.
All right, we're just rambling now It's kind of casual because it's the end of the year and holidays. So god bless everybody.