Dead Men Walking Podcast Short: Grading Sin on a curve
Welcome to Dead Men Walking Podcast Shorts! Released every Saturday, Greg & Jason sit down and dissect a biblical subject, theological term, or a doctrinal teaching in five minutes or less. Enjoy!
- 00:00
- Hey guys, welcome back to another dead men walking short, it's where we take a subject we talk about it for about five minutes today
- 00:06
- We are going to title this one sin grated on a curve So I'm gonna read real quick from Galatians 5 and verse 19
- 00:17
- Through 21 now the works of the flesh are evident sexual immorality impurity sensuality idolatry sorcery enmity
- 00:26
- Strife jealousy bits of anger rivalries dissensions divisions envy drunkenness orgies and things like these
- 00:36
- I Warn you as I warned you before that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God That's pretty strong.
- 00:46
- They're pretty straightforward Yeah, so what do you think? Do you think it's just these things our sins or is this like I've kind of categorically, you know
- 00:55
- We have we have quite a few more to read in Romans 1 if you'd like But yeah,
- 01:01
- I think that they're as Christians we like to I I have heard this somewhere
- 01:08
- I can't remember where I heard it, but it's we like to grade on a curve, you know Like we have a we're like well, you know,
- 01:14
- I used to I used to drink a lot I used to get blacked out drunk, but guess what at least I didn't do drugs, right?
- 01:21
- You know and it's like, you know, there's different levels people have to talk about levels of sin Like, you know, well murder is actually up here, you know, and like adultery is like, you know, maybe
- 01:37
- Don't worry about that or you know taking too many selfies on your on your cell phone and right popping
- 01:44
- Little vein but you know, whatever, you know, not so bad at least I didn't murder someone but you know
- 01:49
- I think that we have to watch ourselves in that situation whenever we're kind of you know
- 01:56
- Looking at someone else's sin as though they cannot be forgiven as well, you know, right that they can't have
- 02:06
- Christ blood cover them as well, you know, it's it's almost like a I don't know
- 02:11
- It's like an argument that doesn't really need to happen in the Christian community. It's like guess what we're all sinners, right?
- 02:18
- Yeah, we we need a Savior. I think that's the need Jesus Christ. Yeah, absolutely
- 02:24
- I agree, and I think that's the natural human state the natural depraved state too is too great on a curve
- 02:29
- Yeah, like to rationalize our sin like well, at least we're not doing that Yeah, like you said and we see this all the time like well, you know,
- 02:37
- I might have done this But I haven't done that and it's like man when you read the Bible though It's so black and white about a holy and just and righteous
- 02:46
- God I mean any sin is a blemish. Yeah, right. Yeah, I mean up against a righteous
- 02:52
- God your gossip is is just a sin as your Sexual sin.
- 02:59
- Yeah, or you know and it gets really sticky because yeah, there's different consequences for our sin, right?
- 03:05
- Maybe the consequence of stealing a 50 -cent candy bar when you're 12 years old Yeah is much different than the consequence of murder right still sin, right?
- 03:14
- So that's like what you're alluding to like levels of sin The consequence is different but but to a holy and just and righteous
- 03:21
- God that sin is still sin and it has to be Forgiven right and we need to repent and repent that it is, you know, something that can be
- 03:32
- Taken taken away pretty much, you know, he's he's laying down his life for those sins
- 03:37
- Yeah, you know and I think we might cover this in a further episode because this is a lot to talk about in five minutes
- 03:43
- So you might hear something? From us in the future on this but it gets really weird when you get into like sexual sin and stuff
- 03:51
- Yeah, when maybe a guy's going hey, look at I'm just doing something privately on the internet.
- 03:56
- Yeah versus a guy that's actively Hurting a child or doing something, you know,
- 04:02
- I mean that or a range of like the huge thing and you go Well, if if they if they've all professed
- 04:08
- You know, they've repented and professed Christ as Lord Does he not forgive them all the same right and we can get into the back end of like what a true profession is and regeneration
- 04:18
- Salvation and sanctification, but if all those things are true can we look at another person with a harsher sin right truly judge when
- 04:29
- When we have that sin Just the same any sin. Yeah, it's it's it's something that we just need to watch ourselves
- 04:37
- And yeah, I think we're gonna have to definitely do a full episode here. So Galatians doesn't really nice Yeah, Galatians doesn't really nice job
- 04:44
- You know Paul's doing a really nice job here of laying out all these different things sexual immorality impurity sensual
- 04:50
- Idolatry sorcery. I mean he gets into his strife jealousy fits of anger. Yeah, right So he's going from low to high here isn't so great like Paul's just Brilliant.
- 05:00
- I mean He was a scholar he was able to write that it in one verse, you know and like two verses and Yeah hammer it hammer at home
- 05:11
- The closing statement here for me would be be very wary of rationalizing your sin against someone else
- 05:18
- Yeah, well, I do this but someone else does that guess what in the sight of a holy God, it's all sin
- 05:23
- Yeah, and we should repent immediately of it. Yep Guys thanks so much for listening to another dead men walking short as always.
- 05:30
- God bless Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at dead men walking podcast for full video podcast