Jesus is King! True or Antisemitic? Amillennialism Minute #jesusisking #dailywire #church



Hi there, welcome to Reformed Ex -Mormon. I am Pastor Brayden, and I hope you're having a wonderful and blessed day today.
Today, we're gonna be doing another episode of Awe Millennialism Minute, where a minute does not mean a literal 60 seconds, but rather a short period of time to discuss a very important topic that is usually revolving around eschatology.
And I would like to invite you to please subscribe, like, and share this video amongst your friends and family.
Regardless if you're an Awe Millennialist or not, I would argue that it's the biblical position,
I think that's what I am convicted that Scripture teaches, but if you fall within the Orthodox views of eschatology,
I hope, whether or not you're an Awe Millennialist, a Post -Millennialist, or a Pre -Millennialist, that this video will help you better understand what the
Awe Millennialist is arguing and seeing in Scripture. And today's topic is a very important one that all eschatological positions would confess, but I think
Awe Millennialism best grasps, and that is the concept that Jesus is
King, the truth that Jesus is King. The reason that this is such an important topic for today is that swirling around in the news and social media platforms is the idea that the phrase, saying the phrase,
Jesus is King, makes you anti -Semitic. Now, first of all, the idea that that makes you anti -Semitic is truly a logical fallacy, it's a strawman argument to try to say when one confesses
Jesus is Lord and King that then therefore they are a hater of Jews, that's just not true.
This is where I think as Christians we have to really emphasize the importance of standing upon biblical doctrines regardless of what culture and the world says around us.
As we can see that when the culture and the world says something is incorrect or inappropriate to say or behave or do or act in a certain way, ultimately the
Christian's response is, I don't care what you have to say about it, when the Word of God says so, that is what
I'm going to be held to at the end of the day. And so that's my authority, that's where I go to, you can think of me as whatever you would like.
Ultimately, Jesus and His Word is what matters. Now, the first place
I would like to read from is Acts chapter 2 verse 29. But before we read that,
I think it's important to remind us of the context. This is Peter speaking in here to a multitude of men in Israel, and he's telling them about Jesus Christ and what
He did through the life, death, burial, and resurrection. He's making it clear that this is a predetermined plan, that Jesus was attested to them by miracles, and that this is the
Jesus that was nailed to the cross. And it talks about the resurrection here, that God raised
Him up. And then it goes into a prophecy regarding David. And in verse 29, it's interesting as we see what
Peter says about this connection between David, David's throne, and the promise to seed a descendant of David upon that throne.
So let's read verse 29 and on. Men, brothers, I may confidently say to you, regarding the patriarch
David, that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day.
And so because he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath to set one of the fruit of His body on His throne, he looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the
Christ, that He was neither forsaken to Hades, nor did His flesh see corruption.
This Jesus God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses.
Therefore, having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the
Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured out this which you both see and hear.
For David did not ascend into the heavens, but he himself says, The Lord said to my
Lord, sit in my right hand until I put your enemies as a footstool for your feet. Therefore, let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made
Him both Lord and Christ. This Jesus, whom you crucified.
Now, the reason I want to read this text to start off with is, if your eschatological position finds it difficult to see
Jesus fulfilling the prophecy, the promise to David about sitting a descendant of His upon the
Davidic throne, if you say that that is a future day, you are denying Acts chapter 2 verse 29 and on.
Friend, please listen to me on this. I've had people in churches tell me as a pastor and as a teacher in Bible studies, that I should not read or believe this text.
In the discussion of the Davidic throne, speaking about the resurrection,
I seriously spoke and just read this text to them, and they said that I should not read that ever again.
I should not teach that ever again, and all I had done was read the text. That's because this is a very clear text.
That David, when he had those prophecies and those promises that are spoken to us in the
Old Testament about one of his seeds sitting upon his throne, he looked ahead and he spoke of the resurrection of the
Christ. And so, as an amillennialist, unlike my dear premillennialist friends, who too would say
Jesus is king right now, they don't see Jesus as the king who's sitting upon the throne of David because they look and they say that that has to take place during the thousand years' future millennial reign.
Now, this is the concern that I would have as an amillennialist. By doing that, are we recognizing
Jesus' kingship as the truth, that it is as omitted as for us in God's Word?
I would argue that you are not, if you do not confess and teach Jesus is king and that he sits upon the throne that was promised from the prophet
David. Now, the second text that I would like us to consider is 1 Corinthians 15 22 -26.
It says, Now, this is a very clear text and we should expect and potentially even assume that if Peter is teaching us a doctrine about the resurrection, that teaches
Jesus as a coronated king at the resurrection, meaning the crown was placed upon the throne of Jesus when he rose from the grave, we should expect some similar language from another apostle, such as Paul, when speaking about the resurrection.
This is a very clear text and I think oftentimes many of the eschological positions, they run to chapter 20 of Revelation, a very hazy and difficult text.
They build a doctrine around it and then they come back to a text like this that is very simple and they shoehorn it into their misunderstanding of Revelation chapter 20.
Whereas we should look at this, see this as clear, and then let this be our guide. This is the analogy of faith as a hermeneutical principle.
The clear interprets the unclear. And so the clarity of this text is the teaching that Christ is the first fruits of those that were made alive.
When did that take place? 2 ,000 years ago after Christ died and he was nailed to a cross.
He was buried and on the third day he rose from the grave, according to scriptures.
Acts 2 says that he, by doing this, is fulfilled the Davidic promise and he is sitting upon that throne and has been coronated as a king.
And then it says those that are his, those that are Christ's at his coming is the second one.
So when does that take place? Because that is a not yet event that has happened. We long for Jesus to come to receive his bride.
And so this is the time period between the first coming to the second coming of Christ. And what does it say about this first coming to the second coming of Christ?
Well, it says when this happens, that is the end. Listen to me again, dear friend, if you are a pre -millennialist, are you inserting a thousand years right here when
Paul says this is what consummates the end? This is what brings about the new heavens and the new earth.
This is what brings about Jesus who, when he entered into the cities, he said, repent and believe in the gospel for the kingdom of God is at hand.
Here we see Paul saying Jesus hands over the kingdom to God, meaning that the kingdom has been accomplished.
It's fulfilled all those that Jesus died for. All of Israel has been saved.
Here is the bride. And it says that he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.
Jesus reigns from the first coming to the second coming. The first resurrection to the second resurrection is what this text is simply and clearly teaching.
And it just so happens that the last enemy to be abolished is death. Why is death the last enemy?
It's because what happens at the resurrection? Nobody suffers death any longer.
The saying of, O death, where is your sting? O death, where is your victory? is now a reality for the saints of those that are in Christ.
They no longer suffer this. Why? Because they're resurrected and glorified and now can see with physical hands, physical eyes, the glory that is
Jesus Christ and his resurrection. Now before you, if you're a post -millennialist and you say, you see, just go the extra step.
See that there's going to be a future day where everybody confesses Jesus as Lord in a salvific manner.
I would ask you to consider the context from both Philippians 2 and from 1
Corinthians 15 and what it is quoting from. First of all, we look at the quotation that comes from 1
Corinthians 15 about putting all enemies under his feet. It says,
I will make your enemies a footstool for your feet. The Lord will stretch forth your strong scepter from Zion saying, rule in the midst of your enemies.
Not your servants, not those that welcome you as king, but you will rule in the midst of those that actually hate you.
That's Psalm 110 verse 2. Another place that I would encourage you to look to when we look at that Philippians 2 text is it quotes from Isaiah chapter 45 verse 23 through 25, which it says,
I have sworn by myself, the word has gone forth from my mouth in righteousness and I will not turn back.
That to me, every knee will bow. Every tongue will swear allegiance. They will say of me only in the
Lord, our righteousness and strength. Men will come to him and all who are angry at him will be put to shame.
In the Lord, all the offspring of Israel will be justified and will glory.
Now pause here. Who is it that it's saying receives salvation in this text?
The offspring of Israel. It says those all knees will bow.
Every tongue confesses. Only Israel is justified. Notice what Isaiah then says.
Original text did not have chapter breaks. Bell has bowed down.
Nebo stoops over. Their images are consigned to the beasts and the cattle. The things that you carry are burnsome, a load for the weary beast.
They stoop over. They have bowed down together. They could not rescue the burden, but have themselves gone into captivity.
What this is teaching to us that both Philippians and 1 Corinthians are quoting about texts regarding God justifying a people in the midst of a world that rejects him as king.
Here in the day of Babylon when Israel is in captivity, it says that the false gods fell down.
They bowed the knee in that sense. They fell off their pedestal. However, did Bell or Nebo, these false gods, did they receive salvation?
Did the Babylonians that held Israel in captivity when Cyrus came in and conquered them, did they receive salvation?
Did they receive justification? No, they received judgment. These texts, both
Philippians 2 and 1 Corinthians 15, when it is quoting those things, it's saying that Jesus is our current king right now.
His kingship is not dependent upon a world that gets better and better and better over time.
Instead, his kingship consists of both good and evil in the world, yet his kingdom that cannot be entered unless you have been born again.
That is how he rules in this world, is through his church. The church is going to be persecuted, but ultimately the church will be vindicated.
Now this being said, I would put forth that the amillennialist is the one that is truly grasping the kingship doctrine of Jesus Christ, that is taught and proclaimed at the resurrection of Jesus, and is inaugurated there, and one day will be consummated when
Jesus comes again. This doesn't exist in the postmillennialist framework.
This doesn't exist in the premillennialist framework, and it definitely doesn't exist in the dispensational premillennialist framework.
All these eschatological positions might say that Jesus is king, but only the amillennialist is recognizing all the avenues, all the streams, all the shadows that are pointing to the feet of Jesus as king.
And so I would encourage you today, consider that in your eschatology, if you're not an amillennialist, or maybe you are, be challenged.
Do you recognize the truths, the realities that we know and we have currently in Jesus Christ as king today?
Because Jesus is king, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is prophet, Jesus is priest, and Jesus is coming again.
So we need to know these things. We need to get these things correct. While I would say that you could be saved without acknowledging these truths, ultimately, it's these truths that do ultimately save us.
This was a part of the presentation of the gospel that Peter was giving, that Paul was giving.
They saw the great importance of this seed that not only was promised to the woman in the garden that would come and bruise the head of a serpent, but it's that same seed that would bless the nations, and it was that same seed that would sit upon the throne.
It was that same seed that would obey the law. It was that same seed that would die for you and I.
It was that same seed that we, through Him being the root, we would be engrafted in. We would be made the people of God through that seed.
And that is what the hope of the Amillennialists, especially in a Baptist, Covenantalist view, can and does withhold.
And that is the scriptural truth of Jesus as king. I want to finish this video by reading two portions of scripture for us.
And this is John 18, verse 33 and on. Jesus answered,
Jesus answered,
Jesus answered,
Here's my voice. Pilate said to Him, Further on in chapter 19, it says,
After this, further on in that same chapter, in verse 19, it says, So the chief priests of the
Jews were saying to Pilate, What I have written,
I have written. Brothers and sisters, this is not a coincidence that here at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, prior to the resurrection when
He will be coronated as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, here He has a title given to Him, which is the
King of the Jews. You might think today that it is anti -Semitic to say
Jesus is king. You can say it all you want, but it does not deny the truth that Jesus is king.
Now, I'd like you to ask you this. Was it mere coincidence that Jesus was called the
King of the Jews at His crucifixion? Or was it a statement of truth? And that is why
John and the other Gospels record it for us as that. I would contend with you today that that statement, that Jesus is
King of the Jews, was not a random occurrence, a mere coincidence that Pilate put that there, but that it was telling us something.
And that is why it's recorded for us in the Gospels, that depict the time when Jesus cuts the covenant of grace, that new covenant when
He dies upon the cross. For in Romans chapter 2, verse 28 through 29, it says this,
Nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh. But He is a
Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that which is of the heart by the Spirit, not by the letter.
And His praise is not from men, but from God. This is speaking about regeneration.
And in John chapter 3, Jesus tells us that no man can enter into the kingdom of God, nor see the kingdom of God, unless one is born again.
This monergistic work of God when the person comes to have faith in Jesus.
This action of being born again when the heart is circumcised, and you were given a heart of flesh with the law of God written there upon it, and upon your mind in this new covenant of grace.
You are a Jew, and your King is King Jesus.
And yes, before you believed, and yes, all those that are around you that still do not believe,
Jesus is still King of them. But either you will bow your knee because He is your
King, and you are His ambassador, you are in His kingdom, or He will break your knee in judgment.
This is the hope of the Amillennialist. This is what the scripture teaches, and I would ask you today, if you do not know
Jesus as your King, be born again, repent, and believe. Come into the kingdom and worship your
King, because your knee will bow one way or another. Worship Him today, and prolong no further.
I hope you've enjoyed this episode of Amillennialism Minute, where a minute does not mean a literal 60 seconds.
But as you can tell, it is a short period of time to discuss a very important topic, especially in a day when we have the world telling us that we should not say
Jesus is King. That same world put Jesus is our King above Him on the cross.