TGC Insinuates Trump to Blame for Afghanistan

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Joe Carter, in an article for The Gospel Coalition, insinuated that Biden wanted to change the agreement between the Taliban and the United States but was bound to it. Yet, Carter leaves out some significant facts that change one’s perception.


Hey everyone, just chilling in California. I'm at my grandparents house right now. This is probably the last podcast
I will do with my cell phone from here Another day and a half. I'll be back home and I got a whole backlog of things to talk about next week
One of the things and I'll just briefly mention it now I'll go into more detail next week is I've been told if you go to the discerning
Christians website discerningchristians .com There's been an updated feature So if you are a church looking for a pastor or a pastor potential pastor looking for a church
That process apparently is much easier than it was. So That's happening.
I've actually Before I left I messaged someone and said I want to build an app. I want to make this available on cell phones
If possible, I'm not sure if it'll just be me or there'll be others that come alongside me to help
Finance this and do this, but but it needs to happen. So Just give you a little update on that.
We also and I don't think I've said this for a while We're also continuing to work at Last Stand Studios on various projects and the monument project is one of them and So lots of updates when it comes to that making some very good progress
Right now though. I only have a few minutes and someone sent me Recently, I think it was yesterday a gospel coalition article.
I think it was published maybe yesterday or the day before I think it was yesterday It was it's by Joe Carter who is a pastor.
I don't know if he's associate pastor I want to say he is he may not be but he's a pastor at McLean Bible Church or David Platt pastors and it's called the nine things you should know about the
Taliban and Specifically the person who sent me this wanted me to look at number four and so I did and It it it it did irritate me a little
I'm gonna be honest with you so I'm gonna just read for you what it says and And then analyze it a little bit, but it says number four the
US government Had made a peace agreement with the Taliban in February 2020 the
Trump administration Signed an agreement with the Taliban that required the US to withdraw troops and release up to 5 ,000
Taliban combat and political prisoners in exchange the Taliban agreed to pervert to prevent
There we go The use of the soil of Afghanistan by any group or individual against the security of the
United States and its allies President Biden has agreed to honor the agreement it is and there's a quote from Biden It is perhaps not what
I would have negotiated myself, but it was the arrangement made by the
US government and That has to mean something so This little section it
Here's the thing about it because I was looking at it and I was like is there anything like technically inaccurate about this
I mean technically there's there's there's nothing That's a lie that like is here's
Here's something that's factually just not true Biden did say those those things it is true that the
Trump administration did make an agreement in February 2020 however, it's what's left out and that is often the case it is a history guy this really
Irritates me when I see it. I'm just being honest. That's That's how I view it when people leave out significant facts
Obviously if you're doing scholarly work, or if you even if you're just doing reporting you can't you can't
Get everything you can't be as thorough sometimes as you even want to be you have to focus in on facts that are significant
With the goal of informing people about the situation that's unfolding or a historical situation that did happen and I think a lot of the deception that we see in the historical field, especially but it's also in the journalist field is
People who write articles and write books that are slanted in a certain direction and the reason they're slanted is because they leave out things and when they leave
Certain significant key things out the reader is kind of left with drawing an incorrect conclusion based on incomplete information and So and it's not like the information isn't available it is
So what's the conclusion that someone would draw from what? I just read from Joe Carter at the gospel coalition.
Well, they would say Okay, President Trump had an agreement with the Taliban and It sounds it kind of it only portrays part of that agreement but it sounds like there's kind of that, you know, we're gonna
Release prisoners and they're gonna agree not to hurt us But it kind of like it says nothing about the current situation and how the withdrawal has been handled really
Hardly anything about that and then you know Biden Wouldn't have signed this
Biden, but Biden is against it somehow, but Biden's kind of his hands are tied that's kind of how you feel like he's gonna have to just go along with the
Agreement that was already made and so it's not really his fault and this is the narrative that MSNBC and most of It's interesting.
Actually, it's not even all the mainstream media, but a lot of the mainstream media is going with this it's really the hard left media that's going with this narrative that you know this the situation in Afghanistan is
Not Biden's fault. It's the Trump administration's fault and and of course, this is what
Biden's been doing. He's been blame shifting he will not take personal responsibility and I made a video where I talked about how terrible this is how
This just damages the United States Credibility and it shows how weak and ill prepared for leadership are our quote -unquote leaders are
So this is the impression that leaves you with it's like it's not really Biden's fault it's Trump's fault because he negotiated this bad deal and Biden stuck with it and That's simply not the case that's not the right conclusion to draw if you know more significant facts
If you know that Biden first of all could have renegotiated it if he didn't like the deal. He wasn't stuck with the deal
He could have renegotiated it if he had wanted to but also and maybe more significantly the agreement
What had a lot more teeth in it? It stipulated that the Taliban Was to actively discourage groups opposed to the
United States and I did read it by the way That's where I'm getting this is my summary of it or the allies or allies of the
United States and prevent them from operating and not Allowing them to immigrate or have visas
So there's a lot of teeth in this a lot of stipulations that they had to abide by Mike Pompeo has gone on it.
At least he did one interview that I saw where he was Pointing out How unnecessary the situation with the withdrawal and how quick it was and how clumsy it was how unnecessary it was it didn't have to be this way and Trump in February of 2020.
This is from an article in the BBC not your conservative news source But February 29th, and they quote
President Trump saying if bad things happen We'll go back with a force like no one's ever seen and that was
Donald Trump and this is for those who like have followed Trump's Foreign policy and even his domestic policy.
That's the way that he negotiates He he kind of is unpredictable and that's what kind of like Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan was like that the enemies of the
United States didn't want to deal with either one of those guys because They didn't want to mess with them because they didn't know if they were gonna start sending some rockets
Which basically is what Trump or yeah Trump What was going to do like we know where your families are.
We can we can send some cruise missiles in and Through a drone and you won't even know what's happening.
And you know, there's there's a big deterrent and Trump's personality his whole foreign policy was a
Lot of it was predicated on this attitude. He had that was Unpredictable and very pro
United States interests and I mean he says that back then So the deal you have to understand the deal also in light of who
Trump is but the deal itself had teeth in it and And so Joe Carter doesn't really go over all of that He he makes it sound like it's kind of this
It's really this kind of a lopsided deal like the the u .s. Really is made a bad bad deal
They're giving up a lot and they're not getting much in return and and that Biden Was just the whole situation over the last few weeks has been
Trump's policies playing out without Trump in office and it just happened to you know Kind of like when you're playing catchphrase or something and or hot potato and he's like he
Biden was just landed with this hot potato He couldn't do anything about it. The timer went off and he had it in his hands and that's just simply not true
It was a bungled withdrawal There was a failure to evacuate That's one of the biggest problems with this whole thing and there's no deterrence.
They don't have any plan I mean now they're trying to scramble to come up with something to deter the the
Taliban and what they're doing, but this would never have I think any reasonable person knows who's
Followed any of this even from a distance knows that this would not have happened under Trump's watch Trump His foreign policy was to be much more forceful much more unpredictable and people knew they couldn't take advantage of him and Biden underestimated this a whole lot and I think they're in general
I think when you look at conservatism and progressivism or liberalism in general you see conservatism allows and and accounts for this understanding of man being depraved that man's evil that there's real bad guys out there and It's not the conservative
Christians in the United States like there's real bad guys out there who want to do harm and really evil things and Trump understood that I think to an extent and I think in general progressives and their foreign policy even
I'm in I'm in LA right now, and I was just told by one of my relatives that they've Basically, they've reduced funding for the police, but they've also required
I guess in certain circumstances they've upped the level of Psychologists it wasn't maybe it wasn't psychologists therapists or something like that going with the police to try to so they're riding with the police officer with like a psychologist to try to De -escalate situations and stuff and and that's that's very typical and I'm not saying there's no place for de -escalation that that should be something police officers are trained with and they're just average normal general training, but the thing that That separates the two philosophies one of the big things is that It's not man's environment.
I mean this goes back to the French Revolution and Rousseau this man's environment corrupts I mean men are born free, but everywhere.
They're in chains because of Society and social institutions, and if we could just eradicate these mediating institutions
You know man can get back to this state of nature, and this has really been in progressive
Marxist socialist Collectivist totalitarian thinking for a long time You're gonna.
We're gonna enter some kind of utopia, or it's gonna. Just be way better if man can just man doesn't have these limitations and because it's the limitations that are actually the problem and And the fact is that actually men's hearts are evil just like Jesus said and that's why there does need to be at times very
Aggressive foreign policy there does need to be aggressive police presence in some situations Force is is necessary for It's it's a good guy with a gun that's gonna stop a bad guy with a gun a true
Bad guy who will not listen who will who has intent that is very evil so in general terms
I think conservatives understand that more and progressives don't and I think you see some of that playing out now
Here's the bigger thing that the reason I wanted to just kind of pick on this article is What why is the gospel coalition pushing the narrative that it's or at least
Insinuating and there it's a strong insinuation in my opinion that it's it's not Trump's fault.
It's a bot error I'm sorry. It's not Biden's fault. It's Trump's fault that this is all playing out really Biden was just dealt a bad hand and you know
Biden's really not to blame in this they're helping Biden get off in my opinion in this very small
Section in this article, but it's it's significant. It gives you a little window into to Joe Carter and to the gospel coalition
I guess Joe Carter. I think writes a lot for them and And maybe even for the whole situation at McLean You know, this is it's
Yeah, there's the social justice movement. There's there's the Theological ramifications of that but it's a political religion
There's also a political side to it and you see that coming out in this there's there's kind of a politically progressive narrative that's crept into this article and More often than not.
I see the gospel coalition really pushing these progressive narratives, so Another example of it right there.
There's so many of them at this point, but figured it was a short thing I could talk about and just kind of let you know again.
This is why The gospel is one of the reasons why so many of us say the gospel coalition is progressive
It's it's things like that. Sometimes you off often people don't even catch those things, but They are significant and it gives you a window into kind of how the authors are thinking.
So anyway, there you go more coming soon I hope that was helpful in some way and God bless and more more.