How Mike Todd Makes False Teaching REALLY Fun!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Mike Todd, the pastor of Transformation Church, does not properly exposit
God's Word in almost any perceivable way. He does not have any strong discernment when it comes to his doctrine.
He is often found preaching the prosperity gospel and Word of Faith heresies in his church. He also violates the
Word of God by letting his wife be a pastor, and he has several other female elders and pastors in his church.
First Timothy 2 .12 forbids this explicitly. So this all begs the question, why do people still listen to Pastor Mike Todd?
And the answer is simple, because Mike Todd has found a way to make false teaching fun. That is why people tune in to see and hear him every week, to see him yell and scream and jump up and down while he offers shallow nonsense from the pulpit and aligns himself with dangerous false teachers like Joel Osteen.
It's what some people like to call all sizzle, no steak. Mike Todd makes false teaching modern, cool, hip, sugar -coated, trendy, etc.
There's many words I could use to describe it, but you all really know what I'm talking about. He wears cool clothes. He plays trendy songs.
He makes TikToks dancing in front of his church to the secular songs that kids these days love. All of these things are just bread and circuses.
Keep the people entertained, and they will not ask critical questions about your teaching, about your doctrine, or about your ministry methods.
Keep the people's eyes on you, and your TikTok dances, and your energetic preaching, and your lights, and your cameras, and your action, and they will not care about comparing your ministry to Scripture, which is really what the foundation of it should be.
The Bereans were praised in Scripture because they compared Paul's teaching to Scripture in Acts 17.
But no one's going to be a Berean if they care more about the style than they care about the teaching. The fact that people don't care about Mike Todd's false teaching, well, that really demonstrates that sound teaching was not the reason that they attended the church in the first place.
It was the awesome experience. It was some other factor that drew them in. That's how Mike Todd does this.
That's why he's so successful. And it's very important to recognize this, because it really shows us the reality of what's going on here, and the forces behind this movement.
You see, if we can disconnect ourselves from the overwhelming desire to be cool, entertaining, and fun, to be relevant in the church, once we're freed from this, we can focus on the eternal truths that really matter.
So in order to illustrate my point here, I'm going to show you a TikTok posted by Transformation Church of Mike Todd during a sermon doing, well,
Mike Todd things. Watch this. My family will be healed, that's my faith talk.
My bills will be paid, that's my faith talk. I'm gonna forgive, that's my faith talk.
Anxiety's evicted, that's my faith talk. Depression got a bow, that's my faith talk.
My marriage will be whole, that's my faith talk. I'ma live pure, that's my faith talk.
I'm single, secure, that's my faith talk. My business will be blessed, that's my faith talk.
My church will impact the world, faith talk. My kids will love
Jesus, that's my faith talk. And I will give money away, faith talk.
Your boy's gonna be paid, that's my faith talk. I will heal the sick, that's my faith talk.
So in this video, he's doing a sort of cooperative rap with the crowd as he talks about their faith talk, which is yet another trendy phrase made by Mike Todd that means pretty much nothing.
But again, there doesn't have to be any substance to your words, as long as they sound cool. But the rap that's being done here actually has elements of Mike Todd's false teaching in it.
Most people will never realize this. The rap itself does not flesh this out in detail, but it takes on a whole new form, a whole new shape, when you listen to this in light of Mike Todd's statement of faith from the
Transformation Church website. You see, on their statement of faith, they have a section entitled, God's Plan for Man.
So the following is a quote about what Transformation Church thinks God's uniform plan for mankind is.
It says the following, quote, God wants to heal and transform us so that we can live healthy and powerful lives in order to help others more effectively, end quote.
So there you have it, folks. God wants to heal everyone as a guarantee. It's not about whether or not healing is part of his will.
No, the healing is definitely a part of his will for everyone at all times in all situations. There is no question about it.
In addition to this, Mike Todd has also said in other sermons that he believes that faithful Christians will be blessed financially as the fruit of their faithfulness.
The teaching of Transformation Church is that health and wealth are guaranteed blessings that come as a result of exercising your crazy faith in God, as Mike Todd puts it.
I will link several videos in the description that demonstrate this. The previous statement of faith on their website actually falls right in line with their current statement though.
Therefore, it is unclear why they took the first one down or altered it in any way. The version of their statement that came before actually made the things they believe much more clear.
It said, quote, We believe that, as part of Christ's work of salvation, it is the Father's will for believers to become whole, healthy, and successful in all areas of life, end quote.
Again, Mike Todd's ministry is founded on this principle, and it continues to be founded on it to this day.
There is absolutely no evidence that Mike has repented of this false teaching or that his church has moved away from it in any way.
But in any case, their current statement of faith corroborates the previous one to such a great extent that their deleting of the previous statement is really not relevant to me.
It's not going to exonerate them from this false teaching. The fact is, Mike Todd's church believes that getting health and wealth is part and parcel of God's plan for salvation and should be a guarantee when you exercise crazy faith.
So with that said, let's move on to what Mike said specifically in the video, shall we? Let's read these statements from the framework that's offered to us in their statement of faith, because that makes these things very clear.
Mike Todd talks about all kinds of things here. He talks about healing for your family, forgiving people, removing anxiety, living a pure life, having a successful business, getting paid, and healing the sick.
So the first thing to notice is that this is a very mixed bag, theologically speaking. This is how
Mike Todd and all false teachers, for that matter, tend to operate. They start with the truth, and they sprinkle in the lies until it becomes difficult to determine which is which.
When Paul talks about false teaching in Galatians 5 -9, he says, quote, A little leaven leavens the whole lump.
In other words, yeast spreads throughout a whole batch of dough and makes the whole batch rise. And in the same way, a little false teaching spreads through a whole community and makes it deceived.
So here's how this works in practice for Mike Todd in the clip. He will bring up things like forgiving others, avoiding sinfully anxious thoughts, living pure, loving
Christ, having a good impact on the world as a church. But in the very same breath, intermingled with all of these things are ideas like guaranteed healing, guaranteed paying of your bills, guaranteed success in the business world, and my personal favorite line, ya boy's gonna get paid.
If there's a sentence that describes the ministry of Mike Todd in a nutshell, that's definitely it. But you see the problem with this, folks?
Is living pure, loving Jesus, and forgiving others part of God's guarantee for His people through justification and sanctification?
Yes, those who believe in Jesus will be given the fruit of the Spirit, and one of these fruits is love.
So is faithfulness, which would of course include purity. And it includes peace, kindness, and self -control, which will certainly lead to forgiveness.
But is it equally a guarantee, as these things are, that God will pay your bills? That He will heal you?
That He will make your business astoundingly successful and make sure, you know, ya boy gets paid?
No. These things are not guarantees for all Christians. We're mixing our categories here in a very important way.
The Lord will providentially decide whether or not you get healed, and whether or not your business succeeds or fails.
It is possible to be a fully -fledged Christian who has dedicated themself fully to the Lord and still be sick, or to still have your business go under.
Yes, that's entirely possible for that to happen. Proverbs 16, 8 says, quote, "...better is a little with righteousness than great income with injustice," end quote.
Why would the Proverbs say that you can have little and be righteous? In Mike Todd's view, if you have more of what he calls crazy faith, if you have more faithfulness, more righteousness, if you exercise your faith more, you will as a necessary result have more physical health and wealth.
But again, this passage in Proverbs makes it abundantly clear that you can still be very righteous and not have material gain.
So what's the conclusion? It is the Lord's will to give and take away, even to Christians, as He pleases in His will.
We cannot coerce God through our faith to give us health, wealth, or anything else. God is not coerced.
His purposes will stand. But in this little rap song, Mike Todd mixes forgiveness, purity, and loving
Jesus with successful businesses, more money, and better health. That is a serious error, which cannot be called anything else than a variant of the prosperity gospel.
In other words, it is clear false teaching. But if that's the case, let's return to the original question that When Answered provides the thesis for this video.
If Mike Todd is a clear false teacher, and he most definitely is, then why do so many thousands of people who call themselves
Christians listen to him preach? And the answer is simple, and it's in the title of the video, in fact.
Mike Todd makes false teaching fun. Think about it. Why would anyone want to sit through a well -written, deep, doctrinally sound, researched sermon that comes straight from the biblical text, when you could just as easily go to Mike Todd's church or a church just like it and listen to him yell silly, nonsensical, motivational sayings at you?
He'll even do a little song and dance for you so that you can really remember the three things that he said. Maybe if the church gets big enough, he'll actually start giving his sermons while he's riding a unicycle and doing some juggling.
Then all he needs is his rainbow wig and a big red nose, and he'll finally fulfill this quote from Charles Spurgeon.
A time is coming when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.
And the Bible says something similar to this in 2 Timothy 4 .3 when it says, For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.
The fact is, Mike Todd is a great entertainer, but he's not a solid pastor in any sense of the word.
He has false teaching about women in ministry. He has false teaching about the prosperity gospel, and he has false teaching about word of faith healing.
But people are more than happy to listen to his false and shallow teaching, because he can throw down a beat in church and make it into a catchy song for them.
He will spread these ideas by jumping up and down, clapping his hands, and sweating uncontrollably. He will spread these ideas while dressing like your favorite worldly musicians and athletes do.
He will say trendy things like, ya boy's gonna get paid. And to people who lack discernment, they will eat this stuff up like it's
Thanksgiving dinner. Many of these people do not care about sound doctrine. Many of them don't care about being faithful to Scripture first and foremost.
That's not why they're picking their church or even attending church. They care about having a good time.
So they pick the church that gives them the best time. They pick the pastor that keeps them the most entertained.
And actually following and obeying God's Word, well that falls by the wayside. That's just an afterthought. So please, look for a church that has sound doctrine, good church polity, and strong masculine elders who guide the flock biblically and protect it from false teaching.
That is literally their job. And pray for Mike Todd as well as for his deceived audience that they would repent of this foolishness and falsehood and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.