Laughter in Medina: the Ongoing Saga of the Caner Scandal


December 4, 2013 / James White / The Dividing Line / Leave a comment Laughter in Medina: the Ongoing Saga of the Caner Scandal Spent the program today reviewing an article that was just posted on the Caner Scandal and some of the antics of the venerable Peter Lumpkins and Mr. Rogers, all in light of the incredible unanimous election of Ergun Caner as president of a Georgia Baptist college.

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All right, well, we're audio only at the moment, I guess YouTube is not cooperating with us at all whether we will be able to switch over to it at some point or Something I don't know.
I do not understand these things but Hopefully someone can tweet out the audio link so that folks can switch over and follow along the old -fashioned way of The audio portion
I think we have to refresh the page and start all over again and put up stuff and I don't know how it works, but it's complicated and Beyond my my my area of expertise, so I'm not even sure if we're gonna be able to post this
We certainly need to be able to post this so I'm not really sure what to do here to be perfectly honest with you Because the whole idea was to make this stuff available
In a forum that people can can listen to and a lot of folks have already been switching over to the
YouTube version but if we can only do the audio then we can only do the audio a
Article was just posted and we were made Aware of it just let's see here.
Where did it go? That's not it and that is a article was just posted today on Right wing watch by Peter Montgomery and It is rather interesting if It says if you were the trustee of a troubled college fighting to keep its accreditation
Would you hire as your new president someone who was forced out of a previous academic post for lying about his past?
That's what the trustees of Bruton Parker College in Georgia have just done the college announced this week
It has hired Ergon Kanner to be its new president. I saw in another article by the way
Yeah, this is ABP news .com This is very very interesting
Where did the the names Go yeah, Bruton Parker president Mike Simon.
Oh elected in 2011 after serving as interim president Catch this on loan from Truett McConnell College in Cleveland, Georgia.
There's connection folks I wonder what the connection was there had to be a connection had to be the the good old boys network thing
Truett McConnell College sound familiar Truett McConnell College, you know the word document from which the the
Laughable excuse sheet published in Norman Geiser's website. That's where it was written according to the properties
Truett McConnell College where Emir Kanner is the president. There is your connection and that article was about the accreditation issue there at At the at the school, but that was interesting to find out what the connection really was anyways
Kanner is the former dean of seven of the seminary at Liberty University Who was removed from that job in 2010 when the school could no longer ignore the evidence?
That the jihad the Jesus life story Kanner had been peddling since the 9 -11 attacks turned out to be a pack of lies
Kanner said for example, he was raised in Turkey and trains an American hating jihadist in reality
He was born in Sweden and moved to the US as a very young Child and and by the way, if you just if you want evidence of that I'm putting together a a single clip file with Eric and Kanner's own words because Peter Lumpkins and Mr.
Rogers And and people like that are starting to create this mythology that you know,
Eric and Kanner has well, he apologized right? No, he didn't and He's been vindicated.
No, he hasn't and there's independent investigators. No, there aren't Facts are facts and the the best way to respond to the twisting of truth and the rewriting of history
It's to let Eric and Kanner speak for Eric and Kanner and so in Support of what was just said here
Train is an American hating jihadist. Well, did Eric and Kanner ever say that? Well, it would help if the volume was up on my computer so that people could hear that I've tried it again so you can hear it.
It's very clear. I Hated you that's that's Eric and Kanner in 2006 talking about Him being trained in Beirut and stuff like that Anyway, it's not as if Bruton Parker trustees were unaware of Kanner's controversial past a press release in the college quoted an unnamed trustee saying
We didn't consider dr. Kanner in spite of the attacks. We elected him because of them He has endured relentless and pagan attacks like a warrior.
We need a warrior as our next president a quotation that I read to you. Oh Just just yesterday.
In fact as one of the most amazingly deceptive deceived statements I think I've ever seen someone say the mind reels
Kanner's most relentless critics are not pagan but born -again Evangelicals who take great offense at Kanner's lying to fellow
Christians from church pulpits It's hard to see how Kanner is hiring his evidence as outgoing president Mike Simonow claims of the school's decision to honor
Jesus Christ in every area Yeah, it really is hard to see them In fact the time of the announcement is a bit awkward for Kanner in the college because it comes just days after filing of a
Detailed motion in a legal suit being brought by Kanner against some of his critics Let's backtrack just a bit the most devastating weapon in the arsenal of Kanner's critics has been
Kanner's own demonstrably dishonest words Captured in this digital age for everyone to see
Kanner who has taken a bullying blustering approach to his critics set out this summer to purge the online evidence of his lying in May This year he had 34 videos that critics had posted online taken down from YouTube by filing copyright claims on a digital digital
Millennial copyright act sound familiar in June He filed a lawsuit against Jonathan Autry and Jason Smathers claiming they had willfully and purposely infringed on his copyright
By the way, that is in regards to for Jason Smathers anyways in regards to the marine videos
Which were attained through FOIA Among Kanner's claims that Smathers and Autry operating separately violated his copyright by posting videos of speeches
Kanner gave to US Marines in 2005 training sessions They had obtained videos the speeches by filing Freedom of Information Act requested requests with the
Marine Corps They then they post the videos online so that others could see and hear Kanner's claims firsthand and judge where they were taking his remarks out of context the videos show
Kanner's Misrepresenting his past in order to bolster his credentials as an expert on Islamic terrorism, which is absolutely an
Undisputable fact Undisputable. I mean it as we'll see.
I'll play I'll play some of the sections for you because it's you know Really really really clear.
Well, but for example, I Know nothing about America till I came here when I was 14 years old Yeah, I knew nothing about America until I came here and I was 14 years old the press release from Bruton Parker, whatever it is
Says He was two years old so hey
Let's you know lie upon lie upon lie. They all get caught eventually and everyone is is anybody with a
Slightest desire to be honest knows what's going on here But unfortunately, there are a lot of people that that didn't know don't know anything about that thing there
Everything I knew about American culture. I learned through American television Whatever they allowed into the
Turkish Region. Yeah, so there you are growing up in Ohio watching Turkish TV in the 1970s
It's just that's that's Eric and Kanner, you know He's he's the one that that that's why he'll never debate me obviously because all
I have do is just play him I wouldn't hardly even have to speak You know, I might I might do some introductions but I could just sit there and click click click click let him let him speak for himself
You know just just straightforward very very easy. Anyways, I'm I'm reading the article D D D D D D The video show
Kanner misrepresenting his past in order to bolster his credentials as an expert on Islamic terrorism It's easy to understand why Kanner would like to cleanse the public record of his lying to Marines But a description of the case on Smothers website makes it sound like Kanner wants to go beyond silencing his critics to punishing or destroying them
Smothers writes that even though Autry took down Kanner's videos and offered to sign a non -disparagement agreement He faced escalating demands that he could not afford to meet says
Autry. Dr Kanner has continued the lawsuit for apparently no reason other than to seek the attorney's fees That I cannot afford to pay in a sworn statement
Autry says Kanner demanded Autry's wife and three young children also sign Non -disparagement agreements and that Kanner threatened to bankrupt him by following up his copyright suit with a defamation claim
Now remember I told you that when I was first informed about what happened in Arlington that the police reported to us that Kanner's side
That Kanner in the college had had specifically made mention of filing defamation suits against me that that was a soon coming and So this seems to be something very much a part of the the bullying that Ergin Kanner is engaging in As a
Christian minister and president of now a Southern Baptist College Just for Thanksgiving attorneys for Smothers and Autry filed a motion to dismiss the charges their filing is worth reading
It provides documentation of Kanner's duplicity as well as a sense of the flimsiness of his legal claims The attorneys conclude that Dr.
Kanner's motive is simply to lock the videos away so that no one can expose his dishonesty Among the assertions in the motion
Kanner made his speeches to the Marines as a government contractor Therefore the government and not Kanner owns the lectures. That's a given.
That's just a given. I mean honestly You really have to wonder about the attorneys involved here.
You really do. I mean Wow It is a long -standing principle of Freedom Information Act law that a release to one is a release to all since the
USMC released The video of Kanner's speech is available to every member of the public Kanner's copyright claims are bogus because he has not shown that he has copyright to the videos in question
The videos were posted online in 2010. He now claims that his applications are pending. By the way
The DMCA that was launched against us one video I know who owns a copyright and I contacted them and they had nothing to do with it at all nothing at all to do with it and They have not in and they are certainly not going to pursue removing them of course fair use anyways, but just more
Less than honest activity out there. Shall we say we wonder who's behind all of it?
The attorneys also note it is a crime to falsely represent the truth on a copyright application Kanner's also again gone after another persistent critic
James White of Alvin Omega Ministries I think that's me when Kanner was at Arlington Baptist College White says the school tried to get a local church to cancel presentation white gave about Kanner's many fraudulent claims and charged white with criminal trespass when a former student distributed flyers on campus about his upcoming speech white wasn't even in the state at the time the
Charges were dropped. Well, it wasn't just me. It was Also included the pastor of the church as well as a gentleman who distributed the flyers
What is it now? This is this is where I'd like to offer a correction White is basically begging Kanner to sue him saying he would love to depose
Kanner his colleagues and his family about the claims He made repeatedly over the years. No, I have no interest whatsoever in wasting time on this this pack of lies in this way time and money
Because it would take forever and it would take money that could be used to actually continue The work of ministry that Eric and Kanner has lied about doing all these years, but never did
That would be the tragedy of it all what I have said is if he does He better be prepared to bring everybody in Because if he goes there if he is if because of the assistance of Norman Geisler and because the assistance of Veritas seminary and because of all the schools that allowed him to speak and all the pastors have closed their eyes and all the all
The Peter Lumpkins of the world that are aiding and abetting him in violating scripture and in promoting
Lies and errors and and giving the Muslims just so much to laugh about laughter in Medina After he's elected as president of a college because the
Muslims are going well, I'm Christian. They're really into truth, aren't they? And they've got a real point with these folks.
There's no question about it If after all of that, he finally goes he's he's been he's been emboldened by the the people who will protect him who will allow him to lie and He goes that far then it's time to end it it's time to end it and it's time to bring everything out there make it a part of public record and Absolutely Get rid of all these
Excuses that Peter Lumpkins and others are throwing out there while he's been independently Investigated and all the rest of stuff.
It's time to get it out there and get it over with and Maybe maybe enough people are starting to notice this
That the pressure will finally be enough To expose the man and to stop the people
Who have been aiding and abetting Ergon Kanner Maybe they will finally back off and say hey, this is this is you know, this is too much.
This is this isn't working Bruton Parker's trustees are not the only people willing to overlook Kanner's dishonesty
Arlington Baptist College made Kanner provost after his demotion at Liberty and May this year Kanner was invited to address the family research councils watch them on the wall conference for pastors
White seems personally offended by Kanner's behavior Yeah, I think any Christian should be Saying it is a sin for Kanner to sue
Christian pastors to suppress the truth about his own lies. I Appreciate the accuracy of that one.
It is Autry is also personally trolled by Kanner's behavior He says he attended college and seminary at Liberty while Kanner was the seminary's
Dean But the trustees at Bruton Parker College see something else in Kanner trustee
Bucky Kennedy said in the school's press release that Kanner's character and love for God are admirable and inspirational
He finishes the article by saying it makes one wonder what Bruton Parker teaches its students about the definition of character now
That's a secular writer Once the secular world starts getting hold of this you just have you have to wonder you have to wonder if If All these people who have been aiding and abetting him are gonna start counting the cost
Now Peter Lumpkins Rogers these guys know that they are sold out, but There are others who could really start feeling the pressure
So we wonder we wonder now what brought all this about was as you know, and as the article laid out very well
The there have been recent filings in the lawsuit I'm primarily familiar with the lawsuit in regards to Jason Smathers I Am NOT an expert on all the motions that were just filed and all the rest that kind of stuff
I've just not had time to keep up with that I'm supposed to be doing a debate next Thursday that I'm really feeling way behind on at the moment, but be that as it may there was a
Article a blog article posted at Jared Moore dot exalt
Christ comm and Jared Moore as I understand it is second vice president in the
Southern Baptist Convention and He asked Ergin Cantor a few questions.
They were honest questions. They were good questions and Of course it didn't take long for Peter Lumpkins and various sundry
Cantor defenders to to show up in the in the thread
Now some of you know that I have sparred with With the gentleman we very affectionately call lumpy in our chat channel for quite some time and There are a number of Articles on my blog
Documenting some of the zaniness of Petey Lumpkins and So I'm not gonna spend too much time on that, but what is amazing to me and by the way that article was
November 26 2013 posted in the truth column by Jared Moore and Pretty quickly
Mark Lamprecht Posted some other people posted and then Peter Lumpkins showed up on November 27th at 1159 p .m.
I guess you just barely made it under the wire there and so I went back and forth a little bit and Some of the statements that are now you might say well, this is
Lumpkins who who really I Mean does the man have any credibility and for most people? No, he does not that's pretty obvious, but the problem is
Once you see these comments in the context What was the thinking of the trustees at this school?
I Mean I can only go with two possibilities here The really generous possibility is is that Eric and Kanner goes in there and he works his personal magic and And He pulls at the heartstrings and he he talks about you know
How he and his his brother were expecting this and you know this is how
Muslims treat people and it's just been pagans that have been attacking us and them hyper Calvinists and and And these guys just and gals just out.
Oh my oh, that's and you've just been putting up with this Wonderful and they just didn't do deal due diligence and they were just completely deceived the less generous is that they see this guy's may be having the possibility of helping them to keep their accreditation and get more students and Touching and there he goes who cares about all the rest of it
Obviously, we should not be expecting any kind of statement from the
Board of Trustees Answering all of the questions that are out there Answering the documentation that demonstrates the lies of Eric and Kanner But the problem that we have is with people like Lumpkins and Rogers running around saying he's been exonerated man
He's as pure as you to you people Then you could maybe maybe those the type of people they were listening to and you see the result
You see the result now. I realize that Petey Lumpkins these people they don't care About the impact on ministry to Muslims in South Africa They don't care.
That's irrelevant. I was it was really bad reading Rogers. He did in the comments
He didn't care about well, why should I care about what the Muslims think? Well, if you're trying to reach him might have something to do with it
But they don't they don't care about that. They're not out there doing that kind of thing. I My Christian Contacts in South Africa were telling me.
Hey, they know about Cantor down here that's the other side of the world folks and Eric and Kanner and emir
Kanner. Oh, by the way the video of the debate from Inside the masjid in Lanasia is on YouTube.
Have we posted it? Did we link to it yet? YouTube's data.
Oh I don't know what you're doing in there. Okay, so We're taking the video from the show and we're saving it to the hard drive
Oh, okay, so I'll post to YouTube later on everybody's moving over to the audio Okay, in the meantime,
I've got no YouTube stuff to manage right now. So why not? I might as well go do that Yeah, whatever.
That sounds good Basically our copies haven't arrived yet, but somebody else's did and they're already getting them on YouTube.
Okay, great fine So we'll obviously have our versions up eventually, but the
Debate on sin and salvation from inside the masjid not in a room next to it but inside the masjid in Lanasia, South Africa is now on YouTube and so That's not something emir
Kanner and Eric and Kanner have ever done even though they claim to have done So and in fact some people even claim they did it in Arabic, which really wouldn't work very well since they don't speak it
These folks Aren't taking the message out to that level So I can see why they're just like oh, this is just doesn't matter.
Do you see why this is was important? Do you see why those who've just closed their eyes and closed their ears and it's like well, you know he's got some pretty powerful friends and it's really interesting to look at some of the let's look at some of the things that that Petey Lumpkin says here because He brings in names and I'm not sure some of these folks would like to have their names brought in Um, let me let me see there is a whole list of people that allegedly have
Support well, and you know in some sense have supported because they haven't come out and said anything about it
But I think there's some people. Okay, moreover others Have also concluded similarly not only did
Norm Geisler But also Ron Rhodes, John Ankerberg, Paige Patterson, and Joseph Holden not to mention
Kregel publications vindication of Eric Encantor yet here we see character assassination with no conscience on full display.
So see because Kregel refused to do what was right and I've asked
Petey Lumpkins. Okay You want to follow that line? Then tell me what hadith 2425 is his response is no.
I Won't cuz he can't he knows it They all know it Kregel knows it, but you see when you when you cover your ankles
When you just we just you don't do what's right Then people go. Well, see See, they're odd.
They've said it and You know Ankerberg did he respond to my whole open letter to him?
Nope, never said a thing Norm Geisler silent as can be since 2010
Coming up on four years pretty soon Ron Rhodes, I I don't know
I at the I'd like to know I'd like to talk to Ron I mean Ron and I have spoken at many conferences together.
I'd like to ask him Ron. What about it man? The evidence is overwhelming Overwhelming you see
Ron's real close to to Norm Geisler and Norm has put the word out. You will not touch
Cantor It's politics politics Paige Patterson My understanding is that Eric and Cantor's firstborn son's middle name is
Paige PA IGE so There you go. There's a connection there
But none of these folks none of these folks will answer any of these questions. They can't They can't do so.
So anyways, let's look at some of the things First Lumpkins went after Mark Lampert. He said
Mark, that's pure nonsense You know This is about the the lawsuit as a lawsuit the dispute is over who owns the rights to videos and whether the owner has
Control over the way personal property is used and it should be remembered It certainly is not about suing for money.
Cantor pursued a legal route after attempts failed Smathers brought this on not Cantor So so now let's let's just remember something that I think really needs to be understood the press release announcing the election of Cantor as President at The school let me remind you what it says so this is
Bruton Parker December 3rd 2013 Third paragraph born in Stockholm Sweden 1966
Cantor is the oldest of the doubt Oldest son of a devout Turkish Muslim leader the family immigrated the
United States first in 1969 and settled in Central, Ohio Okay, that's the statement
That's being put out right now, let's remember what arrogant Cantor said
I Know nothing about America till I came here when I was 14 years old. Oh 14 years old
Says family immigrated in 1969 so that would make him much older than me, but he's actually younger than me
So, mr. Lumpkins, could you explain? Specifically what arrogant
Cantor meant When he said I knew nothing about America until I came here when I was 14 years old when he had been living in the
United States of America for a dozen years When he was 14 years old, could you explain that please sir?
I'd like to see a blog article from what did arrogant Cantor mean? When he made these words those words
Are to the Marines. Oh, you mean the stuff that Cantor is trying to suppress
He's trying to get a copyright on What according to his new school's?
Press release is a lie Can you copyright lies you can if you identify it as what it is?
Fiction and that's what Cantor story was it was fiction
He didn't identify it as fiction he didn't tell the Marines it was fiction, but that's what it was it was fiction
He went on to say Everything I knew about American culture. I learned through American television whatever they allowed into the
Turkish region again You're living in Ohio You're Taught English, which is why he has no accent you're taught
English in Ohio in the Ohio public schools But you know nothing about American culture
Really? What are you doing in school? How come
I have a tweet from Emir Cantor to arrogant Cantor from back in 2010 before this thing blew up? Reminding arrogant that he played a homosexual in the high school play
Hmm that's interesting He goes on to say and I get to speak in churches most of my life or in debates
I debate Muslims and Baha 'i and Buddhists and Hindi and all types on university campuses
So like I said, I spend most of my time getting yelled at Yeah, it'd be nice. We could find those debates, but we all know the truth about that We drive like that normally by the way,
I don't know if you know we've ever been to Turkey But we drive like that most of the time Now we drive like that, but one of the excuses that Petey Lumpkins is thrown out there now is well
You don't know that Cantor didn't visit Turkey Well, actually we've raised that possibility because it's mentioned in the legal documents in regards to divorce
Remember the divorced when arrogant is eight years old and there's a travel ban put in and then it's taken out and it's put back in That's not what he was saying the
Marines was it Because you aren't driving when you're eight years old. Are you Petey? No, you're not
That's how we drive in Turkey. Mm -hmm What did he what did he mean to?
Communicate to the Marines of that. Yeah Let's let's just play just one other here
We hear in America obviously, but also what they hear about you And so what
I would like to do in the brief time that I want to speak and then to take questions is Sort of pull back some of the things that they assume about you.
They hear about you Because these are things that I assumed as well And maybe perhaps you if you understand the mind
You can anticipate some of their objections as well. Now. Here is a man who is raised in Ohio born in Sweden Pretending to lecture the
Muslims about the Marines about the objections that come from a
Muslim mindset Before they're deployed into a Muslim area That's great
But what is behind all of this the idea that he would understand this because he lived there
Because he was part of the culture. He wasn't and even if he went and visited and I just told him channel there could be no travel because Cantor's dad's passport was held.
I was not aware of that. I just learned something now That would put a kink in the in that excuse, but I'd like to look more into that but that's very interesting
Clearly he's communicating to the Marines a Lie according to the
Bruton Parker College press release. So which one is it? Mr. Lumpkins? Who's lying?
Are these the words of Eric this is from the Marine video This is from the things being sued over.
This is what he wants to copyright But the only way to copyright is to identify what it is fiction
It's fiction, but it wasn't being presented as fiction. Was it? No. No, it was not.
No, it was not a year after the
Marine presentations Eric and Cantor again, I Cannot be I cannot be president
I came in 1978 when I was getting ready to go to college if you would have heard that it was an immigrant. I came in 1978
Bruton Parker College Hmm first United States 1969.
It's just there's a nine -year difference Huh, I wonder wonder why that is that's interesting
I hated you Hmm. I hate it. Hated you. I may be harsh
But as dr. Hayes told you I was my madrasa my training center was in Beirut Before I came to America we came as missionaries to you before I came to America He doesn't remember anything before he came to America.
He wasn't yet three years old It's a lie It's a lie.
Mr. Lumpkins. Can you explain it? Can you tell us what these words mean? Anything I knew about Christianity I learned through misconception and caricature
I Knew nothing about you had never been in a church had never been outside of the mosque anything.
I knew about you I learned either through television Hyperbole gossip
But I did know this I hated you and I thought you hated me now. Here's a man Who grows up in the public educational system in Ohio in the early?
1970s And he says I knew nothing about Americans. I thought you hated me and I hated you and The whole context was because I didn't come here till I was 14 years old.
I was living in Turkey I was trained as a mujahideen It was a lie according to the
Bruton Parker College press release Explain that Petey Answer the real questions for once don't write a book about something else
Answer the real questions for once. This is your hero speaking. These are his words not mine
And while you're at it, you might want to explain this one. I was the oldest my father brought his wives with him Yes, polygamous
Muslims do come to America. We call it the Abraham lie They say this is my wife and this is my sister
Where are those other wives? Oh He remarried later, but you and I both know that is um, that's not what he was talking about Was it no because he specifically says polygamy
It is so easy to just let Eric and Kanner speak for Eric and Kanner and The lies just pile up.
So the lawsuit That Kanner is pursuing against biblical
Command is to hurt other people That's all it's all is for it is to bully and hurt other people
And if you if he wants to just be open about he wants to be able to copyright lies You know wants to be able to copyright lies.
The funny thing is while he's trying to hurt Autry and Smathers Lumpkins goes on to say and let's be clear the reason for your miserable post which you pull down and now your buddies is
Singular and focus you both want to hurt Eric and Kanner personally hurt Eric and Kanner. It's not about ideas See I learned a long time ago that Those who cannot engage in one -on -one debate
What they do is they project? themselves upon their opponents To try to turn it into a into a morass of contradiction so that nothing clearly can come out
I've gotten used to this over the years and that's exactly what Lumpkins does Because it's Kanner who is viciously attacking other people
And so what you do is you project that upon the people are going look Here's his own words
Will someone answer this? Has Norman Geisler answered these things? No has
Ron Rhodes or John Ankerberg or Anybody who has had this man in to speak.
I mean he was recently he was on the podium for the installation of Richard Land a Southern evangelical seminary
Has anybody there answered these things? Nope. Not a word. Not a word. I suggest you both get a grip and stop your conniving crusade to morally pass judgment on a fellow
Southern Baptist as a deceiving liar and charlatan That's P .D. Lumpkins. He's defending a man who is suing a
Southern Baptist pastor and later on says well, maybe he doesn't consider Him to be a
Christian. Isn't that passing judgment on a fellow Southern Baptist as a deceiving liar? I Mean if Jason Smathers is not a
Christian and he's pastoring a Southern Baptist Church, shouldn't they do something about that? Maybe possibly I Mean the hypocrisy is incredible Absolutely amazing.
Absolutely amazing. Then he Says to Jared he says Eric and Kanner owes you exactly zero in answer to your supposed
Devastating questions got it zero and he's gonna use the same line with me as well
Then he goes on to say Kanner had more than one Muslim school. He attended the way
I understand it. Not only here in the States, but abroad as well I personally have a copy of a picture with Eric and Kanner sitting in his uncle's lay in Turkey.
Really? Are you sure about that? I bet it's the same picture. I've asked Emir Kanner about and he's been silent for three years
Hmm Did he attend Madrasa in Turkey the picture doesn't prove he did now notice notice notice again the dishonesty of this
Did Kanner say I visited Turkey Would any of us have been spending this amount of time talking about this if Kanner had said
I visited Turkey But would Kanner have been standing in front of the Marines if the real story had been put well, you know when
I was kid I Visited Turkey with my dad. Can I tell you about it?
Yeah, I don't think they would have gotten the Marines together to listen to that. What do you think? You see
Lumpkins and all the Kanner defenders have to avoid context. They can't come close to dealing with these statements in context
Because if they do it's so obvious The dishonesty. They just can't do it
As the second question the Kanner's migrated here approximately two years after Ergen and his brother not Emir was born in Stockholm If you'd read
Ergen's books, that's what's published Hmm Okay So I Knew nothing about America till I came here when
I was 14 years old Hmm, so if you read Ergen's books, I knew nothing about America till I came here when
I was 14 years old. I Knew nothing about America till I came here when I was 14 years old want to explain that.
Mr. Lumpkins. I know Emir Has not made the claims that Ergen did that's why there's a contradiction
You want to explain those words from Ergen Kanner to the Marines In light of what you just said here because now we have two different stories.
Who are we gonna believe Petey Lumpkins or Ergen Kanner? Hmm don't know any contradiction he says
Any contradiction of these dates can easily be explained by conflation But of course for you Mark James White and all those self righteously attacking him.
You apparently would rather believe he's a liar That's why
Jared your questions are not hard questions. They are stupid questions questions You try to pose in an unbiased setting all the while, you know, darn good and well while you're asking the question uh
Then he says Mark comma comma actually I don't see things as funny as you as you do
You Jared and James White among a few others go around the internet continually making Kanner into a fraud and liar
Hence from my standpoint. It's not so funny. Perhaps God in his sovereignty will bring his own vengeance in due time
Then the alleged investigative committees start coming up The very last statement made about Kanner in the video above was from the chair of the investigative committee which concluded we never once found that he lied the profound even disheartening trouble with critics like you
Mark White and Preacher Bill whoever under the blue sky that is you don't listen or read closely enough the investigation committee did find factual discrepancies
But just raw factual discrepancies definitively do not point to deception which you guys are suggesting
Now have you all listened to just a few things I've quoted here How can any rational mind not see that there's our lies here?
How can that be What's the possibility What what has to be operational now this alleged committee?
Was it from Liberty? Were these people involved with Liberty? Later on I Asked because times passing us by here
After this long, you know insult filled tirades from Petey Lumpkins Wrote this he wrote this huge long pile of obfuscation and I wrote back
Peter thanks the book length exercise and obfuscation. I like clarity myself number one name the investigator number two produce the full report
Three I had always lived in majority Muslim countries quote -unquote explain number four produce hadith 2425 number five if Cantor could answer these questions
He would be out front doing so he remains silent or worse hiding behind a lawyer suing Christians who are in good standing in their churches, thanks
James that was my response to his book length response on December 2nd, so two days ago
Um Lumpkins responds. Thanks. He says in response to number one
Name the investigator. No, that's cuz you can't
Your entire lie would fall apart Number two produce full report in your dreams
Am I wrong to hear that is in your dreams No, I'm not
I mean it sounds like this is someone else later on made the comment I feel like I've stumbled onto a junior high school playground and it's exactly right.
Oh Yeah, it's all well. Have you seen the videos that he put up about me and stuff? I mean, it's just incredibly childish
In your dreams Eric and Cantor owes you jack squat. I Don't blame him. You've insulted and slandered him for six years at least
I doubt anyone who has experienced the torturous moral and personal personal persecution
Cantor has would feel or act any differently nor do I owe you James what you get for me is gratuitous.
I assure all You've aptly demonstrated you have no respect for anyone's conclusions about Cantor but conclusions which agree with your unnecessary inferences
Which stand as the rotten base for your erroneous? claims
I Nothing about America till I came here when I was 14 years old. I knew nothing about America till I came here when
I was 14 years old Everything I knew about American culture. I learned through American television
Whatever they allowed into the Turkish region. Yeah. Okay. There you go. There's there's my my rotten base
Just keep Quoting Cantor and he will never Never even try to touch these quotes can't do it.
He knows it. He knows it's possible It's just too obvious. I Had always lived in majority
Muslim countries explain answer don't have to No need to even if I wanted to truth is just like above if I took the time you'd accuse me of now
What was the big word again? Oh, yes, you'd accuse me of obfuscation or perhaps be then turn right around ask me another question
I'm reminded the proverbial biblical skeptic who asked where Cain got his wife This is actually supposed to be a response
Give him an answer and ask you another question answer that and he'll lead you through the entire old test and begin asking you if One or two angels were at the open to him
There is no stopping because no answer to a single question or a series questions What satisfies curiosity why he's a priori absolutely convinced the
Bible is an uninspired book You've publicly demonstrated James You have no intention of accepting any answer is valid since you a priori have concluded him a deceiver enough said in other words
I can't answer that There is no answer. I claim to have inside information, but you know,
I'm just not gonna tell you I can't answer that there is no answer to it It's black and white.
There's no dispute here That's that's why I'm not getting any phone calls
From Petey Lumpkins saying I I want to respond to the I'll answer that question
It's not gonna happen not gonna happen Number four produce at ease 2425 answer no moves on from there
You know 2425 some people laugh at it, but it is the single clearest demonstration of the dishonesty deceptiveness and Intellectual vacancy of the defenders very in Canada.
I've ever produced. I think it's great. I Think it's great Because it also communicates the
Muslims because the Muslims recognize that's like going produce Bible 316 You know once I can explain that to people
I know I've talked to a lot of people in my travels and they just haven't quite gotten the canner thing and Then I explain that to him.
They look at me and go really His books are filled with references like that like uh -huh
No, like oh my goodness. That's embarrassing. Yep sure is
Sure is so you ask you ask Petey Lumpkins produced at ease 2425. No I won't explain can't explain
Because he knows and that's the scary part. He knows in his heart of hearts now. I'm sure Petey Lumpkins wouldn't know
Sahil Bukhari from Jamia Termini Just don't get the feeling he has a clue about the
Muslim Hadith let alone has read the major collections But still it's obvious And In answer to the last sort which was more of a statement on my part if can or could answer these questions you'd be out front
Doing so remain silent or worse hiding behind a lawyer suing Christians who are in good standing in their churches His re his response of course he is
James. Why because you've concluded this by a necessary inference unnecessary inference
Everything I knew about American culture, I learned through American television whatever I Cannot be
I cannot be president. I came in 1978 when I was getting ready to go to college if you would have heard Anything I knew about Christianity I learned through misconception and caricature
I Knew nothing about you had never been in a church had never been outside of the mosque anything.
I knew about you I learned either through television Hyperbole gossip
But I did know this I hated you, and I thought you hated me Yeah, there you go because you've included this by unnecessary inference upon which you base your most egregious conclusions possible
I Suggest you actually get a job to pay for the presentations you do about other servants of God and not bilk donors who trust you're
Doing ministry when all you're doing is morally slandering other men. That's all I'm doing Yeah, just just go watch
The videos from South Africa by the way, they're now posted to our YouTube page, which is youtube .com
slash users slash a o min org Thank You There you go, and you find out if that's all we're doing okay
I also think you really need to look at whether or not you're beginning to Fred Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church There are surely theological affinities since you both adhere to the 1689 confession have you ever heard of the genetic fallacy?
No one has ever accused Peter Lumpkins of thinking clearly and as I've heard more than once from Calvinist such as yourself doctrine precedes and remains the basis for duty in action
Is there an objection to that anyway? Not that you've gotten quite as far as Westboro understand
But protesting Cantor as a college prez like you and the gang at this blog have not to mention Propagating your
Cantor seminar by placing advertisements on the students cars at Cantor's Arlington School frankly. I'm surprised No one has actually made the comparison sooner
So there's there's Petey Lumpkins One other thing he really didn't like the presentation on Eric and Cantor of course doesn't refute in it.
I can't that's that's obvious Who could not remember that an apologist of the Christian faith doing seminars and the moral grievances?
He personally has against a single man now. Did I not lay a clear foundation as to why we have been doing any of this
I? Did I'm not expecting Lumpkins to actually respond to what
I said We we have a lot of experience here, but again why respond to this then? Because you're seeing what's happening
You're seeing what's happening Most of us simply did not believe that a board of trustees
Who was contacted by people there were people there are good Southern Baptists in Georgia That said whoa folks.
Do you know about this and for the board of trustees to?
unanimously Say to the
Muslim world we don't care. We don't care if this man
Stood in front of audiences for years and claimed to be something he was not We don't care
If the Muslims can put up videos of this man pretending To speak
Arabic and not a word of it is We don't care Yes, we claim to follow him who is the truth and we say your prophet is not truly a prophet
But you know what we just don't really I laid it out.
I Laid it out because this man claimed to do the very things I do he claimed to debate the very people
I debate and he never even met them Never even met them and yes,
I have had Muslims contact me and say disagree is what you say, but Got to give you props for standing up on the counter thing
You're one of the few that's sad That is sad Now it's not like Bruton Parker is some you know he wasn't made the president of a major Baptist seminary, but the reality is
That there is unfortunately not only the good old boys Network The political structure that has decided to gather around this man
But there's a silence of so many others that know There's a silence of so many others that know as politics
There are certain people have put out the word Norman Geisler Paige Patterson and oh they have power.
Oh, they have power and If you want to function within the circles where they have control you better toe the line
You better toe the line does that corruption it is
Does that make the whole concept of discernment ministry somewhat of a joke
Yep, sure does Would I like to never have to say?
The name Eric and Cantor ever again in my life. Oh, yes You say well, what would bring that about Confession repentance
Truth could it be more simple I lied
My dad was a Muslim I was raised a Muslim I really wasn't a very good Muslim, but I didn't know
Jesus and now I know him and I'm so sorry I didn't think that was a good enough testimony. I'm so sorry for the disrespect and the shame
I have brought upon the gospel of Jesus Christ and the ministry to Muslims. I Apologize.
I'm sorry, and I'm sorry to all those people that I've hurt and I've bullied
Drop the lawsuit pay the legal fees for the people you've sued Contact your publisher and say we've got to change this we've got to be open and honest here
Do the right things it would be a great testimony. It would be wonderful That's not what's happening and the main reason it's not happening is because so many people have stood there and covered for Eric and Cantor they have the greater guilt they truly do tomorrow on the dividing line
We better hope the Google Hangouts works Because I'm going to be facilitating a conversation
I'm not gonna be the central person in But a facilitator of a conversation
Votie Balcom Ivy Connerly Shilin Big names.
Yep Important topic. Hope you'll be listening. Hope everything pray that everything will work