Are You Sure? (Part 2)


Pastor Mike recently preached this sermon at Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylson, MA.  If you had to give Jesus a grade for His style of evangelism, what would you give him?  There is a cost to follow Christ Jesus.  How does the American Dream mesh with the Cross of Christ?  How did Jesus Evangelize?  Listen in to continue to find out!


Arguments from Atheists (Part 3)

Thanks for tuning in to No Compromise Radio with pastor and author, Dr.
Mike Abendroth. Today on No Compromise Radio, we'll be hearing Pastor Mike open the
Word of God in a recent message he preached at Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston, Massachusetts.
Now let's join Pastor Mike in progress as he preaches through the scriptures, verse by verse, with No Compromise.
The Lord of the Universe, who calls Himself what here? Take a look at the text, the
Son of Man. This is Jesus' favorite self -designation.
This is what He loves to call Himself the most. And here's going to be Jesus' point.
Ask yourself what Son of Man means, and if you can get Son of Man down, you'll see the passage in the context here.
Son of Man, where is the Son of Man from in the Old Testament? This should be in every person's
IBS class, Bible college class, Bible knowledge class. When you see
Son of Man, and you're going to see it tons of times in the New Testament, you should have a default. And you could just do this to the middle of your
Bible, I don't know how you do that to an iPad, but Daniel 7. Take a look at Daniel 7 with me, please.
Turn to Daniel 7 so you can see the passage, so then you're going to get it. That if the exalted
Jesus, the eternal Jesus, the pre -existing Jesus, who has dominion, authority, rule, sacrifices, you think you're going to get all the glory?
It doesn't make any sense at all. Daniel chapter 7. If you love
Daniel for the fiery furnace and love Daniel for the lion's den, you've got to get this down so you know the theme of Daniel, so you know the hero of Daniel.
And it's not Daniel, it's the Son of Man. What did Jesus call himself the most found?
Right here, Daniel 7 verse 9. And as I look, thrones were placed and the ancient of days took his seat.
His clothing was white as snow. You can get the idea of all the holiness and the purity. Hair of his head like pure wool.
His throne was fiery flames. Its wheels were burning fire. The judge, the high and exalted one who lives forever, whose name is holy,
Isaiah 7 says. Judicial purity, holiness, sounds just like Revelation 1.
His eyes were like a flame of fire. What's going around this ancient of days? Verse 10. A stream of fire, a river of fire, issued, came out from before him, a thousand thousand served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him.
The court sat in judgment, and the books were opened. God's splendor,
God's judgment on sin. These books were opened to judge the little horn, and I look then because of the sound of the great words that the horn was speaking, he's still vomiting forth blasphemies.
As I look, the beast was killed, and its body destroyed and given over to be burned with fire.
As for the rest of the beast, their dominion was taken away, but their lives were prolonged for a season at a time. And here comes the verse.
Log it in your mind. This is the reference that Jesus had in mind. This particular passage, the first reference of Messiah as the son of man.
I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven, there came one like a son of man.
Here's the eternal son, Jesus Christ. He came to the ancient of days and was presented before him, and then what does the text say?
And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom that all peoples, nations, languages should serve him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.
The son of man who has dominion stoops low and sacrifices himself and denies himself, and you come along, scribe, and you want everything?
You want the action? You want glory? You want exaltation? I mean, think about how crazy this is with the hyper -charismatic movement now.
Come to Jesus and you get health and wealth. The Jesus of the Bible is the one who is the eternal son, the son of man, and he stoops low and he sacrifices and he's humiliated and he's lowly, and you want to be exalted?
Back to Matthew chapter 8, please. The one who calls people the son of man to his kingdom, to his glory, to his dominion, calls people to count the cost, to count the cost.
If you're not a Christian today, I tell you, I want you to believe. I beg you to be reconciled to God.
I want you to trust in the risen Savior Christ Jesus who died on the cross for sinners like you.
He's coming back. He's alive. But you better count the cost. Are you sure you want to be a
Christian? Because unless forgiveness is at the highest place, Jesus is the wrong answer to your question.
But if you want forgiveness and anything else that comes along with it, positive or negative, that's fine, then you need to believe and repent right now.
Son of man, the glorious son of man chooses to deny himself and his followers will travel the same road.
And this guy, this scribe was too overeager. He didn't even think about it. Follow Jesus.
Okay, I'll go for what I get. I think this is helpful for us in evangelism. I know in our hearts we want the other person to repent and believe so badly we could taste it, especially if they're a loved one, because we don't want them to go to hell.
But salvation is humanly impossible. And so why do we try to make it humanly possible?
Our responsibility is to proclaim the truth. And the truth has high hurdles. The truth has sharp edges.
The truth has hard sayings. But when God does the work, they get saved anyway, don't they?
We don't have to cut the corners. Count the cost. That's why there are some people, it says in Luke 8, they believe for a little while and then go away.
They should have counted the cost earlier. Count the cost. Number two, follow at any cost.
If the first guy was too fast, too quick, too overeager, this person is too slow, not zealous enough, not fast enough.
Follow at any cost. Another of the disciples said, Matthew 8, 21,
Lord, let me first go and bury my father. Now, unless you're Jesus Christ, the eternal
Son of God, the Son of man, the Son of God, these next words are frankly stupid.
But if you are the eternal Son, this goes perfectly with his claims. And Jesus said to him, follow me and leave the dead to bury their own dead.
If Jesus isn't the eternal God, this is rude. This is not how you talk to people who have just lost a loved one.
Go to Matthew 10, if you would, while I'm thinking about it. Matthew 10 intensifies this call to follow.
Matthew 10, 34, this is just how Jesus talks. I know you want to say to me, probably in your heart, but what about that other verse?
And what about this? And what about this verse? Well, we're not in those verses now. We're in these verses. Matthew 10, 34, do not think that I have come to bring peace to earth.
I have not come to bring peace but a sword. For I've come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter -in -law against her mother -in -law.
And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me.
And whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Whoever does not take his cross and follow me, Jesus said, is not worthy of me.
Whoever finds his life will lose it. And whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Dropping everything to follow Jesus. Back to chapter 8, please. The cost of following Christ, Jesus.
Now, what does it mean here, let the dead bury their own dead? Well, there's a few options that are interesting.
Option one was the man's father just died. And if you've had a death in the family, you realize that there are many things to take care of.
And you've got the obituary to write, and you've got to go to the funeral home, and you've got to meet, and you've got to talk with the pastor.
And you're already emotionally wasted and spiritually spent, and it's very, very difficult.
And so some people think this man's father had already died, and he's in the middle of the preparation.
And Jesus says, there's someone more important than your father. It's me.
Now, that could be the case. I don't think so, though. Other people think that the man's father had died.
And what you do is you put the body in a tomb. And then about a year later, all the flesh is decomposed, and the only thing left are bones.
And then you take the bones and put them in a small box, an ossuary. And then you bury the ossuary box.
And so the father had died, but he's not bones yet, and so I'm just waiting.
And once I can get his bones and put them in the ossuary box, then I'll follow you, Jesus. But most likely, and scholars are pretty much unanimous when it comes to this, the man's father was still alive.
The oldest son has to honor the father and has to make sure the father is taken care of. I know for our family, we've had loved ones in assisted living homes, and it's our responsibility to take care of them.
And this man is saying, you know, I'm going to postpone my following you, Jesus, because my dad's older, and when he's finally dead, then
I'll follow. And what does Jesus say? Here's what
Jesus says. If love for parents can come between you and me, you're not willing to follow me.
So he says what? Follow me and let the dead, spiritually dead people, bury their dead, the physically dead.
I'm claiming upon you as your creator, absolute obedience, wholehearted devotion. It's a noble thing to want to take care of your family.
You're an unbeliever or acting like one if you won't take care of your family, 1 Timothy chapter 5. But it's more noble to follow
Christ Jesus, the king of the universe. I've got some things in my life that are a little more important first.
I'll do those, then I'll follow. And for young people, you know what? I've got to sow my oats some, then
I'll follow. I've got to get married first, then I'll follow. I've got to have some kids first, then I'll follow. I've got to make my first million, then
I'll follow. God made you and he is staking divine claim on you.
And what does Jesus say, verse 22? It's an imperative, follow me. Keep on following me.
Other opportunities might not come. I said to my girls last night as I sat and read them this passage, 12 -year -olds die, 14 -year -olds die, everybody dies.
You think you're guaranteed a ripe old age of 50, 60, 70, 80? The answer is no.
Future opportunities might not come. Do you believe? You must believe. If Jesus is some wise teacher, this is idiotic to say, but since he's the son of God, totally following the son of God is not extreme.
Taking care of your parents is good. But when family obligations and social obligations trump
Christ, what was good is now bad. James Montgomery Boyce said, if I can be kept from Christ by the normal and proper love that I should have for parents, spouse, children, our siblings, how dangerous must the many other snares of this world be?
I know friends. I know family. I went to my grandmother's bedside. She's 90 -some years old.
She's now blind. At the time, she's since died. And I went to her and I talked to her about free forgiveness found in Christ Jesus.
Full and free forgiveness for those who will repent and to believe and count the cost.
For her, God could do whatever he wants on her deathbed. I don't know what happened. I sure hope
I know what happened. I'm sure hoping it happened. But the snares and the slavery of Roman Catholicism were so great that if she said, you know what, if I believe in this
Jesus, it's going to cost me with my family, cost me with my social relationships, it's going to cost me with where my mom and my dad and my grandpa and my great -grandfather, they all died in Rome, where are all they?
And she's counting the cost and then she has to say, no. And whether you're caught up in Protestant liberalism or Roman Catholicism or any other kind of ism,
Jesus, you, and if anything's in between, then you can't follow
Jesus. Social obligations, family obligations. I've got to take care of family things first.
Family's good, taught to us by God. But family as the idol, family as the creator, family as the judge and savior, no.
And Jesus says, you know, you want to take care of your dad? Let's just assume your dad's alive.
The king of the universe is calling you to repent. The king deserves nothing less.
Since he's the king in Matthew, the king can say that. I'll say this, if you have to choose between you or your spouse, you better choose
Jesus. If you have to choose between your mom or Jesus, you better choose Jesus.
If you have to choose between your son and your daughter or Jesus, you better choose Jesus. And some people here have unbelieving spouses, and they've suffered.
Some have had unbelieving family members who've hurt them, and they've suffered.
But if you must choose, you must choose God, the highest allegiance.
And, of course, I know systematically you're saying, I could never do that on my own, and it'd have to be spirit -driven, and it'd have to be the grace of God given.
I believe all that. But right now, Christ's passages count the cost.
Are you sure you really want to believe because it's going to cost you? And, frankly, I don't know what's going to happen in the next 20 years, but we're going to see a cave -in in evangelicalism because of the homosexual issue.
And then we'll see who really wants to count the cost. I don't know how many of you will show up if you don't get any more deductions for your giving.
Right now, you get a giving thing at the end of the year, and you can deduct those from your taxes. If you don't get those, will you still come?
How about if they stand at the door and they say, if you are a member of this kind of church that says marriage is to be held in honor among all, man and woman, because it reflects
Christ and His church, then you're going to get taxed and fined. Will you still come? You better start counting the cost because it's here.
Turn to Matthew 13, please. I want to show you that when you see the preciousness of Christ Jesus, it makes it so much easier to count the cost.
When you see how wonderful He is, then you say, do you know what?
He's worth it. Christ is worth it. Thomas Brooks said, while you're turning to Matthew 3,
Christ is the most precious commodity. He is better than rubies or costly pearls, and we must part with our gold, we must part with our old sins, our perish forever.
Christ is to be sought and bought with any pains at any price. He is a jewel worth more than a thousand worlds.
Get Him, you get it all. Miss Him, you miss it all.
And look at our Lord teach these two wonderful little parables that I'm sure you're familiar with to talk about the value and the riches of being in His kingdom and being forgiven and worshiping the
King. That's why you were born, that's why you were made, to honor the King. Praise His name.
Verse 44 of Matthew 13. The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found and covered up.
Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. It's worth every sacrifice.
Back in the old days, what did you do? You had some money. So let's just say you had $300, 300 shekels.
100 shekels, you keep on yourself. 100 shekels, you invest. And 100 shekels, you put in the
Bank of America. What's the new bank now? Sovereign got their name changed. Santana?
All right. Didn't know he owned banks. You dug a hole and hid it because if a marauder came, they're going to come to your house and they're easily going to be able to find the money.
So you hide the money. Now this guy's got a field. He doesn't have a field yet, but there's money.
This is a once -in -a -lifetime find. How do you just stumble upon money? I have a friend, he died a few years ago, but he used to have these, you don't know what those things are?
Metal detectors. I knew. Sometimes I don't know, but I knew this one. And he would go panning for gold and he would try to find places and he would find where somebody buried money on the property and he would go try to figure out how to get it.
There's a hidden treasure. Glad exchange. Look it, he goes and he sells all that he has and buys that field.
He's persuaded that it's worthwhile. He knows the precious value of it. Evaluation in his mind is, yes, it's going to cost a lot, but it's worth it.
It's a cost of following Christ Jesus, but I get forgiveness. I get reconciliation with God.
I get redemption. No longer a slave to sin. No longer working for Satan. The hope of heaven.
The joy of heaven. I found this treasure in a field and I'll sell everything.
I'll do anything to get it. That's the idea. Sacrifice. It's a once -in -a -lifetime find. Well, so too with the pearl, verse 45.
When you realize something has tremendous worth, the cost doesn't then matter, does it?
When you think of something that has tremendous worth, forgiveness, reconciliation, giving glory to Triune God, when you know how much something is worth, then the cost isn't important.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls. Oh, these were highly valued back in those days.
And upon finding one pearl of great value, a precious pearl, same kind of word used for the ointment of Mary anointing
Jesus' feet, he went and sold all that he had. It was of tremendous worth, so the cost didn't matter.
I read this week, Cleopatra's two famous pearls were valued for $400 ,000 each in the 1800s.
There's no second chance. This is a chance of a lifetime. I'll sell everything. I see the value.
Cost isn't important. F .F. Bruce said, To be a subject of Messiah's reign is so precious a privilege that a man might willingly sacrifice everything else to obtain it.
Whatever pleasures, honors, possessions, or attainments necessary, he will give them up willingly in order to secure that which is so worth.
Every sacrifice worth it. Remember what Paul said? Whatever things were gained to me, those things
I have counted as what? Loss for the sake of Christ. When you see the value of Christ, then counting the cost, you're able to do it.
I've counted as loss all those things for the sake of Christ. I had tons of gains.
I'm Jewish. I'm a Hebrew of the Hebrew. I'm circumcised on the right day. I'm in the right tribe of Benjamin. I did all these things.
It's to the law, blameless. It's to persecuting the church. I've got zealousness. But I put all those things in this accounting tab over here and said they're loss because over here gain makes worth it that I can know
Christ Jesus my Lord. I counted all these things as loss.
That's what happens when God begins to work on someone. You say to yourself, everything I thought that I could offer
God for him to forgive me, it's all dung. It's all refuse. It's all garbage. I offer
God, well, I was good, and I didn't do as bad as the other people, and I got baptized when I was a baby, and I got catechized, and I got irrigated and consecrated and dedicated and all these kind of things
I did. I got baptized when I was an adult. I actually got baptized three times in the name of the Father and the
Son and the Spirit. I have all these lists of things. I was a missionary down to Galeana, Mexico. I went on Christian backpacking trips.
I'm a good citizen. I pay my taxes. I'm not as bad as my neighbor. Loss. That's exactly what
Paul said, loss. Why? Because he sees the value of Christ. Now listen to these verses. I have suffered loss of all things and count them as rubbish in order that I may gain
Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness, the very righteousness from God that depends on faith, that I might know him and the power of his resurrection and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in death, that by any means possible
I may attain the resurrection from. Friends, have you counted the cost?
And are you willing to follow no matter what the cost? Christ is worth it.
Christ commands it. There was a pastor in Zimbabwe who
I think understood this. I am a disciple of the
Messiah. I will not let up, look back, or slow down. My past is redeemed.
My future is secure. I am done with low living, small planning, smooth knees, mundane talking, chintzy giving, and dwarfed goals.
I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, or popularity. I don't have the right to be first, tops, recognized, praised, or rewarded.
My face is set. My goal is sure. My road is narrow. My way is rough. My companions are few.
But my God is reliable. My mission is clear. I will not be bought, compromised, detoured, delayed, or deluded.
I will not flinch in the face of adversary nor negotiate at the table of my enemy or meander in the maze of mediocrity.
I am a disciple of King Jesus. I must go until he comes, speak of all
I know of him, and work until he stops me. And when he comes for his own, by the grace of God, he will have no problem recognizing me.
God help us do that very thing. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston, Massachusetts.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 830 and 11 a .m. and Sunday evenings at 6 p .m.
We're located on Route 110 in West Boylston, Massachusetts. You can check us out online at bbcchurch .org
or by phone at 508 -835 -3400. The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.