A Multi-Faceted Program


Covered a ton of topics from Doug Stauffer’s claim that I changed the text of The King James Only Controversy because of his refutations (false), to the weaponization of medicine, the onset of vaccine mandates, and the rise of trans-humanism. Played some pretty creepy videos (well, Rich thought they were creepy). Talked about Leighton Flowers a bit, and Rich tells me a fellow in Twitter wrote to tell me that LF is not, actually, Southern Baptist, or, at least, works for a non-SBC entity, and hence could embrace Open Theism without a problem. I know years ago he was associated with Paige Patterson and Southwestern, but, things change. I still think he would be worried about the stigma still associated with the position, but maybe the attraction will get to him eventually. Anyway, lots of worldview analysis today on the program. Wrapped up with a few minutes in response to Sam Shamoun’s recent rant. Visit the store at https://doctrineandlife.co/

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So my my strongest recommendation for you is don't get Rich upset, okay?
He's been tweeting about downloading the app. Just do it. Okay, don't I The reason that we have been able to survive in this ministry together is his office is down there and mine is over there
Once he's bit into something Don't even bother. Okay, so if you've if you've gotten any of the messages that say download the app
Do it now for your own self -preservation. All right, I'm just I'm just saying
I've been married almost 40 years, too so I know something about peaceful situations and Things like yeah
What? Get the app get the app Just get the app because if you had the app then you got a notification because I got a notification
I I Right there 12 minutes ago. Join us for a live dividing line at 430
EDT, and there's actually two more Okay, those are going back to yesterday and day four so you can even look back in history
So get the app folks get the app so you you know what's going on I was just The reason we're doing this.
I think I mentioned briefly yesterday. I just did a Q &A session for the runner Academy Ezra Institute I am now one of the fellows of the
Ezra Institute Joe boot By the way, I haven't asked if I could do this. I can go ahead and tell you he has written a fantastic book that I cannot
Wait till it is available. I'm assuming it'll be published by Ezra Institute It will challenge you it has helped me it has challenged me just like the mission of God challenged me a lot
This will too, but it's about Maybe a quarter of the size of the mission of God, maybe even less
So if you've been intimidated by that monumental work This is a little harder -hitting
You're gonna love it so as soon as it's available, we're gonna make sure that everybody Knows about it and can get hold of it
Really is a really good book one of the things that it that it helped me with is
Clarifying the issue of the church and the kingdom Because if you don't have clarification there
You will think that any Positive View of the future will require a certain denomination to take over and run everything.
It's not the case The church and kingdom Intimately connected but not the same thing.
That was an excellent discussion So be watching for that. I think it's called the
Lord of Kings the church and politics something along those lines I'd have to pull it up I list
I converted to mp3 listen to it to listen to it twice now And it will be it'll be really really great in 2006
I believe I looked it up. I Ran across Sunday night,
I ran across someone I think sent to me posted to my timeline in Twitter or something
It was IFB preacher clips and the IFB Independent fundamentalist
Baptist preacher clips the IFB preacher clips guy. I don't I don't know what he does this life because I Would not want to be listening to this much
IFB preaching be perfectly honest with you But it's a cross to bear or a mission to fulfill or something.
I don't know but but he posts something from Facebook and It was that day's
I think Bible study lesson if I recall correctly from Doug Stouffer, and as soon as I saw that I saw
What IFB preacher clip says is they they'll put a part of what they're posting a portion They'll transcribe a portion of it for you, which takes a lot of time, by the way and It was saying that he had forced me to like Take a bunch of stuff out of the
King James only controversy and all the rest of stuff and I'm going What? We we we did a second edition and it was an expansion.
I Didn't have to take anything out. I had to find places to have a space to put something in I added stuff to it, but What what is he talking about?
So when I got home I Listened to it. And what I first did is I I said that name
Rings a very very very faint Bell Going back a long ways so thankfully we have
Search engines and I went back and found out and it was in 2006 that he and I He had made some claim.
I challenged him. I sent emails I If I recall correctly
Offered the opportunity to debate the issues that he was claiming he wouldn't respond went silent like these types of guys tend to do and And that was it
I was not able to see anything else after a certain period in early 2006
I think I was it was right before we moved in here, wasn't it? Didn't we? Yeah, so I think it was right as you all were working on stuff down here.
It was when all that stuff happened Yes, we were in the palatial estate of your garage.
Yes. That's where we were at that time. So So I looked it up and Yeah Here was here is the
IFB sermon clips. Let me pull this over here and Do this and That's a
I think that's as big as it's gonna get I Wish I get a bigger but I have a problem with people behind creating modern
Bible versions, especially James White I did not know That I was behind creating modern
Bible versions But evidently I am even though I'm actually the one that has said we've got all the English Bible versions that we need
In fact, we have more than we need but I guess I'm still behind it I have a chapter in my book called
James White versus what's right? He updated his book to change things.
I pointed out Okay, so there's there's the things that I saw he updated his book to change things.
I pointed out I did not That is a falsehood. That is a blatant bold lie and I am challenging
Doug Stauffer and you can see at Doug underscore Stauffer STAU FF ER is his
Twitter handle and you can find you can Click on that that'll take you over to the church website.
He's down in In Niceville, Florida now Niceville to me sounds like something that sounds like something in the
Superman thing. Where'd he live? Something like that, but Niceville, Florida is right on the coast.
I mean it is what I would call Hurricane Central target.
Okay. I mean just right there. I hope the building is built Facing where the strongest winds would come with the best building you can because I mean that is that is
Hurricane Central anyway It's only a five -hour trip from Atlanta, I'm coming to Atlanta for g3
So I'm I'm saying to Doug Stauffer if you actually if you're if your people actually think that what you're saying is true
I'm now I don't fly now I'm not doing that. I'm not doing the vaccine.
I don't do the masks So I'm not flying But I'm driving And in fact here, this is a good time.
Did you see this rich? Whoop? Come on get over here.
Oh This is on max Okay, can
I do it this way? Come on Why won't it let it over here there there it finally?
Went well you want everything maximized so it went back to max
Why is it doing this? It's Chrome. I don't like Chrome. I wish I had something other than Chrome well,
I can't I can't pull it over right now I'll have to close this window to get it. I'll show it to you later on.
I have a graphic I want to show you the gospel super spreader Did I did you see it?
Okay. Yeah, I've got I want to I want to show that but I don't want to get rid of this first This is actually playing.
I don't know why it's playing. It shouldn't be playing and the problem is
I Can't okay, I can I can do it over here. I need to make sure that Why do you have my sound off?
Yeah, it looks like it's headed you we didn't test this beforehand, let's see if this is gonna work Let me just try playing it. Let's see if we can hear it
Listen somebody wants to carry an NIV carrying an IV But I'll show you what's wrong with it, and I'm not gonna hate you for it
Now I do have a problem with the people behind creating the modern versions. I Yeah, and as it's real and it's documented
Especially a guy named James White. He wrote the King James only controversy I have a chapter in my book called
James White versus what's right? because of that book Then when he updated his book
He changed a lot of things that I pointed out that were the problems in his book Even even the appendices in the back.
His big verse was Titus 2 13. I think 11 times he quoted it Well, he went back in the back and he and he changed it to where he only quoted it like three times because it was
His main argument and it you know, it was easy to disprove once I understood understood the truth
Well, okay, so there's there's the claim Doug Stauffer, sir, you're making things up You're making things up Okay Other than 2006 the only time
I ever heard of you and I changed nothing in the
King James only controversy. Here's here's Okay Here's the two editions, all right, so Titus 2 13 is discussed
Specifically in regards to what is called Now that when you say this is my big verse.
I Simply point out and have pointed out for many many years that the
King James version okay, one two, three, four five six seven and Then it says 267 to 270 so 267 to 270 was the section specifically
Granville Sharpshule and the King James versions. That's that's starts on page 267.
All right, and now I look at Titus 213 and That's now pages 334 through 335
But nothing's but nothing's changed so we expanded the book the book got bigger and Here is
Titus 213 Granville Sharpshule This is the new edition You're lying, sir
You're lying to your own people in your own church. I made no changes because of you because you had nothing worthwhile to say
So If you want to make that kind of a claim in public
I Challenge you here's my invitation Doug Stouffer and anybody who wants to make sure that he hears this feel free to do so you know
Contact him on Twitter send an email to the email address kindly just give him the time index to the to the program
Let him know I Will come to your church All right, we can do this debate in your sanctuary
You get home field advantage. All right Cost you nothing
All right. I carry my own accoutrements now my own accommodations
It's called a fifth wheel so we'll come to Niceville and we'll debate
Titus 213 2nd Peter 1 1 which is better the New American Standard or the
King James Version. How's that? I mean, that's it. That's not the that's Anybody who says that's my main verse
Obviously hasn't read these books Doesn't make a lick of sense But I will
I will defend Granville Sharpshule and I will Demonstrate that Titus 213 2nd
Peter 1 1 teach the deity of Christ and I'll do it in your church if you if you if you have the confidence of your convictions if Your people can actually believe that you will stand before them and tell them the truth
Then you should be going let's do it when when's g3 you want come the week before the week after how are we gonna do this?
Let's let's get it set up Because you're on the very very southern route this
I'm discovering there's sort of a super southern route and then the southern route and then sort of the
Higher up route and the northern route for getting getting to the east. Okay, I 10
I 40 different ways And so you're on the super super super southern part so I could either come that direction and then go up to Atlanta or After being in Atlanta and speaking at g3 come straight down It's a five -hour drive from Atlanta to Niceville, and I believe it's
Milton Milton Milton Milton I think you're close to a place called Milton I found a
RV park there that I could I can you know, drop the the the fifth wheel at Drive on over let's do it.
Let's do it because when people stand in front of Christians and And say
I forced him to change his book when you had nothing to do with anything I Find that extremely offensive
You are abusing those people when you tell them untruths and I can prove it So do you have the courage of your convictions or you be as silent as you were in 2006?
That's the question That's the question. So There you go, mr.
Stauffer, let's uh, let's see what you got. Let's see what you got I'm willing to do it.
Well, we'll see now. Let me see if now that I close that If I can finally yeah, that was easy.
Yeah Yeah, so here's this showed up on Twitter Here's the gospel super spread
I Appreciate that that does look a little bit like the little dinky 19 -footer that I drove back to Yeah, squish squish that baby down but I And my arm is significantly longer than my body at that in that but that's okay, too
The graphic yeah the graphic looks great, so we appreciate the gospel super spreader Of course, that's not what
I'm driving I'm driving a fifth wheel So that's there is a difference between the two but same difference.
There you go. We appreciate the gospel super spreader And we will take the gospel super spreader down to Niceville and And if if brother
Stauffer does not have the courage of his words Maybe there's somebody down that area that would like to have me come by and we can you know
There's a lot of King James only ism down there And so if there's some brave souls down there, they would like to have me come in I'll do an entire evening on the errors of King James only ism or I'll do an hour and a half on the errors of King James only ism and then an hour of Q &A how's that?
How's that? Why not? Let's Make it worthwhile make it worthwhile
Yeah, yes, yeah, well and okay, so rich just said So what you need to do is remind folks
And this is a really good idea. I'll tell you the story real quick The big trip I have coming up which you can help to make happen for the travel travel
The support us link at a omen org has a travel fund That you can help us with gas ain't as cheap as it used to be but anyway
Gonna be speaking for example at Redemption Hills Church. You're gonna be up in the
Colorado Springs with Jason Lyle Gonna be speaking up in Montana gonna be speaking of course it in Moscow a number of different times
I mean so many times that we're actually I'm actually gonna have to be doing recording stuff the morning
I pull out we're gonna have to be starting early just to get things done that day and We're I'm now arranging.
I was able to do this because of the road trip at a omen org email address we've put together sort of a pushpin map type thing and I'm coming back through Las Vegas, and there was a church in Las Vegas that had written to road trip at a omen org
And I'm like ah Okay, so I can just click on that up comes the contact information email address
Wrote to the pastor said well It is the last stop So there's lots of things that can go wrong along the way
But Lord willing the creek don't rise. I don't get run off the road Whatever.
I don't come down with 47 different diseases right now as Scheduled I'm gonna be coming through Las Vegas, and I would have this evening
To be able to be with you and so Lord willing That's what's gonna happen, and I was able to do that because we had that kind of information
So road trip at a omen dot org yes, sir. No just for clarity here. I'm pretty sure you're gonna be at Hope Chapel I'm sorry
Hope Chapel. Oh in Colorado Springs, and then Redemption Hills is in Lakewood, Colorado Yes, it is like okay call is in the
Denver area that Metro Denver area, but it is Lakewood So that's what's coming up there, so I just want to make sure another one.
I think I think it's called French town On my way up to Idaho right
And then the one on the way back is in so what once we get all that nailed down We'll start putting the the calendar together so folks know where I'm gonna be when you're gonna be there
But with all of this when it's on the road trip, and it's on the days.
I'm traveling It's completely dependent upon road conditions weather mechanical breakdowns
Health everything else because we're doing it as we're traveling And so we have to that's why
I'm saying. Let's keep it fairly Informal and things like that because I will have been driving minimally four hours that day sometimes longer and so That's just just sort of necessary to let people know it's a cool way to do things
But there are gonna be times when it's just not gonna work out So we do it somewhat tentatively because you recognize we're traveling well, and that's true even when people fly
You know I mean you've got flight cancellations and all sorts of wild and wacky and crazy stuff happening these days and so So anyway
All right One thing really quickly let me let me drag this over too, and I'll make it big
Though it's small this is a graphic that I ran across and Let me just it's too small to see verses about God relenting or changing his mind
Okay So here you have Second Samuel 24 16 when the angel stretched out his hand toward Jerusalem destroy it the
Lord relented from the calamity and said to the Angel who destroyed the people it is enough now relax your hand Jonah 3 9 who knows
God may turn and relent and withdraw his anger his burning anger so that we will not perish a number of places in Jeremiah gospel gospel
Jeremiah prophecy of Jeremiah and now therefore amend your ways and your deeds and obey the voice Lord our God your
God and the Lord will Change his mind about the misfortune which he has pronounced against you etc. Etc So this list of Texts if this was the early 2000s
And Okay, that was okay. All right. It was over 20 years ago.
All right We're getting old, but if this is the early 2000s
This would be about the open theism Controversy there was an attempt to get open theists expelled from the
Evangelical Theological Society, which failed Because the ETS statement of faith just simply wasn't full enough to exclude open theism
But that was around the time that I did my debates with John Sanders and That's where the discussion was going on Bruce Ware was writing books on the subject etc, etc
The these are the standard open theist texts. And of course there have been
Responses provided for every single one of them. You can go back. I remember I don't know how many years ago it was now
I did a whole sermon series on the offering of Isaac upon the altar because that one's frequently used by open theists and They emphasize, you know, here's
God didn't know what Abraham God didn't know Abraham's character and He did not know whether he would do what he had commanded him to do and now
I know means yes I have just now come to learn so God has learned something so the point is
This is standard open theism stuff But what you probably couldn't see or didn't notice or maybe you did when you look down at it
Who made this? Right down at the bottom You're gonna oh www .soteriology101
.com That's Leighton Flowers So it's
Leighton Flowers that's saying even if we understand these passages as anthropomorphisms It does not change the fact that the inspired text does not have a problem describing
God in these terms Therefore, why should we have a problem with people describing him understanding him and relating to him in these terms?
This man so wants to be an open theist. It's it's like his greatest desire for Christmas It's I just want to open a box on Christmas morning
And it says you can be an open theist without losing your job as in a Southern Baptist entity he wants to be an open theist so bad he can taste it and He's giving us every indication of it all the time it is
It is amazing. But it's it's like I said, I think he should just do it
Leighton do it You've got so many followers for Soteriology 101 you don't need that job with the
SBC, right? I Mean you could find
I mean, especially now with Ed Litton Do you really think anyone's gonna care if you just come out as an open as an open open theist an open open the and OOT instead of just an
OT you're an you're an OOT instead of an OTT Come out of the open theist closet
Yes, that's that's what you need to do because you know is what you want to do You know, it is so much more consistent with your position.
It is perfectly Provisionistic Right And you know it so just just just go for it, you know
I think you just need to step out there and say you know what? This is where I am
Be be open about it Be open about it Anyway, all right
Let's see here. Did you see this I this again woke preacher clips Produced this one and I appreciated it a lot
This this one's just a this one's just a slam in by itself You got
Phil Vischer down here. You know the VegTales guy who just is that wonderful grinning leftist and Phil someone just tweeted me.
What are you gonna say when conservative Christians start losing their children? I just replied to him and said to what rock and roll help me out here fella
What's coming down the pike that I don't know about and then on the right? medical journal parents should lose veto power over children going trans and That is a medical journal.
Let me see here. This is The Journal of Medical Ethics Nancy Peercy Tweeted this
The Journal of Medical Ethics says parents should lose rights over their children quote taking LGBT patient testimony
Seriously also means that parents should lose veto power over most transition related pediatric care
This is from the Journal of Medical Ethics now aside from this being such an excellent example of Why no one needs to be listening to Phil Vischer anyways
This certainly Leads us once again to the key reality that the
Foundations of our society which had been deeply influenced by and the categories of Definitions created by a
Judeo -christian worldview a worldview where you have a God who is the source of Morality and ethics and rights you have a creation and therefore there is a created order we have been saying for years and The past year and a half has demonstrated how important this is but the fact that Right now we are in the minority and In this situation in in the
Judeo -christian worldview minorities are protected because they're made up of people who are made in the image of God in the new totalitarianism in the secular
Worldview that has now become predominant and Is being acted upon by governments around the world
It doesn't matter that you no one's made in the image of God so if you're in the minority you bow to the will of the majority and You you have no rights because the right any rights you have are given to you by the state
That's by the way, that's that was one of the best parts of Joe boots upcoming book Really helped me to see how deeply influenced
I Have been throughout my life By a fundamentally
Un -christian statist attitude a the the now in hindsight foolish silly idea that you can actually read the
Bible and Then go the state is a neutral actor that will actually act upon its principles and Will do what is right?
If you understand if you have anywhere near a biblical biblical anthropology anywhere near a biblical doctrine of man when you put a bunch of sinners together and Give them power
What does Romans 1 say they are going to do? that was that was the the wisdom of The founders was the limitation upon What the state could do?
By recognizing that the rights that the people have come from God and cannot be abridged by the state
Which is why the new regime is doing everything in its power to wipe all of that out Wipe it off the planet
That's what they're doing. So anyway
Again Recognizing that statism and now recognizing that journals of medical ethics.
How do you get? literally using medical procedures
To destroy the bodies of children Make them never able to have children themselves
When they're eight nine ten years of age This is child abuse and the medical ethics journals are promoting it how can that happen because worldview is all -determining and once you begin operating on the foundation
That human beings are merely accidents Ugly bags of mostly water fizzing chemicals stardust all the standard terminology
Once you start acting on that see up till now it's been well, okay So you got some people in the
Academy and they think this way and isn't that weird, but it'll never mean anything else No, eventually people start acting on what they've been taught
Up until now up until the past few years There was still enough of the foundation standing that we could assume
Okay, that's stupidity, but no one can ever act on this stupidity and now they are and there's nothing to stop them
Now they have no foundation to stand on it will collapse. It has to collapse into utter anarchy anarchy breeds totalitarianism
Save us from ourselves But that has no foundation either That's our hope
Is God will protect us until the whole thing just collapses and we can go Okay, you want to know where I went wrong?
We can tell you We can show you There is only one way this is gonna work because you happen to have been made
By a man who died and rose from the dead He wrote the owner's manual you want the owner's manual we'll give it to you
This is where you can find peace. This is this is the only it's Christ or chaos. It's all there is to it
But to have medical just the weaponization of medicine again
We had we had not seen this before not in this way we had not seen this before But now you're seeing how massively effective this is.
I didn't pull it up. But did you? Did you see that poor testosterone lacking man
Who did the video where he's singing a song I guess I guess the tune goes to frozen or something thankfully
I Only had to he only had to hear frozen to once I Feel for all of you parents who have it all memorized.
I I Really do But he was going to get his second vaccination and He's videotaping.
Well, you know using your phone Videotaping. Oh man talk about dated language, but he's recording himself going because we used to have tape and it was
But he's going to get his vaccination and talking about how his life is gonna change and and all the rest of stuff and a nice high falsetto to because He's just really not very masculine at all, but he's he's been he has been emasculated by panic and fear and if you have a worldview where this life is it you are a you are fizzing chemicals and Those chemicals are only gonna fizz for so long
How you you can't have any reason to feel that anything you do will ever matter because nothing matters at all
It's a pitiless merciless universe out there and A big old chunk of rock could come along smack into this planet and end it all tomorrow and no one will care that is the worldview and And that worldview will result in you trying to have cosmic justice now
Which means you will promote your life at the cost of anyone else
Because they're they're different chemicals and if you can fizz stronger than they fizz you win
It's all there is to it. I mean Darwinism fits in perfectly here. That's that's what Darwin's all about Darwin's all about man.
All this stuff is connected together. I hope you see how the Christian worldview a creator purpose redemption
The unity that comes from all of that is the answer to this
Utterly destructive mess that we find ourselves in now We have to communicate this to our kids and to our grandchildren and We need to write it out in these great books like the one
Joe boot has just written and then hide some for posterity You know, if you've seen
Fahrenheit 451, yeah, there's a reason why they're burning books Hide some for posterity communicate it down the road.
That's what we need to be doing anyway So Taking LGBT patient Testimony seriously also means that parents should lose veto power over most transition related pediatric care folks once you buy into statism and Then you join the medical community to the state this is what you get and There is the thinnest slice of difference
Between whoever wrote those evil words and they are evil words Can you imagine standing before God someday having written those words?
Can you imagine standing for God someday when it is when it is revealed in the courts of heaven that your words
Resulted in the deaths suicides mutilated mutilations of thousands of children
You know, it's like stand before God someday That's why they do everything you can not to think about the fact that they will stand before God someday
That's why that's why the Biden regime wants four more years of public education to try to dull that as much as Possible and man when you think about all of the state has it's already depressing.
We have the Holy Spirit And the Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead.
That's the point of the New Testament They got nothing in comparison to that. That's why they need four more years and That still can't stop the
Holy Spirit. Let's keep that in mind. Keep that in mind Journal of medical insanity is what you should call it.
That's just Unstinking believable want to see some really creepy stuff here.
Oh Read The Subtitles because you can't understand what this guy's saying because he's speaking
Chinese Unless you speak Chinese. There's different kinds of Chinese to Read the subtitles watch his mannerisms.
This is from 2017 I Just realized we have a lot of people who listen to this
So what I'm gonna do turn him down a little bit. I'm gonna read I'm gonna read the Subtitles because we have people who listen so that I'm sorry guys.
I've just thought about it. So let's start over again here in 2019 we'll make it weekly as a regular job.
So gene we synthesized a yeast Firstly we synthesized a virus then we can make a bacteria
Next we synthesize the yeast. How big is the gene of yeast? 12 million basic groups
Human has a gene with 3 billion basic groups We achieve the level of tens of million now
So no doubt in the five to ten years future We can synthesize any life chemically.
This is not kidding or even threatening in public The progress of artificial life probably is faster than artificial intelligence
It will bring us more problems in ethics religion philosophy and law
However, regardless you like it or not the future prospects and vision we bring it here From transgenics and gene editing to gene synthesis.
It's as rapid and earth -shaking change in just few years Especially the gene synthesis is conducting in industrial level
In the past few years we only maintained the level of a million basic groups per year
But in 2018, we can hit the million target just in one month In 2019, we'll make it weekly as a regular job
By 2020, we will synthesize the millions of basic groups daily. What's the indication? I'm sorry
E .coli has 20 million basic groups so we can make a brand new bacteria in two days We can make a beneficial bacteria and also make a terrible bacteria
Human beings have experienced the war of cold weapons, hot weapons, and the atomic bomb It must transform to live weapons, biotic weapons
Extremely horrible, but the prevention will be upgraded also. See that? The prevention will be upgraded also.
Well, what might that be? Like, I don't know vaccines But the point is he's talking about the ability to create
Artificial life and We can do it because we are looking at the genome so Let's make it even creepier
Here is This is Atheist philosopher
Yuval Noah Harari, and he's talking about the hackable human the hackable human
Listen to what he has to say This danger can be stated in the form of a simple equation
Which I think might be the defining equation of life in the 21st century
B times C times D equals R Which means biological knowledge multiplied by computing power multiplied by data equals the ability to hack humans
If you know enough biology and you have enough computing power and data
You can hack my body and my brain and my life And you can understand me better than I understand myself
You can know my personality type, my political views, my sexual preferences, my mental weaknesses, my deepest fears and hopes
You know more about me than I know about myself And you can do that not just to me but to everyone
A system that understands us better than we understand ourselves can predict our feelings and decisions
Can manipulate our feelings and decisions and can ultimately make decisions for us
Now in the past Many tyrants and governments wanted to do it, but nobody understood biology well enough
And nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people
Neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it But soon at least some corporations and governments will be able to systematically hack all the people
We humans should get used to the idea That we are no longer mysterious souls
We are now hackable animals Do you hear that folks?
No soul, no longer mysterious souls, you are hackable animals
Biological knowledge, computing power, data equals ability to hack humans
That same man, someone sent this to me after I posted that, that same man said this
You don't have to bring it up, I'm just going to read it The one thing that is certain is that we are going to become far more powerful than ever before Far more powerful than we are now
We are really going to acquire divine abilities of creation In some sense even greater abilities than what was traditionally ascribed to most gods from Zeus to Yahweh If you look at it, for instance, the creation story in the
Bible, the only things that Yahweh managed to create are organic entities And we are now on the verge of creating the first inorganic entities after four billion years of evolution
So in this sense, we are even on the verge of outperforming the biblical god in creation
Thankfully, Dr. Boot in the book that I have made reference to also
Had a whole section on transhumanism its origins, intentions
This type of stuff. We are not accustomed to thinking about these things
Technology Is a wonderful gift from God when it is used under his lordship
When it is used to usurp his position It has the potential of destroying the human race
Now Christ isn't going to allow that But the potentiality is there And what you need to remember, yes, sir
I was going to say that What I found just gave me chills watching that Was how he could present this in such a calm, cool, deliberate manner
And then referring to the Nazis You're like Yeah, okay.
That's probably how their guys, this is their long -term dream
And yet there were scientists who were part of that that saw the diabolical evil
The just the pure evil behind it all and escaped Yeah, some did not escape with their lives.
They tried to but well, yeah, like I you know, I said I said in a tweet If you
If you militarize and politicize medicine You end up with Joseph Mengele as your private physician
And yeah, that's that's what we're going toward. Hopefully you all noticed The explosion of nations announcing just this week
That they are going to mandate vaccination for everyone France All health workers.
It's coming They are going to demand to do this now this is
At the very same time that more and more voices Are being silenced but are trying to speak out
To say we don't know the long -term impact of these things
There are there are serious serious credentialed
Scientists who are saying look this spike protein is showing up everywhere in brains and hearts and in genitals
We don't know the long -term impact But you must keep one thing in mind
The people behind this global great reset and it's global The people behind this have been saying for over a decade
For over a decade That the earth is overpopulated That we need to have less than half the number of people on this planet.
Think about what that means they Why are they so?
absolutely Religiously devoted to abortion Well, because it's culture of death. We know the spiritual reason but in long -term planning
The greatest things these the greatest thing these people could ever see happening is if we discover 5, 10, 15 years from now
That these vaccines and if it's not this vaccine you I hope you all realize
Once you give in on this one, that's not the last one There's going to be the next one and the next one and the next one and it could be changing
And you have to trust just trust That there's nothing else in that syringe
But what if we discover 5, 10, 15 years from now that we have radically neutered the next generation that we have crushed reproductive rates that is
Exactly what they want. They've said it for years. It's in their videos. It's in their books and people are like, no, no, no
No one would ever do that you crazy Conspiratorialist, how are they gonna get us down to a billion and a half people on the planet?
What's the process? You have to stop reproduction You've got to so when we see
These situations where Governments are simply saying Do we have enough memory
To remember back about 14 months ago 15 months ago.
What was the mantra? We can't overwhelm the health situation the health
Situation we can't we can't have the the icus filled up with people
We don't have enough ventilators remember it was all about not overwhelming Our hospitals is that Anywhere near a possibility right now.
No one even talks about it anymore because everybody knows it's not going to happen and it's not happening But you still now have the gestapo coming after you with syringes
Why Because it has nothing to do with the virus. That's why It has to do with establishing the precedent
And then the next one and the next one and the next one Look at the worldview. Look at the worldview people.
I can't believe you christians Who are sitting there so naive? That you can't look at the state and realize these people really hate god
They really hate god's ways And why do I think I can trust them?
Wake up It's amazing. Absolutely amazing. Anyways heavy stuff. Yeah, I know heavy stuff, but hey
You're seeing it every day every single day This this count this country has now said gonna have to do this this country and we're seeing the the very fabric of society crumbling
I pray for my brothers and sisters in south africa
That nation's on fire I have seen video of shopping malls on fire totally looted
And i've been in those shopping malls I have shopped in those shopping malls I've been there.
I know where they are And they have been destroyed and the government
Inept corrupt government That has been inept and corrupt for decades
Has no ability to hold this together none none
And if you're sitting there boy, that's terrible in south africa never happened here Really?
Really? Yeah, if you haven't been praying you need to be praying now
And not oh lord Bring back the old america.
No lord grant repentance and if you have to tear this whole system down May we be there standing there at the end ready to rebuild it under the lordship of christ
All right, one last thing, uh before we sign off had a couple friends contact me yesterday
Uh, they were quite upset um And they said did did you see what sam shamoon did and I said no
No, um I I mean the only reason that I see anything The only reason for example that I saw that that just gail ripplinger -esque
Insanity that was posted on his youtube channel About transpotentiation in the bible.
Well, it's because somebody sent it to me. I do not follow the man Um, I do not listen to what the man has to say any longer
Um, I Know that as he watches this there is still a part of him that is well aware of the fact
That he knows that multiple times over the past number of years He has come after me and he has attacked me and I have continued to pray for him
And then we would talk and He knows that I know
What has Gone on in his life and I am not going to Respond to him the way that he is now attacking me.
I Not only I mean the man literally said in a video clip.
I saw yesterday that not only am I uh Do I have no accountability?
Which is the greatest example of projection i've ever seen I have
Sam, you know i've told you over and over again. You need to be a churchman You need to be involved in the church you need to be
Under the authority of elders you need you need that accountability and you're sitting there saying i'm the one that's not accountable
You have lived your life Without accountability and you know it you're projecting it You're projecting it on other people
And then he said I may well be demonized Wow well
I think that's more projection because Sam, you know, you cannot control your anger. You cannot control your pride
You've admitted it to me. You know that you know that And so I think that's what you're afraid of Because whatever you've tried it's it's always failed look what it's done to your life.
It's destroyed it. It's absolutely destroyed it So We need to pray for Sam Shamoon We need to be open and obvious there there have been times when we've promoted the man that the man
Should not be in ministry Sam. You should not be in ministry You are you are not qualified to be involved in ministry in any way shape or form
And you are bringing Destruction to yourself and the people around you And as much as I have tried to help you
I'm obviously not the person to help you now You need to find people who can And the circles you're running in now
It's not where you're going to find that help Not where you find that help so People need to be aware, you know,
Sam has done a lot of stuff in the field of islam Knows the hadith back backwards and forwards.
None of that matters. It's it's it's a Sounding brass clanging gong Because as many people have pointed out he can start off Praying oh lord, you know, may you be glorified in my words and da da da da and the next sentence is vile and hate -filled
He's been doing that for years And those of you who are still palling around with him.
You haven't helped by the way Because as far as I know almost none of you are accountable to a church either
So you've helped with that Now you see the mess it's created So The the church needs to be aware if you if you believe
In justification by faith if you believe in the soul of scriptura if you Are on this side of the reformational divide sam shamoon is not on your side any longer
So be aware of that fact He has left all of that But I don't say that to hurt him
I say that to protect the church And to say to you sam you need help. You need assistance
And you're not going to find it where you are now You're really not So Pray for sam shamoon in that situation that there would be
That christ would be honored one way or the other uh, but especially in um
Bringing him out of the difficulties that he is in now So well, we covered a little bit of everything, uh today
In right at one hour, so managed to manage to pull it off. So thanks for watching the program today if there is a next time
I don't know why we're still on we were even saying the lord must be just blinding the eyes of the censors or something because How many things that I said today i've gotten other people
Completely booted from every bit of social media all sorts of stuff, but we're still here, so But we do not presume upon the grace of god.