Thy Kingdom Come (Revelation 20)

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Tonight we're going to be looking at Revelation chapter 20. So go ahead and turn there Now that Jesus has come back to planet earth now that the
Battle of Armageddon is over it's now time to set up the
Millennial kingdom so that's what chapter 20 covers. This is the beginning of the what we call the
Kingdom Age Now this is very important Jesus has returned for his second advent in chapter 19
And now he establishes his kingdom in chapter 20. Therefore the return of the
Lord is what? pre millennial
He comes back in chapter 19 before the Millennium because the Millennium's in 20
He comes back before that in 19 Okay, it's very very clear and that's gonna be important going on because if you don't understand that Everything else is going to be skewed
So if you remember the timeline just a brief review Timeline of the book of Revelation John is caught up to heaven in chapter 4
The church is depicted as being in heaven in chapters 4 & 5 with the 24 elders
The tribulation begins in chapter 6 and runs through chapter 18 in chapter 19
Jesus comes back to this earth fights the Battle of Armageddon and Now in chapter 20 you have the
Millennium Satan is going to be bound for this period of 1 ,000 years and we're gonna get some of the details of what the
Millennium is going to be like and John is careful to point out that Jesus reigns for Exactly.
How long? Well, yeah pastor, but though isn't that symbolic
I mean, you know The Bible says that one day to the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day
Maybe the Millennium is only a day long Now let's say it says a thousand years and not not only does it say that it says it six times
Which is an indicator that the number 1 ,000 is not
Symbolic. Okay, and the reason it's called the Millennium is because it's a thousand years if it's not a thousand years
It shouldn't even be called the Millennium so this is the Kingdom of Christ.
This is the kingdom of God finally come to planet Earth And it's not a heavenly kingdom.
It's not a spiritual kingdom. It's a real physical Kingdom that's on the earth and I like to point this out every
Sunday. We pray the Lord's Prayer and what do we pray for? Yeah, thy kingdom come thy will be done
Here on earth, so we're praying that the kingdom is going to come So it just makes no sense to me that you know, all the
Christians are praying for that But then, you know, most of them don't actually think there is going to be a literal kingdom on the earth
So we're gonna have to deal with some of the ways that people Maybe not intentionally, but you know, they misunderstand or distort the teachings of this chapter
So four main points and you can see it on the the screen here Satan is bound for a thousand years and the bottomless pit then you have the millennial reign of Christ Afterward, you know short season the devil is released
Leads one final rebellion and then the chapter ends with the final judgment
So we have a lot to get to let's start reading Revelation 20 1 through 6
John says then I saw an angel coming down from heaven Having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand
And he laid hold of the dragon that serpent of old who is the devil and Satan and he bound him for 1 ,000 years and he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal on him
So that he should not or that he should deceive the nation's no more till the thousand years were finished
But after these things he must be released for a little while And I saw thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them
Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the
Word of God who had not worshipped the Beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ for a
Thousand years so you can see right there that the Tribulation Saints who died during the Tribulation are now
Resurrected and they will reign in the Millennium With Christ Verse 5 but the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished
This is the first resurrection Blessed and holiest he who has part in the first resurrection over such the second death has no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand
Years, okay, so the good thing about we'll stop here We'll finish the rest after but the good thing about Revelation chapter 20
I think it's really one of the easiest chapters in the book of Revelation to understand as long as you
Take it at face value. So it deals with the kingdom. So the concept of the kingdom of God Begins where where do you think the concept of the kingdom of God begins?
I mean you could probably pinpoint it, you know around the time of David, right? So anyway, it starts in the
Old Testament But by the time you get to the ministries of John the Baptist in Jesus, everybody is aware of the kingdom of God So when
John and Jesus began their preaching ministry, what was their main message? Where did they come preaching? repent for the
Kingdom is at hand Well, what kingdom well the the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven
They didn't say the kingdom was here because the kingdom was not ushered in in the days of John the
Baptist They said it was at hand. And the reason why it was at hand is because the king was
Present. He was about to reveal himself and you remember that Jesus did reveal himself as King on what we call
Palm Sunday. He wrote into Jerusalem On a donkey declaring that he was the
Messiah Israel's King and what did the leaders do they had him?
put to death so Israel Rejected the kingdom because they rejected the king.
You can't reject the king and still get the kingdom so After that or even before Jesus says in Matthew 21 43
Knowing that he's going to be rejected and crucified. Jesus says the kingdom of God.
He's speaking addressing Israel really, he says the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it and that Nation is the spiritual nation of of the church long story short
The kingdom was taken from Israel. They had the offer. They could have had it. They rejected it
Therefore the kingdom of God was taken from Israel and given to the church.
Okay, the natural branches Per Romans chapter 11 were broken off the wild branches, which is the predominantly
Gentile Church We are grafted in So the Lord's dealing was with Israel was basically put on hold.
So for the past 2 ,000 years, it's been the church age Or the times of the
Gentiles, but as we have talked about in the end of days God is going to return to deal with the nation of Israel, okay.
So just to recap the kingdom was offered to Israel. They rejected it. It was given to the church and We've been praying for the past 2 ,000 years
Lord, you know by my kingdom come we're praying for the kingdom to To come to earth well revelation chapter 20 is when it finally finally happens so the
Millennium think of it this way the Millennium is the kingdom of God where Jesus rules as the
Prince of Peace for a thousand years and Millennium, you know what
Millennium like melee means a thousand so it's built into the name The wicked are destroyed during the tribulation at the second advent and now going into the
Millennium only saved people go into the kingdom, right and What's the first thing that's going to happen just to make sure that the kingdom age is an age of peace
All the wicked have been destroyed, but there's still one Potential problem and who is who or what is that?
The devil right so we need to do something about the devil Otherwise, he's gonna ruin the kingdom just like he's ruined everything else
Okay, so what do they do about the devil look at Revelation 20 verse 1? Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand
He laid hold of the dragon that serpent of old who is the devil and Satan and he is bound for 1 ,000 years so you see four names for Satan here of Satan the devil the dragon and The serpent of old in other words, he was the snake in the
Garden of Eden So it's important that we understand that Satan All the way back from Genesis 3 up until today is the devil bound right now
No, no, he's loose right he's been loose all this time in the book of Job you remember when he the devil came before the
Lord he presents himself and God asked him, you know, where'd you come from?
And he said walking to and fro on the earth, right? the Apostle Peter first Peter 5 8 he says about Satan that he walks about like a
Roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. So that's what the devil has been doing all along.
That's what he's doing right now He's deceiving the nations. All you have to do is turn on the television and you see right there proof
The devil is deceiving the name. He's he's walking around He is he is clearly not bound right now, but he will be bound for the millennium
He's gonna be shut up in the bottomless pit this is like the prison house for some of the fallen angels and John specifically writes that During this one thousand years.
He will not be deceiving the nations Why is that important because the majority of professing
Christians in the world right now? They claim that this is the millennium.
Okay, the majority of Christians right now Nearly all
Roman Catholics and many most Protestants they claim that this is
The millennium the church is the kingdom. So this Position is known as ah
Millennialism don't tune this out. This is very important And just to be clear,
I I'm not against people that are on millennial, you know, I love them Many of them are good brothers in Christ, but they are way off on this
But this is the idea on millennialism is the idea that this is the kingdom right now
Okay, the church is the king. There is no because a in front of millennium negates it.
So they say there is no Millennium there is no kingdom of God on earth where Jesus rules and reigns from Jerusalem They say this is the millennium right now
This teaching was created by the Catholic Church and You just have to and here's the proof that this is not the millennium
Is st. Where is Satan right now? Yeah, he's clearly free
He's clearly deceiving the nations if this is the millennium Well, it can't be the millennium because Satan is not bound and it's obvious to everybody that he's not bound so that in and of itself proves
All millennialism false This is not the kingdom, but they say this position says that the church is the kingdom
So they say the thousand years is just symbolic for you know, a really long time
So they teach that Jesus is coming back after the millennium so really
Amillennialism is just another version of post millennialism that says Jesus comes back after the millennium
Well, where's the millennium in the book of Revelation what chapter We're in it right now
Chapter 20 did Jesus come back? And not did he come back in 19?
Well, they say he's gonna be after so they're saying it's chapter 21 or 22 So they're saying that the return of Christ Happens at the new heaven in the new earth.
So I mean they just have things totally backwards and the reason why and this is probably why a lot of them ignore the book of Revelation because if you simply look at it,
Jesus clearly already came back before in chapter 19 But this it's a it's a more severe problem than that and I'll explain in a second
Spiritualized Revelation the book of Revelation and And a lot of the other parts of the
Bible right to replace Israel with the church, right?
Yeah So they say they spiritualize things to where it doesn't actually mean what it says it means something else
It's spiritual not literal or the another another word for it is an allegorical
You know way to interpret the Bible so this may sound like a bold statement, but the only correct way to interpret the
Bible is To view The return of Christ as being pre -millennial if you get this wrong again
Everything else is going to be skewed because then the church in Israel their relationship is going to be off Eschatology is going to be off.
I'll say it one more time. Jesus comes back in 19 The kingdom is established in 20.
Jesus's return is Pre before the Millennium same thing in Matthew's gospel
If you look at it, Jesus his return is talked about in Revelation 24 The kingdom is established in chapter 25.
It's it's the same Same thing. So I like I said, I can prove a millennial ism false with one verse
It's Revelation 20 verse 3 that the angel cast
Satan into the bottomless pit and shut him up And set a seal on him so that he should deceive the nation's no more till the thousand years were finished
Like I said, he's clearly deceiving the nation's right now back in Revelation 2 John Was talking about Satan's activity remember
Satan's throne was in the city of Pergamos So and so the the devil was clearly active
And John believed that so the only reason people believe what is called a millennial ism today is it's a holdover doctrine from the
Catholic Church the Universal Church in the very early days of Christianity right up until the 1960s and this is a blemish,
I think on even some Probably true believers who we might point back to someone like Martin Luther.
There is a great deal of anti -semitism in the early church in the
Catholic Church like like I said right up until 1960s right around that time a lot of hatred and contempt for the
Jewish people. It's just This is well -known Martin Luther, right? He's the
Protestant reformer and all the things that we can appreciate about Martin Luther I mean some of some of his writings about the
Jews were pretty pretty horrific, so the early
Universal Church had such contempt for the Jews They came up with this teaching known as Replacement theology because if you look at the end times if you look at Revelation we're dealing with Israel Israel is like the main object of Bible prophecy and They basically wrote
Israel out of the story So you can sort of understand there's that statement by Jesus the kingdom will be taken from you and given to the church
Okay, that's true The Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD the Jews were scattered
It really did look like in the first few centuries It really did look like God was done with the nation of Israel matter of fact up until 1948 you know it really looked like God was done with the nation of Israel but Like I said the
Catholic Church came up with this teaching known as replacement theology And they came up with this teaching known as amillennialism, so they they could not allow
They would not allow for a kingdom on the earth in Israel where Jesus rains from Jerusalem and he's reigning over a
What is a Jewish kingdom I mean They said there's no way that they they either didn't want it or didn't see how it was possible
So long story short, and I realized the past few weeks you could think that I'm just on this sort of anti Catholic kick that's not it we love
Roman Catholics We want to see them saved we all have friends and family that this it's nothing to do with being against anyone
But this is just a fact of history the Catholic Church came up with these doctrines and the
Catholic Church Here's the worst of it instead of praying that the kingdom would come they said the kingdom
That's us We are the kingdom of God the church is the kingdom of God And that's simply not the case and of course if the
Catholic Church if the church is the kingdom of God guess who's the king? That's right not
Jesus It's the Pope So they developed this system of getting around all the stuff to do with Israel they came up with all this and That's why the majority of people today are ah
Millennial because you have the Catholic Church they ruled the world and even many of the Protestant reformers
They didn't reform enough. That's why a lot of Protestants still baptize babies
They're still a millennial because they still are holding on to some of these Catholic doctrines
So that's why some people that were friends with churches We know that we again they're good brothers in Christ but they're wrong on this point and it goes back a long way and You can point to the
Catholic Church being responsible for it. Okay moving on from that but Again, you're gonna say well pre -millennial that you think that's the right way
But there's these other views Yeah, there's other views. There's always other views just because there's other views doesn't mean you can't know the truth
Alright the end of verse 3 So Satan is bound for the
Millennium The end of verse 3 says but after these things he must be released a little while Have you ever thought like why does
God have to release him? Can't he just leave him there? The God God knows he has a he has a purpose he has he has an actual reason a good reason to let him out and we'll get into that but What's happening during the kingdom age verse 4 talks about thrones?
You know, we we every once in a while we'll talk about rewards right heavenly rewards
We stand before the judgment seat of Christ and the Lord is going to hand out rewards to Two Christians you ever wonder what those rewards are gonna be or how you're going to use them or when you're going to use them
I think the rewards are For the Millennium and the rewards it might not just be this one thing, but the reward will be how much
Responsibility do you have during the Millennial Kingdom? So your reward as a
Christian all the work you're doing now You're gonna be rewarded in the
Millennium. Okay, you get to experience that time number one and number two you may have a
Authoritative role in the kingdom. Why do I say that? Make a note of this
Matthew 1928 Jesus said to his Apostles assuredly I say to you that in the regeneration
That's the kingdom age when the Son of Man sits on the throne of his glory
You who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones Judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
So what is the reward for the Apostles? You know, they served Jesus all their life.
They gave their lives many cases. What's their reward? Well for a thousand years they get to be governors over the twelve tribes
That's a pretty good reward, right? You know, it's it's like a prize for one man to be president for four years
That's the big prize in this country these days. I don't know why anyone would want to do it, but but to have a
Thousand years in a position like that over a kingdom of peace. I mean this is
This is wonderful some of you remember our former pastor who said that he believed
This was what he wanted that in the kingdom. He believed he wanted to be the mayor of Morris Corner He wanted to govern, you know this area around here
Maybe the Lord will give him that I don't know but that's the type of thing that's going to happen so a
Faithful saint might be in charge. There's a parable Jesus told you know, you be over ten cities
You know, you will be over five cities. That's the type of Reward Christians are going to get so that's what's happening in the
Millennium. It's a time of peace We are going to be here. And of course the
Saints are Here on earth in their resurrected bodies, so you're not going to die.
Yes Right Right Yes, so all the the saved
People of God go into the kingdom Some will go into the kingdom who survived the tribulation
They'll go in with their natural human bodies and they'll repopulate the earth
But those who died or who were raptured enter into the kingdom in their new glorified bodies but the rest of the dead the unsaved
They do not get raised, you know, God will deal with them after the Millennium. Okay?
now the one main complaint about this the reason why a lot of people say I can't buy into this idea of the literal 1000 year kingdom because you're gonna have
Saints in their glorified bodies living on earth with people in their natural bodies.
They think that's too weird I can't imagine how that's gonna it is a little Interesting to think of but you know, that's not a problem because it already happened
When did it happen Jesus was on earth for 40 days? With his nap nap with his glorified body and he was living with everybody else.
It wasn't that big of a deal. Okay, so Yeah, he ate with them and you know
That's the way it's gonna be. That's that's how it's described. So it's really not a problem
But as you know, you I'm glad you asked that question because the rest of the dead The unsaved are gonna have no part in the kingdom of God Right Yeah, just just the lost.
All right verse 6 and that's why The saved get this place in the kingdom.
That's why he says in verse 6 Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection over such the second death has no power
But they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years now
It's not just the first resurrection like okay There's number one and number two and number three because there's been many resurrections.
Jesus was raised The resurrection is gonna happen at the rapture. I think there's probably another resurrection
At the second advent there might be another resurrection at the end of the Millennium I don't know but the first resurrection is just a figure of speech for the redeemed because the
The the damned are going to be raised from the dead, aren't they? They will be raised at the end of the
Millennium to stand before the Lord at the great White throne, but if you're saved blessed, you know, are you?
Because you don't have to stand before The White Throne so you have this 1 ,000 year period on the earth
Jesus rules and reigns time of peace all the Old Testament prophecies or Promises given to Israel all the
Old Testament promises given to Israel will be fulfilled in the Millennium This is why
I say if you're not pre millennial. I Gave to Abraham that he would inherit the land
Well, when does what does that happen Abraham died the only land he ever had was his burial plot
When does Abraham get the land? Well in in the eyes of an all -millennial is he never gets to land, you know, but he they will
Receive the promises totally fulfilled in the Millennium Okay verses 7 through 10.
So the Millennium is over It says in verse 7 now when the thousand years have expired
Satan will be released from his prison and The first thing he does is what back to his old tricks you will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth
Gog and Magog to gather them together to battle whose number is as the sand of the sea
I know we think of Armageddon as being the final battle, but it's actually not It's the final battle of this age.
There will be the last battle Gog and Magog now, let's ask why would the
Lord let the devil out? He's got Satan right where he wants him in the bottomless pit locked up.
He's not deceiving anyone Why on earth would you let him out? You know what he's gonna do.
Why would you let him out? Well, God let him out so that he would do what he's gonna do. This is gonna work to the
Lord's advantage Why is that? Does anyone have a theory? Right You hear that there are unsaved people in the
Millennium actually Well, I remember ten minutes ago. You said only saved people go in to the
Millennium, right? The people who survived the tribulation Enter into the
Millennium with their natural bodies They repopulate the earth. So the unsaved people are their children or their grandchildren or their great -great grandchildren, so not
Everybody at the end of the thousand years not everybody is truly converted to Christ now because Jesus is ruling with the rod of iron
There's no descent. I mean nobody's No starting the church of you know,
Satan or anything. There's no false religion. Nobody's openly rebelling but in their heart
They're not truly God's people but they're not really saying anything. There's kind of blending in the wheat and the tares kind of thing, but at the end the
Lord knows that there are these rebels so in order to Weed them out, right?
God lets the devil out knowing that he's going to go around start deceiving people and there's plenty of people who
Who are going to be deceived? So here's what here's why God lets him out to gather everybody up Get him to one place.
So just like last time he can wipe them all out at once. I heard one pastor. He described
The devil as the great trash collector He's just gonna go
Throughout the earth and collect the trash and bring it all to one spot and God's gonna burn burn the garbage
Now unless I didn't come up with that. I normally wouldn't want to refer to people as garbage, but I mean you get the idea
That's exactly what the devil did During the
Tribulation, right? There's a demonic deception that caused all of God's enemies to be gathered together against Jerusalem They're all there in one spot
So when Jesus came back, he could deal with them all at once same exact thing that happens here
So this final rebellion is called it's called the battle of Gog and Magog Those are probably symbolic names.
I don't have time to get into you know, why they're called Gog and Magog I'm not even exactly sure
Ezekiel talks about it You can study that for yourself if you want, but it says in verse 9 look at verse 9
It says they went up on the breadth of what? The earth so just as a thousand years keeps getting mentioned.
So, you know, it's literally a thousand years He keeps mentioning the earth, you know on the breadth of the earth just so you know that this isn't happening in heaven
I mean it's happening here on the earth. So it says they went up on the breadth of the earth
Surrounded the camp of the Saints and the beloved city and fire came down from God out of heaven and What?
Devoured them. So this rebellion barely gets off the ground So what does this prove it proves the sinfulness of mankind?
Even in a near perfect environment, you know people argue.
Is it nature versus nurture? Is that Something in man is that his environment?
Well, it's something in man because here he has near perfect environment and they still still rebel so Everyone's taken care of Now it's time to deal with the devil once and for all look at verse 10
The devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and They will be tormented day and night forever and ever notice
It doesn't say they're cast into the lake of fire to be burnt up and they cease to exist
Some people believe that it's called annihilation ism Part of me wishes that were true, but it's not true.
It says they're tormented day and night forever and ever Notice that the beast and the false prophet are still there
Right. We talked about this last week like they were tossed in there a thousand years earlier.
They're still there and They're conscious and they are according to the
Bible experiencing torment I Realize we live in a day and age where I mean, let's face it.
Nobody really likes this. You're not supposed to like it But people today they don't like it so much so that now you have pastors saying well, you know hell isn't real
Nobody's really going there Remember, there's a story for not just to keep with this theme of why the
Catholic Church is not someone to follow I remember the story from a few Months ago or Pope Francis said that he likes to think of hell as being empty
Remember that Well, he there's there was a story that came out, you know, that's his way of Signaling like that's what
I really believe but I can't really say that Well, according to the Bible, it's yeah, it's a nice thought but is hell empty
Well, who's in hell at this point? The bit while the beast the
Antichrist the false prophet and now Satan but because There are people who did not want
God in their lives. They rejected God their whole life God is going to give them their wish.
They want a life without God. God is going to give them an eternity without God verse 11 and I saw a great white throne and him who sat on it whose face the earth and the heaven fled away or from whose face the earth and Heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great
Standing before God and the books were opened and another book was opened the book of life and the dead were judged
According to their works by the things which were written in the books so The book of life is where the redeemed have their names written
I remember Jesus said rejoice because your names are written where in heaven
I mean, so the redeemed are written in the book of life, but if your name is not in the book of life
You know, however, it's going to happen at the great white throne judgment if you're not in the book of life because really only
The dead, you know, the the lost are going to be standing before the great white throne So that they're not in the book of life.
Therefore God is going to judge them from these other books It's implied that every thought every word every deed everything
They've ever done every sin is gonna be brought up at the judgment because God's people are forgiven
Right, all of your sins cast into the deep blue sea everything you've done wrong past present and future just God has
Forgiven it he's forgotten it but if you don't accept Christ all that's still there
It's it's in the book verse 13. The sea gave up the dead who were in it and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them and they were judged each one according to his works
Then death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death
And anyone not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire and some people want to cling to that state the second death see they
They just go out of existence. That's again. Not what it says They why is it called the second death because the first death they die physically
Okay. Now we will we die physically? So if your voice the statement if you're born
Twice you only die once So if you're born again, you will die physically you will never die spiritually, but those who are born only once Will die twice
They will die physically and they will die Spiritually, but again that isn't, you know ceasing to exist.
They are fully cut off from God or Say God and all of his positive attributes some people theorize that The lake of fire is a place outside of the created universe
I mean, I don't know where it is, but they clearly are cut off from God's love his mercy and his grace
But remember that's what they wanted. They wanted a life. They didn't want anything to do with God they wanted a life without God and God is
Basically giving them their their wish. So as we wrap this up,
I think the saddest thing to say about Hell what we would call eternal hell the lake of fire the saddest part about it
Is that I don't believe the Lord ever wanted anyone to go there in Matthew 25
It says that hell Jesus says that hell is the place prepared for the devil and his angels
Wasn't prepared for man. I Don't believe God wants anyone to go to hell scripture says that it's
God's desire that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth, but God does give people a
Choice So just to end on a positive note The people who go there are
Deserving of it. I think they kill we've read some of it. They kill they rape they lie
They cheat they steal they commit adultery. They commit practice witchcraft. They blaspheme
God they rejoice in doing evil, so the people that go there are Deserving and this news about hell is most certainly
Bad news, but it's also The same reason why the gospel is called good news because there are people who have done
Some of these things but the good news of the gospel is that you can be forgiven no matter who you are no matter what you've done no matter how serious a person can be forgiven and They receive a full pardon
Isn't it wonderful knowing today that you have received a full pardon of all of your sins if you believed on Jesus That's the promise all of it.
It's all forgiven and we are saved the good news of the gospel is we are saved from This we are saved not just from sin because some people you know
They get hey who has gotten saved and you continue to sin Well, you know you're saved from sin like there
God will give us power to get victory and there are some things that we don't struggle with anymore
We do have victory over sin, but you're not really saved just from sin You're not even just saved from sin and its penalty which is death because we do like you said we do die physically
Ultimately, what are we saved from? We're saved from We're saved from hell
And this is the thing that people want to deny hell You know, whatever their motivation is.
They're really They're really making the gospel pointless because that's what it comes down to you boil it all down.
We are saved From sin its penalty, but ultimately we are saved from Eternity in the lake of fire
Thank God that we have been saved from that. Let's pray And Lord we do ask thanking you that you have
Saved us that you have forgiven us of all of our sin We rejoice in that the
Lord our heart is still heavy knowing that there are many people who who don't understand who don't
Believe maybe they do understand. They just don't care. They are living life on their Their terms and father
I pray that they would hear a message like this that somebody somewhere will communicate the fact that There is a place a very real place called hell.
We don't like to think about it We don't like to talk about it and I don't certainly don't enjoy preaching on it the
Lord This is what they need to be saved from but we do thank you for your grace.
We thank you that Your people will rule and reign with you for a thousand years
This is what we have to look forward to a time of peace a time where the earth is
It's not just a nation that turns to Christ. It's a whole world that is worshiping you and Lord I so look forward to this time.
So we pray thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
So we pray for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and his millennial kingdom.