Let's Check In and See How the #WokeChurch is Doing

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Alright. Alright. Alright. Let's do this. Let's get it. Let's get it today. I haven't done a video on the woke church in a while, so I just thought, you know, let's revisit some of my old favorites.
Let's see how they're doing. You know what I mean? It's been a while. Here's Joel McDermott. You know,
I wonder if, I don't remember if it was the ADL or the Southern Poverty Law Center.
I think it was the Southern Poverty Law Center. They had put American Vision, which is the theonomist group that Joel McDermott used to be president of before he got fired.
They put them on the hate list, right? Like they list all the haters around and how they're so evil, whatever.
And I wonder if being on the hate list is what got to Joel McDermott and got him to, you know, to the point where his brains have fallen out.
Here's Joel, where he's quote tweeting Dr. Valerie Hobbs. Of course, he loves to elevate women.
And she has this thread about how, you know, you know all that revival that we've been begging God for and praying for and earnestly seeking.
What if it's already here? And what if it looks like the progressivization of the church, the liberalization of the church?
And here's Joel McDermott. He says, I strongly agree with this perspective. I will add, what if much of the so -called deconstruction is actually revival?
What if revival means the total change in what we think church is? What if revival that just puts more butts in the same pews and nothing changes much is not revival.
This dude's brains have completely fallen out. This guy actually used to say a lot of interesting things and very wise things.
And now he's using the, the, the standard sort of liberal progressive formula where you just ask stupid questions and that's how you make your point.
What if, you know, leaving the faith is actually finding the faith? Or what if everything good is actually bad and everything bad is actually good?
What if a doo -doo actually tastes like M &Ms? Who knows? What if? It's ridiculous.
Joel McDermott. I'm sorry to say the guy is just, man,
I used to love his stuff and I don't know what happened. Here's Kyle Howard where he says that there are times in his life where his soul care requires that he goes several months without ever opening a
Bible. And he doesn't even go to church really from what I understand. He's been, you know, extended periods without going to church because of soul care and, you know, racial healing or something like that.
Because apparently the Bible is profoundly triggering. God wrote down this word and, of course,
I know a lot of you find his covenants helpful and beneficial. You, you see how his steadfast love endures forever and you're comforted by the words of God.
You know how much God has done, how much he can do, how powerful he is, how sovereign he is, how much he loves his people.
He takes care of them. He vouchsafes their journey. I know that's what most of you hear when you hear the
Bible. But Kyle, because of soul care, he finds the Bible triggering. God triggers
Kyle with the Bible. So that's kind of where he's at. Things aren't going so well in Woke Land.
Here's Dr. Eric Mason who came out of hibernation. Do leprechauns hibernate?
I don't know. I know bears do, but he kind of looks like a bear, a little bit like a bear.
But he also looks like a leprechaun. And so here's what he says. This is his claim. He doesn't talk about the issue of racism on social media much anymore.
And that's true. I haven't really seen too much from him that I've been very grateful for that. But he claims that the reason he doesn't do that is because the people that don't agree with him on race, they haven't done any research.
They're just too stupid. Like, if you don't agree with Eric Mason, the standard of all race knowledge in the world, if you don't agree with him, then you are just stupid.
You haven't done your research. You don't want to do research. You just don't agree with him because you're just too dumb to understand, or maybe you're just not willing to understand.
And he knows that because as a leprechaun, he can see into your little heart and knows whether you deserve the pot of gold or not.
He knows whether... What's the legend of the leprechaun? Like, if you're worthy enough, you get the pot of gold? I don't know.
But I guess leprechauns have magic power. So here he is. He's just out here to remind you how much smarter he is than you.
Ooh, this was a good one. This is Christina Edmondson. This is Mika Edmondson's wife.
She used to do that podcast with those two other crazy ladies, The Truth Table. And of course,
The Truth Table. They never tell the truth, but it's The Truth Table. One of the co -hosts of that was the one who said that the
Trinity is queer or something like that. And she had no idea that she was a complete heretic, but here she is.
She's still talking, and she had a good one here for you. Don't let people bait you into the justice versus social justice debate.
People so sneaky. People advocating for their narrow view of justice that steps over or cancels out anyone that they believe undeserving of grace, justice, and mercy.
All justice is social. The triune God's very being and identity is social.
He created us in his image as social beings. We're not going to play semantic games, y 'all. Preach it, sister!
Preach it! You got to elevate women. That's the thing. You've got a lady preacher here saying, don't get baited into the justice versus social justice debate.
Understand that our semantic games are valid and your semantic games are not.
And she goes a little further. Linguistic and semantic games is flat -out trickery. Dare I say witchcraft.
It is what the workers of iniquity do to avoid repenting. She said, if you don't agree with social justice, then you're engaging in witchcraft.
It's trickery. Dare I say witchcraft. She's a strong black woman, a strong black woman.
And she's accusing you if you think that you need to define justice biblically and understand that the social justice woke church advocates are not doing that and insist that they do do that.
So when they talk about justice, you want to know, are you talking about actual justice? Are you talking about your phony baloney nonsense from communist sources kind of justice?
If you do that, you're a sorcerer. If you're a man. If you're a woman, that's witchcraft.
So you're either engaging in sorcery as a man or you're a witch as a woman. This is coming from the lady who had a podcast series called
Black Girl Magic. Black Girl Magic. It is Black Girl Magic. If you speak in here and you know that biblical justice is social justice, and it is the equity, diversity, inclusion, that's
Black Girl Magic. She got Black Girl Magic. That's not witchcraft. But if you insist on defining things biblically, that's witchcraft.
When you have a Black Girl Magic podcast, that's definitely not witchcraft. But you are engaging in witchcraft if you insist on the scripture.
This is what we're getting. This is what we're getting. They're getting crazier by the day. But maybe my favorite one was this one.
This is Tim Keller. And this is not technically woke church stuff, although I would say it is. It's still talking about critical theory.
Not the kind that we are talking about with the woke stuff, ideally, but something like that.
It's about biblical critical theory. And here he goes. He says, first and second way.
I can't even get through this. I had to take a minute to just get my bearings here. So Tim Keller is a great, the wise, the sage.
I used to think he was so good. He was so intelligent, so smart. That's very embarrassing, but it's true. I did.
Here's what he has to say. First and second way, left, right. And third way, centrism on the spectrum between left, right.
Fourth way, off the spectrum between first and second ways, not a compromise or combination of them.
The biblical view is so often the fourth way. So he's up to four ways now.
It's not first way, second way, third way. It's actually fourth way. What do you think about pedophiles?
It's the fourth way. It's not first or second or third way. It's the fourth way. What do you think about death penalty for murder?
Well, it's the fourth way. It's the biblical way. Conservatives aren't right about that. Definitely not.
Liberals aren't, but the fourth way, but the fourth way kind of matches what the conservatives say. No, no, no, no. It's the fourth way, not the first way or the second way.
Oh man. So he's got four ways now. I got to say, this reminded me, there was a sketch in SNL one time.
I never really watched SNL. I watched it maybe, I don't know, five times in my entire life just because somebody else wanted to put it on.
But I do remember one funny sketch where they were, you remember those commercials for like razors where it was like, you know, razors just like shave your beard.
They kept adding a razor. So it was like, you know, at first it was just one blade. Then it was two blades, three blades, four blades, five blades.
I believe there was a mock six, six blades. Well, this sketch kept adding a blade. It's like the patented 20th blade, you know, like that kind of thing.
But before we're done with this, I mean, we're going to have 20 ways. You know, we're not, you know, first way Christians, second way
Christians, third way Christians, fourth way Christians are the worst of the worst. We got to get the fifth, sixth, seventh way.
And that's how you know you're truly being faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ, because it's not the fourth way. It's not the fifth.
It's the eighth way. And when you get to the eighth way, then you know that you're being faithful when you reach the patented ninth way of understanding all of these very complex and nuanced issues.
That's yeah. Tim Kelly, you just made that up, bro. You just made that up. And it's not true.
Anyway, in any case. Yeah. Yeah. So that's, that's why
I don't really talk about the woke church much anymore. This is kind of where they're at. They're all getting routinely crazier.
I mean, this is one of the most insane things I've ever heard Joel McDermott say, Kyle Howard. I mean, I've seen him say lots of crazy things, but at least he's being honest now.
He's not a Christian. Eric Mason is still trying to pretend like he's very smart. And you know, this lady,
I don't know that she's a witch, but I gotta say I'm a little bit suspicious now because, you know, the black girl magic thing, that's okay, whatever.
That's stupid, but it doesn't mean you're a witch. But I gotta say this, this accusation of witchcraft, sorcery that she just said here, it's so out of place and weird that it makes me wonder, is this lady telling on herself?
I mean, is she a witch herself? She kind of looks like those aliens from Dathomir and Star Wars, and they were witches.
They, they used the force, the dark side of the force. They were witches. I don't know. I have no evidence that she's a witch, but she certainly looks the part.
And quite, and quite frankly, again, I think that this is an example of, of telling on yourself accidentally.
So, you know, maybe she's a witch, who knows? And then Tim Keller, I mean, it's so, it's kind of sad because he has done and said a lot of good things in his life.
He's always kind of been like this, but he's getting worse and worse and worse. I've heard from a lot of people that say they don't actually think
Tim Keller writes this stuff. They think it's one of his sons who's lost his mind. And that could be true, but it's
Tim Keller's feed, so he gets credit for it. It's sad to watch a man just finish so poorly.
Tim Keller is finishing so poorly. The damage that he has done to the church is just incalculable at this point.
But, but anyway, that's all I got to say about that. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.