Taking Pride in Sin

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Welcome to Conversations with a Calvinist.
This podcast is dedicated to helping believers better understand scripture, defend truth and engage culture.
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Here's your host Pastor Keith Foskey.
Welcome back to Conversations with a Calvinist.
My name is Keith Foskey and I am a Calvinist.
Well it's June and you know what that means.
Every logo that we see is now sporting rainbow colors and we know why.
Because June is Pride Month.
And it's interesting.
I had a friend post something the other day and it said you know pride is the only one of the seven deadly sins that gets its own month.
Maybe next month we should do Lust Month and then maybe we could do Gluttony Month and maybe we could go on and on through the seven deadly sins.
Well as we know this is a month where many Christians are force fed through the media and even sometimes through their own work and jobs and careers having to deal with the issue of homosexuality and what we call here on the program the letter people.
The LGBTQIA plus group and it just seems like they keep adding letters to that particular that listing you know and it's something that we all have to deal with as believers.
It's something that we have to consider how we are going to deal with it.
The church has been having to consider how it deals with it and what is sad is that given the rise of liberalism in the church giving the rise of leftism within the church giving the rise of the falling away from the scriptures falling away from what the Bible says we see more and more and more and more that the agenda of the LGBTQ movement is in fact continuing to make its way into churches and to find its home in the pews and we have to deal with it.
We have to figure out how we're going to deal with it as individual churches and as individual believers.
So today what I wanted to do on the program is simply talk about how we should respond to this month as individual Christians how the church should be responding and ultimately what is it that we should be doing should we not be doing anything should we be doing a lot should we dedicate some sermon series to this particular subject.