A Mini-DL Report on the Dr. Drew Show


Came straight to the office from Sky Harbor Airport to do a mini-DL (30 minutes). Wanted to report on the Dr. Drew taping which will air Wednesday, June 17th at 9pm EDT, and then re-air Thursday afternoon on HLN, so that’s what we did! Hope you enjoy some of the “behind the scenes” information, and pray that God will use our witness for His own glory.

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And greetings welcome to a mini size dividing line. Yes mini We've we've got jumbos and Megas and this is going to be a mini size dividing line
It's gonna go as long as we decide it's gonna go basically and and it's gonna be quick because I just got in from California unfortunately, you know,
I want to do a regular size program, but The Heat probe sensor on the front of the
Canada Air regional jet Wasn't working right and because there were clouds in LA then they couldn't take off until that got fixed
But of course by the time they got it fixed there weren't any clouds in LA, so it wouldn't have mattered. But anyway I got in an hour and a half late because of that and so I need to teach this evening at Phoenix Seminary and There you go.
So I'm under some time pressure. And so I did want to at least
Give a report on the trip many of you were kind enough to help make that happen
The trip I'm referring to is the very quickly arranged Jaunt over to Southern, California To be on the dr.
Drew show which will be airing in two hours from exactly right now and What fork?
Four o 'clock Oh six o 'clock our time. Yeah. Okay four hours from now.
All right, whatever nine o 'clock Eastern Time. Yeah, that's right anyway Recorded last evening from what
I'm told this first hand have ever done this I also discovered that the studio that we're using is the old
Larry King studio So that the ghost of the ghost of John MacArthur and was was there and So It was it was interesting
You know again the whole reason that I you know when they called me on Saturday and said
Would you be willing to do this? And I said well If I could be in studio
Because being and this was this was borne out in this again. There is a there is a transgendered person on Skype In this episode might have said four sentences
That's it If you're if you're not there You're really not gonna get to participate, you know, you might get literally a couple sentences and that's it and If you are there
There is a different and this is what I had hoped. There is a different level of interaction with even with the people on the stage
Because it's a person -to -person thing and in my situation as I mentioned in the report that I put on Facebook last night.
I Don't think most people who live in Hollywood are used to dealing with Christians that don't the terminology
I used was turn into Vanilla ice cream left in a bowl and a hot some Phoenix afternoon
Immediately upon being challenged and so You know, that was the whole thinking behind even
Having the opportunity, you know, I mean to be honest with you. This is not my particular area transgenderism,
I mean It You know, it's been thrown on us rather suddenly in a sense
I Would much rather if and I I made this comment to the producer if there is going to be a discussion after the
Supreme Court Redefines and profanes marriage That would be when you know, we can go right to it and and so on so forth.
But um at first It really looked to me like this was gonna be a major setup.
Just a major ambush type setup The reason being
Well, I got word See what they started doing with the doctor who shows it airs at 9 o 'clock like tonight
It'll air at 9 o 'clock Eastern Time then it'll re -air tomorrow I think at 4 o 'clock
Eastern Time both on HLN and So because The previous day show re -aired yesterday
Michael Fallon happened to see it at a doctor's office or someplace forget where it was and so he
Messages me on Facebook and says I just saw dr. Drew. They played some of Steven Anderson and said they were gonna be discussing this on a future program and So it's like Okay, Steven Anderson great wonderful now
I Can understand why I mean, that's exactly why he does what he does.
He just thrives on the the notoriety it's you know the same mentality as the street preachers and how they did their thing and and You know, you act like a complete jerk and when the world says you're a complete jerk
You go see I'm being persecuted for righteousness thing, you know, just completely ignore what
Peter's actually talking about and So I was very thankful that I knew
That it was a possibility that that was going to happen Because I had the opportunity outside of the pressure of being in the studio
To think through what am I what am I gonna say? Well, how am I going to respond? to The playing of Steven Anderson and so at least
I Had that now it's interesting. I was talking to the big producer the the the guy who's in charge basically
And he said they weren't gonna play Steven Anderson, but they started with Steven Anderson. So I'm not sure what that was all about The there were a couple of things that I'll mention that were pretty weird but so you go in to CNN and There's a green room and I've never been in a green room.
That was actually green and It's the same room that the in fact, have you looked to see if the
Facebook videos up? I bet you you haven't Yeah, I think you need to do that.
I haven't had the opportunity I suppose I could have done that sitting at the gate during the delay, but didn't think to do so but I would
I would imagine that the the video of the post show is up and Maybe you could find that but anyway
That's where the Video that they had done that where they had gone after me big time a couple weeks ago same room
All right, so I'm sitting there and in walks this fella and I you look really familiar he was the the man that had been on Skype when
I was on last time and Here he is in person the fellow that had been a woman
For eight years and then quote -unquote transitioned back and was saying I regretted it he and his wife
Um come in and lo and behold they live right here in Phoenix not very far from where I live and so We started talking and and it was interesting he
At one point. He said well, yeah that That Bible guy they had on last time.
He was toxic and I could tell his wife knew who I was and I'm like, well, that was me
No, no, that wasn't you. That wasn't Yeah, yeah, I was it was me. He went on the block after the couple that I was on and again
It was almost not worth the the time because he he was on for a very very very brief period of time and then this
Person walks in dressed as a woman very obviously a male You know
Just look when you've got XY chromosomes You it can be seen that you've got
XY chromosomes and This person was a reporter and Thought when
I was listening that this person said they're gonna be on a different show ended up being on this show in fact when they took me out of the studio he took my place and Commented on stuff afterwards.
And so I Was just getting the feeling That there were gonna be more people on the program than I thought well so we
You know, they you try to get the audience Excited and stuff.
They've got people that get them all, you know laughing and do things like that and So when they finally brought us in They had me sit down front and then where they put the people because they have cameras and lights for these specific seats down front in the first row and Right behind me come two
People that I can tell There's something going on here. Well, they're they're both transgendered
They are a brother sister who've gone the opposite directions of each other and They're seated right across the aisle from me
And so I'm like, okay, this is gonna be interesting now. The panel was different Dr.
Drew's sidekick who I guess it also does radio with him was the same guy. He's there for comic relief primarily though interestingly enough in the post show video
He actually said something serious and I then picked up on that because he was sitting next to me I was last person
I could tell they were wanting to wrap up. I didn't have much time to say almost anything The the two trans the brother sister transgendered pair had talked about self -love and man
I really I was sitting there arguing myself. Do I do I go after this? Do I?
Do I talk about this? But unfortunately what happened was they were toward they just went down the line of the guests
They were way down there by the time we got down here. I Knew it would have been somewhat difficult to go back to that because other topic has come up and the other thing was that the two women from previous program
Were replaced by two women one one of which I was very difficult to tell difference between her and the
Sam Tracker Woman who I did see briefly In fact,
I think she recognized who I was and didn't look pleased to see me. But anyways But then there was a woman named
Vanessa a black woman Who sat right next to? dr.
Drew and She openly said
I'm a Christian and I don't agree With with this perspective not me, but with the idea of Transgenderism so on so forth and so it totally changed the atmosphere
Once she started speaking. It really did change the atmosphere and one of the audience commentators turned out to be a
Christian so that Changed everything because that didn't that had not happened on the first program at all.
There just wasn't it was me and everybody else and some folks from Jeff Durbin's Apologia Church, huh?
It's hard. It's just hard to do. I'm trying because people wonder who I'm talking about. It's apologia. But anyway We're in SoCal and so they got tickets and so There were a couple times.
I said something and there were at least a few lonely You know and when a few people started a couple other people are like, you know, so it was
It was it was interesting a different dynamic. There was a different dynamic this time this time around so We come in we sit down.
I've got an earpiece in and And a microphone and an earpiece in and I Don't remember if it if it was the big producer guy or the woman producer but they were getting the audience into it and They asked the woman who is seated next to me to come down and stand next to him
I said now now When you when you want to react you need to react big -time on TV So when someone says something that you disagree with and you don't like Then you you all stay he has everybody stand up And he says what you do is you go like this and he points he's standing right in front of me
He points right at me and goes. Oh Do it with me and he has this woman and everybody do this any pointing right at me
He doesn't do it to the transgendered folks sitting next to me. No, no, no, it's oh You know and I and he's just looking at me really
Oddly this guy started the Sally Jessie Raphael show Give you some idea and he started
Maury So or the other guy One of the two salacious ones anyways, so I'm like I'm sitting here going
This is weird. And he's the one who told me we weren't we're not doing the Steven Anderson thing So we finally get started
Goes to Dr. Drew and this is first time they've ever recorded a program. They've always been live up to now.
They record the program They get started. Dr. Drew actually has to do it twice because messed up in the first ones
They start over again and Go straight from the introduction right into Steven Anderson right into Anderson talking about how
Bruce Jenner should die and go to hell and all the rest of stuff and and You know, you can hear the audience.
Oh I'm just sitting there going And so Drew goes the panel and the panels.
Oh, this is terrible. This is horrible. This is why people commit suicides I think Then he went to the the brother -sister team next to me and Then finally comes to me and I had
I knew I was gonna say I said I think it's a shame We're giving Steven Anderson any any airtime at all
It's exactly what he wants why he does what he does and besides that he's preached more sermons against me by name than he has anybody else and That changed everything
All of a sudden instead of oh, you're gonna be you're sort of on his side, huh? when the reality is
He's consigned me to the flames of hell as well for many different reasons
So it just gives you know so we we started getting into some conversations and At dr.
Drew Heard some of my concerns he we we raised the issue of worldview we talked about What gives meaning to life?
I was able to talk about God's created order I was able to talk about the fact.
This is a fallen world because he brought up the the issue of genetic Mistakes genetic
Errors and And I said, you know, dr. Drew you were talking about tiny percent you're no one we've been talking about actually has any chromosomal abnormalities
That that's this is really not relevant and Like I said, they went to someone on on Skype that I could not see they weren't projecting it anywhere and Well, I'll take that back
I could over in one of the one of the cameras now that I think about it but that person talked about hatred and What was really interesting was as soon as it came back from that person talking about hatred
Vanessa And I think even Cathcart that the guy both on the on the panel said hey,
I want to make sure people understand We're not talking about the pastor over here. He's we're not talking about him being hateful and they made a clear distinction and and Again, I don't think that would have happened if I hadn't been there.
I don't think that would have happened I think I think that was different then they had a a woman
Make a comment from the audience standing right next to me and I'm she says I'm a Christian I believe
God made male and female. I think this is good for mankind. I Wish that that there had been people and and dr.
Drew says well They're They're sitting right next to you. Go ahead and talk it she turns to them and says
I would you know, we love you I wish there had been people who could have prayed for you. I think there's something better. I'm sitting here going whoa, and Evidently, there were some people just down for me because I was hearing an amen every once in a while when
I was speaking I found out later that there were a couple of people there and and so there was a there was a very different dynamic
This time around than there had been last time there was an Interesting interesting conversation between myself and and mr.
Cathcart Because he actually made the argument y 'all yelling got less than four hours to wait.
He actually made the argument that since Jesus now I'm I'm almost hesitating for a moment because because rich is talking to somebody on the phone and and I want to hear this, but he made the argument that because Jesus Could be father son and Holy Spirit.
That doesn't that mean that we could be different genders and I'm like No, sir, that's that's not the doctrine of the church.
Oh, that's what I thought and and But but didn't Jesus say no sir
There was a brief period where it was just Basic Christianity 101.
No, mr. Cathcart, you know, no, I don't know. Nope. Nope. Nope. Don't think that was right either
No, not not So it was it was it was it was interesting anyway
So what finally happened? toward the end Was I did get to say?
I did get to mention, you know, here's Bruce Jenner Myself, we're both grandparents and I cannot imagine
My changing that relationship to my granddaughter
Just simply because I think it'll make me happier and I got into what happiness really is and the fact that Character and integrity and and reflecting the very glory of God in the way that he has made us
This is so much more important Than the transitory feeling of happiness and dr.
Drew jumped in and said now there you and I completely agree because The happy life is not what we need to be looking for and he went off on that and That was how the last segment that I was on ended
So then they came in had me come out went back into the green room and I Watched the rest of it on a monitor and Cathcart said some really off -color stuff.
I mean after I'm done. You might want to just bail out because he said some really an Off color so they may get rid of that I don't know how they can to be honest with you because they
Recorded it to fit right into the slots. And so that's why I wasn't overly worried about editing though.
It's possible. There's possible I'm gonna be watching so I'll see I'll be able to if there was anything edited out
But then we did the after show and like I said, what happened was As they came down the line
Vanessa again made some comments about hate and love and things like that and Cathcart Picked up on that and talked about the happiness thing and talked about yeah, you know, it's not just being happy It's it's it's being a real person and having integrity and stuff like that So I picked up on that But I could tell already if you look at if you look at the after show videos
They're normally three to four minutes max. We were at about six I'd say and so I knew
That I had to be very quick or I was gonna be interrupted. Well, I Went with what
Cathcart had said Expanded upon that and then drew jumped in and said we're in complete agreement on that point
We are we are in complete agreement on on that issue because remember his specialty is addiction medicine
He is dealing with people who are addicted. So he knows that if people do not have something if you don't call them to something higher
If you just simply say just do what feels good, that's the last thing you say to an addict for crying out loud and so that's how that's how it all wrapped up and I Thanked everybody for you know people that were there and Headed out into the really lousy
Hollywood traffic and it is lousy Hollywood traffic in Southern, California. So There you go.
There's there's basically What took place? and Again Would I rather it just be
Dr. Drew and I down there talking. Well, of course, but that will never happen and I can tell you why it'll never happen because in essence in our culture today and and the producer confirmed this to me in our culture today if You want to keep someone from?
Hitting the button on the remote Then you have to be shifting camera angle person speaking every about 15 to 20 seconds.
That's about how long the attention span is and It has to be rat -a -tat -a -tat -a -tat -a -tat type stuff they're just Obviously our listening audience is not their listening audience
And It's a shame But you have to make the decision.
Is it even worthwhile and I decided that via Skype it really wasn't now Now, let me let me modify that I mean if if something were to come up to where You know, we're doing it in two hours somebody bailed out
I mean if like the Supreme Court does its thing and They're they're gonna do something and one of their guests bailed out or something like that.
We'd love to have you give a Christian I probably still do that. I know that that's gonna put me at a great disadvantage, but at least
When they first come to you you can say something Now, is that the best way to do things?
No, is that how our society is today? Yeah Will we eventually lose even the opportunity to say that?
Yeah so You have to if you can speak quickly
If you can think quickly Maybe all these debates all these years have just prepared me to do that. I don't know.
I'd have to look at each opportunity individually but Oh, oh almost forgot almost forgot.
I knew I was gonna forget something and I did mention this in report They played a pretty lengthy
I'd say Probably 30 seconds or more clip of this program and What I don't remember and I'm gonna be looking if I hope
I can make the stream work this evening because you can actually stream it Through the CNN go app
You have to sign in through your cable provider But you can actually stream it I'm gonna try to stream it this evening even a class because this was our conversation in the last class.
So it fits So I'll be watching but I I forgot to notice whether they sort of zoomed in and cut off See, I'm looking at the highly pixelated screen up there
Where what we call the banner or whatever bug or I don't know what we call it But or it says
I think it says the divine line out to make ministries. It's got the web address I can't see that right now, but I think that's what's there
And I don't know if they zoomed in so that that wouldn't be there Or whether they just left it.
I don't know But you could tell that what they're trying to do is sort of put me on the hot seat because I said transgenders homosexuals heterosexuals all of us are under the wrath of God and we need to save you and I'm sitting here going.
Okay. I know why they chose it, but thank God they did Because not only did
I get to then say basically twice as much as I would have gotten to say before Because now I get to respond to me having said the truth
But my hope is that someone's gonna look at that and they said on your own program you said this and there might be some people in the audience to go program and You know at the very least, you know
Google James White program or something like that What does does can you find the dividing line if you put
James White program into Google? I mean,
I don't know Well, I can't do anything about it right now. Don't you don't have a web browser. You can sort of look at that That was my what my suggestion was there.
Anyways, who knows who knows what? First one so you can't find the dividing line if you do that.
Yeah. There you go. All right, see so Who knows we could have we could have folks that had never heard of us and At least they tune in here they're gonna get a whole lot more information than they would in any other context like that so So there you go.
Once again, my thanks to everybody who made it possible for us to just drop everything
Get the flights the rental car stuff like that. Yes. This is interesting By the way, they have not posted the
Facebook portion, which doesn't surprise me They're on the ball and they want to make sure that that goes But you had me
Google that Our website is the first one up The webcast is the second one up some guy that does environmental studies in Colorado's third one up fourth one up James White on the dr.
Drew show YouTube. Oh, there you go. There you go. There you go Interesting that is that Jeff's is that a
Paula Paula? Yeah, it's what oh
It's it's it's them. It's Asher. Decoleta. Oh, I don't know that it he's he was posting the
Twitter right away. Okay. Got it. Got it. Okay. All right, so there you go Will we ever have the opportunity again?
I don't know. I don't know. I'll guarantee you one thing I will say this and we'll the will will sign off and it'll be the the mini the mini
DL, but if I had chosen to ignore the flow of conversation and actually interact with people and Done what some people think
I should do and that is every time the camera came to me Just try to put out the
Twitter version of the four spiritual laws ignore what's being said and just throw out some kind of Gospel phrase
If I did that then I can guarantee you I would never get to do it again there would be no opportunities for anything more beyond that and I think that speaking the gospel in our culture is more than soundbiting it
Being able to say God created men and women for his glory. That's a gospel phrase.
Does that explain the gospel? No But it is it requires the gospel to be understood and I believe
God can use that to Cause people to think and to you know,
I wouldn't do this if I was an Arminian wouldn't do this if I was an Arminian It's uh,
I Just I would not have the foundation to trust that God could use what he does use
To To actually bring about his purposes I if I was Arminian Couldn't happen couldn't happen
So I'm glad that I have that that that understanding so with that there's there's a report on on the program
It'll be coming up in three and a half hours again I'm only on blocks a a and B.
I think I After that Watch at your own at your own risk
You know What can I say? But then watch for the posting of the after show video on Facebook where there'll be just a little bit more
But again, it's five six seven minutes the most which was interesting and There you go now
I'm Gonna be out of town the rest this week and Lord willing next week should be pretty normal and that'll be the last normal week for a while We've got lots of traveling to do so we'll talk a little bit more about that next week
I will be speaking at Faith Community Church in Tucson Saturday night and Sunday morning if you're down there come on by I'll be speaking on creation