Ministry Non Negotiables


Do Matt Chandler’s pastoral non negotiables match up to the Directory of Public Worship?


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, �But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.�
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn�t for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we�re called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here�s our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry. My name is
Mike Abendroth, and we�re recording new shows here in 2022. I don�t know why 2022 seems stranger than 2021.
Kind of weird. I mean, when I put my credit card information in, and it asked me, you know, expiration date, and it�s got 25 on it or something.
I thought, wow, you know, December 2025. Or if I have to put my birthdate in, 5 -12, and then the year, 1960.
Ouch! 1960. What was going on in the 60s? Anyway, you can always write me,
Mike at NoCompromiseRadio .com. Before I get into the topic today, I do have something from the
Christian Post. I don�t know why this is on my desk, but I�m trying to get rid of stuff on my desk. Matt Chandler identifies two non -negotiables for pastors to lead well in �increasingly hostile culture.�
I think it�s supposed to be in an �increasingly hostile culture.� But according to Lea Marie Ann Klett, the
Christian Post reporter, to lead well in �increasingly hostile culture.�
What would those two non -negotiables for pastors to lead well be?
What do you think they would be? If you were a pastor, and some of you are, what are the non -negotiables? If you are a layperson, and many of you are, laymen, laywomen, you say, well, these are the two non -negotiables for my pastor.
You know, it just, it just, these can�t be compromised.
What do you think they�d be? Any guesses? What do you think about Matt Chandler? I think you can hire him to come to your church and speak for 20 grand.
Maybe it�s 10 to 20 grand. So even if you�re at 11 grand, you�re in the 10 to 20 grand range.
I don�t know if you�d want to do that. I wouldn�t want to do that. But two non -negotiables.
Let�s just stick to the point. Village church pastor. Number one, fight for unhurried time with Jesus.
So we have the leader here of a very large church, and we have the leader of the
Acts 29 church planning network. Non -negotiables. Unhurried time with Jesus.
It�s one thing to create space for study your Bible or to write a sermon to do deep work.
I think there must be a misquote, but that�s exactly the way it�s printed. It�s another thing to say, �I want to fight for.�
I want to find unhurried space where I can just linger with Jesus, thanking, praising, asking for gratitude to be stirred in my heart.
Remembering who I am in Him. Remembering He called me into this so He won�t betray me.
He won�t abandon me. And just sit there and listen. And that will reveal all sorts of other things that are going on in your heart that then the
Spirit of God can deal with that I think really embolden and strengthen ministers of the gospel.
I�m sorry to laugh. This is the leader of the
Acts 29 network. Oh. I think,
I didn�t know I was reading some pietistic Keswick Wesleyan Arminian comment here.
I thought this was, like, up -to -date. Where is he, Denton, Texas? Is that where it is, Denton, Texas? I think if I was in Denton, Texas, I�d, I don�t know.
I�d rather go to Tommy Nelson Church. And Tommy Nelson Church, I like Tommy. He�s not quite
Reformed enough for me, but I wouldn�t be headed to the Village Church. Is that what a pastor should do?
Well, I regularly, not every day, but pretty close, wake up.
Well, so far, every day. That�s true. I wake up. I get some coffee.
I grab my Greek New Testament, my regular English Bible, my
Berkhoff little theology, concise theology, whatever it�s called, summary of the
Christian faith, Heidelberg Catechism, notepad, and pencil.
And I go sit down in the new room there, the great room, the new living room there, and I begin to read.
And I want to have time with Jesus. I want to hear from Him. There�s nothing wrong with that.
I�m all for quiet times. I�m all for lingering with Jesus. Do you have to let it linger?
I am for thanking, praising God. I am for all that, remembering who
I am in Him. Wonderful. Remembering He called me into this. I want that. It�s unhurried space.
That�s what I want to find. And so then I can listen. And that�s kind of where this doesn�t begin to go south.
I�ll tell you the reason why I think it�s gone south to start. But it even goes further south. Can you go more south than south?
I mean, eventually, if you go south, you�re going to end up going north. But if you go east, I don�t think you�re going to ever go west if you keep going east.
How does that work? That doesn�t seem like that should happen. Of course, that�s a Bible pastor, you know, homiletical thing when
God has removed our sins as far as the east is from the west. I mean, north to the south, eventually, if you go north, you�re going to go south, or south, you�re going to go north.
But east to the west, you�re just gone, right? Cast behind your back, etc. Cast in the deepest sea.
But sitting there and listening, and then He reveals all sorts of other things that are going on in your heart. Why would
God reveal more things? Maybe He just misspoke. Maybe when you begin to read your
Bible, you think about other stuff. When I pray, I remember my to -do list because I�m so distracted.
My mind goes elsewhere and doesn�t spend time on prayer, what I should be thinking about.
That�s why praying songs and psalms, the psalms are songs, that�s why praying those things are good.
They keep my mind on track. Well, He reveals other things that are going on in my heart.
I don�t need to know what�s going on in my heart. I�m quite familiar with that. I need things outside of my heart.
I�m not a quietist, a pietist. I�m not a Quaker inner light where it�s my inner heart stuff.
I believe in depravity, and I believe that once we�re redeemed, we�re no longer dead in trespasses and sins, but the fall still affects us, even as Christians.
There is something called flesh, and there is a sin hangover, as it were. Anyway, revealing things.
Then the second non -negotiable is I�m always going to fight for transparency with my inner circle.
Those are the two non -negotiables. I think I must have done a show on this before. Fight for transparency with my inner circle.
I don�t fight for that. I am transparent with my wife, with my kids, with my brother, with the elders here, with many of the laymen here.
I don�t really�this never even comes to my mind. If asked a question that�s appropriate,
I�m transparent. Here�s what Matt said. His inner circle is two close, trustworthy friends.
Those guys have seen my budget. They�ve seen my tax returns. They know when my wife,
Lauren, and I are trying to navigate something. They know when I�m frustrated or concerned or worried about a kid.
They know when I feel like I�m crushing it and when I feel like I�m not. Hey, friends,
I�m crushing this. I think he means crushing it like he�s doing great.
I could be wrong, because he�s comparing those two. I will copy the select group of men on emails that I�m in that seem to be growingly hostile.
Remember when Matt slammed everybody for those non -courageous hostile emails so that they serve as a buffer for what the compulsion of my heart is versus how
I probably need to behave as a pastor to a member. Growingly hostile members.
I think that�s a punk rock band, isn�t it? Johnny Lydon open for the growing hostile members.
What do you want in a pastor? What are the non -negotiables? First of all, and I�ll say it again, there�s nothing wrong with a quiet time.
I think you should do that. But Lord�s Day worship is more important than that. Did you know that? Lord�s Day worship is more important for that.
Did Matt�s church stay open for the COVID stuff?
Now, early on, I�m not going to say you should have stayed open every single Sunday. We didn�t know what was going on, and I think we shut down for ten weeks early on because we didn�t know or didn�t understand or I was not courageous, whatever the reasons were.
So let�s give people a ten -week pass. Let�s give everybody a ten -week pass. But Lord�s Day worship is important.
Ordinary means of grace, right? The preaching of the Word, preaching Christ, baptism,
Lord�s Supper. That�s a non -negotiable. Preaching Christ, if he would have said Colossians 128, 1
Corinthians 2, verse 2, I would have said, �Perfect.� It�s a non -negotiable. He faithfully preaches the
Word of God in a Christ -centered manner. That would be a good non -negotiable.
But that I have to fight for a quiet time, that�s a non -negotiable. Now, if he means, of course, we want to be holy men and maturing men as pastors and elders in the
Lord�s Church, I think that�s good. If he said, �I want to be holy ,� right?
You would like a Robert Murray McShane type of pastor. I think he said, �A holy minister is an awful weapon in the hands of God.�
I would get that part. I�m for holy living.
I�d like to live a holy life. But non -negotiable? Maybe say pastoral qualifications for pastors and elders and episkopos and overseers in 1
Timothy 3 and Titus chapter 1? Okay, I would get that. But transparency?
I mean, the first one I disagree with, but I guess I understand. But the second one?
Transparency with my inner circle. I�m going to fight for that. That�s the non -negotiable. I�m going to fight for that.
Fighting for unhurried time with Jesus and making sure that those closest to me know exactly what�s going on in this head and heart of mine, he went on to say.
I just think that�s just a lame answer. And I think if I was going to be a psychologist and kind of do projection or something or kind of think through this, why would he say that?
Maybe he didn�t think. Maybe he regrets saying it. Maybe the Christian Post didn�t recognize what he said properly and took him out of context.
Reporters have done that to me before. The paparazzi have too. But it�s almost like you�re trying to hide something and therefore you want to tell everybody that you�re really transparent.
You�re not really that transparent. I mean, remember they had the big issues going on with the church discipline case. I think they had issues with racism issues in some of the policemen.
Maybe it was Black Lives Matter and then it was the police issue and many of the policemen and policewomen left the church.
He said coming out of the pandemic he wants to preach confidence back into the people of God. He stressed that though there is a growing hostility toward the church, the body of Christ was made for this moment.
Is that within the hostility movement? The punk rock band hostility movement? Is that in there or outside of his local church?
It�s inevitable that pastors are �going to get beat on� in today�s culture,
Chandler said. I mean, this poor guy. Maybe it�s self -inflicted, but there�s a lot of talk about hostility, getting beat up, and that�s true.
You know, a lot of it is self -inflicted and many of my problems are self -inflicted. You�re not going to be able to lead in such a way where you�re misrepresented.
That day is gone. So many people misrepresenting their hostile people, hostile people inside the church. I have to be transparent because maybe people think
I�m not. We�re privileged to endure hardship for the sake of the King and then boldly step into the call to radical discipleship.
The call to radical surrender that he called us to now comes with a cost. We will suffer, but through worship and prayer and fasting and confidence we will overcome and conquer.
Hmm. Henno. Grandma, why do you say �henno� when you answer the phone?
I don�t say �henno.� I say �hello.� Grandma, I�ll call you right back. Henno. What are your non -negotiables for a pastor?
This is good. I get so many emails. We�re looking for a church. What do we look for? We need to leave our church.
Should we leave? I get those emails regularly, probably out of the last 13 or how many years have we done the show?
Going into our 14th year? I get those emails. Try to find a church where the pastor fights for his own quiet time and is very transparent.
Those wouldn�t be the two top of the list ones. That�s not what you should find. Either that or don�t take the
Christian post call. If they call me, I don�t think I�m taking theirs. I remember when we did something here,
I think it was 1999, an outreach. We were giving the
Jesus video away to every person, to every house, rather, in this town of 6 ,000 people.
However many homes that is. How many homes do you think that is? 500 homes? I don�t know.
We had little bags and we had inviting them to an outreach concert.
We had a little tract in there. Welcome to our church and all that. Anyway, we had those bags and we trained everybody and then we divvied up the city, the town, rather, and we came to the church, got all our bags of stuff, prayed, had some coffee, went out and gave the stuff away, came back and we shared some stories of when we got to preach or when the door got slammed in our face or whatever.
And we were interviewed. I was interviewed by the local little paper here. I think it�s called The Banner. The Banner.
And I don�t think I was represented exactly like I like to have been, but my memory serves me sometimes and other times it doesn�t serve me.
So that�s just my recollection. I could be wrong. A funny side note on that. For weeks,
F -O -R, weeks, I would return to the church building, run an errand, come back the next day after I was home, and on our door was a little plastic bag with that video.
People would return them. They�re like, �We don�t want those. We�re Catholics.�
I thought, �Well, even a Catholic likes a movie about Jesus, don�t they? Forget the Second Commandment violation, but hey, that�s where we were back in 1998 or 1999, something like that.
What do you look for in a pastor? I think it�s going to be something a little bit different. And if I was asked the question, it wouldn�t be answered with those two things.
It would be more along the lines of Colossians 1, verse 28.
It would be more along the lines of what we do on a Lord�s Day, and a
Lord�s Day worship. I think of the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, and they put together something called the
Directory for the Public Worship of God, P -U -B -L -I -C -K, public, back in those days.
And it was about many different things, but this particular section is of the preaching of the
Word, of the preaching of the Word. I was going to talk a little bit about Ephesians today, but I�ll do that tomorrow.
Preaching of the Word, being the power of God unto salvation, and one of the greatest and most excellent works belonging to the ministry of the gospel, should be so performed that the workman need not be ashamed, but may save himself and those that hear him.
That�s the first paragraph of the Directory of the Public Worship of God, 1645, of the preaching of the
Word. So, you talk about what�s a non -negotiable for your pastor. I think this is going to be one of those non -negotiable.
It�s not going to be, I share my tax information with some friends who
I want to be transparent with. Second paragraph, �It is presupposed that the minister of Christ is in some good measure gifted for so weighty a service, by his skill in the original languages and in such arts and sciences as are handmaids unto divinity, by his knowledge in the whole body of theology, but most of all in the
Holy Scriptures, having his senses and heart exercised in them above the common sort of believers, and by the illumination of God�s Spirit, and other gifts of edification, which, together with reading and studying of the
Word, he ought still to seek by prayer and a humble heart, resolving to admit and receive any truth yet not attained, whenever God shall make it known unto him, all which he is to make use of and improve in his private preparations before he deliver in public what he hath provided.
Ordinarily the subject of a sermon is to be some text of Scripture, holding forth some principle or head of religion, or suitable to some special occasion emergent, or he may go on in some chapter, psalm, or book of the
Holy Scripture as he shall see fit. Let the introduction to his text be brief and perspicuous, drawn from the text itself, or context, or some parallel place or general sentence of Scripture.
If the text be long, as in histories or parables sometimes must be, let him give a brief sum of it.
If short, a paraphrase thereof. If need be, in both, looking diligently to the scope of the text, and pointing at the chief heads and grounds of doctrine which he is to raise from it.
In analyzing and dividing his text, he is to regard more the order of matter than of words, and neither to burden the memory of the hearers in the beginning with too many members of division, nor to trouble their minds with obscure terms of art."
I got nine points, and point one has additional eight points with four sub -points and three additional addendums.
Lots of people preach that way, I don't want to preach that way. We're reading now from the
Directory of Public Worship of God, Assembly of Edinburgh, February 3rd, 1645,
Session 10, Section of the Preaching of the Word. In raising doctrines from the text, his care ought to be, first, that the matter be the truth of God.
Secondly, that it be a truth contained in or grounded on that text, that the hearers may discern how
God teaches it from thence. Thirdly, that he chiefly insist upon those doctrines which are principally intended, and make most for the edification of the hearers.
So we want a textual sermon, an exposition. The doctrine is coming from the text, and so you can see it plainly, can you not, congregation?
The doctrine is to be expressed in plain terms, or if anything in it need explication, it is to be opened, and the consequence also from the text cleared.
The parallel places of scripture confirming the doctrine are rather to be plain and pertinent than many, and if need be, somewhat insisted upon and applied to the purpose at hand.
The arguments or reasons are to be solid, and as much as may be convincing. The illustrations of what kind soever ought to be full of light, and such as may convey the truth into the hearer's heart with spiritual delight.
If any doubt obvious from scripture, reason, or prejudice of the hearers seem to arise, it is very requisite to remove it by reconciling the seeming differences, answering the reasons, and discovering and taking away the causes of prejudice and mistake.
Otherwise, it is not fit to detain the hearers with propounding or answering vain or wicked capitals which, as they are endless, so the propounding and answering of them doth more hinder than promote edification."
Much to be said on that, but basically, if there's some issues going on, make sure you explain the issues.
Maybe you anticipate objections, or you clear up possible contradictions in the mind of the hearer, verses that might not be as easy to understand as the others, but notice this plain terms, plain, pertinent, explaining things, confirming doctrine, plainly.
Back to this text here, talking about the pastor. He is not to rest in general doctrine, although never so much cleared and confirmed, but to bring it home to special use by application to his hearers, which albeit it prove a work of great difficulty to himself, requiring much prudence, zeal, and meditation, and to the natural and corrupt man will be very unpleasant.
Yet he is to endeavor to perform it in such a manner that his auditors may feel the word of God to be quick and powerful, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, and that if any unbeliever or ignorant person be present, he may have the secrets of his heart made manifest and give glory to God.
And the list goes on. Hear the servant of Christ. What does he do? Drawing their souls to Christ through the word.
Do it painfully, plainly, faithfully, wisely, gravely, with loving affection, as taught of God, teaching the truths of Christ.
And so I read half of the public...the preaching of the word and the director of public worship of God, and you can read the other half online for free.
That's what I'm looking for in a pastor, mainly. The first non -negotiable, preaching Christ from the Scriptures, and if you want the second one, something about the qualifications in 1
Timothy 3 and Titus 1, that's fine. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbcchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.