The issue and sin with abortion

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Hi, I am pastor Brayden and I am with reformed ex -mormon. I hope you're having a blessed day today
I'm making this video first and foremost to God's glory and to his glory alone
And also I'm making this video to enter a competition for a new video camera to bless my church my ministry as well as evangelism opportunities
Today we're going to be discussing the issue and sin with abortion
So what is the issue the issue is ultimately that it is not your body
When one gets an abortion and kills their own baby The sin is that it violates
God's own law as a pastor evangelist and a Christian I find myself oftentimes outside my local
Planned Parenthood in the city where I live and Outside that Planned Parenthood. I plead with women as they walk in and as pleading with the women
I find myself in the conversations discussing their circumstances They might say that their circumstances are not like the typical normal husband -and -wife relationship
They might give Circumstances such as that they don't have any money or there's rape or incest
Or that they've been abandoned But ultimately it always falls on this argument, it's my body and it's my choice but as drawing these pictures
I Noticed myself always having to draw a baby inside the woman
This is because a baby is a separate body than your own
It's his or her own body inside the woman My argument is this that all life matters and is created in the image of God and therefore is precious no matter the circumstance
You see there is a commandment that says thou shalt not kill and that is what abortion is
So you might ask the question. What if I've already had an abortion? This is the cold honest truth
You are a murderer You see in Revelation 21 8th It says this that murderers along with others will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur
This is because God is just and holds all accountable before him
Well, this is the good news Colossians 2 13 through 14 says that when you were dead in your transgressions
He made you alive together with him having forgiven us all our transgressions Goes on to say he has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross
This is mercy you see Jesus himself in Mark 1 15 says to repent and Believe the gospel.
The gospel is simply put as this It's found in first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 and in there it describes that Jesus being fully
God and fully man Being perfect in his life never sinning and fully righteous he should have been praised by us, but instead he was rejected by us and Being rejected.
He was nailed to a cross. He was buried and he rose again three days later defeating death in his resurrection
And it says in there that anybody that has faith in this gospel shall be saved so my encouragement to you today is to repent and believe in the same gospel that Jesus Christ was was
Preaching and if you are with a baby and are considering murder
Considering abortion. I would encourage you to please not this is a baby inside of your womb