The Warning Passages

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Normally I would pick up wherever Andy was left off, so you all know when I filled in before that's what I would do, but I did not have enough time to prepare where he left off and judges.
So because we're already reading through the book of Hebrews and in main service, we're coming to some passages in Hebrews that are going to be somewhat frightening to some people as you hear them.
I remember as a new believer just a few weeks old in the Lord and reading through the book of Hebrews and come to some of these passages we're fixing to read and there was no doubt that I thought I would be swimming in the lake of fire.
So as we read these passages, I'm gonna there's five warning passages in the book of Hebrews and we're gonna I'm gonna read all five of them and then we'll back up and we'll make some comments and then we'll let y'all have questions, comments, outbursts of anger, whatever you would like to do towards the end.
Yes, not yet.
So, all right, the first warning passage comes in Hebrews chapter 2 verses 1 through 4.
It says, for this reason we must pay closer attention to what we have heard so that we do not drift away from it.
For if the word spoken through angels proved unalterable and every transgression and disobedience received it's just penalty, how will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation after it was at first spoken through the Lord it was confirmed to us by those who heard and also testifying by them both signs and wonders by various miracles and by the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to his own will.
So the the main warning in that passage is how will we escape if we neglect such great a salvation.
Then if you turn over to chapter, well chapter 4 but the larger section of the warning passage in the next section actually goes from 3 7 to 4 13 but because that's so long I'm only going to read verses 11 through 13.
Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest so that no one will fall away through following the same example of disobedience for the Word of God is living it is active it's sharper than any two-edged sword and piercing as far as even the division the soul and spirit of both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intents of the heart and there is no creature hidden from his sight but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
So in those two passages we just read you just hear just kind of a generalized warning.
Now the next two I'm fixing to read you might want to hold your horses.