Demonic Activity is Off the Charts Right Now

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Alright, well let's jump right into it. Today I tried to go fishing this morning. I caught the smallest fish of my entire life and that's it.
It was a little a little uh creek chub like this big. It's a creek chub or maybe it's called a fall fish,
I don't know. In any case, I wanted to let you know that despite my failure in fishing today, my heart is full.
It really is, guys.
I just, you know, the last few days have just been really fun.
I've been seeing so many people that have just had their eyes opened to just the the the sheer insanity of our enemies here.
We've got we've got people freaking out. I've seen so many hilarious freak outs.
Elizabeth Warren, that chick from uh from the Young Turks, just a lot of stuff.
People freaking out because they might not be able to kill their baby as easily as they could have yesterday and um
I think it's just it's just so good to see people waking up to the reality of what we're facing here.
I mean these people are Molochites. They're they're they're they're Moloch worshipers and nothing's changed.
I mean it's it's it's nothing new under the sun. We know that from the scriptures. By the way, the scriptures, which apparently modern
Jews, you know, don't adhere to in any way. They keep reading about how
Judaism requires you to kill babies and it's like that's not Judaism.
That's worshiping Moloch. That's Baal. That's not that's not Yahweh who's requiring that and so it's like well you know
Judaism seems pretty evil if that's what it is. I mean and I've seen so many things like that and people are waking up.
It's like oh no these aren't just you know harmless Jews that you know believe Yahweh.
They believe in Yahweh and stuff like that. They just don't believe in Christ as if that's a good thing, right? It's like oh they're just a small thing.
They don't believe in Christ. That's not what we're dealing with. We're dealing with people, men and women, that worship demons and they think it's
Yahweh and again this is nothing new. We've seen in the history of Israel this has happened many times when
Moses came down from the mountain after God gave the people the law of God. They were worshiping the golden calf, right?
But what they were saying was it was Yahweh. If you read that account carefully, they build this calf and they call it
God and they're trying to worship God through this golden calf and so what they end up doing is they're worshiping demons and saying oh no no no no you don't understand this is
Yahweh and so this is what's been happening throughout the history of Israel and it's happening even today.
These Jews that are saying you know we need abortion in order to be Jews, they're actually worshiping demons.
That's what they don't worship God. So it's not there's no Judeo -Christian values. There's none of that.
There's Christian values and then there's demon worship and that's how it goes and so and this is this is
I don't want to call it red -pilling because I don't like that that phrase so much but it's red -pilling but honestly it's just so good to see people waking up to this.
It's like oh these people aren't like they're not normal. They worship demons and now you're taking away their ability.
I don't care if you can't practice Judaism if Judaism requires you to kill babies. I don't care.
I don't care at all. We're going to get to that in just a moment but people are getting it and and then
I saw this uh this gab from Boniface, Boniface, Boniface Option.
I think it's Boniface. Anyway um this is this is this is another thing that people are waking up to like like Big Eva's spells that used to work really really well you know
Tim Keller the master wizard of Big Eva's spellcraft. They don't work anymore like like we get this now.
We understand what's going on. Listen to what Boniface says, Boniface Option. He says you said something that made me feel bad.
How un -Christlike of you. Used to be an unstoppable weapon the enemies of God wielded against effeminate
Christian leaders but the re -emergence of actual men leading churches has made this weapon totally impotent.
You made me feel bad. You did you did you know whatever shameful behavior it is. You should feel bad.
It's something they have no ability to handle and that is exactly right.
That is exactly right. If you do evil you should feel bad for doing evil and so when you take away their nonsense right you take away their talking points they really have nothing for you.
You know how it says in the scripture that the word of God will stop uh stop their mouths? When you actually believe it and act like you believe it there's really nothing they can say.
You gotta you gotta cut them off at the past. This is a CNN person I guess who claims to be a
Christian and she was kind of mixing it up with Andrew T Walker. Andrew T Walker let me just say it again.
God bless you. Let's be friends. He was not backing down from this woman. This is the exact kind of woman that Big Eva typically cowers in fear over.
She's got media power and it's a woman and she's so oh so graceful and it's like they usually cower in fear at what this woman will say about them.
Oh you're a Christian nationalist. Oh you're a racist. Andrew T Walker was not doing it. God bless you brother. Anyway here's what she says.
She says all the conservative Christians claiming that their opposition to abortion rights isn't driven by religious beliefs are just gaslighting.
This might work on other people but I've seen it up close. It's not gonna work on me. Guys you gotta end around this stuff.
Absolutely my opposition to abortion is about my religious beliefs. It is only about my religious beliefs and I don't care what your religious beliefs say.
If you're a Jew, if you're a Muslim, if you're whatever it is, you just admit you're a Moloch worshiper.
I don't care. You can live here if you want but you have to do things according to how God says you should do things.
I don't care if you oppose it. You have to do it. So I don't care what you do. It's my religious beliefs and I absolutely intend on imposing them upon you when it has to do with matters of justice.
See you cut them up. You just own it. You just gotta own what the scripture says. Absolutely. We're going to colonize the entire world with the rule and reign of King Jesus.
It's just that simple. But in any case yeah it's just that simple. Total conquest, total domination. The whole world is going to be
Christ's empire. Every enemy will be put under his feet. That includes you Kirsten. Even if you want to kill babies or you want other people to kill babies or whatever it is, you might claim the name of Yahweh but you do not serve him and so you also have to bend the knee down to Christ.
You also have to serve Christ either willingly or unwillingly. You're going to do it. See if you take away if you take away their their stupid talking points at the pass and just believe what the scripture says, they got nothing.
What are you going to say to that? Yeah I do want to impose my religious beliefs on you. What next?
What next? Here's another one from the same woman. I've asked a simple question. Why should Jews or Muslims live according to a conservative
Christian interpretation of the Bible regarding abortion? Nobody answered this. I'll answer it. Because Christ says so.
Because Christ is Lord and you are not. Because Christ has said you shall not murder.
Because Christ has said that there's one law regarding justice no matter if you're a believer or an unbeliever.
You're a native or a sojourner. You're a Muslim or a Jew. It doesn't matter. You are going to bow the knee to Christ too.
It's just that simple. Christ will have dominion and that's his bottom line. That's the answer. I mean people are waking up.
You know this is not we're not dealing with regular people who are thinking clearly. I saw this heart -wrenching
LinkedIn post right and it was talking about how we need abortion like we need it and it was a very sad tale about their baby was in the third trimester and I guess the doctor had determined that it had some kind of a a chromosomal you know imbalance or some kind of DNA problem and that the baby was probably not going to survive more than a few days after birth and so they decided to kill the baby.
They decided to abort the baby before the baby was born and the argument was we needed to kill our baby.
We need abortion to be legal and safe and wonderful because otherwise our kid would have died.
So their argument and it's a sad story so I don't I've got sympathy for these people. They need to kill their child so that their child doesn't die.
These people aren't thinking straight and so it's become apparent and people are waking up to this that we're not dealing with you know just people that aren't that smart or people that have a different opinion or something like that.
We're dealing with people that have been judicially judged by God, hardened. They're so spiritually blinded that they cannot see the insanity of an argument,
I have to be able to kill my kid so that my kid doesn't die. They can't see the insanity there because they've been spiritually blinded by God to not see it.
We're not dealing with regular people who just have a slight difference of opinion. You see this is the thing. Big Eva has made a lot of money and this is one of the motivators for Big Eva.
They do want to make a lot of money. They have you know obviously other motivators. They want power, they want clout, they will also want money but they've made a lot of money making these kinds of issues like whether or not it should be legal to kill a child.
They've tried to make that seem like a petty political dispute like you know no different than you know whether or not you like pineapple on your pizza or something like that or you vote to get a pool put in your local town rec center or not.
Like they try to make it a triviality. We're not talking trivialities. We're talking about opponents, political opponents who think so, their minds are so debased that they think it's okay to kill babies.
It's just that simple. I've been liking it to that scene in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas where the main character is on LSD and he's in the casino and everyone in the casino to him because his mind's all jacked up you know
LSD warps your mind. Everyone's in a casino is a reptile and he thinks he's in the middle of this reptile zoo and all the reptiles are eating each other and he's just in a casino.
You can't reason with someone whose mind is so warped in this case it was from through drugs.
In the other case it's because they're spiritually blinded. You can't reason with someone that thinks they're seeing reptiles into thinking that they're not seeing reptiles.
It just doesn't work that way and people are starting to recognize that fact. We're in a spiritual battle.
We're not in a merely political battle. We're not in a merely you know we need to get we need to educate.
That's another thing. We need to educate more people. Oh this this is a good one. The Justin Gibbony approach. Oh you know these people they wouldn't be killing their kids if they had more money.
They had we supported mothers. You see they wouldn't be killing their kids because they think that it's a matter of not having enough enough money.
You see they their their their hearts are darkened. They covet and they don't have so they kill.
They steal. They rob. That's what the scripture says in the book of James. It says that's why you kill. It's because you desire but you don't have.
That's why you fight and argue and steal because you covet and cannot obtain and so you kill. You steal.
That's why you have evil desires and so you do evil. Justin Gibbony says no no no no. You see it's the church's fault because you see the church they don't give them the money and the things that they said.
We're not dealing with a matter of income or economic standing or knowledge. They know it's a baby and they're killing the baby anyway.
We're dealing with people that simply want to do evil. We're dealing with people that are in the middle of a reptile zoo and they're just acting the way a reptile acts.
That's that's what we're dealing with. We're not dealing with this other stuff that Big Eva tries to distract you with. You see we're not reasoning with reasonable people.
This is a spiritual battle first and foremost. You see and then they'll say well you just want abortion to be unsafe because you hate women.
You want them to get dirty and unsafe abortions where they might die because you hate women. It's like take away their stupid arguments.
That's right. That's right. I want criminals to be in risky situations when they decide to do their crimes.
I want crime to be unsafe for criminals. That's exactly right. Crimes shouldn't be safe.
We shouldn't be accommodating criminals to do their crimes. We should be making it as unsafe as possible.
And so if you decide that you want to kill a child that you're risking something when you're doing that.
That's what we want. We want it to be unsafe for criminals. We want murderers to be treated like murderers.
We want murderers to be looking over their shoulder constantly and all of that. That's 100 percent right. So you've got to just cut this stuff off at the pass right.
Don't give them any of their propaganda points. Let them make them and then just own it. Yeah. Yeah.
I'm against women who kill their children. That's right. I'm against women who kill their children. You got you. You got it.
You figured me out. What do they got after that. They got nothing. They could just call you bad names but it doesn't matter because what matters more the names that pagans and Satan worshipers call you or what
Christ has said. If Christ says you shall not murder that doesn't matter if you're a woman. That doesn't matter if you're black.
You still can't murder. It's just that simply see people in evangelicalism you know you know women and blacks get passes for voting for abortion.
They're like oh you know they they get the economic benefits for the abortion you know to vote for abortion.
It's like you know you don't get a pass for supporting abortion with black skin. Demons can inhabit black people just like they can inhabit and have it white people as well.
You see we're in a spiritual battle and that's what people are recognizing here. It's just so apparent the spiritual nature of this fight.
It's you know you've been seeing demonic activity on a grand scale the last few days.
It's just that simple. And so when we're dealing with a demonic issue and spiritual issues it requires spiritual solutions.
It requires spiritual solutions. We ought to pray for our enemies. We ought to pray that God has mercy upon these people because the reality is
I was the biggest degenerate around before I had Christ. You know I was the biggest degenerate around and even now as I think about my life it's like well
I know Christ and I still engage in sinful behaviors. What's the deal with that? Right?
And I hate that about myself and I work to put the death to the deeds of the flesh.
I work and I do whatever I have to do and all of that but we need to be praying for these people that are just I think a lot of them are demonically either possessed or influenced.
I mean we've got basically we've got modern Jews, progressive
Christians, I guess like liberal Muslims, and then just atheists.
They're all teaming up with the church of Satan on this one. But it's all the church of Satan. You see modern
Jews that's the synagogue of Satan. Progressive Christians that's the church of Satan just in Christian form.
They're all on the same team and we ought to be on the same team praying to the
Lord Jesus Christ to save many many people, spreading the gospel, preaching that gospel at every turn, not flinching when they tell you something like you're just a
Christian nationalist. Yeah you got that right. Christ will have dominion. It's just that simple.
All of the gates of hell will be flattened and leveled and the rebellion will be put down once and for all and that day is coming.
That day is coming and I just hope that many people repent before that day comes because it will be tremendously sad for those people when that day comes.
It'll be happy for a guy like me because at the end of the day I want Christ to rule and reign for all eternity and he is ruling and he is reigning and I want that to be made completely manifest in our world today.
So in any case I just wanted to do this video because there's just's
been a sight to behold to see just how demonic all this stuff really is and it's fine to mock it and laugh at it.
Obviously the prophets did that. They're here lashing themselves and they're freaking out and their
God's not responding to them because they don't serve a real God. They serve idols but they're desperate.
They're getting really desperate and you can laugh at it and you can mock them and jeer at them and stuff like that. That's totally fine but don't forget also to pray for them, to pray for them, to give them the gospel and all of that kind of thing.