Should I Repent of the Sins I Commit in My Dreams?


"Should we repent for the sins committed in our dreams? Join us on the Bible Bashed Podcast as we delve into this intriguing topic. #DreamSins #RepentanceDebate #BibleBashedPodcast" ----------------------------------


After he said he said just what I thought and they stood me up gave me the saxophone and then he said another just He said just another black man who thinks he can change the world with a saxophone
And then we played gangsters paradise together on the saxophone And the question for today's episode is should
I repent of the sins I commit in my dreams Yeah, I think so, man, probably You know
I'm just sitting here trying to think through like what is someone who's just listening to the podcast listening to this episode thinking when they hear that question and I imagine one of the
Probably some Freudian thing or something like some Freudian thing Well, you know what?
What I imagine is they probably are confused What meaning like what do you mean sins that I've committed in my dreams?
Because I think a lot of people when they think about sin, they don't have a category for You know like the things that you're dreaming
Actually count sure morally, right? And so so what is the so starting that's the presupposition under the question.
We're asking so Why is that? You know, why is it that we're coming to the conclusion?
That they are actually sins the actions that we can live in our dreams, yeah biblical case Yeah, I mean, so, you know, there's a lot of I mean, there's some dreams that are just like literally crazy or ludicrous that you don't really know what to make up, you know, so I mean,
I think I had a At a dream a couple nights ago that I was at a wedding
It was my wedding, but I didn't know who I was marrying Like I literally didn't know who to marry and then
I was trying to I mean I didn't know who I was marrying But it was like I met my wedding. I don't know who I'm marrying. This is bizarre, you know
It's like I know I'm dreaming. This is stupid But like why can't I figure out who I'm supposed to be marrying here and then you know
I wasn't like prepared for the whole thing and it was all big disaster, you know And I had like certain parts in the ceremony
I was supposed to be saying certain things and I couldn't figure out where my notes are and It's just a mess, you know, so now
I mean you can have some kind of psychological interpretation of what's going on and to where you're trying to you know uncover the hidden drives and uncover the hidden motives and and I think that's where a lot of people kind of check out like at That point where it's just like hey, you know
Dreams are weird, you know, you just had a weird dream man. Yeah, don't overthink it You had a weird dream and yeah,
I mean I that's just not really what I'm talking about at all Okay, so I'm not really talking about just like random bizarro dreams that you know, you can maybe read read into them like You know these, you know psychological hidden unconscious motivations or whatever else
I'm not I'm not so much interested in those kind of things, but there there are dreams that people can have where they do reveal certain things about you that are fairly like Like you like hit you in the head with a brick kind of revelations if that makes sense, yeah
Yeah, so so I mean like, you know guys who are not yet married and want to be married and they're constantly struggling with like You know temptation and lust and everything else.
You can imagine the situation where a guy in his dream is presented with like an encounter where He's being offered, you know sexual immorality and he feels like internally conflicted by it, right?
So you can imagine that kind of dream where like there's an offer of fornication or something and he feels like pulled internally
Towards that and then at the same time he feels like guilt like his conscious is operating in the same way it would be operating in real life so to speak and then he like ignores what his conscience is telling him and and he goes ahead in this dream and Like willfully like sins like an intentional way in his dream, you know
So in in situations like that, I mean that you don't really have to overthink what's going on, right, right?
Yeah so the Bible says like the good man out of a good treasure of a good heart brings forth good evil man of evil treasure of An evil heart brings forth evil like what you're what's happening in that dream
Is that this is just you like you doing what you want to do most, right? So like like there's a lot of dreams that are like that where it's just you without a filter, right?
Yeah, this is what you would do if you were put in this kind of situation so a lot of dreams are just kind of expressing what you want in those moments and what you're pulled to and what you're tempted
Towards and you know what you're attracted towards and everything else and they're just expressions of what your heart wants
And so like in that kind of moment Like the issue is I don't Know why like I mean that might be like kind of disturbing to a person like they have that kind of dream where they
Commit that kind of sin and they might like think to themselves like man like I'm messed up, right?
Yeah, yeah Like I don't like I didn't like would I do this in real life, right? Like what I did like what is that what
I would have done in real life, right? Like is that me like is that the real me just acting out what it wants to do in my dreams?
And so like my impulse to that kind of person is not just to say oh, it's a dream. It doesn't matter Don't worry about it
And I don't understand why people have that kind of reaction to those kind of situations You know
I'm saying like I don't get why they have this kind of reaction to say It's just a dream who knows what it means.
It's like well, I think you know, you can know what that means But it seems like that feels pretty obvious what it means actually
I mean, it's about as easy as it gets, you know I'm not Joseph or whatever like the interpreter of dreams, right or Daniel or whatever like like I don't have the spiritual gift of dream
Interpretation, you know, I don't think you have to overthink that one. I think you that's just your heart telling you Yeah, I think you just yeah, like I think you just want to be with a woman, right, right?
it may be too much like to the point where you're willing to sin like to Get what you want, right?
So right so I think like In that kind of way if you have that dream you wake up you remember it you're shaken by it
You feel guilty like if you feel that guilt Then I don't have some mechanism that comes along to say hey get rid of the guilt, right
Like like ignore it like nothing happened there. Nothing significant happened there Like if you feel that guilt like that's just a sign to say hey, yeah
Maybe this is like a moment where you examine your heart you say Lord my heart. It's not right before you Will you please forgive me?
I know that that lust is in there, right? So you may not be like asking God to forgive you for fornicating right proper right your dream
You may be saying something like you're confessing the heart issues that are in your heart that are being revealed in this dream
You say hey Lord, my heart's not pure before you. I know that it's filled with lust, right?
And that it's so filled with lust that when I go to sleep That's what comes out, right?
Right like that's what that's what's coming out Like like this dream is revealing the state of my heart My heart's not right before you and I need you to cleanse my heart, right?
So as Colossians 35 says put to death with therefore what's earthly in you sexual immorality impurity passion evil desire and covetousness
Which is I doubt what you're I got some evil desires in my heart. I have desires to send in my heart I don't want that to be me in real life, right?
Like I don't want me in real life if I were given that opportunity that I would cave and dishonor you in that way
I need you to do something in me to change me, right? I need right. I need you to help me
You know, so I just I don't see Any reason why
That wouldn't be exactly the kind of thing that a person might Pray, right?
Yes, forgive me of the state of my heart right now. It's not good. I need you to cleanse it
You know, I just think that's being a Christian and like I think is it you know guilt is real Like if you feel guilt you feel shame you feel condemnation
Bible says whatever whatever doesn't proceed from faith is sin I think guilt is real guilt and like if there's conviction there just deal with it
And I mean, I just don't understand why Christians like don't have that kind of impulse. I Mean, it's like Jesus.
He died on the cross to forgive us for every sin that we're gonna commit past present future
He's a good God, you know If we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
I have a heart this evil, you know, I have a heart this idle factory, right? Yeah, I get filled with iniquity like what's the harm in saying
Lord clean me up, you know, I need your help Well, I think I think it's because a lot of people real
They think of sin Primarily and almost exclusively as actions.
Yeah yeah behavior when the reality is that it's it's all the way down to the desires of our heart like you like you just Read out of what was that Colossians in 35?
Yeah. Yeah Colossians, you know, and and so people There are people who just you know, say like it just literally isn't desires because of like James or something, right?
but then you know, I think I think probably the other part of it too is is Most Christians probably just don't think about themselves as as Like as evil as they actually are right if that makes any sense, so, you know it be for a lot of different reasons that I won't go into right now, it seems like the
The general consensus is like yeah, we've all done some bad things, but then like you're you're all right
You know, you're you're you're at least not trying to murder people or something bad things, but I'm not a bad person, right?
Yeah, yeah and and so when whenever I personally have these kind of conversations with people about like Desire is sin, you know it it often feels like What I'm actually doing is how you know when they're pushing back against that more often than not it just feels like I'm talking to a person who
Isn't ready to admit that they're as bad as they actually are sure, you know and and so I guess this the dream conversation is just like a
Well, you can't deny what you dreamt right and So, you know you dreamt about whatever it was though a sin and that happened which means something
I mean like, you know, you were thinking about it in your head. That's why you you drink you dreamed about it and You know that probably points if if you're waking up like you're saying and feeling guilt and shame or whatever
That's you know, you're probably on to something there deal with that. Yeah. Yeah, but then like when you
You know if you can get to where you're like Well, it's just a dream then you can just ignore it, you know, sure
Sure. I mean, I think there's obviously kind of, you know absurd dreams you might have like someone I think online mentioned that they had a dream of You know that they were like a contract killer or something like that I Have had plenty of dreams like that where they're just bizarre and you don't know what's going on and then you wake up and you and like your first thought when you wake up is like that was
Ridiculous, like it was crazy. No, I had a I had a dream one time that I Had a dream one time that I was
I was being chased by Stanley from the office You know, you know I'm talking about yes and I decided to I decided to hide next to some bleachers under a pile of newspapers and And Stanley he you know, he he came and he found me and when he found me he said just what
I thought and then he reached down and he grabbed me and pulled me up and handed me a saxophone and then he and I Played gangsters paradise on saxophone together after he said he said just what
I thought and they stood me up Gave me the saxophone and then he said another just He said just another black man who thinks he can change the world with a saxophone
And then we played gangsters paradise together on the saxophone And you know, that's probably that was one of the dreams.
I was like, I Have no idea where that came from I told my wife about that dream and I mean she just she died laughing
So, I guess that's probably what you're talking about. Yeah, I mean there's some that are random. I mean, there's I Mean that was pretty that was pretty random on that one
So I think a lot I mean a lot of a lot of I mean depending on who you are You know, I I often when
I dream I know I'm dreaming which is kind of weird, you know, so I lucid dream But I mean, you know a lot of them are random.
They're weird. They don't make any sense you know, I don't think I don't think people have to overthink them, but then I mean I've had like dreams that were very much like Dreams that made me think you know, like in terms of like maybe there is in my dream
I'm acting out some kind of like yelling at some person and just like Irrationally mad at this person, right?
Yeah in the dream and You know like just very short fuse for temper and then
I wake up and like the first thought that I have is like Man, I'm really bitter at them, you know about something, you know, and that's kind of the first thought and I just think that if you're
Having those kind of thoughts you should pay attention to that You know I'm saying yeah, like you should pay attention to that and deal with that and it does there's no harm and just Saying Lord like, you know, if I have a lot of bitterness in my heart towards this person
I pray that you help me to repent of that and do good to them, right? Yeah, and like help me to get rid of this, you know, so I I think you know
Most of the time you don't I don't really think you have to overthink it like if you wake up and it's just like that Was ridiculous then move on, you know what
I mean? But if you wake up and you think oh that was a little close to home right Yeah, that one feels like it's
You know What's in there coming out kind of dream, you know, I deal with it deal with it
You're like, you know deal with it Not I mean deal with it as like hey There's stuff in my heart that needs to be cleaned and Lord.
I need you to help clean it up You know cuz I don't wanna I don't want this You know if that's how
I acted in this dream. I don't want to act like that in real life Right like and it felt like that was authentic, you know when they feel authentic like that pay attention, you know, so and So, you know and I think that's just a matter of like, you know
Where's the biblical warrant for that kind of thing? What Bible says put to death was earthly in you right evil desire?
And those desires can be expressed in a lot of ways your heart expresses itself in a lot of ways I think yeah I think sometimes your dreams are expressing this in your heart and you need to deal with what's in your heart
Ask God to help you clean it up Okay This has been another episode of Bible bashed we hope you have been encouraged and blessed through our discussion
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