The Apostle Phillip

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Apostle of the week -Recommended Resource: Twelve Ordinary Men by John MacArthur


The Apostle we're going to be looking at this Sunday is the Apostle Philip, not to be confused with Philip the
Evangelist that's mentioned in the book of Acts. The Apostle Philip was like Peter and Andrew from the fishing village of Bethsaida in Galilee.
His call to be a disciple is recorded in the Gospel of John chapter 1 verse 43 and immediately after that Philip is the one who led the
Apostle Nathanael to Christ saying we have found him of whom Moses and the law and also the prophets wrote
Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph and of course they went from believing that he was the son of Joseph to believing that he was what?
The son of God. Philip is prominently featured in the Gospel of John for example in John chapter 6
Jesus tests Philip when he was going to feed the 5 ,000. Later he appears as a link to the
Greek community. Philip bore a Greek name could likely speak Greek and he may have been known to the
Greek pilgrims in Jerusalem so that was a good asset to have. He advises Andrew that certain
Greeks wish to meet with Jesus and together they inform Christ of this in John chapter 12 so this was their way of evangelizing this different group.
After the Last Supper Philip in John 14 requested, you remember this, he requested that Jesus show them the
Father that we want to see the Father and Jesus told him anyone who has seen me has seen the
Father. The last time the Bible mentions the disciple Philip is at the gathered assembly in Jerusalem to pray after the
Lord's Ascension in Acts 1 verse 13 and there's a lot of the Apostles after once you get to the book of Acts you don't even really hear about them so we don't really know what happened to Philip.
Tradition states that he went to Phrygia which is modern -day Turkey as a missionary and there was martyred means he was killed for his faith but notice
I said this is tradition the Bible only records the deaths of James and Judas so really we have to take some of these traditions with a grain of salt but this is the