Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life


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Turn your Bibles with me, please back to John chapter 11 John chapter 11 gospel of John chapter 11
Once again, let us ask the Lord's blessing upon our time together My Grace Heavenly Father we thank you once again for this beautiful scripture
We confess that because of our familiarity with it. We especially need to ask that you would help us to Look even more closely pay better attention
So we might handle it right and we might hear what it would have for us this evening. We pray in Christ's name.
Amen This morning we began looking at this text and we came to the point where having informed the disciples that Lazarus died
We have the disciples and Jesus coming back into the area around Jerusalem we can tell that the disciples are filled with trepidation
What is going to take place in light of what had happened at the end of chapter 10 and the near stoning of?
Jesus at that time, but the disciples you'll notice really fall out of the picture
Pretty much for the rest of this particular element this particular part of the story and now the focus turns from Jesus's interaction with them to Jesus's interaction with Martha and Mary and It is of course again very common that the commentators will speculate greatly as to exactly what the motivations were exactly what the
Intimations were of hello of the words that were said to Jesus We'll look at those as we as we get into it, but it is fascinating to see the interaction that takes place
Between these sisters who respond very differently they have clearly very different temperaments and personalities and the
Lord Jesus himself Especially because we really don't know much about what the background was.
We don't know You know, we're just not given much in the way of information as to exactly how this particular relationship began
What kind of discipling had already taken place how much time had been spent?
These were things we just simply are not given any information about at all We sort of have to fill in some of the blanks and so we noted this morning in verse 19
There seems to be good information that Lazarus and Mary and Martha are fairly well -known amongst the
Jews in Jerusalem and Therefore a large number of people have come to mourn and to weep the death of Lazarus and I especially
Having a Scottish Orientation to my personality cannot begin really to conceive of any of this
I am about as far away from the Middle Eastern wailing and Full -on public
Emotional Expression That is a part of this society as I could possibly
Be and it just makes me just creeps me out to put it in a in the vernacular
But that's the way things were done. And that was what was considered to be normal And so there's nothing unusual about the fact that there are many who were there
You remember when Jesus comes in and raises Jairus his daughter He asked to put the mourners out and we know that historically there were professional mourners
If you weren't if you weren't the most friendly person on the planet didn't have a whole lot in the way of friends
You could actually pay to have people come and And mourn for your family members
I'm not sure if there was an extra amount for tears You know exactly how all of that worked, but you could literally have professional mourners who made money
Going around weeping and wailing and doing things doing things like that that's
By the way, when I go don't want any of that. Okay, really? No, that's that's not not my thing and so there are many that have already come to the house and Evidently, that means the house wasn't a really small house either and so verse 20
When Martha hears that Jesus has come she she gets up and goes to him immediately, but notice that Mary remains seated in the house and so Exactly.
Why is that? What's the what does that mean? I'm not really good at trying to read between the lines.
I'm not overly good at psychoanalysis, especially from the distance of What about seven eight thousand miles and two thousand years worth of culture and language difference?
but Martha obviously seems to be the much more impetuous of the sisters and so she immediately gets up and She leaves the house and she she goes to Jesus and her words are
Lord If you had been here, my brother would not have died
But even now I know that whatever you ask of God God will give to you now
How are we to hear these words? Some Have heard an accusation or at least an element of accusation and it certainly would be understandable and From my own perspective if I were
Mary and Martha and I had sent word to Jesus It would be very easy for me to read my own personality into this and There would probably be at least some level of restrained complaint and Many commentators have seen this
Lord if you had been here, he would not have died it was interesting as I Prepared for this text in Looking at some of the commentaries that at least one
Individual really emphasized the idea that there could be no death in the presence of Jesus I'll be honest with you.
I had never really thought of that before It was pointed out that no one ever died in Jesus's presence
I'm not really sure how relevant that is to be perfectly honest with you most of us have not had someone die directly in our presence, but I didn't have that happen until I started working in a hospital but Certainly Jesus gave life and I'm not
I don't buy the idea that you you could not die in Jesus's presence.
I don't I don't see exactly where that's being derived from but certainly
In light of what Jesus said to his disciples. There is some Propriety in Recognizing that had
Jesus been there Now again, we're stepping outside of the divine decree of God and the purposes of God and all the rest that type of stuff but But even
Jesus when he said I'm I am glad for your sakes. I was not there it seems to indicate that that yes,
Jesus would have been so moved by the Suffering that he would have alleviated that suffering.
That's just simply in the human realm Not in the divine realm in the sense of of the decree of God but Others have not seen a complaint
But an actual statement of faith But again, how how well formed and full of faith is this that we see from Martha, I mean certainly we look at verse 22 and Even now
I know that whatsoever you ask of God God will give it to you. Is there a implicit hope
That Jesus can raise Lazarus from the dead Well, I suppose it's possible
Even when they go to the tomb you've got the but Lord he sinketh and so on and so forth
And so even when when Jesus presses his claims in just a matter of verses
The response is gonna be yes. I know that my my brother will will rise in the resurrection of the dead
But is could we read verse 22 fairly as a
Request for what actually takes place. It's hard to say. It's hard to say clearly
Martha is professing faith that Jesus is the Son of God that Jesus is
She's gonna say all of this a little bit later on But there is much emotion and there is much confusion there is much sorrow in her statement
Jesus says to her Your brother will rise again
Now it's interesting We immediately
Knowing the rest of the story. It's just it's hard for us to follow the story and To interpret the story in its own context because we already know what's going to happen we can't filter that out of our thinking and We also already know what
Jesus has said to his disciples but Martha doesn't know any of that and So when
Jesus says your brother will rise again It seems that her response
Would be identified as an understandable Orthodox Jewish reply an understandable
Orthodox Jewish reply. Why do I say that? Well Her Response is
I know that he will rise in the resurrection on the last day
Now what that means is we can tell immediately that Lazarus and his sisters were good
Pharisees not good Sadducees That is they held to the common
Pharisaic understanding and pharisaic has become a bad word for us, but That's unfortunate because obviously the
Pharisees were significantly more Biblically Orthodox and their understanding of things especially the resurrection than the
Sadducees were Sadducees were much more defined by politics than they were by theology and so the common
Jewish eschatology If you want to feel like you're in seminary the common
Jewish eschatology of Second Temple Judaism was this that's a good way to make Everybody fall asleep before we get everything done
But that is the that's the the scholarly way of saying well the
Jewish people in the days of Jesus, what did they believe about resurrection and What they believed was that there would be a general resurrection
At the last day at the judgment That is what made
Jesus's resurrection so Outside the norm
That's why he's called the firstfruits of those that slept Yes, there was already a common belief that there would be a resurrection at the last day but the idea of that happening beforehand and The idea that there would be a spiritual resurrection which we'd identify with regeneration
That would even precede that final resurrection These are things that awaited the revelation of God in Jesus Christ And so what she says is
I know that he will rise in the resurrection last day. That is a an Orthodox Jewish statement
That God will resurrect the dead there's going to be a general judgment This was the common belief of what's called
Taniatic Judaism or more likely you'll hear it today described as Second Temple Judaism the temple had been rebuilt and so this is called the
Second Temple. That's the temple that is destroyed by the Romans in AD 70 and so Jesus's response to her
Orthodox statement Can not be what she expected she had given a perfectly
Orthodox Interpretation of his words your brother will rise again but Jesus has more in mind than merely a
Restatement of what she had probably already heard from the local rabbi
Probably one of the first things that had been said to her upon Lazarus's death
Was well Mary Martha We know that he will rise again someday at the at the great the
Great Resurrection Right. Yes rabbi. We We believe that we understand and that does give hope
So she probably figured she was just giving the response that she should have given But Jesus's response goes well beyond anything that any rabbi could have
Possibly said to her or even understood in his response Jesus said to her
I And he uses the emphatic form ego. I mean, I am the resurrection and the life
The one believing in me Even if he died shall live
And everyone living and believing in me shall never die Do you believe this now?
Do you believe this? What was she supposed to say?
Her response is a high -level response. You'll notice verse 27. I have believed
That you are the Christ the Son of God the one coming into the world so there was already a high level of revelation on the part of The Spirit of God to Mary and Martha and Lazarus as to who
Jesus was But when Jesus says
I am the resurrection once again
For those of you who have been here for years and years and years
Not only have you heard pastor Frey quote from pilgrims progress
So often that in a sense we have canonized it as the 28th book in the
New Testament. I Mean if usage is a measurement of canonicity then what can you say?
But you have heard me say over and over again that we as Christians we tend to overlook
So many of the strongest lines of evidence Concerning the deity of the
Lord Jesus Christ we let ourselves get trapped into just discussing a small number of texts and we're debating
John 1 1 and John 8 58 and 8 24 and 13 19 and ties to 13 and 2nd
Peter 1 1 and all the rest of the verses and and and the reality is the the scope and the breadth and the depth of the testimony of the deity of Christ is found on almost every page in the
New Testament if we will but put ourselves back into the context in which these words originally spoken and here is a tremendous example a tremendous example
Within the context of a orthodox Jewish confession of the coming resurrection
What on earth could someone mean by saying I am?
the resurrection the resurrection is is a necessary element of the eschatological work of God whereby he brings about justice in this world and there is going to be judgments and it's it's something that God's going to do so as to be able to To bring about the completion of all things.
What do you mean? You are The resurrection and he says so emphatically
I Myself am the resurrection and the life.
How can you be a future eschatological reality? well, obviously he means something far greater than just the idea of the revivification of Of bodies in a future context so that there can be judgment for the things that were done in that body on this earth and What is the relationship between Resurrection and life a lot of people just sort of conflate the two
I'm the resurrection in life. Just put them together. They're almost renaming one another
But I think that would be a mistake Especially in light of the fact that in the rest of what
Jesus teaches He makes obviously a distinction between spiritual and physical life
He speaks of a person first of all Who will live even though he dies and then in another context will never die.
How does that work? Well, clearly there is a spiritual element and then there is the physical element
That is being referred to here so when we say the resurrection and the life, they're clearly related and they're tied up in one person, but if if resurrection is something that only
God does and if the Jews of this time period were united in Their recognition that only
God is the source of life only God can give life Put yourself in Martha's sandals for a moment
She she believes that he's the Messiah She believes he's the
Son of God. She believes he's been sent into the world that very language
If you've been sent into the world That seems to indicate that you pre -existed you're being sent that you you're a pre -existent being and so That's a pretty high confession.
There's no question about it but still when you hear
Jesus say to Martha I Myself am the resurrection the very embodiment of What God is going to do in bringing life back to all of mankind?
And I am the life that we know we've already Heard Jesus talking about himself is the only way you can have life
John chapter 6 unless you eat his flesh drink his blood you have no life within yourself In John chapter 14, we're gonna hear him say again.
I am the way the truth and the life No one in the history of the
Jewish people spoke like this every Every Martha every Mary every
Lazarus every Joseph Knew all the stories of the prophets
They knew what they had said they knew about Moses and they honored Moses and they knew about Abraham and they honored
Abraham and and David and Isaiah and in all the great men that God had sent
And so they knew what they had said about themselves and they could not help
But be struck by the fact that how Jesus speaks of himself is utterly unlike What any of those men had ever said you cannot put these words?
Into the mouth of any of the Old Testament prophets without producing absolute blasphemy
Moses never says I am the resurrection the life David Abraham they point people
To God they point people To the source of life but They never claimed to be that life the resurrection and the life
Well That would seem if we put them together to emphasize the
Transition out of death. That's the resurrection and then the life is the resultant supernatural life that is of a completely different kind of life that had been experienced before and so the resurrection points us to the entrance into spiritual life and Then the life itself.
How can Jesus be the life? We have to ponder this we cannot rush past these words, even though we've all heard them over and over again and everyone in this room
Even if you didn't have the specific biblical reference memorized
You Knew these words you've heard these words anyone of almost any age whatsoever
Who has started going to those funerals, which you go to more often the older you get
Has heard these words uttered by Believing pastors in a proper context of speaking of Jesus as the resurrection in life
Sadly, you will hear them being uttered by the most Liberal Unbelieving Christ denying heretics on the planet at a funeral as well and Believe you me.
You will hear these words being uttered at the graveside of many a man and woman
That lived their life in utter rejection of the Lordship of Christ never gave him a second thought other than to how to pronounce his name as a curse word and Yet piously these words will be repeated
Even At the graveside of one who will not receive any type of spiritual resurrection in the sense of a right standing with God and peace and joy in his presence and so sometimes it is the fact that we've heard the phrase over and over again that it ends up taking on a meaning that Would not necessarily have been intended by the original author
Because Jesus is not pointing Martha to some fulfillment of Jewish theology
She is pointing Martha he is pointing Martha to himself I am
I Am the resurrection I am the life
It's astounding it's astounding especially if it's not true.
I Mean We've recently had some There's a film put out a while ago that sort of presented a confused
Jesus It was sort of being pushed along as a as he slowly discovers his messianic identity and this type of stuff
Words like this Just Can't be put upon the lips of Some confused person just going oh,
I wonder if I'm sort of special in my relationship to God type thing No, I Am the resurrection
If you're going to experience true resurrection because remember We use that term somewhat ambiguously
We refer to a resurrection of all the dead in the sense of a general judgment, yes, but Just like the word
Shalom peace in Hebrew Doesn't just simply mean a cessation of hostilities.
It means a wellness of relationship in the same way resurrection in the sense of what
God's people experience Fundamentally different in nature from what
God's enemies experience It's not just the revivification of a particular body it is a
Bringing to life and It's a spiritual life
John chapter 5 he who believes in me has passed out of death into life It's a different kind of life
We had been physically alive in our death and Now we are spiritually alive
Even if we die, that's the point that's here as well and so The only place where you can experience that resurrection is in Jesus Christ Only in him.
That's why he can say I am the resurrection and if you desire to experience
Life everlasting the presence of God The only way to experience that is in the one who has been sent in the world who is the resurrection hence union with him being in him this continues fulfills fleshes out in a sense the intimacy of the words of John 6
About eating his flesh and drinking his blood believing seeing coming to him continuously, etc, etc
This is what is being referred to And so if you are in him you receive from him what you can only receive from him and that is resurrection he is the resurrection and That's why he's called the first fruits
That's why Paul can say if he did not rise from the dead. We are of all men most to be pitied Because it is his resurrection that is the absolute epitome and proof of our own resurrection the only reason that we truly have a promise that we will experience resurrection is
Because he has experienced that resurrection And we are united with him.
So he becomes he is the resurrection But he is also the life
It's not just a kind of life He is the life. There is only one species of eternal life and Jesus has already taught the one believing in him possesses right now eternal life
It's a life that does not manifest itself in the world in the sense that You can get out of particular kind of meter and Around a
Christian. Oh, it's one way and we're on a non -christian. It's another way. No you can't photograph it and yet It is a life
Lived in union with Christ is a life that is to change how we respond to this world and it's a life that cannot be touched by the powers of this world and so If we are going to live forever
It's not like we simply have implanted within us some kind of really long lasting energizer
It's the it's the spiritual energizer that never gives up. No The reason that we have eternal life and that it lasts forever is because of the nature of that life
And the nature of the one to whom we have become united So when
Jesus says I am the resurrection and the life he has totally changed
Martha's focus and perspective from a theological
Discussion of what is in the future to the one who is standing right in front of her she
Wasn't focused upon him. She was focused upon her grief her loss and Even when he comes even with her great respect for him
He is not the focus of her thinking It's her loss.
It's what could have been it's what might still be And so what does
Jesus do? He changes her focus. I Am Not it shall be
He doesn't say well said Martha you did well in synagogue school You listened better than anybody else did that's not what he says
He's not rebuking her understanding He's not rebuking the orthodoxy of her statement
He's not even rebuking her for not immediately understanding when he says your brother will rise again that he's talking about in a few minutes
She couldn't have understood that couldn't have seen that coming but what he does do is he changes her focus and Puts the focus directly upon who he is
Now it's common Christian teaching to say that Jesus Christ is our all -in -all and that we find everything in him and and we put him forward as as Our everything
Now that gets you into trouble with certain leftist socialist secularists in our government as we discovered this week when a
Person was attacked for daring to think that Jesus Christ could possibly be the only way of having true peace with God we understand that the people of the world don't like that idea, but This is one of the reasons why
Christians down to the ages Have seemed to be so argumentative about the person of Jesus Christ Because you see once you no longer have the
Jesus Christ of all of Scripture Once you start chipping away at that and once you end up with the well
We had to come a different way down here this evening because of I 17 and the stuff going on there And so we went down 7th
Avenue And I think it's a Glendale and 7th Avenue is the church the bad attitudes
And some of you are trying to translate that but and They have a big old sign out and it was always safe I Forget what it was, but it was progressive theology.
I had this big sign about Always risky always safe sometimes risky or something along those lines.
Yeah and Progressive theology and we got stuck at the light there, so we had to read it and and I was talking about how even back in seminary, which is long time ago that church was known as the church the bad attitudes, but Those folks
Do not have a Jesus that could give any meaning to these words Oh, they'll quote it all the time
But then they'll have to spiritualize it and and they could put these words in the mouth of Gandhi or anybody else you see once you start chipping away, and you end up with just a moral teacher a
Moral teacher cannot be the resurrection and the life and so when you say well
Christians are so argumentative about this There's a reason the whole message we have for the world requires
That Jesus Christ be the God man If he's anything less than that We really don't have a message for the world
Jesus can't be a mere prophet. He can't be merely the Messiah as Jesus himself had said in John chapter 8 unless you believe that I am you will die in your sins and So for Jesus to be these this beautiful promise
The one believing in me will never die. I'm the resurrection the life
There are certain truths that must be connected to that and Who Jesus is is central to that?
So we're not being argumentative simply for the sake of being argumentative Oh, believe me. There are people who are who call themselves
Christians who are argumentative solely for the reason of being argumentative. I experience that every single day, but The Christian people down through the centuries the reason
That we have emphasized this so strongly is because we recognize once you lose that we don't have anything to tell you
We have no way of helping you With your sin and your suffering and your misery or anything else because we don't have anything
More than all the rest of religions in the world, maybe less Because we don't have the emphasis upon all the self -help methodologies
I Am the resurrection life requires
Jesus to be the one who in John 1 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was
With God and the word was God and it was that word that became flesh and that's why the one who in that flesh
Says I am the resurrection the life the beauty of the whole
Must be kept together. We must see it Indeed, we must rejoice in it.
Let's pray together Our gracious Heavenly Father.
Indeed. We have heard these words so many times and We've rejoiced in them we have in our own times
The loss of loved ones close to us have held on to these words and the promise they contain
But Lord we can never truly plumb the depth of them Help us father to understand them even better this evening
May this not be something we just simply listen to and go that's interesting and then set it aside may you remind us in the course this week to To ponder what does it mean?
That Jesus is the resurrection the life May he truly in our lives be our life in this coming week
May our lives reflect him Mary for lives reflect who he is and who he is making us to be
We thank you for this day of fellowship Instruction from your word that we'd be profitable servants of yours in this coming week.