To Judge or Not to Judge - Matthew 7:1-6

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Don Filcek, Not Your Average Savior; Matthew 7:1-6 To Judge or Not to Judget


You are listening to recast Church of Matawan's podcast join us as we are in a sermon series entitled not your average
Savior study Good morning to all of you.
Thanks for coming. Glad that you're here. Have you guys had a good week? Things been going well? Kind of nice to see the sun shining out and hope of a warmer weather
I think we got a little trick played on us with the snow the other day There's anybody kind of like ugh about that.
I know I was Remember that we want this to be kind of casual get feel free to get up get coffee get doughnuts
In the middle of service if that's what you need to do I say that every week But I really mean it and I recognize that actually since we've started people ever necessarily taken me up on that But but really
I mean it sincerely I get up do what you need to do to kind of keep your focus on the Word Of God We're gonna dive back into Matthew after taking a couple of weeks off to kind of look at Easter and focus on the
Easter message But now we now we're gonna jump back into Matthew for several weeks and then in the summer We're gonna pick up the book of Joshua You're gonna notice that what
I do here when it comes to my preaching Schedule is that what I tend to do is I go through a book of the
Bible So we started off last summer We went through the book of Ephesians and some of you were here with us at that time We're going through Ephesians and we jumped into the book of Acts We didn't finish the book of Acts because I don't want us to get so overburdened in one section of Scripture I mean at the pace that we're going through Matthew right now
We could spend two or three years in the book of Matthew So I don't want that to be the case where we come so lopsided that here as a church
We spend all of our time in one book of the Bible and it's like there's a lot of stuff That's in here a lot of stuff that applies to us
So I want us to get into some of the Old Testament, which we haven't done yet but you'll also notice that I do go through books of the
Bible that I'm going through and letting the text of Scripture dictate and Kind of where do we go next?
And what do we do? I could do some catchy things like five keys to good parenting or or You know all different kinds of life stages sermons or how to get your how to get your money in order or things like that I really believe though that the best
My perspective anyways that the best is that we go through God's Word that we don't this that I don't start with our culture and Say, okay
Here's five really key things that you can learn from the Star Wars movies or something like that and then try to Try to attach some scripture to that Which I've I've been guilty of doing that before But what
I really think we need to do is start with scripture and let scripture address our culture So that all that to say kind of where we're at here now
I am going to be I'm going to be here next week, but I'm taking off for a conference. Like I said earlier So I'm actually dr.
Whitmer is going to be back now. How many of you were here for the first time to hear? Dr. Whitmer speak You know look at who raised their hand go and talk with them so that you're not just taking my word for it
But he's an excellent excellent speaker. He brings a really radical perspective on valuing
Valuing the world the earth the material stuff that's around us And what is the correct balance of that because a lot of times in the church we tend to think spiritual things good
Material things evil and we've had that wrong in the church and he is a theologian.
He's a professor He's a teacher up at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, and he's got a really good quick wit about him a really good presentation
But what he's bringing to us can have a radical impact on the way that you view the world the things that you do day -to -day
Granting value to the time that you spend not praying not reading your Bible a lot of times
We think maybe the most spiritual thing would be to just be reading our Bible all day But there's a lot of stuff that we do that has value to so come come next week and hear him
I will be here But I'm not preaching because I just can't really dedicate the time being going to a conference to really
Focus on God's Word like I like I would if I were preparing a sermon We're coming back this week
We're gonna be in the Sermon on the Mount and just to kind of remind us of what the stage is because we've had a couple Weeks off Jesus has taken his followers those who have said we want to be with you
We want to follow your ways the things that you have set forward and he's taken them up onto a hillside
To explain to them the life of the kingdom. So now you have decided to be a follower of Jesus Christ now
What does that imply for your lot for your life for your attitudes for the things that motivate you for your roles and your?
Responsibilities and all these types of things. So we're still in that Sermon on the Mount This was one big long extended sermon that I've break broken down into about five or six so this would have been just like a
Fire hose from Jesus to these guys up on this hilltop, you know, and they're taking all of this in And our text this morning is going to take on the way that we think about ourselves and the way that we think about others
It's a pretty direct text pretty practical and straightforward as we read it
Little bit of a challenge to us particularly in verse 6 We'll get there verse 6 can be a little bit of a tricky thing for us to consider
So we're looking at Matthew 7 1 through 6 you can turn over there That's page 16 691 in the
Bible and seat back in front of you But we're going to look at giving others the benefit of the doubt Which may be easier for some of us?
While others of us might be left with nagging suspicion Consistently of others we have a tendency to jump to snap judgments or to really
Be suspicious of the motives of others Some have been raised in a household that may be bred
Judgmentalism into you where you were raised in kind of a kind of environment where you?
were pretty quick to look at other people and judge where they stood in relationship to God and That's something that you've been working through Maybe you learn to be critical of others at both superficial and maybe even some deep level superficial like this
Have you ever been around the person who when you're watching TV with them? Or you're walking down the mall with them everything that they say is a put -down about somebody else
They see somebody on TV And they're like oh they're overweight or they're underweight or look at their nose or look at this have you been around those people who?
Are constantly looking to nitpick others? Ultimately it's like to what do you see in that you see that it's their desire to make themselves
Elevated by putting down others, but there's there they can be quick to snap judgments We don't want to be those kind of people who are constantly ripping on people using them as our constant punchline and That can be our tendency we can find ourselves falling into that cycle of Comparing with others looking down on others, so we're going to receive some balanced teaching
So follow along with me in your Bibles or that Bible in the seat back in front of you And I said 691 and that Bible is a free gift from us to you if you don't own an
English Standard Version of the Bible you can Take that one with you Matthew 7 the very words of Jesus Judge not that you be not judged
For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged and with the measure you use it will be measured out to you
Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but don't notice the log that's in your own eye Or how can you say to your brother?
Let me take the speck out of your own out of your eye when there is a log in your own You hypocrite first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye
Do not give to dogs what is holy and do not throw your pearls before pigs Lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you
Let's pray Father we come to a text direct very very direct teaching from Jesus Christ Teaching that I believe applies to each and every one of us as Jesus points out two opposite extremes and contrast them
Where we are told to be a discerning people about where we cast our pearls But we are also told to not be judgmental.
I ask that you would make this clear to us How we ought to interact with people? loving people
Father this is one of the greatest commandments to love our neighbor as ourself I ask that you would help us to apply this that this would work out here in recast
Church and in our lives in All of our spheres of influence where we rub shoulders with other people.
I ask this in Jesus name Amen, how judgmental is too judgmental you ever thought about that?
At what point does it cross the line what I kind of mean by that question? And I think you can kind of understand this at what point does my discernment cross the line into arrogance?
Where I anticipate and expect that everybody ought to behave like me
I Think we all do we all struggle with that to some degree of thinking that we kind of have things, right?
And if other people were to live like us Well things would go better for everyone right if they were just a little bit more like me because arrogance is ultimately believing that I am right or at least that I am better than others and that they ought to do things my way and The truth of the matter is a true follower of Jesus Christ wants to get things, right?
You want to live a good life you want to live the best basically to be the best Christian that you can be would you?
Agree with that isn't that kind of what we're striving for but the problem comes in when we start to compare Ourselves to others looking at others and trying to figure out.
How are we doing in relationship to them? We're working to live out the principles that Christ laid down for us in Scripture and do the best that we can
But there's a very fine line between trying to be the best that we can be and in turn condemning others who are not up to our standards
So the first section here basically verses 1 through 5 are going to be about mental generosity
It's a word that I kind of coined for this but mental generosity towards others think about this consider this
How do you think about others? What thoughts do you
Entertain in your mind as you get to know other people that are around you about their spiritual condition about their life about the things
That they do or don't do the things that they allow into their home the things that they watch on TV the way they raise
Their kids all of these different issues can come to bear on the way that we view other people
And we can tend to become a judgmental people. It's primarily about asking yourself the question this morning
Do we give others the benefit of the doubt? See Jesus knew it was quite literally
He's sitting there on that hill and he's talking with his followers and he recognized our human tendency
To make it a competition To begin to look at others and say well, I'm doing this for Christ.
What are you doing for Christ? I do this, you know and I get up in the morning and I read my Bible and I do this this isn't this this what do you do and all of these comparisons that can tend to Filter down into our grid of looking at others
So check out verse 1 Jesus addresses it right away judge not That you be not judged now.
That's not kind of sounds like Yoda Doesn't it those of you have seen Star Wars, you know It's kind of like we kind of and sometimes the translations of the
Bible will do that to us But literally straightforward. He's just saying don't judge or else you're going to be judged yourself where the word judged
Now we recognize that there's a court system out there, right? So is Jesus going against the entire court system and saying we shouldn't have courts and we shouldn't have judges because they judge people
There's a couple of different Greek words for judge this Greek word can be used in a variety of different ways, but primarily the overtone is
Condemnation a final authoritative judgment of an individual's life. Basically this kind of judgment is dismissing an individual
Dismissing them outright and saying I know that type of person. I know their character and boom they're done Saying God should be done with them and moving on That's the perspective
The person who doesn't pay attention to these words of Jesus has an attitude of condemnation towards others. Do you know the difference?
Think about this in your mind. Do you know the difference between being discerning and being condemning? Can you picture that in your mind what that looks like?
Do you know if somebody's being condemning towards you versus being discerning towards you? Can you feel the difference? Okay, I think people are confused
I My tendency myself is to say yes, I do. I can tell the difference condemnation is a pretty heavy -handed
Authoritative thou shalt do this my way kind of attitude versus discerning people
I generally will walk away from somebody who has addressed something in my life in a discerning way I might be defensive
But I recognize the truth of what they're saying Someone who's being condemning the walls go up and I don't hear a word that they say
Can you relate to that? Okay, I Think that we recognize I think that we we have the potential at least to recognize the difference
Now the question is head. Can you relate to being a condemning kind of person
Have you been there in your life? I Think I have I have looked down my nose at other people and said and by the way, my nose goes down So I have looked down my nose at others and I'm pretty tall too
And and just pictured where they are at and come to snap judgments about their character come to snap judgments about who they are
How dare I? Jesus is gonna draw that to he's gonna take us to task for that kind of behavior for those cut back to that kind of thinking
He's gonna give us some reasons for not having a judgmental attitude first He says you are going to be treated the way that you treat others
If you go around condemning others, you will ultimately be caught out as a hypocrite because guess what?
You're a sinner too and as much as you can catch other people in their sins
Guess what? They can do catch you in yours and So when we go around condemning others
It's a little bit of a silly game that we put that we play Because what we want to do is ultimately show that our sins are not quite as bad as other people's
Isn't that really our perspective we tend to give ourselves the benefit of the doubt but not others verse 2 isn't focused on reciprocity as an ultimate
Ultimate motivation that is if I do good to others, then they'll do good to me if I don't judge others They won't judge me.
It's not really what Jesus is saying ultimately But what it does suggest in the text what
Jesus is suggesting is that in a proverbial sense? In a proverb a general life principle here is that the judgmental person
Will be judged the condemning person will be condemned by others
Let me illustrate this so that it kind of hits home When you hear of a church that says things like excuse me, thou shalt not dance
You encountered that before have you heard of that or is that crossed your mind before or been you know Thou shalt not dance thou shalt not drink thou shalt not play cards when they lay these kinds of things down What does our society think of them?
Are they judged for that? Judgment that they've made do you see what I'm saying because they are judgmental in a sense they in turn incur
Judgment and condemnation from our greater society and even for many Christians so that we see that this principle actually bears out in some very
Specific circumstances where if we find ourselves being judgmental and condemning towards others others are going to turn around and pour the same thing on us
Those who are more judgmental are going to find themselves being judged We see that very clearly in our society around people who are very vocal You know, you talk about Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell or some of these people who are very outspoken about our culture and about our
Society and what comes back to them? What did the CNN anchors have to say about them?
You know what I'm saying? There's a lot of judgmentalism that goes in both directions in these circumstances in these situations
Those who are more judgmental are going to receive a greater judgment on themselves But I'd like to liken this kind of human condemning one another to standing on the bow of a ship and That ship is going under.
It's gonna sink and The the person who is condemning others is the person who is standing on the top the highest point of the ship from the water
Laughing at everybody else going I'm higher than you I'm higher than you. Do you know what they're all gonna hit the water?
Isn't that kind of silly Everyone is worthy of condemnation. All of us are sinners.
All of us are in the same boat and It is a sinking ship. All of us are dependent upon the same grace how dare how silly of us to stand on the highest point of the ship and Act as though we're in better standing than others verses 3 through 4
Jesus uses an intentionally humorous parable to explain the nature of hypocrisy this kind of hypocrisy
He uses a carpenter illustration, which is His career that's what he did for as far as we can tell for 20 plus years.
He was a carpenter So it's interesting that he uses an illustration from that He says you have a tendency to see specks picture sawdust if you ever had sawdust in your eye
Some of you are going yeah, or just a speck in your eye You know, it's irritating and how many of you had a hard time finding it?
You're like there's something that's aggravating my eye right now, and I can't quite find it. You're sitting there looking in the mirror That's the picture is picture a small small small thing that you have a hard time finding
But we have a tendency to see those in each other This is a minuscule thing a small thing, but you have the tendency to see specks in other people's eye and You even want to help them, you know, because you're generous person
So you want to help them remove their specks from their eyes When in fact you have a huge beam in your eye,
I mean you need help carrying this beam around Okay, you got this beam sticking out of your eye. It's meant to be humorous
You know You can't even you can't even get in the door and you got to kind of move around to get Places because you got this beam.
This is the largest beam used in construction It's a technical term that Jesus is using here.
We translate it log. It is the center beam for the floor joist It would run right down the middle of a house or right down the middle of the roof
But it's a central beam in construction the largest piece of wood used in that time for construction and you've got one of those in your eye
So what he's saying and yet you want to you're gonna have a hard time getting close enough to someone to remove
A speck from their eye with this big beam sticking out of yours The question
I have Something I've had to dress in my life this week is what is your beam?
What do you have sticking out of your eye? What what is the sin that has a hold of your life or that grabs you and pulls you down?
Consistently, what is that? Jesus is gonna tell us to deal with those things.
I would recommend If you need help figuring out what your beam is ask somebody else because they've already figured it out for you
I'm just kidding. But if you do need help, you can come and see me because I'm pretty good at this, too So I could tell you what you're being
Maybe that's not a good idea. And to be honest, some of our beams are pretty secretive some of our beams are invisible to everybody else and Even to the degree that they might look like specks to everybody else around and you know the depth
You know how far that thing goes into your heart like a splinter or sliver in your heart
And it goes to the core of who you are and you're struggling and you're fighting and don't fight that battle alone find somebody else
To share that with and talk with them For encouragement. I'm here for that.
I want to help you through these types of things If you're struggling and you really have this beam and you know what it is and you are losing the battle
Come and see somebody about getting some help with that You know, the thing is my own tendency is to ignore my own sin
And to see other sin very clearly and that is a disgusting behavior. It really is
Someone struggling with honesty at work Maybe a more direct way of saying someone who's a liar
Can be so fine -tuned to lying That they're really quick to point it out in others because they are an expert in it
So to speak do you know what I'm talking about where they would be disgusted and offended by other people's lies
But they themselves are a liar Or have you noticed of someone who's caught up in something like pornography can speak about other sexual sins like they are the worst
All these other sexual sins are extremely horrible, but they've got this beam in their own eye that they're dealing with I give myself the benefit of the doubt and things like this.
Listen to this. Tell me if you can relate to any of this. I make mistakes but other people sin
I Am misunderstood But other people are outright deceptive
They're liars I Fall into some minor sins from time to time, you know, my standard might might
My default is to do pretty good once in a while I might step into sin once in a while, but I ask for forgiveness and move on other people are sinners
They're acting when they sin they're acting out of who they are Can you relate to that kind of arrogance that kind of thinking where I look at myself and I give myself
The benefit of the doubt and I everyone else. I'm skeptical of them. I question their motives
Am I the only one kind of looking out and do you guys feel that way? Do you tend towards that? I think we all do.
Of course, it makes me feel better that other people agree with me. It's horrible in Summary this first point then
Jesus is saying that we are to enter the lives of others with a significant level of self -assessment and humility
We are sinners and we must take care to not condemn others because we are equally worthy of condemnation
So in the process of helping someone through sin recognize that you have some major issues yourself now, I'm sorry
I missed I skipped a little bit here to really say that the process is not to not judge others
When it really comes down to it, it doesn't say you can't help others You are not to become detached from other people's lives because look at how he concludes in verse 5
You hypocrite that's an encouraging title for us, right?
But it sticks you hypocrite first take the log out of your own. I deal with these issues and Then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye
So it's not saying detach and remove yourself from relationships And there's no room to identify a brother or sister in Christ who is struggling and offer assistance to help them
But oh what level of humility you must have to enter into that type of a discussion with another person
Recognizing your own significant sin before God And it's not saying you have to be perfect I'm saying you have to be for is then no one could ever address a speck in a brother or sister's eye
You need to enter it with such a significant level of humility When you do so and Jesus actually outlines
In Matthew chapter 18. So just in several chapters later from where we're at right now He gives the principles for confronting someone who has sinned against you
And encourage you to write that write that reference down Matthew 18 a lot of problems in the church in the church in America and in churches
Would be resolved if we followed Matthew 18 Where instead of first step instead of going to your friend and telling them what they did what this other person did about you
Or did to you? To go to them first the person who offended you and go and try to reconcile and make that right and instead
We like to talk we like to get other people's opinion Oh, I'm just telling you just so that I could get some one else's opinion about this individual
It turns into gossip and slander and winning people to your side It's a horrible place for a church to be
Pray that we would be a church that actually applies Matthew 18 we go to people when they offend us and go and try to reconcile and make things right and Even when we've offended somebody we go and we try to reconcile and make things right
We're sinners and we must take care to not condemn others because we are equally worthy of condemnation
So in the process of helping someone through sin Recognize that you have major issues in your life
So what motivates us to be condemning towards others? Why do we do that?
What kind of things are factors to make us? Judgmental towards others. I would say one first is legalism
If we give too much thought or we give too much of our faith over to the law then it's just a short step to legislating morality telling others what they must do to be honoring to God and Coming up with our own hard and fast standards for life and pretty soon
We're telling people the extent of what rating movie they're allowed to go to or telling people what they can do in their free time
We're telling people what they can and can't buy and how they can spend their money and all kinds of crazy stuff that I've heard
Of and it can get pretty whack pretty fast Really things can get out of hand in a church that is giving themselves over to legalism
By the way I'm gonna say this over and over again But laying down laws for others to follow cannot lead them to a relationship with Jesus Christ.
It is antithetical to a relationship with God Because we do not earn our way to heaven.
It is a gift a Gift a gift It is not our earning it
The old -school tendency for churches to make up laws like don't drink don't dance. Don't play cards I don't know if you notice this, but they don't stop people from drinking dancing or playing cards
Have you noticed that? Matter of fact, you might find more card players and more drinkers and more dancers in those churches
Because the law has a tendency to make my heart want to rebel
It's not to say that we throw the baby out with the bathwater there are standards for a living there are things that we need
To do and we follow Scripture But what I'm talking about is making laws above laws adding to the text of Scripture and coming up with our own laws and our own rule the second thing so legalism has a tendency to lead us to condemn others because we make up these laws and then we condemn people based
On the laws that we've made up so you can see how that factors in but competitiveness is the other one. I Want to be the best
Christian I know You relate to that If I see the
Christian life as a competition then it shouldn't be too hard to find someone struggling more than me that I can look down on and Then I surround myself with people that make me feel pretty spiritual and pretty good about my life
I'm gonna begin to avoid people who make my spiritual life look shabby because how many of you know if If you're in that competitive game, you're never gonna be top of the class.
There's always someone who's doing better than me Well, there's always you know, so I'll just surround myself with people who are doing worse
The third thing and last thing that leads us I think and there's more I'm just giving a summary of my three thoughts
But there's more things that I'm sure you can think of that leads us down the road of judging others but I think third is fear
I think we can tend to get into a Circumstance where I fear that I might not be in I Fear that some people have more sensitive consciences than others, but I'm fear
Maybe I'm not really a follower of Christ. Maybe I'm not really there in my relationship so I need to be
I get into this cycle of Trying to prove to myself that I'm better than others That maybe if I look better than other people maybe
God will recognize me and notice me more and then I'll be more confident and assured that I am in as If that's gonna give any assurance at all
The deep the ultimate defeat for all of this monkey business of condemning others is preaching the gospel to ourselves
You guys remember what the gospel is What does gospel mean? Good news.
It means the good news. What is the good news? The good news is the story that puts us in our rightful place
That Jesus that we were so bad and so beat up and abused and and destroyed by sin by our own choice to sin
That Jesus Christ had to come as God in flesh and pay the penalty for us
That is the good news that anyone by faith in him by believing and trusting in what he did for us on the cross
We can have eternal life Adam and Eve sinned in the garden
Satan sinned before that and then in turn tempted them and what was his sin? His sin was to put himself above God and say
I want to do things my way He ever thought about the fact that saving faith
Faith in Christ actually reverses that fall the fall is a saying
God. I want to be above you I want to do things my way. That's the nature of sin The nature of saving faith is
God I put myself under you I Humble myself and I put myself under your son
And I recognize that you are sovereign over me and without your covering me without your being over me.
I have no hope It's the opposite. The way we are saved is the opposite of the way that we fell into sin
As a recognizing our ultimate humility our ultimate need for a Savior The gospel is the story that puts us in a rightful place
There is no room for legalism in the gospel because in the gospel we are reminded that we were so beat up We were so bruised by sin that God had to come down and rescue us and he died in the process of rescuing us
No room for legalism there There's no room for competition because the great news is that all come with nothing to offer all who come to the cross
All who come to Christ with saving faith Come with empty hands
It's not like we come and say hey, well, you know, I've got these a couple of good things that I've done Would you trade that in for eternal life?
Would you would you forgive me of my wrong because I've I've done a couple nice things we all come before him with empty hands nothing to offer and What's amazing is we are all credited with the same result
No one comes out of the deal of salvation better than others No one comes out with a little more grace a little more righteousness
We all come out of salvation With the righteousness of Christ His righteousness credited to our account like we have a bank account of goodness of righteousness
And we all walk out with the same balance Perfect righteousness of Christ that is what salvation is no room for competition at the foot of the cross
Also this issue of fear if you're scared enough about your own salvation that you're striving and working to try to prove it to yourself by competing with others
You likely have a fundamental misunderstanding about the gospel of salvation it isn't us versus everyone else and Whoever is the most righteous wins
It ultimately was that we were enemies of God. It was us versus God and guess who always loses
We always lose when we are trying to strive to Reach God's righteousness.
We will not get there and that doesn't sound like good news until we realize that God made the way for us through Jesus It is all about his provision for us.
So here we've seen that we have We are to have a mental generosity towards others We are supposed to give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to being judgmental
But now Jesus is going to counterbalance this teaching with an opposite illustration With a plea to be discerning people
Ultimately, he's saying that his followers are not to be involved in an Inquisition style Judgmentalism, but they're also not to be gullible regarding true real and significant evil opposition
There is opposition that is out there. I'm gonna tell you honestly Did any of you read my blog this week?
Maybe a handful of you read my blog I was I was struggling with this passage quite a bit and I blogged about that this week
How can Jesus refer to some people as pigs and dogs look at verse 6? He's saying to his disciples to his followers to us
Do not give dogs what is holy and do not throw your pearls before pigs Lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you
How can he liken people? to pigs and dogs so the two most
Most unclean animals to the Jewish mind the pig being the just just off the charts.
They didn't even have pigs They wouldn't keep them in Israel I've always thought that you know,
I was I was struggling. I thought through these kinds of things in my mind I've always thought of Jesus as a friend of sinners and Here he seems to say don't give your good stuff to sinners
Struggling with that and unanimously all scholars when I was researching this they identify the pearls and the holy things that are mentioned as the gospel
Jesus refers to the gospel the good news as pearls as as a pearl that's found in a field and they unanimously identified those things as the gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ and the pigs is those who reject that good news
So what we have here is Jesus saying don't cast the gospel before people who reject it
Yes, anybody struggle with that statement anybody anybody having a hard time with that? Okay good We're all on the same page then because I was struggling with it this week
But what these pigs are what these dogs are they are those who reject the good news and not just once and Not in a polite way
But pigs and dogs are people who have an almost allergic reaction to Jesus they are verbally and maybe even physical abusive to followers of Jesus Christ and There were three things that came to my mind that really started to help me to understand this passage
And I'm going to pass those along to you Three things that began to loosen the the struggle in my mind with how can
Jesus say this? What is he saying to us and how do we apply it that mean don't go out and share the gospel don't go out and Tell others or be really picky about who you tell the gospel to What this is?
First of all, what helped me to understand this is that there are genuinely evil people
I'm not sure that I quite when I first read it I'm not sure I was really thinking that and I think that probably everybody according their upbringing towards your perspective on life
Some of you have maybe a more rosy colored view of the world. Would you identify that how many of you would say?
I have more of a maybe more of my friends are kind and nice and good and I just don't really encounter evil people
I think probably most of us are in that camp now some of us have encountered evil Some of you have been there and so your lenses are a little bit more realistic in the way that real life works
We got to have a balance here But there are genuinely evil people who really want to oppose God who really oppose all that he stands for they are violent
Hostile they would love nothing more than to see the kingdom of God crushed and the church destroyed Real people like that alive today
Have you experienced that? You you go on a
Christian go to a Christian website or go to a Christian thread on a blog or to a
Christian thread where a Newspaper article on cnn .com or Yahoo News or whatever go to a theme go to a religious article and I guarantee that in the blog comments, you will find somebody who would like you dead
You will encounter that kind of vehemence that kind of violence the insults that will come out
In a blog thread like that where there are people out there who would like us gone Because we're followers of Jesus Christ The second thing so the first thing is that there really are evil people the second thing the good news of the kingdom is a holy and sacred message
Don't think I was quite thinking about this early on in the process of struggling through this verse
The good news of the kingdom is a holy and sacred message that needs to be communicated to as many people as possible
The gospel is not a story about Jesus Christ as As John Piper puts it in the title of a book and then he writes 150 to 200 pages about it.
God is the gospel The message is not about Jesus Jesus is the gospel his life his
Sacrifice all of these things about him Are the gospel? He is the good news and those who trample on this message are
Ultimately trampling Christ and his sacrifice on the cross. I wasn't quite seeing that early on this helped to loosen my
My understanding my grip on Jesus couldn't say things like this. He does The third thing which is more obvious But the text doesn't say it but it's obvious by the nature of things.
We have a limited amount of time Do you all agree with that? We're all finite we have a limited amount of time in this world
So ultimately in this passage Jesus is freeing us up from feeling like we need to spend a ton of time
Trying to convince maliciously sarcastic atheists like Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens Like we would need to spend all of our time with those people there actually comes a time
Where it is appropriate to say if you have serious inquiry about Christ or the gospels
Are you really want to know more about him? Here's my card. Here's my number You can contact me
It's not that we don't pray for them even that we You know, we continue to still care for them, but we stop giving them opportunities to defame the name of Jesus Christ We stopped giving them opportunities to run
Jesus and his sacrifice through the mud There's a huge would you agree with us?
There's a huge need for discernment in applying this text Because I think we rarely encounter someone who isn't responsive to the gospel at all
Who is not at least willing to engage us in religious discussion? And I want you to write this down if you're taking notes.
This is really important the standard default for followers of Jesus Christ is patience and endurance when communicating the gospel
That is the default default setting patience and endurance
Keep giving the gospel But when you encounter this type of defiance
There is a time each person needs to be discerning but there is a time when you let your word stand
Give them an opportunity to know where to contact you if necessary pastor John Stott How many of you recognize his name?
It's a pretty prominent pastor in England's all souls Church We've been to it my wife and I've been to his church
British pastor author 89 years of age this year
After almost 65 years of ministry, can you imagine that 65 years as a pastor in different types of ministries?
He identifies in a commentary on this passage two times in his entire ministry
Where he believes he has had to apply this text where he literally had to say to somebody
Listen, you are antagonistic enough that I'm going to leave you to this You know where to contact me if you have
Serious questions about Jesus Christ, but I'm gonna refuse to let you keep dragging Jesus through the mud only two times in 65 years
But do not anticipate that This is a passage that apply is going to apply on this side of the equation to you this week
Where you're gonna go? Oh, okay now I can let that person now. I don't have to share the gospel of that person Before you do something like that.
Come and see me before you just give someone over and they're like, okay that person's not worthy of this message
We probably haven't encountered someone now, I'm gonna say in my ministry I were you I was a missionary to Muslims They have a master's degree in Islamic studies
I spent a couple of years overseas working with Muslims. Would you think that I would have encountered some hostility there?
Out of all the Muslims that I've had a chance to share the gospel with I've had people this close to my face Yelling at me.
There have only been two times in my ministry now I'm not 89 years old But I did work with a group of people that Stereotypically our minds would lean towards they're a little bit more hostile.
They were they were pretty adamant about their positions two times where I've said to individuals once at Western Michigan University once in England where I said
Listen, I can tell that we are not talking about this right now We are not having a discussion and if you would like to engage in a discussion about these things, that would be great
Here's my card. Here's my number You can talk about these things further if you would like to really inquire
But again, I just don't think that that's where we live
That's not the place that is most common for where the workplace that you're in So in the end
Jesus does have some very practical teaching on our interaction with others here in our text balance is the key with avoiding the extremes of condemning others and Therefore abusing them but we're also allowed to use our heads to discern when it might be time to move on and move away from the hostility of Those who would genuinely trample the gospel and if they got the chance trample us
To opposite issues that I want to ask you in application.
How are you doing with being mentally generous to others? Do you give others the benefit of the doubt?
Are you genuinely dealing with the plank in your own eye? Have you correctly assessed your own sinfulness and lastly
As I say probably none of us are struggling with giving too many pearls to pigs. I Think probably the reality if I had to guess
I'm not judging any individual here, but I was saying as a church Probably the reality is that we are not giving out enough pearls to begin with Probably the reality
We're not struggling with giving pearls to the wrong people we're struggling to get pearls out at all The question that I ask you on this side of the equation is are you telling others the good news about what
Jesus Christ? Has done for you in our modern culture. I don't fear for this church that we're getting trampled on What I fear is that the picture is more like we're keeping the pearls in the safety deposit box
Away tucked away where they're safe Where we're sure that they'll never get trampled on We've got to get the word out there
We have to be a people who are passionate if Christ has really saved you then consider how that ought to move you out
To be bold with your proclamation of the good news. We're going out and just telling people using the opportunities
I'm not talking about that awkward conversation where you've got, you know, you've got to try to fit Jesus in somewhere
I'm talking about taking and grabbing a hold of the opportunities How many of you've had somebody in the last year share with you something from their heart about their divorce that they're going through?
How many of you raise your hand if you've had somebody talk with you about going through a divorce? Awesome hook for the hope of Jesus Christ How many of you've had somebody talk with you about the death of a loved one this year?
Awesome hook how many of you know somebody who's going through cancer or something? That's a really scary disease right now Awesome opportunity to share.
I'm not talking about, you know that awkward conversation where you're talking about The Tigers opening game and you're like, how can
I get Jesus in here? Okay, that's awkward. That's weird there are genuine opportunities that God is giving you all around if you open your eyes to see and They are natural and normal and if you are genuinely if you are a follower of Jesus Then I know that your heart desires those conversations,
I know you want them I know you're scared of them, but I know you want them And I pray for you in that regard.
I pray that you have the boldness to take the hooks It's like our culture has these hooks that are hanging out there.
It's a hang the truth on Identifying and looking for those hooks that are in people's lives where they're they're saying
I really this is the extent of my knowledge And whatever is out there The extent of my ability people will come to us with problems and difficulties all the time.
Jesus is the answer You have an opportunity to tell them about that But let's not let the pearl sit in the safety deposit box, let's get them out there in The church then let's be generous
Recast let's be forgiving. Let's be giving others the benefit of the doubt inside the church outside the church.