Spiritual Transitions from Toothpaste to the Gospel

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


So, as we play the spiritual transition game, something that we try to do each week here live before the
Striving for Eternity Academies on Monday nights, I let you guys in the chat room give me something to share the gospel with.
I have to transition from whatever is the first thing that's put in the chat room and I've got to transition to the gospel.
This week, the thing that was just put in there for me, and I have no knowledge ahead of time because it is who's ever watching live that puts it in, is toothpaste.
So the challenge for you is to think about this. Could you transition from toothpaste to the gospel?
Now the way you play this game, you try to challenge someone to get to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel from an object.
So my object or thing is toothpaste. So if I was to start a gospel conversation over toothpaste, this is how
I would try, maybe. You know, there's an interesting thing that I did with my kids when they were younger.
I wanted to teach them a lesson about words and the way we use words and the way we use our tongue.
What I did was I asked both of my children, I gave them a brand new thing of toothpaste and I gave them a paper plate and a spoon.
And I asked them to see how fast they could get all of the toothpaste out of the toothpaste tube.
I told them they had 30 seconds. The one who gets all the toothpaste out the fastest wins.
So they both, right? My son, he's kind of the engineering type, he gets the spoon and he puts it on the end of the toothpaste thing and just goes and just shoots it all out in one shot, which of course then it squirts all over the kitchen table that he wasn't planning on having happen.
But then I said, okay, they both did it. They did a great job. And I said, here's the thing now, when we speak and we use our words, it is like that toothpaste coming out.
And sometimes we speak faster than we should. And we say things that later we tell lies and we say, oh,
I didn't mean that. Yes, you did mean that. That's why you said it.
You just didn't think to stop yourself from saying what you really wanted to say.
And so we're sometimes like that thing of toothpaste. But here's the dilemma. I said,
I am going to give each of you five minutes to get all that toothpaste back into the tube.
And they both looked at me and I said, go. They started trying to spoon it in and spoon it in from where it just came out.
But it doesn't go back in easily that way. And they're trying to, you know, my son takes it, he puts it in, goes, blows it in, puts more, blows, realizes he's running out of time.
He's down to two and a half minutes. My son is, like I said, the engineering type. What does he do? He runs over to the count, to the draw, pulls out a thing of scissors because he thought to himself, well, how'd they get the toothpaste in in the first place?
They cut, they had the open back end, shoved it in that way. So he takes the scissors, snip, and he's trying to shove it in.
He was cheating, by the way, because he wasn't given scissors. But he's trying to shove it in. He still couldn't do it in time.
What was the lesson I was trying to teach them? When the words come out of our mouth, you can't take them back.
Very easy does the toothpaste come out of the tube. Very easy do the words come out of our mouth. Very difficult to get them back.
And when we say things, we can say things that are harmful, hurtful, mean, and we can't take those back no matter how much we say, oh,
I didn't mean it. And that's because of the fact that we use our tongue to basically reveal what's actually in our heart.
And what's often in our heart is the fact that we are sinful people. We break God's law and we want only things for ourself.
We don't like people that don't give us what we want. We wish evil on them. That's who we are because we break
God's law. But God made a way of escape. God made a way that we could get right with Him by what
Jesus Christ did on the cross. By that payment we could be set free. Do you know