FBC Daily Devotional – December 18, 2020


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God’s Word


Well, here we are the end of yet another week and I hope your week has gone well and you're looking forward to the weekend
Looking forward to the Lord's Day Again this week where we are planning in person
Sunday morning service only at 1030 and Those for those who feel comfortable gathering will will do so have those every other pews blocked off and all that kind of thing but If you're not comfortable then of course catch us on live stream be broadcasting the service at 1030
Sunday morning well been talking this week about the some of the
Old Testament prophecies related to the coming of Jesus in his birth at Christmastime and You think about the prophecy
I'm reminded of I mentioned yesterday the Polster kind of prognosticator who got it, right in 2016 regarding Trump getting elected and he said he was going to get elected again this year
But then also saw some other Prophecies that he's gonna win in a landslide and this is even after you know the election day
He's still he's gonna win a landslide. He's gonna get into office. There will be a second term and and on and on the
Prophecy of that Presidential authority is Yet to be realized isn't it?
I mean still up in the air I I don't know when we're gonna see a resolution to that and that's neither here nor there
What is here and and is there is? the 100 % accuracy of the prophecy of the
Lord related to divine authority and Specifically as it relates to Jesus this prophecy comes to us in Isaiah 9 verse 6 again another one of those very common well -known verses at the
Christmas season Isaiah 9 6 says this for unto us a child is born to us a son is given and The government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty
God Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace of the increase of his government and of peace
There will be no end Here is this divine authority prophesied long long before the birth of Christ and The context of that prophecy shows the need for divine authority
Back in chapter 8 of Isaiah verses 5 through 8. I mentioned yesterday these two characters
Reason and the son of Ramaliah. Well, they show up again here in this prophecy says the
Lord spoke to me again Isaiah says quote because this people speaking of his people
Judah Because this people has refused to the waters of Shiloh that flow gently
In other words, they've refused my word and what I've given them to do and they rejoice over reason and the son of Ramaliah Therefore behold the
Lord is bringing up against them the waters of the river mighty and many the king of Assyria and all his glory and It will rise over all its channels and go over all its banks and it will sweep on into Judah so Here is this
Prophecy promise of destruction that's coming and with that Destruction that's spoken of here.
There's going to be the collapse of Judah's authority She Judah will become subject to a foreign power
But the prophecy in Isaiah 9 verse 6 related to Messiah the birth of Jesus prophesies an exercise of divine authority
He says a ruler will be established this child that is to be born the government is going to be upon his shoulders and this ruler coming with divine authority
Exercising divine authority will be a wise ruler. He will be the wonderful counselor some
Translations might put those as two different descriptions of of this child with the government on his shoulders
I tend to think that they go together to maintain the Balance and consistency of the verse all the rest of the descriptions are two -word descriptions wonderful counselor.
He is a wise all -knowing Counselor it also speaks of his power.
He is the mighty God so he's not just a mighty king a mighty man who is the king?
He is the mighty God who is the ruler whose? Whose wisdom is?
immense and Immeasurable the wonderful counselor. He's also the mighty God and he is the wonderful counselor mighty
God Who will establish peace? He's the prince of peace
And verse 7 as The the prophecy continues about this child whose government will be on his shoulders
He will also be sovereign of the increase of his government and of his of his peace
There will be no end sovereign over all the nations of the earth sovereign over all of the earth
Do you think about this that the the prophecy related to this
Christ child? Whose Has on resting on him divine authority he will establish global control global authority global peace
Now that's certainly something that's far lacking in our day But it is something that is coming under the reign of Christ.
He will be Not merely a man who is ruling with divine authority
But he is God Ruling with divine authority.
He is the mighty God he is the everlasting father this child born of a woman born of a virgin with a government resting on his shoulders is the everlasting
Father though, so this is the prophecy related to him Well before the birth of Jesus.
Well, then that prophecy is verified at the birth of Jesus and again, you remember the account of the
Magi in Matthew chapter 2 as they come to Find this little baby they come into Jerusalem and they want to know where is he that is born the king of the
Jews? Not where is it? Where is this special baby that's born? but where is he that is born king of the Jews for we have come to worship him and Verse 11 tells us that when they come into the house where Jesus and Mary and Joseph were staying
They saw the child with Mary his mother and they fell down and they worshipped him and they opened their gifts
And they presented unto him gold and frankincense and myrrh gifts worthy of a king the visit of the
Magi verifies this divine authority prophesied in Isaiah chapter 9 and so does the declaration of Simeon in Luke chapter 2 in verses 30 and 32 30 to 32
Again, Simeon takes up this little baby in his arms and he says my eyes he says let me go in peace
Let me die now in peace because my eyes have seen your salvation That you have prepared in the presence of all peoples a light for revelation to the
Gentiles and now listen glory Glory to your people Israel.
How so is he glory to the people of Israel? Because he is the fulfillment of this prophecy that The government will rest upon his shoulders and he will be called the wonderful counselor the mighty
God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace Who will reign sovereignly and in peace over all the earth?
Well that divine authority was verified at his birth, but then it's also realized since his birth
This is a wonderful passage in Philippians chapter 2 that speaks of Christ and in verses 9 and 10 we read that God has highly exalted
Jesus and Given him bestowed upon him the name that is above every name
So that at the name of Jesus now listen, here's the expression of divine authority at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and on earth and under the earth and Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord He is Lord He is master. He is ruler to the glory of God the
Father and it is to the glory of God the Father because it is God the Father who prophesied hundreds of years before Jesus was born that one is coming a child will be born
Who will be called a wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace the child?
Upon whose shoulders the government will rest and whose authority will extend to all the earth and over all people so Ultimately that divine authority will be realized before all things
But presently even now that divine authority is realized in the lives of his people
In the next chapter in the next book in the Bible Colossians chapter 1 we read this in verses 16 through 18
Says for by Jesus all things were created in heaven and earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and for him
For him and he is before all things.
He is in front of all things He is he is above all things and in him all things hold together and he is the head of the body
The church he is the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in everything he might have the preeminence that he might be preeminent so even in the lives of his people right now is realized the divine authority that is that rests upon the shoulders of this
Child who was born in a manger who is God with us.
Oh, I trust that you have Surrendered to that divine authority that you have claimed and named
Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master So our
Father in our God, we thank you for the fulfillment of these prophecies given long long ago but verified at the birth of Christ and Realized in this baby born in a manger who is
God with us Thank you for them. Thank you for your word. It's 100 % reliability and We would learn of it.
We would learn of you through it and we would trust you all the more because of it Bless these thoughts to our hearts in Jesus name.
Amen All right. We'll have a good wonderful weekend And if you can join us in God's house on Sunday Encourage you to do so either if in person fine, if not, at least by live stream