Overcoming Evil Like Jesus


Sermon: Overcoming Evil Like Jesus Date: April 30, 2023, Morning Text: Luke 4:1–13 Series: Luke Preacher: Brian Garcia Audio: https://storage.googleapis.com/pbc-ca-sermons/2023/230430-OvercomingEvilLikeJesus.aac


Well, good morning beloved. I'd like if you can turn to your
Bibles in Luke chapter 4 this morning And we'll be reading in Luke chapter 4 starting verse 1 to verses 1 to 13 when you have that please do stand for the reading of God's Word and Jesus full of the
Holy Spirit returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into wilderness for 40 days
Being tempted by the devil and he ate nothing during those days and when they were ended he was hungry
And then the devil said to him if you are the Son of God Command a stone to become bread
And Jesus answered him it is written Man shall not live by bread alone
The devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and said to him
To you I will give all this authority and their glory for has been delivered to me
And I will give it to whom I will If you then will worship me it will all be yours
Jesus answered him it is written You shall worship the Lord your God and him shall you serve and him alone shall you serve?
And he took him to Jerusalem and set them on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him If you are the Son of God throw yourself down from here for it is written
He will command his angels concerning you to guard you and on their hands
They will bear you up lest you strike your foot against a stone Jesus said to him it is said you shall not put the
Lord your God to the test And when the devil had ended every temptation he departed he depart from him till an opportune time
This is the reading of God's Word now. May he bless the preaching of it. You may be seated Let's pray father.
We do come before you in the name above every name The name by which every tongue shall confess and Every knee shall bow
On to the glory of the Father even Jesus Christ our blessed Savior and Redeemer may we receive instruction this morning and how we can overcome evil and Temptation like Jesus that we may follow his footsteps.
We may grow in wisdom and stature and faith So that we too may be able to withstand all the evil machinations of the wicked one and That on that day we may stand approved
Standing in the righteousness of the one who came before us even our Savior Jesus Christ to whom be the glory
Both now and forevermore. Amen well friends today's
Sermon is overcoming evil like Jesus and I think it is important for us to realize
That we all have a common enemy We all have an enemy
This enemy to give you some bad news is Smarter than you
He is stronger than you. He's tougher than you He is more wiser than you he is more knowledgeable than you and Every single earthly metric he has every advantage against you yet Do not despair.
I want you to keep your finger in Luke, but I want you if you can, please turn to 2nd Corinthians Chapter 2 and I want to share with you an important scripture that will ground our discussion in our topic this morning
And that is found in 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 11
Paul writes to the church in Corinth this timely warning he says
So that we would not be outwitted by Satan For we are not ignorant of his designs
Friends we have an enemy yet We are not like those in the world who are ignorant of his schemes
That we should be outwitted by him for though our enemy as Martin Luther called him our ancient foe
Though he be wise though he be powerful and though he be angry against the people of God We have in our possession the knowledge of the
Word of God Which leads us to victory over this ancient foe So that we would not be outwitted by him because we have something in our possession
Which warns us of his designs or schemes? So if you're following along in today's teaching in the insert the
Bible warns us not to be outwitted Which is to say? That we are not to be outdone that we are to be ignorant of the schemes of this ancient foe
Because it is in the ignorance of not knowing our foe It is in the ignorance of not knowing our enemy that we fall prey
To his schemes and to his attacks if you know anything about the art of war
One of the tenets of the art of war is to know your what? your enemy
Know your enemy Jesus Knew his enemy
He knew who this ancient foe was he knew what tactics he would use he knew what he would do to undermine him and to undermine the authority of Scripture because this is true about our ancient foe
That though he's powerful though. He's mighty though. He's knowledgeable his schemes are usually always the same
Therefore We're not to be outwitted by sin by not being ignorant. I want you to write that in the notes ignorant of his schemes
Or ignorant of his designs that is to say that he has a set schematic a set design in order to lead astray the people of God into the sin of rebellion
This ancient foe came on the scene in Luke chapter 4
It says in verse 1 of Luke 4 and Jesus full of the
Holy Spirit Returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness
All right. Now here's a part of the story that sometimes is overlooked You've heard of this
Gospel narrative before where Jesus had led into the wilderness and there's this temptation event with Satan But here's what
I asked myself when I read that first opening line and Jesus full of the
Holy Spirit. I Asked myself this question if you're gonna mess with Jesus why there
Why when he's at his peak in being filled with the
Holy Spirit? Why would Satan pick a fight with Jesus in this moment?
Yes, because all of us go in our minds. We go to the fact that Jesus. Well, he was weakened in the flesh He had been
Fasting he'd been the wilderness. He's hungry. He's thirsty. He's dirty. He's got all these fleshly
Weaknesses But that's not how the verse starts off with It doesn't start off with well,
Jesus was tired and hungry and all these things But it said no it says and Jesus full of the
Holy Spirit That's how it starts Jesus though can have every fleshly disadvantage
Has every advantage? Spiritually why? Because he was filled with the
Holy Spirit of God And it was in that state that he was led into the world is not by the devil
Not by the flesh but by the Spirit of God That is what led him into the wilderness to fulfill all righteousness to fulfill that which
Israel failed to do Because in this narrative There's an overarching metanarrative that is at play here in the life of Jesus in this that Jesus is the greater
Israel and Last week's message. We talked about the genealogy of Christ How every single person there is leading us to a knowledge of Jesus how every person there is
Leading us to this Messiah this figure that would come into history But no, this is about the narrative of Jesus's life
He is the greater Israel in that he's the chosen one from among all the children of men that Jesus is the one who was
Prophesied by which all the nations of the earth would be blessed by this individual seed the seed that was prophesied back in the fall of humanity
Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 the seed of the woman coming to crush the head of the serpent and That through Abraham's seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed
Paul in Galatians 3 says that this seed is Singular because it is pointing to not a entire ethnic group, but rather pointing to Christ himself
And so in Christ, we see the greater Israel that Jesus is the one who is coming out by the
Spirit of God into the wilderness Similarly as the Israelite people were led out of slavery out of Egypt through the waters of baptism as a people as God part the seas now being led into the wilderness with Moses and to the wilderness of sin
To be tempted and when Israel was in that wilderness What did they encounter in their flesh?
Hunger thirst Confusion as the people began to grumble and the people began to Murmur against the true
God and against his anointed one Moses and say why did you lead us here? You've led us here to die
We were better off in slavery in Egypt Yet Jesus He doesn't go into this wilderness grumbling nor murmuring but rather filled with the
Spirit Filled with the Spirit showing the distinction between earthly Israel the
Israel that was led into wilderness by Moses and ultimately failed and sinned in that wilderness and The perfect Israel Jesus Christ who comes on the scene and is entering into the wilderness
Not by the flesh not by the weakness of the flesh, but rather by the power of the
Spirit and in this state He does what natural Israel could not do and that is withstand the attacks and the schemes of the wicked one verse 2 says for 40 days being tempted by the devil reminiscent of the 40 years that Israel spent in the wilderness
And he ate nothing those days and when they were ended he was hungry
Yeah, no kidding, right? Wouldn't you be hungry I get most of you probably are hungry right now
And you can't wait for lunch you say preacher how much longer you got here Because some of us we we can't even hold it for 12 hours.
Let alone 24 hours. Let alone 40 days But Jesus was operating on a different plane
Jesus was operating in the Spirit Operating in a life that that was able to to withstand the
Limitations of the earthly fleshly nature because have no doubt about this
Jesus was truly a man 100 % man that half man half
God. He was fully man Everything you feel when you're hungry.
Guess what our Savior felt likewise The grumbling of his stomach the migraines and the pain
Associated with not eating of depriving oneself and one's body of precious nutrients
All those things were felt by the Savior But again, he was filled with the
Holy Spirit and Because of this though, he was hungry Though he had every fleshly
Disadvantage when the devil came to him and said this in verse 3 if You are the
Son of God command this stone To become bread
You know, what's curious about that is? The answer or the question posed by the enemy if you are the
Son of God Do you think Satan didn't know who he was speaking to Do you think
Satan didn't know that he was standing before the presence of his majesty of the
King of Kings and Lord of Lords Why does he then pose this question? because again
Knowing the limitations of the human flesh Satan was able to attempt
To cause doubt in the man Jesus Christ After 40 days of hunger 30 40 days of thirst 40 days of wandering being exhausted you might begin to doubt
Yourself who you are and what you stand for? You might begin to ask yourself questions.
Is this truly my calling? Is this truly who I am? Is this truly what I'm about? It's in the wilderness where we are tempted and we're tried our person are our
Convictions are put to the test It's in the wilderness and it's because of this.
It's Satan knowing fully. Well who this person is Begins to try to put seeds of doubt similarly as we see the serpent
Satan the devil do in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve When they begin to when
Satan begins to tempt Eve by saying did God actually say
Did God actually say this? Because you if you eat of this tree of knowledge of good evil, you'll become like God and you'll your eyes will be opened begin to doubt the voice of God and begin to doubt one's place in God's economy and That is what
Satan is attempting to do here in the narrative of Jesus temptation He's attempting to to sow seeds of doubt in the man
Jesus Christ For he says if you're the Son of God command this stone to become bread
You're following the notes in the wilderness while in the state of hunger Satan tempted Jesus He tempted him
The Bible says that he was tempted and tried in every way but unlike us he remained without sin
Satan tempted Jesus has turned stones to bread thus break his fast and So Satan comes in the picture
He says I could you know If you're the Son of God command the stone to become bread and Jesus notice how he answers him in verse 4 it is written
Man shall not live by bread alone Notice the difference between how in the
Garden of Eden Eve Takes on this temptation When the devil says to her did
God actually say? She doesn't go to the authority of the word She begins to entertain the seeds of doubt that were planted by the wicked one
Jesus will not fall for that same trick He being filled with the
Spirit his first weapon of defense is these words it is written
Demonstrating that to Christ the authority Laid not in one's flesh nor in one's capacity to understand or perceive things
But rather it was in the Word of God Because in a state of hunger in a state of thirst you might perceive things a little bit differently
You're a partner Might look a little bit more annoying to you after a couple of hours of not eating and you're in the car and you're hungry
And you're annoyed at each other you begin to perceive things differently The same is true of course of Jesus in this instance.
He may begin to perceive things differently, but instead he focuses The if on the authority of God's Word by quoting from Deuteronomy Chapter 8 verse 3 where is written that man shall not live by bread alone by by every word that comes from the mouth of Jehovah That's his sustenance
That's his manna That is his bread is the Word of God in the notes
Jesus responds with the word how appropriate That Christ the
Word made flesh who dwelt among us of whom we beheld his glory he comes in the flesh and he defends the integrity of God's character and of God's name by Going to the very word of his father
By going to the source of authority the Word of God itself
Jesus responds with the word saying that man must not live on what? Bread that is earthly physical sustenance now you would think to yourself of course we need bread of course we need earthly sustenance
Man cannot live without earthly sustenance But it's not to live on that alone
Not to depend upon earthly means alone and dear Christian The world will have you more and more convinced that all you need is that which is right before your very eyes
That all you need is the bread. That's that's placed before you by your job by your employer by Facebook by Advertisers that the bread of the world provides all you need
But Jesus says man must not live on bread alone Earthly sustenance will only be for earthly good
And it will end at the end of your earthly course Because all bread even the manna that came from heaven spoils
But there is one manna in particular one sustenance that never spoils
One sustenance that will never be brought to shame one sustenance that will never fade away
And this is the word of the everlasting God of whom Jesus says heaven and earth shall pass away
But my words will by no means pass away his sustenance his words stand forever as It says in Isaiah 40 that the lilies of the fields and the grass quickly withers away, but the word of the
Lord stands forever Therefore we must not live on bread alone
Demonstrating that our spiritual sustenance on God's Word is our true source of power against the enemy
Again, it's the first thing Jesus goes to Jesus could appeal to many great things
Many great things that would even origin from his own mind because he himself is again the God man but yet he relies upon that which was already written that which already preceded him in This redemptive narrative and it's the
Word of God for it is written man shall not live by bread alone Now does the devil stop there?
No It says in verse 5 and the devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and Said to him to you.
I will give all this authority and their glory For it has been delivered to me and I will give it to whom
I will If you then will worship me it will all be yours
So much Important theological things that are coming out of this text that I just want to wrap with just at least a little bit of this
Satan is positioning himself as the ruler and God of this world in this statement
He takes him up with this high mountain and how Satan is able to show him all the kingdoms of the world is unbeknownst to us
Satan is a supernatural being with powerful spiritual powers he's able to demonstrate these things on to Christ and he takes him with this high mountain and Shows him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time
Think about that for a moment Think of Rome and its apex and its glory
Think of the kingdoms of the world in Persia Egypt Think of the great nations that were even unbeknownst to humans to the to the
Western world in the new world Think of all the kingdoms of the world and all their glory and all their progress
Being demonstrated to Christ in this moment And one of my favorite places to go in the
Bay Area when I go up to San Francisco in particular And I always take any time I have friends or family
I always take them to this place because it's my favorite and it's the Palace of Fine Arts You guys ever been to the
Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco? Absolutely beautiful architecture the reason I love it because it feels like I'm back in Roman times or Greco Roman times because this is a beautiful architecture and it's like we don't see this type of beauty anymore
This type of attention to detail. We don't see these beautiful things in Civilization anymore but instead
We see kind of what modern art looks like in modern Buildings just devoid of a certain beauty but friends
When Jesus is showed all the kingdoms of the world He's shown all the kingdoms were in their full splendor in their full glory
And it's interesting that Satan does this that Satan attempts to Bribe Jesus in this moment.
Why? Because the Bible says that all the nations belong to whom?
To the Lord and his anointed one in fact in Psalm 2. This is a messianic
Psalm. It teaches us That to Christ the Son all the nations will be his inheritance.
They'll all belong to him Therefore how is it then that? Satan can claim it as his own and then try to say
I'll give it to you Jesus if you will just worship me The answer is in the words found in the scripture itself in Luke chapter 4 and verse 6
It says to you. I will give all this authority and their glory for it has been delivered to me
Satan said the kingdoms of the world had been delivered to him by whom?
The answer is actually twofold One ultimately is God because the psalmist says that the
Lord reigns over the nations even then as the psalmist was writing This all the nations belong to the
Lord to Yahweh to Jehovah every single thing belongs to God So God has given temporarily
Authority to this wicked ruler in Satan but also,
I think it's another aspect of this that we don't focus on enough as well and Remember in the
Garden of Eden Whom did God put in charge to tend the garden and eventually the world and the nations it was?
man And what does man do he abdicates his responsibility? And he hands over that right to rule to Satan to the serpent
And so the serpent had been given this authority had been given this world and its nations to rule one by the sovereign hand of God but also by man
Refusing to rule as God had set forth in the garden We handed over our stewardship our rulership that was rightfully man's by God's decree in the garden to Satan the enemy
And so in this moment Satan can say with full confidence all the nations are under my hand and authority therefore
Jesus Instead of having to suffer on the cross Instead of having to go through this martyrdom
I can just give you the end result which is the nation's because at the end of human history What does Jesus have as his inheritance the nation's and Satan is saying you don't have to go through the sufferings
You don't have to go to the cross. I'll just give it to you But all you have to do is worship me.
That's the trade -off here If then you will worship me it will all be yours
Satan says Isn't that true also of the Christian experience and the
Christian life? Know this brothers and sisters that we to share and that great inheritance of Jesus Christ The nation should not only be his inheritance but we shall also share in that inheritance of the nation's to be co rulers co regents with the
Lord Jesus Christ and Yet so often Satan's temptation to the believer is likewise
Hey I'll give it to you fame money Women all these things.
I'll give it to you if You'll compromise If you break the law of God if you break the commandments,
I'll give it to you You don't have to go through all this hard life this process of sanctification where where you constantly have to die to yourself
Hey, I'll just give you what you want. It's what you want isn't and Jesus how does he respond to this great temptation?
He responds again in verse 8 it is Written it's the word
He goes back to the word before we move on from this This part of scripture here, though I want you if you're following the notes
Satan tempts Jesus by showing him all the kingdoms of the world and Offering it to Christ in exchange for an act of worship
Now again, why is this important to Satan the Bible teaches this about Satan that he is the ruler of this age
Jesus says as much in John 14 30 There's a nursery song that is often taught which is it's forbidden in my house, and it's goes like this
He's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the whole wide world. You know that song, right?
I don't we don't I don't allow my kids to sing that song for a very clear reason 1st John chapter 5 verse 19 says the whole world is lying in the hand of the wicked one
Is lying in the hand of the wicked one who holds the worldness in his hands at this current time in this current moment
It is the wicked one the evil one our ancient foe Satan the devil
Therefore We understand to know this as it's written in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4
That the God of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers So they may not see the glorious light of the gospel of Christ Satan is both the ruler and God of this present age.
I want you to write down the notes He's the ruler and God of this age He was not bluffing when he showed
Jesus the kingdoms of the world and Offered it to him in exchange for worship, but know this
What's interesting in Revelation chapter 11 not to get too deep into the book of Revelation here, but There's a statement that is startling
That says that now has come to pass That the kingdoms of this world have now become the kingdoms of our
God and of his Christ The time is fast approaching
When that statement will ring true from sea to sea From nation to nation
That all the kingdoms of the world and their fullness shall belong to God and to his
Messiah to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Therefore Satan's rule and Godship over this age is temporary and will soon be fleeting Because Christ is even now on the throne
So, how does Jesus respond to this again verse 8 He says it is written you shall worship the
Lord your God and him only Shall you serve in? a complete moment of Weakness where Jesus has no fleshly gas in the tank
What does he do? He refutes the claims of the enemy by going to the word
Which is the source of true power and sustenance for the believer The word doesn't change when you're hungry
The word doesn't change when you're sad the word doesn't change when you're happy Regardless of the circumstances of your individual life the truth of God's Word stands firm so always go in Times which are quickly changing and are like the swifting sands of the sea always go to the word for the solid
Advice not only for life but for all things but turn up that belong to life and godliness and So we continue to see how
Jesus responds to the enemy he goes to the source to the Word of God itself and he says to the devil you shall worship the
Lord your God and Him only shall you serve So again,
Jesus rebukes the devil following the notes and what you write this in Jesus rebukes the devil by pointing to God as the only rightful recipient of worship
You see what Satan was trying to do in this moment. He was trying to get Jesus to break the first commandment which is only to worship
God and we how can we as people as Christians Overcome similar temptations when
Jesus Answers the devil that you should worship Lord your God and him alone Shall you serve? We too are now be given this the example by which we are to walk in that when this when the enemy comes with temptation
We are to answer with God's Word But not only that It's not just a quotation of scripture that will save you on that day of temptation
But can I tell you that is a grand defense for the Christian Is to know scripture memorize it because when temptation comes
What's our what's our refutation to that temptation? It's the scriptures. It is written
Jesus knew the word he was able to quote the word and he was able to defend his
Integrity with the word that he had learned We too as Christians must learn to not only read scripture, but to memorize scripture.
It's her defense against the enemy But it's not just a memorization that saves us in times of temptation but it's knowing and receiving the heart of scripture
What do I mean by that? It's so often and clear especially sometimes and in reformed circles where we have a high knowledge of scripture high regard for scripture
But we don't always know and apply the intent of scripture So though we can know a lot of good things like good theology like true things we also must know why the why of scripture
Not just a what? What does the scripture say that's important, but why does scripture say it?
so that when Satan tempts Jesus Jesus and only just answer with the what what the scripture say, but he also goes to the why
Why am I not to bow down before Satan because it is the
Lord your God whom you shall serve That God is so infinitely worthy of my praise.
He's so infinitely worthy of my exclusive devotion Therefore the heart of the matter is not lost but is sustained in the trial temptation here
In verse 9 there's another temptation and he took him up to Jerusalem and Set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him
If you are the Son of God Throw yourself down from here for it is written. He will command his angels concerning you to guard you.
Well, would you look at this? This sneaky devil. What does he do? He notices what
Jesus is doing. He's quoting scripture And the devil says aha, I too can quote scripture a matter of fact
Beloved the devil knows the scriptures better than you do better than I do He's okay.
If we're gonna have this theological scuffle. I know what I know what to do. I can I can quote scripture he quotes psalm 91 a beautiful psalm
Concerning the preservation of God's people and he says that he knows that this all scripture points to Jesus So he says look at the scripture says he'll command his angels concerning you to guard you if you just toss yourself
You just throw yourself down. You'll you'll you'll you'll show and demonstrate to the world that you are the Son of God You'll demonstrate that the angels will guard you protect you that not one thing would strike even your foot
Sneaky devil he comes at Jesus with the word
Now this is why we have to learn to overcome temptation and evil like Jesus in the last part of that last
Note there that didn't give you is we can overcome temptation like Jesus by loving
God More than we love the fleeting pleasures of this world and that takes us
To this temptation that Jesus is encountering here where he's brought to the pinnacle of the temple and Satan throws this
Temptation at him by saying throw yourself down Because the scripture says you'll be protected you'll be alright
Nothing will happen to you. You won't that the Lord won't let your foot Strike a stone against it
You'll be protected But Jesus loves
God and loves the commandments of God more than the fleeting pleasure of Sin more than the fleeting pleasures of being magnified and glorified in one moment of time because again a lot of the temptations that are being dealt with our temptation for glory
When Jesus has given all the kingdoms of the world all their glory without the suffering when he's brought to the pinnacle of the temple to fall down so that God may show up and Protect his anointed one and at that moment many people would have come to believe that he's the promised one
If they saw this event happen and Jesus would just throw himself and angels would come attend him Many surely would come to know that he's the
Messiah Many would surely come to accept him as the king Yet it was an undue glory in which the
Lord God was being put to the test Therefore it would not be appropriate appropriate for Christ To do any of these things because he loved
God more than he loved the fleeting pleasures of this world In the last temptation
Jesus or the last temptation Satan uses scripture what you write down there as well He uses scripture to try to convince
Jesus jump off the temple Again, what does Jesus respond with? He responds in verse 12 and Jesus answered him
It is said you shall not put the Lord your God to the test So what does he do?
He refutes Satan's claim again with the authority of the word Jesus here is rightly handling the word of truth is
Satan rightly handling the word no neither do our foes in false religion whether it be
Roman Catholicism Mormonism Jehovah's Witnesses their false religion of Islam all these religions will appeal to Authority such a scripture and says doesn't it's not written in Scripture.
Does it not say this? Friends even the devil himself can quote Scripture Jesus is not only quoting
Scripture. He's rightly exegeting Scripture. He's rightly coming to the intent of Scripture the why of Scripture Therefore we too must learn from his from from Jesus example and how to overcome temptation
Not just by knowing the word not just by memorizing the word, but by properly exegeting the word in our day -to -day life
That's how we come to a full and accurate knowledge of God's truth, and it's how we can come become overcomers like Jesus Not just by knowing the word but by living it and applying it in day -to -day life
Jesus response is not to put the Lord God to the test we're not to put the
Lord to the test and Friends, it's so often in our own lives where we do such things where we put the
Lord to the test And we do so in various means and sometimes we do without even noticing that we're doing it an example of that would be
When we say God, I I don't I don't know that I trust you With my finances
God, I know that I trust you with this illness I've given my life to you
Lord, but but there but there's certain areas of my life where I just need to have the control Where I just want to be the one in charge
Lord and and we put the Lord to the test By not recognizing that everything belongs to him
Your life belongs to him your car belongs to him your house belongs to him your job belongs to him
Your finances your marriage your children Everything that you have everything that you've touched everything that you've theorized in your life belongs to him
It's all his Therefore do not put him to the test, but rather Trust in him have a full devotion to him as Christ did
Christ was fully devoted to the Father Christ was fully devoted to doing the will of the one who sent him
We have been sent into this world by our Father and We too must live not by bread alone
But by every word that comes from the mouth of God at the word is our very sustenance
Our the word is the very foundation of us as not only as as as Christians But as human beings having a experience and a life in this fallen world
The Word of God truly is our defense Against this ancient foe
Brothers and sisters, I want to give you three quick things sign the notes But I want you to have
I want you to have in mind three schemes that the devil often uses in order to deprive us of the riches of God in Christ and the first thing that Satan does
And the first thing you to recognize about the devil which Jesus was able to recognize from the onset of this temptation journey is
That Satan is a liar He's a liar So what will he do?
Satan as the original liar will deny God's Word and Substitute it with his own
He denies God's Word and he'll substitute it with his own this is what we see in Genesis chapter 3 when
Adam and Eve is are tempted in the garden and Eve says quoting from God God said if we eat of this we will surely die and what's the first thing that Satan does he questions
God's Word he says did God really say that and Then he substitute
God's Word with his own with his own lies The second thing
That we have to recognize in regard to the schemes of the wicked one of Satan the devil who is our enemy
Is that Satan is the ultimate counterfeiter? He has a counterfeit gospel.
He often comes of counterfeit Christ. He often comes of a counterfeit gospel All these things he's a great counterfeiter.
And so you get to recognize The counterfeit from the genuine article we've talked a little bit about that in our
Sunday school this morning And we can only do so we have a firm grasp of God's Word He seeks to mislead the world with many of his counterfeits whether it be a counterfeit
Christ counterfeit church counterfeit gospel And the last thing you know about the enemy is that the enemy seeks to makes to make us
Ignorant of God's Word So many Christians today don't have a good grasp of the
Bible Which is why when the Jehovah Witness or Mormon comes knocking on their door
They don't know how to answer the objections brought by the cults if they encounter other religious groups or maybe secular people
They don't have a right defense for the scriptures why Because they have fallen prey to an ignorance that is ungodly
Ignorance of Scripture is ungodly brothers and sisters Do not be ignorant of the word but truly fully devote yourself to its teaching and one of the ways that we can do this is by regularly
Reading the scriptures day to day We're a church that emphasizes family worship where we we we we appeal to your brothers and sisters
To regularly worship God by reading the word by studying it together as a family
By singing praises to God these are things that are a defense for our for us as individuals and they're also a defense for our homes and So we implore you brothers and sisters
Continue to actively seek these things be regular in your attendance here with the body of Christ at church
Do not forsake the gathering of ourselves as many have come accustomed to doing so But rather that we would draw near to each other as the day itself is drawing near Friends, let us not grow complacent in our most precious and holy faith
Because the hour of our salvation is nearer now than it was when we first received this incredible gospel
And so please brothers and sisters do not grow faint or weary But in due time
God will grant you the reward of that crown that unfading crown of Life there is reserved for you and me
Should we continue in this gospel truth? Should we continue seeking first the kingdom of God in its righteousness?
So that on that great day when we stand before Christ we stand approved in him and in him alone
May you continue to overcome evil like Jesus? By appealing to the
Word of God as the authority for all things, let me pray gracious an abundant
King Even the Lord Jesus Christ we come before you Thankful for the word
Thankful that you've given to us all that is needed to overcome the schemes of the enemy so that we are not ignorant of All that he does to try to Attempt to break our commitment to Christ and our commitment to the things of God's kingdom
Because you have given us your word The word which powers us the word which sanctifies us the word which purifies us
So that we may become more like Jesus Lord help us in this aspect of life as temptation
Crawls and rears its ugly head in all of our lives We pray Lord that you'd help us to overcome temptation overcome evil like Jesus That we would learn from the foot of them at the foot of the master
How we are to overcome? not by brute strength Not by bootstrapping these things not by going and putting ourselves in harm's way, but rather that we would overcome these things by devoting ourselves to the teaching reading and application of scripture
Lord help us in all these things to be more than overcomers through him who loved us We pray
God that you'd strengthen the believers here Lord If there's people here who have not yet come to know Christ as Savior They have not yet come to this living word
So they may be sanctified and set free of sin and become heirs of Christ's kingdom We pray
Lord that you would invoke in their hearts even now a desire to know you desire to come and draw near to you
For it says in Scripture should Christ be lifted up. He shall draw all men unto himself
We pray Lord that you draw such individuals even now Onto yourself through the grace and mercy of our