Role Models for Going to Hell (Part 1)


In 1993, Charles Barkley got in trouble saying, “I am not a role model.” Did you know that false teachers can prove to be role models - for going to Hell? #avoid 


Role Models for Hell (Part 2)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry. Mike Abendroth, Abendroth, Abendroth, I don't know the background of everything,
German, that is, of course, the last name. And who knows, maybe a little Jewish flavor there, whether you have
Goldstein or Silversmith or Evening Red. See, that's how they do things back then.
Or maybe they do things that way now. I try to track down my ancestors outside of Berlin, try to find the cemetery where some old
Abnerotes were buried, but couldn't really find them. I think at Omaha Bible Church, there's an
Abendroth and an Ebenroth there. So that's the way it goes. Mike at NoCompromiseRadio .com,
if you want to write me. What do we have? We have sexual fidelity books, if you want to buy them in bulk, they're probably about half price, be a good men's study book.
Every other month or so at Bethlehem Bible Church, we have a men's night, Sunday night from 5 .30
to 6 .30, 7 o 'clock, something like that. And it's basic, no singing, no this, that, or the other. We just open in prayer and then either another guy, or usually myself,
I talk about sexual purity and sexual fidelity as a man to men, and then with age appropriate sons.
I let the men decide what is age appropriate for their own family, but it pretty much should be after you've had the talk, the sex talk with the boys, then that's age appropriate.
And by the way, that tends to be getting, or should tend to get talked about a lot sooner these days with so much technology in the hands of children, they can easily figure out what sex is via pornography, which would be the wrong way to learn.
I want to teach my children and have taught them about it before anybody else does in a
God -centered way in the privacy of a home with my wife sitting next to me, working through some of those things.
I think a lot of parents don't talk about this subject. Maybe I should do a whole show on this, but they don't talk about it because they're embarrassed.
Well, override your feelings, dad, and be embarrassed, right?
When the revelation, the kid puts two and two together in the sense that this is what it is, and this is what mom and dad does.
Mom and dad, you do this. Yeah, there's some red faces and some laughing and giggling and stuff like that, but it needs to be done.
Anyway, that was all, and we don't record the Sunday nights here at the church.
We just regularly do them, and I think the guys really need and enjoy discussions that will help them keep their eyes pure.
I mean, 2 Peter talks about false teachers whose eyes are full of adultery. Every woman they look at, they're sizing up what would it be like to be in bed with her, and we have to be careful as men that our sinful flesh driven by testosterone doesn't become.
We want to use women. We want to serve women and lay our lives down for women, and then in the marital bed, there is no defiling action, and you show love to one another in bed, and everything works out fine.
Anyway, enough of that subject. I have gotten in trouble in the past, not on the radio show, but teaching that subject, because while I stay away from the way
Mark Driscoll talks about the Song of Solomon in some of his past escapades, theological de -escapades,
I just try to stick behind the text. I do try to talk about it in a way that is direct, not pornographic, not even necessarily graphic, although some of the scenes in scripture you go, ooh.
But anyway, just in a direct way, like a father to a son. And I think the trouble lies, obviously, it could lie with me, but I think more often the trouble lies with this topic where dads aren't teaching the sons from the
Bible about this, and not teaching them about it in life in general, and the church isn't doing it, the youth group isn't doing it, and therefore, when somebody actually does teach
Proverbs 5, let her breast satisfy you at all times, a dad talking to a son about marital love, then it's just weird.
It's odd. By the way, I never thought I'd talk like that when I became a pastor, but we teach the full counsel of God, and this is an important subject.
I guess I should just keep talking about this, because what
I wanted to talk about on this show today is something completely different, but hey, since it's my show, and there's only so many one -star reviews you can give.
Oh, one last thing. I did give a one -star review. I'm not a big reviewer, Amazon book reviews, and Goodreads reviews, and it takes too much time.
It's one more thing people can fight about. I don't need to have everybody know what
I think about every book that I read. I mean, when I read a book and finish it, I open it back to the front page, and I write down the date that I finished it, like April 2021, and I give it a grade,
A, A-, that kind of stuff. But I don't want to try to figure out exactly how to critique it.
I did enough book reviews in seminary and for master's work and doctoral work, small
D. I don't need to keep writing reviews. I'm done. I have people review books in my classes.
I don't review them anymore on paper, mentally, yes. Anyway, the company that was in Canada and put a fence at the government's command, put a fence around the church,
Grace something church or whatever where Coates is. They put the fence around. I did find somebody gave a link to the fence company, and I did give them a one -star review because you couldn't do minus one stars, and I said, when was the last time you put a fence around a mosque?
That's like the only thing I've done lately, but I felt good when
I did it. Oh, years ago,
I remember Charles Barkley got in a lot of trouble. These days, if you listen to Charles Barkley make comments, most of the time his social comments are pretty good.
How society, media, government, and educators will try to separate the races and make us mad at people who aren't our race.
And they conquer and divide or divide and conquer. I switched that around because sometimes it's
Joshua. The first 12 chapters conquer, and then the next 12 chapters divide.
That's how you think of Joshua, but it's the opposite of what normally people do. They divide and conquer.
And Barkley said something that was even more controversial back in 1993.
He said, remember in the Nike ad campaign, Nike ad campaign, that he was not a what role model.
And people said, yes, you are. Others said, you're right, you're not a role model.
Barkley was a basketball player for the Phoenix Suns. And I think that year he won the
National Basketball Association, the NBA's MVP, most valuable player.
And he went to the finals where he lost to Michael Jordan and the Bulls. And Barkley said, quote,
I am not a role model. I'm not paid to be a role model. I'm paid to wreck havoc on the basketball court.
Parents should be role models. Just because I dunk a basketball doesn't mean I should raise your kids.
Wow. Now, maybe you're saying, yeah, that's true.
Parents should be the role models. But people do look up to you.
So be careful what you say and do. Even though you might not want to be, even though you shouldn't be, you should at least have enough wherewithal to say, well, but I better be careful because I, like it or not, am a role model.
I don't want to be, but I am. A role model basically means you look at someone and by their example or success or behavior, you say,
I'm going to do what they do. And usually younger people have role models. This goes back to sociologist
Robert K. Merton, who coined this phrase, role model. I read one article and it said five qualities of positive role models.
Passion and ability to inspire. That's one. Two, clear set of values. Three, commitment to community.
Four, selflessness and acceptance of others. Five, ability to overcome obstacles.
Five positive attributes of a role model so that you can help other people with their lives.
Well, today on No Compromise Radio, we're going to look at the bottom five qualities of a negative role model.
I guess everybody's a role model, right? You're either a good role model or a bad one. And we're going to talk about negative role models, things that you see in other people and you need to avoid.
And these are negative role models that false teachers, these are attributes of false teachers.
So positively, oh, we look for people as a role model. These are like D role models, role
D models. And you don't want to do these things. And these false teachers in chapter two, verse 10b through 16, in second
Peter chapter two, these are the five negative qualities. No fear of the Lord, no real sense of salvation, no real knowledge rather of salvation, no sense of shame, no fulfillment and satisfaction and forsaking
God's way. You could maybe say no repentance if you'd like. When you see these kinds of people, you ought not to emulate or imitate or follow them.
Instead, you should say, yuck. I don't know what makes you say that's gross for me.
I see you have seen a lot of things in the operating room and those kinds of stories that doesn't make me gross out.
Some people can't stand blood that doesn't really gross me out. Maybe it was a lot of my blood, it might.
But if it was too much, I'd probably pass out for lack of blood, not because I was grossed out about it.
You know, what grosses you out? This should, the way false teachers act, it should be gross.
So today in No Compromise Radio Ministry, role models for going to hell. If you'd like to go to hell,
I present to you the false teachers and their fruit found in second
Peter chapter two, 10b through 16. Actually goes on farther to the end of the chapter, verses 17 through 22 are eye -opening as well, but I don't have time for those and I won't get through chapter two, verse 16 today anyway, but at least we're going to give it a good try.
Role models for going to hell, how to go to hell. You want a practical sermon, a how -to sermon, practical application, here you go.
Number one, if you'd like to go to hell, follow the role model that says, I have no fear of the Lord, no fear of the
Lord. And the key here in chapter two, verse 10b, remember 10 is split in terms of the sentence ends at 10, right in the center.
And so that's why we leave 10a and 10b in our vocab. You're going to see the word blasphemy, blaspheming, blasphemous, false teachers.
They are bold and willful, chapter two, verse 10. They do not tremble as they blaspheme the glorious ones.
Whereas angels, though they throw greater in might and power, do not pronounce a blasphemous judgment against them before the
Lord. These false teachers are so reckless, are so audacious, are so arrogant, and they have such little regard for any authority that when it comes to angels, they pronounce blasphemous judgments against angels before the
Lord. They are flippant, they are casual, they don't understand the power of Satan or angels or Michael or Gabriel, archangels.
They don't really give a care about Satan is roaming to and fro, seeking to devour people, first Peter chapter five.
They want to do things in such a manner that they don't care what it means for anyone else.
We, false teachers, have a song that we like to sing, and we sing, we did it our way.
We do what we want. When it comes to glories, most people think that's like an angelic majesty.
Although some say it's not an angel, it's a magistrate of a government or even an elder at a church.
But that's kind of funny, isn't it? You can call me, how many glories do you have?
Well, there are four elders slash glories at the church. I'm sure he's talking about angels here, majestic angels, glories.
And we'll talk in just a moment about are they good angels or bad angels? Are they holy angels or fallen angels? The point though, the main point is not to get bogged down into what kind of angels are these, but to see the attitude and the fruit of these role models if you want to go to hell.
Be bold, be willful. You're not going to have anybody tell you what to do. One man said, with bold, effrontery, vomited forth reproaches.
That's what they do. They don't care. You could translate it presumptuous.
You could translate things defiant, obstinate. I'm going to do whatever I want, when
I want, as often as I want it, and you're not going to tell me what to do. There's no respect for angelic majesties and glories.
You should have healthy respect. I mean, John, what did John do in the book of Revelation? He bows, right?
He begins to worship angels. John the apostle, no slouch himself, begins to worship angels.
Why? Because if you met an angel, you would too, but you'd be told not to do it because it's improper to do.
It should be the reflex to do. In one sense, even though it's the bad reflex, the angels don't even get that.
They're not even like, wow, these beings are so impressive. These beings are so different.
And whether they're good angels or bad angels, that's not the point at the moment. The point is, they don't respect anybody.
They don't respect anyone. Nothing will put them in their place and nothing will restrain them.
Of course, church leaders are, you know, local magistrates, that's true. But here, I really think your options are good angels or bad angels, slash fallen angels.
These false teachers, they don't want to regard anything that the Bible says.
We don't care what God says. Well, then it makes perfect sense that they won't care what angels do, say, or are.
They don't care. They don't care anything about that. They're bold and arrogant.
Jude is a parallel passage to 2 Peter. And you can study both at the same time. If you buy a commentary on 2
Peter, Jude is usually included and vice versa. Jude 8 and 9.
Yet in like manner, these people also relying on their dreams, defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme the glorious ones.
But when the archangel Michael contending with the devil was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, the
Lord rebuke you. That's what Jude says. These false teachers, there's no fear.
There's no fear of the Lord. The beginning of wisdom is what? The fear of the
Lord. There's no fear. They're so arrogant. They're so slanderous. They're so blasphemous.
The glorious ones you ought not to do this to. You should be saying, you know what? This is
God's realm. This is above my pay grade. God will judge and I will just stay out of this.
I'm in over my head. But these role models of negative actions and attitudes are graphic.
So that you say, I do not want to follow the teachings of someone so daring, so self -willed, so self -pleasing, so, you know what?
We don't care who gets in our way. We are going to do what we want and how we want it.
We don't fall down with respect to angels. We don't tremble.
We don't care. We are going to revile and injure the reputation of other people.
We don't care if those other people are in the church, out of the church. We don't care if it's disrespecting
God himself or angels. We're not going to do this. Some people would say these are just regular angels.
But I think with a Jude reference there, these are bad angels. When I meet people, by the way, and in the past, you've probably heard about them too, when it comes to Satan and demons.
I watched charismatic television, you know, in the past, and they're getting cast out and thrown in and bound and hedges around and thorns around and thistles around and incarcerated and rebuked and Lord rebuke you and I'm casting you out in the name of Jesus and all this stuff.
I think this verse sheds some light on that. That's not the tact that you should be taking.
If you want to do the right thing. But that is the tact of the bad false teachers, the bad role models.
This is supposed to be an indictment. This is supposed to be, do you know what? I don't want to follow these people.
There's no good scenario for you to be bold and willful and reject all kinds of authority and not understand the sense of propriety theologically.
There's a theological propriety. And what happens is these people are not afraid and they're not afraid of the
Lord. There's no fear of the Lord. So if you would like to go to hell, just don't have any fear of the Lord. If you want to know the center of the book of Job, Job is a difficult book, yet so rich and so full of things.
Some chapters easier than others, of course, to remember and or study. Behold, the fear of the
Lord, that is wisdom. And to turn away from evil is understanding. That's Job 28, 28.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, Psalm 111. The fear of the
Lord is the beginning of knowledge, Proverbs 1, 7. The fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom, Proverbs 9, 10. There's to be an awe and a reverence and a humility and a ranking in your mind.
Well, this is who the Lord is. And this is how I'm to regard Him. He's holy and transcendent and awesome and glorious.
And I must therefore want to honor Him and to please Him and to respect Him. I remember what
Paul says in Romans 3, 18. There's no fear of God in their eyes. That's for unbelievers.
That's for false teachers, right? Remember the criminal hung on the cross next to Jesus saying to the unrepentant criminal, don't you fear
God, Luke 23, verse 40. You've got unjust judges in Luke 18 that don't fear
God and don't care about men. John Murray wrote, the fear of God is the soul of godliness.
If we are thinking of the marks of biblical piety, none is more characteristic than the fear of the
Lord. And they are not godly, these false teachers. They're not pious.
They're lawless and rebellious. And if you want to look for a root for their corrupt fruit, you're going to see no fear of the
Lord. Remember back in the day when people in our circles were known as God -fearing people?
We don't talk that way anymore. Why is that? Well, there are evangelical Christians.
There are mainline Christians. There are liberal Christians. There are woke Christians. There are fascist Christians. I mean,
I guess the list could go on for names. What about God -fearing Christians?
Might get me on more radio stations. Hey, I forgot.
We're on in Wyoming. No Compromise Radio has doubled its outreach. So we have the podcast, and now we're on Amazon.
Hey, Alexa, play No Compromise Radio. You can do that, I think. We're on Spotify. Luke was bugging me to do that, so Spencer took care of that.
That's great. Maybe with Jonathan Newton's help. And then we were on a station in Alaska.
I forgot the name of the station, but they just said, can we play your stuff? Yes. And we're on in Wyoming.
Brian Onstead is a pastor, and I think it's a church affiliation. The radio station's affiliated with that church.
So that's double. From Alaska to Wyoming, we are on two stations.
Now I can start saying nationwide. Well, half the nation, the western part. We're on two stations west of the
M -I -S -S -I -S -S -I -P -P -I, the Mighty Moe. We're west of the Mighty Moe.
What's the next river over there? Let's see. On one side of Grand Junction is
Wyoming. The other side is Alaska. So I guess on both sides of the Continental Divide.
Continental Reformers. Oh, that would be something different. My name's Mike Abenroth, No Compromise Radio.
It's time to land the plane. Twenty four and a half minutes goes by very, very quickly. Don't forget thepactum .org.
Don't forget Omaha Bible Church with Bethlehem Bible Church and NOCO Radio. Israel 2022,
February 23rd. Email me for more details. Love to see you there. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abenroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.