WWUTT 1500 Q&A Gentle Answer, Furtick Almighty, and Podcast Reviews

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Responding to questions from listeners about Proverbs 15:1, Steven Furtick calling himself God Almighty, and reading your podcast reviews on this 1500th episode. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


The Bible says a gentle answer turns away wrath, even the wrath of God.
Stephen Furtick called himself God Almighty, and we're reading your reviews of this podcast.
That's today on the 1500th episode of When We Understand the Text. Welcome to the 1500th episode of When We Understand the
Text, studying the Word of God in context that we may walk not as unwise, but as wise, making the best use of the time because the days are evil.
Visit our website at www .utt .com. Here once again is Pastor Gabe. Thank you,
Becky. You're welcome. 1 ,500 episodes. 1 ,500.
Millennial and a half. And we're recording this from our kitchen table.
Yes. Sounds a little different. It sounds kind of like we're in a paper towel roll.
It is echoey everywhere. It's just... It is. It is. That's all right.
You get to hear everything. This is the least carpeted house we've lived in. Definitely.
Yes. Well, until we got the carpet pulled up in that first house. That's true.
Yeah. The whole house was carpeted. Then we discovered there was this nice oak floor underneath it.
It was beautiful. Who covered that up? Yeah. It's because it had a hole in it. Remember? Well, yeah. Like a three foot by three foot plywood hole.
It was. I mean, it was hardly anything. It was. And that didn't cost much to fix at all. It didn't. It was amazing. So, we tore that carpet up and only got to enjoy that house for a year with the hardwood floor.
I don't even think it was a full year. I don't think it was a year. Yeah. And then we moved into the next house that was completely carpeted, even the bathrooms.
Yes. It was so weird. And the kitchen. The kitchen. The kitchen carpet. Yeah. Yes. That was just a thing you did in the 80s.
It was odd. You just carpeted everything. But when you're doing sound in a house like that, you know, when we're.
It's perfect. Exactly. Yeah. You set up microphones to record a podcast. A voice didn't go anywhere.
It just stayed contained. It was like it was one giant sound studio. Yeah. Then we moved into this house.
The whole upstairs is carpeted. Yes. But the downstairs, it's just a big hollow paper towel roll.
So we're echoing our way through the 1500th episode. I hope you can bear with us.
We couldn't get over to the church to record. If you've been listening for a long time, you know that's where the studio has been set up in a little storage closet at the church.
But Becky is becoming less and less mobile. I hit nine months.
We're at nine months pregnancy now. Expecting a little boy,
September 8th. Ish. Ish. Yeah. Depending on his timetable. Yes. And people are asking us if we have a name picked.
No. In fact, Becky just said today, you pick a name because we haven't got one yet.
Yeah. I didn't pick Zeej's name. You did. Uh -huh. And you picked Aria's.
Aria's name. And then you've picked Annie's and Mariah's. Right. Mm -hmm. So this one has to be collaborative.
So that way we're even. Sure. Well, we can take what the kids want to name him. Twinkle Star and Zebra.
Yeah. He's going to come out Zebra Twinkle Star Hughes. That's, I don't think that's going to come out very well.
It's not going to go over well later in life. We'll put it that way. We could go the
Native American route, you know, and just wait. Wait a while until like certain traits show up.
Then we'll name him, this is our son falls off his tricycle. Trips a lot.
This is trips a lot. We call him trip for short. We've got it. We've got it figured out.
All right. So anyway, I was supposed to start with a Bible verse here. We're not getting anywhere. Yesterday we were in Proverbs and I started with Proverbs 15.
One, a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
And we talked mostly about the practical implications of that. But I didn't think of this until later.
Okay. The gentle answer that we are given is the gospel. Yes. And the message of the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ having died on the cross for our sins and rose again from the grave.
That good news turns away God's wrath. Yeah. But a harsh word, someone who continues to rebel against the gentle word of that gospel, stirs up anger, the anger of God.
Yes. We've done violence against God, having broken his law and rebelled against him.
What we deserve is judgment. And yet what we receive is gentleness, mercy, grace, the love of God that is demonstrated by his son.
And that's what we've been committed to teaching here on this program and have done so now for 1500 episodes.
Praise God. Yes. Amen. Thank you, Lord, for giving us the opportunity to be able to do this.
And of course, coming up on the 1500th episode, I had to include Becky. Yes, he was pretty insistent.
I mean, the last couple of episodes you haven't been on. Right. So that's why I moved the equipment home and I got all this set up in our big hollow tube of a downstairs.
You just never know from one day to the next if I'm going to have a good day or a bad day.
That's right. At least until this baby comes. Well, we're at our kitchen table.
I don't know if that's if I said exactly where we are. But so you got the hum of the refrigerator in the background.
And, you know, I've already turned the AC off. I was going to say, yeah, I've got a blower right here next to me. So it would it would just go right into the mic.
That would be interesting. So grab your cup of coffee because that's where we're at. Yeah, that's right.
We're right here at breakfast with you or if you're listening at lunch. Dr. Pepper for you. Dr. Pepper.
I don't drink coffee. Every time I come into work in the morning, I come in with my can of Dr.
Pepper in hand or I've got an Arnold Palmer. It's it's one of the two. Sunjoy. Sunjoy. According to Chick -fil -A.
I always want to call it a sun kissed. And I'm like, that's not right. No, no, no, no, no. I don't do the orange soda. Yeah.
Occasionally. Sunjoy. Yeah. I got to remember that. So everybody's used to seeing me with, you know, something other than coffee.
And they know. Yep. Dr. Pepper. That's Gabe's morning beverage of choice. Yes. So on Friday's podcasts, we take questions from the listeners.
We do. And you can send those questions to when we understand the text at gmail .com. We're doing things a little different today.
We're not taking questions. We're actually going to be reading your compliments. This is something
I very, very rarely do is go to the Apple podcast page and read the reviews that are on there.
I haven't done this in. It's been a couple of years. It has been a long time since I was last on there.
So I grabbed a bunch of the reviews. And that's what we're going to go through today. Since we're hitting our 1500th episode, you can leave us a review.
That would be great. If you throw up four stars for us, five, five stars.
I'm just going to say, I'm kind of looking at you like what? I'm low balling myself.
Four. Okay. I mean, people usually ask for five. I'm trying to be trying to be humble.
Yeah. You know, just being humble. Little wiggle room there. We currently have room for improvement.
That's exactly right. That's it. We currently have a rating of 4 .8
out of five. So that's awesome. There's a couple of one stars in there. Somebody was.
I doubt they even listen. It's like, I hate what I don't like Gabe stuff. He says on Twitter, one star, you know, just people being trolls.
But if you would leave a review and give us a rating, that would be great.
It helps more people find the podcast. Very true. So we're going to go through some of these reviews that we've received.
But first, in addition to the 1500th episode posting today,
I've also published a new what video. Now, this is one I've promised for two months, but it's taken me that long to finally get this video done.
It's with regards to a sermon that Stephen Furtick preached two months ago. Okay. In which he accidentally said,
I think this was a gaffe. I don't think he meant to say this, but he said, I am
God almighty. I remember that. Did you hear it? I did. Okay.
Well, I'm going to play the clip. Oh, yeah. Are you looking forward to hearing some Stephen Furtick today? Thanks.
Here we go. I don't think I actually listened to it. I think it was one of those where like the captions pop up, you know.
Oh, yeah. It might have been on one of the Twitter things. And so I didn't have to listen to it, but now I get to. Now you do.
This is him doing his whole hype man routine, and he declares that he's
God almighty. Are you ready? Here we go. I'm not in covenant with a person. I'm not in covenant with a political party.
I'm in covenant with God almighty. Oh, boy.
I mean, how do you recover? I don't know. Like, I would totally lose it if I realized what
I just said. Well, if you watch the video, and the what video that I've published does play the clip.
So you get to see him doing that. You can tell in his body language. Uh -oh. Sink or swim.
At the end of this next part, in fact. So he doesn't stop and apologize. Uh -huh.
Right. In his expression, you can kind of tell he knows that he just said something stupid. Right. So he doesn't stop and apologize.
He just tries to keep right on going. At the end of this clip that I'm playing, which is just the continuation of what
I just played, he facepalms at the end. He's walking toward the back of the stage and just puts his hand over his face.
Oh, boy. So here we go. You ready? Sure. That's not your station.
That's not your end. It's in me.
It's in me. It is God. And we're gonna need you. And facepalm.
So, like, they were still cheering. Like, nobody quieted down at all. I know. So were they not paying attention?
They just don't care. Yeah. Well, I guess if you're going for the feels. Oh, but you'll love what he said when everybody finally calmed down and everything at the end of that.
Uh -huh. Like, the clapping tapers off and everybody sits back down. All right. Listen to what he says next.
Oh, boy. Can't wait. Are y 'all confused? I'm confused. Yep. Oh, boy.
Yep. It's kind of like a moment of honesty there. Yeah. He just, you know. That was his apology.
That was his acknowledgement. I just said something stupid. But in case you missed it,
I'm not gonna draw your attention to exactly what it was. Right. But this is a man who constantly wanders off into vain discussion, which is exactly what the
Apostle Paul tells Timothy to avoid at the beginning of his first letter to Timothy.
First Timothy chapter one, where he says, do not pay any attention to myths, which give rise to mere speculation rather than furthering the stewardship of God, which is by faith.
And then in his second letter in Second Timothy chapter two, he says to avoid godless and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness and their word will spread like gangrene.
Verse 15, be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
That's not what Stephen Furtick does. No. Not accurately handling the word of truth. So, therefore, he wanders off into myth and vain discussion and leads people astray into ungodliness.
Yeah. When you are not teaching the gospel and that which flows from the gospel of Jesus Christ, which produces godliness.
If you're not producing godliness, you're producing what? The devil schemes. That's right.
Godlessness. Yeah. So the teaching of Furtick does not grow the people of God. In fact, leads them into ungodliness.
So be in prayer for people who are led astray by teaching such as this, that they would repent and come to the true knowledge of Christ and listen to right teachers like right here on this program.
Amen. Share what with somebody else. It's how the word about our show has gotten out is because somebody else has talked about it.
We've never paid for any promotion. No. People found our videos in the very beginning because Todd Freel was playing them.
Yes. That was pretty awesome. He was kind of the first guy anyway. I do have to give credit to Chris Roseboro.
Yes. Of anybody else like outside of what I do. So other people with podcasts and stuff like that.
Okay. Yeah. The first person to ever do one was Chris Roseboro with Pirate Christian Radio. So thank you to Chris.
And then after him, and it might have been that Todd Freel found these through Chris. It could be.
I don't really know the chain of events. But then Todd started playing them on Wretched.
Yeah. And he played like half a dozen of them before I finally contacted Todd and said,
Hey, I'm the guy making those videos. Thanks for playing them. So a lot of folks have said that that's how they ended up finding when we understand the text.
And it was from the videos that we started doing the podcast six years ago this month.
Yeah. So it's not only our 1500th episode. It was six years ago in August 2015 that we started doing the podcast.
Happy anniversary. Yeah. And Jeff in Georgia says, I've listened to every single episode.
Oh, wow. I think I started listening when you were on episode six. I caught up quickly and I haven't stopped.
Great biblical teaching will do that. Jeff, you're awesome. That's really sweet. In fact,
Jeff, if you're going to be at G3, come to our booth at G3. And I'll give you a free book.
That's awesome. Just for saying you've been listening since episode, well, six, but technically one.
He's listened to all of them. He backed up. Yeah, that's true. That's great. I'll give you a free book,
Jeff. Thank you so much for your comment. Joshua in Texas said on Twitter, I still remember episode one.
That's amazing. That was a long time ago. I don't remember episode one. Now, here's the real trivia question for you.
Do you remember episode zero? Oh. There was a prequel episode that was made as like our test run.
It was made in July of 2015. Yeah. And the fellow that I did the program with, we just decided we weren't going to do it together.
So, I went another route. I decided I'm going to do it every day, Monday to Friday, doing
Bible exposition. And at first, I started doing Monday through Thursday in the same book.
And then Friday was review. And we did like a five -point review of everything that we covered in the week. And then somehow from there, oh, it was because we were doing the
Old Testament Bible study in our home. Oh, yeah. On Thursday nights that I started doing
Old Testament study on Thursday. So, it was a New Testament book, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Old Testament Thursday, and then
Q &A on Friday. We've been following that format ever since, but we changed the name of the program at one point.
Yeah. That was dumb. I'm sorry. That threw people for a loop. I mean, really, it messed everything up.
It wasn't just that. It was odd. And trying to play catch up after it. Yeah, I know.
Because we even changed like the web address and everything like that on the podcast. And everybody's subscription, however they were subscribing to the podcast, it just messed everything up.
Yeah. And so, I'm sorry. I apologize. It won't happen again. Lesson learned.
Right. We are forever what? God willing. Yes. Until he pulls the plug on this thing.
We desire faithfulness to God's word through this program.
So, thank you again so much for listening and for watching the videos. And I'm going to try to be more diligent with the videos.
I haven't been doing them regularly. It's only been one or two a month. We've also had a move in there.
Now, we're going to have a baby in there. You know. I still would love to be able to do one a week.
Yeah. It's disappointing. Yeah. It's disappointing I'm not getting at least one video done a week.
So, let's continue on with some of these comments. This is from Rupert. And this is the most recent one that I received.
Even posted it on the What Facebook page and Twitter. Oh, okay. I had always seen the
What videos on YouTube, having been turned on to them by Todd Freel and Wretched. But I wasn't aware there was a podcast.
I've been listening for about a month, and I'm so very thankful for Pastor Gabe and Becky putting their hearts into this wonderful online ministry.
If you're looking for a solid place to go through Bible study, you need look no further than What?
That is very kind. Thanks. This one's from Goodbye California.
That's a great name. You think that this person's anticipating going somewhere?
Maybe. There might be a move in their future. Or has already gone somewhere. Or just said goodbye California.
It's not California anymore. They just live somewhere else, and we're saying goodbye
California. Thank you, Pastor Gabe, for bringing the life -changing, life -saving, holy word of God to us.
And thank you for not being afraid of man. So many Christians are being deceived to think standing against sin is wrong.
But love compels us to speak the truth because of love and do it gently with wisdom in the right way and at the right time, of course.
God's way. Thank you for being a true, bold servant of the Lord and a much -needed example in this sadly confused culture.
We need more like you in praying y 'all keep shining his light. God bless you and your family.
You know, there are some good programs out there and encourage you to look for some of these good shows.
Not just ours, but we've talked about the Just Thinking podcast.
That's one we bring up regularly. Todd Friel's already been wretched. That's what
I was going to say. He has been. On wretched. He's already been wretched.
He's already been mentioned. So check out his program as well. I listened to the Pactum. That's another good one.
It's Mike Abendroth's brother, Patrick Abendroth, I believe.
It's terrible if I'm getting the name wrong. The Hard Men podcast. That's another one that comes from the
Majesty's Men. Eric Kahn. Check that one out. I catch a few episodes of that every once in a while.
Let's see. I'm bringing up my. Well, I still listen to the classics. Yes. Like R .C.
Sproul. I will binge listen to Renewing Your Mind. Yes. I'll be working out. Yeah.
I'm working out in the garage and I just turn it on and I'm listening to, you know, seven, eight episodes at a time.
Let's see here. James White. I still listen to Alpha and Omega.
The Dividing Line. That's it. Yeah. Dividing Line or if he's doing something Calvinistic, Free Geneva Radio.
Oh, okay. Yeah. Free Geneva? Radio Free Geneva. How did I get that wrong?
The James White fans are going, Oh, Gabe, no. It's not what it's called. I catch the
Babylon Bee podcast sometimes. I have to say that because they had me on there. Grace to you, of course, with John MacArthur.
But sometimes I'm just pulling up. I'll just pull up the
Ref Net app. Oh, yeah. And just hit play and then whatever they've got on. So they play
John MacArthur pretty regularly. I think it just hits my schedule that whenever John MacArthur is on.
That's when I'm listening to Ref Net. So it sounds like they play him all the time, but that's just when it hits my schedule,
I guess. Walking Worthy with Dustin Binge. Oh, yeah. That one's a real short one, but it's great.
Short, sweet, and to the point. Just like his tweets. That's true. The Truth Be Known podcast.
Don't forget those guys, Nathaniel and Eki. I'm not even going to attempt to pronounce
Eki's name or his last name. You know, the funny thing about that is I started listening to the podcast.
This is seriously the reason why I started listening to the Truth Be Known podcast was so I could figure out how to pronounce
Eki's last name. I still don't think I can do it without help, so I'm still listening to the podcast.
That's so funny. I'm sure there's other reasons. No, it's a good podcast.
As soon as I have his name figured out, though, then I'm not going to listen to it anymore. Anyway, check out some of those programs.
There's other great people, bold men of God, that are doing some great programs out there, and we encourage you to check out some of those as well.
This next comment that comes from ThatGuy85. Hey, I'm the what guy, and you're that guy.
Why isn't this podcast more popular? This is one of the most informative, biblically accurate, thorough studies of questions.
That's awesome. Yeah, thanks for that. Jedi Carrie. Filth. The host is extremely discriminatory and judgmental.
Definitely not worth listening to. If you want a Christian podcast, there are a lot better options with hosts who actually care about people, all people, like Jesus taught us to.
That sounds like a compliment. I forgot that I put that one in there. I think I was just copying and pasting stuff.
I may not have even been reading them. That's funny. Thanks, Jedi Carrie.
So they're not all positive that people leave. That might be the only one. An old friend.
My wife and I went to his church when I was in the Army. My wife and I went through something, and though I was only there for a short while, they treated us like family.
I love this church, and I love this podcast. Justarth. You know who that is?
Yeah. Blankie has a birthday coming up, too. Oh, really? No kidding. Justin and Blankie, thank you so much.
We love you guys dearly, and we'll never forget you. Oh, no, not at all.
Jetfire137, very, very helpful. This podcast is such a blessing, and it's up on my top priority listening list.
This quality of Bible study is unparalleled, as far as I know. God bless you,
Pastor Gabe and your wife, for the appetizing biblical content. I really don't think what
I'm doing is that original, and that was in the beginning when we started this, it was for our church.
The videos were for our church, the podcast was for the church, and I figured my goal was, if I could get twice the number of listeners on the podcast as I had in my own church congregation, then it felt like it was worth it, because then
I've got the church listening plus another hundred extra. Basically, my goal was 200 regular listeners per day.
Now it's well over 2 ,000. Shh, no numbers. Sorry, babe. 2 .2
million downloads by the time we get to this episode. Oh my goodness. Numbers make me anxious.
She doesn't like me ever talking about the numbers. Because then I'm not just talking to you, I'm talking to a bunch of people.
Yeah, by the way, setting up our - It's like a weird stage fright kind of thing. Yeah, as long as she's not thinking about it, she's doing fine.
But the way we've got everything set up on the table like this in our kitchen, Becky and I are actually able to look at each other.
Yes. This is rare, because typically we're staring at the same wall. Yes. Side by side.
We're like side by side, yeah. But I can still elbow you. Yes, and she does. And I hear her yawn, and she'll grab my arm so that I mute her microphone while she's yawning.
I never yawn. But anyway, back to the presentation of this,
I just never thought it was going to be that original. Yeah, I remember you saying that.
Yeah, I'm just doing Bible exposition. Why listen to me when you can listen to John MacArthur or something like that, you know?
I get it. What's that? I just said I get it, yeah. But so many people have contacted us and they say, this is perfect for our family devotions in the morning.
The kids are getting ready for homeschool, or they're getting ready for school, or whatever it might be, and it's just great to pop it on.
It's 20 minutes. We can listen while we're eating breakfast. We've had so many emails from folks say,
I listen to half of it on my way to work, and the other half on the way home from work, because their commute might be 10 minutes or something like that.
This is the longest commute I've ever had. Yes, it is. So where we live is about, it's four miles from the church, but it still takes me 15 minutes to get there.
So I get it now. Well, since we've been married. Yeah, as long as we've been married, right.
Because before that, didn't you drive from Abilene to Harrington? Oh, that's true. I did, yeah.
So when we were in Kansas, we were actually transferring studios.
We were moving the studio from Harrington to Abilene. Radio studio. Radio station, yeah.
And so my job was to oversee everything that was happening in Harrington. And then the co -manager was doing everything in Abilene.
That took two months. So while we were transitioning from Harrington to Abilene, I was driving that, yeah.
It was a little bit further. That was about half an hour. Yeah. So that was my longest commute.
There we go. Longest commute for work. Since I've been a pastor, this is my longest commute.
Yes. So now doing that commute, I'm going, okay, now I get it. I get how people are listening to half the episode on the way to work, half the episode on the way home.
I couldn't relate before, but now I can. This is from E .P. Helm. Easy, solid, direct.
There's no gimmick going on here. Well, what is kind of a gimmick? Yeah. Just good, solid
Bible teaching. Reading the scriptures and applying them. Particularly great for a half hour commute.
There you go. Very professional too. Belongs on Christian Talk Radio. Until then, it belongs on your iPod.
Aw. That's such a great blurb. Yeah, I like that. This one is from, um,
I don't know. That's what it says. That's what it says. Blessed indeed.
Thank you for this podcast. It certainly has been edifying to my life and it's a great listen for the kids and I on our morning drive to school.
Aw, that's really sweet. See, I should have just kept reading the reviews instead of explaining the kind of, you know.
Keep going. BrookMom32, awesome. I love this podcast.
Gabe and Becky are hands down the cutest couple next to my husband and I. Aw. That's so sweet.
Thank you. I'm kind of fond of us too. Oh, you know. Myself, yeah. I don't know if we're cuter than BrookMom32 and her husband, but we're pretty cute.
Yeah, I'm fond of you. BH9870, best
Bible podcast. This is the best Bible podcast on any podcast service.
Every Christian needs to listen to this. Pastor Gabe is a wonderful Bible teacher. I especially love the
Q &A on the Friday podcast that he does with his wife. So entertaining.
Aw. And we, I think we saw one in here where Becky was spelled correctly even. Yeah, there has been a couple.
Yeah. Good job, guys. Yeah, I'm impressed. B -E -K -I.
Yeah. I know the popular spelling is B -E -C -K -Y. Yes. But she spells it B -E -K -I.
I have to be unique in some ways. Well, you had a bunch of Beckys when you were in high school. Isn't that what it was? Yeah, I graduated with a very, very tiny class.
It was a class of 46, and we had two other Beckys in my class alone. Yeah. And then there was a
Becky who was a year, two years older than me, and another Becky who was a year younger. Right.
And so, I mean, I was just surrounded by Beckys. And so my mom, I was tired of getting everybody else's papers back.
So my mom's like, well, it's your nickname. You can change the spelling. So I went with the shortest thing possible. So my graduating class was smaller than yours.
We had four Jennifers. Oh, my goodness. And three Heathers. Oh, my goodness.
And that was like every girl in your class, right? Yes. I'm kidding.
That was pretty much it. Yeah, that's right. It wasn't that small. All the girls in the class were either a Heather or a Jennifer. No, you know
Larissa. Yes, I do. Yeah, she was in my graduating class. Was Tara in your graduating class too?
No, she went to Garden City High School. Yeah, that wasn't mine. We're like leaking all of our...
We are. ...acquaintance secrets here. Got one more written on this page.
J and G. Subscribe now. Excellent podcast. Strict and accurate
Bible teaching. Excellent theology, which all Christ followers should hear, understand, and apply in their own lives.
Highly recommend. Warning, podcast can and does lead to conviction and repentance.
Yes. Good stuff, J and G. I concur. I get convicted a lot.
I get convicted, yeah, reading it and telling you what it says. Yeah. Know that it's convicted me before I've brought it to you.
Yeah. And now you've got to carry that through your day and... You're welcome. ...through your week. That's right. Hey, as always, we encourage you to be plugged in with a solid church.
Amen. We know that that's really difficult right now. I mean, even without COVID, we get emails from people saying how hard it is to find a good church.
Yes. But then, of course, with COVID and the shutdowns and as everything's starting to spike again and people are shutting down, we've received emails from folks saying, my church is shutting down again.
What do I do about this? There was a story that came from a church in Atlanta that they're requiring their members to show proof of vaccination in order to go to church.
Well... So there's stuff like that going on. Be in prayer. Pray and ask for wisdom in the midst of these things.
That there are brave men of God that are willing to move into communities and start churches.
It may be that we're going to see churches have to go underground in order for the saints to continue to gather.
Now, we encourage you to be smart. We're not saying be reckless and start spreading flu and COVID and all this other kind of thing.
Be wise with these things. But we must obey God rather than man. This sickness is relatively small compared to things that the church has faced in the past.
We have a very comfortable, cushy life and we're not used to a threat like this. But it is not a reason, it's not an excuse for us to not gather together as the saints.
We must meet and all the more as we see the day drawing near, as it says in Hebrews chapter 10, encouraging and stirring one another to love and good works as we hold fast to our faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. Amen. And we give Him glory and honor in everything that we do.
And that comes by obeying what He says in the Bible. Amen. And so we're going to...
That's right. We're going to continue to be faithful to this word and teach it to you Monday through Friday.
Yes. As Becky mentioned in the beginning, we take questions from the listeners. You can email those to whenweunderstandthetext at gmail .com.
And then next week, God willing, we'll be back on with some more Q &A. All right.
Let's pray. Yes, let's. Heavenly Father, we thank You for 1 ,500 episodes. We thank You for a love for the word of God and a desire to want to share it with others.
And I pray that's something infectious, that other people will desire that as well, to learn God's word and want to share it with other people, spreading the good news of the gospel of Christ so that by faith in Jesus, we will know that we are forgiven our sins and we are given an inheritance, eternal life forever with God in glory.
The judgment of God is coming upon this wicked and crooked generation. There is a hell, and people who do not believe in Christ will spend eternity there because of their rebellion against God.
And so we ask that your gospel would go forth, that we would have the courage to proclaim it so that people who are hellbound will hear it and turn from their way to Christ, be on the road that leads to heaven, and walk through those gates with the saints on the day of glory to hear the