Gospel Coalition Launches Pre-emptive Attack Against My New Podcast! (Maybe)

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right there is something in the air. There is something in the air. Let's get to it.
I just have a few comments today. Tomorrow's the big day but we're gonna talk about that in a minute. A few comments today, kind of a grab bag episode and you know yesterday
I was hanging around you know downtown by myself and I just had too much caffeine and I was thinking about myself.
I don't know why I did that. In any case I was really thinking about myself because I've noticed like I watch a little bit of YouTube drama from time to time and I mean like non -christian
YouTube drama like between YouTubers and stuff and you know one of the downfalls of YouTubers is just sort of the inability to absorb an insult and the inability to ignore trolls or have fun with trolls like that always brings a
YouTuber down and it's like consistent it's always the same thing again and again inevitably you'll see that is a big problem and I think there are certain people in Big Eva that have this problem as well where they just they can't take a joke they can't take an insult there's no way to absorb it you know and people have said some horrible things about me and I mean horrible and they put it in print and have written articles about how
I'm so evil and I've said things that I definitely didn't say and all of that and I just you know
I I've been thinking about why is it that some of this stuff doesn't affect me as much and I'm not saying that it never affects me sometimes insults do affect me so keep going
James is it James Linden Linden he's an atheist that watches every one of my videos and he always comments about how
I believe in fairies and stuff like that in any case so like keep going and keep trying to hurt me if you want and maybe one day it'll work but in any case
I've been thinking you know why is it that I I can absorb these insults right like when someone says that I'm doing something or I have the wrong tone or whatever and I think that one advantage that I have is that I came to faith a lot later in life and I had an opportunity to do a lot of sins before I became a
Christian like I was I was a big sinner you know what I mean and I was living a fast life in New York City all kinds of drugs drinking just going benders you know things like that and and I was just a big
I was a disaster totally greedy just like you know sexually immoral like the whole thing and so you know
I've lived in the slops right and so when somebody says like I'm a big meanie head or that I have a bad tone or that I am a hypocrite it's like I don't know it just doesn't hit me that well because my advantage is that I know that I was a pretty bad dude in the past right so it's like you know
I don't know I think there's an advantage to seeing yourself um you know in the flesh sometimes and and not in the flesh anymore thank the lord he saved me and I'm not the way
I used to be but I I think it's an advantage in some ways now I hope that my children don't have that same advantage that's not something that I wish upon people but um when you understand that no matter what somebody says about you um you're actually this the truth is actually worse you know what
I mean um it's very hard to take uh too much offense right to to an insult and so I don't know
I just I just I don't know why I was really thinking about that but I have a feeling more insults are probably coming uh maybe even on this very video so we'll see about that but I don't know just just just a word of advice just to kind of keep things in proper perspective you know when somebody says that you're a bad guy and you are too stupid to do this and you can't figure things out or whatever like you know it's like you know is that really the worst thing in the world like you know
I don't know I mean I'm I remember what I used to be like and so you know chances are that I'm actually worse than you think
I am so in any case that's the first thing I wanted to say oh by the way this is hilarious this brightened up my day
I I shared this on gab this is woke preacher clips he's been doing these uh these these memes that that kind of combine a few different tweets a lot of them are really funny good job woke preacher clips and this one is great it's from Raymond Chang and he gets his you know his holy robes on and he's like I have no interest in being driven by a politics of fear as a
Christian I prefer faith over fear that sounds pretty good I mean Ray Ray Raymond Chang certainly seems like a big tough guy but uh earlier that year here's his tweet stay home if you can stay home if you can stay home if you can stay home if you can stay home if you can stay home if you can stay home if you can stay home if you can we're in the middle of a pandemic and it's not getting any better we're a pandemic oh man no politics of fear this is a pandemic we're talking about here in any case that's a pretty good one that's a pretty good one you know
I have a actual a couple things to say about uh John McArthur if you have not seen it take a look at John Harris's conversations that matter podcast he did a almost two hour long episode kind of a deep dive into the information uh regarding the situation with John McArthur and the church discipline issue and some of the details there and I say some of the details because quite frankly we don't have a lot of details we have some of them and we have a lot of testimony but when it comes to you know a lot of this it's a lot of you know he said she said that kind of thing and all that and so um it's very interesting to say the least and there's really no reason for me to to do a deep dive into it uh
I want to just refer people to John Harris's video on it um a lot of it is just bare information he does give his opinion as well in the video
I think it's very very helpful in my opinion now a lot of it actually confirms what my initial thoughts were because when
I first heard about this this issue this scandal it's scandalous I the way it was presented to me was that John McArthur personally and his elder team was was kind of covering up and harboring a known pedophile and it's like man when
I heard that and let me just fake let me just be honest about this I'm just going to say this in as uh winsome a way as possible if you heard the story
John McArthur has harbored and and covered for a known pedophile and you believed it you're brain dead you're brain dead because obviously that would not be the case now when
I say obviously does that does that mean that nobody could could harbor a a cover for a pedophile no
I'm not saying that but what I'm saying is if you instantly believe that story then you are brain dead because the reality is that those kinds of accusations they need they have a a huge standard of evidence that you need some solid evidence and so if your first reaction to that is oh
I'm gonna go ahead and believe it I'm sorry but that's your brain dead right and so what I said at the time
I had not looked into it and what I said was you know that I don't believe that number one but what
I do think is probably what happened here is there's some issues with timelines probably some timelines that are maybe being kind of finangled with and manipulated a little bit to make it seem a certain way you know also
I said at the time you know the details are probably going to be super important here you know what did they know at what time you know who said what where do they go to things like that the details are going to be super important and so you're going to need to make sure that you know if you want to look into this stuff you're going to have to actually really take time and pick this apart and all of that and and when you watch
John Harris's video you're going to see that that's exactly what the case is there's some playing fast and loose with timelines not really lying so to speak but making it seem a certain way and it's really not that way and so you'll see things like you know at the time of the church discipline issue it was a marital strife and yes there were some questions about potentially you know uh the discipline that was going on at the home spanking and things like that that was maybe over the top and things like that and of course the details matter there because there are some people that think if you spank your kids at all that you're abusing them right and so obviously again like I said my initial reaction the details make a huge difference here who was doing what when were they doing it what were they doing why were they doing it things like that and it's like you know you know
I think one of the issues was like I guess they had covered their mouths to like muffle the cries after spanking and it's like man like and John said that sounds pretty bad and and yeah that does sound bad
I agree right if you just all you knew of the context was hey this brutal monster of a person was muffling the screams of his children if that's all you knew and you knew nothing else you're like wow that sounds like a monster right but the details of course matter what was happening at the time who was there what why were they doing it things like that it's just it's just anyway
I'll let John Harris answer a lot of those questions for you probably chances are a lot of you guys have already watched that video but the timeline thing actually had me really interested because somebody actually is trying to do a little timeline you know finagling with me so let me this is a perfect example of one of the issues of the uh the
Julie Roy's article and how she tries to make it seem a certain way without lying but really she's kind of bending the truth a little bit by playing fast and loose with timelines so somebody on my
YouTube channel went back about a year and if you remember I did some content about McLean Bible Church and the reason
I was interested in McLean Bible Church is because they had that that woke pastor who was like oh man
I can't I want to torch all white people and like that's right up my alley you know that's that's dead center that's exactly the kind of stuff
I talk about every single day and so I started talking about McLean Bible Church then I came out that they wanted to you know they wanted to install some new woke elders but the people said no they voted them down then they did some finagling behind the scenes uh to get the elders kind of ramrodded in there so they could go woker than they've ever been and then
I started talking about more about that controversy right because this is right up my alley it's totally related to the social justice stuff so somebody went today or this week somebody went on that video where I said you know
Platt needs to be held accountable for you know all of the shenanigans and the lying that he's been doing which he should be held accountable for it allegedly in any case so someone went back on that video this week and said ha ha
Platt should be held accountable but John MacArthur shouldn't you should talk about making a mountain out of a molehill or something like that you know and so what that person did and let's just say that that John MacArthur should be held accountable for what he did let's just say
I agree with him completely right which I don't but let's just say I did I don't agree that John MacArthur and his elder board uh did something that's the biggest deal since since you know anything
I just don't think that the facts bear that out based on what I've seen but in any case that's not what this video is about let's just say
I agreed that John MacArthur did something that was blameworthy and should be held accountable do you see how disingenuous and ridiculous it is to go back in time a year and then hold me accountable as if I was covering up for John MacArthur a year ago when
I said that David Platt should be held accountable for xyz see this is the kind of timeline stuff that we're talking about if someone were to write an article about me and how much of a hypocrite
I am which again you know insult me if you'd like if someone were to do that and say in this case
Adam wants him to be held accountable but he never said anything about John MacArthur well it's like yeah because a year ago
I didn't know anything about John MacArthur VC if you if you don't really say that we're going back a year in your article and you just kind of you don't really say
I'm not but you don't really say I am and you leave the reader with the impression that these two situations the
John MacArthur one and the David Platt one were before me at the same time and I did this with David Platt but not with John MacArthur so you can leave the impression that I've been a hypocrite even though I have not been because those two situations were separated by a year of time
I had no knowledge of the one when I was doing the other you see that's the kind of stuff that this article does and so in any case that's all
I want to say about it I'm not going to go into it anymore at least not yet I actually might have some thoughts on some of the bigger picture issues regarding this whole
John MacArthur scandal and so I may do some videos about that and we will go from there now one more thing one more thing indeed so in February of this year
I rejoined Twitter and I didn't rejoin to really interact with anybody
I just want to disseminate my new podcast The Rise and Fall of Gospel Coalition and so you know
I'm just following Gospel Coalition I'm not following anybody else and you know putting a few messages out there a few memes you know things of that nature but really this is just a way to sort of get my podcast a little bit more attention now we're going to be launching this tomorrow the first episode is coming out tomorrow it's going to be on the
Fight Laugh Feast Network's feed which means it'll be on Apple Podcasts and everywhere else they put it and all that and that's going to get you know at least 10 ,000 listens off that probably more
I'm going to put it on my YouTube channel at least the first episode is going to be my YouTube channel and you know that'll get
I don't know between two and maybe 5 ,000 you know views things like that and also considering a few other places to put it and so we'll see what happens but you know this
I'm excited about this I think this is going to be a really interesting podcast for a lot of reasons now
I've said that that this podcast is really for two audiences it's for number one people in the pews just regular joes who know there's a problem but they feel like maybe they've gone crazy
I want to encourage you you're not crazy and by the way you're not even in the minority so that's my first audience my second audience are kind of people that are sitting on the fence and maybe they're not sitting on the fence maybe they know there's a problem too but their their prime motivation their prime directive is to keep the peace they don't want to say anything they don't want to rock the boat they don't want to be seen as you know you know trouble for the for the big eva machine none of that so that's my second audience
I want to encourage them to action because there's a lot at stake here and there's a lot of pastors that I know know there's a problem with big eva and the gospel coalition but they're just for whatever reason not making moves
I want to encourage them to make moves that's my second audience now the third audience frankly
I I'm not doing this podcast for you guys I hope you watch it because you know maybe I'll make a few shekels but um
I don't care what you do I'm not trying to convince you if you're a big eva capo or you're a soldier or you're one of these kind of fan boys of any of these big eva people quite frankly
I don't care what you do I'm not trying to convince you watch it if you want criticize me do whatever you got to do uh like I said you know more listens more shekels so uh that's good but frankly
I don't care what you do and so that's what this podcast is all about now when I when I started this account
I this is how I described myself I said gab .com enthusiast that's where I use that's that's where I use social media gab .com
is where you get most of my content uh christian nationalist extremist now remember that word extremist that's how
I described myself I'm an extremist now a lot of like big eva folks try to shy away from the word extremist but I don't care
I embrace it I am an extremist now this is what I want to say though so last week
I said my podcast is coming out in a week that's what I said last week on my account here and this week yesterday gospel coalition puts out this article and listen to this sentence that comes from the article this is from trevin wax he says this god has a purpose even for the extremist who focuses attention on a particular point of theology and doctrine now when
I read that I said hmm that sounds pretty interesting and so is he taught is he tipping the hat to old ad
I I think he might be now maybe you're like ad you're so vain how could you think that you're arrogant look
I happen to know that there are many gospel coalitions that not only know who old ad is but watch my content with regularity regularity yeah regularity that's the right word in any case so could this be about me