Latter-Day Saint is Challenged by Scripture

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This eye-opening conversation is the perfect example of why we love LDS People. This Latter-Day Saint is Challenged by Scripture and instead of getting angry he opens up and begins to test what he was taught according to Scripture. Please pray for this young man that he comes to know the true and Biblical Jesus Christ.


Well, I believe that... Well, okay, you don't believe that. That's correct, yes.
Why not? Okay, so I'll give you a couple reasons. Number one, I believe that God's Word has authority.
It says in Proverbs that every word of belief that God has protected is worth throughout time.
I have to state with that first. Number two, the Bible states that He can't. It says in Isaiah 43, 10,
Before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. In Isaiah 44, 6,
I am the first and I am the last. Beside me there is no God. That's just two verses in general.
That's why I believe it, not because of my opinion, but what Scripture says. The Hebrews would say the Shema every day.
Hero Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And then, you know, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and all the other prophets come and say,
Nope, that's wrong. Scripture's wrong. There are multiple gods and we must learn how to become a
God one day ourselves. So antithetical, we see the Scriptures. So that's why. So that's us in a nutshell.
So does that help you think a little bit more? Yeah, for sure. I don't have the references, the
Scripture references. You guys are great. Maybe Psalm 82, 1
Corinthians. It says there are lords many and gods many. Some of those ones. Yeah, there you go.
So you know. Well, that Scripture in Corinthians is specifically saying if you continue reading, it says, but there are no other gods.
He says they're idols. If you keep reading, it literally is. He's making a statement showing the reference.
Sorry, I'll pull. I'll pull my quad out. According to Psalm 82, 6.
So, oh, you're good. Yeah, actually, you have a quad.
Yeah, he has a quad. Guess where he got it? Look, look. That's not my name, actually.
Some poor soul gave it up. Yeah, he's got a goodwill.
So what he was saying, 1 Corinthians 8, it goes on to, it even, he even clarifies once again in chapter 10 of 1
Corinthians. And he says, not even just are they, there are no other gods.
He says when they sacrifice those things to idols, he says they're sacrificing them to demons. So there's not any other gods.
There's only one God. And then he clarifies that when they do that, they sacrifice the demons. So any other
God ever, so -called God, would be demonic in that sense.
So that's 1 Corinthians chapter 8. Let's see.
For though there be that there are called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, as there be gods many and lords many, but to us there is but one
God, the Father of whom are all things, and we in Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by Him.
Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge. For some with conscience of the idol unto this hour eat it as a thing offered unto an idol, and their conscience be weak, is defiled.
So he goes on to say - I have one quick question. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So in that verse, who does us refer to?
Yeah, so he's addressing pagan Corinth.
So in that pagan world, the context is there's these pagan idol temples, and these
Gentile Christians who live in Corinth have been saved out of that false religion of paganism.
So some of them have come to the point where they don't want to eat the meat sold in the marketplace because they know that the meat has been previously sacrificed to false idols and what he calls demons.
So he's going to be talking about the weaker brother and his conscience in this. And so what he's addressing is, for the
Corinthians, they think that there's many gods. There isn't. He says, but to us, we know, as Christians, he addresses the church at Corinth, and us as Christians, we know there is one
God. He doesn't mean ontologically like for us as humans on this earth.
There is a God for us. But on other planets and in other realms, there is a
God there for them too. That would be taking this out of context. That would be, you know, changing what's called the hermeneutical principle.
So that's how I would answer that. It seems like, OK, there's Elohim for us here, right?
But when I become a god of my own planet, I'll be the god for them there.
But it's no, for us as Christians, we know there's one God. For these pagan Corinthians, they think that there's many gods.
Does that make sense? But they're demonic. Yeah. So I'm really impressed.
You are really good. You know this country really well. Like, I'll study it.
Yeah. I don't think it's going to change my mind, but I love it. What would it take, though? What would it take, though, to change your mind?
Not to lose your faith, but to put it in the truth. What would it take?
Like, because you might have to give up your identity here. You live in Utah. This is like, this is
Mormon identity, you know, with your parents. Do you have a girlfriend?
A fiance? No? So it would cost you a lot. But we are even currently meeting with LDS at our church.
I'm a pastor, and he's a deacon at our church. And we meet with people who are, they've seen some of the falsehoods.
I don't mean that disrespectfully. But they're trying to get answers, and we meet with them. And that's something that we would even be willing to walk with you.
Because Pontius Pilate said it himself. He said, what is truth? And Jesus clarifies, you know, previously, before being on trial, and before the passion and the crucifixion.
He says in John 14, 6, I am. I am. All these I am statements, pointing back to Yahweh in the burning bush.
I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me.
And so Jesus is truth manifest. And so our highest aim isn't like the hedonism who says, we search for pleasure.
We search for these joys. All those pleasures and joys.
All the wonderful things that can be found in this life are in Christ. In the truth.
So your highest pursuit should be truth. Not just simply, I have to question what
I was raised in, bro. I have to question what I've grown up in. And test it to the
Scriptures. And that's our challenge to you is just like, yeah, I was raised in something. But what is truth?
And Jesus points back to Himself as the truth. And He points to the Scriptures. He says, the law and the prophets.
The Word of God is truth. And so that would be our charge to you. Does that make sense?
Yeah. I love this. So this has the Scriptures, right, that I can study? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then if you ever have any questions, here's our church card.
You can email or text us or whatever. Think about this. So what's the name of your church? It's right there.
It's called Apologia. That comes from a Greek word, Apologia, which means like a defense for the faith.
We love to have these conversations. And we don't mean to like come out here and catch you off guard.
Like you guys have all the right Scriptures and stuff. That's not our goal is to know more than you or anything like that.
We just want to lovingly challenge you to consider some of these things if that makes sense.
And think about this, man. What does it profit a man to John chapter 1 and Colossians 1?
Creatures created by God are sinners. It says in Romans chapter 3 that no one does good.
No one seeks after God. All have gone astray. Romans 3. You can read it yourself. But guess what? In our sin, right, though we deserve
God's wrath, the eternal God himself in Philippians chapter 2, Jesus Christ takes on human flesh.
He becomes the sacrifice for my sins through his perfect work alone. The God -man
Jesus Christ. So that on that cross, my sins were placed on him. And when he says,
Tetelestai, it is finished, he means it because it's wrapped up in his completed work. And the way I can have peace with God, Kyle, is solely through the work of Jesus Christ who never failed.
I fail every day. There's nothing I can do to earn my salvation. It says that my righteousness is nothing but filthy rags before God.
But solely in my faith in Jesus Christ and Christ alone. I can be with God, right, and have eternal life.
And that's a gift from God. It's grace and mercy. If you work for it, it's neither of those things, okay?
I want you to know the gospel and I want you to know Jesus. I love that. Is it okay if I share? Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I really love what you said. And I know that only through Jesus Christ we can be saved.
But he really is our Savior. That he came to us and died for us. That he's risen. That's for sure.
And I know that through him, I thank you a lot.
Yeah, yeah. I love your testimonies, your knowledge of Jesus Christ.
I really admire that. I really admire your knowledge about the scriptures. I obviously need to do a little bit better job, but...
No, that's all right. Think about it, man. When you say Jesus, Paul warns us in 2 Corinthians 11 verse 4.
He says that there will be people who come that will preach a different Jesus, a different gospel, and a different spirit.
So really test, Kyle, that the Jesus that you've been taught is the actual true and living
God. See if what Joseph Smith taught about Jesus matches to what the scriptures said. Because he says that you have imagined and supposed that God has been
God from all eternity. I will refute that idea and take away the veil so that you may see you have got to learn to become God.
That's the words of Joseph Smith. But the Bible says otherwise. It says that, Psalm 90 verse 2, that Jesus has been
God from eternity into eternity. That's a different God. That's a tall order for you to become a
God one day. Isaiah 43, 10. Isaiah 44, 6. There's hundreds of other quotes talking about how you'll never be one one day.
So test it, okay? You can say Jesus, but Muslims say Jesus. Jehovah's Witnesses say
Jesus. What do they mean by that? Test your prophets to scripture. All right?
Okay. We should stand up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wade. Wade. Andrew. Andrew. Later, Kyle. Good meeting you.
Yeah, take care. Seriously, if you want to reach out to us or anything, or if you want to be like, hey, I'm going to rep you guys.