Ruslan Tries a Wizard Spell (All Else Has Failed)

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Well, let's jump into it today.
We're going to go back into the Ruslan KD interview. I'm having a great time with it. I know there's a segment of my viewership that does not like this.
I'm so sorry, but we're going to continue. We're not going to do it again this week. This will be the last time this week. Before I do, let me just show you my son's latest marketing attempt.
This is his newest poster, and this is a picture of our family. You can see where I am at the top.
That's what he thinks I look like. I think it's pretty good. I think it's pretty good. Nobody has a nose, which is fine. Then he put himself in between him and his mother.
His mother's on the right -hand side. You can see that it's a girl with slightly longer hair, although not very much hair, and then longer eyelashes.
Then it says, come and get some books. Then it has his brothers in the bottom. I think this is really good.
If you like this marketing material and you want to purchase a book, please email me at ad at adroblez .com.
I will make sure that AJ gets a commission for his efforts here. He is trying to save up for a game that I think will be really funny.
Actually, we'll be able to do some video content on the game. We'll talk about which game it is, if he earns enough money for it.
He's about halfway there, I would say. That's good. Also, I wanted to say this.
I got my first purchase using a silver coin.
This is an American silver eagle. If you've never seen one, this is an ounce of gold.
Not gold, silver. An ounce of gold would be $2 ,000. That'd be a lot of books. This is an ounce of silver.
Right now, this coin is going for $40 per coin. The denomination of it, every coin is denominated.
This is a dollar coin. This is legal tender for a dollar, but this is worth about $40. I'm sending him a handful of books.
He also sent me another coin. I still have it in the protector. Just as a tip, just as a thank you for the
YouTube channel, I'm grateful to have it. This is my first sale for precious metals.
I don't need American silver eagle. These are the best ones, in my opinion. If you just have regular silver,
I'll send you books for silver as well, and I'll give you a good deal and potentially some bonuses as well.
I'm very excited to get an American silver eagle in the mail, actually, too, in exchange for some books.
That's some good stuff, man. I love that. I love that. Nobody's opted to pay in Bitcoin yet, but I think that's probably because I priced the books at $100 a book with Bitcoin.
It's too volatile. By the time I get the Bitcoin, it might be worth $50. Who knows? I don't know how you
Bitcoiners do it, man. You hodlers. Hodlers? Hodlers? Hodlers? I don't know how to pronounce it.
It's a made -up word anyway, but you guys that just plan on holding your Bitcoin forever, I don't know how you do it, man.
You get one day, it's a 20 % swing, even more sometimes. It's just not for me.
It's not for me. That kind of volatility is not for me. I don't mind some volatility. I do own some things that are a bit volatile, but the things that I own that are a bit volatile also have other uses.
I'm not saying this is one of my volatile holdings. It's my house, but this is an example of something that doesn't matter if it's volatile.
If my house price was volatile, it wouldn't matter because I'm going to use the house. You can use it for income. You can use it for yourself.
Bitcoin, it's like, well, what do you use it for if the price swings up and down? I don't know.
It's not the most interesting thing, at least in my opinion, but you guys, man, the volatility is a way to make money.
Definitely. If you're willing to take the risk and it is tremendously risky, but yeah, look at that.
It's beautiful, beautiful. Check out the back. I don't know if I showed you the back yet. They're actually changing the design of this this year.
So they made some of these this year, but they actually have a new design coming out this year. I don't know if I'll pick up any. They are very expensive, but I do like silver.
So anyway, let's jump into it. Let's get into it. Before I do, let me say this. I made a mistake in a previous video, and a couple of you called me on it, and you're right.
Paul was not saying to hand over a repentant sinner for Satan, for the destruction of the flesh.
Repentant sinners still need to be punished for their crimes, but they're not being handed over to Satan. That's totally different. If I did say that,
I didn't look back to see if I actually did say that. I don't think I did, but if I did, I was wrong.
That's not what I meant to say. Anyway, let's continue. Let me get the video here, and the right thing.
I should always prepare this ahead of time, but I never do. Here we go. This is what I'm saying, man. We just need to have this conversation more, because there's way more to it than what's in the right, the left.
Sure, yeah, and I agree with you. I agree with you, but I definitely don't agree with you. It's so annoying.
It is so annoying. So, I don't have a problem with that in particular.
I think Saudi Arabia could be the logical conclusion. I think folks in power who are even
Christian could abuse that power. How in the world could Saudi Arabia be the logical conclusion of implementing the law of God?
Like, Ruslan has a particularly low view of God's law. God's law is not the same as Islamic law.
Not even close. You know what I mean? Like, why would he think that? Why would he think that? Well, because he's believed a lot of the atheist propaganda.
And then he says, well, I think that potentially, you know, a government could abuse their power.
And, like, people often say this. Like, they could abuse their power. I'm like, yeah, obviously, but pagan governments also abuse their power, and they have a horrible law.
So, you've got a couple options here. You've got imperfect people implementing a perfect law, or imperfect people implementing a horrible law.
Which one do you want? You know what I mean? Like, obviously, we can't have perfect people in power.
It's not possible. Christ is perfect, and when he returns, he'll be perfect and implement perfect justice, and it'll be perfect equity and all that stuff.
We get that. But that's not an argument against God's law, because it cuts both ways.
So, you've got sinners implementing God's law, or sinners implementing a sinful law. Which one do you want to choose?
It's obvious that you'd want to choose God's law, because God's law is perfect, even if we can only implement it imperfectly.
I think, yes, I think it can be problematic. And I'm not saying that we have the best form of government or any of that kind of stuff as it is right now.
I don't know the exact solutions to something like that. Specifically, what I would say is that when we're talking about solutions, right?
This is my heart. When we're talking solutions, I would go point back to the
Augustine quote, unity in the essentials, liberty in the non -essentials, charity in all things.
But I think I would say that justice is an essential. Okay. Not in terms of salvation, but the role of government to enforce justice, that's essential.
Yes, 100%. So, here's the truth here, because this is something a lot of people need to hear.
And I'm not going to make any friends here on the channel by saying this, but it's true. You see, the
Great Commission is way more expansive than we think it is, because we often make it only about conversion.
And it is about conversion. So, let's not pretend like it isn't. When he says, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Christ is talking about conversion. So, convert the nations by baptizing them, you know what
I mean? Make disciples and baptize them. That's a very, you know, it's formulaic, but there's obviously a lot more to it.
But that's conversion, right? Okay. Now, but it doesn't only say that, right?
It doesn't only say that. And I had a guy say, hey, A .D .—this is a guy who used to make a lot of videos about me—he said, hey,
A .D., show me the Great Commission for theonomy, the God's law. And I'm like, you don't need a
Great Commission for theonomy, because it's already inclusive in the Great Commission. Because it goes on to say, after you convert the nations, right?
So, conversion is first. Conversion's primary. So, we understand that's first. The gospel gets preached.
People get converted. People get baptized. We get it. We get it, right? And babies get baptized, too. And so, we start there.
Then it says, teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded.
Lo, I will be with you to the end of the age. This is the point. The discipleship process.
You get converted, and then you learn to obey everything. So, justice is an integral part of that.
Justice does not—establishing justice doesn't convert you. You've already been converted if you've been baptized.
You believe the gospel. You get baptized, and all of that. You've already been converted. You're now a Christian, and now you're being taught to observe everything.
That is inclusive of justice. That's inclusive of the role of government. All of that is included already.
So, it's not an either -or, and it's not against each other. That has to be part of our essentials, because if we say, well, you know,
God never really spoke about what to do in the case of someone murdering someone else, and we pretend like that's the case, then all kinds of shenanigans are going to happen as a result of that.
Plus, it's a lie. Plus, God won't bless that because you're disobeying him because he's most definitively said what to do in the case of someone murdering someone else.
And so, that's our problem right now. That's our problem. So, we can't have unity or charity when somebody says, yeah,
I don't think murderers should be punished. Like, and furthermore, I think we should celebrate murderers.
Like, if somebody were to say that, and people do say this in our culture. This is not theoretical.
This happens in our culture. A lot of Ruslan's buddies say this exact thing.
We can't have unity or charity for that. No quarter for that. That's evil. Obviously, that's evil. It's embarrassing to even say that, that we should make no quarter for people who don't think murderers should be punished.
That's insane. And so, the question we have to ask is, for example, is a speeding ticket, according to God's law, just?
Yeah. Or is a hundred to one coke versus crack disparity just? A hundred percent. So, how do we define, like, so the
Bible says that the government is to terrorize those who do evil and reward those who do good. He's been waiting to pull that one out.
Yeah. See, that's systemic racism, though, for what it is to terrorize someone or to bring justice on those who do evil.
Right. So what what is the bad guys? What is justice? Right. And so we talk about, like, systems of injustice, like somebody being hungry or poor is not an injustice because it's not evil to be poor.
It's not evil to be to be hungry like that. This is where I think a lot of this confusion comes in.
Like, what does it mean? We want we want on matters of justice. Well, matters of justice is is is bringing terror on those who actually do wicked and harm.
OK, I think you have a very specific definition that's going back to Scripture. What was it?
Which I'm not mad at, which I'm not mad at. So so let's let's play that out to the logical conclusion. Let's do it.
If a that wasn't necessary in that situation, we could all look at the footage, we could all look at the extent of the situation.
We say that's not right. That's not just right. They need to be held accountable.
Right. Yeah. And he's played a little fast and loose with language here. I don't appreciate that, Ruslan. It's very weaselly.
So, no, I actually don't think it matters if you don't if you personally don't think that that was necessary. What matters, though, is is is it lawful?
Right. Is it a lawful killing or is it not a lawful killing? Because the Bible very specifically outlines what a lawful killing is versus what an unlawful killing is.
And we can extrapolate from that and we can we can get the general equity of what the case laws of God's law say.
And we can extrapolate that to other situations and things like that. So that comes directly from the
Bible. It doesn't really matter if you happen to think it was necessary or unnecessary. What matters is, is it lawful?
OK, and I know I'm insisting on specific words here, but I think Ruslan's, you know, playing a little fast and loose here to his advantage.
No, I disagree. It doesn't matter what you think is necessary or not. Is it lawful? You know, one of the one of the famous examples of this in the scripture is if a thief comes to your house at night and you kill that thief, you have no blood guilt.
Right. And the idea, I think, that God's law is telling us is like, hey, you didn't know what he was there for.
He could have been coming to kill you or hurt your wife or something like that. And so, you know, whatever happens, happens.
He entered your house. You shouldn't have been there. Right. And you didn't know it was nighttime. You don't know. You're probably sleeping.
So the idea there is that there's reasonable doubt or reasonable, reasonable explanations as to why you had to kill that man.
Well, you're off the hook. You're off the hook. Like if somebody if I'm if I'm carrying. Right. If I'm carrying in the street and somebody goes for my gun.
Right. And I kill him because he went for my gun. There's a reasonable look. That guy was going to kill me.
It was kill or be killed. He went for my gun. You know what I mean? Like like that's a reasonable killing. I don't care if Ruslan thinks that wasn't that was that necessary dog.
Like that actually doesn't matter. We don't need to judge that. We just need to judge. Is it lawful? Is it a lawful killing?
And God's law gives us examples, case laws. In this case, we do this. In that case, we do that.
Like he gives us case laws that we can extrapolate principles from that that go along with those with those case laws.
And so it's a small thing, but I think it makes a big difference. It's not about whether it was necessary or not.
It's was it lawful or not? That's the key. That's the key. If it's unlawful, though,
I agree with Ruslan. If it's an unlawful killing, they should be punished as any citizen would be punished.
It's not there's no special treatment for them. There's no special punishments for them. There's no more lenient sentences for police officers.
No, if it's an unlawful killing, we take the law of God again and we say, OK, what's the punishment for a murder or for first degree murder or for manslaughter or whatever?
And there's differences in the Bible between manslaughter and murder. So we need to also adjudicate that.
OK, we need to adjudicate that and then we give them that penalty. There's no there's no there's no difference between a police officer and a regular citizen.
Correct. Yes. OK, so so out of. Year 2005, since since 2005, there's been over 15000 police killings.
OK, I think we were just in general. I think we would agree the vast majority of those were probably justified.
The vast majority of those were justified. Yeah. How you know how many convictions there were since 2005?
How many? Seven. Yeah. Derek Chauvin was the seventh. So so just just to be clear, what's his point?
Maybe Marcus is going to ask him when we talk about these sort of things. I'm very, very anti police state.
So I would be more. Well, I'm trying to get you.
I'm actually concerned when when when white people say, oh, well, there was more white people killed by cops and black people.
I'm like, well, that's a problem. Yeah, that's not good. That's not good. Yeah, that's worse.
So I'm getting to a point and I would just say, hey, what is your point? We could agree that 99 percent of those killings were were justified.
Right. But there were still less police officers held accountable, in my opinion, than that weren't held accountable.
And that is not just if it was right. So if in the imaginary example that he's given us, there's more there's police officers that murdered people that got away with it.
That's not just that's not a big point, Ruslan. You know what I mean? Like, that's not a good point, because everybody agrees that if a murder if a police officer murders someone and they get away with it, that's not just what's your point is five.
If it was ten, if it was twenty five, if it was one hundred, that is not justice. That is not accountability.
OK, and but the thing is, though, and this is this is the thing that pisses me off about this rhetoric and sorry for the strong language, but it just really bothers me because it's like if like what he's presenting here is that we have an unjust system if even one person that deserved it got away with it.
And that's that's not how it works, dude. Like because you're presenting and I don't mean you. I mean, your stupid perspective of the woke church movement is presenting that this is a rampant problem, like like the way that the rhetoric is.
It's like this happens every day. We're getting black people being killed the street every day. They'd be killing us every day.
And it's like, that's not true. And so you're lying to present it that way just because there's one racist out there or a couple racist out there or, you know, maybe it's a thousand racist or a hundred thousand.
I don't know. But the point is that it's a very small percentage of people. But you're presenting it as if like we're just all racist and that's preposterous.
And so, yes, everyone agrees that if someone murders someone else and they're a police officer and they get away with it, that's unjust.
That does not mean that our society is totally unjust. You have to prove that this is a bigger problem than we think it is, because we look at the data and then we see, oh, wow, like if you're a black dude, you're more likely to be struck by lightning than to be killed by a police officer.
And so it's like, OK, so then but why are everything I hear on TV makes it seem like this happens every single day when it obviously doesn't.
And so that's that's the problem, Ruslan. That's the issue. That's the issue.
You're making it seem like if there's one issue, then the whole society needs to be overturned. That's stupid and it's dishonest.
And we see right through it. And that's the problem that you have. You never address the actual issues.
You always sidestep it. You always use your prepackaged rhetoric and it's annoying and it's it's just preposterous.
That's that's all I have to say about that. That what are the solutions? Can't wait.
Dot org is a solution. Again, if you want to go into this alternate. Let's let's let's let's let's bet
I'd be willing to bet that this is a this is a propaganda website and that that's a solution.
It's not the Bible. It's a can't wait propaganda solution. I'm not going to look into it because I don't care.
But that's my that's what I would assume it is. Who knows what is that? OK, I'm going to tell you.
So so a can't wait is a campaign created where just about everyone I know who's a law enforcement in law enforcement, everyone
I know who's, you know, social justice person all agree on this eight can't wait.
Dot org layout of eight things that they're asking police departments to self -regulate themselves.
Not like that. We need to. That sounds good, actually. If a good guy is seeing a bad guy, a good cop is seeing a bad cop do something.
They have a duty to intervene. That's a good law that protects officers, that protects people, that protects the good officers.
Right. Well, they already have that duty because they swore an oath to the Constitution, except that except it's it's not instituted in their laws in every single department.
And so there are certain places where a cop doesn't have to intervene even if they're seeing something terrible happen.
So a duty to intervene law. There's no shooting at moving cars. There's specific eight eight eight layouts.
And I would encourage you to check it out and you can punch in your city and see which of them they've self -applied and which of them they don't.
So if you go to a lot of these major cities, Los Angeles, San Diego sheriffs, a lot of them have already implemented these things because they've been having these issues for a long time.
They refine this process and they've self -instituted these laws.
That's a very simple law that protects everybody in the process. Is it a law or is it self -regulation?
I don't know. I'm very confused. Maybe I do have to look into this eight can't wait propaganda machine.
Yeah, because that sounds OK. If you want to self -regulate, you want to change your policies. Good. That's that's what we're supposed to do.
Like like self -government is the is the critical component to God's system. Like you're supposed to regulate yourself.
That makes sense. That makes sense. We don't need to bring crazy laws into this. Like like should there be a law that requires you to intervene in a situation?
I don't think so. I don't I don't think so. But should you intervene in a situation that, you know, someone is getting hurt or something like that?
Yeah, you should. But should it be punishable by law if it like if if you didn't intervene, what would happen to you?
Right. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I think you probably should intervene. But like like this is like Good Samaritan laws.
Remember the Good Samaritan law episode of Seinfeld? Like, you know, should it have been a law for those priests to help that Samaritan?
And if they didn't, they get the death penalty or something like that. Obviously, that that's that there's that you need to take some pause before you start implementing laws like that.
But as far as self -government is concerned, like, hey, you're a cop, so you have to intervene if you see something like this happening.
And if you don't, you're going to be fired. Yeah, I'm down with that. If that's what you want to do, I'm cool with that.
That's self -regulation. That's good. That protects the good police officers, that protects the people who are interacting with the police officers, that protects white people, that protects black people.
And if we're saying, hey, there's something to this systemic racism thing. Here is a solution that would create accountability and create some degree of protections for everybody involved.
That's a reasonable solution. EightCan'tWait .org. Yeah, I think a reasonable solution would be individual self -government.
Wow. Look at that. Me and Marcus, we're just like that, man. We get it. We get it. No Second Amendment regulations or restrictions at all.
And then forming better local militias that can handle any sort of terrible, crazy outbreaks that would require us.
This militarized police states that we have are—you're not telling me. I'm not listening.
I'm different. Yes, yes, and within the confines of where we are right now,
Eight Can't Wait is also a good solution to where we are right now. Those are temporary solutions until God instills his kingdom, man.
Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe they are temporary solutions. I'm saying— Yeah, but the thing is, Eight Can't Wait—and again,
I'll look into this, because self -regulating yourself and your own family or your own organization, there's nothing wrong with that.
There's everything good about that, right? But once you start talking about, well, we're going to implement laws, all of a sudden these laws tend to have unintended consequences, right?
Unintended consequences. I could easily see, if you made a law that required a police officer to report something or other or to act in a certain way or something like that under penalty of law,
I could easily see that backfiring. Now everyone keeps their mouth shut the way that when you're in the ghetto, you keep your mouth shut.
You don't talk to cops. Cops wouldn't talk about each other. Nobody wants to get in trouble for something that they didn't do quite 100 % right.
If you start bringing law into that, I could see that actually having the reverse effect where everyone just keeps their mouth shut about everything.
You know what I mean? I'll have to look into that. I'll have to look into that. That sounds interesting enough for me to look into.
Ruslan, I'll give you credit. You're eightcantwait .org. I know it's a dodge. You don't want to do
God's law. I get it. You don't like God's law. So anything besides God's law, you're willing to give a shot.
Definitely not willing to give a shot God's law because that's going to lead to Saudi Arabia, obviously. Anything else, though, he'll give a shot.
So I'll check it out, Ruslan. You've whet my appetite enough for me to check it out. I appreciate that.
Asking me about the current system, I'm giving you solutions to the current system. Yeah, I don't care. See, that's the thing.
Everybody wants to work within these confines of the current system, and I don't. I think there's a lot of people, too, that don't.
Let's look at what God's law says and let's base our entire systems off of that.
So those people like you guys are doing should get into media and should build platforms and politics.
I'm building the biggest platform you've ever seen, man. Check it out. Lord .tv. Oh, yeah. I'm building a streaming platform now.
Yeah. I'm saying you're walking out the paradigm that you have. You're walking out.
That's because I'm post -millennial. I have to. You should be doing it, too, Ruslan, because you profess Christ. So shouldn't you be accomplishing the
Great Commission? In other words, baptizing people in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and then teaching them to observe all that Christ commanded?
You should be doing this, too. But instead, you're playing footsies with Black Lives Matter and all these pagans.
There's no reason to play footsies with those people. They need to be preached at, converted, and then taught to obey everything
Christ commands. So this is not just for post -millennials. The Great Commission, last I checked, wasn't just for post -millennials.
It's for everybody. It just comes out. I think that's awesome.
You're asking me solutions for the current system. You're saying you want to dismantle the system.
I'm saying I'm not mad at you for wanting to dismantle it. That sounds pretty fly if you ask me. Pretty fly for a white guy.
You're asking me what can we do right now. I'm saying, hey, school vouchers with public busing. I think that's a great solution.
You say, hey, you would define it as steal. I mean, Jesus said, render on a Caesar what is
Caesar's. So you would say, well, in that context, he didn't mean for public schools. I would say, yeah, but we're living in this country right now.
Well, no. I don't think he was dealing with taxes at all in that statement, because on the back of the coin, it said that Caesar is
Lord on the back of the Daenerys. I don't know if you've ever seen it. So when Jesus says whose face is on that coin, and he says, well, render.
He just wasn't saying, hey, man, pay your taxes. No, because if you look at it. I'll let Marcus finish this, and Ruslan's mind is blown again.
This guy is often very confused. But what's interesting about this, he actually doesn't say face.
He says image, whose image is on this. And he does mean face, of course. But I like to use the word image, whose image is on this coin, right?
This is not a coin. This is just a round. Whose image is on the coin, and it's Caesar, and it says Caesar's Lord on the coin.
But whose image is on you, I think is the implied question, right?
Whose image do you bear, right? And so you give to Caesar what's
Caesar's, and you give to God's what is God's. What is God's? Well, everything is
God's. Everything is God's. And so you have to give
God everything. And so we pay our taxes because, number one,
God says that we pay our taxes for the government to execute justice on the evildoer, and to be an avenger for God, a deacon, a servant of God.
We pay the government to do a job that they've been ordained by God to do, right? So that's a good reason to pay your taxes.
But the rest of the junk, which the Romans were doing too, maybe they didn't have public schools, but they had a whole bunch of other nonsense that they were engaged in that is illegitimate, that's not legitimate.
That's totally not legitimate. And so the reality is that it's very wise to pay your taxes, even knowing that they're going to pay for all kinds of insanity.
But actually, Marcus is going to hit on something here that he doesn't even think he was really even talking about that.
Let's listen to what Marcus has to say. The thing of that passage, it says that the Pharisees came to entrap him, right?
So there's two options, pay taxes or don't pay taxes, right? That's what they thought.
So the question is, if Jesus said, pay taxes, what was the trap there?
Right. So the Pharisees thought they had him, right? The point is, the Pharisees thought they had him.
They said, no matter what he says, no matter what he says, he's going to be wrong, right?
Because we could tell him he's an enemy of Caesar, and then if he paid Caesar, then he's an enemy of the Jews and stuff like that. So they thought they had him on the horns of a dilemma.
That was the point of the interaction. So if Jesus is saying, pay your taxes, then clearly there was nothing wrong with that, and so they didn't have him on the horns of a dilemma.
But for some reason, they thought they did. See, Jesus is actually completely rejecting their whole premise, and he's giving a different point.
This is not the only time he's done that. I remember talking to an Arminian once about something Jesus said in John 6, and my point was that Jesus, when they ask him, what's the work of God?
He's actually answering a different question than the one that they're asking. And he does this quite often. He doesn't necessarily answer the question that you're asking.
He answers the question that you should be asking. And so that's, I think, what Marcus is saying that Jesus is doing here with the render unto
Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's.
That he was worshiping Caesar, right? But it wouldn't be.
If paying taxes is okay, then there was no trap there. So he didn't pay taxes. Jesus didn't pay taxes.
No, I mean, he did. He pulled the coin out of the fish and stuff. And then the Bible says, I think we should pay taxes.
I think it's wise to say pay taxes, but that doesn't mean we should fight for, you know, in 1
Samuel 8, you know, as Samuel says, if you get a king, he's going to take 10 % of everything you have.
Like, I would be so happy if we had 10 % tax right here. I would love it, bro. But God said 10 % was a judgment on the people for wanting a king.
So we're way past that, right? So the point is that Marcus is saying is, yes, we should pay taxes, which
I agree because the Bible elsewhere, not in that interaction with Christ, does talk about taxes being legitimate.
So we should pay taxes, but that does not mean that some taxes aren't literally stealing.
So some taxes definitely are stealing, not all taxes. So it's not that taxation is theft all the time, but some taxes definitely are.
And furthermore, that does not mean we should be advocating for further theft. See, that's what
Ruslan's not getting. He's like, see, render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. Therefore, just every little imagination scheme that you can imagine, that's totally legitimate.
No, that's not what Christ was saying. If you think Christ was saying that anything that Caesar pays for with your tax money is legitimate, then you need to get your head examined.
That's not what Christ was saying. So taking that interaction with Christ and the
Pharisees and then extrapolating every socialist dream that you could imagine is really stupid and really dangerous.
And so stop doing that, Ruslan. It's stupid and dangerous. We should be advocating for a just taxation system, very, very little taxation, very little, way less than 10 percent.
I've heard some people try to figure out what the tax rates should be according to biblical law, and there's differences of opinion there and all that kind.
It's very small, though, small enough that—and it should be equitable, so every person should pay the same, not the same percentage, the same amount.
It's a very small tax for the purpose of justice and all that kind of thing.
But Ruslan wants his socialist dreams to be realized, and so he turns render unto
Caesar that which is Caesar carte blanche for all the social engineers out there. That's really stupid, really evil, because that's not at all what the
Scripture says. And so if you're putting that forward as something that Christ would be for, like school vouchers or you know, free health care for all, like that's upside down.
That's the opposite of doing the Great Commission, Ruslan. You should probably stop talking on these issues until you've thought about it a little bit more.
So, I mean, that's it. I know you've got a five -week old— Yeah, so I gave you two solutions that I think are reasonable solutions.
I think— But you haven't given me from Scripture where those solutions come from, though. You've given me outside ideas.
That's the key. I'm giving you— That's the key. —solutions that I think, filtered through the principles of Scripture, I think are reasonable solutions.
You may say, I want to dismantle public schools, public policing. That's just something that he's saying, filtered through the principles of Scripture.
That's nonsense talk. He didn't do anything of the sort. He just thinks because the
Scripture is warm and fuzzy and everyone should get along and everything, that anything goes as long as that's the goal.
And that's really twisted. That's what all heretics do. I'm not calling you a heretic, Ruslan, but all heretics do that, where they say, oh, there's a big overarching principle of love, which means everyone goes to heaven.
No, it doesn't mean that, because there's a lot of detail in the Bible. It's a pretty big book. And so, no, the fact that God is love doesn't mean everyone goes to heaven, because we have specific verses that contradict that idea.
And it's the same with this. This is what he's saying. The overarching principle of giving and charity and love, that means that we can steal as much money as we want from you, as long as the goal is a good goal, in my opinion, because I'm the great
Ruslan KD. That's an abuse of Scripture, Ruslan, an abuse.
You abuse Scripture all the time. You should stop doing that. It's not good for you.
Like everything, I'm like, bro, that's a whole nother paradigm in your presenting, and you're saying it's absolutely biblical.
I'm saying, hey, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but there's people that don't hold the position of being a presuppositional post -millennial covenantal guy.
Yeah, yeah. And there's also people that hold that there is no God. What is that supposed to mean?
Oh, yeah, there's people that hold that, you know, you have to be totally sinless in order to obey
Christ, because Jesus said it himself, go and sin no more, and that's the overarching principle, right?
Be holy as I am holy, so you have to stop sinning, and if you stop sinning, then you can be saved.
You see, it's the overarching principle. There's people that believe that, by the way. Like, you see how stupid that sounds?
There's people that disagree with you, therefore you're wrong, or therefore you're probably wrong, or you might be wrong, or you can't judge me.
Only God can judge me. That's so dumb, because Marcus is giving you Bible verses and specific paradigms, and all you're saying is, well, this is a solution that might work, and it's like, that's not equal.
You know what I mean? That's not equal. That's really stupid. And again, I'm not saying you have to agree with Marcus here, but you're gonna need a little bit more than, here's a great idea that I got from 8cantwait .org,
it's like, you know, so you've given up the argument. You've given it up. You haven't even tried to ground this in the
Bible, right? And maybe you can ground some of that stuff in the Bible, I don't know. But it doesn't seem like Ruslan's even thought about that. Like, he doesn't even think that's necessary to ground that.
As long as it sounds good to Ruslan, he's down. He's down. Like, that's not how this works, man.
It isn't how it works. And that's, again, that's a whole nother conversation that we could have a whole nother time.
It's this conversation. I'm not even sure where I'm at with some of that stuff, right? Like, I'm just being completely honest with you. He's not sure where he's at, but he is acting in favor of social justice.
So this is the thing. Like, you don't have to be 100 % sure of where you're at, but where you're acting is what you believe.
So what he believes is the woke church stuff. He believes the social justice stuff. So he's a social justice advocate, even as he doesn't understand what he's talking about.
And again, I'm not faulting him for acting without all of the facts. That's fine. Everyone has to act, not knowing all the facts.
But you're wrong. And we can prove it. And you haven't even attempted to defend yourself here.
And that's a problem for a guy like me, especially as you name the name of Christ and pretend to be this impartial wisdom guy.
Like, you're probably wise to keep your mouth shut about things you don't know. Well, look, this is why, first off, thank you for coming on, because it is really encouraging to see someone come on and knowing we're going to fight and we're going to laugh at the same time.
And I think it was really encouraging and I really appreciated it. And I wish more people, you know, we could have these conversations that are friendly and like...
Oh, man, I was going to end right here because we've already been going 40 minutes. But if I'm not mistaken, this part was one of my most interesting parts or parts
I was most interested in. So I have to keep going. So let's just do it. Let's do it, guys. But you know the path to have those conversations, though, right?
What are they? They have to. Let me guess the past, Ruthlyn. Ruthlyn, let me guess the path.
OK, here's the path to have open, honest, nice conversations. Ready? All right.
I thought about this a lot, guys. I thought about this a lot and I think I've got the answer. Ready? Here's how you do it. You come out guns blazing and call everybody racist.
You call everybody racist. Everyone's a white supremacist. Everyone's a bigot. And then when they say, hey, man,
I'm not a bigot, you say, no, no, you're definitely a bigot. You are a racist. You hate black people.
And then when they say, no, no, no, no, let's talk about this. You say, no, I'm not talking about that. No, no, no.
There's no there's no point in talking to a racist that maybe that's the way to do it. Is that the way to do it, Ruthlyn? Let's find out.
To be charitable. It has to be. Were we not charitable? We were charitable in this conversation.
Yeah. Right. But I had to first say, hey, bro, I'm not a Marxist, nor do I like the conclusions of CRT that says all white people are evil, nor do
I like the social first. The social justice warriors are are as pure as the driven snow.
They started this conversation so nice. And they're like they were just like, yeah, you know, I just I really care for the poor and I care for the blacks and I care for the minorities and the
LGBT. And and and I just would like to have a conversation with you. And we were the ones, guys, we were the ones that say, wait, wait, you care about people
Marxist. That's how this went down in Ruslan's fantasy universe.
Now, that's not how it went down, bro. It's not how it went down. This is how it went down. Jamar Tisby started saying every white person was racist.
What's his face started coming after James White because he said something about a young man that happened to be black and how a lot of black boys grow up without fathers.
And you said he was a racist. That's how this started. I'm scared of white people that voted for Trump. That's how this started.
Right. So it started with you guys calling everyone and their mother racist. And we were like, hey, we're not racist.
Dude, I experienced this, man. This is literally how my channel got started. I started pushing back and I started saying, yeah, you know, it's not quite right.
Just watch my content, Ruslan. It's gotten more crazy as the years go on because I started just being like super humble, like like, you know, but like he's a little wrong on this and he's not that not that good on this.
And here's what happened, Ruslan. Ready? Ready? You're a racist. You're a white supremacist bigot. You in the house, dog.
That's what happened. Right. So we're going to continue this later because I don't want this to be more than 40 minutes. But like like Ruslan's trying to to to to to to to change the narrative here.
He's trying to pretend like the way this started is that we were too aggressive at the outset.
And that's that's not the case at all. We got called racist. All of us got called racist. And then we were like, no, man, we're not racist.
Can we talk about this? I've done this. And I used to ask people to have conversations all the time. And very few did.
There's a handful of people that did. And I would say, no, we're not racist. No, we're not racist. No, we're not racist. Just care about this. Care about that.
And and and eventually we stopped asking. Eventually we stopped. I don't care to speak with social justice advocates anymore.
I might do it under the right circumstances if there was something in it for me. But I'm not interested in having these conversations.
I've asked too many times. I've asked too many times. And I've got to have a little self -respect here. I've been interviewed by The Washington Post.
I would if they called again, I would tell them to go pound sand. Not interested in helping you sell newspapers, even in a small way.
I'm not interested in getting some viewership to Ruslan's channel. Not interested in all these things like like like, you know, we tried that route,
Ruslan. But you guys have one argument, and it's you racist. And we're sick of it.
We're sick of it. We don't like it. Stop trying to change the narrative of how this went down. It didn't go down the way you said it went down.
We'll talk more about that when we get to this this video next week, because he's going to go in on this. And yeah, well,
I think it's time to end the video. I hope you found this video helpful. Listen, if you want to purchase a book,
Social Justice Pharisees, Woke Church Tactics and How to Engage Them, check out my son's advertisement and email me at ad at adrobles .com.