Parable Of The Tares (part 2) - [Matthew 13:24-30]



Becoming Better Theologians (part 3) - Theology Proper

Father What a blessing it is to Gather together as your people this morning to worship you
To consider all that you have done all that you have granted us in Christ To look to your word to see the things that your son taught
That we might learn from the master as it were and Lord. Would you bless our time this morning as we discuss?
Again the parable of the tares And the kingdom of God that is to come in Christ name.
We pray. Amen. Well, I was reading Matthew 12 and 13 this morning and it really is remarkable
How often? kingdom Judgment, you know mentioned over and over again during those chapters
We started this last week and I I just I was so blessed
I've been so blessed just in studying this Because I think it's just one of those passages that we
Tend to think we know more about than we really do until we study it and it's it's it's pretty deep
So we started with this Quiz last week and just to kind of catch up those who weren't here
Kind of set the tone for where we're going this morning. We're gonna go through the quiz a Little bit more quickly until I catch up to where we were number one true or false a parable is a story with a one -to -one
Correspondence between people and things in the story and between people and things in real life And the answer of course is false.
That would be an allegory that I described there a parable is What is a parable?
Ks story with moral relevance. It's a story in which Jesus Typically because we're staying the parables of Jesus takes real -life
Situations things that people can relate to in order to make a spiritual points when we consider the
Say the parable of the Good Samaritan, what was the point of the parable of the Good Samaritan? Love your neighbor.
Who is my neighbor was the big question, right? And so he took probably the most loathsome
People that the Jewish people could imagine the Samaritans and he said look here's this
Good Samaritan Who did what was right? Even though all these other people didn't and I know you haven't been studying the parable of the
Good Samaritan, but there you have it So so that's the point is he would take a real -life situation and drive home a spiritual point or two
Number two true or false parables discriminate between people and you know, I use that word discriminate on purpose because it's become such a
Loaded word people don't like, you know, you're discriminating. Well discrimination can be good
Discrimination can be good. Why? parable of the sower and the seed meaning
What's that? Well true or false
God discriminates between people? True what does that mean? He prefers some people over others, you know discrimination is always wrong false
Is it good to discriminate against bad doctrine? Is it good to discriminate against false teachers?
I don't know what to tell you discrimination is not always bad even though the culture tells us that it is parables discriminate between people because Believers don't get them number three
The primary focus of this parable is a to give lessons in horticulture Be the back.
It's still it's so good I just had to read it again be the value of wheat versus the worthlessness of of weeds
See a warning to make sure believers remove sin from their lives D a picture of coming judgment
You know if this was on the test, I dare say some people would get this one wrong, but it is
D Number four true or false. There are many applications from this parable, but only one meaning true
How do we know that because that's true of all scripture. There are many
Applications, but there's only one meaning now There are several you know, and I think some folks even pointed out to me
You know later on that Jesus makes some a variety of one -to -one correspondence says true in this parable that doesn't mean there's more than one meaning and it also doesn't make this an allegory because if we
Were to take this as a pure allegory we would run into some serious problems You know, how is it possible that Satan could sneak in to this field and spread the bad seed?
What would that say about you know, if we're gonna take this as a one -for -one correspondence, we'd run into problems True or false
The enemy is Satan that is true and we talked about last time and it is a fascinating part
Let me just read the parable before I go any further Matthew 24 and I'm going to demonstrate
The power of the computer by not even opening up my Bible to read this Matthew 13 verses 24 to 30
He put another parable before them. This is a series of parables.
We talked about last week I think that's the fifth in a series of seven parables He put another parable before them saying the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man
Who sowed good seed in his field? But while his men were sleeping his enemy came in and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away
We talked about last week that there was actually a Roman law against that what a shocking idea
That someone would actually hate someone else so much that they would come into their planted field and put this weed in there
But they did Verse 26 so when the plants came up and bore grain then the weeds appeared also and The servants of the master of the house came and said to him master.
Did you not so good seed in your field? How then does it have weeds? This is the first part is a rhetorical question.
They know the answer to this. The answer is yes He did plant good seed So, how is it possible that there are weeds here, where do they come from?
He said to them verse 28 an enemy has done this So the servants said to him then do you want us to go and gather them?
But he said no less than gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them
Let both grow together until the harvest and at the harvest time. I will tell the reapers
Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned but gather the wheat into my barn
So true or false the enemy is Satan and that is true We talked about how it was not somehow the servants the disciples
Anybody else their negligence? It was Satan's cunning Basically to go into the field while they were
Naturally sleeping. It was sleep time. No reason to guard. This isn't like a
Flock of sheep that need to be guarded at night from prowling wolves. This is a field.
It's planted It's furrowed. It's fertilized It's already all that you've done is you've just planted the seed and then you your work is done
You just go to sleep in the next morning. Maybe you get up and water it or whatever But this isn't something where you would expect someone to come in But then you know here you have these weeds that pop up Number six the weeds represent
Unbelievers who need to be removed from the church. I remember distinctly who answered this question last week.
It was Casey. I Didn't even write that down. I just remembered it. Well, how do we know that? well, because The second part as Casey rightly said last week is false
The weeds do represent unbelievers, but the second part who need to be removed from the church now
Let me just say this if you apply to be a member of Bethlehem Bible Church and you say You know on your application.
I am NOT a believer You know, will will we accept you into membership?
Not yet. Why would we I? mean the church is a gathering not of you know, it's not a community gathering it is a
In the sense of everybody who lives in West Boylston or thereabouts, you know should join the church. It's a gathering of believers
So We would not let them in until such time as they had a credible profession of faith
But the church should not remove Unbelievers out of the church.
That's not the point of this parable In fact, the point of this parable is that unbelievers exist in the world
Okay, number seven with the right Apologetic approach the weeds. I just wind up being okay
Well, you never know like a you know, wild dog you might be able to tame it
That's false the end for the tears and for the weed cannot be more plain
Number eight The church should expend great effort in getting rid of false professors
That is not professors like at a university, but people who say that they're believers, but really aren't
And this is kind of where we left off we'll catch up to where we were But if we if we consider the things in this parable rightly and we again maybe we should actually open up our
Bible my Bible We the royal we Matthew Chapter 13 and Jesus actually explains the parable
We'll read that and then we'll Continue because as we recall the disciples come to him and want this
Explained to them and he says, okay
This is verse 36 Then he left the crowds meaning
Jesus and went into the house and his disciples came to him saying Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the field and again as I said last week
We don't exactly know why they wanted to explain. Maybe there's some discussion or maybe it was just so Heavy for them, you know, so it just weighed on them
We don't know speculation verse 37. He answered The one who sows the good seed is the son of man
The field is the world The entire world in fact,
I have a note that I added Here just for this morning Leon Morris said this
The field is the world indicates that the good seed is widely distributed World is a term that may have any one of several meanings, but here it clearly notes the entire population of the inhabited globe
Jesus is speaking of no narrow particularism. In other words, it's not just a small little area
It is interesting that the good seed is not the words that tell of the kingdom But the sons of the kingdom the people who receive and respond to the word
They are characterized by their king by their relationship to the kingdom. They belong to the kingdom the weeds also belong to the evil one
Jesus makes a sharp distinction in the end people belong either to the kingdom the kingdom of God or to Satan and so we were
As we read this the field is the world and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom The weeds are the sons of the evil one and the enemy who sowed them is the devil
The harvest is the clothes of the age and the reapers are angels Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire
So it will be at the close of the age the son of man will send his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all lawbreakers all
Causes of sin and all lawbreakers Who might that be?
Be unbelievers anything else? I mean, what's what's a cause of sin when you think of that?
temptations Satan but False teachers
And again, it just takes me back to Matthew 7 all the people who say, you know Lord, did we not do this in your name and that your name and he says depart from me
Verse 42 and throw them into the fiery furnace in that place. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth
Then the righteous will shine like the Sun in the kingdom of their father he who has ears let him hear
And so he explained the parable and we saw that last week But back to the question the church should expend great effort in getting rid of false professors that is people who are not really believers just say that they are and As I said last week, that doesn't mean we shouldn't practice church discipline.
It does mean however that It's an old likelihood if the world is filled with believers and unbelievers
Why would we think that the church would be different? Why would we think that every single person? Even in a small church like this is a believer.
In fact, I how do we? When we put somebody out of the church, we obviously want them to repent.
But what are we basically saying? If we're forced to put someone out of the church, what's the the kind of underlying message of that?
we have a stand a Standard that they're not meeting. Okay There are consequences to sin okay, and I'm going to emphasize the first part of what
Peggy just said if they're not a believer or if there are a if they're a believer, they should feel the loss of fellowship
But we're already saying when we put them out of the church Pam okay that they're actually proving their
As far as we can tell they're proving that their profession of faith is false In other words what we're saying when somebody when we put somebody out of the church, we're not saying dude
You're just so bad. We're gonna give you the boot What we're saying is as far as we can tell we can't judge the heart
But from your observable actions for everything we see from your response to us bringing the word to your situation we have absolutely no reason to think that you are a
Christian and Therefore as much as it grieves us we are putting you outside of the fellowship of the
Saints It's it's something we don't do lightly.
But essentially what we're saying is we think you are a tear We think you are an unbeliever
And again, we can't know your heart But the servants in this parable they wanted to just They're zealous for the kingdom and for the king and they want to Uproot the tears they say hey, let's go out there and just we'll just remove all these tears
But what does Jesus say? He says you can't do that Because as you're pulling up these tears in other words just and I mentioned this last week
Just imagine if we said, okay, we're gonna have a new terror ministry We want you know, the people of the church we're gonna have a sign up in the lobby
And if you want to be in the terror ministry, okay We're going to appoint people and they're gonna get you know, my mom used to pay me
I think it was when I was a kid like 25 cents a bucket for weeds, you know, go pull weeds She used to go.
Well, you can make all kinds of money. Just go pull weeds 25 cents a bucket. Oh Even adjusted for inflation that wasn't very much money
Yeah, you know I wasn't that clever if you know, I should have been smart I should have gone and got one of those tiny little buckets, you know
I'll show you mom What would it you know the end result would we'd have like a kind of a spiritual
You we'd have the Pharisees it'd be kind of like a spiritual secret police kind of a spiritual KGB running around, you know trying to ferret out all the
Unbelievers and I I think the end result would be we'd probably have about I don't know ten people left.
We're done Because yeah, you know ultimately would turn into like a
Church lady kind of thing. I'm holier than thou therefore thou must be an unbeliever, you know
And and that's just how it would work One man said the kingdom cannot be purged of its tears before judgment
The world can't and the church will not be perfect The church will never be pure and cannot be made pure.
The cure would kill the patient at Its best the church would be
Infiltrated by the or will be infiltrated by the ungodly and I'm just kind of reminded does anybody anybody familiar with the
Punic Wars? It's where the
Punic's challenged. No, I don't even know where the title comes from but maybe it's because of the punitive nature of warfare at that time, but there was war between two nations
Carthage and Rome and Carthage had the temerity to challenge
Rome and What happened eventually after the second Punic War? When Rome defeated
Carthage they went into Carthage and does anybody remember what they did to Carthage? they
They just took salt and they poured it all over their fields and everything else. Why? What's that?
So nothing would grow and so the idea here is You don't want to take salt and just pour it over the whole thing because then you'll have you'll destroy the tears sure but you'll also
Destroy the wheat and we ended with this that Matthew Henry Said the
Lord would rather permit tears than endanger wheat. I mean could the Lord not remove every tear from the church
Yes, could he not remove every terror from the world? Yes But that's not his plan. He's not going to do that yet Beyond that as I said before if we can't in the church tell the tears
Between that between the tears and the wheat Within the church. Sometimes we can't tell in the world either
People that we presume are tears God knows better, but it's interesting at this time, too
People Want to blame the church for A lot of ills.
I mean, it's it's really popular right now If you start saying anything negative about Islam, what's the response?
The Crusades, right? You're unloving you're judgmental and everything, but they always it goes back to the
Crusades You know sure Islam is doing terrible things. But what about the Crusades? What about the Inquisition?
I love those questions Yeah, well the the first response to the
Crusades is who started it because the truth is by the time the Crusades were underway Islam and pretty much peacefully
Spread over much of the known Globe I mean there are just a couple of battles in history tours in France now you have to know that when
Islam started in the Middle East and then spread over North Africa and went across straits of Gibraltar into Spain and was finally defeated in France the things were getting a little serious and the same thing happened the other way they went through Turkey and up through Bulgaria and that whole area and we're eventually
I think defeated somewhere in Austria so I mean they at one point the forces of Islam had taken over a good part of the world and In response to that, you know, we had the
Crusades we Who who organized the Crusades anyway? The Catholics yeah, that's a good answer.
Yeah, so I'm like I love questions about the Crusades and the Inquisition cuz I'm like Let's see Martin Luther John Calvin, I don't think we were around yet.
So You know throw all the money you want at the Roman Catholic Church doesn't hurt my feelings
Well, why the Crusades? I think it's in response historically to Something else now, you know,
I think they the Crusaders put way too much emphasis on Bethlehem and other things
I mean, you know if they were to spend as much time actually worrying about the gospel as they did about the
Holy Land I think we'd have been a lot better off But you know people also like to point to the
Inquisition. What's the Inquisition? Okay, a fusion of church and state and they were essentially trying to purge the terrors.
They really went after Jews and anyone who was Not a professing
Christian. They were just gonna get rid of all of them What why do bad things happen in the name of Christianity because sometimes the tears take over the church
I mean there are times and I've mentioned this before I really sometime I'll do a study on this but there were times during the
Medieval period where the most powerful man on the face of the planet militarily
Was the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church? When he spoke Kings trembled because he had the troops to back up whatever he said
And we you know, we live in a different world now where you know The Pope's got what a couple square miles there and and he doesn't have a massive army, but things were a lot different Sometimes terrors take over the nominal church, you know, does that mean?
Well It'll get into what I what I spoke about a few weeks ago about church leadership and what
I'm going to talk about tonight Sunday evening we're gonna be talking about Deacons and men who should be serving in the church and the women who should be supporting them, but the the world holds
Christ this is this is I just made this up But it's true the world holds Christ accountable for everything done by those naming his name
Right, if you say you're a Christian Then the world wants to hold you accountable or wants to hold
Jesus accountable for everything that you do But that's not how it works there are tears
Within the wheat now, here's a question.
Do tears reveal themselves a lot of times they do and You know what?
I wrote often they do a lot of times. They do very good. Good job, Pam How do they reveal themselves how do tears show themselves
Brian by acting like tears their language
Some examples their language What they love
I had their desires good who they love.
How about their cruelty? I mean we're talking about the Inquisition, I mean somebody who really loves
Christ would therefore torture people who don't Is that gonna be effective?
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition How about their tempers do people reveal who they are?
Whether they love Christ or not by their inability to control their temper sometimes they do
Does that mean that Christians can never get angry? No, but it means you know, I Can't help it.
I'm Irish. I have an Irish temper. I can't help it Why is it that every you ever notice that you know, every nationality has its own little quirks or whatever
But everybody seems to have a temper Well, I can't help it it's my you know
Spanish temper I can't help it it's my everybody has a temper I don't know why that is Maybe it's just a sinful desire to justify it.
I'm not sure How about what you set up your goals your ambitions what you set out to achieve in life?
Does that tell us something about you? How about whether you're honest or not, how about with you cough and said no listen
Sorry What is it about tears that ultimately sets them apart is they don't worship
God. They they have some other God Sometimes it's just themselves But the world would say what that churches are filled with Hypocrites is that true
Vida? Yeah new believer sometimes struggles with different things even
Believers at various points in their lives may have difficulties that come in and they may struggle with them for a time it's hard to To take a snapshot of someone's life and try to determine whether they are a believer or not
Yeah, Pam Pam makes an excellent point.
She says well, there are hypocrites, but the Lord knows the difference and again We're talking about wheat and tares
Do you think that Jesus ultimately knows the difference? Who is it? Who sends the angels out there to identify him?
Basically, you know, here's the picture I would say of the judgment I'm skipping ahead a little bit But it's as if the
Lord is the director of the FBI This is an analogy from which I have a little bit of experience or with which
I have a little experience and he gives out You know the most wanted posters and he sends his angels out there to go out there and find the most wanted people
He's gonna sort out the tears. He's going to remove them and you know as far as the world saying
Well, the church is filled with hypocrites. May I just suggest that the world is filled with Unloving hypocrites.
I mean right now it's just we see this in the news daily, you know all kinds of calls for tolerance
When it comes to other religions, but I promise you this In fact,
I just read yesterday that there's a possibility that The So -called ground center mosque or ground zero mosque may get tax -free financing or you know, interest -free financing
And I'm like boy, I like that deal for BBC. That'd be pretty sweet. I think Massachusetts will throw us some interest -free financing.
I Think that's intolerance Why is the master in this parable why is he so patient Why is he so patient why is he just say you know what leave those those weed weeds alone
Don't try to go identify the tears What's that?
He knows there'll be a harvest. He's waiting for the weed to ripen. Listen what John MacArthur says he says the servants did not understand the greatness of God's grace or his plan of redemption for the
Intermediate and millennial periods of the kingdom before Christ would judge the world in other words Christ is patient.
He knows he knows that now's not the time then wasn't the time and some of the
What appears to be tears what appears to be weeds God is going to? transform
Yeah We are going to marvel forever and I'm gonna mention this tonight, too
We're gonna marvel forever at the amazing grace and wisdom of God We you know from our perspective we think things should be done a certain way and here the disciples are just like you know
It's obvious to us what needs to be done Lord We need to go out there in that field find all the tears and yank them up and he's just like well
Wait a minute you guys first of all don't know what you're doing I'm gonna send you out there, and you're gonna wind up.
You know pulling up tear wheat everything else you know we're gonna wind up with a pretty ugly looking field
The other thing is What you and it kind of goes together what you guys identify as terrorists may not be tears
I? know My angels will know so you just wait.
It's not time yet number nine on the quiz True or false many churches today are beset.
I just had to throw that in there beset by unbelievers true
Like this quote from Spurgeon gotta have a Spurgeon quote every now and then if you find the perfect church don't join it
You'll ruin it Yeah, I think this church is perfect then don't join
Now let me ask you this question does the presence of tears mean that the church will not accomplish her mission
In other words if there are unbelievers within the church does that mean that the church will not be able to accomplish her mission?
No No, because Christ is building his church, and he will not fail
Jesus explained it the parable we talked about that a little bit And I know it's you know when he says basically summarizing it
I'm gonna be patient. We're gonna wait I Said it's a little bit like you know when you go to a baseball game or whatever and they say you can't tell the players
Are who the players are without a program? And that's exactly right Jesus tells us who the various actors are when he makes the one -for -one correspondence the son of Man is the one who sows the good seed the field is the world the good seed of the sons of the kingdom
The weeds are the sons of the evil one the enemy is Satan The harvest is the clothes the aids judgment and the reapers are angels
Just struck me how? black and white ultimately this is
You know even as I was reading this morning Jesus said what if you are not with me you are against me
There are really no shades of gray With God now, let's talk about the good seed for a moment the sons of the kingdom
What would be another way of saying talking about the good seed the sons of the kingdom or?
believers Heirs of the throne, but how about something even because believers means what that they've already expressed their faith
What about our The elect why because there are in this vast field the whole world of grain and wheat growing together
There are some that are evident to us. We can see the fruits the seeds as it were you know the wheat
There are others we can't see The weeds Does that mean they're unbelievers?
Well, yeah, it does mean they're unbelievers, but doesn't mean that they won't be believers
No because There are the elect those who have not yet professed faith in Christ, but will
One day the weeds are the unsaved
Sons of the evil one I mean just think about all the phrases that are used to describe those
You know just a few. What did Jesus say said? You know you are of your father the
Devil Referred to as the sons of disobedience
And they have a variety of phrases But the harvest the close of the age
The time of judgments the word is from the Greek word telos meaning end or goal in other words the kingdom
This entire world is heading somewhere toward a harvest toward the consummation of all things
Let me ask you a question. What impact ultimately do we have on when the end of the world takes place?
Zero, how can you say that? Brian, how can you say that come on the
Bible says? Yeah, I mean what when is that when does the kingdom?
You know reach its culmination when God says it reaches its culmination when the last of the elect are gathered in The Reapers angels messengers of God.
They are his personal servants Let's just talk about the terrible judgment that is coming
It is going to be characterized with a fire a massive burning as it were of weeds anybody ever seen dried weeds burn
They they go up pretty. I mean you can do whatever you want to try to put that fire out. It's it's not happening
I Mean unless I can't even imagine how you put them out I mean, it's like you know you watch those brush fires in California It takes quite a bit of effort to put them out why because everything's so dry
And you know when they hit the more rain they have the more plant Life they have and then you know it all dries out, and it goes up like that But it's interesting in verse 42 we see that this fiery furnace does not consume
But instead causes intense misery weeping gnashing of teeth
I mean, it's kind of like the flip side of Daniel and his companions what happens to them there in the fire.
They don't can consume but They're fine But this is a fire that does not consume and instead causes intense
Misery on the flip side of that a great blessing is coming for whom?
for the wheat Kistemacher says the recipients of grace here meaning in this life
Will the be the recipients of glory there in heaven to be sure even here and now a measure of glory is bestowed on them
But this glory is generally concealed in what sense do we have glory now? Well in Ephesians, what does
Paul write he says that we are seated With Christ in the heavenlies I mean positionally we have some measure of glory
Certainly, I think even just I mean I've just been amazed You know talking about Kristen earlier, but the whole situation just watching little
January You know as I just think of how God has Blessed me and my family over the years
It's amazing to me It is amazing if I were to stand here and just testify of all the great things that God has done for us it would
It would take more time than we have Even if I started at 9 o 'clock Okay, if you are rejected for Christ's sake
God's glory rests on you Let's turn to Matthew 24 for a moment
Matthew 24. We're gonna read verses 30 and 31 Talking about judgments, but then there's the negative side where the tares are gonna be burned
But what's gonna happen to the wheat? It's gonna be they're gonna be blessed Who wants to read verses 30 and 31 of Matthew 24 go ahead
Brian? Man this is kind of the same
Picture that we're seeing here Except just talking about the elect, but I think it's fascinating and I didn't study this
But just that first part there Then we'll appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man and then all the tribes of the earth will rejoice
No We'll mourn we don't really think of that Why would they mourn?
It's not gonna be a great time for them there goes their authority How many people will have regrets on that day when they think of how they ignored the truth?
Look at I'll just read this Daniel 12 talking about judgment again
Daniel 12 verses 1 to 3 at that time shall arise Michael the great prince who has charge of your people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never been
Such has been such as never has been since there was a nation till that time
But at that time your people shall be delivered Everyone whose name shall be found written in the book and many of those who sleep in the dust shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt and those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the sky above and Those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever those are great promises to those who love the
Lord Okay number 10 on the quiz True or false the church is wise to focus on Satan remaining on the alert so he can't plant tears in the church
False I mean this is this is There's nothing we can do about it,
I mean all we can do is confront open sin confront false doctrine, but again,
I just think the whole idea of being Satan focus is wrong in fact Some of the most miserable people
I've known have been people who've been in churches where the focus was on Satan and one woman once said to me that they were in a church where The focus literally was on the sovereignty of Satan.
They were always trying to bind him trying to Break his power trying to break his strongholds casting out demons
Satan is not sovereign and we ought not to focus on him. We don't Ignore him, but our focus isn't on him.
It's on Christ number 11 true or false Every believer should take inventory and determine for himself herself whether he or she is a tear true
What a Paul right in 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 Examine yourself, and I mean all throughout the
New Testament there are calls for self -examination and At the end of the day if you look at this parable of the kingdom
The wheat and the tares and you aren't at least thinking to yourself a little bit. Am I?
Wheat am I a tear then you're kind of missing the bigger points Judgment is coming.
We don't just say well. I I look forward to seeing what happens to everybody else at the judgment Want to make sure that you're right before God daily confessing your sin
Daily seeking the Lord's face over and over again
Jesus Makes this kind of dichotomy between those who love him and those who don't if you love me keep my commandments
Narrow is the way Broad is the road that leads to destruction over and over again. He presents these two divergent paths
And the same thing is here true or true here. We have the wheat we have the tears
We need we should want to examine our own lives and to determine for ourselves
That as much as we may stumble as much as we may sin that our allegiance is with Christ that we love him and he is
Truly our first love What else can we do about this?
How else can we act upon this parable? I think the other key would just be this
That we know that there are Many out there many good seeds out there that have not yet born fruit
So I think this should give us confidence in evangelism Because if there are people out there that the
Lord has elected that he has chosen and yet have born no fruit at all Then we should be indiscriminate in our
Proclamation of the gospel knowing that God will save whom he has chosen that he will bring those sons and daughters of the kingdom out of darkness and into light as we are faithful to preach the truth
Any other thoughts Casey? Yeah the
Casey points out that the Bible itself the New Testament the teachings of Jesus basically are all about this kind of Dichotomy of thoughts, you know
You're either believer or an unbeliever and you give evidence of whether you're a believer or an unbeliever, you know again
We get back to this idea of what the world says about Christianity Christians or this that and the other thing. Well Many people who name the name of Christ are those things
But Christians that is followers of Christ those who actually believe what they say they believe
Have different characteristics They're marked by a love for the Lord and therefore obedience to his word
Well, let's go ahead and pray father We thank you so much for your word for these parables
For the The truth that they give us For the light that they shine so clearly on our lives and how they divide between truth and error
Lord would you give us the grace? To obey you to flee from sin to be not self kind of idolizing
People who think how good we are but those who are awestruck by your grace
Who are amazed at the care and the love that you have lavished on us in Making us wheat as it were
Lord in light of that would you cause us not to think how good how strong of a wheat stock we are but Lord how much we owe you and how much therefore we ought to go and Serve others how much we ought to be
Vessels of the truth those who would in love Tell the truth
That we might see many brought into the kingdom of your dear son father we thank you for all the promises in Christ and even the idea that we would have a fullness of glory one day that we would be
Christ like One day that we would be like him What a mind -boggling thought