GTY Comments on Trump Assassination Attempt - Steve Lawson from John MacArthur's Pulpit


A Biblical response from the pulpit of Grace Community Church - "it was not his time". What does THE Sovereignty of God have to do with recent events? Watch and find out.


Hello in this video. I just want to show a clip of a very well -known pastor or at least someone from his pulpit
Speaking about the news that's been going on obviously a lot of things are happening right now
Joe Biden Just stepped down he is not running for president anymore, so who's gonna take his place?
Time will tell obviously last week the failed assassination attempt against President Trump, you know when stuff like this happens people look
Well, they look to the news and they realize they can't necessarily trust What they hear in the news especially depending on what channel you're watching, right?
But people will look to sources Different sources for information, but as for Christians we typically look to pastors to see what they say
How should a Christian respond? What is the biblical Response, what's the biblical point of view and people will look maybe to their local pastor?
But certainly people look to the famous pastors the well -known Pastors, and I just have to say it and I think this is too bad that It's amazing how a lot of pastors are just not talking about this when the former president and the way it looks now
Then the future president when he is almost murdered on television on live
TV How does the pastor how does that happen on Saturday night, but a pastor doesn't even bring that up the next day and I'm not saying you need to preach a sermon on it, but you don't even bring it up and Because everyone's thinking about it just about everybody you don't even bring it up as a matter of prayer
I mean, it's just bizarre. I think the stuff that's at listen people have the right. I'm not judging anyone
I I just find it I find it strange But Christians need to look
We don't have much for political leadership these days Leadership is a hard thing to find not a lot of competent leadership in the
Day and age we live in it seems but people will look to well -known pastors and a lot of famous pastors
They're just totally silent not saying anything But as you know if you watch this channel one pastor that he's always he comments on Not everything but a lot of things
He's not afraid to comment would be pastor John MacArthur and people obviously look to see what what's he saying about this from what?
I understand Because I have a clip of Steve Lawson preaching from MacArthur's pulpit
I think this was last Sunday not the 21st, but the 14th so the day after Trump was shot
Or it grazed his ear. I guess that he still was shot still hit him, right? So Steve Lawson John MacArthur for what
I understand. He's not feeling well. He has a procedure or had one I don't know if it was on his heart, but John MacArthur's 85 years old
As far as I know he hasn't commented on this he wasn't in the pulpit he's not doing any public events at the moment, but Steve Lawson a
Associate of John MacArthur's he spoke from the pulpit and here's what he said here was his take a biblical take on The failed
Trump assassination plot. Let's watch in these verses Job states How short -lived human life is and we see here that its length of days?
and its length of months Remains in the hands of God That no one will live beyond the allotted time that God has assigned for that person
We are to give ourselves to medical care. We are to use wisdom and discretion but the fact of the matter is
That God by his own sovereign will have set the boundaries for our lives
He has set the day of our birth and he has set the day of our death and he has numbered every one of our days in between and we will not live one day less nor one day more and This truth is especially important to us today for several reasons
And number one is I woke up this morning and saw on social media of what many of you saw the
The attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump and How that bullet that was aimed for the temple of his head just grazed past his ear and all that was done was simply to bring a flesh wound and The only explanation for this is it was it simply was not his time
That God has ordained the number of days and the number of months that he was live to live and that was not that day
Okay, so that I think is the right response It was not
Donald Trump's time. So you can't argue with that these people somebody sent me a Request to look at the pastor
Lorenzo swell I don't think that's how you pronounce his last name, but he spoke black pastor spoke at the
Republican Convention and somebody wanted me to watch his message and maybe do a video on it.
I thought his message was fine Except towards the end. He twisted Ephesians 611 and then basically
It's the Trump is Trump is anointed by God and God is going to use him for such time as this to do this
And this and you know, here's the thing saying Trump is anointed by God. I've never said that According to 1st
John 2 20 Who's anointed in this age? Okay, and in the past in the
Old Testament David was anointed by God the Holy Spirit came upon him He was a chosen vessel God was using it
Trump is not Like King David or something. Okay, so he's not anointed in that sense
You know a true prophet didn't pour oil on his head But in the New Testament the concept of the anointing of God is that you have the
Holy Spirit Okay, so I think it's 1st John 2 20 all true believers have the
Holy Spirit and we've talked about this already is Trump saved Is he not
I'm not gonna say that Trump is anointed. Okay, so I think that When you say
God it has a plan for him. That's true. We don't know what the plan is so when people make all these claims that Trump is anointed and God's gonna use them to Make America great good to restore
America to Christianity or this or that that's obviously debatable. The jury's still out
We don't know what God's gonna do but what I like about Steve Lawson what I like about John I realize a lot of people don't like John MacArthur and the pastors that Minister with him and fellowship with him, but they don't go into crazy land
You know, they don't go beyond what the word says at least not here. Okay I just this is true what he said.
It's not Donald Trump's time Why because God is sovereign and this is something that not all
Christians believe but it's true. This is biblical God is Sovereign whether you see the word in the
Bible depends on the translation But that doesn't matter the word Trinity isn't in the Bible the word Bible isn't in the
Bible, but we still have a Bible So the concept of the sovereignty of God is certainly in Scripture and this gives us great comfort
So the thing I want to emphasize in this video in the last video, I emphasize the gospel
I try to emphasize some biblical point. I want to emphasize the sovereignty of God God is in control here.
If you say Trump is anointed and God's going to use them to do this or that debatable, okay
Even to say that this was a miracle, you know, the the bullet was here and Donald Trump turned to said it was a miracle
Well miracles are supernatural I understand probably what some people mean by that but a miracle is supernatural
The laws of nature are suspended or God intervenes in some incredible way
Like when Jesus raised the dead or when Moses parted the Red Sea, that's a miracle I'm not seeing anything about the
Trump incident of him turning. It's incredible. It's amazing God's I would say God did spare his life
I think it's fair to say that because of the sovereignty of God, but I don't believe it's a miracle at least
I didn't see anything that would Indicate it's a miracle, but we need to focus on this truth
And this is what Steve Lawson was saying the sovereignty of God. Here's a few verses Okay, Psalm 115 verse 3 says but our
God is in heaven and he does whatever he pleases That's the sovereignty of God Proverbs 19 21.
There are many plans in a man's heart Nevertheless the Lord's counsel that will stand that is the sovereignty of God all the verses about God ordaining things or for ordaining or Predestining.
Okay, that's the sovereignty of God the story about Joseph What his brothers did they meant it for evil, but Joseph recognized
God was at work His brothers meant it for evil. God meant it for good. That's the sovereignty of God It's the providence of God.
The providence of God is that the hand of God which is guiding? Human history
God the Lord is on the throne He really is in control Romans 8 28 said says that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love
God to those who are the called according to his purpose. So Here's here's my word to you whether it's
Something you have anxiety about in your personal life something that happened. You just don't understand.
Listen. God gives us a God gives us the ability to go out and make choices.
I can go out and do something today that would You know just make a mess at a thing
I I can do things that would bring harm to myself and obviously people do things that bring harm to others and that's on them
Okay, it's just like a person who rejects Jesus That's their choice and they reject
Jesus because they want to reject him and that's that's on them We don't blame God for what people do because we all have choices we can all do
Terrible things if we wanted to but hopefully the Holy Spirit is working in our heart that we don't want to do those things
But the the will of man and what man does aside God is still no matter what man does
God is still Working all things according to the counsel of his will
God is working all things together for good to those who love him What men mean for evil
God means for good? so I just want to say this to you if you're worried if you're if you're fretting about Evildoers and what's happening in the world and it's an easy thing to do
My friends look at these verses That teach the sovereignty of God God when we say
God is in control He really is he really is now what he has for the future whether Donald Trump's anointed whether God's gonna use him to do this
Or you know Joe Biden steps down and someone is maybe you don't care about politics at all And you're more concerned about this thing going on in your personal life or whatever it is
If you're a Christian just know that God is sovereign God is sovereign and it's a matter of you having faith
That God is sovereign and hopefully that should bring some peace and contentment into your heart