August 27, 2024 Show with Levi Secord on “The Radical Leftism of Governor Tim Walz”



Live from historic downtown Carlisle, Pennsylvania, home of founding father James Wilson, 19th century hymn writer
George Duffield, 19th century gospel minister George Norcross, and sports legend
Jim Thorpe, it's Iron Sharpens Iron. This is a radio platform in which pastors,
Christian scholars, and theologians address the burning issues facing the church and the world today.
Proverbs chapter 27 verse 17 tells us iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Matthew Henry said that in this passage, we are cautioned to take heed with whom we converse and directed to have in view in conversation to make one another wiser and better.
It is our hope that this goal will be accomplished over the next two hours, and we hope to hear from you, the listener, with your own questions.
And now, here's your host, Chris Arnzen. Good afternoon,
Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, Lake City, Florida, and the rest of humanity living on the planet
Earth who are listening via live streaming at ironsharpensironradio .com.
This is Chris Arnzen, your host of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio, wishing you all a happy Tuesday on this 27th day of August 2024.
Before I introduce my guest and our topic for the day, I want to remind all men and ministry leadership that you're invited to the next free, biannual
Iron Sharpens Iron Radio Pastors Luncheon. It's going to be held Thursday, October 10th, 11 a .m.
to 2 p .m. at Church of the Living Christ in Loisville, Pennsylvania, which is
Perry County, Pennsylvania. We are featuring, for the first time ever, our keynote speaker, Dr.
Joe Boot, world -renowned author, conference speaker, and founder and president of the
Ezra Institute. And not only is your admission free and your time to hear what will no doubt be a powerful and edifying message from Dr.
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If you'd like to register for this event, if you're a man in ministry leadership, send me an email to chrisarnsen at gmail .com,
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Please give me your name, the name of your church or parachurch ministry, and the location, and also the number of men who will be joining you at this event on Thursday, October 10th, 11 a .m.
to 2 p .m. at Church of the Living Christ in Loisville, Pennsylvania. Once again, send me that registration to chrisarnsen at gmail .com,
put Pastors Luncheon in the subject line. Well, I'm thrilled to have someone returning to the program who has been a co -host for three programs, and this is his first time actually as the primary guest on the program.
In fact, he's the only guest on the program today. His name is Levi Secord, founding pastor of Christ Bible Church of Roseville, Minnesota, and he's going to be addressing the radical leftism of Governor Tim Walz, a
Minnesotan pastor's perspective. And we're also going to be announcing the
Till Kingdom Come conference, which is on political engagement in light of the
Lordship of Christ, which is being held September 20th through the 21st in Roseville, Minnesota.
But it's my honor and privilege to welcome you back to Orange Rope and Zion Radio, Pastor Levi Secord.
Thanks for having me again, Chris. It's great to have you back on the show, and please let our listeners know something about Christ Bible Church of Roseville, Minnesota.
We are a church that exists to glorify God by bringing all of Christ into all of life.
And so our goal here is to offer the unified vision of Scripture, as the Protestant Reformers did, of tying all of life under the authority of God and God's Word.
And so the ministry of the church is to equip God's people to go into every sphere and sector of life, declaring that, yes, even here,
Christ is Lord. And so we don't view any topic as off limits.
So that's what we try to do. That's why we're having the conference we're having in September. That's why I engage in many of the different writing activities
I do, like we're going to talk about today with World Opinions or Christ Overall or some other different ministries.
Oh, well, if anybody wants more information about Christ Bible Church, go to christbible .net,
and as I was mentioning, you are hosting the Till Kingdom Come conference, which is being held
September 20th through the 21st, and you have a very impressive lineup, all of whom
I have interviewed on this program, and you can look up their interviews on the
Iron Radio website. If you type in Levi Secord, L -E -V as in victory,
I, Secord, S -E -C -O -R -D, all of those will come up because Levi was the co -host for all of those interviews, those three interviews that featured
Stephen Wellam, Bradley Green, and Ardell Canaday, and I enjoyed thoroughly interviewing all of these men.
But why don't you tell us something specific about this conference?
I know that the subtitle, Political Engagement in Light of the Lordship of Christ, gives our listeners a big clue as to the subject, but if you want to be more detailed about it.
David Yes, so it's September 20th, 21st here in St. Paul, Minnesota, or just north of St.
Paul in the suburb of Roseville. And the heart behind this conference is politics is not going to become less important in the coming years.
It's actually going to become more important, and the church, as we saw in 2020 and beyond, is going to be wrestling with these questions.
And we have found, particularly with so many of the terrible responses to the COVID fiasco, that the church has been ill -equipped to think through these political issues as Christians.
And so there's been a lot of fighting over a lot of different issues, Christian nationalism, theonomy, etc., etc. We are a
Baptistic church, but we would probably make some of our Baptistic brothers uncomfortable because we're more friendly with some of those terms, though we may not use them, we are more friendly with them.
And so we've seen some of our Baptist brothers respond to some of these critiques with almost a light version of secularism.
Like, we want such a stark division between religion and the state that there's pretty much no room for God.
We don't think that's the right way. So we want to offer a distinctly Baptist, Calvinistic Baptist response to how do we think through the relationship between church and state,
God and state, and what does that look like moving forward. And if anybody wants to register for this event, once again, go to ChristBible .net.
ChristBible .net. Well, today, as I already announced, our theme is the radical leftism of Governor Tim Walz, a
Minnesotan pastor's perspective. And as all of you, at least in the
United States, who are listening are fully aware, Tim Walz has become the vice presidential running mate of Kamala Harris.
And everything that I continue to hear about Tim Walz is increasingly frightening and disturbing.
And it's utterly amazing that within my lifetime, we have a man who is right now just a heartbeat away from not only the vice presidency, but the presidency, if something should happen to Kamala Harris.
And from everything I'm hearing, this man is just a hair breaths away from being a full -blown
Marxist. But if you could tell us some of the background, you as a citizen of Minnesota had to deal with Tim Walz's regime as governor over the folks there.
Why don't you start with your first initial discovery of who he was and continue on with some of the primary things that our voting listeners should know about him?
Well, there's so much to talk about. And even a lot of it has come to light since he's been nominated.
I mean, he's been proven now to be a habitual just liar, just lies.
So many different accomplishments and things he did or didn't do have once they've been fact -checked just to be turned or turned out to be complete fabrications.
The media here in Minnesota did not do its job when Walz ran for election or re -election at all, which isn't a surprise.
They don't tend to do their job for anybody who leans politically to the left. But Walz has been an extreme leftist socially and economically from the get -go, from the jump.
The fact that they picked him to try to paint him as a Midwest moderate, which is the only reason
I can think why they picked him, is that he's male, he's white, and that he would appeal as this oh -ho, ah -shucks type
Midwest moderate. But anybody who knows his policies, as they become more and more light here, he's not a moderate.
I mean, he was hosting a recruiting young men to a gay students' club when he was a teacher in the 1990s in public schools.
Yeah, this man was never a moderate. I haven't even heard that one yet.
Yeah, I was asked to write the article for World Opinions on it because I've done some writing for them in the past when he got nominated.
And the social issues, since the Democrats in Minnesota took both the state
House and the state Senate, they took the state Senate by one vote, and that person won in our swing district by just a couple hundred votes.
So this is one of these things I've hammered again and again to people. I can understand if you don't want to vote for Trump, but there's more than Trump on the ballot.
And if the Democrats take a trifecta, they can do to this nation what Tim Walz did to this state, which is enact radical leftism.
Even if you're not terribly enthused by the presidential nominee, go out and vote for Senate and House because there's a good chance the
Republicans could take the Senate even if Trump loses, and that would hem in a lot of potential damage.
But I mean, there's lots of issues we could talk about. There's transgenderism stances, there's abortion stances.
What do you want me to talk about, Chris? Well, let's just take a couple of steps back to what you just said because it's the first time
I'm hearing it. I'm surprised I haven't heard it already on Fox News, but unfortunately,
Fox News has become increasingly soft on the sin of homosexuality.
They even have regular hosts and co -hosts who are identifying themselves in that fashion, albeit conservatives, in a fiscal way and perhaps advocating small government.
But is Walz himself homosexual or bisexual?
What was this purpose of taking students to a homosexual nightclub?
No, not a nightclub. Oh. A student club. Oh, I'm sorry. There was a student group on campus, not a nightclub, okay?
Okay. Let's be clear here. He had, as the New York Times would positively frame it, he advised the
Gay -Straight Alliance in the 90s, but he was recruiting students. Again, this is the 90s, right?
So this was long before it became normal or acceptable in culture. So it's not, again, he wasn't a moderate.
He was extreme back then, and he's remained extreme. But what was his purpose even in doing that in a student club?
I mean, he was a teacher in the high school, coached the football team. I'm not entirely sure. I'm sure he's just,
I mean, like you said, it's very clear that his worldview is a Marxist one. So this would fit in well with that.
Okay. That's interesting because that's not your stereotypical football coach's behavior. Nope. Nope.
I mean, that's only the decade after I graduated high school. And when
I was in high school, there was no known homosexual student that I'm aware of.
I'm not saying that there weren't any homosexual students, but it was not something that anybody publicly identified themselves as back then.
But so when liberals used to hear us warn about the dangers of the increasingly left -leaning direction that they were heading or even where they already landed, especially when we used words such as Marxist and so on, you would get a lot of chuckles.
Perhaps you still do to some degree. But it was fascinating here to hear
Wolves in his own words say on camera, socialism is just another man's good neighborliness.
Yeah. It's just another form of being a good neighbor. Yeah. I mean, so how on paper and officially, how socialist -slash -Marxist is
Wolves really? I mean, other than what you may believe he is that is far beyond what he admits to, what's going on here?
Well, if we're going to talk about, well, what type of Marxism are we talking about? I think the dominant strain of Marxism today is what we would call cultural
Marxism manifesting itself in critical theory. But before we get off on that tangent, it's basically just applying
Marxism to social issues like sexuality, gender, abortion, et cetera. So we have abortion rights are no longer called abortion rights, but that's called reproductive justice.
Well, framing this as an issue of justice is a way of cultural Marxism. And so Wolves, again, when they got their one vote majority at the midterms last election, they rammed through, the first order of business was to ram through the most extreme abortion policies in this nation.
But even if you were to compare Minnesota to the rest of the world, we are more extreme than Europe. The only nations we're really on par with for abortion laws are
China and North Korea. So that's not exactly good company to be in, those bastions of civil rights as they were.
And so in Minnesota now, abortion is allowed or is protected up to the moment of birth.
So that does mean that it allows for a partial birth abortion, the crushing of the heads of alive babies in the womb.
He's also launched some attacks on the pro -life pregnancy centers in Minnesota because, you know, we don't respect anyone who disagrees with us if you're a
Marxist or a socialist. They also removed language in the Minnesota statutes that required if a baby were to be born alive after a botched abortion, instead of that baby being treated as a human, there's no argument anymore whether or not it's dependent on the mom's body to live.
Born alive on a failed abortion, you're no longer required by state law to provide medical care for that child.
And so one report said five children in the last year were left to die all alone.
Born in this world, left to die in Minnesota. And Walz enacted that policy and he did it with pride, at one point even saying he was going to set up Minnesota as the anti -Florida.
That was his goal. We are going to be the opposite of Florida, not just in weather, but in politics.
So the claim that we all heard leftists make after Donald Trump debated
Joe Biden, the debate heard around the world that ended
Joe Biden's candidacy, the claim was that among the dozens of other bold -faced lies that Trump allegedly made during that debate, one was claimed that when he mentioned both late -term and partial -birth abortion and the allowing of infants born so -called accidentally during an abortion attempt to allow them to die, the claim was made in a scoffing manner that that was just a bold -faced lie that's not practiced legally anywhere in the
United States. So that claim that it's a lie is a lie. Oh, of course.
I mean, leftists in the media don't tell the truth to their rank -and -file people.
So I had, for example, when I brought this up in my article, somebody commented on it online and said that my article was satire because this isn't true.
And I'm like, OK. He's like, they don't crush the heads of infants in partial -birth abortion. I didn't respond to the guy because he's a troll, and we don't feed the trolls, but the reality of the matter is you can look up at it.
You can look up the exact medical term on how partial -birth abortion happens, and it requires often the crushing of the skull of an infant in order for the baby to be able to come out.
And so I think a lot of people who vote left are completely brainwashed and lied to, and they trust their media that these things aren't what's actually happening, but they are.
Like, why would you go through changing the law in Minnesota that requires medical treatment for children if you actually wanted those children to get medical treatment?
Why would you get rid of the law? And we have to go to our first commercial break.
If anybody wants to join the conversation with a question about Tim Walz, our email address is chrisarnson at gmail dot com.
chrisarnson at gmail dot com. As always, give us your first name at least, your city and state of residence, and your country of residence if you live outside of the good old
USA. Don't go away. We are going to be right back after these messages, and send in your questions to chrisarnson at gmail dot com.
chrisarnson at gmail dot com. We'll be right back. Greetings.
This is Brian McLaughlin, president of the SecureComm Group and supporter of Chris Arnson's Iron Shopping Zion radio program.
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We can be reached at securecommgroup .com.
That's securecommgroup .com. But today, I want to introduce you to my senior pastor,
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Doug McMasters here, former director of pastoral correspondence at Grace to You, the radio ministry of John MacArthur.
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That's 516 -352 -9672. That's New High Park Baptist Church, a congregation in love with each other, passionate for Christ, committed to learning and being shaped by God's word and delighting in the gospel of God's sovereign grace.
I'm Pastor Bill Shishko of The Haven, an Orthodox Presbyterian church in Comac, Long Island.
I hold the Iron Sharpens Iron radio program hosted by my longtime friend and brother
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So please go to royaldiadem .com and mention Iron Sharpens Iron Radio. We are now back with my guest today,
Pastor Levi Secord, and he is the pastor of Christ Bible Church in Roseville, Minnesota, and we are not only talking about one of the most leftist candidates in the history of politics in the
United States, Tim Walz, who's running to be Kamala Harris' vice president, but we're also promoting the
Till Kingdom Come conference at Christ Bible Church in Roseville that is going to be held on September 20th and 21st.
If you have a question, submit it to chrisarnson at gmail .com, chrisarnson at gmail .com,
and as always, give us your first name at least, city and state, and country of residence. Only remain anonymous if your question involves personal and private matter.
So one of the things that you touched on before the break was the fact that Walz is real hopped up and enthusiastic and excited to aid children in the mutilation of their own bodies through gender -affirming care, as they call it, really accurately described, as I just did, sexual mutilation, through hormonal treatments and surgery, and this is something that goes hand in hand with something
Walz signed into law called the Trans -Refuge Act. If you could give more details about that.
Yeah, the Trans -Refuge Act might be, and this is a big claim, it might be the worst legislation that has been enacted in Minnesota under Walz's care.
So this was last year, again, with the one -vote majority, this was the next thing that they really wanted to pass, and there was a lot of heat and light that came from the national media on this one because of how extreme it was.
So in response to the red states that were passing laws banning transgender surgery or gender -affirming care, as it's so -called called, or puberty blocker medication,
Walz and the Democrats or the leftists here in Minnesota wrote up this bill called
HF146, and part of it was to set up Minnesota as this refuge state where parents or youth without their parents could flee across state lines, come to Minnesota, and get the surgery or the medication to change their gender.
Of course, we know that you can't actually change your gender, but that was the case here. And with that one -vote majority in the
Senate, they were able to pass it in a pretty much a straight party -line vote. A couple Republicans refused to show up on the day of the vote.
There were massive protests at the Capitol. I was there to see that. I was involved with talking with my state senator, who was considered a swing vote as a
Democrat, and we went back and forth. Even while he was on the floor, I was on the phone with him talking about this bill.
But the most concerning part about the bill, as far as I was concerned, is that the Minnesota courts now had another category added to state law in which they could seize emergency jurisdiction over minors.
And so before this bill was passed, the law recognized only two categories in which a court could do that.
The first was abandonment, and the second was abuse. Of course, Christians would say, yeah, in those categories, the state should be able to take emergency action.
Well, it added a third category, and I'll read directly from the bill here, that, quote, the child has been unable to obtain gender -affirming health care.
Right? End quote. Section 3 .3. So in that, now the courts have on the same level as abuse and abandonment is that parents won't give their children what is quote -unquote called gender -affirming care.
And so the courts in Minnesota retain the right to force this leftist, wicked ideology that many
European countries are now saying, all of the science, all of the data says this is terrible for our children.
We shouldn't be doing that. Well, in Minnesota, the bureaucrats and the politicians say they know better than the parents. Unbelievable.
Now, over the years, after becoming a Christian, I have had conversations with many liberals.
I do not identify Kamala Harris or Tim Walz as liberals.
They're clearly totalitarian leftists. When you minister to the citizens of Minnesota, whether they are visiting your church or they are family members of members of your church, you somehow get involved in either face -to -face conversations or phone calls, correspondence through the mail for one reason or another.
You're engaging the local folks. The thing that I have noticed in my own interaction with liberals is that they find these things that we're discussing right now, like partial birth, abortion, like allowing infants to die after they've been accidentally born during an abortion attempt, like the sexual mutilation of children, especially very young children, especially even on top of that, without the consent of parents.
They very often find that stuff just as grotesque as we do, but they will also very often say, but that stuff doesn't happen.
What is the climate of the average citizen of Minnesota, at least in your area, that you have engaged in conversation?
I mean, is Tim Walz, the governor, a real extreme example with a tiny microscopic minority of people who would follow closely with his ideology, or is it just a lot of people are too ignorant to investigate?
I think a lot of people are willfully ignorant. I mean, all the polling suggests that the vast majority of Americans are against the transgender stuff for children.
It's not even particularly close, like even the majority of Democrats are against it, but yet they continue to vote for these candidates.
And I think we've seen over the last couple of years as the absurdities and the excesses of this movement have been laid bare, more and more
Democrats have moved to independence, and even now you have Democrats endorsing Donald Trump, which is, it's a crazy year.
To be alive. No doubt about that. So I think when I engage with the average Minnesotan, I think the average working class individual is against these things.
I think they largely don't pay attention. The Democrat Party is literally beholden right now to the furthest extreme leftist ideology.
I think there's a lot of old school Democrats who still blindly follow the party no matter what, but don't believe in these things.
But I also would like to note that outside of the Twin Cities, outside of the metro area, which the metro area clearly has the largest population here in our state,
Tim Walz is incredibly unpopular. For the last couple of years there were billboards all around the states calling him out for some of the comments he made during the
COVID madness where he was asked why the outer state doesn't, outstate Minnesota doesn't like him. And he said, well, there's only rocks and cows out there anyway, or something along those lines.
And so, yeah, there was, again, this is your Midwest moderate, and he just cast disdain on anybody who didn't live within the metro area.
And so you're not a particularly popular guy. Yeah. Right. I mean, that's what he said.
You could literally drive around greater Minnesota and you'd see these billboards that were rather profane sometimes in their opposition to Tim Walz.
And he was, again, not popular outside of five, seven counties here in the metro area.
This is just mind -blowing that he would have that, not only that much ignorance, but arrogance to be so bold about dismissing and mocking the citizens over which he governs and whose votes he depends upon.
Of course, now he's moved into the sphere of running for vice president. But nonetheless, there are still
Minnesotans who I'm sure he's counting on voting for Kamala Harris, and he would be tagging along with her.
And I'm sure she'll win Minnesota. I have little doubt of that. Now, when did this occur in the history of Minnesota?
You usually don't think of Midwest states as being this mind -bogglingly leftist.
You think of the state where I'm originally from, New York. You think of California and so on.
When did Minnesota become like this? You see,
Minnesota, the thesis of my article was that Minnesota is becoming or has become the California of the
Midwest. And that's happened slowly but surely. But Minnesota was always a little blue, but it was more of the blue -collar worker blue for a long time up in the coal mining area or the iron ore area up in northern
Minnesota. And that was really the roots of it and why Minnesota was the only state not to go for Ronald Reagan, that, and Mondale was the nominee at that point from the great state of Minnesota.
But it's kind of shifted over the last couple of years because as I point out in the article, Minnesota has seen its largest population decline in the last 30 years over the last two years.
And that's from out -state migration. People are leaving Minnesota. And I think you have a lot of red -leaning people who have fled
Minnesota. I know many families who have left Minnesota for red states, just in my small spheres, and there's many more.
And you also have some migration coming into Minnesota, some of it illegal. We have the largest
Somali population, I believe, outside of Somalia here in Minnesota. We also have migration coming from like blue states on the coast, which are more extreme than Minnesota, coming to Minnesota.
So you have red people leaving Minnesota and blue people coming in, which is increasing its radicalization.
And so even though the net loss over the last couple of years is the greatest that's been in three decades, I think the actual loss of red people is far higher than that.
Well, we have a listener named Michael in Cottage Grove, Wisconsin, who has a question for you.
As a pastor, how would you respond if someone in your church attended worship wearing a
Harris -Waltz t -shirt? Would your response be different if they were wearing a
Trump -Vance t -shirt, or would you treat both situations the same?
Well, I'm assuming that if anybody was wearing a Harris -Waltz t -shirt in your church, if they actually knew they were entering through the doors of your church, they were doing it for a reason to start some kind of a fight of some kind, whether verbal or otherwise.
But go ahead. Yeah. So I wouldn't treat them equally because they're not equal.
This idea that both of them are morally equivalent is laughable to me.
But again, it would also depend on the person. So if this is a person who's walking in with no ill will and just wants to hear the gospel preach,
I'm going to suffer through it, right? I'm going to suffer. If this is somebody who's been attached to our congregation and is misguided, we're probably going to sit down and have a talk with them.
If this is someone trying to cause trouble, it's take it off or turn it inside out or leave. I think if somebody was wearing something explicitly
Trump like that, that was big, you know, like a big shirt or something, we would just say, hey, and they're remembering good standing, we'd say, hey, can next time we just not wear that to church?
Not that we're against the guy, but I don't want politicking to be a part of the
Sunday morning worship. Right. And I know that there are many fellow conservatives who may even share the theology both of us embrace nearly identically.
But they go to the extreme of saying things like there is no real difference.
Donald Trump is a traitor to the cause of life. He is more left wing on the issue than he used to be, caving into pressure.
He has very little difference in his approach to abortion and homosexuality than your average liberal does.
And therefore, they would say, why would you say a Harris Waltz T -shirt is more of an offense?
But let's face it, there is a difference between somebody like Donald Trump, who as flawed as he is, has no blood lust for abortion, where that is something gleefully declared from podiums by the left over and over and over again as a main…
Even offering abortions at the DNC. Yes. Yes. Yes. And the same thing with homosexuality and the transgender issue.
There is a difference between somebody who possibly even out of great ignorance is allowing things that we despise as Christians.
There's a difference between that and somebody who has those things as primary agendas in their platform.
There's a huge difference. I think the difference is crystal clear.
Harris Walz are campaigning on that they want to use the coercive power, so the guns of the federal government, to enforce abortion, full abortion, all the way to the moment of birth on all 50 states.
Donald Trump says, I don't want the federal government to do that. We're going to leave it to the states. There's a profound moral difference between the two there.
Huge. Under Donald Trump's plan, you could still see a nationwide banning of all abortions at the state level.
And under the Harris Walz plan, you will have forced abortion rights through the arm of the federal government.
And I do believe that if they win the House, Senate, and presidency, they will do that even without a 60 vote majority.
Because I believe there are, I mean, they already are talking about getting rid of the Senate filibuster for this very reason.
And so I look at the two, and if anybody who wants to equate the two is either ignorant or they're lying.
Yes. And also, if because of the fact that this nation is under judgment,
Kamala Harris wins and she and Walz are in the
White House for eight more years, I could very easily see many of us who are outspoken
Christians going to jail. That, I don't believe, is hyperbole.
I don't believe it's outrageous. I don't think it's laughably ridiculous. I think that a great number of us could wind up in prison.
Yeah, I'm not soiled on that yet. I think there's still enough checks and balances on this whole thing.
I mean, again, you don't like Trump, fine, I get it. But his Supreme Court nominees have hemmed in a lot of damage already.
And they've actually expanded the protections on religious liberty since their tenure.
So I don't see that happening. But maybe I'm hopelessly naive. But I'm guessing, though, that you aren't ruling it out.
That's all I'm not doing. I'm not ruling it out. No. And I also don't think if Harris wins that she's going to get reelected.
I mean, they're running the same plan they ran with Biden, which was we're going to hide this person as much as possible so you can't see their incompetence.
Well, once you become an executive, you can't hide the incompetence. So if she wins, just like we've seen with Biden, the incompetence is going to become crystal clear.
And polling next time around won't be too favorable to her. Well, that also does not mean, though, after four years, she'll be defeated by a conservative.
No, no. But I think I mean, I think there's a chance
Trump would run again. But I also think at that point, you're probably going to see some new face of the
Republican Party. And I can always hope and dream that it's DeSantis. Now, you were pastoring in Minnesota during the coronavirus pandemic.
And was there anything more creepy and nightmarish and Marxist like going on in your state with walls at the helm that may have not been going on to that extreme in other states, even liberal ones in the
United States? Well, I mean, it's a lot of the same stories.
I mean, there was a woman sharing a story on some national outlet about how she wasn't allowed to have a funeral for her son,
I believe it was, because of the coronavirus. All the while, Tim Walz went on vacation with some family or friends down in Florida.
There was rules for thee, but not for me, all over the left. This is becoming increasingly clear that the elitist left think themselves better than everybody else.
And so there was a lot of infighting at this time. Churches were putting a lot of backroom pressure on Walz when he was not having them as essential.
And from what I understand, a lot of the negotiations that were going on at that time is every week Walz, I mean, he's a liar.
This has been proven again and again. We knew this beforehand. Every week, for a while, he would tell the churches, this week,
I'm going to let you guys gather. I'm going to let you gather. And then he'd get up for his weekly press conference to announce it. And every week, he wouldn't.
He wouldn't. He wouldn't. He wouldn't until one week. Earlier in the week, he said, no. It came back on a Friday or a Saturday. He had an emergency press conference in which he said, he just got off the phone with Washington, and we're going to allow churches to open at the end of May, I believe it was.
And it sounded like President Trump twisted his arm at that point.
But so what had happened here in Minnesota is they were negotiating in good faith with the churches. He kept lying to them, making promises he wouldn't fulfill.
Everything else was opening up, not letting the churches. And at one point, the archdiocese over the
Twin Cities and then the Missouri Lutheran Synod both said to their churches, you guys are free to disobey.
And they publicly said, you guys are free to disobey walls to ratchet up the pressure because they had given up negotiating with them.
So I don't think he's particularly friendly to Christianity or churches at all.
And I saw a disturbing footage of the lockdown in Minnesota.
I'm not sure exactly what city it was, but you had these armed,
I'm assuming they were policemen, I can't remember right now, carrying paintball guns, firing the pellets at people who were still loitering outside when they should have been in their houses.
That was pretty freaky. Yeah, I didn't see that one. But again, as we saw all across the country at this time, they allowed the
BLM protesters in Minneapolis to go around protesting, but churches weren't allowed to gather. The whole thing is like a bad nightmare, but it is what it was.
The hypocrisy was evident to anybody who wasn't drinking the Kool -Aid. Yeah, okay.
We have Andrew in Brooklyn, New York. Do you share the belief promoted by John Stonestreet that Christians are to vote for Trump to lessen evil and that not to vote is sin?
I share your disdain for Harrison Walsh, but I strongly hesitate to vote again for Trump after January 6th.
That's interesting that he mentioned January 6th. I think an event that has been grossly blown out of proportion.
Yeah, January 6th was terrible. Trump severely miscalculated what was going on there, but it was no insurrection.
And the trumping up of the news on all of that, pun intended, is absurd.
Don't fall for those lies, right? What insurrection should you be more concerned about, an unarmed one where the police escorted people around the
Capitol or the people who are actively undermining the highest authority in the land of the Constitution? There's an insurrection going on here, and it ain't
Trump. And so I would be sympathetic. I haven't read Stonestreet's article on this, but thinking that your representation is accurate there,
I would be incredibly sympathetic to that. I think that not voting is not an option for Christians.
Now, I don't entirely feel comfortable binding someone's conscience saying they have to vote for Trump.
Again, as I've already said, there are lots of other people on the ballot, up and down the ballot, state, local, and federal level that need your support.
But I do think the wisest and most prudent course of action is to vote for Donald Trump, because when you stack up their positions side by side, there is a world of difference between the two.
And if Harris Walls gets elected, the fight to actually end abortion is going to become increasingly more difficult to near impossible than if Trump does.
So even though I am firmly against Trump softening on that issue, his presidency, the judges he will nominate, all of those, and his giving it to the states allows for this fight to progress in the right direction.
And don't forget that the only person who was actually literally murdered on January 6th at the so -called insurrection was one of the conservative protesters, a female, an unarmed female shot by a police officer.
Yeah. And we should note here, right, like in a representative republic, people govern with the authority we delegate to them.
So when we refuse to exercise whatever little amount of authority we have as we the people gathering on election day, you're being derelict in your duty.
So that's where I do think refusing to vote at all is sinful. It would be like a governor saying, this problem is too messy.
I don't see any good solutions that are perfect, so I'm not going to do anything. Or a parent looking at the disarray of his family and saying, well, can't do anything, so I'm not going to do anything at all.
No, like we are the government, the people are, and we need to act righteously with what authority we have.
And we have to go to our midway break. Submit your questions to Levi Secord, to ChrisArnson at gmail .com.
And please try to respond to as many of our advertisers as possible. Don't go away. We're going to be right back.
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I need a church in the subject line. And that's also the email address where you can send in a question to Pastor Levi Secord, and we are discussing
Tim Walz, the nightmarishly left -wing vice presidential candidate of Kamala Harris, and our email address is chrisarnson at gmail .com.
Give us your first name at least, city and state of residence, and country of residence. And we have
Cooper in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, and Cooper says,
Could you please clarify a comment you made before the commercial break? You said that it is a sin not to vote.
Are you talking about just in this election because the options are so nightmarish, or are you talking about in general at all times?
I'm talking about in general, in all times. The responsibility of a citizen in our form of government where the people are at the head, the top, means that you occupy an office in the government.
Now there may be times you're sick or something extreme happens, you can't vote. I'm not talking about those exceptions that happen in the phone world.
But if you willfully choose to not vote, you are being derelict of your duty in the governing system of America.
And I believe dereliction of duty is sinful, yes. Amen. And how about though when you are in a situation where every candidate is absolutely wicked, horrendous?
And I mean, would you say that a Christian must at least put a write -in vote, must vote for people or a person that they know with certainty is not going to win, but they just have to contribute their vote to the process, the political process?
Yeah, I think we've often put way too much importance, though it is important on national elections and not enough importance on local elections.
But I realize that in local elections, it can be really, really hard to get information on what the candidates believe, how they will govern, etc.
But I do think you should put in a good faith effort to that. But I know, for example, when
I was at Southern Seminary in Kentucky, I was there as a student, was able to vote because we had actually moved it down there.
And there were a bunch of people running uncontested for different offices. I had no idea who they were, no party affiliation.
So I did in those instances end up writing in a bunch of my professors. This is what I ended up doing.
So Al Mohler got at least one vote for several offices at the time. But yeah,
I mean, there's a time when you may come into the booth and you're like, I have no good options, so I'm going to write someone in. Or you may be completely ignorant of that specific race.
But as a broad principle, willfully refusing to vote, and this is often done by Christians claiming that they're actually doing something righteous, like we're keeping our hands clean from this.
Well, no, you have been placed into an office and you need to use the authority you have. Granted, it's a group authority that you as an individual have very little actual authority, but the people get what they deserve in a representative republic.
And ultimately, the government of the United States is we the people. It's the people. The problems start not with politicians in Washington, D .C.
It starts with us. The government is us. We are the government. And you, from what
I can remember, during one of our previous interviews on this topic, well, not on the
Tim Walz topic, but on the political engagement in light of the Lordship of Christ topic, you said that it is never a legitimate option for a
Christian to vote for someone as openly vile and wicked as a
Kamala Harris or Tim Walz or somebody that takes delight in trying to perpetuate the slaughter of unborn children.
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I would agree with that because then again, in our form of government, if you're voting for this person, you are delegating your authority to them to represent you.
That's why they're representatives. They represent the people. Now, sometimes representatives lie to the electorate.
And then I don't think you're wholly responsible if you are deceived for what they do. But if those people are advocating what they are today, what the political left is advocating, then no,
Christians should not be supporting them with their votes. Okay. Well, thanks for the question,
Cooper. And by the way, how close is Eden Prairie to Roseville, Minnesota?
Probably 30 to 40 minutes. Well, that's an easy shot. So you should come to the conference.
It depends on the road of construction. Okay. But that shouldn't be enough distance to keep somebody from coming to your conference if they are able to be there.
So I would love to hear a good report from Pastor Levi that you showed up.
Well, can you give us some more highlights that I may have forgotten to ask you about?
And I probably used a very poor term, highlights. But some of the things that our listening public should be most alarmed about regarding Tim Walz.
Well, we've covered a lot of the social issues. So there's probably two more issues we should bring up here, and that will be economic and then religious liberty.
And so economically speaking, because there was a divided government in Minnesota for many years, a lot of things were held back.
As I said two years ago, midterms, they took the trifecta here in our state. And we had at that point a $17 billion surplus in Minnesota.
Now we are projected to a deficit. So this means taxes and regulations are going to go up, which again will push out more businesses, et cetera.
It's a downward spiral. But again, so looking at the whole broad swath of what will an administration like this look like, well, the government's going to get bigger in every way.
They're going to tax you more. They're going to spend into oblivion. So we went from $17 billion of surplus in pretty much one cycle to deficit and now needing to raise taxes again.
And so there's that. With that, there was the COVID relief money that went out.
There was a huge scandal that the Walz administration allowed a bunch of fraud to go on. Millions and millions of dollars were misappropriated and spent wrongly.
And Walz's administration just totally boggled that situation. And so their incompetence was on display there.
And as I've said, particularly in the executive office, you can't hide incompetence.
And it will hurt us more when that is in the whole country instead of just your state.
And then you have religious liberty issues. So this last year, I had a different article I wrote for World on this.
There was a push actually the year before where they passed some legislation that changed the employment laws here in Minnesota and the exceptions to the employment laws for religious institutions.
And what they quietly did and no one noticed until this year is that they removed the exception for sexual identity and sexual orientation for human rights laws in hiring.
In essence, what it did is it required religious institutions now to hire or to not discriminate, as they would put it, based upon sexual orientation or identity.
And so there was this whole blow up this spring during the session when this was brought to different committees in the
House and the Senate. And the Democrats voiced this out loud because it was brought to them saying, you guys must have not meant to do this.
There's no way you're trying to force churches and religious schools to hire against their religious beliefs.
And they said, no, we are. And then they called religious people, whether they're Christian, Muslim, Hindu, whatever, they called them all bigots multiple different times in different ways.
And a weird thing happened here in the state of Minnesota where we had Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Christians were all pushing in the same direction back against the state of Minnesota on this.
There was against, some of this was brought to walls. They wouldn't budge. They wouldn't budge. I was in a meeting with different religious organizations, including churches, considering our legal steps forward, including possibly suing the state on this because clearly you can't make me hire a transgender person to teach our children in a
Christian school or in a church. That's absurd. And eventually a compromise was reached in which they didn't put the exception back into the law, but they put a citation to some other law that supposedly protects religious institutions.
But after they did that, they're still pushing with something that would end up doing the same thing called the
Equal Rights Amendment, which would enshrine that into the constitution of Minnesota, which would then create the question of whether or not religious institutions could be forced to hire against their beliefs again.
So even though there was a partial victory there, they seem to be just changing tactics on how to get that.
You know, I was just reminded, and you're probably too young to remember
Anita Bryant. Do you remember Anita Bryant? No. Okay.
Anita Bryant, I guess it was in the 80s most likely. She was a very well -known beauty pageant winner,
Miss Oklahoma, I believe. And she was most well -known for singing the jingle for the
Florida orange juice commercial. And she had a very successful life and was living comfortably, was admired by many, and her entire livelihood was absolutely destroyed by the pro -homosexual movement, even back then, simply because she believed in the rights of Christian schools not to hire homosexuals.
Utterly obliterated her entire career. I'm not even sure she's still living.
Yeah. It's a real question. Yeah. Let's see.
We have another question that has come in from Michael in Cottage Grove, Wisconsin.
And Michael asks, speaking of the pandemic, what are your thoughts on churches that accepted
PPP loans? And I believe he's referring to Paycheck Protection Program loans.
Yeah. I don't think we should be receiving government funds for things like that as a church.
This is one of those ironic things I've noted over the last four years, is you have this argument going on within Christendom about the separation of church and state.
And you have movements like Christian nationalism, which if I got to define the terms, I would identify with that, but I don't get to.
But that would be accused of merging the church and the state.
Okay. And then you have the people who are against that. And what I have found is often the people who are against that, those churches are way more likely to have taken federal money from the government.
Whereas the churches who are arguing for things like the influence of scripture on law and theonomy and things like that are the very churches who would keep that actual real separation between church and state in the financial realm, which
I think is really, really ironic. So no, churches should not have taken money from the government to stay open.
And now we saw with, I think it was Gordon Conwell College who took money, Christian College took money.
And now the government's actually coming back and say, you need to pay it back. And they tried to sue saying, hey, we've got a religious exemption here.
And they said, no, you don't. The court said, no, you don't. So careful what you take from the government. There's always strings attached.
Amen. And let's see here. We have,
I was just looking at a question from Roberta in Flushing, Queens, New York.
And Roberta says, in your opinion, should Christians by name promote political candidates like Donald Trump from their pulpits and denounce by name the candidates that they do not want their congregations to vote for?
So should we from pulpits endorse, formally endorse our people?
I think we addressed this once on your show before. So I'm going to say it again. I believe that the
Johnson Amendment that forbids this is unconstitutional. And it's definitely not equally enforced because many
African -American churches use their Sunday morning worship to endorse and advocate for Democrat politicians.
And the IRS never targets that. Yeah, very openly. It's pleasurable. Very openly, unashamedly.
Yeah. So I would say that in the course of world history, things like Adolf Hitler, like there could be an opportunity in which his church would be morally bound and even wise to do so, to candidate against a politician or for a politician.
I don't believe we're necessarily at that point today. I have, though, from the pulpit, denounced the actions of certain politicians, and I have no hesitation in doing that whatsoever.
Great. Well, we have an old friend of mine has submitted a question for the first time in years, and I'll say his full name.
Did I trigger him? I don't think that he would be at all opposed to anything you said.
I'll give his full name because he happens to operate a wonderful ministry,
Calvary Press Publishing, a theologically reformed publishing ministry. And Joe is in Greenville, South Carolina.
He says, John Calvin said, when God wants to punish a country, he gives them wicked rulers.
Does your guest feel that this may happen, that is, as a form of collective punishment for America, turning its back on God and the
Bible? And then he asks, could Walz and Harris be those wicked rulers?
I think we already have been experiencing that. As one person pointed out, 12 of the last 16 years have been
Democrats in the White House. If Harris wins, it'll be 16 of 20, 16 of the last 20 years.
I don't see how, I mean, Barack Obama, I think definitely ratcheted up the speed of our decline in direction towards the left.
I think Trump ratcheted it up in their response to him as well.
And so I don't see this as anything other than a judgment of God. But we also need to be careful as we're looking forward to the future, trying to predict what
God's going to do. Perhaps he will show mercy, perhaps he will not. Perhaps it'll be four more years of Harris and Walz, and I don't think economically or socially things will go very well.
And then maybe God raises up a much more righteous alternative. I think there's going to be a shift back to the right in the
United States. I don't know how long it's going to take or how much damage is going to be done before that. But the leftist worldview doesn't work, and it's going to run into reality at some point.
Well, thank you, Joe. And let me plug Calvary Press, where at one time, many years ago,
I worked for Calvary Press as a part -time job on top of my work with radio.
CalvaryPress .com is the website, so please investigate the treasure trove of books they have at CalvaryPress .com.
This matter of our country, our nation being under judgment,
I'm assuming you would have to say this is global. I mean, you know of a country anywhere in the world that we could not categorize as being under the judgment of God?
Maybe Poland. They've been moving steadily to the right.
I mean, I think you're seeing the right shift is happening in lots of countries that are kind of ahead of us on this curve.
Politics does move in cycles. We need to recognize that. And as people like Al Mohler have pointed out, the leftist worldview is anti -children.
It kills children. They're killing their offspring. They're actively promoting not having kids. Eventually, the numbers game will catch up to them.
And also, you're seeing, I think, more and more actually fair -minded classical liberals are saying this is absurd. We can't keep going this way.
Okay. Well, Michael must really love your answers because Michael in Cottage Grove, Wisconsin, has another question.
I shared your column from World Opinion about Tim Walz, and many of my friends told me to fact -check before spreading what they called right -wing propaganda.
So I did my research, and your column was indeed accurate. I showed them these undeniable facts, yet they still believe
Harris Walz is the better choice. What else can I do to convince my friends who claim to be
Christians—that was an unexpected ending to that statement.
There you go. What else can he do? Right. I mean, again, you have one of two options here.
They're either entirely deceived and ignorant, or they're not Christians. Like, if you know that this is what
Walz is going to do with your power, and you are going to vote for him. Like, you are sending him your authority to go murder children and mutilate children, and to use the power of the state to persecute your brother and sisters in Christ.
How? On what grounds? Are you going to stand before God on Judgment Day and say, this power
I had, I used to do these things in your name? I shudder to think.
It's absurd. Yes, it is. I can't remember if I brought this question up to you during our previous three interviews promoting the—
Hold on. One thing before that. But again, we get this all the time. Did you fact -check the article?
Yes, I did. Like, the links are in there. Did you actually read the article? The links are in there to the actual laws.
We don't just make these things up. And again, these people who fact -check all the time blindly take what
MSNBC, CNN tell them, and they never fact -check them, even though they're spinning in line to them all the time.
It's one of those tropes that someone throws up online without actually reading the article well or checking the sources for themselves.
And by the way, folks, before I forget to give you this information later, you could read
Levi Secord's full article on Ready for the
Radical Leftism of Governor Walz by going to World Magazine's website, wng .org,
wng .org, and you can type in Secord in the search engine,
S -E -C -O -R -D, and that will come up. The thing that I was going to ask you, and I don't remember if I brought this up during any of the previous interviews we did, but I have been a strong advocate for years of the idea that conservatives, and especially those who believe that abortion is infanticide, that we should start doing anything that we can to promote the idea and to get established, at least try to get during every election cycle an actual filmed abortion to be broadcast on television or any other medium where that could be accomplished.
And try to see if we could eventually even have those kinds of things displayed during political debates, just like the fact that there were many people globally that could not believe that the
Holocaust in Germany ever occurred. They just thought that that was so far beyond the realm of the capabilities of even wicked people that they didn't believe it was true.
It had to be a hoax, had to be exaggeration, until the newsreels started to be showed in movie theaters and so on of American GIs who liberated the death camps, showing us exactly what happened.
I remember years ago on the radio station I worked for, for 15 years,
WMCA 570 AM in New York, I was an account executive at that time, did not have my own radio show.
But a radio show that was airing, hosted by independent fundamentalist
Baptists, featured as a guest Pat Buchanan, who many people consider the ultimate poster boy for conservativism.
And I was shocked when I actually called in during the interview, I told
Pat Buchanan that we should be trying to get these films of abortions displayed, aired anywhere we could, especially right before debates, political debates, elections and so on.
And I was shocked by Pat Buchanan saying, well, we wouldn't want to do that. And I said, why not?
And he said, because that would be like televising a murder or an execution. I said, exactly.
That's my whole point. Do you have any thoughts on that? Yeah, I think a lot of people are ignorant of what actually goes on.
And I think some of them are willfully ignorant. They don't want to know. And then you have the others who this is their blood sacrament.
They love it. I remember before Tucker Carlson got run off of Fox News, when it was overturned,
Roe v. Wade was overturned, he had videos of the protesters out front and what they were doing. I believe it was a man dressed as a woman, faked giving a birth and they brought out this little baby doll and then he started smashing it on the ground, just repeatedly smash, smash, smash, smash.
And it was disturbing to watch, but here they are celebrating that. A lot of these people who are full dyed -in -the -wool pro -abortion people are so blinded by the spirit of this age.
They're so vile and wicked in this bloodlust. Again, I believe Harrison Walsh to be two of those people.
And you want to be a Christian voting for him. I struggle for the words to accurately describe that.
Yeah, especially when every time you see them publicly speak in this election like no other.
That is the primary thing being forced into the faces of the voting public.
Yeah. And we went from this being something that we wanted it to be safe and rare, right?
Safe and rare was the Democrat position back in the day. And legal. Well, we have to go to our final break right now.
And if you have a question that you'd like to submit, do it now because we are rapidly running out of time.
Send it to chrisarnsend at gmail .com. Please give us your first name at least, city and state, and country of residence.
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Great Commission, supporting and sending for the spread of the gospel to the ends of the earth. We're delighted to be a part of Chris Arnzen's Iron Sharpens Iron radio advertising family.
At Linbrook Baptist Church, we believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the inspired
Word of God, inerrant in the original writings, complete as the revelation of God's will for salvation and the supreme and final authority in all matters to which they speak.
We believe in salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This salvation is based upon the sovereign grace of God, was purchased by Christ on the cross, and is received through faith alone, apart from any human merit, works, or ritual.
Salvation in Christ also results in righteous living, good works, and appropriate respect and concern for all who bear
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Lord's Day, we'd love to have you come and join us in worship. For details, visit linbrookbaptist .org.
That's l -y -n -brookbaptist .org. This is Pastor Keith Allen of Linbrook Baptist Church reminding you that by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves.
It is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast of the
Lord's blessing and the knowledge of himself. I'm Dr.
Joseph Piper, President Emeritus and Professor of Systematic and Applied Theology at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
Every Christian who's serious about the Deformed Faith and the Westminster Standards should have and use the eight -volume commentary on the theology and ethics of the
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For details on the eight -volume commentary, go to westminstercommentary .com, westminstercommentary .com.
For details on Heritage Presbyterian Church of Cumming, Georgia, visit heritagepresbyterianchurch .com,
heritagepresbyterianchurch .com. Please tell Dr. Morecraft and the saints at Heritage Presbyterian Church of Cumming, Georgia, that Dr.
Joseph Piper of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary sent you. Hello.
My name is Anthony Uvino, and I'm one of the pastors at Hope Reformed Baptist Church in Corum, New York, and also the host of the reformrookie .com
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And finally, if you're looking to worship in a Reformed church that holds to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, please join us at Hope Reformed Baptist Church in Corham, New York.
Again, I'm Pastor Anthony Invinio and thanks for listening. This is
Pastor Bill Sousa, Grace Church at Franklin, here in the beautiful state of Tennessee.
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Grace Church at Franklin is an independent, autonomous body of believers which strives to clearly declare the whole counsel of God as revealed in Scripture through the person and work of our
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If you live near Franklin, Tennessee, and Franklin is just south of Nashville, maybe 10 minutes, or you are visiting this area, or you have friends and loved ones nearby, we hope you will join us some
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Our website is gracechurchatfranklin .org. That's gracechurchatfranklin .org.
This is Pastor Bill Sousa wishing you all the richest blessings of our sovereign
Lord, God, Savior, and King, Jesus Christ, today and always.
I'm Dr. Tony Costa, Professor of Apologetics and Islam at Toronto Baptist Seminary.
I'm thrilled to introduce to you a church where I've been invited to speak and have grown to love,
Hope Reform Baptist Church in Coram, Long Island, New York, pastored by Rich Jensen and Christopher McDowell.
It's such a joy to witness and experience fellowship with people of God like the dear saints at Hope Reform Baptist Church in Coram, who have an intensely passionate desire to continue digging deeper and deeper into the unfathomable riches of Christ in His Holy Word, and to enthusiastically proclaim
Christ Jesus the King and His doctrines of sovereign grace in Suffolk County, Long Island, and beyond.
I hope you also have the privilege of discovering this precious congregation and receive the blessing of being showered by their love, as I have.
For more information on Hope Reform Baptist Church, go to hopereformedli .net,
that's hopereformedli .net, or call 631 -696 -5711, that's 631 -696 -5711.
Tell the folks at Hope Reform Baptist Church of Coram, Long Island, New York that you heard about them from Tony Costa on Iron Sharpens Iron.
I'm Dr. Joe Morecraft, pastor of Heritage Presbyterian Church in Cumming, Georgia, and the
NASB is my Bible of choice. I'm Anthony Uvinio, founder of thereformrookie .com
and co -founder of New York Apologetics, and the NASB is my Bible of choice.
I'm Pastor Tim Bushong of Syracuse Baptist Church in Syracuse, Indiana, and the NASB is my
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Historical Bible Society, and the NASB is my Bible of choice. I'm Pastor Josh Miller of Grace Bible Fellowship Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and the
NASB is my Bible of choice. I'm Joe Bianchi, president of Calvi Press Publishing in Greenville, South Carolina, and the
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Now shipping worldwide. Welcome back. Folks, please never forget that this program is also paid for in part by the law firm of Buttafuoco &
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1 -800 -NOW -HURT .com. Please make sure you tell Daniel P. Buttafuoco, attorney at law, that you heard about his law firm,
Buttafuoco & Associates from Chris Arnzen with Iron Sharpens Iron Radio. And we are now back with our conversation with Pastor Levi Secord, and we have a listener in Iowa, Urbandale, Iowa.
Kamala Royce asks, do you think that any of the developments of Walls' connections to China and bringing students there and the accolades that he poured upon China and also his lying about his military experience and rank are going to do anything to significantly harm his race alongside
Kamala Harris? I think that the choice to pick
Walls was, again, clearly an attempt by them to shore up some
Midwest states and to paint him as this likable guy. I think that persona as a moderate has been shattered.
I think any veteran who would see that this guy's been lying about being in combat and his rank would have lost his respect.
But I also think that Walls was chosen. I'm very suspicious of why
Walls was chosen because I think a lot of the better options didn't want to be on the ticket. I think a lot of people were skeptical of being attached to Harris because it's like if you were thinking about, hey,
I want to shore up the Midwest and you wanted a Democratic male white governor. Why would you pick
Governor Walls for Minnesota when Wisconsin has Tony Evers and it's a swing state you need to win?
It doesn't make any sense, right? Why not pick Shapiro?
Well, probably because he's Jewish and there's a very anti -Jewish movement within the Democratic Party. But why not pick a better, more well -known candidate?
I think they picked Walls because he was, one, willing, and two, he was a relative unknown who they thought they were going to be able to paint in a certain light.
But I think that light has been shattered. Yep. Let's see.
Barrett in Yonkers, New York asks, whenever anybody brings up their theory that the election was stolen from Donald Trump by the liberals, they are looked upon as a lunatic or even as a traitor to this nation.
Are you willing to publicly state what you think about this? Well, I think that what we've often seen in the last four years or so in a lot of different ways is a conflation of different concerns, that some really were crazy conspiracy theories.
And some were legitimate things that have been confirmed in court, that there were election laws that were ignored because of COVID.
And that when a state where there's only a couple thousand votes difference and there is ballot harvesting and things like that going on, that at least bend the law, if not outright break it.
And then the ballot drop boxes, which lend themselves to cheating. Of course, people cheat in elections.
People cheat to win board games, for goodness sakes. Of course, they're going to cheat to try to maintain their power.
But then also, if you were like me in the wake of the first couple of nights of the 2020 election, you probably got messages saying that Trump had put secret watermarks on ballots and that he was going to expose them all or other similar crazy theories that weren't based in reality.
And so with a lot of these things, whether it was COVID, that or some other things, there were really extreme, crazy ideas that were put out there that were never substantiated.
And because of those, people were able to swipe away legitimate concerns and put them in the same category.
And so I do think that there was cheating that went on. There was definitely shady business that went on that impacted the election.
Whether or not it would have fully swung to Trump, we're not going to know until Judgment Day. But there were also some concerns that were put out there that were not probably rooted in reality.
Well, I'd like you, over about three minutes time or so, to summarize what you really want most etched in the hearts and minds of our listeners today about this subject.
I think what we need to do as Christians is we need to vote distinctively as Christians.
And that is not a choosing the lesser of two evils. I think, as I said in an earlier program, that is not a fair way to frame the question.
There is no perfect party. There is no perfect candidate. There will be no perfect nation or church or family, for that matter.
And to demand perfection where man cannot give it is a cruel thing, as Francis Schaeffer told us in his book,
No Little People. And so what we're actually looking for is the most righteous option before us. And I think the
GOP is clearly the most righteous option before us, though very flawed.
And I'm very concerned about where the GOP may be in the next couple of years. Now, for some people, they're like, well, then we should withdraw from the
GOP because they're softening on abortion. I think actually what it means is more Christians need to get involved in the party levels and the party politics to put the
GOP back on the right side, because there are still many very, very pro -life people in that party. There are none really in the
Democrat Party. So what we need now is Christians to lean in more, to become more involved at the grassroots level, to make sure that we still have a viable option pushing righteousness forward in the political sphere.
Well, I want to make sure that all of your websites are repeated for our listeners today.
If you want more details on Christ Bible Church in Roseville, Minnesota, and also more information on the
Till Kingdom Come conference, Political Engagement in Light of the Lordship of Christ, you can find out more about both at ChristBible .net,
ChristBible .net. And once again, if you want to read the entire article that my guest
Levi Secord wrote for World Magazine, you can go find that article at World Magazine's website, wng .org,
wng .org, and type Secord into the search engine,
S -E -C -O -R -D. I want to remind our listeners of the urgent need that Iron Sherpins Iron Radio has for your continued and additional financial support.
Please go to our website today, ironsherpinsironradio .com, click
Support, and then click Click to Donate Now. That's click Support, then click
Click to Donate Now. And also, we ask of you to continue praying for my dear friend
Gary Wolfe, who was just recently diagnosed with stomach cancer.
I have been bringing him up publicly in prayer with his permission. This has rocked him to his very core.
He is a strong Christian, however, and I praise God for that. He has a wife and young child, so please pray that we even hear more positive updates on what he's going through today, as I know that he had additional tests done today.
And I hope to give you praise reports in the near future about my dear friend Gary Wolfe, who
I've known all of my Christian life, dating back to the 1980s. So, please continue to pray for Gary Wolfe.
And also, I ask of you to pray for my guest,
Levi Secord, as he stands as a bold voice for truth in a very dark and perverse world.
Pray that even those that might be on the fence in regard to our topic of political engagement in light of the
Lordship of Christ would attend this conference and be transformed by hearing what the speakers have to say.
And I would love to hear praise reports about that as well. I want to thank everybody who listened today, and I want you all to always remember for the rest of your lives that Jesus Christ is a far greater