Spiritual Transition from Lassie the Dog


One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Alright, so tonight's topic or tonight's transition for me to transition from the gospel from is
Lassie and I'm assuming Lassie is the dog from the movies or at least that's what
I'm going to assume as I'm going to transition. We do this to remind you that many times we say, you know, once we're in a spiritual conversation we're good to go and we can handle the conversation.
But the real issue becomes how do we transition from the natural to the spiritual?
That's where a lot of us have difficulty. This game is a way of practicing to be able to do that.
So if you watch live at 8 o 'clock Monday nights at thestrivingforeternityacademy .org
you can get involved in the chat and in that chat you can give me some topic to transition to and tonight's topic is
Lassie. Now though I don't remember too many of the Lassie movies, one thing
I do know and do remember about Lassie is that Lassie was always that dog that came to the rescue.
Lassie had this ability whenever anyone was in trouble they would say Lassie go get help and Lassie would run off and get help.
You know, if you think about it I'm kind of trying to be Lassie in your life right now.
You may not even realize that you need help. Often with Lassie, Lassie would try to warn people when they didn't even realize that they needed
Lassie's help and maybe I'm like that to you right now because there is a danger that every one of us has.
Every one of us is going to face death, 10 out of 10 of us die, 160 ,000 people die every day and because of that what
I'm trying to do is to kind of be like Lassie and offer you help even if you don't recognize it and that help is the fact that every one of us is going to face
God and as when we face God we're going to face a judgment and God's standard is absolute perfection and word, thought and deed.
If we've ever told a lie we've broken His law and He would see us as a criminal in His sight because He is so infinitely holy it carries with it an infinite consequence even when we tell what we think is a little lie because it's to God that we're offending and so because of that even a little lie has an infinite consequence but God made a way of escape.
God was the help. So Lassie would always go to get help.
Well Jesus Christ, God Almighty who came to earth and died on a cross is the only means of salvation, the only means of rescue for our dying condition.
We will face an eternity in a lake of fire but Jesus Christ, Almighty God paid that fine for us so that we could be set free.
Just like when we send, when people in the movies send Lassie to go get help, I want to be that help in your life and let you know how you can have rescue from your sin and the guilt of your sin and that is if you turn from trusting yourself as a good person or your good works, turn from your pride and turn to Jesus Christ and you can have everlasting life or eternity.