The Family that Honors God


Sermon: The Family that Honors God Date: September 18, 2022, Morning Text: Ephesians 6:1–4 Preacher: Brian Garcia Audio:


If you're so able, please turn to Ephesians chapter 5, and I'm actually going to read, starting in verse 20, and please do stand for the reading of God's word.
Again, Ephesians chapter 5, starting in verse 20. Hear ye this morning the word of the
Lord, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father, in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the
Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its
Savior. Now as a church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit everything to their husbands.
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he may sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he may present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.
In the same way, husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
For no one has ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and churches it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.
Therefore man shall leave his father and mother, hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.
This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.
However, let each one of you love his wife as himself. Let the wife see that she respects her husband.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
Honor your father and mother. This is the first commandment with a promise, that they may go well with you, and that you may live long in the land.
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the
Lord. This is the reading of God's word, and may he bless it. You may be seated. Father, I do ask your blessing over the preaching of your word, that it would go forth in power and authority, not null and void, but we pray,
God, that you would give us ears to hear and hearts to receive that which you have laid before us this morning. We pray,
Lord, for the children that are here, that they too would learn to listen, to hear, and to put into practice that most precious word and commands.
We pray, God, that you would edify your church by means of this word, and we pray these things in Christ's name, amen.
So friends, we want to share with you a message, another message about family, and you may be wondering to yourself, if you're a single person or if you don't have kids yet, you may be asking, well, what does this have to do with me?
Well, there's a lot of things in scripture that doesn't necessarily have to pertain to you personally, and yet, it is the word of the
Lord. But I would go so far as to venture to say that this word, even yes, applies to you who have no children or who are not married yet.
This word is also for you. But also, kind of importantly, this message is for the children.
This message is for the little ones that are missed. We're a young church, and we have a lot of young people, a lot of young children in our church, and so this word is for them as well.
As you can imagine, I've been prepping my kids all week to sit and behave well in the arrangement here and also to listen carefully to the word that I'm about to preach.
It's not something that they haven't heard before, but indeed, in this context of the preaching of God's word on Sunday, I pray that this would fall on good soil in the hearts of our little ones.
As we just read through Ephesians 5, verse 20, all the way to chapter 6, verse 4,
I want you to recognize the theme, really the theme of this entire series on Ephesians so far, and it lays its foundation on the supremacy and lordship of Jesus Christ.
I want you to know, if you don't know already, Jesus Christ is
Lord. He is Lord over everything. He's Lord over everybody.
He is Lord over every circumstance, and He's Lord, yes, even over our families.
God is the one who has created and instituted this blessing that we call family.
He instituted it all the way back in creation. In Genesis chapter 2 and 3, we see that God made man in His image.
He then goes on to create woman out of the side of the man, and from those two comes
His procreation of the family of children. In Genesis chapter 5, it says that God made
Adam and Eve in His image, and then it goes on to say that Adam and Eve went on to procreate after their own image.
There's a beautiful metaphor at play there in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 and then in chapter 5, using this imagery of images, that your children are an image of you, just like we are an image of our parents, but most importantly, we all share this common image in humanity in terms of the image of God.
We all bear God's image. You know, it's not until you become a parent that you begin to understand the gravity of sin when it comes in relation to image bearers of the
Most High God. It's one thing for a creature that you created to rebel against you.
It's another thing when that creature bears your image, when that creature bears your face.
In the same way, when you see other kids doing wrong, you might laugh at it. You might think that's funny, that's comical, or, you know, those parents have a tough time.
But then when it's your own children, the children that have your face, and they do wrong against you, and they sin against you, boy, it's another level of hurt.
That's another level of depth to that pain. And then so, we also get to see an image of God's heart when
He sees His image bearers, His children, sin, rebel, curse Him because we bear the image of Almighty God.
But even so, Satan, our enemy, is at work.
I don't even think I have to convince you on that front anymore. All you have to do is turn on the news. All you have to do is go on social media, see the silliness and the depravity in our social discord.
Satan is at work in this wicked age, and he is working to dismantle the family unit.
He's done so by undermining the order of headship. A couple weeks ago, we spoke upon God's Word in Ephesians 5, verse 22 and onward, which talks about the structure for the home.
And one of the enemies of the biblical model of headship is the error of egalitarianism, that affirms, to some degree, that men and women are both equally worthy of dignity, honor, and respect.
Well, no one would disagree with that. But egalitarianism takes it another step further, along with modern feminism, by saying that not only are we equal, but actually, in reality, whatever a man can do, a woman can do too, and maybe even better.
Also, and I'm not denying that that may be true in certain respects. My wife can certainly cook better than me.
That's not in question. But in terms of the order of headship, of removing the man, the father, the head of the household, as the right and biblical head under the lordship of Jesus Christ, we have all of these modern issues that have arisen in terms of the culture wars, in terms of societal breakdown, where most families now are having to have two incomes to work, and a mother is not rearing her children at home.
Instead, it has to do daycare. And those are things that are not necessarily sinful in their own right or wrong in their own right.
Every family has different circumstances. But I'm talking about to a greater degree as to the system that has been produced out of this egalitarian model of society.
And Satan is at work in undermining headship. He's undermining men and women in our culture.
One of the ways that he's doing so is by emasculating men, making it difficult for men to be men, demonizing men for being men, and calling things that were at one time noble, toxic masculinity.
You know, it wasn't that long ago where if you opened a door for a woman at the restaurant or something, that was chivalrous, and that was something that was to be good and to be upheld.
And yet now, if you open a door, a modern woman might tell you something not so nice. She might say, who do you think you are?
You think I can't open a door? And yet, of course, that's not what we're talking about. That's not what we're trying to do.
Instead, we see this culture is being enslaved by the attacks of the enemy, by emasculating men, feminizing men in the culture.
I'm not so much into pop culture or news, but there's an article that I read recently that was praising this one musician for wearing a dress.
He was a man, and he was wearing a dress, and they were saying how brave he was and how wonderful it is that he's breaking those societal norms.
Those societal norms are what built this nation, and it's what built Western civilization. And undoing those things would be the very undoing of our own civilization here in the
West, as we see it happening already in many places across the world and in Europe. We would do well to remember who created the family, who created the order, who created and who is lord over even the family unit.
Satan has done a great job of enslaving a generation to pornography and entertainment, and as a result, producing docile men who cannot lead spiritually.
Men, you need to recognize this. In terms of spiritual warfare, family warfare is spiritual warfare.
Leading your family is spiritual warfare. Contending for your children is spiritual warfare.
Building yourself up as a man looking to be married, that is spiritual warfare.
Ladies, leading, loving your children is spiritual warfare.
If you're a single woman, preparing yourself for holy matrimony, for honoring the Lord, whatever your lot may be in life, that is also spiritual warfare.
Recognize that we are in a war. Ephesians chapter 6, later on we're going to see how
Paul ties all these things together and brings it under the umbrella of spiritual warfare.
But do not be deceived. We are in a time of war. We're in a time of spiritual war. And recognize that Jesus Christ is
Lord, and He has already won the battle. Amen? So write that in, if you haven't already, in the first part of our teaching this morning.
Jesus Christ is Lord over the family unit. There will be a day in history when the
Lord shall descend from heaven, break forth through the sky, every eye shall see
Him, and every tongue shall confess Him as Lord. Those on earth, in heaven, underneath the earth, in the sea, all that is created, shall bow the knee and confess with their tongue the
Lordship of King Jesus. As members of the Christian church, we make this profession now, and we make it clear that Jesus Christ is
Lord even now. That He's Lord over my family, He's Lord over my life,
He's Lord over my finances, over my ability to work or not work, over every single aspect of life,
Jesus Christ is Lord. And with that acknowledgement, we can begin to win the war.
The war for our families. We see in Ephesians 6, verse 1, a new command.
Not so much a new command in that it is totally new, but a command as now Paul has addressed the family unit in the father and the wife.
Now he is addressing the children in this aspect in chapter 6, verses 1 -4.
Starting with verse 1. Children, so listen up kids. Listen.
Children, obey your parents. Children, obey your parents.
In the Lord. In the Lord. It is so important that we recognize that Christ has instituted for us this beautiful gift of family.
And in that family, He has made for there to be a father and a mother, and children are a result of that beautiful union.
And out of that beautiful union, these children are to be raised in a certain way.
They are to be raised in the Lord. In the Lord. Now, I've got four kids.
It's not easy to keep a child's attention. It's not easy to always teach a child the things of the
Lord. Because especially in this day and age, there are so many other things that are vying for your child's attention.
Computers, tablets, phones, video games, all forms of entertainment are vying for your children's attention.
And there's often time if you're doing maybe family worship as we teach in this church, as we encourage you to do, maybe there's times when your children don't even want to pay attention because they want to do something else.
It takes patience. It takes time. It takes discipline to rear our children in the way of the Lord. But notice the emphasis ought to be in the
Lord. To teach our children about Christ. To lead them to Jesus.
That they may see the riches of His glory, of His wisdom, of His might, of His Lordship over not just our lives but theirs.
And give them a desire and help them to develop this desire to know
Jesus even more fully. I'm reminded of a circumstance that happened to my oldest son this summer when he had his surgery.
And he had some recovery time. And as he was in the hospital, as soon as he started to gain consciousness, he was asking the nurse how things went.
And the nurse was encouraging him. And he's like, well, I'm just so glad. Can I tell you something, nurse?
And he says, I just want to tell you about Jesus. I just want to tell you about Jesus.
And as a father, hearing that, that makes my heart very glad. Because we're not responsible over our child's salvation.
The Lord is. We're responsible to a point. But the Lord is the one who brings salvation.
And it's a beautiful thing when our children can make a profession of faith and also have that innate desire to just share
Jesus and tell other kids about Jesus. I was kind of like that myself. I grew up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
And though I didn't know the Lord in my early years, I sure had a desire to know the Lord. And I wanted to know a lot about Jehovah.
And so from a young age, I remember being even in first grade, kindergarten, and we would have this time to, we can draw a picture of any story.
And we can basically, like, make our own little story. And so what I decided to do is just going to tell the story of Noah's Ark. So I drew a picture of the ark and the flood.
And then I wrote the story underneath. And I talked about Noah's Ark. And I got to share it with the whole class. And I was always constantly sharing messages of faith to young people and to my peers.
And then when I became a Christian at the age of 16, this week actually, in about four days, it will be 14 years since I decided to walk with Jesus and the
Lord decided to sovereignly save me. And it has been a privilege unlike any other.
Let me tell you this, young people. There is no greater life than knowing
Jesus Christ. There is no greater path that you can take in life than to know
Jesus and to make him known. This is the greatest gift and the greatest life that we can choose and that the
Lord can bestow upon us through his sovereign grace. Yet here there's some strong implications in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 for children to obey, to honor their parents.
And this stems from what we find in Deuteronomy 6, 5 verse 16, Exodus chapter 20 verse 12 in regard to the fifth commandment.
The fifth commandment being the one of promise. To honor your father and your mother.
I want you to write this word in honor. The fifth commandment is for children to honor their parents.
Now, we want our children to know Jesus. And in turn, by knowing
Jesus, they will become more like Jesus. Because the same spirit that saved you from your depravity, who laid in you that good deposit, that good word, that is now changing you, molding you, transforming you, sanctifying you by means of the power of the indwelling of his spirit, is the same spirit that can be alive and active and well in the lives of our children.
And it's in the lives of our children that we want to see Jesus work the most.
But we want to see our children have an innate natural desire for the things of God. And yet this comes only if the commandment is being followed and if the
Lord Jesus be at work. In our family, in the lives of our children. You see,
I want you to know this one, that Jesus set the perfect standard for humanity. You know,
Jesus Christ, who was God in eternity past, who stepped into his own creation, became flesh and dwelt among us, that even this one was at one time a little child, even a babe.
And he too had to learn to walk, to stand, to read, to write, to speak, and yes, even to listen and obey his parents.
He learned obedience, the scripture says. He learned obedience as the perfect man, as the perfect Adam.
In the same way, Jesus isn't just a model for us to follow in terms of being adults.
We tend to think of the gospel narratives and we look at Jesus and we say, okay, I want to model Jesus, I want to be like Jesus.
Well notice too, that model extends even into children, because he too was a child.
And when we look at the story of Jesus, the only one mentioned in scripture, when Christ was a child, he goes into the temple, complex, and what does he do?
He begins to teach, he begins to preach, he begins to demonstrate the qualities of one who is filled with the spirit.
Jesus also, when asked by his parents, he said he was about his father's business.
What a blessing that is, to know the father's business, to be part of the father's business.
And this begins by children honoring, obeying their parents.
See, Jesus walked in the spirit, he lived a spirit -filled life, and he kept the commandment with a promise, and he was submissive to his earthly parents.
Christ, again, is not just a model for adults, but for children also. So to the children,
I say to you, this morning, children, little ones, walk as Jesus walked.
Learn from the great teacher, from the great rabbi, even Jesus Christ, and learn to listen, learn to behave, and learn to walk, even as Jesus walked.
What does a spirit -filled life look like for your children? What does a spirit -filled life look like for you?
It looks like Jesus. It looks like Jesus. Every member of the family has a role in living out this spirit -filled and spirit -called life of being a
Christian. But it begins for the children, in the fifth commandment, to honor your father and your mother.
Now, this extends not only for the little ones, but us for adults as well. If we are privileged enough to have living parents, we are to remember or to honor them, respect them at all stage of life, and remember them in times of difficulty.
You know, I wish my mother was nearby, because I'd love to take care of her. My older sister has the privilege of doing so.
But it really would be just that, a privilege to take care of the one who took care of you while you were in infancy, while you were a child.
Do not forsake your parents. Do not forsake those whom the Lord has entrusted now in your care.
What a blessing it is to be able to be a blessing to those who blessed us and gave us the gift of life.
I want you to follow along now in verse 1 and 2, again in Ephesians chapter 6, chapter 6, verse 1 through 2.
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother.
This is the first commandment with a promise. If you're following along, the commandment comes with a,
I want you to write in, promise. Now, what is the promise that is being promised in the fifth commandment?
Well, let's look for a moment at Deuteronomy chapter 6. Let's examine the commandment of our
Lord. Chapter 5 of Deuteronomy, chapter 5, verse 16.
The fifth commandment, honor your father and your mother as the Lord your God commanded you, that your days may be long and that it may go well with you in the land that the
Lord your God is giving you. Now, this commandment comes with a promise.
And that promise is clearly laid out for us here in verse 16.
That your days may be what? Long. The blessing of obedience brings forth a good and long life.
It's like we tell our children to, when they're crossing the street, that they should do what? Look both ways.
Because if you don't look both ways, and you're not being attentive, there's a huge chance that a car or a truck can come and do harm to you.
If you listen, there is blessing. If you do not listen, if you do not obey, there is the curse of death that awaits you.
Therefore God says that your days may be long and that it may go well with you in the land that the
Lord your God is giving you. The commandment comes with a promise.
And this promise is one of blessing. I want you to write that in there. It's one of blessing.
And it's one also of inheritance. I want you to write that in there as well. Notice what was at stake for this commandment.
That if they obeyed, if they followed, if they honored their father and their mother as the Lord God commanded them, that it may go well with you in the land.
In the land. That's the inheritance of the land that God promised the Israelites. Now as Christians, we've inherited a better land.
A better nation. A heavenly one according to Hebrews 11, verse 16. And we wait and long for that better country.
Ours is an inheritance unto eternal life. Yet the principle still stands even for us in the new covenant.
That for us to obey not only the word of the Lord but also to honor our family, honor our father and our mother, that we have this inheritance that awaits for us.
It's inheritance of blessing. It's inheritance of that heavenly gift.
Not by any work that we can do or muster but only through grace, by faith in Jesus Christ.
But yet we see this promise accompanied with this commandment of blessing and inheritance.
We're commanded to honor our parents. Again, at all stages of life.
In verse 3 of Ephesians. I want you to keep a finger in Deuteronomy though. And back in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 3 it says, again quoting from the 5th commandment, that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.
This is what it means by the promise. That it may go well with you. Blessing and inheritance in the land.
Honoring our parents at all stages of life can bring forth longevity. I want you to write this in there in the next bullet point.
Honoring our parents at all stages of life can bring forth longevity. Why is that?
Well brethren, our parents have lived a longer life than we have. They've experienced more things than we have.
They may know a few more things than you do. They may be able to speak into your life in a way that only they can because of their experience but also because of the love and the relationship that they have and have built with you over so many years.
It is truly a treasure to have parents. Parents who love the
Lord and serve the Lord. I myself don't have that privilege as both my mother and my father are not
Christians. Instead they follow the false religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. And yet, even then, my mother is such a wellspring of knowledge.
She knows the Bible better than most Christians do. And so even when we talk now, we can still have interesting discussions and dialogue.
And when it comes to things of family, you know, she always says, I'm going to pray for you. And I say, well
I'm always going to pray for you mom. I'm going to pray for you. And yet we can have a discussion that is civil and still to some degree based on God's word.
But to some degree I want that so bad for my parents to know Jesus.
And I know that election is not up to human will or my will. But here's what I can do.
You know what I can do? I can be a Christian for my children and for their children and for their children's children.
So that now, by the grace of God, me being the first Christian in a generation in my family, that now, generations from now, children with my last name will be worshipping
Jesus Christ. That's my aim. That's my goal. I may not have believing parents, but I want to be a believing parent for them.
And I want to be a believing parent for their children and their children's children and leave forth a godly legacy that they can build on.
Because the days are evil, brethren. The days are wicked. And it's only going to increase.
We have to, as the church, as the people of God, lay forth a strong, solid, biblical foundation.
You know what I love about this church is that I think we get that. Unfortunately, a lot of churches in America don't necessarily see it that way.
This is a church that I just recently came from in Wisconsin. I had a brother there who I was talking about generational work, and he said,
I'm not worried about that. I said, what do you mean you're not worried about that? I said, we're going to be out of here. We're going to be raptured.
And I said, brother, that is exactly why the church has lost so much ground in the last 70 years in America is because of that mentality like that, that mentality that, hey, we're not going to be around.
We're going to be gone. We're going to be out of here. At the end of Christ, you know, there's a red heifer that was born in Jerusalem. There's going to be a temple there and all this nonsense.
Bad eschatology produces bad ecclesiology. It does not produce good fruit.
Therefore, brethren, recognize the times and seasons that we are in, that we may be in the time of the end, but we may also be in the long haul, the long stretch of history, and the
Lord may not be here as soon as maybe we may think, whatever the case may be, whether he should come soon or whether he should tarry, we ought to be ready to lay a foundation, a generational foundation of people with our face, people with our image, people with our last names, that they would come to know and serve
Jesus Christ generations from now. Amen? That's the generational blessing of knowing
Jesus and bringing forward that blessing to our children. It is a promise of blessing and inheritance, and God has indeed given us this word so that we may have longevity.
He, our Lord, is indeed our longevity in the length of our days. It says in Proverbs 1, if you can turn there very quickly.
Many of you may know this text well. In Proverbs, the first chapter.
I'm going to actually start with verse 7, a very well -known text. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
Fools despise wisdom and instruction. Hear, my son, your father's instruction.
Forsake not your mother's teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck.
If we follow the commandments, if we follow what the Lord has spoken to us by means of his inspired word to Solomon in the book of Proverbs, hear, my son, your father's instruction.
Forsake not your mother's teaching. We have much to learn, brothers and sisters.
Children, we have much to learn. Much to grow into.
Much to look forward to. But we must honor, listen, respect our parents.
And there is a blessing of longevity, promise of blessing and inheritance that awaits you.
In verse 4 of Ephesians 6, there's another important word here that should not be overlooked.
Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and in the instruction of the
Lord. Here's where it gets interesting. Children are to obey, but fathers and mothers are to set an example worth obeying.
It's very important. We, as parents, have to be the model for our children because for the first five, six years of their lives, we are essentially the only model that they have.
Unless maybe there's grandparents or lots of social settings. But for the most part, predominantly, we are the model that they will look to.
And they will either see Christ or they'll see the world or something else or dysfunction or hurt or bad habits.
And those things do not produce good fruit. So fathers, do not provoke your children to anger.
That is to say this. Remember, your children, they bear your face.
There's nothing like it when your child who bears your face, who bears your image, when they curse you or when they love you.
When a child gives you that beautiful, pure love, there's just nothing like it in the world. But when a child rebels against you, also nothing like it in the world.
It is very easy to be provoked to anger as a father when that child who bears your face, who you feed, who you care for, they're living under your roof, you're paying all the bills, you got all the responsibility, and they dare lift a finger against me, their father?
Who do they think they are? I feel like I was just having this conversation the other day. Who do you think you are to speak to me that way?
And yet, be reminded of the loving kindness of God, that you, dear brother and sister, are an image bearer of the
Most High God. You bear His face. You curse Him. You abandon
Him. You walk away from His law, from His precepts. You do what is right in your own eyes all the time. And yet,
He loves you. He's patient with you. He's long -suffering with you. In the same way, we ought to, fathers, emulate our
Heavenly Father in His patience, His kindness, His mercy, His gentleness towards us, that we ought to also extend that towards our children.
That is not to mean that we spare the rod. You spare the rod, you spare the child. But in the same time, you ought to have and you ought to rear your children with God's love and mercy and view.
This is our command as fathers, as mothers, not to provoke your children to anger, for anger and wrath are emotions that cause and bring forth resentment.
And the last thing we want to do is cause our children to resent us and to resent the
Lord. We have to do all that we can to set a good model for them. And it's not easy. This is not easy.
This is not easy work. You know, it's easier, really, when kids are babies, when they just have, you know, three needs.
But as they get older, more complex, more emotions, more needs, more desires, this work only increases in its difficulty.
Therefore, fathers and mothers, persevere. Be a good image of Jesus Christ to them.
And if you are not a father or a mother yet, prepare yourself in such a way that you be sanctified in such a way that when those children come into your life, you're able to lead them to the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ.
But bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the
Lord. This is our aim, not to bring our children to a place of resentment against the church, against you, against Christ, but instead that we instruct them gently, just as we would of an unbeliever, just as we would to anyone out there in the world, that we would gently lead them to saving knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ, disciplining them and instructing them in the ways of the
Lord. I want you to write this in. The second -to -last bullet point,
I don't think I finished that part. Honoring our parents at all stages of life can bring forth longevity and wisdom.
Now, for the next part, parents are responsible for instructing. Parents, you have a responsibility.
It's to instruct. And we must instruct and help, by God's help, produce good listeners and good children.
Bunyan's signal reflection was that we depend on God first and foremost by hearing.
And Bunyan's example of hearing is very important because it's what we see laid out in Scripture often.
You've heard of the Shema, the greatest commandment. The Lord our God said, Listen, O Israel.
Shema, O Israel. Yahweh our God is one Yahweh. It's to Shema, it's to listen, to hear.
You know, Jesus often would use something similar. When you read the Gospels and you see where Jesus says, Truly, truly
I say to you, or verily, verily I say to you. It's in the Greek, it's amen, amen. It's an emphasis, like listen, listen. Amen.
Listen. God wants you to be a good listener. And He wants you to produce good listeners as well.
So parents are responsible for instructing our children. One of the ways we do so is by producing good listeners.
Children who are attentive to listening to the word of the Lord, listening to the things that are of God. Producing in them a desire to not only hear the word of God, but then eventually being able to put it into practice.
Because our children will not always be under our care. There will come a day in which they'll be on their own.
And they'll have to make those decisions on their own. And you won't be there to protect them.
And it's only by good instruction and discipline that they will choose to walk in the right way, in the newness of life that we have been called to through Jesus Christ.
Therefore, brethren, we want to have a generational view of rearing our children.
I want to end with one text of Scripture in Deuteronomy chapter 6.
Do turn there. We won't be turning back to Ephesians. Notice after the
Lord God gave forth the Ten Commandments to His people Israel. As He goes on to say in chapter 6 verse 1 of Deuteronomy, He says,
Now this is the commandment, the statutes and the rules, that the Lord your God commanded me to teach you, that you may do them in the land to which you are going over to possess it, that you may fear the
Lord your God, you and your sons and your sons' sons, by keeping all
His statutes and His commandments, which I commanded you all the days of your life, that your days may be long.
Hear, therefore, O Israel, and be careful to do them, that they may go well with you, and that you may multiply greatly as the
Lord, the God of your fathers, has promised you in a land flowing with milk and honey. Children, listen.
Hear the Word of the Lord. Listen to God's instruction to you.
If you want to have a long life, if you want to have a blessed life, follow the
Lord. There is no better life to choose. Adults, if you don't know the
Lord yet, this is still true for you as well. Know the Lord, and you'll know
His peace. Know the Lord, and walk in His ways. Fear the
Lord, and you and your sons and your sons' sons will have an inheritance that no man can take away.
This commandment is for you and I. Listen to verse 4. Hear, O Israel, the Lord our
God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might.
You may be asking yourself, Pastor, how am I to instruct my children in the Lord? How am I to bring them up into the discipline of the
Lord? Well, here it is, right here in the text of Deuteronomy 6. Teach them that there is only one
God, that their social media account is not God, that what other people think about them is not
God, that technology is not God, their Nintendo Switch is not God, there is only but one
God, and His name is Yahweh. And this one God demands exclusive devotion.
And this God also has commanded us this, that you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might.
This is what we are to teach our children. This is what we are to teach the nations so as to disciple them into the family of God.
And it goes on to say in verse 6 that these words that I command you today shall be on your heart, that they should be on your heart.
Brethren, instruct your children in the discipline and admonition of the
Lord by instructing their hearts. Their hearts. They too need a new heart.
Not just adults, not just people in the world, our children need a new heart. And the only way that can be so is if they've come to the truth and the transformating power of the
Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ. Your children need to be born again.
They're not born again by osmosis. It's not a given that they're in the covenant because you're a
Christian. They too need a new heart. And it is because of this good news that we have that we can have confidence in knowing and walking with Jesus, and the words still ring true from Acts 16, that you and your household will be saved.
But you must instruct. You must bring up the discipline of the Lord. Admonish them in the ways of Christ.
And in doing so, we set up our children for success in the kingdom. But not only that, we set a godly foundation for generations to come.
I want you to write in that last word. Parents are responsible for instructing our children, with their children and generations in view.
Wouldn't it be amazing? Should the Lord not come for another hundred, five hundred thousand years, that there will be people on this earth with your blood, your
DNA, your face, your image, your last name, who will know and worship
Jesus. What a blessing. What a gift. And friends, this blessing and gift is for you too.
If you've not come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior, Redeemer, King, choose ye this day, the
Bible says, whom you shall serve. But as for me and my house, we will serve the
Lord. May you make it your aim to know Him, to be found in Him. And if you haven't done so already, the
Bible commands two things. One, that you would repent of your sins, and two, that you would trust in Jesus Christ as the only propitiation,
Savior, that God has given us so that we may be saved. The Bible says about Christ, there is no other name given among men by which we may be saved.
It is only through the name and blood of Jesus that one can know and have eternal life.
May you choose that today, to know Him, to walk in Him. And may He call you by His amazing and sovereign grace into this grace in which we now stand.
Let me pray. Gracious Father, we have so much to learn,
Lord, from You, through Your goodness, as to how we who have children, how we are to raise them.
Lord, it is true that children do not come with a specific set of instruction, but You have given us the instruction of Your Word, which is sufficient.
And so, Lord, help us to love our children, to bring them up in the knowledge, instruction, discipline of the
Lord, so that they may know Him from an early age, so they may come and confess with great fervor and great joy that Jesus Christ is
Lord unto the glory of the Father. Lord, what joy that would bring our hearts as parents.
What joy would it bring our hearts as members of this congregation to see our young people embrace a saving faith from an early age.
Oh, Lord, may it be so. May it come to pass. And may we lay through the work that we are doing now, a work that will last generations into the future, generations from now, where people will be worshiping and serving the
Lord. Oh, Lord, may that be. And may You come soon, hastily. Come, Lord Jesus, in Your name we pray.