Our Glorious Future - Reformed Inc. Can Change!

AD Robles iconAD Robles



here we have a coke coca -cola oreo mash -up
Zero sugar and I have to say it's pretty darn good.
All right
I've been I've been dragged on Twitter for drinking this but it's good. I mean I gotta say it's nuts I don't drink them all the time, but It's pretty good.
Yeah, give it a shot. If you haven't I saw it. I saw a summer Jaeger Respond to my post on on this and she had in her hand a oreo coca -cola flavor, which
I also have tried and You know, it wasn't I like this better. The oreo was good, too
But you know it had a coca -cola Smell to it definitely and there was definitely a coca -cola taste to it
But the overwhelming flavor was kind of a lemony flavor, which I'm not quite sure. I understand
But you know and people people in the comments are saying well think about all the chemicals that they use to make it taste like that but I Don't know.
I just think they use coke could be could be just me. I don't know There's a lot of chemicals and coke do I have no idea but it's not an everyday thing over here at the
Robles house But every now and then you see something you're like, that's weird. I gotta try that Anyway, that's not what this episode is about.
This episode is about the glorious future That I envision the glory are the
Reformed Inc glorious future That could be ours. I have a dream my friends.
I do I have a dream of what the future could look like And I think that it's not unattainable if we all just search deep down into our hearts
And I think that there's some godly wisdom to be had here as well Looking into the Bible of how to treat people and stuff like that I I think there's a lot of godly wisdom out there and I know there's a lot of blackpilling about the state of the
Reformed Reformed circles the Reformed Inc as people call it. There's a lot of blackpilling out there
But as I sit here Drinking my coca -cola zero sugar Oreo flavored.
I can't help but feel optimistic I mean call me crazy, but I'm optimistic for the future.
I think that there's a glorious future ahead of us And I don't think you have to look too far to see it.
And I you know, obviously I'm not pleased with the situation with Jeff Durbin dropping out of the reformed
Reformed the right response conference. It doesn't make me happy I think that the way
I'm not pleased of course with the way that Stephen Wolfe has been treated in general by dr.
White and others. I Don't I'm not pleased by that. So I'm not trying to bury that and say it's not happening
It definitely is happening and it's no bueno. That's my official Declaration it is no bueno for all of you
Americans out there. That means it's not good anyway But it doesn't have to be this way and I don't think it's gonna
Be this way for very long. I think we will learn way I asked the question rhetorically the other day.
Will we ever learn how to treat each other? And I'm gonna answer my rhetorical question with a big yes
We are going to learn because there's too many good examples out there of our glorious future that we can have my friends we can have it if we just try
I Envision a future with a lot of fighting I do a
Future with fighting and sharp rhetoric and all of that kind of thing.
I enjoy it I think it's healthy. I've said this numerous times. I don't have to explain why It is healthy.
It's good. I enjoy it. I think it's valuable. It actually pushes Excuse me the conversation forward.
There's a place for that kind of thing and I think in our time You know, some people say we have too much of that kind of thing.
I don't think so I think do you have too much of the glad -handing and the and the pats on the back and stuff like that?
That's what I think we have too much of but hey, you know, I'm just a one person. It's just my perspective But I see a future with lots of fighting
And sharp rhetoric and figuring things out and and let me just make one thing clear
I'm not talking about you know, the Anons on Twitter. I think I have a special place in my heart for Anons I'm not against Anons, but That's not we shouldn't allow the
Anons on Twitter and and things like that to be the how we define how things go how things are going, you know what
I mean, because because People online are gonna act like people online. There's nothing wrong with that I was just talking to a blind man today on Twitter I didn't know he was blind, but he is blind and his screen name is the blind guide and You know, he said something idiotic and so I responded.
Hey, your screen name is pretty appropriate and then he feigned offense Oh, what is my disability have it to do with any of that?
Well, obviously I didn't know he was disabled but and I was and I responded I said, I think you know exactly what has to do with it. That's a phrase from the
Bible We all understand blah blah blah blah blah You know, I mean, there's always gonna be the reply guys and stuff like that They're always gonna have idiotic takes and stuff like that and you can choose to engage them or not in this case
I chose to engage him I don't do that all the time, but I chose to engage him and but people are gonna see all kinds of crazy things online
That's okay. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about The leadership of which I do not count myself as one of them
I'm not one of these guys that people tries to get to speak at conferences I go to conferences and sometimes I speak at them, but I'm not drawing a crowd if you know what
I mean I'm not one of these leaders that I'm talking about Although I recognize
I have a role and I'll accept my role But I'm talking about the leadership here because the sharp rhetoric between the leaders
I think is healthy I think it's good. I think it needs to happen and I think we need to see the
Interaction and how it happens and how what it means and what it doesn't mean as as a random on the internet
I'm gonna put myself in that category because in many ways I'm one of you guys, man I'm not trying to I'm not trying to dismiss non anons on the internet.
I'm one of you. I get it I get it But a lot of times we need to see how these interactions work and and and so, you know
Listen the internet people are gonna say what internet people say I'm talking about the glorious future of our leadership of our of our thought leaders of our of our
Influencers, can I say the word influencers? I'm talking about the reformed
Influencers, it's not an insult. Maybe it is Don't take it as an insult,
I don't mean it like an insult But you know what? I'm talking about. You know what I'm talking about and The Jeff Durbin thing leaving the conference because he said some things to about James why or Disrespectful or unwise and stuff like that.
That is not the way forward. That's that has no place in our glorious future and We've we've been down that road before and and hear me say this
I'm not saying Jeff Durbin is in the same boat as Big Eva He's not in the same boat, but in this way this tactic this strategy of shunning
Because of alleged online behavior that is squarely out of the Big Eva playbook
So hear me saying I'm not saying he's the enemy I am NOT saying he's subversive
I'm not saying that about James White either I'm not saying any of those things but this particular tactic was borrowed was stolen was was cheat -sheeted from Big Eva That has no place in our glorious future.
None. None at all Our glorious future is demonstrated demonstrated
By many people in our movement and I think these are the people whose influence is is
Gaining while others influence may be waning And so we don't need to look too far.
We don't need to look too far to find these examples I'll give you I'll throw one out there for you. This is an obvious one
Doug Wilson By no means perfect. I think sometimes he the way he signals is not not good
But one thing I do tell say about him one thing to his credit among the many other things
I could say to his credit There's lots of stuff I mean there's I've got very few quibbles with that with Doug Wilson very few and the mountain of good things is like a mile high
But one thing you gotta give him is That he is willing to lean in dare.
I borrow something from Big Eva to lean in to People he disagrees with in a cordial, you know in a very
Warm kind of a way he disagrees with Stephen Wolfe on many things many things maybe not many but some things serious things and yet he published his book and yet he's been able to talk to him like a regular human being and Some of those conversations in my opinion have been the most informative for me the ones where I've learned the most
He's willing to have that conversation and he's done that with many people he disagrees with it's not picking and choosing his friends
Or the people he's published books with this is just part of his character. You got to give him credit for that Despite all the complaints about how he's signaling about this or that at the end of the day
You got to give him some credit. He absolutely Will have that conversation.
He's not just gonna lob the grenades and then shun you. You know what I mean? He's not just gonna say oh, this is the most dangerous thing
I've ever heard And by the way, I'm not gonna talk to you because of your behavior It's not him
It's not him. Let me give you another name another name that I think in many ways
Exemplifies the way forward our glorious future Our glorious future. Let me get a little sip here
Michael Foster I got to say Michael Foster Michael Foster is consistently very helpful with his
Twitter feed He's consistently very level -headed with his content and all of these things and I happen to know for a fact that Michael Foster is friends with and warm and Reasonable and willing to talk to and share platforms with people with whom he disagrees very much on certain topics
It's just part of his character He's able to make friends and be a friend to someone with whom he's got sharp disagreements with I Got to say you don't have to look too far to see these examples.
That is the way forward my friends and Notice Michael Foster uses sharp rhetoric
Doug Wilson uses sharp rhetoric I'm not saying that's bad.
That's good. I think that's a feature not a bug That's a feature and Yet when the chips are on the table and we're talking about important issues
He will come to that table He doesn't have to pretend like there's very few
Christians out there and everyone maybe is ostensibly this or ostensibly that Claims to be a Christian none of that stuff.
He accepts your profession and will talk to you like a brother And he won't try to destroy the effort towards similar goals, but very different tactics
See, that's another thing that I think has no place in our glorious future No place whatsoever our glorious future must learn to work together
When our goals are so similar We might have different tactics. We might sharply disagree on tactics
But the one thing we must not do is try to destroy those whose tactics we disagree
That's one thing we must not do we don't throw them to the wolves We don't use the tools and the weapons and the strategies and the tactics of our enemies
Against those who we share goals But maybe not all eyes are dotted or all tees crossed
Michael Foster's a good example. Let me give you another one. I am a little biased. I will admit
I am a little biased but pastor Joel Webben Pastor Joel Webben is another example of our glorious future.
I'll tell you that right now Now here's the thing this whole conference snafu kerfuffle
This whole conference kerfuffle, it's all Joel's fault I'm just gonna say that this whole thing with the
Jeff Durbin thing and the Stephen Wolfe thing You got to put it at the feet of Joel Webben. It's his fault.
He's the one who caused it because And he's got to own that Joel if you're listening.
I didn't ask you permission to say this, but I'm just gonna say it You it's your fault Because here's the thing
Joel had a cockamamie Idea wild idea And he said man
We gotta have we got to put together a conference. We got work to do I mean we got the trash world and we got to figure out how to confront the trash world and there's all these different Ideas and positions and beliefs.
I've got a wild idea. Let's all come together Let's do it. Let's put a united front up against fake trash world and Maybe we could maybe even some sparks will fly iron sharpens iron after all that's what
I thought Maybe even some some disagreements could be hashed out. I'm not saying they're gonna be resolved man
Wouldn't that be nice? Wouldn't that be a way to move forward to say? Hey Hold on.
I got a call coming in. I'm gonna have to call that person back. That's an important call I'm almost done here.
I'm almost done here Anyway, wouldn't that be a way for like wouldn't that be awesome?
We could hash these out We could talk about where we disagree and bring clarity. We could see who's being more consistent.
Who's not let's talk it out that's that's that was his wild idea and Obviously it didn't work.
But man, is he trying you got to give him credit The path of Joel Webb and he's trying to hold all this together.
And let me say this too Because I happen to talk to Joel every now and then and I happen to be in a few private signal chats and stuff like That with Joel at all, you know every now and then
I don't participate too much in that a lot of that stuff But I do participate And I see some of the side conversations of various things someone will say something wild or someone will disagree with something that Joel agrees with and and stuff like that and And maybe say some things nasty things about a position that Joel hold holds
And I see the conversations there is disagreement among the ranks But often we strategize on how to hash those disagreements out how to present our united front and I've heard him say things like look
I'm not with you on that, but I won't signal against you Here's why because I am
NOT going to throw you to the wolves Over this disagreement We have such similar goals.
We have a lot in common. We want the same things But maybe
I'm not gonna say that I'm not gonna I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be against it I'm not gonna say that same thing that you said about so -and -so or this or this theology or whatever
He's a friend he's trying to work together He's trying to unify things.
He's trying to make progress That my friends is our glorious future working together and figuring it out
And I personally believe I'm very optimistic about this and we are gonna figure this out. We're gonna make it happen
That's the bottom line. We're gonna make it happen Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.