Provoked - Laughing Without Fear of the Future


In this episode Zack and Desi discuss current events and the importance of being joyful in the midst of life’s battles. You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


Proverbs 17 22 a joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones
What is up everybody? You're listening to another episode of provoked. I'm Desi and I'm here with my big brother
Zach. How are you today? I'm good. I'm well, that's great. How are you? I'm doing great I'm we're excited about this episode because we wanted to do something a little light and funny and talk about the importance of being joyful because it's so easy right now to like Turn on social media or the news and just be inundated by so much negativity and darkness that I think we need a good reminder of Just the importance of having the joy of the
Lord, you know what I mean? Yeah, it's altering when all you feed on is like negativity, right?
You know, that's just all the only thing that's coming into your heart It's just it's not really fueling for the spirit right?
It's there's got to be a balance So like the scriptures say Jesus was anointed with the oil of gladness
So he's a man of joy, but also he was acquainted with sorrows So he had this balanced life of being sorrowful over sin and just this, you know
The sinfulness of his creation but also being joyful. I think you can capture those both in your life, you know, right?
yeah, there's a time to be sober minded about the things of eternity and of course, but there's also a time for rejoicing and Basking in the joy of our salvation so this is that's what this episode is about and also
I think like when we you go out and do the things that we Do like going to the abortion mill a lot of our listeners do that Doing public evangelism or even just dealing with your unsaved family and friends and co -workers, you know
You can get really discouraged easily totally, but I think you can have like life
Dominating joy, that's what I've been kind of asking God about because we haven't talked to him talked about him in a long time
But the Scottish Coven enters so I as I've been studying them and reading books and listening to a whole bunch of different sermons
And you know kind of conferences and classes I just love those guys so much, but these are people who are being hunted down by the
English dragoons Yeah to be killed and the dragoons were the soldiers. Yeah, there's no soldiers
I English soldiers, of course were sent to kill them. I mean kill them and blow them up and kill them with knives
I mean they they just did whatever they could to hurt these people But it says that they were men of hilarity so even in the midst of like their friends die and their kids die and their husbands die and they've had this joy and they
Kind of a lot of them laugh their way through it, right? I think that we got to have that spirit It's like looking at things the right way
Saying, you know, this is not our home right to live as Christ to die as gain. That's right.
I was I can't remember who I was Listening to what he says. It's better for us to die
It was Bonson's Greg Bonson's his last sermon because he actually preached his last sermon No thinking there was a high probability of his death on Tuesday when he went into heart surgery on Sunday He preaches a sermon saying hey, my doctors are saying it's a highly likely that I'm not gonna make through it
Which he didn't he was able to preach his last sermon if you haven't heard that you gotta go listen to it It's amazing. Is that on Bonson you?
No, not yet, but it's on YouTube. You just look up Bonson's last sermon Okay, yeah, that's awesome.
Well that brings us to I need to talk about all -access so do it if you haven't done it yet You guys you got to become all -access members because you're gonna be so blessed by the content and with all of Bonson you
Just go get on a post apology of studios calm Go sign up now because what you do is you just you give back to the ministry
But you also get so much from it. You have so much content that you can Take in and be edified talk about like having light and good information at your fingertips instead of just being inundated by the
Negativity of the culture and the darkness. This is gonna really just be an encouragement and a blessing to you and your family
So if you haven't yet become an all -access member And also I just wanted to thank you for all to all of our listeners that you know
I've kind of stuck it out with us. We've been doing it for a little over a year now and I'm just so encouraged by all of you guys.
Thank you for your messages. We get messages throughout the week and thank you for spending your time with us and Yeah, so hey a lot of people might not know this about you, but you're kind of a foodie, huh?
Yeah a little bit right? Well, if you could look underneath the table No, I mean you you have like I mean, you know you you like meat and potatoes type of guy
But you're also like you like sushi you like, you know, I would say You have do you think you're picky a little bit?
No, you don't I mean well Yes pastor Jeff and pastor Luke and cuz I just like sometimes
I'll get like a Korean dish and I don't even know the meat I'm kind of like a meat guy.
I'm not too picky. No about things I mean, I like my steak medium rare and that's the only way
I like I saw a post Pastor Callie I posted it with the cow is still alive. And oh, yeah, that was pretty rare, but I'll eat that.
Yeah like super rare Yeah, I mean not to where you're sitting there like chewing on this like blue piece of me.
Yeah I should not be eating it this raw. Yeah. Yeah, I like it pretty rare I mean,
I think when you cook it to well done, you're just cooking the goodness out of yeah Some people some people like it that way.
Yeah, my husband Thankfully your wife is an excellent cook though.
Yeah, she's got it. Yeah, she's she really can't cook anything bad It's like you are genetically disposed to either be a good cook or be a not -so -good one
Yeah, or like me I had to learn like I've come a long way I finally learned that you can follow a recipe and most of the time you'll be but no your wife
She's just yeah She's one of those people like our grandma like if she had the few ingredients in front of her
She could whip them up and it'll just taste to me. Yeah, you know She'll remember one time I took her out where I took her out to our anniversary at five -year anniversary down in San Diego Right there and down there in the harbor and we went to Ruth's Chris and I ate this
I think I've told you about this, but I ate the steak and you know, it was an expensive meal I think was 75 80 bucks and then
I go home the next night and for like $12 She makes this dish. So it was 50 times better. Wow.
Yeah, that's incredible She's got it and you you hate tomatoes. Do you still hate tomatoes? Yeah, I mean if they you know, they'll sneak in in a taco or something like that.
What do you do? Can you taste it right away? Yeah, I can taste it's just like a texture thing Maybe when I was a kid I took that because it's so soft and you know
The taste is gross and it's just like an explosion of water. It's mainly water. It's just like Yeah, I just don't like it.
I can't I have a funny memory of you and tomatoes So you've hated tomatoes for as long as I can remember
So when we were kids that was like my life's goal was to get you to have a tomato
Yeah, so like when you weren't looking or something in the salad, we'd get salad at our you know on our dinner table
I'd like put tomatoes on the bottom and hope that you would like take a bite of it but you would just like get your fork and you'd see it right away or like I remember one time you were like turned and I had a can of tomato paste and I was like close your eyes and And and I was almost got up to your nose and you're like open your eyes
They're like, why would you do that? And I was so mean to remember I'd be like, oh, yeah You're gonna make me eat a tomato.
I'll shave your head I Would constantly be trying but you'd always catch me so one day one of our neighbors came over his name was
Frank Pearl Do you remember him? Yeah, I remember he took us to Baskin Robbins. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah I forgot about that, but he had a little garden and you were somewhere.
Oh, no, that's a different guy That was on San Carlos. Oh, yeah, that was Joe something. Yeah. Yeah. No Frank pro
He had a little garden and he came over with a bunch of different vegetables and stuff and one of them were these like heirloom tomatoes and they were
One they were yellow and they or they they looked like little light bulbs. Yeah. Yeah, kind of like pear -shaped.
Yeah and Yeah, I took a bite and it was really sweet and good and I was like, what is this?
And he said it's oh, it's actually a tomato and then immediately I was like, this is my chance. This is it
I'm gonna get him and so He left and then you walk in and I have the tomatoes and I'm like I'm like really trying not to sell it too hard because I'm like man
He's gonna he's gonna figure it out if I do so. I'm like, hey, you got to try these vegetables that Frank Pearl Because there's they're amazing
I don't even know what they are. They're just they're so good and you're like, well, okay And I hand it the yellow tomato to you and you're looking at it
You can't tell it's a tomato and my heart's like beating. I'm like this And I you go to eat it and you're like, ah right before you go in to put your mouth down my conscious
I'm like You were like what is wrong with you
So that I was probably like hey, I'm glad I didn't eat that tomato because I would have killed you Man yeah.
So anyways, this is a little fun fact about you So but you I don't like tomatoes, but what do you let me think what you don't like when
I was little I was a freak and didn't like chocolate ice cream But I like it now I still don't like chocolate, but I was remember
Caleb and Nana they loved rocky road I don't really dig chocolate ice cream too much. I'll eat it, but I don't like order it
Usually that's not my choice, but I can't think of like food a particular food that you don't need like Chinese food
Mexican food. Mm -hmm. So you're the real foodie? Yeah, I mean, I always think of foodies of people that are like more particular about what they want to eat
They want good quality food. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. You like good quality food I think it's because your wife is a great cook.
And so your palate is probably more sophisticated Where my poor husband will eat dirt.
Oh, yeah Cuz I only like certain types of beef jerky of my beef jerky. Yeah. Yeah, so I would say yeah,
I'm I am kind of picky Whatever yeah, well, I mean and as you get older I feel like Like for me anyways, you can't eat how you used to be able to eat like you used to be able to eat
Top ramen and you wouldn't get a stomachache, but now it's like you know how good top ramen used to be. Oh my gosh
But now it tastes so processed Yeah, but I got really actually got really good noodles at Costco Not to get far too far off our subject.
Are they the Thai the packet of time? Yeah, I've gotten them They're good the spicy red one. Oh, I haven't got that one.
It's pretty spicy, but it's super good. Yeah No, anyways, okay. So moving on to our topic. So I wanted to kind of go through some current news
There was a bill that was just passed SB 1457 and I know we're gonna make this light, but I wanted you to kind of explain about why this bill is bad
Do you think that's something that you can do? Yeah, I mean pastor Jeff did a really good job He did and he was on the news which and he did an excellent job explaining that Yeah, exactly
But I got a couple messages this morning saying hey good news. Look at this. Have you seen it?
And I said, you know what? Yes, I did. It looked pretty promising, you know on the surface It looks like a good thing, but it's actually a bad bill and here's why and so I kind of wrote a little brief description
So, what would you say? Yeah, do you want to read the description first and I can go or do you want vice versa?
Yeah, so the bill is basically saying in it saying that you can't kill You can't have an abortion because a child has
Down syndrome, right or has it has genetic abnormalities, so if you go for the purpose of hey
My child has Down syndrome then it's illegal to do that and then abortionists can serve up to three years in prison for doing that Okay But maybe you read what you said and I can actually
I just want to kind of read what Jeff had written because he broke It down so well as to why it's not good of course, we have
HB 2650 that we You know poured our life and do to try to get that thing supported
We had Walt Blackman who was the primary sponsor of the nine co -sponsors. And so what these guys have done
They didn't even hear HB 2650. So HB 2650 completely outlaws abortion everything abortifacients
And then of course because abortion is murder if you murder someone you do have to be penalized for it
Just like we penalize people for murder now So it's equal protection under the law for all the unborn, you know, no matter what age or stage there they're in That's HB 2650
But each, you know all these guys Unfortunately that sponsored HB 2650.
They did flop now. We can't We're not allowed to impugn motives. We can't see the heart of a person, right?
But we do know what politics is and what politicians do they get lobbied? I mean, they're professional lobbyists that lobby a politician to vote in a particular way and the pro -life industry
Unfortunately lobbied a lot of our sponsors that we're gonna sponsor a truly god -honoring bill in HB 2650
Yeah, and now they flop and they all vote for SP 1457 Declaring it a big pro -life victory.
All right, but it's not it's not well one it's inconsistent, right? Because it's saying it's okay to murder healthy children, right?
Jeff says it right here He says abortion because of genetic abnormalities is no longer allowed. So killing the healthy children is accepted
Mm -hmm the healthy ones, right? It's not okay to kill kids with Down syndrome, but it's okay to kill healthy kids, right?
That's exactly what it is And he goes on to say just not the children with Down syndrome don't worry pro -choice friends because of course this is a good bill for pro -choicers a
Mother only needs to say she wants to kill her child because she wants to kill it not because the child has genetic abnormalities
Doctor well, the fetus is bringing me a lot of depression or whatever it may be. Okay, let's kill it, right?
So what is this bill ultimately and I like how he starts out with that and his explanation here. It's irrelevant
Irrelevant bill. It's a trash bill, right? It means nothing It doesn't because all you have to do is lie right about what you're gonna do.
Mm -hmm. And there you go right, and we were reading through the bill and it actually
D so Arizona statute 13 dash 3603 and for criminalizes abortion and if you go through the verbiage,
I believe it this actually Decriminalizes it even though those statutes these bills are not upheld if you look through the actual bill it it decriminalizes so in Essence in on paper.
Anyways, we've taken a step backwards, right? Even though in in reality that those bills were not being upheld.
Anyways, so even though yeah HB 13 3603 was the law. That's what
I meant. Not not bill law. Yeah, exactly So the problem is like Jeff was explaining it for Ovi Wade Because he got interviewed by Channel 3 and Channel 5.
He did an awesome job I wish they would actually put everything he had to say I think he had 12 or 15 seconds, but what he said was good, but even if Rovio Wade went away
Then of course now we have SB 1457 that would keep abortion legal right and going, you know
Whereas if 13 360304? Wasn't done away with then we'd have something on the books that would penalize
Abortions is a crime, right? Yeah, so it's actually not only irrelevant, but it's working against what we want
That's a total abolition of abortion, right? It's it's sad, you know, it's It's disheartening because these sponsors that we had were seemingly so Convicted and I guess a politician can really fool you.
Mm -hmm. And again, I can't read a man's heart I don't want to impute motives, but You know When can we get some politicians some men and women with a backbone who really stand by conviction and not just the expediency?
Of their political office, right? Right. That's they're really looking out for their own self You know and I was thinking about this as I was preparing for this today is there's always been that and there's always gonna be
That you know when the war for independence only 15 % of the nation wanted to be free from Britain's tyranny
Right. The rest were in the mushy middle I like, you know, somebody says like that the mushy middle where you just really just care about yourself, right?
It's about how can I how can I get forward in life? And that's just American pragmatism
It's just what what can I do to get me to where I want to be right Philosophically, that's what it is.
And it's sad because those people really don't accomplish anything Noteworthy or things that help their neighbor or you know put to death and it's yet and injustices so that's a massive populace of people, but God has always risen up these sacrificial people and in you know for a guy a
Politician a sponsor bill like this and to see it actually forward and come into come into To be actualized and then enforced.
It's gonna require a lot of sacrifice and I'm thinking like Joseph Silk That type of a man.
We just need kind of cloned and duplicated around the nation in the political realm, right? Absolutely.
I'm glad you explained it to you though, because I I think if you're new to this fight, you know Like like I was become, you know being going from pro -choice to pro -life to abolitionists you kind of are like, you know
Well, well, what about aren't we happy about some kids being saved right?
You know, that's kind of the first Off -the -cuff type of thing you think but as you look deeper into it, you're saying
No, this isn't this isn't right. This is inconsistent and I like what Pastor Jeff said, you know, would we be okay?
Yeah, he says right there he says furthermore imagine putting in a bill that allows sex trafficking So as long as the victims aren't handicapped
So what the bill does is it just it conceals the truth about the situation, right, right?
It changes. I mean it changes definitions. I like what he did. He just exposed the reality of the situation.
He goes on to say Kathy here doesn't want abortion to be a crime with punishment for parents who have them
However in this bill she wants each child child to at least have a proper burial and then he I like he brings
That it to light he says imagine getting a bill that allows for the Jews to be gassed Just as long as you give them a proper burial, right?
So they cloak they cloak the truth they cloak what they want to do and pro -life type of verbiage, right, it's just It's it's wrong.
It's compromising. It's God dishonoring. It's iniquitous and Inconsistent. Mm -hmm. Yeah, so I think it's just a lot of it is just Having the light shine on what's actually going on because if your first you know
Response to this is like excitement Then I can understand that because you see something you're like man at the very least there
Lord help use this to at least get people to start thinking about the value of life and are we being consistent?
So, I mean, there's always silver lining You can always find good in every situation as far as like I hope that people look at this and realize no
We can't be praising bills like this or the heartbeat bills. We have to be consistent across the board or none of it makes sense
Yeah, yeah, and I like it. It's people say, you know, this type of a bill is an iniquitous decree, right?
Right. It's it's something that God wouldn't be happy with because he's the one ultimately by his grace and his mercy
He's gonna use his people when they're faithful to him He's gonna use something that's faithful to him and this that's something that's not faithful to him
I'm not saying it's okay to kill some kids and not others. I mean, you know, Russell Hunter goes on to explain this type of situation
Really? Well, yeah comes to we need to be faithful to him. We need to represent him You know We need to not dishonor him by supporting something that is not congruent with his will and his wishes and his character, right?
That we as you know, we as Christians need to be purveyors of the truth. We're people of the truth, right?
And this is you know, supporting SB 1457. We just be aiding and abetting something.
That is not Righteous, right? It's not right. It's not okay to kill. I mean in the explanation is simple.
Yeah, it's not okay Okay, you kill you can kill kids in room a but you can't kill kids in room
B And so what the politicians do and I think what they did here is they understood that there's a massive amount of people in Arizona that are pro -life.
So they tried to placate The pro -lifers to try to get him back on their side so that they'd continue to vote for them and to continue for their career right well
You know creating some type of bill that would of course appease them right and pro -lifers don't really
I mean Generally don't think Critically or biblically like oh, you know, this is helping some kids
But that's just not what we're called to do The Bible says rescue those who are being delivered to death not rescue some of those who are being delivered
Yeah, can you imagine? You know, it's like two people groups or two types of children, you know being burnt in a building and you say well
You know, we do have the power to rescue Some yeah, but we're gonna write or all of them, but we're just gonna rescue some victory you walk in with the clipboard
Excuse me child. Are you fiving up or no? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. No, do you have any genomic genetic?
Abnormality. Oh, you you don't okay, you can go ahead and burn. Yeah, that's exactly. Yeah, that's crazy Alright. Well, thanks for explaining that because I think that you know, like I said a lot of our listeners may be new to this
So we want to explain why we don't want to just like Poo -poo something and not have an explanation.
But yeah, it was a bad bill I'm thankful for pastor Jeff and the opportunity that the Lord gave him to go on the news because I mean
I have a lot of I think well -intentioned friends that are pro -life and they just they just don't know yet You know, they're just haven't been educated yet in this area like me just you know
Excited about anything that seems like it might be a victory, but you know, we got to be careful, you know
Yeah, and it's just thinking about things critically and not just taking some, you know taking someone's word for it
So it's your favorite pro -life, you know celebrity or somebody you've heard or something 40 Well, I'm gonna believe it because this authority says it right and they represent what's truly pro -life.
It's like no No, we need to take whatever anybody says like the good brains did in the backs We need to say is this is this congruent with Scripture?
With God's view of the situation because I understand most people and I think initially when
God woke me up to this in 2011 I was like I had talked to somebody and they said are you an incrementalist or a mediast and I was like Well, probably an incrementalist, you know
You know we'll just get what we can get until I really thought about it and brought the scriptures to bear upon the situation and say
No, we don't incrementally return from a wickedness, right?
We're to kill it cut it off We're to repent now fully God says forsake your sin turn from it run from it
So it's just it's just what we have to do as Christians is think biblically and critically about and and what we want to do
Is take people with us and win them over to an abolitionistic point of view not just hey
You're thinking wrong and therefore, you know, let me just slam you and I think it's abolitionists We get we tend to do that out of his zeal.
Maybe zeal without knowledge and lacking compassion We we need to again take this huge group of people that we need to use or maybe we need to come on better Word would become alongside of us to vote for righteous bills, right?
We need to win them to the mindset so that they would do that and not just hit them over the head with a hammer
Because they're in the wrong, right? I think sometimes you know, like even doing public
Evangelism or going to the mills you hear the same arguments over and over and over again So I think that we need to be careful because sometimes we can become
Impatient, you know not patient and patient with people and not explain when they might just not know So if you're listening to this and you're an abolitionist
I would just say, you know take the time to be patient with people and explain like someone did for you, you know
Exactly, right. That's good. That's so important and I I need to do that too Not only in this subject, but also out at the mills, you know, just um
You know you get out there and you're you know You're sitting out there for hours and you're in a place that you hate me and you're receiving all sorts of violence and you know vitriol and hostility from people and you're like man don't let this affect the way that I talk to the moms and dads going at you know, we have to be firm and there's
The tool of the rebuke, but it's also I'm gonna need to I want to educate this person on what they're doing
What the Bible has to say, you know with a tempered spirit self -controlled Scott Horde does that so well in Tennessee?
One of the best I think Steve Stephen Smith and Augusta does that so well as I traveled around the nation
For a little bit of time last October the common denominator with these men that are seeing so many Baby saved is compassion and patience, right, you know and humility deep humility and the willingness to walk with a woman, you know
Quote unquote walk in the sense that they're informing her of what she's doing in a loving way, right?
It's important Right, so I my next question would be this Doing what you do every week week after week being confronted with the darkness of Abortion, you know just being out there all the time
And also doing public evangelism like we talked about and just talking to the lost How would you what advice could you give our listeners on?
You know, why is it important to? Have joy and how can we how can we remain joyful in the midst of such darkness and not let the darkness overcome us
And what do you how do you think do you think God has a sense of humor? Like can we have a sense of humor throughout all of this?
I mean, like we said, there's a time and a place for everything, but how this is a lot of questions But how would you how would you respond to that?
You know, there's a lot I think about but and you could respond to it too, you know But I think oh
God must have a sense of humor because we do right, you know Our sense of humor only has its foundation in him.
You know, he's a you know, the Bible says that he laughs Yeah God laughs and you know We you have to have that you've got to have levity to it all because the
Bible says do not be overcome with evil But overcome evil with good so in you know, I think we've talked about it before on the show
But in you know, the abortion fight whether it be prophetically out in front of the abortion clinics or legislatively
It's a dark Sucky thing. Yeah, it's a difficult crappy ministry but you have to be able to get serious about and prepare for it and be a soldier in the battle, but also
Be joyful in life. Don't let it rob you the joy I think why should we be joyful because the Bible commands us to right says rejoice and again
I tell you rejoice and rejoice is an imperative an imperative as a command God command you to be Joyful and you know just think about you know, what can make you joyful in that situation?
Is this the sovereignty of God ultimately in control of all things that there's nothing that escapes his gaze?
There's nothing that's not a part of his ultimate will and so that's where you can actually in the midst of this battle And the difficulties that we face and we just talked about this bill and you know
You feel like you go kind of one step forward and two steps back that he's in control of all things, right? And that he is going to do as he pleases and I can just rest in that Yeah, and I want to live a life of joy
I want we want to fight hard and ultimately again our home is not in this world But we want to live this life and the
Bible says to enjoy all that God has given us, right? And so for me, I think how do I remain joyful as you just try to leave it there?
Mm -hmm, and I you know the first couple years of doing it and I don't think I really succeeded in it I would come home and just be enraptured into it and You know bringing it home, but I think you really have to just leave it there and you know find joy
How do I find joy in the Lord? But also in my kids, you know just to turn off all that and just turn on with them you know being in the present with them and picking up Phoebe and wrestling them around and you know tickling them and you know, that's it's just important to do that and I think
It comes with the ability to compartmentalize compartmentalization, especially as ministry as a pastor is hugely important because all throughout the day
You know, we as the apology of pastors have a lot going on all the time You know, we can go from a counseling appointment
We rejoice him because somebody who has freedom over a sex addiction or a drug addiction and then you go directly into a
Meeting to where you have to confront somebody in their habitual sin that they're not getting out of it So, so it's you have to be able to just put that in its space and not let all these things bleed into you to overwhelm
You so compartmentalization of focus I think for me has really helped me just to be joyful and to be uplifted and you know
Because if you know, you're just gonna walk down like you're walking around like you or right and then we're not we're commanded not to do
That right. What's the fruit of the Spirit? Love joy joy. Peace. Yeah, that is the produce of the spirits
So that is what God is working in and out of us. Yeah, and if the Spirit of God is in us
We're gonna be joyful. Yeah, I mean, I want to be like the Proverbs 31 Woman who laughs without fear of the future, you know we're we're called to not be afraid and actually to laugh because we're not afraid because we have the
Lord and So I that's what I aim to be I want to find joy in every day and I want to think on what's true and pure and lovely and honorable and and not
Be overcome. I mean if you look at the news, sometimes you're just like, oh my gosh, you know, I just want to just Close off all of my social media throw away every
TV Go move to the mountains because you see like today. I think it was or yesterday It was like Joe Biden says that if you're fully vaccinated, you're allowed to go outside Hmm.
Thank you. Thank you for that enlightening information per the norm. Yeah Yeah, thank you so much.
I mean it can it can overtake you if you allow it to but if you rest in the joy of the
Lord if you rest in his sovereignty like you said and you find all the good and the blessings that he's giving you and your family and your friends and and good food to eat and Getting in the word and going and fellowshipping with the
Saints There's so much we can be thankful for and to set our minds on to rejoice and that we we don't have to just set
Our minds on the negative totally and I think you I like what you said there You know, she she laughs because she's not afraid of the future, right?
Why is she not afraid of the future? Because she knows what is certain about the future, you know that we're gonna spend an eternity
I mean to think about an eternity and we can't even a fathom that because we're in a time -space continuum, you know, yeah
Just moment by moment, but being with the Lord free from sin, right?
Which is the greatest I think the greatest joy about heaven is Christ But being free from your sin that you hate, you know
There's this There's just an immense amount of joy. But what it is, it's it's focusing on things that are certain
I remember and I can't remember which part of first Samuel was but David's family and all the family of his men at that time got taken away and kidnapped.
Can you imagine that? These are out warring. I think you know what the Philistines can't remember exactly what was going on in context
But you go home and you're they think about you go home and Don and Liam and the kids are like stolen
Yeah from these wicked people. Yeah, they're incredibly evil that who knows what they're gonna do with them
Yeah, or I go home and my babies are taken away. Yeah, and so they immediately just grieve
Like grieving and then of course, they're getting mad at David But it says David encouraged himself in the
Lord and they eventually, you know He stirred up the men to go and they rescued him But what did he encourage himself and that which is certain about the
Lord and about all the his past and how the Lord had Blessed him and had been with them, but we have to do is that we're gonna be joyful and encouraged
We have to put our feet solidly on a solid place and that's the certainty of the scriptures That's why you have to limit like Fox and CNN.
I mean look at CNN. It was just come out that they just fabricate Stories they do it. I mean, it's all negative and it's all, you know dire because they have a political agenda
I think a power grab agenda, but you don't know and even Fox and how liberal that boxes become
Yeah, so you get on there and you're like what stories have they fabricated and what stories have they not? Mm -hmm, and so many people run off that type of fuel in their life.
That's just not that's not what the Christians commanded to do There's no joy in that. There's no stability
There's no longevity there's no power in that, you know, it's got to be Joy has to spring out of the certainty of not what we know to be true about God.
That's right Yeah, I was just gonna say how can we have longevity if we are overcome with evil?
We won't we'll burn out We'll go hide in a cave. There's no way if you're not thinking on God's promises that you'd be able to Stand the test of time doing this type of ministry.
Yeah being Faithful to Christ and you see what it does I mean you go out there and what people do, you know as we travel to Kauai and you know
Seeing people wear triple mask layers with like a plexiglass glass screen
Hmm in front of them and like a big old suit of armor on top not the suit of armor
But double triple mask with the play and you're like and then you go near them and they just want to get away from you
Here you had a lady confront you guys, right? Yeah, that was fun what happened That's so hard.
So it's late at night, you know, we take the red eye You have seven kids seven kids four or three of them that are under four years old
I under may see Phoebe and Titus. Mm -hmm. And so it's hard, you know, it was just it was a blessing going
You know, but it was tough just traveling. Yeah, you know with Phoebe on the way over there
She was just upset and trying to calm her down Titus was and they she went to sleep for like 15 minutes
It was okay But you take the red eyes, so it's 830 at night
The plane takes off at 1030 and then I guess we had you know
I was sitting inside of the Kauai Terminal at the gate and people were looking at me because I didn't have my actually
I did have my mask I was just it was on my ear and I would take it off Put a drink in my hand because you're allowed to not wear a mask if you're drinking and so I got these just mean kind of Stare -downs and then we get up and we go with our group and I hear something behind me and this lady's like Hey, your son's not
Doesn't have his mask over his nose and I just looked at her and like blinked like twice and just turned like the order
And then she goes well, is it who was it Jude or Preston I think it was both
Oh, yeah, and those guys are brawlers So they couldn't they were saying stuff and like looking at her and we're like, whoa, you're tripping, you know
What are you doing? Oh, so they're not quick to be quiet, you know And so they're saying that and that's kind of taking her off and then she's like, oh, you're not gonna wear your your mask that way
Well, then how about I just get you kicked off the plane and so my gosh doesn't this woman understand?
You know that a lot of money it takes a lot of money to switch flights and what if we got kicked on the plane? Yeah, you know, what if we had to go stay up in a hotel with small children and small children crying, you know
She just didn't think about the ramifications of doing that to a person. Yeah over a Situation that's ninety nine point nine nine nine percent for survival, right?
They just don't get it Yeah, and so I was like seeing red and then of course, I wanted to just you know, speak my piece and Really confront her and her husband
But I didn't I zip my lip. I'm like, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna fight right now because I have to get on this plane
And get home, right, you know, yeah the cost of fighting I don't think it was too much for what
I would have gained in that in that battle with her, you know Thank you Lord. Yeah, so we get on a plane and and You know,
I think her actually her husband walked by and it's like because I let them go I don't want to have anything to do with you and he said thank you and I just you know,
I was mad for about four hours Because when they somebody threatens your kids, you know,
I know get into rage mode You're threatening my kids to kick him off. You're speaking this way towards my children
So God gave me the ability in that moment just to shut up and you know think things through but it took me a while Just to calm down, but hey,
I don't I'm kind of torn because you're you go through that and you're like I don't want to Yeah, I just don't want to fly this is crazy this is stupid but then you're like No, I went there to bless the church there to promote the gospel
You know, I can do this to stay in the field evangelistically, right? Yeah, it's just a
I don't believe people would disagree with that They think wearing the mask is aiding and abetting a lie and I can understand where they're coming from It's just complicated.
I just knew in that moment. I had to shut up and Just keep my mouth zipped.
Yeah, cuz otherwise you wouldn't have been able to come home the likelihood of you getting kicked off The plane is high Yeah, who knows what they would have done with us, right?
You know what kawaii would have done or you know now we're Who knows sometimes you do have to make that sacrifice to do the right thing
I mean, I've had to to go to go get groceries for my kids like I now it's not that way
But before it's like, okay I had to wear a mask because they were saying that I couldn't come in and I was like really
Pregnant and I'm like, I'm not gonna fight them. I'm gonna go and get my food and get out This was earlier on sure 2020 and Don did most of the shopping for us while Coronavirus and I was hugely pregnant.
He's like, I don't want you to have to go in there with the mask I'm pregnant and you know, he had to wear a mask because Costco's super super duper strict about it
Even the other day I just went in just to go I had to get contact So I was literally in there for 15 seconds and a lady yelled at me
Sure. Yeah. Yeah, that's I mean the man situation is just not a cut -and -dry Yeah I've listened to a lot of people and you know a lot of people say oh you're aiding and abetting alike and I understand where They're coming from and I think there's some truth to that right, you know, you know, really really getting on Christians for wearing that But then you're like, okay, let's say a guy comes up to me and says dude,
I'm You know, if I don't wear my mask, I'm not gonna be able to work, right? Well, he doesn't wear his mask and I could be able to work to provide for his family, right?
Who's his what's your primary ministry as a man, right? So he's putting his family before that situation, which
I think is a good call. Yeah, but we don't want to Placate we don't want to compromise.
We don't want to we have to resist What does knock say obedience to God is the resistance of tyrants?
But you also understand to throughout history as Christians the
French Huguenots the Scottish governors all throughout history They pick their battles right?
They didn't die on every hill in every situation. They did pick their battles They were compliant to the government as much as they could be right until it crossed the line
Of course where the government was trying to come in and dictate their worship or you know doing something Telling them to do something that God Forbids or commanding them not to do something that God Forbids right if I said that right,
I think you did. Yeah, I heard it, right? anyway, yeah, so Just getting to the point that we do have to be compliant as far as we could we hate there's you know
You see it all the time. They would run from the Huguenots. They would hide, you know They would do what they had they would do that.
They would do that And I think that didn't make sense They would run from the the government
But they would also comply as much as they could right Yeah, I think there's a lot of middle ground to have like so the lady that that yelled at me at Costco.
I Had the mask. I'm like, I really if I don't have my contacts, I can't see I have glasses too, but I needed my contacts, but I was like, hey, why are you guys doing this when our local?
Authorities are not even saying like our governor Lifted the mandate there is no mask mandate in here and Costco continues to push it even though our local authorities are saying you don't have to do it and she's like, you know
I first got an attitude and was like well It's because Costco is a privately owned business and you guys don't have to wear seven hours a day like I do and I'm like Well, I don't want you to have to wear it either and then she immediately was like, oh
You know kind of disarmed because I was being kind to her about and just kind of challenging her I was like, hey, somebody's got to say something or it's just gonna continue on so I'm praying that Costco stops doing this because it's it doesn't make sense so and ultimately they do it because You know, they're worried about their customers.
They're worried about their bottom line Yeah, so I think that you know, you go into I just love going into the store
I went into a barbecue place with dad today have lunch and they were cool with it. Yeah But then you know like in Texas the governor's like stop it, you know governor
Abbott Don't do it. We're done. Let's get back to normal and then people continue to do it Yeah, and I think you find out, you know, you go into cities that are much more liberally dominated
Mm -hmm. It's much tougher like even around here I like I don't want to go into stores and Scottsdale or yeah,
Tempe, right, you know, they're more liberally with the pop of The populace is more liberally minded.
These people are they just they really love masks mask mandates vaccines and telling other people
What to do? So it's kind of nice living over in the ghetto, even though I get shot at Because there's just more freedom.
Yeah, I'd rather live with the bullets coming at me than Yeah, it's just crazy well,
I think that that's probably a good place to stop, you know I mean unless there's anything else you want to say.
I just want to encourage Ourselves and our listeners to you know Be joyful that we have so much to be joyful about and I know a lot of you are heavily involved in abortion mill ministry and public of an evangelism bringing the
Gospel to the cults and you know, just have the joy of your salvation on your lips, you know
Hey, I got a really bad joke. Do you want to hear it? It's super corny. I actually have to What do nosy nachos do?
Oh, they get hollup in your business Okay, I got one more
What what was it? Oh, why do ducks have feathers to cover up their butt quacks?
No, there was another there was a dad joke one It was like when does a bad when does a dad start doing dad jokes or something like that?
When it becomes apparent No, no, you're right,
I'm glad you chose you did a really good job leading this to I'm glad you chose this topic because it just really is important.
You got to be joyful. You got to be happy Especially as a you know as a minister and You pastors out there.
We don't want to do do the work that God has given us We just like this begrudging spirit You know the duty is a part of it, but we want to be joyfulness we want to have those, you know, the
Perspective that we're victorious in Christ. He is making all things new that he's putting his enemies and ours under his
Yeah, yeah, so that's those truths Truth is what leads to joy really fixing on that fueling yourself feeding yourself with the truth
Has to lead to joy if you're not there's no joy there, right? But I think one of the most joyful guys is
Cal's Astro. I was gonna bring him up. He's the the most joyful man I've ever met. Yeah.
Yeah, he is You just go out and talk to him revival and glory and yeah, and he goes to the mill constantly He's been in the battle for decades, but I don't think
I've ever seen him not be smiling, right? even when he's talking he's smiling the whole time because he's just so filled with the joy of the
Lord because of His knowledge of Jesus and so yeah Yeah If you could if you could ever be around that guy you need to rub up against him a little bit
Go away from him not being encouraged. Totally. Yeah. All right guys
Well, thank you for spending your time with us and we got some fun stuff ahead
I think we have a flat earther hopefully in the works. Well, yeah, so two weeks We'll be having about a two -hour debate with Mark.
Okay, as you What's his name? Oh, Jay. Oh, Jay. Sorry mark.
Yeah mark. Oh, Jay. We're excited about that We really want to focus the end of the year on equipping the church in presuppositional apologetics
I'm just you know biblical defense of the faith. So we've got him coming the guy that Debated Jeff wants to debate again
Quentin Silva. Oh great, and we've got a lot of flat earthers that want to come on Yeah, so it's really thinking about and preparing myself for the flat earth
Because when you get into that you there's no going back That's like kind of a Pandora's box that you can't close just keep going round and around and around.
Yeah I'm just gonna do round Yeah, so that's on the horizon just really preparing we're preparing ourselves for that it's gonna be a flat -out good time
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