“Critical Conclusions” – FBC Morning Light (1/29/2024)


A brief bit of encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today’s Scripture reading: Job 40-42 Music: “Awaken the Dawn” by Stanton Lanier


Well, a good Monday morning to you. Today we are ending our reading in the book of Job, so we've been reading chronologically this year so far, and we've read through the book of Genesis and then went to the book of Job.
One might ask, why would you go from Genesis to Job if you're reading chronologically?
Well, because the understanding is that the experience of Job took place during that time between Jacob and his sons sojourning in Egypt and the deliverance from Egypt in the book of Exodus.
Anyway, so today we're wrapping up that reading in Job, and I want to focus on three critical conclusions that Job reaches in Job chapter 42.
I think these are helpful to us to reach the same conclusions as well. In fact, we better.
It would be really good for us if we did. Here's the first one in verse 2 of chapter 42.
Job says, I know, speaking to God, I know that you can do everything and that no purpose of yours can be withheld from you.
The first conclusion we should reach, that Job reached also, is that God can and will do everything that he purposes to do, and no one can thwart him.
I think it's important to keep in mind when we look at the world affairs and when we look at our affairs, that God has purposes in mind for this world, and no human power can thwart him from accomplishing those purposes.
God has purposes in mind for your life, and he will bring those purposes to fulfillment.
If you're a follower of Jesus, God's purpose for you is that you be sanctified and ultimately glorified, and that purpose will be fulfilled.
The second conclusion he reaches is in verse 3. He says, Job says to God, you asked, who is this who hides counsel without knowledge?
Therefore, Job concludes, I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which
I did not know. The conclusion is this, there are some subjects that are too deep and too profound for man to comprehend, and especially for me to comprehend.
There is no human being on the planet that can comprehend the deep things of God. Deuteronomy chapter 29 tells us that there are secret things that belong to God that he has not chosen to reveal to man, and nobody's going to figure those out, no matter how smart they are.
The most brilliant philosopher or scientist is not going to be able to figure out some things that would be beyond his comprehension.
I think of that in regard to the
James Webb telescope and the Hubble telescope, these incredibly fascinating machines that we have developed to be able to see deep into space and to see things in places that have never been seen before.
In the depths of all of that, we would be wise to conclude, we don't understand all of this.
We have theories, and some do, and most of those theories, almost all of those theories that you read about in the newspaper or in the periodicals or online, most of those theories have absolutely nothing to do with God.
They leave God completely out of the picture, and what that's just telling you is that man can't comprehend some things.
They're just too deep. The third conclusion is seen in verses 5 and 6, where he says,
I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eyes see you. Therefore, I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.
Remember the whole sequence in Job? He had his catastrophes in the first chapter or two, and then his friends come, and for the next multiple chapters, they're going back and forth as the friends are trying to suggest to Job, or even tell
Job, that this is all your fault, this is your sin, and so on and so forth. Job argues back and argues of his innocence, and so on.
Even Job says, I wish I could confront God with all of this. Finally, he gets the opportunity.
God comes and confronts him, and interrogates him, and so he has a face -to -face, if you will, meeting with God.
God directly confronts him. Here's his conclusion. Hearing about God is one thing.
Coming face -to -face with him, being confronted directly by him, will leave a man utterly humbled and deeply repentant.
That's a good conclusion to reach. You can go to a seminary, you can read all of the theological books that there are to be read.
You can read the most orthodox, systematic theologies, biblical theologies, and everything else from the greatest theological minds that the church has produced.
You can come to deep understanding of a lot of things about God. It's one thing to hear about God, but it's another thing altogether to be confronted by him.
What often happens when people have their head filled with knowledge about God is they become arrogant and proud, and act like they know everything that there is to know about God.
But the man or woman who has been confronted by God through his word is brought to his knees and is humbled and is repentant.
So some good conclusions to reach, and I trust that they are ours. Father, I pray that you would burn these truths into our minds and hearts, we pray, and we ask this in Jesus' name and for his sake.
Amen. All right, listen, have a great rest of your Monday. May the Lord bless you in it.