1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Want Proof?

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1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Want Proof?


1 Corinthians 15:12-20, Consequences and Results

1 Corinthians 15:12-20, Consequences and Results

1st Corinthians chapter 15 starting in verse 1 here the word of the Lord Now I would remind you brothers of the gospel
I preached to you which you received in which you stand and by which you are being saved
If you hold fast to the word I preached to you unless you believed in vain For I delivered to you as a first importance
What I also received that Christ died for your sins in accordance with the scriptures That he was buried that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures and that he appeared to Cephas Then to the twelve then he appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time.
Most of whom are still alive Oh some have fallen asleep Then he appeared to James then to all the
Apostles Last of all as to one untimely born he appeared also to me for I am the least of the
Apostles Unworthy to be called an apostle because I persecuted the Church of God But by the grace of God I am what
I am and his grace toward me was not in vain on the contrary I worked harder than any of them though It was not
I but the grace of God that is with me whether then it was I or they so we preach and So you believed?
May the Lord add his blessings to the reading of his Holy Word But do you want proof?
Someone makes a claim Particularly a claim that at first you may find hard to believe you that team is the best
Well, you know prove it Supported what sports is all about right? That's why they play is to prove who's the best or maybe the claim is that something?
Should require something for you. It's worth something from you. It's worth your money your time your commitment
Your life your soul you're all You're gonna want proof for that, right? If someone says to you
I guarantee you that this business is going to be huge in the next few years
Invest every cent you have into it. Well You're gonna want proof right, you know, show me show me show me what they make
Explain to me what they do and and why people are going to want to pay for it.
There are all kinds of things that people want Proof for some people still want more proof that is out there prove that Elvis is dead
One person was demanding proof that Lady Gaga was not a man Some people want proof that we actually went to the moon, you know 50th anniversary last
July prove we actually went there It was a staged one girlfriend demanded proof from her boyfriend that he really thought that she was beautiful If if I were him,
I would want proof that she's not totally self -absorbed Proof is important The courts have elaborated and precise rules about what constitutes proof and how it could be presented as proof
There are witnesses, you know, there are exhibits and if they aren't handled correctly, they can sometimes be disallowed as proof
We all have to present proof of being able to drive, you know, you can't drive without proof And to get that proof in the form of a driver's license
We have to present proof that we live where we say we do airlines demand proof that we are the people who bought the ticket
Once on a flight back here my wife Mary ran into the problem because she bought the ticket under the name
Mary Carpenter and her Singaporean passport says Mary yo
Because women in Singapore being mostly Chinese don't typically change their family name to that of her husband when they get married
But you know She bought the ticket under Mary Carpenter because sometimes here in America us she goes under that name
She then had to present proof in the form of a marriage certificate that Mary Carpenter was indeed Mary yo, because we realize that people can misrepresent
Facts when it is to their advantage we constantly demand proof here in 1st
Corinthians 15 Paul offers proof of what he says is the Most important thing the thing of first importance for his ministry for the church and that is the gospel
What is the proof though? That this good news is true news
Well, he tells us that in verse 3 for I delivered to you as a first Importance and then he describes the gospel
The gospel is the purpose for which he is writing this chapter because an important part of that gospel
Was being doubted by some in Corinth. Some were rejecting the doctrine of the resurrection They didn't see how it was important to their faith, you know in their culture
Greek culture You don't you don't even want your body to be raised You want to get free of it after death and you want to you're a spirit trapped in a body and you want to get
Out of it. And so that's not something that they naturally had to get their minds transformed to understand differently
They didn't think it was believable. And so this Paul feels that he must address
There's no evidence that the Corinthians asked him about about this issue Most of the first Corinthians about issues that they asked him about and he then answers
This issue is when he says for last Is that he just had heard that people some of the people in Corinth were doubting this doctrine.
Maybe they were thinking I'm sure maybe Jesus was raised but that is implied us
We won't be and he feels that this is so significant even though they didn't ask about it that he has to He before he closes the letter that he has to take up at this this issue and address it.
It's so important It's the first thing that he offers proof and there are many things that Christians can disagree on political opinions you know opinions about how things will pan out at the end the last days about how literally or Symbolically to take certain passages but about the resurrection.
It is so important that Paul turns to offer evidence Proof to convince the skeptic so he begins reminding them of the gospel when a church forgets this first thing
They need to be reminded of the gospel the good news and in just the first four verses He lays out seven elements of the gospel to describe
What he is proving first He says it was evangelized to them.
That's literally what it says in verse 1 He is reminding them of the good news that was reported to them as good news
The word they're translated is preached, you know, the gospel I preach to you. It's that's the English translation
That's a little deceptive Because it makes it sound like Paul is referring to a specific style of communication to preaching a sermon like what
I'm doing right now But the literal word there is simply a verbal form of the word gospel the good news
In other words, he he gospel to them. He good news them. He evangelized them
That is he reported the good news So it's not so much about a style of communication as it is about what is being communicated
He is reminding them about the original message of God's grace that he brought them
And however, he brought it that is beside the point second They they received it that is they accepted this message and everything he says in the rest of the chapter
Is reminding them of the original message that they accepted at first, but are now starting to deny
Particularly one key point of it. They have forgotten What is a first importance perhaps now they think it is perhaps now they think the most important thing is being more than conquerors
Or maybe it's to that they can eat whatever they want with no thought of anyone else Maybe they think that's the most important thing or to have knowledge
For the smug assurance that I know better than they do To come to the
Lord's Supper only thinking about themselves Maybe that's what they think about and there's just you know Me and the
Lord walking together on the beach only two sets of footprints of the sand Maybe think that's the first thing of first importance to seek spiritual gifts.
Maybe they think spiritual gifts are the most important thing Right, you know speaking in tongues is most important prophecy much whatever gives me the thrill the bottom line was themselves and their sense of Exaltation but Paul reminds them
That when they first heard the gospel and were converted the gospel they received is this at the end of this passage in verse 11
He says this this is what I am Reviewing for you
Christ died for your sins and was raised for your life That's the gospel that I reported to you and and he says don't get hung up on me
It's the same gospel the other Apostles reported now Now you've received it and whether it came from me the least or they the best that's what we preach in the past That's what we preach now and that's what you believed at the beginning that message
He says hasn't changed. It's the thing of first importance. It's like a mailman witnessing the recipient
Receive a package I guess Wayne has to do that Sometimes you ask people to sign to show that they've actually received it.
So there's evidence There's proof that they actually got this thing in the mail here He says I have the proof that you've got this message like your signature to a certified mail slip proof that the people of Corinth Received the gospel now though Did they receive it in vain?
That's the question Third they they stand By this gospel there was they are founded upon it
That is they have their standing before God the ability to approach the Lord and to be accepted by him
Stand before his presence without being struck down in terror before a God who was a consuming fire.
They can stand before God Not because they're such great people Because they're not because they have some kind of secret knowledge that others lack but because the good news
That they've received that the wrath of God that could have rightly destroyed them has now been dealt with So they can stand before God Forth through this gospel.
He says they are they are being Saved notice that the second half of verse 2 you're there being
Saved it's a current Process something going on That's what literally says in the first first half of verse 2 through the gospel.
You are being Saved which is different from the way many people talk about salvation today, but here is a present continuous ongoing process
Salvation consists of the whole journey of making someone born again
Giving the gift of repentance making them right before God so that they can stand making them holy working in their lives to change them to be more and more like Christ and finally in the future to Glorify them and raise them from the dead and all that happens
Through the gospel through the good news of what God has done for us in Christ in God's eyes
Of course it is it is as good as already done because he is certain he's going to do it and he cannot be defeated
It is already done for his people in God's point of view so he can speak of them as already saved
There's nothing wrong with that But from our point of view, it is still something we are undergoing that we are in the process of experiencing
We are now currently being Saved through the gospel.
That's why we need to be reminded of it Right. That's why we come to church for be reminded of the gospel so we could continue being saved
Fifth the gospel is in verse 3 that Christ died for our sins
That seems simple enough, but this is often denied today That is he died for our sins as our substitute to pay for our sins
He made atonement for our sins his death wasn't just a demonstration of love, you know
Like look this is how much I'm willing to experience for you Look, I'm willing to die for you if I have to know the gospel tells us that he did indeed have to die
If we had any chance of being saved because our sins must be paid for God could not be righteous and just kind of wink at our sins, you know, let him slide
He had to punish them and he could punish Christ for them Instead of us the gospel is the good news that he did just that he punished his sinless son
Rather than punish us sinful rebels and by doing so He takes away our sin
Our sins have been paid for because Christ died for them. And so we are now made at one
With the father he provided for our Atonement, so we're reconciled.
So we have a good relationship. So we're adopted into his family. That's why he's our father Six the gospel tells us that he was put in the grave
He's buried And that's because he was really dead. He was so dead. They buried him.
It wasn't just knocked unconscious or You know fainted because of all the agony he was suffering.
He was pronounced dead by a professional executioner He had a spear stuck in his side to test that diagnosis
He was wrapped in cloths and smothered in ointments that would have suffocated him Even if somehow he wasn't already dead and then he was placed in the grave for three days before being raised
He so he was totally coldly dead Seventh the gospel is that Christ rose from the dead that the grave did not keep him and that's
That last point is what some of them are doubting in some way. They probably thought it maybe they thought it
Well, it's not so important really is that he was physically dead maybe it's just like a metaphor for spiritual triumph or maybe maybe okay, maybe he
Was raised but he's not really the firstborn from the dead. We won't follow him
It's just it's just for him not for us So Paul reminds them that the resurrection is part and parcel of this whole package of the gospel
Which is this thing of first importance and some likely demanded proof? Okay, that's what you say prove to me that Jesus was literally physically raised from the dead
That then is precisely what Paul does in the remainder of this passage the Apostle Paul describes three proofs
That this good news is true news first the word
Second the witness and third the work First the word by which he means scripture
What we now call the Old Testament, but they had scripture already In the early church in both verses three and four
Paul uses the phrase uses it twice in accordance with the Scriptures To show that Jesus amazingly fulfilled
Old Testament prophecies delivered centuries before he was born So many passages of the
Old Testament either anticipated or prefigured him or even overtly described
Christ That Paul and the other Christians of the New Testament Church read the Old Testament as a book about Christ that's what the
Old Testament is. That's what I'm trying to show now in the Old Testament survey This is all about Christ The word taught that Christ would die as Isaiah said hundreds of years before Christ and Isaiah 53.
He was wounded for our Transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities
Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with his stripes
We are healed Psalm 16 tells us that God would not let his Holy One the
Messiah see corruption. His body would not rot Jesus himself said that his
Jonah was three days in the belly of a great fish and was Jonah himself There's a model of what he's going through.
He was like he was a in the fish for three days So Jesus said he would be in the grave for three days. This is the word
That Paul used wherever he went. We've seen that in Acts Before the Apostles go out they use the word they use the
Old Testament To prove that Jesus was Messiah that he provided the sacrifice for our sins so that we could stand before God That's what we stand on that.
He rose from the dead and so is Lord We lose some of the impact of that we can when we think wrongly as many people today think that the
Old Testament Is just the record of God's dealings with Israel and it's just about him trying to teach though those
People way back there those hard -hearted people how to live that it's a whole other plan of salvation
That can then be unhitched from the gospel that comes all only in the New Testament.
Well, that's all wrong Okay that that way of thinking is entirely wrong and it makes us miss one of the important proofs of the resurrection what
Paul is saying is That from the beginning From the Old Testament that first Old Testament promise of salvation
When God threatened Satan in the garden that the son of the woman will crush his head
It's a son of a woman about it's the only one born of a virgin, isn't he? He will crush his head did from that time
From the very first sin for the fall that there has been only one plan of salvation and God himself has been focused from the beginning on paying for our sins through Jesus on Undoing the curse of death through the resurrection and that this plan is called now the gospel
That's the word The proof of the old the proof in the Old Testament another proof is in the witnesses
The word was scripture on pages the witnesses Were people who saw what happened and can attest to it with their lives if they have to First there's
Cephas and we usually call Peter now what accounts for this man this Peter Whom every gospel shows us
What's the natural? I mean this guy was a coward Left to himself He was scared a little servant girl comes up to him probably like 12 years old asking, you know, are you with Jesus?
And he's so scared of a little girl that he won't tell the truth to her what accounts for this this man
It's coward suddenly Becoming bold and brave standing before crowds
Standing up to the threats of rulers before the very same people who crucified
Jesus. He was scared to death about before Confessing to them that now he believes that Jesus is
Lord and that you killed him and you should repent How does how does that happen?
How does how does someone so cowardly be transformed so bold unless of course?
He saw Jesus himself risen from the dead The 12
Apostles will bear witness to it at least one of them by the time Paul wrote this James the son of Zebedee Was the brother of John?
Had already been murdered for confessing that we saw that in Acts 12. Why why why would they do that?
Why would these Apostles lose everything lose even their lives if it were not true?
Who would die to protect a lie a Fabrication. Why aren't you gonna say?
No. Okay. I'm not getting him. I'm not getting more advantage out of this I'm gonna stop telling it it makes no sense
No, we rightly demand proof from people when they when we know they have something to gain by by claiming something
But maybe telling us to invest in some stock or something buy this from them, but does it the fact that these
Apostles? Would is all of them did Suffer for the claim that Jesus rose from the dead
At least 11 of them were killed and John John may have been the only one that wasn't killed for being an
Apostle But he suffered Exile on this deserted island does it the fact that each of them would be willing to suffer so much
For claiming that Jesus had risen from the dead. Does it that that willingness? Itself stand as evidence
You know in court they have a in the law they have a rule of evidence called declaration against interest
That is if someone testifies to something it's just totally against their interest to say it
Maybe it makes them look bad to say it or makes them lose property makes them lose money makes them makes them admit to a crime
You know, how do you tell us where to tell the truth? Yes. How do you know that guy robbed the bank?
But because I was his getaway driver Okay, you know if they're willing to give a testimony that's against their own interest and implicates themselves to make them suffer something
That testimony is given more weight The assumption is that no one testifies against their interest unless they are convinced that what they're saying is true 500 people will bear witness that Jesus the risen
Jesus appeared to them at one time Now even if a few people, okay maybe you can say there's a few people who were just so loved
Jesus and they were just so Traumatized by his crucifixion and that they kind of made up in their wishful thinking this delusion that he rose from the dead
Maybe a few people could hallucinate and do that to themselves, but surely not 500 at the same time
And if you doubt his report Paul says you don't believe me go ask him go ask him yourself.
Most of them are all still alive The Corinthian doubters want to go verify the claim
Go take a trip to Jerusalem. Go go ask them. They're still there and in our day, of course You know, they're all dead.
They were asleep as Paul now calls it after the resurrection But doesn't Paul's bold challenge that we see right here
He's challenging them. You could go ask these people yourself Doesn't the fact that he's willing to challenge them to say go ask them doesn't that itself constitute some proof?
He was willing to tell skeptics in Corinth. You know, go check it out for yourself That's the kind of challenge people make when they are confident that if you do check it out
You will find proof Then the reason Jesus appeared to James His own younger brother and some of us may think well, what's the big deal by that you 500 others?
Yeah, but James along with his other brothers. He was not a believer before that anyway
James had scoffed at Jesus saying at one point, you know that Jesus had gone insane
James along with the brothers Challenged Jesus to prove himself because they didn't really believe and Jesus said you're just part of the world.
That's why you doubt me His natural brothers including James were nowhere to be found at the crucifixion
James wasn't a believer He wasn't a disciple in the first place It wasn't someone who just so wanted to believe that he made it to be true in his imagination
He made up the delusion. No, he was a doubter but then suddenly James is part of the church
He becomes a leader. He probably wrote the book of James. So what happened? Well the resurrection happened
Then the risen Christ appeared to all the Apostles again so that there were multiple Encounters with the risen
Christ by numerous people some even doubters most notably Paul himself
Paul says in verse 8 last of all If you need even any more witnesses, I'm the last one he appeared to me like James Paul was a doubter too
Unlike James. He was he was actually much more than a doubter. He was a he was a persecutor But Jesus appeared to him so that like the other
Apostles he too could be an eyewitness of the resurrection But unlike the others
Jesus appeared to him at an unusual time, you know years later He was born late as an
Apostle his development and arrival as an Apostle was was unnatural
Compared to the others because he was first an enemy Proving that even a hostile witness like Paul could be converted by seeing the risen
Jesus The word pointed to him from the beginning the witnesses give overwhelming testimony he rose from the dead
Finally Corinthians, you know if you're if you're still doubting after all that Well, there's the testimony of the work the work is the work of grace
How does a persecutor become an Apostle? Of all the faithful believers that there were You know then and there have been through the altars history and still are today.
Why did why did Christ appear? to a persecutor Intent on arresting and even killing believers.
Why why did Paul? because of grace But this is that the empty grace that some believe in today the grace
That's just an excuse to keep on living any way we want with no change. No transformation. No, no work coming out of it
Some will say many today will say sure or save through faith alone, and that's true
But faith that saves is never alone Yes, you can debate what works you will show
Must you be baptized or miss you give or be a member of a church or read your Bible you can debate Which works you will do?
But if you're looking for evidence of the resurrection Grace will work in you
So that you will work Do you want evidence of the resurrection Well, look at Paul says look at my life
Why is it that I? the last and least of the Apostles work so hard and produce so much fruit
Because he says the same power the same grace that raised
Christ lives in me and works with me
Evidence of the resurrection is in the word the witnesses and the work and the work is the working of grace with believers and Paul points to himself to all that he did his many journeys and personal sharings is
Counseling his sermons his speeches as letters as debates is enduring persecution and false accusations as imprisonment
I'm gonna travel so far is is giving up things Making tents or whatever he had to do for Paul that the grace of that grace of God was not in vain that it didn't produce nothing and that was proven by the fact of All his work his work was evidence of grace in his life.
He traveled he conversed He spoke to people in their houses at the markets and riversides. He preached before crowds.
He wrote letters He worked and worked and worked now many today imagine that grace is an excuse not to work
You know, it's the reason you could say I don't have to work But work is the proof of grace all that work that he did is grace
Working in him. It was evidence of the resurrection
You want proof of the resurrection? Well last and least
He's an apostle. He's a witness who says he's not fit to be an apostle and that's not just modesty Not just humility.
It's the truth He persecuted the church and thought it was doing service by to God by doing it He is last and least but he worked and produced most
Because of the grace of God grace produces work
He had already hinted at this in verse 2, you know speaking of their faith their own apprehension of the gospel
The gospel had been delivered to them. They received it. They stand because of it and They are being saved through it.
But only if grace is working in them To make them hold fast to the gospel grace produces the work of holding on to the gospel because by grace
The Father is holding on to us You want proof of the resurrection?
Just look at the lives holding on to Jesus Because he's holding on to them the gospel is that you are being saved right now from the wrath of God from the death of sin if You are persevering
Perseverance is the grand mark that separates true believers from the old old -fashioned language superficial professors people who profess
Superficially today some have made the gospel so superficial It is only about being a superficial professor
Professing a doctrine that they don't hold fast to that doesn't change their life that doesn't show itself working with them
But right here we see in verse 2 That if we are not holding fast to the gospel
That we have believed in vain we believe for nothing we are a superficial professor
Otherwise, we're not in the process of being saved Salvation is not a one -time kind of spiritual jolt that we can be sure of that because we all we remember we felt that Thrill years ago when we prayed the right prayer.
Yes Your journey of salvation can and often does begin like that Start like that as you turn from when you were going to death to going to life, but after that If there's no perseverance
If there's no clinging to the gospel and to Christ If there's no grace
Working in you no work coming out of you Then such people need to wonder if they have believed in vain if they had a faith that was empty and useless
Today the idea of false converts of an empty faith and a vain grace
Kind of ideas is foreign to many people today If you think all one needs to do is profess to say you believe
That that is all the proof you need of really believing the Paul's words here will seem Just kind of strange.
What are you talking about? I'm being saved if I Persevere the idea that faith must produce evidence and tangible at proof exhibits
You can hold up in a courtroom That skeptics could see That idea is unknown by many today
We've been teaching a faith without proof and wondering why We produce so many doubters
But here Paul says that such a professor With no grace working within them causing them to work is someone who has believed he says in vain
I was belief For nothing. There's no end product Their faith in verse 2 is useless
It produces nothing Certainly not salvation Others though Prove the resurrection
Beautifully people whose lives have been transformed by grace They show that grace with what they do that grace is working with them.
Hopefully the lives of many of you here Show that grace at work
Because grace makes you work. I Believe if someone wants to see proof of the resurrection He or she needs only to look and many of your lives
You want proof for the resurrection? Just look at the lives in which grace is working
You want proof of the resurrection? Look at the life give one life as an example the life of Tehui I She was born in Singapore when it was just basically a basket case in the 50s was a poor
Country threatened by communists and internal ethnic riots. She was born into a family of 12 children
They were so poor. They decided they couldn't have another mouth to feed so they literally sold her
Not official adoption process. They just sold her away Imagine a child so unwanted the parents would prefer the money they could get from her
So they sold her to a couple that had no children and she was a sickly child and her adopted parents feared for her and so Superstitious not all
Christian as pagan as any of these Corinthians have been they dedicated her to the
Chinese goddess the Queen of Heaven Tian Ho there there was not as far as I know a single
Christian and her entire extended family in a country that at that time had very very
Very small percentage of Christians about 2 % Christians So the the chances of you even running into another
Christian is pretty pretty uncommon there. She was She's in in poverty in paganism dedicated to a literally a pagan goddess
Seemingly helpless and hopeless even out of the reach we would think of God's grace
But she had a cousin Although he he was not a Christian. He was attending a
Christian school for that school was supposed to read the New Testament and the girl loved to read and so picked up the
Bible picked up the New Testament began to read it and Began to fall in love with the person of Jesus She believed in Jesus No church, no evangelist coaxing her to walk an aisle while the organ was playing just as I am just the
Word of God Jesus according to the Scriptures But she was alone
She began to look for information for help. What does it mean to believe in Jesus? How do you follow Jesus? She had read the word she had that Jesus had died for her sins according to the
Scriptures. She wanted to know more Look for help But unknown to her the groups that most quickly sent her magazines and studies through the mail were cults are
Distorted cultic kind of groups would she believe in vain? Or could she hold on to the gospel delivered to her?
One day when she was a confused about 14 years old or thereabouts a Methodist lady just Randomly going through the thousands of high -rise apartments knocked on her door
Spreading the gospel a coincidence all the thousands of apartments in that that overcrowded island knocks on her door
She soon found herself in a sound church, which nurtured her To hold fast to the gospel
She was soon baptized and trained in the faith came a leader helping to plant evangelistic
Bible study groups and schools in Singapore taking part in the massive spread of the gospel there in the 70s and 80s and then look to become a missionary
Which she is today and garnering with all her hard work and not merely hers
But the grace of God working in her the respect and love of a group of friends
That would support her for decades to come support even helping to buy and refurbish a building for her mission church imagine a baby sold away
Dedicated to a pagan goddess and a family void of Christian witness no
Christian friends anywhere to be found the grace of God sought out and found and by the way
Her Adopted family gave her the name Mary and I gave her the name carpenter and If you want proof of the resurrection