F4F | Debunking the Issachar Anointing

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro.
I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Have you ever heard anybody teach about the Issachar anointing, or that somehow we need to have this special gift from God, the
Holy Spirit, that the Issachar tribe had? If you've ever heard that, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below, don't forget to like the video, and ring the bell.
There is no such thing as an Issachar anointing, and this is one of those passages of Scripture where people take a tiny little thing, rip it totally out of context, and then create this ginormous theology around it.
And so we're going to take on, and we're going to debunk the myth that there's an Issachar anointing, or that you can learn that you need to pray to have this
Issachar thingy. And that's the best way I can put it, it's a thingy. So we're going to head to GLOW Church, GLOW Church, and we're going to be listening to Joel Cave, and let me pull this up, and we're going to be listening to a sermon, a part of the sermon, titled
Dangerous Prayers, Part 4, at GLOW Church.
And this is all about having a special supernatural ability to tell the times and stuff and thingies.
Yeah, here we go. I'm supposed to be continuing that today, but I'm not going to. I'm sorry.
The Holy Spirit started speaking to me later this week, and I'm going to write a new chapter of the book.
I'm going to submit it to Pastor Craig and see. Yeah, when a pastor stands up on stage and says, the
Holy Spirit started speaking to me, and I, you know, I've got, that's what my message, oh man, I've got this direct download and stuff.
Run. Run. Whether he wants it or not, but I actually felt like God said to pray, bring a message that was a different type of prayer today, that's not in...
So you're going to note here that he says, so they're doing a series on dangerous prayers, and God told him to bring a different kind of prayer today.
So this goes all the way up to the top. I mean, this comes directly from God, and I'm going to note, when people talk like this, now if you challenge what they're saying and say, wait a second, who are you challenging?
The pastor? No. You're challenging God. So this is what God wants you to hear, because God spoke directly to Joel Cave.
They're doing a dangerous prayer sermon series there at Glow Church, and so God wanted him to pray, you know, to teach people how to pray this prayer.
Yeah, when people are doing that, they're manipulating. You need to run. Look, that's really about right now, and so we're using that framework, but hey, as the pastor of this church,
I've always encouraged our teams that run sheets and guidelines and serieses.
They're all ideas, but they're not what we stuck to. If God tells us to go one way, we will, but we'll continue to keep mapping it through, so I encourage you to read the book, but you won't find this chapter unless Pastor Craig adds it later.
So this is my chapter that I want to add to this series, so I hope that's okay with you. Have you ever been around people that just seem to have a knack for getting things right at the right time?
They just seem to be able to predict the right moment, be in the right place, just have this ability, this innate skill, it seems, that they just seem to get it right.
All right, so in general, so have you ever noticed that people, not Christians, people, they just have this knack.
They always seem to get it right, you know, like Warren Buffett, you know, he always seemed to get it right when it came to picking the right stocks.
How is that possible? Right time, right place, people might say, oh, gee, that person's lucky, or gee, they always seem to land on their feet.
You know, that person just seems to know when to buy that property, everyone else... Know when to buy a property, wouldn't that be cool?
I mean, so wouldn't you like to know when to buy properties and stuff? Does the
Bible promise us that God's going to give us a special ability to buy properties? So you never buy there, it's a downturn market, maybe it's an area that no one else would want to live in, but they buy that property, and the next two years, the council pours two billion dollars into that local area, and all of a sudden, it's the place for all the hipsters to want to go, and all the cafes, and all of a sudden, that person's tripled their money.
They just seem to get it right all the time. Yeah, doesn't sound like anything to do with God, the
Holy Spirit, maybe they're just good in their field, in their trade, you know?
How about those people that just, you know, everyone else is being offered this too -good -to -be -true opportunity?
We don't know about that on the Gold Coast at all, but you know, these opportunities that just seem to come up, and everyone else is diving in it, but it's just that one person that, somewhere in their spirit knows it's not right, and so they decline the opportunity in it.
Somebody knew to decline the opportunity, check in their spirit stuff. Again, not necessarily talking about Christians.
They got it right. They just seemed to, right time, right place. They're that people that just seemed to be able to avoid that relational catastrophe, because somehow...
So they knew how to avoid a relational catastrophe. Maybe they got burned in a previous relationship, and know what red flags to look for.
They knew something was up. Maybe it was in their business, maybe it was in their marriage, maybe... They just knew something wasn't right, and so they made a decision to connect with a person over a feeling and a...
Does God promise us this? Is this one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit?
Is this one of the gifts of the Spirit? What is this? That they were right on the money, and that they were feeling the right thing, and they were able to avoid the catastrophe because they were in the right time at the right place.
Isn't that the whole storyline of like the Star Wars movies? They're called Jedi. I feel a disturbance of the
Force. That person that just seems to know that little share that no one's ever heard of, that investment in that little scheme that is in this weird industry that no one's ever heard of, and they put their money, they spend $100 in a share, and later it's worth $10 million, and everyone's like, how is that possible?
Right time, right place. How did they know, man? How did they know to buy that stock in that scheme in that tiny little industry?
The thing about these people just seem to know something that we all don't know. There's this hidden agenda, or there's this secret society that no one seems to know, but somehow some people just know the right times, the right places, the right seasons.
They sense something that we all can't sense. Apparently, you don't have to be a
Christian to have this superpower ability. Does the
Bible promise that you can have a special ability to know which stocks to buy when to buy them, which stocks to avoid and to avoid them?
I've never seen a text that says that. Some of those things
I just said, you don't have to be a spiritual person to get those things right. Notice what he just said. You don't have to be a spiritual person to get those things right.
Apparently, this is something you can get from God, and you don't even have to be a
Christian. Property investor, you might have a real knack for sensing things relationally. But did you know in the
Bible, there is actually a group of people that had that skill?
In the Bible, Jesus actually tells us that we can live differently to what the rest of the world looks like when it comes to what is coming next.
We can live differently than the rest of the world regarding what is coming next. What text says that?
So this morning, I want to put to us a prayer, a dangerous prayer. And this is that prayer that I want to believe that we can be praying.
God, would you show me the times? What text teaches us to pray this prayer exactly?
And in what context? For like, purchasing properties and buying stocks? Write that down.
God, would you show me the times? What does that mean?
What are the... They got a bullpen there. By the way, if you don't know what a bullpen is, so these are volunteers that they have been coached, and their job is whenever the vision casting leader, the person teaching on any given weekend, says something profound, you go,
Ooh! Ah! Ooh, preach it, boy! Preach it! Yeah, they're supposed to do that.
So you got a bullpen going on there at Glow Church. Well, we're going to find out. In Luke chapter 12,
Jesus is speaking to a crowd. Right. And this is a part of a chapter in the
Bible where Jesus is bringing a lot of warnings to people. And in this particular story,
I'm reading from the message, which is a paraphrase, and I don't tend to read a lot from the message, but I think it really illustrates...
You cannot preach from the message. No. No, you're not going to land on your feet.
Plays the point really well. So if you're ready, let's read together. We'll come up on the third below, if you're watching online.
It says, Frauds. This is
Jesus. Frauds. In other things, it's hypocrites. You know how to tell a change in the weather, so don't tell me you can't tell a change in the season, the
God season we're in right now. I am controlling my gag reflexes at this point, so I don't hurl on my computer equipment.
What a miserable reading here. All right, let's take a look at the cross -reference.
All right, I'm going to take a look at the cross -reference because I think that will help us out. Matthew 16.
Same concepts, and this is from the ESV, which is a perfectly good translation.
It's not the only good translation out there. Perfectly good translation, and you kind of get the point here.
So the Pharisees and the Sadducees came to Jesus to test Him. Rather than repent and believe in Him and receive forgiveness from Him, they wanted to test
Jesus. And they asked Him to show them a sign from Heaven. Give us a sign, man! Give us a sign, Jesus!
He answered them, When it's evening, you say it'll be fair weather, for the sky is red. And in the morning it'll be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.
You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.
An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.
And then he left them and he departed. So Jesus here is rebuking them.
You don't need a sign from me. I mean, Jesus has been performing all kinds of signs.
Casting out demons, giving sight to the blind, healing the sick, cleansing the lepers.
They've got plenty of signs, and they can't even interpret what's in front of them.
They don't need more of that. They need to repent. And the sign of Jonah, by the way, great sign. What's the sign that Jonah had?
Just as Jonah was in the belly of the fish, large fish, for three days, three nights. So Jesus would be in the earth.
He'd be dead for three days. You get the idea. So we're going to give you a sign. It's the resurrection of the dead.
That's the point of this text. This is not about, you need to learn how to pray, show me the signs of the times so that I can invest properly and be different than the world as it relates to things coming in the future.
No, this is about who Jesus is. So you get the point.
So I'll show you then the context of the Luke text from the ESV. So Jesus said to the crowds, and let me back this up so you can see.
So Jesus says, I came to cast fire on the earth. This is verse 49, chapter 12.
Oh, would that it were already kindled. I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how great is my distress until it is accomplished.
Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.
For from now on, one house will be divided, five divided against three, two against two and against three.
They will be divided, father against son, son against father, mother against daughter, daughter against mother, mother -in -law against her daughter -in -law, daughter -in -law against mother -in -law, just, you know, all this division.
And then he also said to the crowd, so when you see a cloud rising in the west, you say, a shower is coming, and so it happens.
And when you see the south wind blowing, you say, there'll be scorching heat, and it happens. You hypocrites. You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and sky, but why do you not know how to interpret the present time, the present time, and that is that God is standing in front of them in human flesh.
And why do you not judge for yourself what is right as you go with your accuser before the magistrate, make an effort to settle with him on the way, lest he drag you to the judge and the judge hand you over to the officer, the officer puts you in prison.
I tell you, you'll never get out until you've paid every last penny. So you get the idea here.
This isn't about having some supernatural ability to discern the times. Christ is rebuking them for their inability to recognize the present time they were in when the
Messiah was in their presence, the one promised in the Old Testament, the one who is
God in human flesh. That's the issue. So already we've got a problem here.
Joel Cave is mishandling this text. Why did he pick the message? So that he can mishandle it and make it appear like you can have an
Issachar anointing, or you can pray an Issachar praying, and then that'll give you supernatural ability to buy stocks and stuff.
In other words, there is a big difference between what my physical eyes can see and what my spirit man can sense.
What? I can see that the weather's going to go a certain direction without even having to go on weather .com .au.
But there's something about people who can sense beyond the natural, something is shifting in the spirit realm.
Get your prophecy bingo cards there going. Oh, something's shifting in the spirit realm.
That's not what Jesus was talking about in either Matthew 16 or Luke 12.
Something is changing that I need to clue onto. There is something that if I'm praying the kinds of dangerous prayers
God showed me the times, that when I'm in tune, when I'm locked in like a Wi -Fi with the Holy Spirit, I'm going to see things differently.
I'm going to do things differently. What? What? Luke 12 doesn't say that.
Invest in ways differently. I'm going to maybe spend in different ways. I'm going to invest differently, spend differently because I prayed the dangerous prayer, show me the times,
Lord, because it's all about that. Because there is ways that you and I need to be aware of when we ask
God to show us the times. In this particular story, the context is crucial.
Indeed. Right. That's the point.
It says nothing about some special ability to know when to buy stocks. Right. Exactly.
So you know what the text is about. In front of you and you can't even see but your spirit man is not connecting with who
I really am. What?
And I just wonder if that's been true the last thousands of years that Jesus is present in so many of our circumstances and for some reason we stop and we miss the fact that he is saying this is the way.
I'm dead. Hang on. Just. This is so painful.
What are you talking? That is not a valid inference from this text. It is not something. It's not a point that he's making at all.
Thousands of years we just haven't recognized Jesus present in our circumstances. This is where we should be going.
This is what's really going on. Would you connect with me and I will show you not just what you can see physically.
Now don't get me wrong. There are times where the spirit world and the natural world collide together.
There are signs the Bible talks about in the sky. But there are times where maybe everyone else in the world saying we're going this way.
The economy is going that way. The property market is going this way. The health report of COVID is going this way.
But what if? But what if? What if? This is like what if Jesus? It's not exegesis.
It's not eisegesis. It's what if Jesus? What if? Yeah. What if?
What if we all just surrender to Jesus? What if? What if we ask
God to give us apple pie? What if? This is weird.
Jesus is saying no. He's saying no? No to what? There is something else taking place here.
It's not just a financial disaster. It's not just a medical thing going on. There is a shift, a
God season. Jesus isn't saying no, there's a God season and a shift.
What are you talking about? This is clouds without rain, man. These are nonsensical concepts.
You and I need to be aware of and wake up to. Would we be willing to pray these kind of dangerous prayers like God?
Would you show me the times? Read the scripture. Okay, you want to know what the times are? We're in the time when people will not endure sound doctrine but have gathered themselves people who will tell them what their itching ears want to hear and they will wander away from the truth and wander off into myths.
That's the sign of the time, man. When I was a kid, I used to love the movie Back to the
Future 2. I don't know if you remember Marty. That was my least favorite of them. I like one and three.
I didn't like two. Marty McFly, if you don't know it, I was going to say I won't spoil it for you but if you haven't watched it yet, you're probably never going to watch it.
Hard to spoil a movie that came out in the late 80s. I'm going to tell you what happened anyway. Marty McFly.
Is it The DeLorean or The Delorious or whatever it's called? DeLorean. DeLorean for all those that are really going to correct me later.
He goes to 2015 from 1985 for 30 years forward. It's funny because I remember watching it in the 90s and thinking, wow, maybe you can put those little pizzas in the oven and they're going to blow up or these boots so you can like, you know.
Some of the stuff actually happened. It's quite interesting seeing that when it happened in 2015, some of the things that happened there.
But there's a particular part of the story where Marty McFly manages to get into his possession a sporting almanac for the next 30 years of sporting results going back from 1985 but also beyond that, right back in history, all the different baseball results, basketball results, all the different things, right?
So he gets back in the DeLorean. He ends up back in 1955 and a whole series of events happen and this sporting almanac that now holds the key to the future.
So the sporting almanac, that's a metaphor for the answer to the prayer, show me the signs of the times.
A single result falls into the hands of a guy called
Biff. A good American named Biff. And Biff is not a nice man.
And Biff gets hold of this almanac and all of a sudden, Biff starts to realize that maybe that this thing he's come upon actually could tell the future.
So he starts putting a little bet on a baseball game and before you know it, and then a horse race. So when
Jesus rebuked people for not being able to understand the signs of the times because the
Messiah was present, when you noted that was the real thing, he was not chastising them for their inability to predict the future, right?
And he starts to realize that all the results must be from the future. And he makes this huge fortune. And people start saying about Biff, how is it possible that he is so successful?
How is it possible that he knows this? How is it possible that Biff is now this multimillionaire and builds casinos?
And it's quite interesting. I won't give you the rest of the story. But there's now this whole contention that comes around getting this off him because it changed history.
And I think it's interesting that in the Bible, there are people like Biff. This is bad.
So who was like Biff? They could predict the results of all the sporting events for 30 years.
A sporting almanac to gamble with. But in the Bible, there is a tribe called the sons of Issachar.
Here it comes. Here it comes. He's going to read what it says and then say a lot of things it doesn't say.
And the sons of Issachar knew things before others knew them. They could see things and interpret things that others couldn't interpret.
There was the anointing of God on this tribe. Anointing of God. So do you have the Issachar anointing?
Let's take a look at the text in question. 1 Chronicles chapter 12.
And when you put this in context, this is one of those kind of dry, gravelly portions of Scripture where you get a lot of numbers and lists and stuff like that.
These are vitally important part of the Word of God. Don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that you'll note that when you read a section like this, there's not a lot of teaching going on here.
These are the number of the divisions of the armed troops who came to David in Hebron to turn the kingdom of Saul over to him.
According to the word of Yahweh, the men of Judah bearing shield and spear were 6 ,800 armed troops.
Of the Seminites, mighty men of valor for war, 7 ,100. Of the
Levites, 4 ,600. The prince of Jehoiada. Of the house of Aaron. And with him, 3 ,700.
Zadok, a young man, mighty in valor and 22 commanders from his own father's house.
Of the Benjamites, the kinsmen of Saul, 3 ,000 of whom the majority had to that point kept their allegiance to the house of Saul.
Of the Ephraimites, 20 ,800 mighty men of valor, famous men in their father's houses.
Of the half -tribe of Manasseh, 18 ,000 who were expressly named to come and to make
David king. So you note here, we're talking about a united Israel and the men of valor who came to say,
David, you are the king of Israel. He was anointed long before this by the prophet
Samuel. So of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times to know what
Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs, and of their kinsmen under their command.
Of Zebulun, 50 ,000. So this is it right here. Just mention Issachar, who had an understanding of the times to know what
Israel ought to do. Well, they could see the times, and what did they think Israel ought to do?
Make David king. All right? So that's the issue here.
This is not talking about some special anointing that you can have so that you can invest properly or be able to rightly predict the outcome of sporting events for the next 30 years.
We continue. To change the course of Israel, because they would point in a direction and say, that's what
God's doing next. And people would follow. And they would almost say that they had this sporting almanac of what
God was doing. And I want to speak about this this morning, because you and I also have access to this same anointing that the sons of Issachar had.
Really? Number one, it didn't say they had a special anointing. Nope. Number two, nowhere in Scripture does it say that this is anointing we can have.
So they didn't even have an anointing. It just said that they could interpret the times. So you know, he's adding a whole lot of stuff to Scripture.
You get one sentence from a list portion of the Old Testament, and you've turned it into an anointing?
Oh, boy. You and I have the ability to tap into something that maybe people don't talk about a lot.
And the reason they don't talk about it a lot is because it doesn't exist. This is a myth. There is no such thing as an
Issachar anointing. And in this particular story of this particular tribe of Israel, the sons of Issachar, we see in 1
Chronicles 12, 32, they're mentioned. This is at a point where David is taking a roll call. He is garnishing support from the 12 tribes to mount a change of leadership between David and Saul for the kingship.
And so in this particular story, we see each tribe and who was there. And then we see in verse 32.
Yeah, the only time this is ever mentioned like this. We see the sons of Issachar mentioned. It says, and then from Issachar, verse 32, men who understood the times and knew what
Israel should do, 200 chiefs with all their relatives under their command. In other words, by the tribes of Issachar being represented at this gathering, all of Israel now had the support to know that if they're saying this is what
God's doing next, there is a transition of leadership happening that we must support it and a garnished support that God would now use
David as the king of Israel. Something about these men and what they saw, particularly at times of change and transition was crucial.
Times plural of change. This is mentioned one time.
One change. Unbelievable.
And now you can be able to predict what stocks to buy and which properties to sell.
The sons of Issachar were quite unique. In scripture, we see in Judges chapter 5, the sons of Issachar mention once again.
In this particular story, we see a woman called Deborah. And Deborah is a very unique woman in the
Bible. Not only is she a prophetess, but she is the only female judge that is ever in the
Bible. Correct. And it's interesting because people see this call and anointing on her life, and she makes this leadership decision as the judge of Israel, as someone who's pointing the way.
And says to Barak and 40 ,000 shoulders, we are going to attack the king of Canaan. And it's interesting, the only reason they did that was because the
Bible tells us in Judges 5 that the princes of Issachar were with Deborah.
In other words, because they now supported this woman. Now hear me close. Because in that time, there was no pre -example of a woman.
You're reading in the later detail into the past.
Nothing in Judges talks about the Issachar anointing or their special ability. You're reading that back into the earlier passage.
Who led Israel. And so because the Issachar brothers and princes were with her, it now set a new normal in change of leadership that women are called to lead.
No. No, no, no.
Yeah, if you read the story of Deborah, God wanted a guy to step up, and he didn't.
He required Deborah to be close at hand. He was hiding behind her skirts. And as a result of it, he didn't get the glory of the wind.
A woman did, and it was a chastisement. Wow. You better believe it.
In this church, we believe women are called to be all that God has for their future. There is no limitation. There's all kinds of people that will say...
So you're misusing the story of Deborah in order to ordain women? All kinds of things.
But I know in this church, we don't want to cap the potential of our women in our church. Rise up and lead. Clearly he doesn't know how to read the signs of the times.
But Deborah is this example. And because the princes of Issachar surround her, it gives confidence to all of Israel that you can move forward with confidence that this is
God's appointed woman for this season to bring change in this nation.
What else did the sons of Issachar do? What were they known for? Let me tell you. I'm just going to rattle these off quickly because they're all through the
Bible scattered in stories. It says, they studied the movements of the stars and planets and understood chronological time.
They were responsible for calling all of Israel together when the stars aligned literally for the
Jewish feast to begin. They would signal we are now gathering. Yeah, that would be for the new moon festival.
When the signs and wonders happened in the heavens, so the sun, the stars, the moons, the blood moons, all that stuff, the sons of Issachar knew how to interpret what it meant.
The blood moons. There's no mention of blood moons. There's this thing in the
Old Testament. And the moon turning to blood, that's not talking about blood moons. Season.
The sons of Issachar could discern what God was doing and when he was going to do it. They knew when one move of God was ending and when one was beginning.
Yeah, you're making all that part up. They could discern when a leader was a falling leader or when a leader was about to rise.
Show me that in Scripture, please. The sons of Issachar, sorry, I haven't used notes for a long time, were able to tell who the next leader was going to be.
They were present when David took over from Saul. This is true, along with the other tribes.
Anytime that Israel would move in a direction, this is what would happen. The tribe of Judah would go first, then the sons of Issachar would go second, and thirdly, the sons of Zebulun would go thirdly, and then the rest would follow.
Are you talking about when Israel was marching and moving from one location to another during their wilderness wanderings?
Is that what you're talking about? Listen to me carefully, business owners particularly. Listen to me very carefully right now.
All right, you business owners, pay attention now. This Issachar stuff is really going to help you, man. Judah means praise.
It would always start with praise. The tribe full of praise would go first.
Secondly, wisdom, discernment, and interpretive tribes would go second, and thirdly, the financial leaders would go next.
What? Bankers next, okay. The tribe of Zebulun, they were the financials. They were financing the kingdom, and then everything else would follow behind it.
That is a pattern of how God does things in his house. We start our week praising
God. Then we get the Issachar anointing, and then we call our bankers.
We have discernment and wisdom in our life, in our decision -making. That platform has been laid in our life as business leaders and owners and marketplace leaders.
That is when the finances will start to flow, and it moves through the kingdom. This is nonsense.
The Bible doesn't teach any of this. This guy is just making stuff up.
Please listen to me. Maybe we'll talk about that in our business conversations, but there is a pattern there.
They had the ability that God gave them inside knowledge of what was about to happen, and God's activities in heavenly realms.
Where does it say that, that they had insight into God's activities in heavenly realms? Where does it say that?
They were never taken by surprise in any Scripture about what was happening. Argument from silence.
Where does it point out? Because of their ability, they were never taken by surprise. They actually had this amazing influence on kings and leaders throughout all nations.
They knew what Israel should do and when to do it, and the whole nation followed their example.
Pretty amazing, huh? What's amazing is you made all this up. This isn't a biblical teaching at all.
Where does it say they were anointed?
Go ahead. Prove it to me from Daniel. Daniel 2 tells us about a God that does not change.
By the way, what happened to Issachar? They went with the northern kingdom and went into idolatry.
And you ever heard of the Lost Tribes of Israel? Yeah, 10 tribes, whoosh, disappeared, man.
They got scraped out of the land because of their idolatry. Issachar was one of them. He says this.
Cue sappy music. By the way, that's the sappy music that's starting up. This is designed to create the false impression that God the
Holy Spirit is now descending on the audience to get you to make a decision. Apparently the decision
God the Holy Spirit wants you to make here is you need to make a decision to ask
God to pray the dangerous prayer so that I can interpret the times. Blessed be the name of God forever and ever.
For wisdom and might, hear me carefully, wisdom and might are His. Yes. And He, God, changes the times and the seasons.
Yes, He does. And He removes kings and He raises up kings. Yes, He does.
Again, this is an out -of -context passage, by the way. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.
Yep. He reveals deep and secret things. And He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells in Him.
Indeed, God does. This is not an Issachar anointing that we're supposed to pray for, by the way.
When we start to pray a prayer like God show me the times, we start to activate an anointing.
Have you activated the Issachar anointing yet by praying God show me the times?
This is absurd. This is myth, man. This is not biblical teaching.
We activate a sense of God wanting to show us things. Activate a sense of God who wants to show us things.
Again, text, no text says that, especially Daniel 2. And hear me, we're in a season right now where there have been way too many
Christians become way too natural, way too focused on what... They just didn't activate the
Issachar thingy. That's why they're too natural. God... What is
God doing? What is the media saying? What's happening in America right now? What's happening in China right now?
What are all these natural things? And yes, that gives us sometimes a clue to what's happening spiritually. But I'm watching people on their
Instagram. I'm watching people on their YouTube videos. I'm watching people in their way that they're living their life and it's become so natural.
But yet God wants to pour on His people a supernatural revelation. Where does it say that in any of these texts?
...interpreting these times. Know what the next great business leader thinks? Know what the greatest...
God wants to reveal things to His people that give you a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Yeah, yeah, you heard that right, but let me back it up. Listen again. God... Know what the next great business leader thinks?
Know what the... God wants to reveal things to these people that give you a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Really, God wants to reveal things it'll give you a competitive advantage in the marketplace. No biblical text says that.
This is nonsense. Business world, he wants to give you the anointing to cut through what's happening in someone's marriage.
What's really happening? He wants to give you this ability to see things that others cannot see. Well if he wants to, why doesn't he just get on with it and do it, man?
But while ever we're so tied up in what's happening on CNN or what's happening on today's show with not bad things, but it's not gonna tell us where Jesus is going next.
Right, CNN can't tell you where Jesus is going next. Only the Issachar anointing can do that and so you need to activate it right now.
Call the 800 number and activate that Issachar anointing. What Jesus wants to do to us, what
Jesus wants to pour out on his people. And some of you today, you're sitting in the room, you're watching online and you're dry.
Why? Because it's all become natural. I'm dry because I took a shower eight hours ago, and I toweled off when
I got out of the shower like I normally do in order to get dry. Just absurd.
I think you get the point. So yeah, Issachar anointing, not a thing.
It's not a biblical doctrine, and if you have a pastor who's teaching you that you need to activate the
Issachar anointing, then you'll know that they are absolutely twisting God's Word and teaching mythology rather than teaching you soundly what the
Word of God actually says. And that's the tragedy of sermons like this, is that somebody goes to church thinking, oh man,
I heard this powerful message from God, man, he wants to give me the Issachar anointing. So they get home and they try to activate the
Issachar anointing, and you know what happens? They can't predict even two numbers in tomorrow's
Powerball. And something hits them totally from out of left field, and they never saw it coming, you know, like COVID -19.
I would note that all the people in the charismatic movement, none of them seem to have the Issachar anointing because none of them saw
COVID coming, man. Or the race riots and all that kind of nonsense. So you get the idea.
So they go to church and they think they've heard from God, and they haven't heard nothing. They haven't been rightly taught nothing.
And worst of all, they haven't been discipled properly in what the Bible does say. They haven't been confronted with their sins.
They haven't heard about Christ dying and rising for their sins, and they think that Christianity is all about this mumbo -jumbo, this activation of anointings and signs and wonders and nonsense like that, and it's not!
In fact, in the text that I read, Christ made it clear that it's a crooked and adulterous generation that seeks for a sign.
Keep that in mind. But you get the idea. Issachar anointing? Yeah, it's real as the
Easter bunny. So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description, and of course we always enjoy our comments, and if you need to email me, my email address is talkbackatfightingforthefaith, and if you don't already support us, all the information on how you can support us is down below, and I would note that everybody who joins our crew during this time on into the beginning part of fall,
I will send you at Gunners Mate or above, at Gunners Mate or above, I will send you an autographed copy of my fine art print that I shot at War Road, Minnesota, sunrise there on the docks at War Road at Lake of the
Woods, as my way of saying thank you for joining our crew. So until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross, for all of your sins.