Matt Slick Bible Study, John 4, 2/1/2017




See now it's live Yeah I Yeah, that goes into here
I Mean I All right
Oh Mike to I hope they can hear me. Let's see if they can
Should work now what? No like my foot
Yeah, we got yeah, I can wander. It's no big deal. I'm back here people don't mind All right
Man, this is I think a lot of work To get here a half hour early next time set it all up If you can move the laptop to the right that way
I can look at it when I'm pushing myself Let's see
It goes we're watching right now Let's see how it works right
All right test It's working people are hearing it all right.
We can get going here pretty soon It's on no karma the karma website do that one too, huh?
Yeah might as well because we're doing everything as well work through Here's that Connecting wires here.
Oh Yeah, I've got some long ones and short ones That's the monitor
All you set it up. You're setting it up. I won't worry about it So the thing is dude that is it started broadcast and next time
I won't broadcast until we're well into it sort of now
Good idea. We're just watching us Eddie By seven next time we will yeah
We're gonna have to All right, that's that's quite a bit of work.
There's a lot of work in that going Next time to go faster, right?
Right The work yeah, I did get everything though. I did
Yeah Yeah Yeah, so nobody can say anything
Because they might get in and just start saying this and you know man slick, and you know a lot of upstreppers twitch up Yeah, I Copyright stuff like you know if you want me to do it.
I won't put that but I can just take excerpt I just took the whole he did and I just went through step in pause list.
I think what I might do next time is I'm just take excerpts. I just had just played like one minute and then comment and then buy something else.
There's a lot to comment That's what it is you guys ready. Are you guys ready?
Oh This is a quick troll you look earlier you've been here before and sure That's why
I look familiar. It wasn't because I was in a post office because you look like you could on the wall there
Just that So you did Okay No, yeah.
Oh, yeah Maybe the batteries are dumped there it goes
Well good, man. Glad you're back and Trish your
Josiah Trish talked You've been here before Okay, and what's your name?
Alex Okay, I said Alice. I couldn't be right. I have a hearing thing going on here and what church you go to normally oh
Cool you know he and I ready to go do some looking at some stuff at a couple places and two days ago
We're sitting there and I had a snowblower ordered and weeks ago Okay, but the snow is basically over.
What are you so it gets delivered while he's there and two Russian guys a bit They delivered it.
What's I don't know. It's just uh Look the place a big truck Yeah, it was kind of funny.
We're getting invaded by the Russians all right, so Let's yeah
It's uh 18 184 e let's see if it's showing up.
We're gonna jump in It's the same one good all right,
I guess we're all Done you guys ready looks like it's working.
I should actually switch it back to the video thing So see just click on this
All right, man. What a lot of problems All right
So here we go finally working sorry, but all the tech stuff it took us
Once a half hour to get it up and have it working. Hopefully the feed on YouTube continue won't bail
I don't know see what we're gonna do about it does It all at once so what we're gonna.
Do is continue through the gospel of John. We'll start at verse 7 and We went over a little bit,
I'll go to this a little bit more But first we have to pray and Lord to bless us ready you ready yeah, okay?
Lord Jesus thank you for this time, and we just ask that you would bless it and that by your grace
Lord That all who would hear your words myself in courts Would be blessed and be changed and that you would open our hearts and our minds to understand the truth
Of what it is you have For us in this gospel We're a thank you
Thank you for your word or loving us and dying for us and freely giving us salvation
Jesus I want to give you the glory and Thank you we ask this Lord precious name on that All right, so get your
Bible turn to John 10 for Last week over the Good Samaritan parable because it was relative to the issue of the
Samaritan Well this sort of verse 7 and I'll do a couple of verses at a time and Just come back and comment there came a woman of Samaria to draw water
Jesus said to her give me a drink for his disciples had gone away a city To buy food therefore the
Samaritan woman to him. How is it that you being a Jew asked me for a drink? I'm a super American woman where Jews have been dealings with Samaritans So we went over this last week these first But it's the nice pericope begin here to get us in back into the context of what's going on Remember Samaritans were basically half breeds from hundreds of you earlier and when
Jesus earlier the chapter he was moving from Not moving.
He's been living but traveling from Judah up to Galilee and there's two ways to go one through Samaria one side of More people would avoid
Samaria. I'm gonna had to go into it for Particular reason they didn't like going in there.
It was a longer route To go through Samaria than it was the other way and yet Jesus chose to go to Samaria and of course beat the woman at that well now
I always love to say that I've been to that very well, and I've just tried drink water out of that very well
Now went did a tour in Turkey. We saw seven churches of Revelation Location and then what we did was we went to Israel and we went into the
Palestinians whatever it was and into Galilee and we went to We saw that the hill that she was talking about the on this hill that hill and anyway
We got off the bus. We went in we went down this little these steps and there's this basically a church
And there's this well right there and there's go hang cranking all of that kind of stuff and it goes down and It was you know, you had to really crank on this and you got this water up and it was really awesome we drew the same well that Jesus was at so anyway, that was that we're in John chapter 4 and Went over the the
Good Samaritan parables Let's just jump right up to verse 10 Jesus answered and said to her if you knew the gift of God and who it is who says to you
Give me a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water now Jesus spoke in such a way as to cause her to think
Because I thought Jesus would often do and I've tried to emulate him I like to ask questions get people to think not give him an answer.
You know, here's a Here's a fishing pole. Here's a use it people to think
I want them to look the Word of God And examine it I try and give them the tools not that I'm a great thinker or know everything
You know, that's what now what is this gift of God? Gift of God is
That's what God is who is it now you'll see that later who is it that is in this woman request a drink from Think about that.
This is God in flesh Asking the Samaritan this half -breed woman looked down at the
Jews Jesus the Messiah who was sent only to the law chief of the house of Israel Matthew 15 24 went out of his way to meet this fall and Asked for drink of water so that he could tell her what true water really was
Now Jesus says in John 7 38 to 39 he who believes in me as the scripture said from an innermost
Being will flow rivers of living water, but this he spoke of the
Spirit What he's talking about here in John chapter 4 verse 10 They it's gonna give her living water.
The living water, of course is the Holy Spirit now a little bit of a People we will remember this in John chapter 3 verses
Now when it talks about being born again, actually literally is from above What Jesus is talking about there is being born again
I know that some people think and I forgot what verse I think it's around verse 7 or 8 Where it says must be born of water and the
Spirit. Well, I believe the water right or wrong I believe water is the womb the water of the womb.
That's not the most common held position But that's a position I hold too. I think it's contextual but others will say that the water represents the
Holy Spirit and one of the reasons is because of this verse in John 7 38 to 39 about we're talking about Living water flowing up and out and that's the
Holy Spirit But then that would say it was he born of the Holy Spirit and spirit. It doesn't quite make sense to me
But there are different Different arguments for that. We've already over that though and John 3.
All right now She said to him verse sir, you have nothing to do with and the well is deep
Where then do you put in water? And yes, that all is deep. We took a cup of water
And just it was quiet and we'll just turn it over the somebody did just turned we waited
There's about four or five seconds for the sound come back up so it fell quite a bit and uh
One of the most pleasant memories of that trip really was that and eating olives all kinds of cool olive um, anyway so It was deep and Where do you get that living water?
Now, I don't know if when she said the well is deep if she was just saying You know, it's just it's deep because it is but think about it now we have this in english, you know, that's a deep thought
Could it be it's good for this that god inspired her to her ways? a uh various things and maybe this is record because you know the depth the word of god the depth of the spirit
Probably but just think about And uh, let's see verse 12, are you not bigger than our father jacob?
Are you davis this well and drank of himself? and his son and his cattle
So our father means that she recognizes that both the jews and the samaritans have a common ancestor of jacob
This is hundreds of years ago. Maybe we'll do a study on jacob sometime and After jacob the line split after a uh a period when uh,
Israel was in bondage by a nation And so they interbred with the uh, the people there and had samaritans
Jesus answered and said everyone who drank water will thirst again Jesus begins to clear up the woman's misunderstanding
Of what was saying Now isn't that exactly the case? that we
Universally will very frequently misunderstand the world Now I had a guy calling today at the office and He was telling me about various churches that he goes to and he's been seeing various harris coming into the christian church and he actually to my surprise talked about the rise of humanism in the christian church, and I was very
Tickled that he he said that because I totally agree with him Humanism is Rising church and i'm going to write either a booklet
Or an article I haven't decided with which which one yet now The thing is what is happening is just he is going to clarify what the issue is
The way for us to understand Jesus is saying is to study his word in depth
We have to have it in front of us. We have to read it We've got to think about it how to ask questions about it.
We've got to read other areas of the scriptures. We've got to Wonder what does the text say?
What does it not say? What are other related passages and things like this about the text?
Jesus had to clarify Because her assumptions to begin with are wrong
She believed in working on a particular hill But jesus said no that's not the right hill
This is real basic way of saying your assumption to begin with is an error
We have assumptions All of us have assumptions. We wake up in the morning.
We assume we're the same person who went to bed We don't have to go to the stove and we turn on the
The heat we don't have to worry if it's going to work or not or if the laws of the universe
Have changed We assume we'll always be the same Assume this because it's what we've seen
And that's the key what we do is we look at what we see what we experience and we
Decide what is true or what is normal based on our experience not always in the word of god
Now as an illustration i've done many people, you know in the issue of deciding what free will is
What is free will people say well, it's the ability to make choices That's ability to make uncoerced choices
And i'll ask them and i'll say I'll say, uh, it's does free will mean that you have to have the ability to make choices?
Good and bad and also be able to accomplish the good and bad in order to make the choice. Of course And what they don't realize they're doing is they're starting with a humanist man -centered idea
Because god himself cannot choose between good and bad. He doesn't he can't accomplish both. He can only accomplish good
Inadvertently people they're doing is starting with the man -centered idea of what truth is
And then they're applying it to other things Now I do this a lot with christians try get them to stop that now i'm not saying
I have all my assumptions, uh biblically arranged Okay We know it can't be the case
But when you study the word of god a lot and when the cults Fighting against you when christians are fighting against you when atheists when evolutionists when false religious people are fighting against you
For decades i've been doing this for 37 years You tend to kind of conclude how to understand some things and learn some stuff doesn't mean
I got everything down. I certainly don't Issue here i'm trying to I want you to understand is this basic principle
I see as being very important We all have assumptions are our assumptions true
Are our assumptions biblically based? Now as jesus he teaches so that the assumption they have or she has to be corrected
So also we need to have our assumptions corrected as well We have to do that.
I'm reminded of um British They were very evangelical
The batteries did I guess Very evangelical Excuse me, and what they would do is they would go to different countries and they would um
Get the natives so to speak the natives to uh be converted to chianity And then there should be some more in there.
I thought there were What's that? Well, I left everything in there. I put batteries in there.
Look at the top It'll right there by your thumb up up high There you go Let's do one of those and one of these and we'll get going man, we're gonna change these.
Oh, there we go every single week Okay, sorry about that more technical issues what the basic too tough for As my brother would say you're getting closer
To the moon, all right, so I'm trying to get through to you.
It's something that's really important to me that i've seen over the years That i'm really concerned about is a false assumption.
So many christ have about some things It drives me crazy I know that christians make all kinds of mistakes, please again and again.
I'm not saying I got it all down But we can just turn on tv and I do this every now and then when
I really get up when I get myself Set and agitated i'll watch on sunday mornings. I'll watch the religious shows on uh on tv
And uh, you know, it doesn't take long from yelling uh, you know and Not only do
I see them teaching heresies And man -centeredness and humanism, but the the cameras off pan to the audience
The uh, the sheep who are just believing everything and they don't realize they're being taught humanistic principles
But nevertheless This is important jesus begins To change her understanding.
He says everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again Whoever drinks of the water that I will give them shall never thirst but the water that I give him will become in a well of Water springing up to eternal life
Now this here She'll never thirst again What does that mean
Never again never thirst for what Now in galatians 3 28,
I'm assuming 324 says the law is a tutor that leads us christ and 27 26
It says that we are to keep the law perfectly and paul quotes that verse in galatians 3 10
There is sense for those of us and those people whom god is calling working
As romans 1 18 through the duke says people know that god exists.
They suppress the truth of god in their unrighteousness People thirst for god in different ways.
They have different ideas God wants for them or what they they think the mormons believe in a false muslims believe in false god.
This is no false god uh, the roman catholic gospel And they're thirsting
They want the truth To some degree But they're not getting it
Because they don't have the one who is the truth Now I remember before I was a christian
I remember I remember Taking out a necklace The symbol on it that could identify this
I knew there was something beyond me something more than me and as a young mature adolescent
I wanted to Find a person version I got involved in the occult and i've seen things i've seen
I really have And I always wanted more Not just more bigger car better car.
It was no Something else in my life the issue of truth. I remember well
I remember that once I became a christian That all that thirst for everything else disappeared
I've never had to worry about it ever since I don't need to go to Jehovah's witness religion the mormon religion that the
Islam Catholicism and his apostasy. I don't need to follow any rules in order to be saved
I don't need to be perfect in order to be saved. I don't need to worry about my salvation
I don't have to worry about it. I don't thirst I don't worry I'm not concerned because it's not in christ
It's everything is completed in jesus I'm free To move forward.
I'm free to live for him. I don't thirst for those things anymore In fact the things
I thirst for now are completely different to equip the christians to teach to dancers
I had a call on the radio today And the guy was talking about I think before after the show
I did this show from the office at home I get calls. So I forgot which which maybe you heard that The guy who said that he had the opportunity to be a pastor.
He's from honolulu. That's right. It was on the air And we talked about the issue of should he go this denomination?
It's pretty much pretty liberal, you know a lot of areas and I said well me
I would consider that because it's an opportunity to witness I didn't have or didn't add this
I'd probably be kicked out in two to three years But you know, I wouldn't try to get kicked out.
I would just stand up for truth and they wouldn't want truth and so You know ousted And that's me, but that doesn't mean it's him
So, you know It's an oranges My desires are different And that's the thing about us as christians
Before and after our curtains our desire what we thirst for are different So many people are thirsting
For well some for righteousness some for moral stability some for happy relationships some for whatever it might be a good job
Those things are fine, but i'm talking about the issue of spirituality the truth the god that eternal something that Something that's there
I've always been aware of that Even when I was an atheist believe it or not. I bounced back and forth between atheism agnosticism and belief in god in my early years from um being four or five years old to uh, like I said 17
I can I literally remember Standing inside of an apartment complex in corona california at the age of 10 contemplating infinite distance
And Trying to understand it because I knew it was something more than where I was catching tadpoles down in the stream
You still remember what i'm looking at in the distance of the sky and the setting sun and the distance of it
And contemplating that and wondering is there a god at 10 years old And then in high school agnosticism,
I don't know if god exists or does not exist I think maybe on tuesday once I was an atheist who knows
But there was always this plight this need this something I don't know about you But I just knew
Down deep sometimes I would press it. Sometimes I let it bubble to the surface Something else something more something
In fact when I was very young my mom on base when my dad was in the service
She got us these bracelets because as young boys With three brothers, we will take off in a direction go chase a dog go chase a piece of paper because it just you know young boys with no no frontal lobe capacity, you know and come you know wear a bag over your head around the house because it looks like And uh, she gave us these bracelets uh
Yeah, you know gave these bracelets. I don't remember this. Uh, and I must have been eight or nine
And she because we got lost on base he was very protective, okay, whatever And of all things that she put on I don't i'm surprised.
I looked at my mom's life at that time, but she put on the lord is my shepherd. I shall not want right
And I remember when she put that on on I said you keep this on in case you get lost address and stuff back
And had that the lord is my shepherd. I shall not want I remember thinking But I do want
Because I didn't understand I have any desire or need but no I do want him even then there was something there
I don't want to thirst And what jesus is doing is going to her so she won't have to thirst
I don't know what her condition was She'd already um, she's living with one guy and five other husbands
And she was obviously, uh, not a I would say a very sanctified woman
And that's why she was getting water at noon Because women would give her the cold shoulder.
They're not going to cool the cool of the evening to get water and carry A gallon of water is 8 .3
45 pounds. That's you do two pounds That's seen you carry it for very long and for women.
That's not you know, that's tough and women were shorter bad as men were So She was out there in the heat of the the noon sun
Maybe in her heart. This is just conjecture Maybe in her heart. She was sorrowful for sin
Just as jesus gave the parable in luke 18 9 to 14 about the pharisee the tax gatherer the tax gatherer said
He merciful to me thus Sir Me there's something here that's in art doesn't say so i'm not saying it was
He just went to see her I can't help but suspect that there was something there within her that was longing out for god's first thing
And he went to go sir To me, I I suspect that's the case
And if it is the case then What does it say for us
Our desire to further the gospel for those who are thirsting for god We have the obligation as christians to to further
Word of god the kingdom of god that gospel message And as I said before we started i've got
I just got invited to india, uh today Uh, because they need some doctrine teaching.
I haven't said yes. I haven't said no. I don't want to go to india No desire to go to india
None and because I just said that Probably end up going right you never know how that works now
If there's a bunch of pictures who want theology and I can teach for a few days, then it's worth it because I can equip them
But you know, it's other worlds and I just don't want to go to to india I don't want to go to hawaii either
I don't want to go there and in Uh on the beach, but I won't do that. So, uh, anyway feature was that some mocking over there
And oh, yeah, antarctica, uh So, uh, what's interesting here though is that now jesus says give me a drink
I'm gonna assume he was thirsty You know for water. He's a man
And yet at this point When her need is revealed That issue of his own physical need is avoided is removed
He doesn't consider it. He abandons it because there's a greater need his thirst
Is not as great as the need for thirst to be satisfied Verse 15 the woman said sir, give me this water so I won't be thirsty.
They'll come all the way here to draw Remember, there was no running water They had to go do that as a woman's job and a servant's job go get the water
Now, how would you like to have to walk a mile? To get water for your household now
I'm a man and uh I could I could do it. I could walk a mile I think
I might be able to handle two gallons all the way back Because I got to slow that back.
It would be difficult, but I could do it for my family Now a mile
Carrying 16 pounds people don't think that's very much. Oh, it gets heavy now somebody here is a soldier knows how to carry a bunch of weights and can do it and You know
But the idea is a frail Small woman now Generally speaking women of that time or live a more in shape women now.
They had to do stuff probably Handle it but still It's a bit of work.
I'm trying to be really careful here. I don't get myself in trouble, you know And I don't got to dig it up.
Let's dig a hole like this uh Yep Yep But it's true, sorry, but it is
You know the men 100 years ago 200 years ago worked out in the field They worked my idea of working like this with my house
All right, uh, he said go call your husband and come here
Now jesus knows She doesn't have a husband What does he ask? Why would jesus ask what he already knows because it's revealed later.
He already knows Why does jesus ask those I ask I know all the time I'll be talking to them dialoguing with them.
I'll ask They know the answer to I want to see what they're going to say now with me.
I have to learn about them I know what the answer are Generally a strategy when you do politics is know the answer the question you're asking before you do
And I do a lot and that's why I study so I can get answers to things hasn't worked with my wife any
Can't figure it is I think then I find out I don't but uh
Verse 16 go call your husband. The woman said, uh, I have no husband. Jesus said you've Said I have no husband.
Of course. Jesus knows the truth for you have had five husbands And the one whom you now have is not your husband
This you said truly So he recited her history and uh
He pointed out her present sin of fornication She's not what you would call
A socially acceptable woman That's why she hit the well at noon The jewish rabbis
Only approved of three marriages They would give permission so to speak or perform three marriages, but not five
So who knows what story is with her? Now notice what jesus does not say here
In verse 18 you've had five husbands and the one whom you now have is not your husband this you've said truly
What he doesn't say to her she's in sin he doesn't tell her to stop Doesn't tell her to stop
Doesn't say stop sinning he has with others elsewhere But this woman he doesn't do that with Now, why do you think that's the case
All we can do is guess i'm going to offer some guesses Because she all knew and felt bad maybe her body language, you know, she's
Holding her head down low. She's feeling bad You don't need to point it out point
But he's already there being the omniscient lord And he's going to tell her the truth There's something about being in the presence of jesus
You're aware of your sin and no one's going to tell you anything about it I remember that's the case when
I was 17 and the very presence Of the holy spirit and then jesus were there and there was
No proclamation there was no Anything I heard from my to say repent it was natural
And the presence of light shadows flee Look at that nature of shadows to flee
Sin is a form of darkness in the presence of god in that great light You want to abandon it?
And you know me I like to take tangents at this point. I wonder Why is it god doesn't send more people?
I don't have the answer to that Why is it? Doesn't just shine his
Glory upon others You know i've had public debates with atheists
Why doesn't he save these atheists? I don't know It's not my business.
It's above me great I don't know I know he did that with me and people have said well matt others have had the same experience
I say No, they haven't Just because they're talking about mormons having the same experience muslims having the same experience.
No, they haven't Because they had had the same experience they'd be christians Because when you're the presence of the true and living god you are affected
Now here he is What would you do if you were in the presence of jesus you'd be immediately convicted by yourself,
I mean right now On the ground I like that one.
Yeah That's right Present now if all of us we're talking and there's a
Slight we're like what's that and then you know, and there is we're all on the ground Okay, I mean in the presence of jesus.
All right Uh, you wouldn't you know if it happened, uh, it'd be amazing Okay, i'd love that and we wouldn't be able to function for days
You would not be able to function for days. You can't be normal. You uh, You're ecstatically
Ecstatically enamored happy energized Wondrously filled want to proclaim for days and days and days.
That's all you can do You know if it ever happens you can't go to work you get fired
Stop talking about jesus. I know It's like that my dad thought
I was on hugs he did for two months my conversion um
And i'm 60 now i'm down quite a bit Um verse 19 said to him sir,
I believe you are a prophet So very quickly, uh You know, he knows things now, why'd she say that We're see if you're a prophet
I'm getting at something. You probably won't jump into this one very quickly her old view allowed for there to be prophets
Simply now a samaritan Only acknowledged the pentateuch genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy
They considered though they've defined the world and there is uh, there's words in there about prophet.
Moses is a prophet and others were prophets moses They're prophets and there was a prophecy about another prophet coming
Now Her worldview allowed her to say See if you're a prophet
Now If I were to go up to an atheist And the lord would give me a word of wisdom or word of knowledge about that person and I was able to tell that person
Something that only that person knew I've done that once But I was able to do that with say an atheist
The atheist presupposes Functionally that no god exists so Could the person then say
You got that from god Nope Or you're a prophet. Nope.
Probably say something like you've been watching me. You've been spying on me A person's worldview is a set of assumptions that they use to interpret the world her view
Allowed the idea of god working and prophets who work who heard from god.
Now remember God's here. We're here a prophet's in the middle and a prophet speaks from god to man a priest in the middle
Speaks from man to god on the behalf of sinful sacrifices offered to god um
Verse 20 our father is worshiped in this mountain and you people say that in jerusalem is a place where men ought to worship
I can actually see that mountain in my memory. We've been there It was really cool. And The tour guide was really interesting he would say these small things
I don't know if others caught And I just i'd latch on to them and that was them he said
Oh, yeah, and that's that's the mountain that the samaritan was talking about and he just kept going i'm like What you know stop for a second.
I want to catch what you're saying, but that's that's it And another one was when we were driving in the bus
The tour bus along a road in jerusalem and um It was really interesting because the road was here and then it was flat for A few hundred feet and then went up this little side hill
There's trees there and then the city was up there and and hilly and hilly kind of you know
Whatever and this this flat it was this kind of a abrupt little rise you could walk up it
But it might be a little bit steep Wasn't like a slope it was kind of pretty high and pretty fast i'd say about 70 80 degrees remember
And we're driving glancing and he goes, you know, he's talking about this he goes Oh, by the way, those are the hills where judas hung himself, you know and another one of those and You know i'm looking and I could see oh
The trees at the top of the thing how it said that he hung himself And then fell down and his guts burst open
I could see how that would work It makes sense If you ever get to go to jerusalem, it's worth it
Because then you get to brag of it into other people you haven't been there say you haven't been there Like that you get a dismissive wave
If you want a lot of fun She was referring to mount garrison So after the temple was uh destroyed in by uh, john
Us in 128 b samaritans continued to use that mountain as a play worship as a matter of fact there was
Something up on the top. I remember that the samaritans were as firm and on mount garrison as a jew
Worshipping in jerusalem. They interpreted the one sanctuary law to me to refer to mount garrison rather than jerusalem
So the samaritans thought the jews were worshiping in the wrong mountain And the jews said now you're worshiping the wrong mountain who's right?
Well When you're convinced the other person are automatically is false. However, she is wrong
Jesus said to her verse uh 21 woman Believe me an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in jerusalem.
Will you worship the father? Now one is a polite form of address not a rude one
Ferengi way of saying one is a good one though Woman Which is really nice if you like trek
Sometimes i'll say to my wife woman. Can I have a sandwich and then I gotta back up because usually there comes in my direction and It's good for the marriage woman
And um, i'm gonna do some other stuff, but we're on tape. I don't want to say okay. So, uh It's just a polite form of address woman rude one and he said, uh the hour coming
Now what's that hour? An hour is coming when neither in this mountain or in jerusalem.
Will you worship the father? Could an hour be referring to the time of jesus death?
Which will then usher in a new worship a new way of worship remember
If you i've gone over this before but in hebrews 8 13 and he was 9 15 through 16
Speaks in there about the change of the covenant pattern When covenant with the death of the testator a new covenant said a fact
Old covenant new covenant old testament new testament latin for test or latin for covenants testamentum
So it's the old covenant new and uh hebrews 8 13
When he said a new he has many first obsolete but where is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear
He was 9 15 to 60 as for this reason He is the mediator of a new covenant so that since a death has taken place under the redemption of the transgressions for the reduction of the transgressions that were committed under the first covenant those who
Have been called and received the promise of eternal inheritance for where a covenant is there must of necessity be the death of the one
It And this is really anything think we'll probably do a study through hebrew one time
We'll get to stuff like that and more in depth and that really is all there but not for now
He says you worship what you do not owe Worship what we know
For salvation is from jews Jesus does correct her He corrects her theological error
He does now first corinthians 2 15 says christian can make spirit judgments people judge me
I'm going to correct your error I'm, not judging your salvation But what you're doing is wrong
You know you can do that He's correcting her theological error
That's what I do a lot I correct people's errors all the time
Again, I don't have all the answers But I've been studying for a long time
Seen for a long time learned a few things And I can see so many times when christians non -christians have error
Benny hymn Nobody should be supporting that guy kenneth copeland should not be supported
Joyce meyer be supported the book the shack shouldn't be acknowledged as a book
The movie the shack's coming out soon There are so many errors in the church
Humanism is creeping in Where man is the center where man is the reason that god created?
He wants to show us how valuable we are Robert schuler if you know who he was a crystal cathedral in anaheim california
I think was anaheim Said jesus died to sanctify our ego trip That's a life in the pit of hell
I go into other things that some false teachers have said that are on tv
Joyce meyer has said Flat -out heresies and preach the false gospel And i've talked about it on the radio and other places
We have a lot of error in the church I correct it Not that i'm the doctrine czar.
I'm the only one who does this There are a lot of guys out there doing the same kind of offense and girls and ladies
The thing is we must stand up for truth Now some people might say well matt you're a calvinist
That's wrong And then they want to raise that level of something that that will make or break as far as being a christian goes
That's wrong for them to do that We have our differences of opinion in romans 14 1 through 12 says
That we're not to pass judgment on debatable issues That's not going on here. It's not a debatable issue that jesus is talking about with her.
This is an issue in god in truth We must worship god in truth and the way to do that study who jesus is gotta study him
Gotta study him, you know, I was on the radio today talking about uh, john, uh 828
And you know go through life and you read verses they stick with you for whatever reason
It happens every now and then well it's happened for me with john 828 29 When you lift up the son of man, then you will know that I am
I that I am I do nothing on my own initiative. I do nothing on my own initiative.
He says but I speak those things as the father taught me And he who sent me is with me he has not left me alone for I always do the things pleasing to him
See, I want to be with jesus I want to always do the things that are pleasing to the father
I want to I don't think i've ever done anything pleasing to the father that received christ and that was by his grace
Because I know my heart Wicked to see jeremiah 7 29
But i'm saved by grace see I want To know him in truth
I want to know who who he is Now jesus says in verse 2 you worship what you do not know.
He's talking about the jew the jews because he's jewish Worship what we know salvation is from the jew.
He's talking about himself Because the messiah killed the jewish nation and look at next verse 23
But an hour is coming and now is when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth for such people
The father seeks to be worshippers spirit and truth What is that?
What does it mean worship him in spirit and in truth? I would think in the spirit the holy spirit in us worshiping god adoring him
Praising his name whoever Prayed nothing, but praise for god
Have you ever had prayer time? Not praise Just so you are wonderful you're awesome
Your salvation is perfect. Your holiness is wondrous And you just glorify him
In jesus name You move on He knows our needs, but I think we need to worship him
In spirit as the holy spirit would move us and guide us and in truth
God of course is a trinity father son and holy spirit Three distinct simultaneous co -existent co -eternal persons
The word became flesh and dwells both of us john 1 14
And he still is a man first timothy 2 5 cautions 2 9 And he forever will be a priest at the order of melchizedek hebrews 6 20 hebrews 7 25
So that we can have eternal redemption with him 10 27 28 talks about that And this is truth
And people say well you don't need doctrine that much If you say you don't need doctrine and you have the doctrine that you don't need doctrine
Doctrine is a set of things that you teach Truths that you teach.
I guess it's a truth need truth What you don't doctor people don't think what they're saying about what they're saying.
Sometimes I want to know who jesus is For me because of my autism
My asperger's yeah, i'm a little bit more intellectual than than most The way I worship god
It's kind of interesting sometimes We all do this kind of thing where we have this dichotomy
But think about him and then we experience him, you know But I like to think about him a lot the reasons for what he's done nature of the
Vicarious substitutionary legal atonement I like thinking about that I enjoy thinking of things because I like to teach to others to help them understand who he is
Because I believe that we must worship him in spirit and in truth
Who he is truthfully you cannot worship God truthfully if you believe he's an exalted man or planet like mormonism teaches
You have to have the the the doctrines that properly describe who he is
And what he's done Now the issue of the spirit On the way up here.
I was listening To one worship song over and over again Just one worship the stand and about About three minutes in or two minutes in about which
It moves into chorus And it It's just beautiful the congregations start singing and it's just wondrous and I love them
I remember when I was younger Um, I used to go to the vineyard church. It wasn't my church.
I would go to it This when um was founded it was in anaheim, california
John whimber was still around and um You know now what I know about some heresies inside of the vineyard
I still believe that they love the lord And I can very clearly remember
Going into this converted warehouse During the week I would drive Go my business and I would stop in I wasn't interested in the teaching so much
As I was in the worship and I remember I don't know.
I I don't know how many hundreds of people Were in this good warehouse carpet hundreds of chairs and a band up there praising god is worship songs
And what they would do is just I remember because I came up from this side So they were up to my left. I mean the thing was maybe maybe 600 people there
And it was like tuesday or a wednesday or a thursday night The band would be up on the stage and they're just playing
It's almost as though they weren't concerned about the people But they were but they were just playing.
They were just worshiping god and they were facilitating that worship And I remember
I remember seeing a woman on her face here worshiping
I remember seeing Groups of people who'd taken chair and they were in a circle And they were their heads were bowed because the music wasn't so loud
You couldn't communicate but it was just filling the audit the air and their heads were bowed and they were praying
And there were places where just one and two people were just facing each other And praying
And there were people who would just stand there with their hands lifted up And they just worship god
And I loved to see it all And I love to go in there
And sit by myself bow my head And praise god
And i'm not a good singer. That's for sure My singing voice is exactly the same as my speaking voice.
There's no difference And the idea of pitch and key I have no concept of what that is i'm not being humble
Basically when I I sang once dogs left the area for three days So I don't like to sing very much because I don't want to insult god
I do know that he's considered the heart And so I find a place where I wouldn't disturb everybody else
And I would sing And it was wonderful to worship in spirit
I believe that's one of the things that it was and this is in the vineyard church Right or wrong and a lot of what they did and still do or got a little worse to marry us
I Loved that worship and I want that I suspect that when we go to be with the lord and in his presence
That the perfect angels the perfect singing angels Are going to have tunes
And voices that are so majestic and wonderful That it is going to floor us at its view
Have you ever heard musical tones and stuff in worship that draw emotion out of you
There are a few songs i've wept because of them and It's beautiful One of the things that touches my heart also
Is whenever I see someone talk about the conviction of christ?
I I sometimes will break Because that's the place where I was bought
And it means so much to me I know it means so much to the lord And It you know, i'm affected by it
Have you seen the movie, um Mel gibson's movie. What's the Passion. Thank you
I've only seen it once I can watch it a second time And I got out of theater and I was weeping
I know he's got some heresies his roman catholic stuff, but I have a certain no what it is
That place of genius there I'm pretty hearted And it breaks me
There's something about witness of our spirit with such a truth such a loving sacrificial truth
About what christ has done for us and the respondent Attitude of humble
Truthful adoration and praise for what he's done I think we're going to have it forever
In heaven with him And it will never be an issue of I remember you
You robbed me I remember you just talk about up by the cloud over there Won't be that It's just going to be embracing
Maybe weeping in joy our mutual attendance
The glorious enjoyment of the presence of god That For what it's worth
The day he gave me I remember his presence It had been idle for many years.
I wanted again. I wanted it again. It changed me drastically And if heaven is a tenth that a hundredth of that It's going to be wonderful To worship him in spirit and in truth.
This is a great verse 23 is where we're going to stop
But now we're coming now is when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth for such people the father
Seek these worshipers I want to be one of those worshipers I want to be the one of them who worshiped him like that I don't know why he wanted
I could theorize But I want to love him And the thing is when i'm going to worship don't care about anybody else not that I'm autistic.
It's just It's him If you're there with me, you will board one. Okay? That's not the issue
I want to be with him If jesus would give me one
Wish just one. I know what it is That I would have a single eternal exhale
So that I could kneel presence I eternally praise his name and never have to waste time inhaling to continue
I want to worship him He's worthy of all worship and adoration Why he picked me
No clue. Why do you say you Don't know But he did
And he is showing love upon you A love that's eternal A love that has been for you and did for you
From forever ago The depth of his love for you is infinite the number of thoughts
Of you are infinite He has loved you And we are going to be able to worship him his spirit and truth forever one day
I'm looking forward to it Amen So next week we'll read verse 24 a little bit of doctrine in there
It's a good break What we'll do is we'll stop this vid and maybe get them going We'll take a break here for 5 -10 minutes and we'll do q a once they got any questions we can talk about if I can teach
All right Sound good Let me pray first Lord jesus.
Thank you for this time We ask that you would bless it and the words of truth that have come forth from your word I ask jesus bless everyone here
And those who listen That they might be comforted that they might encourage that they might find rest and hope in you