Jemar Tisby Continues Speaking in His Native Tongue

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Alright, well, today's video is going to be about Jamar Tisby, and I had kind of resolved in my mind not to do too much more content about Jamar Tisby, but I have changed my mind and I'll explain why in just a moment.
But before I do, let me just say this, I really hope that you had a blessed Lord's Day yesterday. I definitely did.
I spent time with my family, with my church, and it was great. And I had the privilege of preaching at my church yesterday, which was a great privilege and I'm just very grateful to God that the elders feel that I'm trustworthy enough to preach on the
Lord's Day. And I believe that the Word of God went out very powerfully and directly and strongly.
And so I just pray that God would bless everyone who heard his words yesterday. And I pray that my words were helpful in kind of getting the sense of it, if you will.
But I'll talk about that in a second because my topic was the resurrection, and that's actually directly relevant to Jamar Tisby here.
Before I do, I wanted to say something else. Now, yesterday I also was able to give the benediction at the end of the service.
And I chose to do 2 Corinthians 13, which I've always done, actually. When I was a pastor,
I used to always read the last verse, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit be with you all. I used to read that every Sunday. But for some reason, verse 11 really jumped out at me yesterday.
And so I chose to read 11 through 13, or 14 rather. And let me just tell you why that jumped out at me.
So this sentence right here, this is the ESV version. I want even Big Eva people to understand.
I'm just kidding. That's a joke. I like the ESV too. Anyway, it says this. It says, And finally, brothers, rejoice, aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace, and the
God of love and peace will be with you. That jumped out at me, especially that first part, aim for restoration.
I don't assume, one of my most popular videos was the Farewell Woke Church video.
And in that video, I said, I no longer just assume when I hear something crazily woke. I don't assume that that person is a regenerate believer, right?
But even though that is true, I do try to aim for restoration.
So if they're baptized and they have professed Christ, I don't assume that they're regenerate anymore.
But still, my goal is restoration. And that is a very important, I think, posture to have as a
Christian. When you think about it, even if you're in a situation where you've gone through the steps of church discipline and you're about to excommunicate someone, and actually, even if you do excommunicate someone, the goal there is still restoration of that brother.
The famous example is 1 Corinthians to 2 Corinthians, a man gets excommunicated for having sex with his stepmother.
I think it's a stepmother. And then in the next, so he gets excommunicated, that Paul excommunicates him there.
And then in 2 Corinthians, they restore him. The goal is still restoration. And so I just want to make sure that it's crystal clear in my content that the goal, even if there's a handful of people that I just think are just not regenerate at all—and
I think Jamar Tisby is one of them, we'll explain that in a moment—the goal there is still restoration.
And actually, I'd never seen this before, but Woke Preacher Clips, in his About section on Gab, this is really good.
I really like this, Woke Preacher Clips, I appreciate this. He says in all caps, in most cases, quote, do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.
I really, really enjoy that. That's a very good insight, and I agree with it completely. And God bless that.
God bless that. I remember one of the things I got into a significant amount of controversy for last year was when
I did a lot of content about how Democrats should be excommunicated from the church.
We should undergo church discipline. So the first step, you confront them for being a Democrat.
The second step, you bring other people to confront them. And then from there, they get excommunicated if they vote for that wicked platform, right?
I got a lot of heat for that. And even from people who normally like my content, I got a lot of heat from that.
They said, how could you? And a lot of people said, that'll never work, by the way. If you go back in the comments, you'll see no one will ever change their mind on their vote based on church discipline, and I think that that was crazy to say that.
I don't understand that. In fact, those two brothers from the Defend and Confirm podcast kind of said, like, you can't do that because not all sins are excommunicatable.
I completely disagree with that, by the way. But anyway, I heard a story, a brother of ours and one of the supporters on Patreon, I spoke with him on the phone on Friday.
He told me a story about his, I think it was his brother -in -law, and he basically confronted him about voting
Democrat. And his brother, you know, they had conversations about it, they talked about it.
And then one day he calls him back, he says, you're right. And I did,
I voted for Biden, and I wish I didn't, and I won't ever do it again. And so it's like, that was an amazing,
I had not heard a story like that yet. Of course, I know theologically that anyone can repent of anything.
I know that theologically. So anyone in the comments section who was saying, nobody will ever repent if you do excommunication,
I completely disagree with that. I think a lot of people were saying, imagine how it's going to look if you excommunicate all these black people.
Look, I don't care if they're black, Latino, Asian, I don't give two rips what skin color they are.
They need to repent of their sins. So I don't care what it looks like. I care what God says. People are saying blacks will never repent.
They're going to always vote Democrat. I disagree. I think it's a very low view of black people to think that they won't repent of sin against God.
I believe that they will. I believe that they will. I think sometimes people need to hear that voting for baby butchers, voting for people that are trying to turn your children into trannies and stuff like that.
I think people need to hear that actually, you don't get away with that. You need to repent of that sin. People need to hear that.
And so I just wanted to share that with you. People repent every single day, and if you think that people won't repent, I don't think you understand the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The reality is that Christ died on the cross for our sins as the payment for our sin debt.
We owed it. We owed our lives, but Christ took the penalty, and we died with him.
That's a non -negotiable. We died with Christ on the cross, but on the resurrection, this is the beauty of that gospel message because anyone can die, right?
That doesn't take a perfect person to die. Anyone can die, but Christ rose from the dead because he had no sin debt of his own.
The grave could not hold him. God rose him from the dead through the power of the Holy Spirit, and we will rise with him as well.
So that is an amazing thing. The Lord is not only our Lord, but he is also our
Savior. Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we would not be raised, but because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we will be raised, and that is an amazing thing.
But let's talk a little bit about this. Jim Martisby, yeah, sure, the resurrection's important, but it's not all that important.
Let's hear him out. So from the foundations, historically, for hundreds of years,
Christianity in this country has been connected to whiteness, white supremacy, and racism, and so the question is, can it be redeemed?
Can it be reformed or whatever? I don't think in its present form it can.
Of course. Jim Martisby doesn't actually have a gospel, so there are certain things that are simply unredeemable in Jim Martisby's universe.
Now I completely disagree. I think Jim Martisby—I was talking to my wife the other day, and the reason why
I decided to do more content about Jim Martisby is because we have a family friend. It's one of our friends, another family that lives sort of close to us, not that close, we don't get together very often, is involved in one of these woke kind of diversity groups at her church, and her church is not totally woke but sort of dabbling in it, and so she's in one of these groups.
Anyway, she's the only minority there, and according to them, probably she's white because she's not woke enough, but anyway, so they're fawning over Jim Martisby's work, and it's just so preposterous that you would fawn over Jim Martisby's work.
He is such a wolf, and I think he's an intentional wolf. I think—this is my opinion, right, so I don't know this for sure, but I do know that Jim Martisby is trying to destroy the church for sure.
I know that. He's trying to destroy the church. Now there's two options. There's one option where he's trying to destroy it to build it back up better, and that's the good option.
I still think it's horrible, but it's a good option where it's like, yeah, you know, you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs kind of thing, right, and in some regard, that's true.
Sometimes you do have to destroy it to build. I get that, but the option that I favor is that Jim Martisby is a wolf, and he knows he's a wolf.
He knows he's trying to destroy the church of God. Maybe something happened to him in his life, and the church hurt him, and now he's going to take everybody with him.
He's got the attitude of James Cone where it's like, we're going to take a bunch of honkies with us. That's a literal quote from James Cone from one of his theological works that Jim Martisby finds so helpful.
Jim Martisby is a Cone disciple. He is part of Cone's fake religion. He is a pagan through and through.
He's trying to take as many honkies with him as he can as he goes to the road of destruction. He's resolved in his mind he's going to head to destruction, and he wants to take some honkies with him.
That's who Jim Martisby is in my opinion. Now here's the reality. In his world, there are people that are unredeemable.
There are systems that are unredeemable, and I'm here to tell you that's false. In fact, Jim Martisby is not in that position either.
I think he is a wolf headed to destruction. I think he's intentionally doing it, and I think he's trying to take as many people with him as he possibly can because he hates the
Lord, and he hates those who bear his image. That's my opinion on Jim Martisby. Now, that does not mean he is unredeemable because he is definitely redeemable.
The Holy Spirit is much more powerful than Jim Martisby. You see, the thing is, my posture here is that I'm actually the worst sinner that I know.
Myself, I was the worst sinner that I know. I know very intimately the depths of my sin, and if God can redeem me, then he can redeem
Jim Martisby as well. Even as Jim Martisby said, yeah, there are some things that are unredeemable.
I don't think that they're redeemable. That's heresy, and I'm going to say it in the most clear terms that Jim Martisby is on the road to hell, to be tormented forever and ever, but I disagree with him.
There's no such thing as an unredeemable person. Jim Martisby is not unredeemable. He can change in an instant.
The Holy Spirit can change his mind like that, and that's what I hope happens to Jim Martisby. I hope that he repents of this nonsense.
I hope that he throws his Jim Martisby books into the fire the way that magician threw his books in the fire in the
Book of Acts. That's where James Cone's books belong, in the fire. Anyway, let's continue.
I think what we have to do is a couple of things. Number one, remember that Christianity is a global religion, and so we have a lot to learn from the majority world in the way
Christianity is practiced by people in Kenya and Nigeria and Mexico and the
Philippines and Korea and where the majority of Christians reside, because they don't have the same historical baggage with race -based chattel slavery.
They've got their other stuff, but we have a lot to learn from them. They've got their other stuff, but of course he's not going to go into that because that would be too fair.
So if you have race -based chattel slavery, which apparently is the worst slavery ever invented in the history of mankind—by the way, my book tears that idea apart.
You hear this from woke people all the time. Well, the race -based chattel slavery is brutal, but back in the day it wasn't that bad.
I heard that lie from the two guys that I debated. They were like, oh, slavery was wholly different back in the day.
No, no, no. The Bible says it was brutal back in the day. So the Bible is very well acquainted with the kind of slavery that Jim Martisby is talking about, very well acquainted.
And the reality is that that's not the unforgivable sin. You know what
I mean? I know Jim Martisby wants to treat it as if it's the unforgivable sin. It is not. It is not the unforgivable sin.
And so I hope Jamar one day wakes up from this stupor. I hope the Holy Spirit snaps him out of it like that.
That's what I hope for him. But this is heretical teaching, and it comes straight from James Cone.
Jamar Tisby is a Cone follower. Let's continue because the juicy bit is coming in just a moment.
Even in this country, white Christians need to divest themselves from whiteness.
And that's going to be a very difficult project because they benefit from whiteness, but they need to acknowledge that it exists, study the history, repent, repair.
And I think that is going to be aided by learning from the black church tradition. Of course, with probably some heavy fees going to the old
Jamar Tisby bank account as well. You want to divest of whiteness. You want to learn about how evil you are because you're white.
Jamar will tell you, but I'm pretty sure the fee will be exorbitant. It's funny. This directly benefits him, of course, because white people are going to be like, oh my goodness,
I got to divest of whiteness. How do I do it? And they're going to go to the Bible. But there's none of this nonsense in the Bible, of course.
You're not going to be able to find that in the Bible. They're going to go to the typical sources and reference books. They're not going to find any of that nonsense there because it's insane.
So where do you go? Where do you get this information for how to divest of whiteness? Well, I'm sure Ibram X. Kendi will tell you and his new diversity associate director of inclusion and whatever,
Jamar Tisby will probably tell you, but the speaking fees will be quite high. I'm sure of that. It's all nonsense anyway.
I mean, good for him. He's making a lot of money just making stuff up. But pretty sure that that's not going to be worth it in the end for Jamar.
Claims the same Christ, but has a very different approach to race, very different approach to justice.
One of the things that the white Christian needs to learn is that they tend to begin in the New Testament and with the resurrection of Jesus.
So it's this sort of triumphal good news message. And that's part of it. But a lot of black
Christians begin in the Old Testament with the Exodus narrative. They begin... Look at this lady. She's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
He just made that up, lady. You know that, right? He just made that up.
Look, let me just explain something to you. You might not know this. And because I'm not white, you can definitely trust me.
I'm not white. You can definitely trust me. But I did grow up in churches that would probably be termed white churches.
In fact, I've told the story that when I was a kid, the church we used to go to, my father ran for Congress as a
Republican. And we lived in Connecticut at the time. So it was mostly Democrat. And one of our fellow church members sent him a racist letter.
How dare you go back where you came from? How dare you challenge the Democrat incumbent? And it was a big controversy for like a day or two.
And then my father spoke with him. And then like the next day, he sends him a message. Man, that was so out of line.
I repent. I'm sorry. I should never have said those things. I don't know what came over me.
And then my father forgave him. And that was the end of it. Because you see, that was a Christian church.
And that's how Christians deal with stuff like this. But the point, though, is that I grew up in this white church with Democrat racists that were upset my dad ran as a
Republican. And guess what? I learned all about the exodus.
Imagine that. I learned all about the exodus. And then guess what else? Guess what else? When I became an adult and I actually became a real believer in the
Lord Jesus Christ, I instantly was drawn to reform theology. And guess what I learned in reform theology?
I learned about the exodus and about the slavery that the Israelites were in. And I learned about how it points to Christ because Christ led his own exodus.
In fact, in the scriptures, in the New Testament, Christ talks about his exodus that he was about to accomplish at the cross.
He was going to lead a people out of slavery, slavery to what? Slavery to sin, into freedom.
And he calls it his exodus. And so, of course, the exodus is crucial to understanding the cross of Jesus Christ.
In fact, I've never heard more teaching on the Old Testament in my entire life than when
I became a reformed Christian. Yes, reformed, where a lot of the teachers were white.
A lot of the teachers came from Europe, the oppressor class. They knew all about the exodus and taught me all about the exodus.
And I definitely study the Old Testament a lot more than I used to when
I was a kid because I found reformed theology. Now, Jamar Tisby might want to spend a little bit more time in that Old Testament himself, get his head out of the cone book and actually read that scripture.
Because if he did read that scripture, he would hear all kinds of laws of God that God gave to Israel.
God freed Israel from bondage and then he gave them a law. So they were free in the
Lord, but he gave them a law. So freedom doesn't mean anarchy. Freedom means that God is your king and God tells you what's what.
And there are numerous laws that completely contradict every single attempt that Jamar Tisby and James Cone and Raphael Warnock and all of these evil heretics will tell you what to do in the case of race and racial tensions and all this kind of stuff.
There are, if you want to find out more about that, read my book. I actually call out a number of verses, but there's a section with five very easy to read and understand verses and memorize verses that completely destroy the entire perspective of the woke church.
And so maybe Jamar needs to spend a little bit more time in that Old Testament, get his head out of the black liberation theology of what the heretics say the
Old Testament meant and actually read the Old Testament for yourself and you will see that this is not so.
And so the reality is that this is all made up. This woman's very impressed with Jamar, but it's false. No white
Christian starts at the resurrection and doesn't study the Exodus. In fact, when I was a kid, we used to do flannel boards almost every day about the
Exodus and we did probably a lot less about the resurrection than we should have. But the thing is, you can see how he wants to de -emphasize the
New Testament, the resurrection and stuff like that, because he thinks that to his advantage is to the slave narrative of the
Exodus. And I don't know, have you read it? I mean, because if you read it, it doesn't actually work to your advantage, woke church.
Not even a little bit. In fact, there's a lot in Exodus that actually would contradict your primary points.
Read my book for more. In shackles, and they get liberated by the God who cares, the
God who says at the beginning of the Ten Commandments, I am the Lord, your God, who brought you out of Egypt.
You shall have no other gods before me. And that paradigm as a starting point leads us in very different directions in terms of race and justice.
So the white church is going to have to sit at the feet of the black church, if you will, and of the majority world church in order to learn how not to be white
Christian nationalist and just call it Christianity. Yeah, I'll bet. I'll bet.
Yeah, you need to sit at the feet of the black church. But no, not Votie though.
Not that kind of black church. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Definitely not Votie. But Jamar though, and Ibram X Kendi X Kendi, definitely sit at his feet because he'll charge the exorbitant fees and then he will absolve you of your white guilt.
Definitely Jamar, you know, line his pocketbook a little bit more. Definitely sit at his feet. If you want to know how evil you are.
This is all made up. This is all nonsense. This is all made up. If you read the book of, look, look, look.
If you're white and you are influenced by Jamar in any way, just think to yourself, did you not ever study the
Exodus before? Did you not ever study? Maybe, maybe you just didn't even know it was there.
Maybe you didn't know Israel was, uh, was, was, was, were enslaved and God freed them. Did you know that before?
Of course you knew that. Of course you knew that Jamar is just making stuff up here. And the thing is, what's sad is that a good amount of PCA churches and SPC churches fawn over this guy.
And all he's doing is making stuff up and lying to them and all of that kind of thing.
And you're paying him fees to do that to you. Don't do it. Don't do it anymore.
This guy is attempting to destroy the church and he's being successful to a certain degree in some circles.
I would argue that you should just simply reject this guy. Simply assume that when he's flapping his little gums, that he is lying and making stuff up because you will be right almost 100 % of the time, especially in these contexts.
Jamar is a wolf. There is no question about it. He's not even a wolf in sheep clothing. He is simply a wolf.
If you think that Jamar has insights, you really need to take a good look in the mirror, go to God and wonder, why is it that I think that this racist heretic has all these insights?
Why don't I have the discernment to see a wolf for what he... This is not even a wolf in sheep's clothing.
This is an absolute, abject, open, obvious heretic.
Nobody could be more obvious than Jamar Tisby. And so you simply must reject this.
You simply must have nothing to do with him. It's just that simple. Anyone who would downplay the resurrection of Jesus Christ, oh yeah, it's important, but anyone who would do that kind of thing and then fill the rest in with a bunch of nonsense, which is not even true, you just have to reject him.