Daniel 2:19-49



Good morning Bert would you open us up with a word of prayer?
Daniel chapter 2 and I'm all
I'm gonna read 19 through the end of the chapter because we Already did the first part last week and because the chapter is so long.
I didn't want to Spend any more time reading verses 1 through 18 So getting verse 19 then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in the night vision then
Daniel blessed the God of heaven and Daniel said Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever for wisdom and power belong to him
It is he who changes the times and the epics. It's he who removes Kings and establishes
Kings He gives wisdom to the wise men and knowledge to the men of understanding It is he who reveals the profound hidden things it is
He who knows what is in the darkness and the light dwells with him to you old
God my God of my father's I give thanks and praise for you have given me wisdom and power
Even now you have made known to me what we have requested of you for you have made known to us the
Kings matter therefore Daniel went in to Ariok and the king had appointed to destroy the wise men of Babylon and he went and he spoke to him as follows
Do not destroy the wise men of Babylon take me into the king's presence and I will declare the interpretation to the king
Then Ariok hurriedly brought Daniel into the king's presence and spoke to him as follows He says
I found a man among the exiles from Judah who could make the interpretation known to the king
The king said to Daniel whose name was Belteshazzar. Are you able to make known to me?
The dream which I have seen and its interpretation and Daniel answered before the king and said as for the mystery about which the king
Has inquired neither wise men conjurers magicians nor diviners are able to declare it to the king.
However There is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar.
What will take place in the latter days? This was your dream and the visions in your mind while in your bed as for you
Oh King while you were in your bed your thoughts turned To what would take place in the future and he who reveals mysteries has made known to you
What will take place? But as for me this mystery was not Has not been revealed to me for any wisdom residing in me more than any of the other living men
But for the purpose of making the interpretation known to the king that you may understand the thoughts of your mind
You oh king were looking and behold There was a single great statue that statue which was large and extraordinarily
Splendor was standing in front of you and its appearance was awesome The head of the statue was made of fine gold its breast and its arms of silver
Its belly and its thighs of bronze its legs of iron Its feet partly of clay and partly of iron you continue looking until the stone
Was cut without hands and it struck the statue at its feet of iron and clay and crushed them the iron and the clay the bronze the silver the gold were crushed all at the same time and became like chaff from the summer threshing floor and the wind carried
Them away so that not a trace of them was found But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth
This was the dream now we will tell its interpretation to you oh king You oh king are the king of kings to whom the god of heaven has given the kingdom
The power and the strength and the glory and wherever the sons of men dwell or the beast of the field or the birds of the sky
He has given them into your hand and has caused you to rule over them. You are the head of gold But after you there will arise another kingdom inferior to you
Then another third kingdom of bronze which will rule over all the earth and then there will be a fourth kingdom
As strong as iron insomuch as iron crushes and shatters all things So like iron that breaks in pieces
It will crush and break all these into pieces and that you saw the feet and toes
Partly of potter's clay and partly of iron. It will be a divided kingdom But it will have in it the toughness of iron insomuch as you saw the iron mixed with common clay
As the toes and the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery So some of the kingdom will be strong and partly of it will be brittle
And in that you saw the iron mixed with clay They will combine with one another in the seat of men
But they will not adhere to one another even as iron does not combine and bind to pottery
In the days of those kings the god of heaven will set up a kingdom Which shall never be destroyed and that kingdom will not be left for another people
And it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms but it But it will itself endure forever insomuch as you saw that the stone
Was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it crushed The iron and the bronze and the clay and the silver and the gold
The great god has made known to the king what will take place in the future So the dream is true and its interpretation is trustworthy then the king nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and did homage to daniel
And gave orders to present him with offerings and fragrance and incense and the king answered daniel and he said surely your god is the god of gods and a lord of Kings and the revealer of mysteries since you have been able to reveal this mystery
Then the king promoted daniel and gave him many gifts and he made him ruler over all the whole providence of babylon
And chief prefect over all the wise men of babylon Then daniel made a request to the king and he that he would appoint shadrach meshach and abednego
Over the administration of the province of babylon while daniel was at the king's court
Okay last week we uh, we went over what a dream how often they were
Happened in scripture. It was not much. There's only 15 in the old testament and someone asked me
Well, how many were in the new testament? There's five five of them were concerning revolving around jesus's
Birth and him coming going to egypt coming back The warning of the uh, the magi there was five there and then one went to pilot's wife
Uh warning her husband don't mess with jesus That was it. So there's only 21 total in all of in all of scripture now
Visions were much more common And we're going to see as we get into verse 19 that god answers the dream of nebuchadnezzar to daniel with a vision so The last week ariok was sent out to do what?
What was he sent out to do anybody remember he was sent up at that He was go out to kill all the wise men the conjurers anybody that was part of that guild
Conjurers soothsayers anybody that every one of them they were to be wiped out It's interesting that when we think about someone as despotic and tyrannical as nebuchadnezzar that uh
If you can't do what he wants you to do It wasn't getting fired It was getting killed
I mean we we don't do our job correctly our employers can fire us Not with nebuchadnezzar.
He chops you in pieces and makes your houses dung heaps is what he says so in this case nobody could do what he had what he wanted he sent out ariok to find him he
He comes to daniel's door and he says to daniel. Hey, buddy I got a warrant for your execution and I want you to understand that daniel did not do uh
The chris farley response. Oh, we're all gonna die Okay, he did not do that He said hold on a second
Why is this so urgent? What's going on? It's interesting that daniel had no idea
What had happened all these other men had been asked to do this and they had already said there's only a god only the gods
Can be able to give a man this and they said there's nobody that dwells with god So when he gets to daniel, he says, uh, what's the urgent?
What's the problem? He goes in makes a request He says tell ariok i'll do it and then what does he do anybody remember
He prays he actually he's goes he goes to his three friends and he says we have a dilemma
Uh, we're going to need to pray and you need to pray specifically for what anybody remember? It was a passage that I quoted from isaiah
It was they were to pray for what? Mercy compassion. Yeah, did your king james say mercy?
Yeah It is to pray for compassion. And if we understand what isaiah's prophecy was
I mean, i'm, sorry, uh what solomon's prophecy was is when you go into another land when you're being hauled off into captivity and you're before your captors pray for compassion
And we know that daniel was a man of god Even as an 18 year old young man
And he had the scripture embedded within him because he would even be reading the scriptures of jeremiah later on What did he do?
He did what solomon told him to do in the book of kings and it was pray for compassion
And that's what they did. He had offered up god's services for the for the food to make him fatter when he would eat veggies
He offered up god's services in this case. He's not offering up god's services He's pleading with god.
There's no other way We're gonna die And I can't help but think in the mind of daniel
Is okay lord, you got us here. You brought us here for a purpose You've excelled us more than anybody else in all of the land and and the conjurers and the soothsayers
And and you saved us through just eating what? Eating through uh vegetables and water and now this god
What are you fixing to do now? And what did they do? They prayed and it's interesting when we get to between 18 and 19
We don't know what the prayer is We don't know what they did that night All we know is we have the the response of daniel after god answered his prayer
It says in verse 19. Then the mystery was revealed to daniel in the night vision This wasn't a dream.
God answered him in a vision He said day then daniel blessed the god of heaven and here it is
Daniel said let the name of god be blessed forever and ever for wisdom and power belong to him
Had it not already been said of daniel that he was a man of wisdom. He was a man of of Understanding he was a man of discernment
Well, he is saying here it belongs to god So the wisdom and the power and the things that daniel was having was from god
He says in verse 21 It is god who changes the times and the epics and removes kings and establishes kings
Who what's daniel saying here He's saying that god's the sovereign god over all things and he's saying it's god.
That's put us here It's god that's putting in nebuchadnezzar in the place that he's in now and it's god that's going to raise him up and He remember he's already knows the dream and it's god that's going to debase him at some point
And it's god that changes the times in the epics. What's the times in the epics man? This time is a time of them being hauled off into captivity.
Was that under god's decree or this by happenstance? This was by god's decree
It says he he then gives wisdom to wise men, okay was daniel a wise man
Absolutely. Yeah, who gave him the wisdom? He says right here that god did And in knowledge to men of understanding it is he who reveals profound hidden things
It he knows what's in the darkness and the light dwells with him.
It's interesting that it says that the light dwells with god Not that god dwells in the light no, no, no god is light and in him is no darkness
When god comes into the when god comes on the scene per se Darkness is gone
You go into a room that's dark with just a little tiny pin light You then that little light you can see in the darkness
Well god is light and in him is no darkness in verse 23 You owe god of my fathers
I give thanks to you once again He's hearkening back to the god of abraham isaac and jacob and the god of david
Actually, he was a descendant of david So therefore he's going look you you are the you are the god of my fathers and I bow and worship you for you
Here it is. You've given me wisdom and power It's you lord that have given me the ability to discern these things
He's not putting anything of his own volition. This is nothing in daniel that could have done this and it's daniel knows this
Even now you have Made known to me Look what he says what you have made known to me what we requested
They him and his four Our three friends had a prayer meeting
God could event give it to any one of them But daniel is the one that's been given the answer
And he doesn't say hey, you've given it to me based on my request. He goes back. Look it was the faithful prayers of my brethren
He says for you have made known to us the king's matter. Well, what was the king's matter? What was the king's matter the dream?
He He wanted to know not only the dream He wanted to know what's interpretation.
Like I said, I I don't hold the position. There are some that hold the position I think even john calvin holds a position that he forgot the dream
I don't believe that for one second based on what he says. He wants to make sure that none of them are hucksters
So he says I want you to tell me What the dream is and its interpretation because he knows how it works.
We said it already What is it you take you tell me what the dream is and i'll make something up I mean, that's pretty much what they did
So verse 24 says therefore daniel went to ariok whom the king had appointed to destroy the wise men of babylon
Ariok was basically the head of the secret service. He was his bodyguard He said he went and he spoke to him as follows.
Daniel told him he said don't destroy the wise men of babylon Take me into the king's presence and I will declare the interpretation to the king
Daniel has gotten what was requested of by him and his his brethren Now he's going to go before the king and he's going to proclaim the truth of god once again psalm 119 stanza 2
I will Give me the words when I stand before the kings of the earth to proclaim your truth
Once again, that's why I believe daniel was the writer of psalm 119
He says take me into the king's presence and I will interpret it to the king Check out what ariok does that Then ariok hurriedly brought daniel into the king's presence and spoke to him as follows.
What does he say? Yeah Hold on a second
You were going to drag this dude off to have him drawn and quartered in his house turned into a pile of dung
And now you're saying hold on look what i've done nebuchadnezzar Well in in my travels to go out
I found someone no, no, no. No, he didn't find someone daniel told him
Don't let this be so urgent. I will give you the answer so ariok going, uh the way of Of uh carnality in the way of the world says this might be an opportunity for me to get another uh,
Another advancement in nebuchadnezzar's kingdom and he says I found someone among the exiles of judah
Who can make the interpretation known to the king? The king said to daniel whose name was belteshazzar
Are you able to make known the dream which I have seen and its interpretation
And notice what daniel's response was daniel's response wasn't yeah, I can do it That's not what daniel's response was
And I I have no doubt that he is standing boldly before nebuchadnezzar
But he's speaking with humility. Remember there's a difference between uh arrogance
And boldness he is standing there knowing that he has the very
Dream and its interpretation, but he doesn't say yeah, i've got the answer He says this
Daniel answered the king and he said As for the mystery about which the king has requested
He hearkens back to exactly what the conjurers the soothsayers the diviners
He basically says those guys were right He says as for the mystery about which you required of king.
No wise man nor conjurer Nor magician nor diviner are able to declare it to the king
However, there is a god in heaven who reveals mysteries And daniel knows that guy did those other people know them no, they're pagans and he says
However, there's a god in heaven who reveals mysteries and he has made known to king nebuchadnezzar
What will take place in the latter days? What does it mean by latter days?
Days And days to come yeah, this is the last year seven years of human history
This is what's going to take place after now This was your dream and the visions in your mind while you were in your bed and he now we know remember how we were talking last week how sometimes we eat something or We have something that goes along during the day and then our dreams in our mind are usually spurned by something that happened
I told you I was reading louis lemore books. I was reading through exodus next thing, you know, i'm having a dream about Moses riding across the land on a horse with a shotgun.
Okay All right. That's not the type of dream that he just had Huh? Because I was in exodus
Um He says as for you king you're on your bed your thoughts turned to what would take place in the future
So here it is nebuchadnezzar in all of his glory laying in his room on his bed that night
Wondering what's going to be of all this? What's going to happen? I can't
I can't imagine Being a person in the power that he had or any other king in world history and at some point going
Will this eventually come to an end? You know the splendor of all of it.
Um obviously nebuchadnezzar Um, he didn't start the neo -babylonian empire
It was his father that actually began to take the but it was nebuchadnezzar as a general that began to make the conquest
But he is now being the conquesting general is now The the king of babylon and its empire and in his mind what's going to happen from here?
And he who reveals those mysteries has made known to you what will take place What you what you were thinking about nebuchadnezzar
God Has revealed it to you I want you to understand
Before we go any further Indirectly Dealing with daniel and his friends through the diet
That they ate god indirectly dealt with nebuchadnezzar right there Indirectly now daniel speaking with nebuchadnezzar this time.
He's fixing to get strike one God's dealing directly with this pagan king
Strike one He says God has made known to you what will take place in verse 30, but as for me
This mystery was not revealed to me for any wisdom residing in me more than any other living man
Once again, look at the humility Of daniel daniel saying look there's nothing in me
That can muster any of this up. I know there is in the babylonian conjures
Constitution and handbook that you tell us and we make stuff up, but this ain't gonna be made up This is something that god has revealed and he revealed it to me not because there's something in me
But because the god of heaven has chosen to do so once again Sovereign grace and election for god to do this god did not have to do this
But god chose to do this through his servant daniel He says
But for the purpose of making this interpretation known To the king and that you may understand the thoughts of your mind
Hey, why did god not just give this dream or this vision to daniel?
Has that ever crossed y 'all's mind? anybody or no Why didn't god just give it to daniel let daniel come in and proclaim like isaiah or one of those other court
Prophets come in and just proclaim. Hey, here it is Like you were saying you god's dealing just began that process of dealing with nebuchadnezzar
Directly directly so that those dreams you gotta imagine that this dream You know, it bothered him, you know, he was thinking
Deeply about it. You know, he was he sounded like he was a thinking man Obviously. Yeah, and I I believe based on The text is this sets up daniel for the next 64 plus years
I believe no doubt. What's that? I would say it also sets nebuchadnezzar to Remember like he the warning with being so proud.
Oh, yeah strike one This is it and he and if we get to the not we probably won't get to the whole interpretation of the dream
But this is strike one for him. This is it god's gonna deal through this book. He will deal three times directly with nebuchadnezzar
And he's a prideful arrogant man Unwilling to turn course
So he gives dan gives nebuchadnezzar this dream He uses daniel his servant to deal directly with it and it sets the stage for daniel to come onto the scene to want to be in the king's court and to come alongside and to be a ear to the king of god's sovereign control over absolutely all things
Remember after this daniel ends up in next to the king and I do believe it's going to be because of this very conversation
That puts him in that place that he begins to have a love for his captor but we see when we get to Chapter four when he has the
What the the dream of the tree and then he's walking on top of his palace and he basically says look what all that?
I've built okay that whole thing When daniel then interprets that dream to him, he says a very striking thing.
Oh king I wish this would have been about your enemies I wish there's do you see the care?
I wish this is about somebody else and not you look if he didn't care about nebuchadnezzar. He just said
You know who cares And then that sets daniel to be the one to most likely have taken the reign to the kingdom for that Seven times and however you want to do that so it's to set the stage for daniel to be a man to speak to the
To the to nebuchadnezzar to be in his court and to be that ear that I even believe
When they're in 597 Hauls jehoiakim a jehoiachin off into captivity.
Who do you think was in his ear? Please be kind to him. Don't execute him
Don't execute him Don't execute him. Who do you think was in his ear to be kind and benevolent to jeremiah?
You understand that nebuchadnezzar protected jeremiah You know that Nebuchadnezzar protected him.
He kept jeremiah from being uh, Starved to death being executed and when he went in and he
Overrun, uh, uh jerusalem. He had him safe passage out why because He I believe because daniel was in his ear.
This is a faithful man of god He is telling them to submit to you. I don't know if you ever read that and jeremiah jeremiah says if you put your
Neck under the yoke of nebuchadnezzar zedekiah. It'll be good for you
It will be good for you Submit do what you're supposed to do and you will live
Where do you think that was coming from? so He says and this is what was in your mind.
Oh king verse 31 You were looking and behold there was a single great statue that statue which was large
Of extraordinary splendor it was standing in front of you and its appearance was awesome
The head of the statue was made of fine gold Its breast and its arms of silver its belly
And its thighs of bronze Its legs of iron and its feet partly of iron and partly of clay
And as you continued looking until a stone cut without hands Struck the statue and its feet of iron and clay crushed them in the iron and the clay
The bronze and the silver the gold were crushed all at the same time and became like chaff from the summer threshing floor
And the wind carried them away so that there was no trace of them could be found And that the stone struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth
So here it is He told him the dream as daniels told him.
Hey, this was your dream I could imagine Uh, I mean like I said, you have to read this existentially you have to get into the text
Here it is the most powerful man on the face of the earth at this time this exiled
Young man exiled from judah is now standing before all and he says this was your dream and I can imagine
Nebuchadnezzar looking over at ariok going He said it
Ariok, I thought you were gonna have to whack this guy And he's like ariok.
Can you believe that that was my dream? So now daniel tells him the dream.
What does that do for daniel's credibility now? Oh, wow, he knew it so he has to know its interpretation
It sets up Is he's a statue? What is it? What what are the y 'all tell me what they are that way
I know you're listening I know some of y 'all are getting sleepy Gold Just yeah, but this is going to be the same
That sets up four kingdoms right here And obviously
The last is a stone Which the builders rejected but I don't know if we'll get that far
So here it is. He said you saw a statue and its head was the top of it was gold
Silver bronze and how many of your bibles already have a heading in each one of these anybody? No Yes anybody
No No the new american standard 1995 edition
Tries to help you interpret what's going on here just to let you know it tries to tell you
It does tell you with some accuracy of which kingdoms these were long before you get to them
Okay, so it's as the the headings are it's trying to interpret it for you
So give you an understanding of what's going on But what we do know is when you get to chapter seven, it's actually an exposition of what these are
There is a parallel passage to chapter two and it is chapter seven Now somebody sent me a message not as in text message, but a sermon from a well -known preacher
And he said that we should not use chapter seven to interpret this
And I say he's wrong Because we don't have just chapter two we have all of daniel to help us understand exegetically
Exegetically with through the analogous of scripture being letting scripture interpret scripture that we know what these kingdoms are so When we get to verse 36
Here it is. He says in that section. We just read the dream. He's like look here's this this huge statue colossus giant
He says and it's made of these types of materials and I want you to understand these materials
Are Very expensive But as we go down these become less valuable
But they become harder harder and these aren't
I think I said this in the in the introduction Don't see this as four
Statues don't look at it that way. It's of one system And it's the world system
That has raised its hand up against the kingdom of god Okay So we get to verse 36.
It says now this was the dream Now we will tell its interpretation understand we we will tell its interpretation
Before the king he says verse 37 you oh king are the king of kings
To whom the god of heaven has given the kingdom the power and the strength and the glory was that true?
Of course it was Because he's speaking as a representative of god. He says nebuchadnezzar
You're the head. You are top dog What made nebuchadnezzar's kingdom?
So uh splendor it's from a from a dictatorship A dictatorship Nobody put a check and balance on nebuchadnezzar
He spoke and it happened you're going to see when we get into daniel chapter
Six That when you get to this kingdom, which will be the medo persians the king could give a decree but he couldn't go back
Why could he not go back? Because he put a law because of the law of the medes and persians
So even that this king and the medo persians was was bound to i'm just going to use it
Just for simplistic terms to a constitution type. Okay And he not with nebuchadnezzar what he said
It was it was sent out and there was nobody that could buck on it He says and you have been given the power and the strength and the glory and hey, he had
Unchecked power unchecked strength and his glory was absolutely magnificent Hey, there was things about nebuchadnezzar's kingdom the hanging gardens the walls all that stuff
Hey, it was said that the walls around babylon you could run four chariots wide run straight down do a u -turn and come back
He had built a a bridge over the euphrates I mean he was an architectural genius.
Not only was a military but an architectural genius And he he had his glory was like none other other it says here in verse 38
And whatever the sons that when wherever the sons of men dwell or the beast of the field or the birds of the sky
He has given them into your hand and called you to rule over them all you are the head of gold
When you get to chapter 4 That's going to be said about him again He says you are the head of gold.
All right, here it is nebuchadnezzar. Here it is Look at me i'm up here
I'm ruling over all of these He's not ruling over all these
Because there's gonna be somebody that's gonna come up and it's gonna whack him But he says look
I am the gold look at me Such a he doesn't even he doesn't even
Remember the fact that god is the one that put him in this place. I do believe already at this point based on Jeremiah and what jeremiah had already said that nebuchadnezzar knew that he was a vessel used by god
Chapter 27 go read it 25 and 27 of jeremiah He says that you are the servant of god nebuchadnezzar to be a basically a scourge against my people
He was to be used by god and here it is. No. No, no, i'm the head
And this will play very uh key When we get to the next chapter of gold and an image
And he says in verse 39 He says but after you will arise another kingdom and what does it say about that kingdom
Inferior inferior and what we do know about history Is the babylonians
Came along about 626 Okay This would have been the fall the assyrian empire fell
Finally in nineveh around 612 the fall of nineveh, but asher bonnie paul, which was their basically the most ruthless and Biggest uh proponent for conquest he died in 626
Then that's when nebuchadnezzar which would have been the babylonian nebuchadnezzar's father his empire began to Make its run across mesopotamia
And start taking over the area It wouldn't be though until 612
That it that nineveh would fall 609 is when
They became a superpower Meaning there was nobody checking them at that point.
Okay Well, this would go from i'm just going to use this to 538 530 538
It's going to go backwards. All right Then this one's going to come along And it's inferior to him.
That's the meto persians and they're going to Take over babylon really with little to no bloodshed
I don't everybody knows what happens with belshazzar's feast They come in remember the handwriting on the wall and all of that.
They come in and little to no bloodshed They come in take over cyrus the great darius the mead whom
I believe the same person takes over and It is at this point
That the meto persians start And they will run for probably
About 220 219 years And this will be 6 roughly 331 somewhere around there depending on how you see it
And then this will be the greeks They will come along and they will be
The who Medo persians now they this happens when
The meads and the persians are going to try to take and i'm running out of time The meet of persians are trying to take over uh greece everybody's heard the
Battle of thermopylae anybody ever heard of that Anybody no nobody heard of it. They made a movie about it
The 300 battle of thermopylae So in 480 they were going to make their conquest to take over greece
The spartan stood 300. They slayed a bunch of them. They ultimately they actually lost which then
And that would have been in 480 But it would be at that point that the the hatred and Anger and revenge would begin to go towards from this group from this
Rising empire against the medes and the persians and it is believed in 480 That it was the party of xerxes and correct me if i'm wrong because you probably you teach history
It is believed by many historians that in the book of esther the party that they were having with xerxes Was a party that happened right before they were going to Invade greece, okay, that's what many his scholars believe.
Okay It fits the narrative. I don't know for sure, but it fits the narrative well, it would be as this was rising in the around 340 through the philip of macedon really making him philip of macedon was alexander the great's daddy
It would be at this time that In 336
The persians whack philip macedon They whack philip of macedon
That sets up who? Alexander the great
Alexander the great in 336 ascends to the throne very upset
Very very upset and there was people and I'll let me let me finish right here and then we'll pray and we'll go
And y 'all can hear keith talk He is absolutely infuriated
And There are people in thebes that does not want him to be king. They want someone else
So there's an uprising at this time. He goes back. Oh, man, he kills 6 ,000 people in the city of thebes.
He saves one house and it was his famous uh his famous, uh poet Saves it keeps it
He finishes this in 336 to 334 fin gets that done and then he starts making his way towards the persians
And in 12 years, we'll pick up here next week in 12 short years
Alexander the great ruled the world Each one of these
Has its role in redemptive history and we'll go over that next week. We'll pick up with alexander the great next week
And see how far we get. This is a long chapter. So i'll try to finish it next week. I should be able to um 25 seconds for questions comments outburst of anger
Clarifications Riots or demonstrations Keith you'll pray for us.
Yes, sir Father in heaven, we are grateful to have a teacher who walks us through things and Helps us to understand the history of the scriptures and helps us to understand the meaning of it
And I thank you for brother mike and I pray that you would bless him And I thank you for the holy spirit that exists within him lord that We're going to be looking at it today's sermon thinking of the ministry of the holy spirit in the life of every believer
And we know that you use each of us in different ways. You gift us in different ways And we thank you lord for bringing together the collective of gifts that you have this church
Lord to minister to one another within the body of christ equipping each one of us for the work of ministry I pray now that as this class ends and we move into worship lord that we would have a spirit of worship